Portfolio agosto2014

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jon espinosa molano jon.espinosa.molano@gmail.com

2014 november


La Felguera Film School + Film Sets in the old Duro Factory Final Year Project 2012-2013


Coolsingel Offices+Retail+Hotel+Residences



European School New international school in Strasbourg OMA


City Cultural Center Public Library & Fine Arts Museum OSS


¡más MADERA! Workstation for young entrepeneurs OSS


Schindler Competiton New Residence and equipments structure Student competition First prize


Chimneys field Santa’s Logistic centre Ideas competition


Broadcast Building Broadcast studios and hotel in Hulan district



Old Minery Museum Recovery blast furnaces area in Vizcaya


Columbia Tower Student residences for the university of Columbia

Coolsingel Offices+Retail+Hotel+Residences Rotterdam, The Netherlands

OMA (Office for Metropolita Architecture) Winter 2012

Two observations triggered the design of a cube for Coolsingel. Firstly, the central position of the site, where Rotterdam’s most important pedestrian streets meet: Coolsingel, Lijnbaan, Binnenweg and Beurstraverse. The second observation is that Rotterdam’s recent construction consists almost entirely of towers. High-rises create an impressive skyline, but their mono-functionality and lack of engagement with the surrounding public domain fails to create an attractive centre.


The cube spatially reorganizes its surroundings and generates floors that can facilitate for a wide range of (public) programs. A system of voids introduces daylight inside the cube and generates views to the surroundings from within.







Volumetric model e:1/1000 The “Old” + The “New”

Instead of yet another tower project competing for height, the project aims to reconfigure the image of the centre by inserting the pure form of the cube.

Final Model + Site e:1/200 ABN AMRO + Cube

The site appears as an accidental collision of individual buildings, the evidence of a discontinuous urban development, dominated by the ABN-AMRO bank on Coolsingel.

Program Bars

Office Entrance

The Volumetric configuration enables to respond to changing programmatic requirements.

The central entrance of the bank will give access to the upper mall level and the offices.

Hotel Entrance

Residence Entrance

The hotel can work independently because of the individual entrance situated in the Monument.

One upper volume is used for residences. Not just at the scale of individual floor, but on the volume scale.

Section W-E The monument and the cube will work together as one system trough program and circulation. The voids generate public platforms and can contain culture and leisure programs.

Level 2

Level 3

Lower levels include retail spaces

The office and the mall share different spaces

Level 8

Level 10

The hotel and the offices are in opposite volumes

Offices and residences are in opposite volumes

Section N-S New retail program will enhance accessibility and reinvigorate the monument. Both the existing and the new building will form an uninterrupted network

European School New international school in Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

OMA (Office for Metropolita Architecture) Autumn 2011

Situated on a wooded site in the European Government Quarter of Strasbourg and adjacent to the river Ill, OMA’s design for a new European School for 12,000 students proposes a “wild side” and a “formal side”. The project reflects the diversity and idiosyncrasies that make up the European identity.









Cantine Kindergarten

Wild Park

Formal Park

Final model e:1/500

The flexibility and diversity of the school’s spaces promotes individual and collective education, suited to future multi-cultural generations.

Volumetric models e:1/1500

Sections A central axis defined by a four rectangular blocks contains classrooms for primary and secondary students and separates the two types of learning environments. West of the axis are five appendages for shared facilities: the canteen, library, arts and sciences, and performance spaces.

City Cultural Center Public Library & Fine Arts Museum Taichung, Taiwan

OSS (Office for Strategic Spaces) Summer 2013

A Public Library and a Fine Arts Museum make an odd couple. In the cultural-civic typologies that populate the contemporary city, Libraries and Art Museums are nearly polar opposites. While they share a similar past as collections of knowledge, their historic evolution led them apart. The printing press made books readily available, accessible, while paintings, drawings, and most other arts, became ever more sophisticated and unique: Libraries usually allow and encourage touch and participation, while Museums thrive in contemplation.

... The Art Museum can be a simple box, a neutral warehouse with little character or atmosphere, something that has to be provided by the art it contains. Libraries, on the other hand, are a prime typology of architectural and spatial exploration, since books, in general, do not care where they are read.


