International catalogue

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Royal Jongbloed International Rights Catalogue

Lenard Wolters It is an honour to be CEO of Royal Jongbloed. An international company with an established publisher name in the international market. It’s special that I can combine my love for both printing and publishing in this job. I am convinced that there will still be a need for high quality products and content in the future.

Els de Jong I love the books we publish! Our children’s catalogue is filled with fiction with humour, happiness and suspense. Our non-fiction is in many cases related to the bible. Our well designed books want to make children smile, want to inspire them and help them grow into well balanced, happy individuals that can be meaningful for the people and the world that surrounds them.

Hannah Zandbergen With our imprint Sestra, we support Christian women to connect their spiritual and everyday life. Our books are written by and for contemporary women. Each title is designed beautifully and with great care.

Jan Jaap Karsten Groen is an established publishing house that serves the Dutch reformed market. We are known for our biblestudies, our works on ethical questions, works on explaining the Bible, on raising children and lots more. The Herziene Statenvertaling (Revised States translation) is a revision of the oldest Dutch Bible. This more contemporary translation has been used in various projects exploring the Bible and revealing its treasures to many audiences.

Stephanie Wang Royal Jongbloed is a publishing house with more than 155 years of history. We publish different top quality titles which cover a huge range of target group readers. The range includes topics as: religion , non-religion titles , fiction and non-fiction titles for children and adults. We hope people will enjoy their time and get benefits from reading our titles.

Religious books


of Jesus Jesus has done many miracles. They are written down in the Bible. The miracles capture the imagination of children. They are vivid stories that show the love and power of Jesus to children. Each story tells about a miracle of Jesus from the point of view of children in the time that Jesus walked among them. With the stories in the series “Miracles of Jesus” children follow Jesus’s tracks to the place where people meet Jesus. There they see what Jesus does: He heals the blind man Bartimaeus and fills the nets of Peter with many fishes. “Miracles of Jesus” is a series of six boardbooks with 18 full colour pages. It takes children along in Jesus's footsteps to the places where people meet Jesus. There we see what Jesus does for those who need help. Miracles of Jesus is a series of cardboard booklets for children from 3 to 5 years.

Vrouwke Klapwijk is pedagogue and writer of dozens of books. She has worked on many children’s Bibles, including the often translated Picture Bible.

The illustrations are by Studio Columbus: Melissa van der Galien, Mandy Holwerda, Sanne Leurs, Jeen van der Meer, Bas Oerlemans, Bente Sijperda, Marloes Lisette de Vries.


b R i


Extent: 22 pages Author: Vrouwke Klapwijk Publisher: Columbus isb


Levi and his grandpa hear that Jesus is coming to their town. They hurry as fast as they can to see Him! They have heard a lot about Jesus. And then they get to see how Jesus heals the blind Bartimaeus. Everyone is so happy!


ull o


Extent: 22 pages Author: Vrouwke Klapwijk Publisher: Columbus isb


Hannah and Joram see how Peter goes fishing in his boat. Jesus has joined him. Catching fish in broad daylight, that’s impossible! But when Jesus says the word, the net is filled with fish.


Religious books


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Extent: 22 pages Author: Vrouwke Klapwijk Publisher: Columbus isb


The house of Jesus is full! Aron sees that four men who try to take their friend to Jesus climb to the roof. They make a hole in the roof and lowered their friend through it to reach Jezus. Thanks to Jezus, their friend can stand and walk. He doesn’t need his stretcher anymore.




Extent: 22 pages Author: Vrouwke Klapwijk Publisher: Columbus isb


Mirjam visits her Aunt Anna in the Bethesda hospital. She sees a man who has been lying there for 38 years. Suddenly an unknown man comes in and makes him better. That must be Jesus!


