Geneviève Daël: De silence et d’ombre

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Geneviève Daël

Geneviève Daël D e s i l e n c e e t d ’o m b r e

Jonathan Cooper 20 Park Walk  London  SW10 0AQ t: +44 (0)20 7351 0410

Geneviève Daël De silence et d’ombre

Le regard du spectateur sera toujours différent du mien, ses sensations, ses souvenirs, son vécu, ses pensées diverses feront la différence. Peu importe ce que j’y ai mis ce qui compte est ce que lui y voit. J’aime cette idée qu’il se l’approprie. The viewer’s gaze will always be different from my own, their feelings, memories, experience, and varied thoughts will form this difference. What matters is not what I have created, but what they see there. I like this idea that they will make it their own. Geneviève Daël



Sur presque rien

The world of Geneviève Daël is one of silence and shadow; not a heavy silence, but rather a quiet stillness that invites reflection, and if her paintings are filled with shade, such darkness serves only to accentuate the exquisiteness of light. Drawn particularly to the historic interiors of Italy, many of Daël’s paintings depict baroque palaces of Sicily, the Veneto, and Torino. In them we detect the warmth of midday sun filtering through shutters, across marble and glass, and the cool refuge that these rooms provide. Others originate from her native France, from medieval castles to the ornate Opéra Garnier; all are populated by female figures seemingly lost in reverie. While their surroundings are identifiable, these figures are imbued with mystery and ambiguity. With their simple, timeless dress, it is difficult to pinpoint the era and space that they inhabit. Often they emerge across the surface of a mirror, in a reflection that is optically incorrect, and which invites us to look again, more closely. Such mystery is deliberately cultivated by the artist, who sees a painting as a dialogue between the work itself and the mind of its viewer. As our gaze lingers, our initial reaction evolves, informed by our memories and imagination, and each time that we view a work we see it anew.

oil on canvas 19.7 × 13.8 ins (50 × 35 cm)



La Nappe blanche

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 4 × 1 8 i n s ( 61 × 4 6 c m )



La Lecture

oil on canvas 36.2 × 25.6 ins (92 × 65 cm)


Double je

oil on canvas 28.75 × 19.7 ins (73 × 50 cm)



Le Miroir des songes

oil on canvas 23.6 × 23.6 ins (60 × 60 cm)




oil on canvas 36.25 × 25.6 ins (92 × 65 cm)


Pe t i t - m a t i n à E m o C a p o d i l i s t a

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 3 . 6 × 3 1 . 9 i n s ( 6 0 × 81 c m )



Délicieusement fantomatique

oil on canvas 25.6 × 19.7 ins (65 × 50 cm)



L’Âg e d ’a i r a i n

o i l o n c a n v a s 3 1 . 9 × 2 3 . 6 i n s ( 81 × 6 0 c m )



Jour de pluie

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 4 × 1 8 i n s ( 61 × 4 6 c m )



Reflet intérieur

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 1 . 5 × 3 1 . 8 i n s ( 5 4 × 81 c m )



oil on canvas 23.6 × 28.75 ins (60 × 73 cm)


Le Silence des œuvres

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 1 . 2 5 × 3 1 . 9 i n s ( 5 4 × 81 c m )



La Musique des heures

oil on canvas 23.6 × 23.6 ins (60 × 60 cm)



À l a fe n ê t r e

oil on canvas 28.75 × 19.7 ins (73 × 50 cm)


Luxueuse austérité

oil on canvas 39.4 × 28.75 ins (100 × 73 cm)


Une Matinée silencieuse

oil on canvas 23.6 × 36.25 ins (60 × 92 cm)


Le Ciel pour unique horizon

oil on canvas 39.35 × 25.6 ins (100 × 65 cm)


L’ É c h a p p é e

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 5 . 6 × 3 1 . 9 i n s ( 6 5 × 81 c m )



L e Te m p s s u s p e n d u

o i l o n c a n v a s 2 3 . 6 × 3 1 . 9 i n s ( 6 0 × 81 c m )



À l’Opéra

o i l o n c a n v a s 3 1 . 9 × 2 3 . 6 i n s ( 81 × 6 0 c m )

Geneviève Daël Geneviève Daël was born in Paris in 1947, and continues to live and work in Montmartre. She studied Decorative Arts at the Académie Charpentier. After a brief period spent living in London she returned to Paris, where she began to study painting independently, and worked as a model for Dior while developing her artistic practise. Her first solo exhibition was held in 1984 with Francis Kyle, London, with whom she had nine further solo shows, along with many themed group exhibitions. Her first solo exhibition with Jonathan Cooper was held in 2016. Solo Exhibitions 2002

Galerie Samagra, Paris, France


Galerie du Fleuve, Paris, France

1984 – 2012

Francis Kyle Gallery, London


À travers le miroir, Jonathan Cooper, London

Mixed Exhibitions 2000

The Art of Memory, Francis Kyle Gallery, London

Galerie Samagra, Private Collection, San Diego, USA

Galerie Samagra, Palm Springs Art Fair, USA

Galerie Samagra, New York Art Fair, USA


The Art of Memory, Royal National Theatre, London

Galerie Samagra, Paris, France


Lair of the Leopard: Contemporary Painters, Francis Kyle Gallery, London


‘Everyone Sang’: A View of Siegfried Sassoon and his World by Twenty Five

Painters Today, Francis Kyle Gallery, London


Mother Land, Francis Kyle Gallery, London

Rarity Gallery, Myconos, Greece

2009 - 2010

Byzantium, Francis Kyle Gallery, London


TS Eliot’s Four Quartets, Francis Kyle Gallery, London


Jumping for Joyce, Francis Kyle Gallery, London


Jonathan Cooper, New York Art, Antique and Jewelry Show, New York


Jonathan Cooper, Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show, Florida


New Year, New Art, Jonathan Cooper, London

Jonathan Cooper: 30 Years, Jonathan Cooper, London

2016 - 2019

Jonathan Cooper, LAPADA Art & Antiques Fair, and BADA Fair, London

Jonathan Cooper

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