Learn from jonathan tichich how to close sales effectively

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Learn from Jonathan Tichich: How to Close Sales Effectively Many people have great deal of trouble making decisions, as they fear making a wrong decision. This way they tend to leave things for the last minute. Effective and successful sales professional head Jonathan Tichich states, a sales professional should be able to persuade his/her customer to take a decision. This way you will be able to close a sale and carry on to another customer without wasting much time. In fact, closing a sale should begin from the first encounter you make with your probable client/ customer. You must always stay in the ‘closing’ state from the very beginning. Your action, words and thinking process must move towards closing the sale factor. Let us now understand and learn few essential sale-closing tips from Jonathan Tichich who is the Senior Business Development Executive at Sunbelt Midwest. Understand your Customer Well: The key element in closing your sale is to establish a good relationship with your potential customer. The better understanding you frame with your customers, the easier would it be for them to come to a say ‘yes’ to a sale says Jonathan Tichich. This essential process of learning about your customer will provide you with a list of reasons to why your service or product would best suit his/her requirements. Be Attentive towards your Customer’s Emotions: You must never try to close a sale when your customer is in an emotional state, meaning a negative state. Understand your Competition: When you know your contenders well, you will be able to present your customers with better reasons to go for your product rather than your competitor’s. Consider your Leverage: Even though one of the biggest factors while purchasing is cost, it is never the only one. Be ready to present the benefits and advantages of your product and utilize this knowledge to leverage your close, says Jonathan Tichich. Know the Time when it is Time to Close: The right and best time to close a sale is when you and your customer are well informed about all the necessary information needed to finally make a decision.

Remember closing a sale can never be a difficult task when you are ready for it from the beginning. The more you understand your product and customer the smoother will the process of closing the sale is. With practice and time, closing of sales becomes easier.

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