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Extent: 108 pages Author: Theanne Boer and Neeltje Rietveld Illustrator: Marieke ten Berge Ages: 7-12 years Publisher: Columbus Rights sold for the German language isb


Do you ever look at the stars? The longer you look the more stars you see. New and different ones. Looking at the stars is like thinking about God. The longer you think about Him the more new things you discover about Him. He becomes more and more dazzling! In Star Splendor you will find 25 thoughts about God. Marieke has added marvelous pictures and Theanne and Neeltje have thought up some cool exercises. Look, read, think, feel, dream and join in. Use all of your senses to enjoy your faith in God.



Religious books


geR s bible

Extent: 592 pages Author: Willem de Vink Ages: 8-12 years Flexibind Publisher: Columbus Rights sold for the German and French language isb


The Bible is the best-read book in the world. It is also a very special book – with a great secret. But, you might think, the Bible is so thick and complicated! That’s why this special Bible was made for teenagers. A book full of memorable, exciting and mysterious stories. A total of two hundred and fifty stories will keep you busy for quite a while. With wonderful illustrations that draw you right into the stories. Read it for yourself and meet famous heroes like Abraham, Joseph and Daniel. Read the Bible’s wise proverbs, discover Jesus’s spectacular miracles and try to decipher the secret signs in the illustrations. Discover for yourself the mystery of what the Bible is all about!

Willem de Vink (1957) is a full-time Dutch pastor, preacher, writer and illustrator. He gives voice to his passion for Christ in churches and at conferences, schools, universities and in the media. He has published more than twenty books. In his teenage years, Willem expressed his love for Jesus freely and started a Bible group at school. His enthusiasm so impressed a teacher that he was asked to teach Religious Education. That’s how his preaching ministry started. During the same time, he published Jesus-comics in a monthly youth paper. Years later he quit a successful job in advertisement to create a comic book of the life of Jesus, called Jesus Messiah, that he envisioned would tell of Jesus’s love around the world. It has been translated into more than ninety languages.



Extent: 88 pages Author: Willem de Vink Ages: 10-14 years Paperback Publisher: Columbus Rights sold for the German language isb


Heroes gives you a deep sense of God’s love for you. Here you can read what God says about you in the Bible. That you are a hero. Loved. Good in His eyes. Because Jesus is God’s hero who stands up for you! And this book has even more. Every day you can do something with what you have read. You get assignments to look up in the Bible. Puzzles to solve. Things to make. This book is not just to read, but to do. Then you will realize even more that you are a hero in God’s eyes.

Daily fun: A cool inspiration A super part of the Bible to read for yourself A special Bible text to remember A prayer to respond with A fun assignment


Religious books



Extent: 96 pages Author: Willem de Vink Paperback Publisher: Columbus isb



is is ou Extent: 224 pages Author: Willem de Vink Ages: 12+ Paperback Publisher: Columbus isb


You are good enough, wanted, unique, blessed and so much more. Wow! Discover in this diary for yourself how God sees you. For three months you will be amazed daily by Gods love for you, with weekly a new theme. Every day you can read: -

from the Bible information on the text a prayer

In this diary, you will spend forty days with Jesus. You can count on it that you will be happy! Because no one is as special as Jesus. Really - get to know Him, then you just cannot get enough of Him. Jesus has many names. There are more than two hundred in the Bible. In this diary we will look at forty. Are you in? For forty days, you can admire Jesus forty times! Forty names of Jesus. Completed with 40 prayers. And forty bible texts to know.

Gradually you will start to realize how much God loves you!



Religious books

Backlist titles

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Roug Re io

Children love nature! This nature book connects enjoyment of nature with belief in the Creator. Along with informative facts you can read Bible texts and find creative suggestions. In the chapter on water you can read about the Jesus lizard, study water creatures and name them as Adam did.

Extent: 176 pages Author: Hanna Holwerda Ages: 7-12 years Paperback Publisher: Columbus

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ISBN: 9789085433347



e bible oR ou

e bible oR ou ii

Extent: 416 pages Ages: 4-10 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Extent: 560 pages Ages: 9-13 years Hardback Publisher: Columbus


9789086010905 u

oR J.H. Mulder-van Haeringen

This Bible is a depiction of Bible stories for children aged 4 and older. It is also understandable for people with intellectual disabilities. It includes a total of 87 stories from the Old Testament and 56 stories from the New Testament.



