Be the Popular Kid --7 Super Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to your Web site

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Originally here: Be the Popular Kid: 7 Super Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to your Web site

Be the Popular Kid: 7 Super Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to your Web site Follow these tips, and you'll be really, really, really popular on the Web Be the Zack Morris of the Interwebs

Anybody who has an online business or any kind of Internet presence wants to get more people to look at his stuff. This info-packed guide lists 7 things you can do today to attract more visitors to your Web site.

Introduction Whether you are selling widgets or T-shirts, the World Wide Web is the great equalizer. The Internet makes it easier for small-time entrepreneurs to make it big. How do small-time people become big-time? Well, that answer is beyond the scope of this article. However, one thing that most people who are online successes have is a Web presence--they have Web sites promoting their products and services. Having a Web site, however, is only the first part in having a Web presence. The second part of the equation is visitors. The problem with most Web sites is that they are like isolated silos - full of informative goodness, but inaccessible or unknown to the masses. You actually need people to visit your Web site for your Web presence to be complete, because if people don't know about your business of Web site, it's like you don't exist on the World Wide Web. Even though visitors (potential customers) are essential to building a Web presence, actually getting people to visit your site can be an uphill task.

Don't get discouraged, and stop sweating

There are a number of ways through which you can attract visitors to your Web site. Keep reading to see some of those ways.

1. Have clicks, will travel

If you have an advertising budget of any kind, pay-per-click advertising using Google Adwords, Bidvertiser and Adbrite are good options. Basically, with these services, you write a short little ad and include your link. These ads are displayed around the Internet on a variety of Web sites. When people click on your ad, they end up back at your Web site where they can learn all about what you have on tap.

2. The video seen 'round the world Are you or someone you a weirdo? If you answered yes to my sincere and honest question, then get it on film, quick.

After getting your wackiness on film, put the video on your favorite free video hosting site. Youtube is a popular choice, but sites like Vimeo and DailyMotion are also good. Once your video is up, tell a few people about it. If it's quirky and weird enough, it's bound to go viral (you know, like a virus...and spread itself everyone). The way to capitalize on the viral-osity (I love making up words) of your video is to add a subtle or not so subtle plug about your business or Web site. Once your video goes viral, watch the visitors beat down your Web site door.

3. Share and share alike Most people "bookmark" or add sites to their "favorites" in their personal Web browsers if they plan on going back to the sites in the future. Social bookmarking is similar except when you bookmark things, everybody sees them. This is good because someone who might not have found out about a site can learn about it. You don't have to sit around and wait for someone to bookmark your site. You can do it. Sign up to sites like Reddit, Mixx and Propeller. Bookmark your site by leaving an informative but brief description. Get your friends to bookmark it as well. Eventually other people will find it and check you out.

4. Tell the spiders to spider This is just basic. One way people find your Web site is through search engines. If search engines aren't indexing (visiting and cataloging) your site, you need to work on making sure that changes. To check to see if you are being indexed by online search engines, just visit the site of your choice and type in your url (Web site address). If your site is there, you're good. If you're not, submit your site to the engine.

Remember that each search engine is owned by a different entity, so they don't necessarily have the same results. Make sure you are being indexed by the biggest ones: Ask, Bing, Yahoo and Google.

5. (Free) Press is best This is one of the best methods of drumming up visitors for your Web site. A press release is a "news-like" story by which you pitch your service or product to the media. All you need is one journalist to pick up your story and you are set (people will start streaming in). Search engines live for content, so when you write a release and distribute it, make sure it's submitted to the major search engines. This way you'll get visitors to your site from your news write-up in your local newspaper or online newspaper as well as via the major search engines. (pr news guy)

6. Tell people about your site, Damnit! In this digital age, many people forget the most effective form of marketing out there--word-ofmouth marketing. When you are meeting with clients, mention your Web site. When you are mailing things to your clients, list your link to your site on your materials. Tell your family. Tell your friends. If you happen to be around a group of strangers (and it's appropriate) tell them as well. Open your mouth and be a walking, talking marketing piece for your site.

7. Write some articles and stuff

If you're like most online entrepreneurs, you're all about your product, so this step should be easy. This is similar to writing a press release, but much easier because you don't have to adhere to press release format or news style. Basically, all you have to do is write articles about your product or service and distribute them around the Internet. Any site that will let you publish your articles will do... Associated Content, eZine articles, Buzzle, Blogs, Squidoo, Hub Pages, etc. If you write a lot of articles, consider compiling them into an ebook and sprinkling around the Web as well.

Bonus Tip (Lucky You.) I know I only promised you 7 tips, but here's a bonus tip from me. Consider it a gift. The easiest, most fool-proof way to get more visitors to your Web site is to buy them. No, I'm not talking about slavery or anything like that. You can actually buy visitors from traffic brokers. This is just as legal as buying PPC visitors from Google. Traffic brokers provide visitors for Web sites for a lot less than traditional online advertising methods (PPC, banners, pop-ups, etc.). A word of caution: Not all traffic brokers are the same, some are downright inferior. The better traffic brokers provide visitors from redirected domains. Others provide visitors via interstitial ads and traffic exchanges. The worst traffic brokers don't deliver at all. They use bots to "provide" visitors. I'll leave it at that. Since buying traffic is sort of like the Wild Wild West, please use caution. The broker I recommend and use often is ...

Their traffic comes from redirected domains. They usually have coupon codes, so check out and get a discount.

That's it!!! If you like this article, leave a comment.

Originally here: Be the Popular Kid: 7 Super Easy Ways to Get More Visitors to your Web site

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