Fold On, What’s The Next Step?
Free May 2016
Satoshi Kamiya’s “Ancient Dragon” folded and photographed by Shuki Kato
Akira Yoshizawa’s “Butterfly” folded and photographed by Jonathan Tai
Recreation 2-4 Appreciation 5 Categorization 6 Creation 7-8 The Paper 9
An Eric Gjerde Tessellation
Zine & Cover by: Jonathan Tai
The model that I recreated was Steven Casey’s “Welsh Corgi”. I have made this model before, but having improved my precision and ability, I hoped to recreate it better. Additionally, I wanted to make something that presented a challenge. Casey’s “Welsh Corgi” is a complicated model not only because of the different types of folds it uses, but the amount of them. The following pictures are of my progress in making this model. However, many steps are skipped in between to save space because the instruction shows around 93 steps. Overall, I think I performed a good job maintaining strong creases and folds. Some issues that are present are folds in the beginning not lining up well enough which eventually show up in the end product.
Flickr user JesseBorigami’s “Hercules Beetle” photographed by Morgan Sully
Kevin Hutson’s “Trefoil Knot”
Origami is a moderately popular hobby that has a large range in skill from those just following simple models to those creating and designing their own models. JesseBorigami on flickr’s “Hercules Beetle”, Won Park’s “Dollar Koi”, Kevin Hutson’s “Trefoil Knot”, and Hojyo Takashi’s “Violinist” are four examples of models that catch a viewer’s eye because of their impressiveness and intricacy.
Won Park’s “Dollar Koi”
Hojyo Takashi’s “Violinist” Folded and photgraphed by Flickr user Carlos Majority of creations are made using a single square sheet of origami paper but Hutson’s “Trefoil Knot” is an exception among many. His creation employs the use of a long rectangular sheet so that the entire model can be made from a single sheet. In the same vein, Park’s “Dollar Koi” utilizes the rectangular shape of paper money to create an intricate and impressive design.
When it comes to categorizing the types of origami, one can continually list different kinds and variations. However, the three seemingly most popular types that I encounter are animals, modular designs, tessellations Animal designs are the most popular, seemingly due to their plethora of designs. This designs range from simple to incredibly complex. Such a range can be from a simple swan to Jun Maekawa’s “Rabbit” folded and Satoshi Kamiya’s impressive “Ancient photographed by Reddit user Dijkie Dragon”. A new favorite of mine, Jun Maekawa’s “Rabbit”, lies in the middle to easy range because it’s design is simple but the process can be difficult at first. The next kind of origami are modular creations. These 3 dimensional creations are made from multiple sheets of paper. The multiple sheets are individually folded to create units that can be assemble to make a variety of shapes. Tomoko Fuse’s “Starsea Kusudama” Requiring patience and more paper, folded and photographed by Reddit modular creations are often times a user Shibakaze challenging but impressive way to deviate from the single sheet creations. The third popular kind of origami creations are tessellations. Also geometric, these are created from a single sheet of paper, like most origami, but instead are flat with repeating shapes. This is done by pre-creasing the paper and folding layers upon themselves. These intimidating pieces also range in difficulty but all designs require a degree of patience and precision. When complete, the designs are intricate Eric Gjerde’s “Spread Hex Tessellaand beautiful. tion” folded and photographed by Jonathan Tai
The shown model is Akira Yoshizawa’s “Butterfly”. This model is simple yet visually pleasing and is easy to learn and make. Built off of a “waterbomb” base, the subsequent folds are basic and easy to follow. The origami swan uses the same starting folds but the valley folds are mountain folds and vice versa. Yoshizawa’s “Butterfly” can be quickly reproduced and given as gifts or strung up as a creative option for decorating one’s room, house, etc.
Flip over
Do not atten circled areas
The Paper By Lily Toda
It really is remarkable how something so beautiful can be made out of a sheet of paper. Creating an origami piece does not require scissors, tapes, or other fancy gears. All you need is a piece of square paper to fold it into whatever your heart desires. I still remember the ďŹ rst time I saw my grandmother fold an origami into a crane when I was little - it was like magic to me. My grandmother told me that when she was little, many toys and other sources of entertainment were unavailable to her because of wartimes and poverty. However, she was still able to have fun and pass time by making her favorite animals through the more affordable option of using origami paper. Growing up, toys were also limited at the elementary school I went to in Japan. Like my grandmother, we had almost an unlimited supply of origami paper, so it gave me and my friends freedom to express our creativity and entertain ourselves in an accessible way. I strongly believe that creating art does not need to be expensive and should be available to everyone, both wealthy and poor. Origami gives a creative outlet to many people, and there is beauty in creating art out of everyday objects that may not be artistic at ďŹ rst glance.