The Bible for you II is a detailed retelling of biblical stories, including the lives of almost one hundred people. This book is a sequel to The Bible for you II. Suitable for children of 9 years and older. Also a valuable resource for elementary education, Sunday school work, children’s services and clubs.

Extent: 366 pages Author: Various authors Ages: 12+ Publisher: Columbus

These days it seems as if everyone wants your attention at once, but sometimes you just have to stand still. In this book ten women place you before a mirror. They write about our outer and inner selves, sexuality, friends, living for God, and love. Take a look in your mirror: no matter what you see, to God you are lovely.


Extent: 64 pages Author: Marijke ten Cate Hardcover Publisher: Columbus




This gift book contains poems, prayers, Bible texts and reflections around birth and baptism. Moving stories about new life and God’s faithful care, and light-hearted columns about the experiences of new fathers and mothers.



Religious books

Of infinite value Treasury book for mothers

Creative Holiday Devotionals for Women Holidays tend to be among the busiest days of the year. Two devotionals were published in order to help you find peace and free up time for contemplation and prayer during these busy stretches. The December Diary is intended for the Christmas season and En Route to Easter focuses on the Easter period.

December Diary

En Route to Easter

During the busiest month of

During the period leading up

the year, this devotional will

to Easter, you’ll reflect on the

help you dwell on God, yourself,

life and death of Christ. This

and the people around you. It

creative devotional will enable

includes Biblical devotionals,

you to experience the season

questions to ponder and loads

of Lent in a unique way, as

of original DIY ideas.

it encourages you to spend

Being intentionally creative

forty days in contemplation,

every day will help you find the

creating, tasting, smelling and

peace you need to consciously

listening as you go.

dwell on the meaning of Christmas and the coming of Christ.

En Route to Easter includes Biblical reflections, recipes that fit the

Hardcover Hardback, 92 p. | Sestra

Of infinite value makes you pause to look at life with new eyes. Are you being lived or are you living? What has lasting value? Since being diagnosed with an incurable illness, Klarine Sikkema-Wiersema copes in a new way with the time she has left with her husband and three children. This book shows how every mother can pass something of infinite value on to her children. The Bible studies, personal questions and practical suggestions stimulate you to think about various aspects of being a mother.

Klarine Sikkema - Wiersema

occasion, activity prompts and DIY ideas.

ISBN 9789491844164

Hardcover Hardback, 128 p. | Sestra

€ 14,95

ISBN 9789491844522

Van onschatbare


€ 14,95

Inspiratie- en bewaarboek voor moeders

About the Authors Corien Oranje is a theologian as well as an author. She writes children’s books, articles, Biblical reflections and interviews. Recently, one of her books for young people was shortlisted for the prize of Best Theology Book of 2015 (Het geheime logboek van Topnerd Tycho [Topnerd Tycho’s Secret Log], ISBN 9789085432852).


Corien Oranje

Mariska Vos is a writer and an illustrator and abounds with creativity. She loves thrift store shopping, as it always provides her with the materials she needs to put her creative ideas into practice.

ISBN: 9789491844706 Extent: 112 pages Size: 17,5 x 17,5 cm Author: Klarine Sikkema-Wiersema Hardcover Publisher: Sestra

Klarine thinks very consciously about what she wants to pass on to her children. This is impressive to read. I have learned a lot from this strong woman and I hope this book will be an encouragement to many other mothers. Hannah Zandbergen – Publisher Klarine Sikkema-Wiersema is married to Johan and they have three children. She also wrote A rainbow in the wilderness about the impact of cancer on a young family.

