The Entangled Brand Since 2010, we have witnessed brand equity being created and
that have managed to embrace technology as a part of ongoing
destroyed at an unprecedented rate. Technology companies
efforts to understand and create deeper relationships with their
have risen, while traditional PCG brands and industrial companies
customers. What technology has brought to light is that many
have relatively declined. In 2020 Apple, Google, Microsoft,
brands established before the digital age are now scrambling to
Amazon and Facebook are the top 5 most valuable brands
meet customers’ needs and expectations, but that doesn’t have
according to Forbes and Acoustic. Four of these make the list for
to be a death knell.
the top 5 most valuable companies (market cap), with Facebook just missing out at number 6.
The technology companies have understood the power of digital technologies to drive superior customer experiences by
Brands with a traditional marketing model focusing on en-
organizing their business models around a digital platform to
gagement have not been able to keep up with the technology
create a seamless delivery model. Many technology companies
companies. Whereas the ones that have rocketed up the charts
are now such an integral part of everyday life that it may seem
are entangling, a constant process of sustaining a meaningful
difficult to picture a time before them.
two-way relationship with people. These brands are the ones