Share of Life Test magazine

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Tal Gilbert, CEO Vitality Group USA, the device inspires member

Added Share of Life leads to added Share-of-Market.

activity across all customer profiles. “We know that active

John Hancock and the Vitality program member are an “entan-

people are likely to live longer – it’s great to be able to help

gled twosome” in a mutually rewarding, lifetime relationship.

them do just that.”

To highlight an even deeper entanglement, notice how the

Digital empowerment provided by the Vitality program plays a vital role in reaching the member’s fitness goals. According to

fitness devices also become more entangled in one’s life. It’s a From the point-of-view of the insurance company, the longer

symbiotic relationship between brands.

a person lives, the longer premiums are collected. The greater the number of payments, the greater the profitability of the

How might you empower the buyer of your product or service?

policy. Another plus for John Hancock is the likelihood of satis-

Who might you partner with to tap into the most potent

fied members of the Vitality program dipping into other financial

digital technology out there for inventing a never-seen-before

products. From the insured person’s point-of-view, there is


better health, longer lifespan and lower cost for insurance. Both sides win with digital empowerment.

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