Una vez más damos gracias a Dios por la oportunidad de ir a todos nuestros lectores entregandoles el resultado de meses de trabajo y pasión. Estamos dejando esta guía en manos de quienes estan próximos a su día especial y tienen ese sentimiento de ansiedad por querer que todo salga bien. Weddings and Quinceañeras Magazine nos convertimos en ese apoyo, para que con esta guía conozcas todo lo que deben saber. El deseo de hacer de tu evento un día inolvidable llegó; es ese gran momento que has estado imaginando desde que jugabas a las muñecas: ¡tus quince! Y quieres un vestido que te haga lucir y sentir como una reina. Una cena inolvidable, que el lugar brille y sea de sueño y lo cierto es que ese gran día es como un sueño y por esa razón necesitas encontrar un traje que cuando te lo pongas te haga experimentar un torbellino de felicidad; ese atuendo con el que al mirar tu reflejo en el espejo te haga ver como la princesa de tu cuento de hadas favorito; ese vestido tan lindo que sabes que es el ¡tuyo! Lo que debes tener claro es que este es un proceso largo y merece toda tu dedicación. Puedes inspirarte en nuestros articulos y clientes especializados para ir observando la variedad de modelos y características. Lo ideal es probarse tantos modelos de vestido, salones, comida, bailarines y todo como sea posible y para eso estamos aquí! Para guiarte!
Presidente Gladys Carreño Vice-Presidente Angel Patiño Directora General EXPO Diana Correa Asist. de Presidencia Paula Pinzón Gerente Administrativo Juan D. Contreras Asist. Administrativo Camilo A. Correa Gerente Karen A. Contreras Asist. Gerencia Francisco J. Correa Servicio al Cliente Diana Correa Asist. Servicio al Cliente Camila Contreras Contador JJ Multiservice, Inc. Diseñador Jonathan Lareo Web Master Erza TV
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10 Things to consider when choosing
Your Reception Venue
With so many reception venues available, you’d think choosing one would be simple, but it never is. There are so many factors to consider when choosing where to hold your reception and, if even one doesn’t suit your requirements, it’s usually enough to have that reception centre, garden or church hall struck off the list.
So, to avoid the disappointment of having to see – and then reject – what seems like the perfect reception venue, here are 10 questions that you should have the answers to before you go venue hunting.
1. Is the venue available? This is the most important factor to consider when choosing a reception venue. Some venues and public gardens are booked years in advance, especially around holidays or for particularly special days such as Valentine’s Day. If your venue of choice is not available on the date of your day and you’re dead set on holding your ceremony or reception there, you will either need to change your date or search for a new venue. Once you have found the perfect venue and and know it is free, book it immediately to ensure nobody else books it for your big day.
2. Is the size appropriate for your guest list? Picking a venue that is the right size for your festivities is essential when planning your reception. The last thing you want to do is have your guest sitting cheek to jowl because your venue was too small for the group you are inviting. Pay special attention to the capacity of any venue you are looking at before booking and ensure that it has space for the activities you’re planning on holding.
3. Is it friendly to your budget? There are countless venues to choose from for your reception, and some will be more appealing. However, the reality is not every venue will fit within your budget. Determine what you can afford per head before contacting venues as this will avoid the frustrations of falling in love with a venue you simply cannot afford.
4. Is there nearby accommodations for guests? If you are planning on holding your reception somewhere a little further out than usual or if you have lots of guests coming from overseas or interstate, consider whether your venue has its own accommodation or is near accommodation that will allow your guests to stay overnight. It’s one thing to hold your dream in a charming castle or country estate, but if your guests are unable to call taxis afterwards or get to accommodation, especially if they’ve been drinking, it will end the evening badly and you don’t want your guests being unsafe.
5. Is there in-house catering? Whether you are going to serve a full four-course dinner or have some type of buffet with snacks, you need to know if the venue you are looking at has an in-house catering service. If they do, can they provide you with menu options to suit your guests, including vegetarians, gluten-intolerant guests. If there is no in-house catering, you will need to add another job to your list, finding a caterer.