Mariska Vos

Klarine Sikkema-Wiersema


Religious books

I have enjoyed writing this book. It is so true: focus on the good in your life. I am thankful for the light that has come into my life to show me, in the midst of brokenness, that life is good. Coby Kremer

Golden Moments 90 days of practice in gratitude

Coby Kremer gives courses and workshops on (creative) journaling. The point is to write what is in your heart. No writing experience necessary! Coby Kremer has also written the successful books: Writing from the heart, A journey of the heart and On the way with Jesus.

Journal with a golden edge A child’s smile, an arm around your shoulders, a fresh cup of coffee ‌ these are golden moments that enrich your life. If you stand still at such moments you will see your life through different eyes: with attention, love and thankfulness. You can use this journal every day to describe your own golden moments. Each day also gives a short writing assignment to help you. You will become more and more aware of the good things in your life. A journal to put on your nightstand to every evening! Extent: 120 pages Size: 17x22 cm Author: Coby Kremer Publisher: Sestra





Religious books

Purposeful living Devotional Extent: 144 pages Size: 16 x 20cm Paperback Publisher: Sestra




Purposeful living is a practical devotional book for women. The text of Philippians 4:8 calls you to reflect on your core values in life. To begin each day you will find a short Bible meditation with practical tips. Every week you can get involved with a (Bible study) group. Do-it-yourselfs like lectio divina, making a mood board, and trading clothes let you put Biblical themes into action. ‘Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.’ Philippians 4:8 NIV





In our society it is difficult to find rest and stillness. Noise is everywhere. To experience true stillness you may have to go to a cabin in the woods. And even then, to become truly quiet is an art. Inner stillness is the way to get to know God and yourself better. When all other voices are silenced we can hear God’s whisper. Sarianne van Dalen has become known through various Christian conferences and media, including Hour of Power. With her foundation Zussen & Zo (Sisters and Such) she organizes workshops, lectures and monastery weekends throughout the Netherlands. She lives in Hoogeveen with her pastor husband Lieuwejan and five children.

Author: Sarianne van Dalen


Religious books

Expecting A Christian book about pregnancy by Esther van Lunteren. Hurrah, you’re pregnant! And at this time when your faith is so important this honest and informative book will guide you through your entire pregnancy. Each week follows the baby ’s development and for every month there is a meditation. The book explains the changes in your body and your relationship, and tells you how to prepare for becoming a parent. The information about defining moments can help you make balanced decisions about prenatal examinations, the 20week echo and pain relief. isb



Extent: 224 pages Size: 20 x 23.5cm Author: Esther van Lunteren Illustrator: Myrthe Dornbos Hardcover

Nine-month diary

With this nine-month diary you can look forward to the birth of your child. Every week includes a description of developments in your baby and your own body. Every month includes a meditation and questions to think about or discuss together.



Extent: 112 page Size: 15 x 20cm Author: Esther van Lunteren Illustrator: Myrthe Dornbos Hardcover

The diary leaves room for your own notes, thoughts and prayers, and also for the echoes, cards and notes from others. You can create your own unique archive of prenatal memories.


A journey of the heart

Live LEEF [LIVE] is a thematic workbook with short chapters, centered around the question: “Who am I, as a woman?” By means of practical assignments, videos, songs, prompts and more, the workbook helps you explore this question, offering you the opportunity to look at yourself through God’s eyes and discover what it really means to live to the full with Him! The group manual was written specifically for study groups and includes ten Bible studies. Each study begins with a video, after which every group member completes a few assignments in her own workbook. This is followed by a creative assignment to help members process what they´ve learned, and questions to facilitate a discussion on the chapter’s theme. There is a unique video with each study, which can be viewed or downloaded using a code found in the front of the book.

A Journey of the heart: writing on the way is a pilgrimage with your pen; it ’s a beautiful and efficacious way of staying connected to yourself and intensifying the essential relationship you have with your heavenly Father. By the end of the book, you will have obtained a unique travel document charting your own life’s journey.




