Topic 1: The Existence of God
• To know the following terms: theist, atheist, agnostic and what is meant by proof • First Cause argument (cosmological argument); • Design argument (teleological argument); • argument from miracles; • argument from religious experience; • argument from morality; • arguments against belief in the existence of God. Candidates will be expected to be able to outline arguments in any of the preceding areas:
• they will also be expected to be able to outline basic problems with the arguments; • how plausible/strong are the arguments?; • what faults lie within them?
o To understand the key terms; atheist, agnostic, and theist. o To consider how people prove things exist. o To consider how people prove God exists.
o To judge the best way of proving existence.
• Philosophy scrutinises the claims made by religions. • It is about using logic and reason in order to do this. • It is about asking questions.
Finish the sentence “I believe…” with something that you believe
I believe…
1. something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat. 2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief. 3. confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
What types of religious belief do you know?
As you watch the video make notes on the different arguments for the existence of God
• Evidence: Facts that can indicate whether something is true • Proof: Evidence that guarantees the truth of something. • Atheist: A person who believes that there is no God. • Agnostic: A person who believes we cannot be sure whether or not there is a God because there is insufficient evidence. • Theist: A person who believes in God.
• Which of the arguments for the existence of God do you think is the most convincing? Why? • Which of the arguments for the existence of God do you think is the least convincing? Why? • Why is it important for some people to find proof for God’s existence? Is it necessary? • Why do some people still find the arguments convincing despite the fact that they don’t stand up to close examination? • Believing in God because a holy book says he exists is a “circular argument” – what does this mean?
Proof is the evidence that establishes a fact or the truth of a statement. Genuine proof cannot be rejected by anybody who is open minded and totally honest, as proof should remove all areas of doubt in a persons mind. Proof is usually of a physical nature, for example seeing something with your own eyes, or the result of a well conducted experiment. Sometimes, in a court of law, all the evidence put together can act as proof. Which types of proof do you find the most useful or believable? Why?
Do you love your parents? Is there proof? • 1 minute to think on your own • 2 minutes to talk to somebody else • 3 minutes to write your answer down
There are three main ways by which the existence of things can be proved. 1) Personal experience – ‘I have seen it, so I know it exists 2) Reliable evidence – ‘I have not seen it but other people have convinced me that they have, so I accept its existence’ 3) Using a chain of reasoning to reach a conclusion (logic) – ‘I have not seen it but there must be a logical reason to believe in its existence’ Apply these three ways of proving something exists using your own examples
1) 2)
Stick the picture of Nessie in your book Using the three types of evidence people use to prove the existence of things try to prove the existence of the Loch Ness monster. Some people refuse to accept the the evidence people give to prove the existence of things. Using the same reasoning, how might some reject the existence of Nessie?
Atheists believe that God does not exist. They believe that there is not enough evidence to prove that he is real. Many will argue that science can disprove religion.
A theist is somebody who believes that God does exist. You do not have to be Christian to be a theist. Muslims, Jews, Hindu’s and many other religions are all theist.
You MUST be able to explain key terms relating to religious believe (grade C)
An agnostic is somebody who is not sure whether they believe in God or not. They may believe some of the arguments for God, but may disagree with others and therefore it cannot be known whether God exists
Agnostic Theist
How does this make a difference to their life?
• As human beings, we can only prove tings with our physical senses: smell, sight, touch and so on. • God cannot be proved by humans using their physical senses as this would mean that what is proved is physical. Anything proved using the physical senses cannot be God. • Physical beings have limitations which means they are not infinite • “Evidence” such as people claiming to experience God through a vision or through hearing God, is not really valid for other people. It is only valid for the person who has had the experience • Some people argue only logic and reason can show that God must exist. The question is: how valid is logic and reason as proof?
God and Proof L.O To explain the meaning of both belief and proof To determine why it may be difficult to prove an existence of God By the end of the lesson You MUST be able to explain key terms relating to religious believe (grade C) You SHOULD be able to explain why it is difficult to prove the existence of God (grade B) You COULD state some basic arguments for an against proving the existence of God (grade A)