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«The appearance is a curtain behind which we can do whatever we want, but it is essential to pull it.» citation of Aurélien Scholl (1833-1902)


Lounge Egg

Photography & drawings



001 Francas





Milk Bar


005 Up to the corner


Filarmonia w Krakowie

007 (s)Paces

architecture project housing building competitions public/community building



Photography & drawings



Status: Professors: Location: Subject:

Lounge Egg

Workshop in 2nd Year/2009 Karine Louilot/ensa nantes Nantes, France.` 5 days to built a livable space with recovery materials



François Barcelo Chatellier Herbert Marchessou Jonathan Bourhis Bertrand Beslier Esther Fortun

he main purpose of the project lounge egg was to create during couple of days, a «livable» space built with materials of recoveries. We had fun to divert the use of limp of eggs which allowed us to generate assemblies by principles of interlocking. Theses assemblies allow us to generate curves and enveloping shapes in order to create small niches, which make this architecture as an ephemeral object.

06/56 Lounge Egg

Lounge Egg 07/56

08/56 Lounge Egg

Lounge Egg 09/56



Status: Project in 2nd Year/2010 Professors: Bernard Richeux/ensa nantes Location: Nantes, France.


Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Housing and tertiary

he intention with this project was to have a practical approach to a nearby site (Ile de Nantes) to identify issues and urban strategies at different scales. The scenario we also imposed a control program as true with new offices to accommodate Francas (organization established in the facilitator training BFD / Bafa) as well as structures that accommodate children and also housing dedicated to training leaders for a period of 3 to 6 months.

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Francas 11/56

12/56 Francas







Francas 13/56



Status: Project in 2nd Year/2010 Professors: Michel Bertreux/ensa nantes Location: Sunderbans, Bangladesh.


Team: Subject:

Carine Bertaud Lucille Daunay Jonathan Bourhis Utopic construction in an extreme environment

atipanga is a project about the development of a durable village on banks of Gange in Bangladesh. The purpose is to develop a concept which is able to perennialized their principle of sedimentation called “tanks� (transitory small island composed of aggregates of sediments). Then through this system, the develeppoment of new ground of culture will increase gradually on banks. One comes to then developed a typology of village made up of a harbour, a market, a place of worship, a community space life and dwellings.

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Conceptual development schemes

Matipanga 15/56

16/56 Matipanga

Matipanga 17/56



Status: Project in 3rd year/ 2012 Professors: Jean Robein/ensa nantes Location: Nantes, France .


Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Mixed use program (housing/cofee/ laundry)

t is ultimately the perspective view from the street Bertrand Geslin that the project will draw its strength. The challenge is to magnified the amplitude of this physical and spatial extension by adopting a look that questioned the current environement and assumes a new design. I worked on the full and empty in order do develop this composition of fragments which reveals the strength of the front facade.The challenge is to announce a strong spatial landmark by adopting a introverted look on the place while opening onto a garden and the terrace of a coffee in the courtyard. I think this site is a strategic point in the city and that’s why his identity should reflect the strength and dynamics of a space made of interconnections and exchanges . 18/56 Fragments

Master plan

Fragments 19/56


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Fragments 21/56


Status: Location:


Milk Bar

Competition Minimaousse 5 / non laureate/2012 Nantes,France-Krakow-Poland.

Team: Subject:

François Barcelo Chatellier Herbert Marchessou Jonathan Bourhis Gabriela Rolka « My urban canteen»

he Milkbar project proposes a concept of urban canteen to various configurations. The originality of the project lies therefore in its formal and spatial scalability. The relevance of the answer is to provide a horizontal deployment from a basic module defines as the size of a parking place. Since this module welcoming kitchen, furniture elements are deployed to provide a space for social interaction that awakens our memories such as a long family table. This experience was the opportunitie to train in parallel between Nantes(Herbert&François) and Krakow (Me&Gabriela) a work which required a lot of new knowledges according to this typologie of project between furniture/architecture & vehicule. 22/56 Milk Bar

Milk Bar 23/56

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Milk Bar 25/56


Up to the corner

Status: Project in 4th year/ 2012 Professors: Anna Palej/PolitechnikaKrakowska Location: Krakow, Poland.


Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Housing and kinder garden

he project tries to conserves the current statement of this wild urban jungle plot and composes with the typologie of the environement. The program combines hot desk studios, housing for students, townhouses and a kindergarden which existed in former time. The design of the housing building proposes a composition made by "green" balconies and the design of the " hot desk volume". The third volumes is design to fit with the scale of the backyard. The connection with the front volume is operated with a wooden corridor which distribute townhouses and recreating underneath a protected playground for the kindergarden. A terrasse from this corridor is accessible as well by the students and the users of the hotdesk studios. I think it's important in a mixed use program to generate "conflicts" in order to generate social exchanges.. 26/56 Up to the corner

Conceptual development schemes

Fisher caban,Saint brĂŠvin les Pins,

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Up to the corner 29/56


Status: Location:

Filharmonia w Krakowie

Competition/2013/ Mentionned. Krakow, Poland.


Team: Subject:

Professor Krzysztof LENARTOWICZ Dr.Angelika LASIEWICZ-SYCH Jonathan BOURHIS Firlarmonic

his work was an opportunity for me to work with experienced people on a professional competion. My work consisted to realise 3D images and technical documents. Although the main lines of design were decided when I joined the team I could exchanged with the partners and bring some new ideas. This experience was really interesting in learning new approaches, new methods and a new organisation which are the essence of the design process.