On the way with Jesus

Backlist titles 20






You fall in love, get together, and then… ? How do two individuals become one couple? How do you build your relationship? How do you give shape to sexual intimacy? And how does God fit into all of that? Every young woman who falls in love has to deal with these questions, which is why BEMIN [LOVE] was written. It’s a beautifully crafted book to read and to work in on the themes of love, relationships and sexuality.

This devotional will see you journeying with Jesus for an entire year. Each week focuses on a Biblical narrative from one of the Gospels. You’ll write for approximately ten minutes in response to prompts that are related to the story. Creative writing techniques will invite you to wander through and examine the story afresh. Though simple, the techniques will challenge you to focus and pay attention to the things that you find important. This will teach you to hear what the Bible stories are trying to tell you and to deepen your intimacy with God.







Summer stands for sun, sea and ice-cream but also and especially for Summer!, a beautifully designed retro magazine to take on vacation, read at home or give to a friend. This edition is full of recipes, DIY ideas and easy-read articles on the theme of appreciating the little things in life. The extras include postcards, a poster and a mini booklet.


Winter is the ideal time for a nice cappuccino, a soft blanket and the newest edition of Home! The 2016 theme is ‘closeness’: feeling close to yourself, close to others and close to people far away. This edition includes articles such as “Appreciating Your Family”, “The Winter of …” , “Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Coffee” and a feature on identity. The extras include stickers, stationary and cutting cards.




Sam Loman

Writing from the heart isb

Color and draw the Psalms isb


Do you like Bible journaling? Then this is the coloring book for you! In this special coloring book you will find no less than 75 wonderfully illustrated Psalms. The Illustrations are richly varied and include handlettered quotes. The Psalms are taken from the Dutch Bible in ordinary language. You can also make your own illustrations and drawings.


This wonderfully designed book presents a first acquaintance with guided diar y writing. Questions and assignments covering ten themes, challenge women in an interesting way to deepen their lives. Writing helps you to discover who you are and to move you from your head to your heart.


16 weeks with courageous Queen Esther

You are strong and courageous because God made you that way. But it can be very challenging to live in a world without God. With this devotional book you will spend 16 weeks experiencing the story of Queen Esther and discovering how much strength and courage God gives you through His word. Strength to mean something in the place where you are. Courage to step out of your comfort zone and live fully. For weekdays there are short, powerful meditations and for each weekend there is an extended Bible study. With creative ideas to let God’s word penetrate to your heart, interviews with four courageous women and each week a fearless moment. Will you accept the challenge? A fresh and contemporary diary for and by the women of today! With Bible texts to put on your mirror.

Great moms and super sons

Spitting image isb


Mothers and daughters: they may look alike, yet they are different. That is why this edition consists of two books: one for mothers and one for daughters (10-13 years). Both books treat in their own way themes about the body, relationships, identity and faith. Images, texts, and questions challenge mothers and daughters to deal with these themes. Finally there are assignments for mother and daughter to do together, to help deepen their relationship. You can let the other see who you are, and learn from each other!


The coolest tips, facts and ideas for you and your son

Boys are loud, dirty and make too many messes…? No, boys are really awesome! You just have to understand them! In this beautifully designed leaflet you can read all about boys: their development, their friendships, their language, their fascination with knights and dinosaurs. But also outings with boys, really cool challenges, interviews with boys’ mothers, how you can raise them in a relaxed way and how to talk about God so they really understand.

52 X together – Heavenly marriage calendar Time for each other Willem & Marian de Vink





Marc Angenent

Strong! isb

Corien Oranje & Joyce de Jongh

Joelle van Arnhem and Hilde Sneep

Coby Kremer

Esther van Lunteren

Bac title klist s



Greater intimacy

Handbook for happy couples

This book is for couples who already have a good relationship but would like to enhance their intimacy. How do you rekindle the romance in your marriage? This workbook offers a range of tips, questions, and suggestions to choose from to build an even more stable and surprisingly intimate relationship!

