The Baylor Lariat

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W E ’ R E T H E R E W H E N YO U C A N ’ T B E

Men lose to Tech 78-84: pg. 6


FEBRUARY 14, 2017


Baylor alumna pens three best-sellers AMANDA HARGETT-GRANATO Reporter

Liesje Powers | Photo Editor

MARRIAGE MYTHS Nicholas Wolfinger, professor of family and consumer studies and adjunct professor of sociology at University of Utah, conducted a survey in response to an online movement saying that marriage is bad for men. The report shows that marriage does indeed make men happier, and that these marriages are occurring later rather than right after college.

Ring by spring? Study shows marriage is more likely to occur later in life MEGAN RULE Staff Writer A recent report from professors at the University of Utah and University of Virginia debunks the idea of ring by spring, a popular phrase used around campus. “The majority of Americans will get married,” said Nicholas Wolfinger, professor of family and consumer studies and adjunct professor of sociology at the University of Utah. “Fifty years ago, the expectation was 95 percent of people would get married. Now it’s down to 85 percent which means more people still get married, they’re just marrying way later than they used to.”

Wolfinger, collaborator and conductor of the study, said the report was done as a response to the online movement Men Going Their Own Way that says marriage is bad for men. This movement has an online presence that supports the idea of men rejecting marriage and rejecting women altogether, claiming that marriage is too expensive and women will take away time and energy from men. “This report was done in response to the people that say marriage is bad for men, and we wanted to show that married men are happier than single men,” Wolfinger said. “It shows repeatedly that these myths are not true.”

Even though Wolfinger believes marriage is actually beneficial, this study shows that ring by spring is de-bunked. People are marrying way later than they used to, Wolfinger said. The divorce rate is lower now than it was in 1981 at its peak, but it is still high by historical standards, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Wolfinger said that by combining divorce and the later ages in which people get married, people are now spending less of their lives married. “I think now a lot of kids are growing up in broken homes and know the struggles that come with that, and they don’t want their

Every day after she drops off her three kids at school, author Candice Millard gets to become a detective at her desk. Delving into lost details of history, Millard has worked to bring light to fascinating, forgotten stories, and her work has paid off. Millard has published three New York Times bestselling books, and her most recent work, “Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape and the Making of Winston Churchill,” was named Amazon’s best history book of 2016. Millard completed her undergraduate degree at Baker University in Kansas and then spent two years at Baylor to earn her master’s degree in literature. “Working on my thesis and taking my final exams are what I remember the most [about Baylor],” Millard said. “It was great because Millard everybody in the program came together. I’m pretty much a person who works on my own, and it was a really great experience for me, working closely with other graduate students all in the same boat.” Entering the Baylor graduate English program on a full scholarship, Millard worked in the Writing Center and as a teaching assistant during her two years on campus. Wanting to immerse herself in literature rather than critique it, Millard said the emphasis on literary criticism pulled her away from wanting to teach and toward

RING >> Page 3

BOOKS >> Page 4

Communities in Schools looks to hire tutors, mentors RYLEE SEAVERS Staff Writer Communities in Schools is recruiting Baylor students to work as tutors in local schools. According to Communities in Schools’ website, it is the nation’s largest and most effective dropout prevention organization. Communities in Schools’ goal is to keep children in school, said Courtney Powell, volunteer director. Its mission is to surround students

>>WHAT’S INSIDE opinion Foster Care: The current U.S. system needs drastic changes to benefit the children. pg. 2

arts & life Concert Jazz Ensemble to perform in Jones Concert Hall on Thursday. pg. 5

sports Manu Lecomte awarded Phillips 66 Big 12 Newcomer of the week award for third time. pg. 7

Vol.117 No. 67

with support which will empower them to complete their education, Powell said. The tutoring program is a part of that mission because is gives students the academic support they need to do well in school. “The students that we serve are generally an at risk population. Essentially, the students have to meet the state of Texas’s definition of ‘at risk’ to receive our services, and tutoring is one of those services,”

Powell said. Texas has 13 individual criteria that classify a student as ‘at risk,’ including being held back or being expelled. Ninety-nine percent of the students that Communities in Schools serves, stay in school, and 97 percent graduate on time, according to a Communities in Schools report. Waco has a large population of at-risk students, which was one of the reasons Communities in Schools

chose to work in the Waco school district, Powell said. It is vital that those students are surrounded by support Powell said. Communities in Schools has federal work study positions and volunteer tutoring positions available. Work study tutors focus on math and reading, and volunteer tutors can choose any subject. “Especially if you’re an education major. It’s really great experience in

the classroom, one on one, working with kids,” Powell said. Tutors make their own schedule according to their classes, said Wichita Falls senior and Communities in Schools tutoring manager, Ethan Talley. Talley works with high school students and primarily focuses on math. “It never crossed my mind that I wasn’t gonna go to college. A lot of

SCHOOLS >> Page 4

Baylor play-by-play to cover baseball MEGAN RULE Staff Writer Baylor Lariat Radio listeners looking to hear about Baylor baseball are now in luck, as the radio station just added baseball to its lineup, making it the fourth sport the radio covers. “I think in broadcasting, it’s just doing broadcast and getting that experience and learning from your mistakes,” said John Morris, assistant athletic director for broadcasting and “Voice of the Baylor Bears.” “In broadcasting, it’s doing a lot of games and doing a lot of broadcasts that help you learn from your mistakes and get

better from it, so I think this is a great learning laboratory for broadcasters.” Morris said radio coverage of sports is a constant that will always be there. Even as the media world evolves and develops, radio is always there, Morris said. “I think this is a great attribute to what the university is doing in regards to the notoriety and the publicity that they’re giving all of their sports,” said Steve Rodriguez, head coach of the Baylor baseball team. “For me, it’s an honor for them to take initiative and allow this team to be part of everything

RADIO >> Page 4

Joshua Kim | Cartoonist

EXPANDING COVERAGE Baylor Lariat Radio began in February 2016 and has since expanded to include Baylor football, men’s and women’s basketball and now Baylor Bears baseball coverage.

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