Public Terrace National Museum

Public Podium

Public Park

Life of Pi,Swimming pool

Level 6

Level 7

Creating voids and volumes that play with light and air, as if it were a tree top

The library keeps a constant relationship with the surrounding park

Level 4

Level 5

The last floor of the Museum has programs that benefit from its closeness to the Library

The Library is formed by the extension of the specialized programs in search of light

Level 2

Level 3

The permanent collection is divided into areas with total absence of daylight

A room where columns disappear as it is floating between two structures

Plans Library + Museum

The solid block of the Museum that houses the Fine Arts (and their time-enduring qualities) supports the world of knowledge and information, forever in movement, dissolving into thin air.

Groundfloor Library + Park connection

It is always a recurrent thought to have a library immersed among trees. The Taichung Central Library can achieve that in its lobby, as it can be totally opened to the park.

View from the park Library + Park

- Libraries need and profit from natural light, Museums tend to avoid it. - Museums are closed and introverted, a container of products. Libraries can be open and usually benefit from contact with the outside, visual or otherwise.

Secction N-S

SSecction W-E Library + Museum

These contradictions between the Library and the Fine Arts Museum call for a solution that exploits them, that makes them work together as that odd, but complementary couple

Site Model e:1/1000 Library + Museum

- Libraries usually allow and encourage touch and participation, while Museums thrive with passive contemplation. - Museums are walked. Libraries are seated. - Libraries can create an atmosphere, while Art Museums have climate control.

ยกmรกs MADERA! Work station for young entrepreneurs Madrid, Spain

OSS (Office for Strategic Spaces) Summer 2013

the task was to provide workspace, meeting and exhibition to 120 jobs, in a small space of 400 m2, and with a very limited budget. The most economic wood is used (sawing pine without any treatment) as sole structural element that serves as a basis for building new workspaces, increasing the floor area, and polycarbonate sheets as closing element. With profiles 19x7, oversized to resist fire. When these pillars extend beyond the slab to become rails, and no longer needed so that no longer section load, the size of the piece of wood is reduced.


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in et me

Lounge space



ent Old


Storeroom Stairs/auditorium

ce Offi Original structure




r ent

A huge table hugging the pillars is built with plywood panels on legs from Ikea

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r Ent

Plans and sections The corridor, which has reduced its height to create more surface of work above it.

Original structure

Previous situation

New corridor


Images The space before and after

In an exercise that tries to add beauty and economy, the wood left overs as lamps are constructed with lines led hanging from the pillars as a star. Reinvention, reuse and recycling are key in this project, in the best sense of the word.

Schindler Competition New Residence and equipments structure Sestao, Basque Country, Spain

Student Competition ETSAM First Position

The project starts with the clear intention of creating a new public and relation space for the inhabitants of Sestao, and also for all the Bilbao estuary. It is intended that the space is not only a great void inside the set, but a transit and connection spot between all the system pieces in the area. Originally a pedestrian street is created. All the volumes are disaggregated with a minimum bay width and angled connections that do not meet the program requirements, and therefore, some must be expanded, keeping in mind the public space that should be liberated.





Main Square


Train Station Acces Park

Park Blast Furnace

Housing Tower A companion for the Blast Furnace

As a landmark of the project, the residential tower height dialogues with the blast furnace and with the rest of the project forms. All around it the public space is formed, creating a large communal meeting space

View from the park The park and the project

The project idea is based on connecting the urban fabric of Sestao with the industrial platform located on the banks of the River Nervi贸n. A new urban layout characterized by a fully public street use is generated, and serves as a buffer between the two areas.

Plan + 17,50m A new street is carved in the slope

In the basement the large spaces are established without the need for direct light, and with such dimensions that, due to terrain features, can not take up in any another position.

The street stands as the backbone of the proposal. The route aims to bridge all gaps between program areas in a way as pleasant as possible and creating a new public level granted to the city of Sestao.