T h i s s c i n t i l l a t i ng H e a v e n l y marriage calendar can bring you closer together. Every week you receive tips, ideas and new inspiration to enjoy one another even more. The calendar, open on your kitchen table, night stand or window sill will stir you up to consider and appreciate each other in fresh ways every day of the week.


Religious books Extent: 2016 pages Hardcover Publisher: Royal Jongbloed isb


Bible for men The Bible for men contains the complete text from the Herziene Statenvertaling, with extensive and relevant extra information for men of today. Between the Bible texts are short texts about leadership, faith and spiritual growth. For each Bible book there is an informative introduction. The Bible for men also includes more than 300 fascinating new facts, 70 biographies of biblical men, and dozens of infographics, photos and maps.


Extent: 2200 pages Hardcover Publisher: Royal Jongbloed isb


Bible for women T he Bible for women is the complete Revised Statenvertaling, complemented by extra study material for women who want to relate the Bible to their own lives, here and now. More than seventy women have written texts to accompany the Bible texts. The extra material elaborates on God’s relationship with us and on our relationships with others. There is room for emotion, reverence, joy, and appreciation. The added texts include biographies, theme pages, meditations, introductions to Bible books, and an encyclopedia of women in the Bible. The Bible for women shines the spotlight on well-known and lesser known women and invites women of today to live more consciously in dependence on God.


Bac title klist s Light on my path Extent: 432 pages Hardcover Publisher: Groen




Arjan van den Noort

Countless Extent: 416 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen

This devotional book takes young people and adults through all sorts of numbers in the Bible. Coins, surfaces and ages lead to surprising information. Each daily passage closes with a thought for the day, or a question, assignment or song.

Unfathomable Extent: 448 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen



Arjan van den Noort

In this devotional book for youth and young adults the author follows three lines in the Bible: the story of Joseph (starting from Genesis 37), the first 11 chapters of Revelation and the first 36 Psalms. From there he looks at our times and concludes that God’s ways with the world are unfathomable. Each daily passage ends with an encouragement, an application, a question or a song.



Extent: 224 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen

D. de Jong

This devotional book was written especially for people with dementia, those still living at home and those living in care- and nursing homes. A simple Bible diary based on the ecclesiastical year. Each day a Bible text with a short explanation, a verse from the Psalms or a familiar hymn. Presented at the back of the book are the Christian holidays and several prayers. Light on my path is also suitable for reading aloud during pastoral visits. The book has a reading guide for partners and other caregivers. Each month has a beautiful full-color illustration by Rino Visser. All who co-operated in this edition are or have been pastors in a nursing home.


100 encouragements for mothers


M. den Butter

Motherhood is a calling given to women by God Himself. As a mother you influence not only this generation but generations to come. Inspiration is indispensable for this great task. The Bible offers many encouragements for wives and mothers. This book elaborates on 100 of these. The authors endeavor to stimulate, comfort, and uplift you, triggering you to ponder God’s calling and gladly embrace it!

100 incentives for men Extent: 112 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen







Arjan van den Noort




‘The words of the wise are like goads, their collected saying like firmly embedded nails – given by one Shepherd.’ (Ecclesiastes 12:11, NIV) How do we see this complicated life of ours? What can we expect of it? The incentives in this edition are taken from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. These old words make it clear that we can truly live with joy. Along the way our interests become relative, we get insight into our human spirit and learn to base our lives on what we have received. During this journey we can use a new incentive every day.

Spiritual battle in Jesus’ strength Extent: 216 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen



G.C. Vreugdenhil

Welcome to the fight! These words are for those who confess their faith in the Lord Jesus. Spiritual conflict seems to go with faith. It confronts everyone who believes in Christ. The Bible calls us to resist the devil. How do we do that? What methods does he use? How can we defend ourselves? In this book we pause to consider the victory of the Lord Jesus on the cross and how we, joined with Him, can resist the devil. This book helps to equip us for the battle each of us has to fight. Not in our own strength, but in the strength of Jesus!


