OnaMonumenttothePigeon SATB,divacappella JP-100-2024
OnaMonumenttothePigeon SATB,divacappella JP-100-2024
Wehaveerectedamonumenttocommemoratethefuneralofaspecies. Itsymbolizesoursorrow
Wegrievebecausenolivingmanwillseeagaintheonrushingphalanxofvictoriousbirds, sweepingapathforspringacrosstheMarchskies
Menstilllivewho,intheiryouth,rememberpigeons Treesstilllivewho,intheiryouth,wereshakenbyalivingwind. Butadecadehenceonlyoldestoakswillremember,andatlonglastonlyhillswillknow
Therewillalwaysbepigeonsinbooksandinmuseums, buttheseareeffigiesandimages,deadtoallhardshipsandtoalldelights
Book-pigeonscannotdiveoutofacloudtomakethedeerrunforcover, orclaptheirwingsinthunderousapplause.
Theyknownourgeofseasons;theyfeelnokissofsun,nolashofwindandweather Theyliveforeverbynotlivingatall
no liv-ingmanwillseea gain mf - the onrush - -ingvicto f - -riousbirds,
no living - manwillseea gain mf - theonrush - -ing,onrush - -ingphalanx - ofvicto f - -riousbirds,
no liv-ingmanwillseea-gain the mf onrush - -ing phalanx - ofvicto f - -riousbirds,
no living - manwillseea-gain no mf man willsee thesevicto f - -riousbirds,
sweep mf -ingapathforspring,sweeping - across - theMarch skies p Faster,MoltoRubato;q=72
sweep mf -ingapath for springacross - theMarch skies p oo pp sweep mf -ing sweeping - apathforspringacross - theMarch skies p sweep mf ing - a cross - theMarch skies p Men mpbringout stilllivewho,intheir Faster,MoltoRubato;q=72
Trees mpbringout stilllivewho,intheiryouth, wereshaken - bya living - wind. But
a youth, remem - -berpigeons, - who were sha-ken by awindBut
-ly old-est oaks remem - -ber, on-ly hills will will know. know psub
on ly, - on ly - hills will know psub. de bringout -cadehenceonly - oldest - oaks remem - -berandatlonglastonly, - only-hillswillknow psub on ly, - on ly - hills will know. psub
There mf always - willbe pi f -geonsin mf booksandmu se f - -ums, but mf theseare
There mf will be pi f geons mf - in books, (tocomme f --morate)mf are
There mf always - willbe pi f -geonsin mf books, f these mf are on ly -
There mf will be pi f geons mf - in books andmuse f - -ums,on mf -ly
ef f -figies - andima-ges, mp - dead fp to f allhardships - andtoall delights p - Book fp pi mp -geons - cannot ATempo(q=60)
ef f -figies - andima-ges, mp - dead fp to f hard-ship and delights. p - Book fp pi mp -geons - cannot
ef f -figies - andima-ges, mp - dead fp to f allhardships - andtoalldelights. p - Book fp pi mp - -geons
ef f -figies - andima-ges, mp - dead fp to f hard-ship and delights p - Book fp pi mp - -geons ATempo(q=60)
diveoutofacloud,out mf ofacloudtomakethedeer, thedeerrun for cov (nonrit.) f -er, p
diveoutofacloud to make mf thedeerrun forco-ver, run f forcover, p -
can-not dive out of mf acloud tomakethedeer f runforcover,p
can-not dive, can-not dive mf out ofacloudtomakethedeer f runforcover,p
Or fsub claptheirwingsin thund'-rousapplause, - thund' ff -rousapplause nondim35
Or fsub claptheirwingsin thunder --ousapplause. - Or ff claptheirwingsinthunder - -ousap nondim -plause.
Or fsub claptheirwingsin thund'-rousapplause, - thund' ff -rousapplause nondim -
Or fsub claptheirwingsin thund'-rousap-plause, thund' ff -rousapplause nondim -
TempoPrimo;q=60 44
They mf knownourgeofsea f -sons;they mf feelnokiss ofsun, f no mf lashofwind and weath f -er.
They mf know no sea f sons, mf - theyfeelnokissofsun, f no mf lashofwindandweath f -er
They mf knownourgeofsea f -sons;theyfeel mf nokiss of sun, f no mf lashofwindand weath f er
They mf know no sea f sons, mf - theyfeelnokissofsun, f nolash mf ofwind andweath f -er
ATempo(q=60) 48
They p livefore mp - -verbynot living - atall p They p pocorit.
They p livefore mp - ver, - not at all p They p livefore - ver, mp -
They p livefore mp - -verbynot living - at all p They pp live for -
ATempo(q=60) & à & à & ‹
They p livefore mp - ver, - not at all p They pp live forpocorit.
livefore - ver, mp - theylive p fore-ver bynotliv-ing at all pp
theylive p fore - ver, - not liv ing - at all pp e-ver, live mp for e - -ver by not p liv-ing at all pp e ver, mp - not liv ing - at p all. pp rit.
April15,2012,SiouxCenter August5,2024,SaintPaul