Broadcast Building Broadcast studios and hotel in Hulan district Harbin, Heliongiang Province, China

ADRI of HIT Summer 2014

This project tries to represent the mix existing in the contemporary China. This project is born in an area where the Ewenki ethnic minority (one of 56 nations existing in China) has lived from a long time. A hotel with broadcast studios, from an important television chanel, is projected in order to develope and atract tourist to an area that has been forgotten for years.

... This design is based in the coexistence between the different nationalities in China , the Ewenkis like the common nationality of the surroundings and Han, like the most populous nationality. For that reason the hotel rooms are designing following a traditional chinese volume while the broadcast spaces ,and other common spaces like the cantine, are designed like a reminder of a “cuoluozi�(the traditional Ewenky living house).


Room windows

Office Hotel rooms

Main entrance + cantine

Broadcast studio Parking


= Section: Hotel + Cuoluozi

Front elevation

Back elevation

Ground floor Plan + Elevations The Han and the Ewenki

The building as a representation of the coexistence beetwen Ewenki and Han nationalities.

Exterior view 2 different typologies that coexist

A facade that summarize the project idea welcomes the visitant to this building.

Old Minery Museum Cultural reactivation Altos Hornos de Vizcaya Barakaldo, Basque Country, Spain

9th Design Semester Winter 2011

On the edge of the urban Sestao and the industrial surface of the Benedicta one can see the rail tracks linking Bilbao with the left riverbank of Nervion’s estuary. It is in this spot where the Blast furnace stands, recently appointed by the Spanish Industrial Herritage, and currently under a state of absolute abandon.

... On an area just over 200 meters long, 30 meters wide and with a height of 16 meters, the main work consists of the shaping and containment of a new platform for pedestrian use, to be completed with the creation of a retaining wall designed to shelter a museum, a library and a train station. Additionally, there is the need for a connection between the urban and the industrial platform, which due to the progressive dismantling will emerge as a new green landscape right on Bilbao’s estuary

Facade Carved Slope

Blast Furnace

Parking + Access

Industrial Area

Construction section The key aspect is retaining the sloping terrain that pushes the hill downwards due to the high water table. The entire building works as a large 16 m deep retaining wall, which only works at its full capacity when the construction is finished.

Exterior view The project serves as a barrier and filter to the city, but the invisibility from the town of Sestao makes the view of the mouth of the estuary remain intact.

Elevation. Projection outside The facade consists of large concrete pillars of variable width that give the impression of a bar code from the river, impression enhanced by shade. This is a game to see without being seen, to visually reach the distant landscape, but in turn ignore the nearby.

Plan + 17,50m A new street is carved in the slope

Starting from a typical section, the project adjusts to the needs of the different programs included in the building. The upper level always opens towards the south, and the lower ones that host the museum are regulated through diffused light from the north.

The monumental Blast Furnace Nº 2. acts as a buffer between this two “worlds” and becomes invisible from the street (by its nature of plinth) occupying a space that is not yet buried there.

Columbia Tower Student residences for the university of Columbia New York, USA

7 Design Semester th

Spring 2009

This residential tower tries to be used by the students of Columbia’s university nearly which is located. The project consists in the superposition of a series of equal volumes. This volumes turn 90º every time to create the common spaces in the interior, and to show itself to the outside as a sculpted prism.

... With this different packages a configuration is achieved where each of the volumes develop a distinctive habitational module. Changing the way of living depending on the altitude.



Housing n4

New Street

Housing n3

Housing n2

Street entrance

Housing n1

Park entrance

Working + Definitive model The evolution of one idea

An sculpture developed from an rational structure. A structure that organizes the performance of the entire building. A carved structure that rises inside the park

Elevations + Plans 4 different points of view, 4 ways of living

The structure of the tower is a 4 concrete cores where the different packages rest. Working each volume as an icomplete structure but also working on the overall integrity of the building


work and final physical models

Museum in container ship

European School

Asylum in Bilbao

Taichung park

Houses in Langreo

House in Almansa


jon.espinosa.molano@gmail.com Mobile Phone (+34) 686899998

Adress: C/ Mota del Cuervo 60 3ยบC Madrid, C.P. 28043 Spain

jon espinosa molano 23/02/1987, madrid

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