Religious books

Bac title klist s


The Bible in simple language


Mirror stories

Willem de Vink

Extent: 112 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen

Extent: 560 pages Paperback Publisher: Barnabas


9789088970689 A. Baars

The parables of the Lord Jesus are full of pastoral lessons. In Mirror stories the author explains the parables of the sower, the prodigal son and the good Samaritan. Precisely because these stories are so well known we risk thinking that we already know what they are about. The starting point for the author’s discussion of these mirror stories is the pastoral care of the Lord Jesus himself during His life on earth. Dr. Baars provides some Biblical correction in a time when pastoral care is often described as ‘guiding people in their search for meaning and comfort in these dreadful and confusing days’. He draws lines from the parables to the work of contemporary Christians with a pastoral calling.

No book inspires more people than the Bible. It is the best read book in the world. But it is also a difficult book. Willem de Vink retells it more simply. Because the Bible is a thick book the writer has made a choice to focus on its main themes. God wants things to go well for people. That is why He looked for a Man who could vouch for everyone. We also discover a great secret. The Bible may be an old book, but it is about us. About how love can drive us. And about a future full of hope. It is bound to affect you! This book is easy to read, with short sentences and large letters. It also provides extra information. It is an exciting and enjoyable introduction to the Bible. This remarkable book Follows the main line of the Bible Includes 280 stories Uses simple language Is easy to read

Deliverance from occult powers Extent: 160 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen

Following Christ isb

9789058296276 M.J. Paul

By use of black magic Satanists try to exert a negative influence on Christians. How can Christians guard against this? What to do when neighbors call up spirits? More knowledge about the dark world may be alarming, but can also help us to look to God for protection. Dr. Paul uses practical examples to shed light on what is going on in the world around us. He deals with demonic activities and the backgrounds behind alternative healing methods, books, music and games. His insights can help Christians to understand and recognize Satan’s influence in their own culture. This book includes an extended list of words and symbols that may be associated with the occult.


Extent: 344 pages Hardcover Publisher: Groen



M.A. van Willigen

Following Christ: how do you do that? Always a relevant and confronting question, also for the first Christians. In practice it often involved self-denial. Yet the church of Christ even then took comfort from the knowledge that He was her Head and would not let her go. This book deals with the question of what it meant for members of the early church to follow Christ. What did baptism mean for them? And communion? To answer these questions the author has referred to extensive original sources and archeological finds. The texts of the church fathers hold up a mirror to contemporary readers. What does it mean for me to be a Christian?


Bac title klist s Joined with Christ Extent: 160 pages Hardcover Publisher: Groen


Follow me


Extent: 392 pages Publisher: Groen

M.A. van Willigen

God looks at man with love. And He does it again and again, just when we least expect it. This basic thought had an important place in the sermons of church father John Chrysostom (344-407). Chrysostom's sermons and cathechisms, directed at the (newly) baptized and those wishing to be baptized, are saturated in the love of God. They are also confrontational. Chrysostom aimed his words at the Christians in Antioch, who lived on the cutting edge between heathenism, Judaism and Christianity. What did it mean for them to be visible and recognizable followers of Christ? Taking a distance from Satan and his grandeur, insisted Chrysostom to those to be baptized. And then to live in unconditional unity with Christ. Indispensably related to this were baptism and communion. For this edition the author translated a number of unique early Christian sources. He has accompanied them with explanations to bring the message of Chrysostom closer to the contemporary reader: a Christian is a happy person.

Extent: 352 pages Paperback Publisher: Groen


9789088970801 Z. Wijnands

Bullying is taking on more serious forms in many schools. The consequences for the victims can be acute and sometimes disastrous. What causes bullying? What can parents, teachers and school leaders do about it? To answer these questions Zeger Wijnands has done extensive research. He found that highly sensitive pupils are often the victims, while notorious bullies suffer from disrupted relationships with their parents. Causes of bullying are frustration, jealousy, and an unsafe situation in the class. Based on these insights the author offers practical advice to deal with this problem. Teachers need to guide the process of group formation in the class and detect bullying on time. This calls for alert teachers but also committed parents. Together they can help to make the school a safe place for every pupil.



