A01 – Assessing knowledge and Understanding
AO1 Continued‌
A02 – Knowledge, Understanding and Evaluation AO2 ‘Long Answers’ (3marks) & (6marks)
How the AO1 and AO2 Q’s will be structured on the paper AO2 question structure • Questions on the topics will consist of four or five parts, making up a total of 18 marks: – 9 marks for AO1 – 9 marks for AO2
• For AO2 questions, there will always be two questions, one a 3 mark question and the other a 6 mark question. • These questions will always take the form of a quotation to stimulate a debate style discussion.
AO1 question structure Marks for individual questions for AO1 may differ from year to year, but, for each whole question, there will always be two or three questions for AO1, totalling 9 marks. • Any combination is possible e.g. 2,3,4, or 1,3,5, or 3,3,3 etc. • Whichever combination is chosen will apply to all whole questions on the paper.
The Questions • There will always be a stimulus picture at the top of each set of whole questions. Use this to help you. It could very well be giving you an answer or a clue to any question but in particular the first question. • Question 1 is mostly always easy. Sometimes it looks too good to be true. Ensure you read the wording of the question: Give/name/state = just write the answers down. Outline/explain briefly = a few sentences would be required. Learn your command words!!
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Always check how many marks a question is worth before you answer it to best decide which formula (or no formula) would be the most helpful. If it is worth 2 or less marks then you should not need to apply a formula when answering the question and should not need to write in much detail. An AO2 question is like a “quotation” and will ask you if you agree or not. Basically, it will invite you to have an opinion in some way. If the question is not a quotation style question, then it must be a AO1 question. Simples! If it is an AO1 question, then the examiner will not be asking for your own opinion. They want to see evidence of knowledge only.
Is the question an AO2 question? No. How many marks is it worth? 4. Rightio, IFSO formula here we go! Easy peasy.
• AO1 3 marks use IFS. • AO1 4 marks use the IFSO.
• AO1 5 and 6 marks use IFSODE. • This is exactly the same as a 3 and 4 mark AO1 answer, you just have to ensure you have given some development and evaluation to your answer. – – – – – –
Intro to your answer First religious views/beliefs/teachings Second religious views/beliefs/teachings Optional religion (to secure max marks) Development of each religious view Evaluation of each religious view (use a quote to show strong knowledge).
• See next page for an example of how to use this formula.
Explain religious attitudes towards using animals for food - AO1 6 marks PART 1 - A small intro: The religions that I have studied are, Judaism and Hinduism. These 2 religions have very different views about using animals for food. Part 2 – 1st Religious View Jew’s have very strict laws surrounding food that tells them exactly what they can and cannot eat. This food law is called kosher. Kosher very simply means ‘ok’. The Torah, (the Jewish Scripture) teaches Jews that they are allowed to eat any animal that has a completely split hoof and that chews the cud. Animals such as a cow, goat or chicken are examples of acceptable kosher meats. However, Judaism also teaches that you cannot mix dairy and meat foods by stating that you should not "boil a kid in its mother's milk." This is telling Jews that to eat a goat cooked in the milk from it’s Mother would be wrong and going against Jewish Law. They are also expected to only eat fish that has fins and scales. Fish such as cod or haddock would be acceptable but shellfish such as prawns would not be. PART 3 – 2nd Religious View Do exactly the same as above for another religion and you would double your L3 to a L6 Sikh’s believe_________________ They believe this because ______________ _______________________________________________________________ Muslims believe _______________ They believe this because _____________ _______________________________________________________________
• AO2 3 marks use the “3 boxes technique”.
• Give your OWN opinion in 2 of the boxes but try and give a religious viewpoint in at least 1 of the boxes. • REMEMBER: The boxes will not be there on the exam paper, you must ‘imagine’ them as you write your answer out in full. • Practice makes perfect!!!
• AO2 6 marks use the DREARER
• This formula is very self-explanatory. If you follow it well you should achieve AT LEAST a Level 3 response. • REMEMBER: The boxes or the sentence starters will not be there on the exam paper, you must ‘imagine’ them as you write your answer out in full. • Practice makes perfect!!!