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32/56 Filharmonia w Krakowie

Filharmonia w Krakowie 07/56



Status: Project in 4th year/ 2013 Professors: K.LENARTOWICZ/Politechnika Krakowska Location: Limanowa, Poland.


Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Mediatheque Architecture & design of public building shaped in natural way.

n order to reply to this objectif " shaped in natural way", I decided to design a volume which plays with the relief of the hill. The building starts from a public place and works with composition of the stair as an outdoor scene. The building grows progressively around a green walk which disappear through the nature. The main volume brings a real dynamic and asserts a strong identity to this monolitic shape. As a new landmark of this town, this mediatheque is working not only as cultural center but also as a recreational building. The spatial treatment offer differents uses and works as social place which belongs to everyone. 34/56 (s)Paces

Conceptual development schemes offices & stocks

children area parking & tecnic rooms

stair access

sports rooms sports rooms

entry volume

mediatheque volume

green walk

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Blue chair

Status: Location:


Personal work / 2010 Nantes,France.

Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Furniture design.

partnership project with Abscence (curious community bar/coffee/snack) was born following the meeting with the owner from this little strange place. My intention was to invest a furniture with strong iconicity and to propose an optimized i nstallation of the space located in mezanine. I then presented 4 to him flyers which shows installations and thus allow to project myself in the sights of settings in environment. The design of the chair tries to compose with both contrasted identity of the architecture school and the Absence.

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Blue chair 41/56




Personal work/ 2013

Team: Subject:

Jonathan Bourhis Reflexion on a desk design.

wanted to develop a personal reflexion on the design of a desk . The approach of this project is to assume it as a scuptural objet and not just like a daily furniture. The design in curve born from the material which I am using here. The wood is a noble material which I like to work on and which evolve in the time. You not creating a static object, you creating something which will tell you his story in five, ten or fifty years. I like to work in this scale of furniture design because it allows you more freedom to work shapes and let you approach the complexity of each material you using.

42/56 Curve

Curve 43/56



Photography & drawings


Fisher hut, Saint-BrĂŠvin-les-Pins, France.

46/56 Photography

Stavanger Fjord, Norway.

Photography 47/56

Local housing, Kamieniec Podolski, Ukraine.

48/56 Photography

Religious demonstration, Lviv, Ukraine.

Photography 49/56

Bilberstrasse, Wien, Austria.

50/56 Photography

Alberto GIACOMETTI, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, HumlebĂŚk, Danemark.

Photography 51/56

52/56 Drawings

Drawings 53/56



Photography & drawings


Jonathan Bourhis 09.12.1990 13 Allée Duquesne, 44000 Nantes, France + 48.881.690.568 contact@jonathanbourhis.com www.jonathanbourhis.com

/Skills/ ////////////////// //////////// //////

AutocaD,Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketchup, Artlantis, Microsoft Office, Os Mac & PC. Archicad, Revit Architecture, Rhinoceros. 3Ds Max.

/Education/ 2013

University of Technology, Cracow, Poland. Master of Architecture, 1st Year, Erasmus program.


National School of Architecture, Nantes, France. Bachelor of Architecture.


Le Paraclet High School, Quimper, France. High School Diploma, Applied Arts. /Experiences/


• Collaboration with Professor Krzysztof LENARTOWICZ and Dr.Angelika LASIEWICZ-SYCH (architects) for a national competition about the future Philarmonic in Krakow, Poland. • Participation to a national architecture competition, Minimaousse 5, Paris, France.


• Internship ,Valéry LION, Nantes, France. Project management, renovation and edition building licence /3 months/ • Student job, Vibel, Nantes, France. Design, managing and selling in a furniture store/ interior design concept /6 months/ • Creation of an association, Archiwild, Nantes, France. In order to participate to a student car race and adventure sport events. • Employee in a campsite, Fouesnant, France /2 months/


• Internship, Ouest Coordination, Nantes, France. Building construction supervision of the program Carre Verde by the architect Jean-Yves BARRIER/4 months/ • Participation to graphic competition, poster design, Saint Nazaire, France. • Employee in a campsite, Beg Meil, France /2 months/


• Development of a project of furniture with a community coffee, Nantes, France. • Employee in a marina,Sainte Marine, France /1 month/


• Internship, BTP René Joncour, Quimper, France. Building construction supervision/2 months/ /Others/ • french /native language/ english/fluent/ spanish & polish/basic/ • hobbies : photography/ painting/ piano/ tennis/ mtb/ • travels: Norway/ England/ Switzerland/ Poland/ Ukraine/ Czech Republic/ Crete/ Italy/ Malta/ Spain

My appro ac h in arc hit e ct u re and cre at i ve wo r k s is t o as s u m e t he co nce p t of expe r i m e nt at io ns . I do n` t want t o be re s t r i ct e d in any s af e s o lu t io ns . T he re i s a lo t o f po s s i bi li t i e s whi c h ha ve t o be explo re in o u r wo r k . I t hi nk it is im po r t ant t o l o o k and ant ici pat e f u t u re ne e ds as a s u s t ai nabl e de s ig n acco rdi ng t o o u r dai l y e nv iro nm e nt in pe r pe t u al evo l u t i o n. T hat is w hy I am t r y ing t o deve l o p di f f e re nt pro je ct s in o ppo s it io n o r i n co m pl e m e nt ar y t hro u g h t hi s co nce p t o f expe r i m e nt at io n. I do n ’ t t hi nk t hat I de t ains t he g o o d o r t he bad ans we r. I expl o re .


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