Liesbeth van Binsbergen

Follow me is a Bible for children between the ages of 4 and 9. It contains 118 stories from the Bible, including the ones about Noah, Daniel and the daughter of Jairus. But also the return to the promised land, as written in Ezra, and the vision of John on Patmos.

The church that recruits Extent: 448 pages Publisher: Groen

When you’re left out




‘Grandmother, let me go with Boniface!’ ‘No, boy. You aren’t old enough yet. You are only fifteen. And travelling with Boniface is dangerous. He passes through huge forests inhabited by wolves and bears. He goes to barbaric heathens who make human sacrifices and eat people. At any moment he could be torn by a wild beast or murdered and eaten by the ferocious Thuringers. At night he sleeps in a tent, even in the bitter cold. No, Gregory, you’re not going, not yet. Maybe later.’ The story of Boniface is one of the many tales of known and unknown missionaries. Exciting stories about people whose faith prepared them to endure disappointments and hardships in order to share the Gospel. These stories show us how missions contributed, by word and deed, in spreading the Gospel to all peoples.


il Re s books

io Champion is based on the true story of Olivier van de Voort, winner of the silver medal at the 2016 Paralympics in Rio. While caring for his pony Olivier had a terrible accident. His foot got caught in the pony’s halter rope. Olivier fell and was dragged three and a half kilometers along the road, through the woods, and into a lake. It was a wonder that he survived. His lower leg had to be amputated and his future in sports seemed over. But Olivier fought his way back!



Extent: 192 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 10-13 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus All rights available Corien Oranje is a popular Dutch children’s book author. She has received several awards fo r h e r b o o k s, a n d C h a m p i o n h a s b e e n nominated for the Dutch Christian Children’s Book Award 2012. ‘Kids often ask me which book that I have written is my favourite. I think it’s Champion. Olivier’s story appeals to children. Everybody who reads the book will love Olivier and will feel encouraged by his incredible courage and perseverance. He is a hero kids can relate to.


A tug at his ankle. A crack as if something deep within his leg is breaking. Fierce, excruciating pain. Suddenly everything starts moving. The grass, the cornfi eld, the fence. Everything’s turning. Pain. Nausea-inducing pain. ‘Monty!’, he shouts. ‘Whoa, Monty! Whoa!’ The pony ignores him. He gallops around the meadow. Victor is pulled along on his back, caught with his ankle in the rope. ‘Mum!’ he shouts. Suddenly he sees her. She’s standing in front of Monty, arms spread wide. ‘Whoa, Monty! Whoa!’ But Monty dodges to the left and gallops past her. To his relief he sees Dad running out from the house. But the pony avoids him, avoids Mum, who tries standing in front of him again and tries grabbing the halter in vain. He gallops on, but out of the meadow. Past the stables, past the trailer, into the garden. Over the grass, past the pond, right through the fl ower garden, in the direction of the drive, onto the road. ‘Monty!’ Victor shouts again. ‘Stop!’ He tries to get up, to grab the rope, but try as he might, he can’t reach it. The trees whizz past, a green haze. The pain. The excruciating pain in his ankle. As if his foot is being torn off. His shoulders. His back. His bottom. A car whistles past honking. I’m going to die, he thinks. I’m going to die, here, on the street. A car will run me over, or I’ll hit a tree. At the same time, another thought forces itself into his mind. No. No, I can’t. I don’t want to die. He gets up. Another car. Monty dodges to the side. Off the road, into the forest, right through a muddy ditch. Victor’s head hits the ground. He tries to spit out the mud, but he can’t. He clenches his teeth. There is no pain. There is no unbearable, excruciating pain. Those rocks aren’t real, or the stumps, or the brambles that tear up his lower back. There is no blood, there is no maddened pony who is trying to shake him off. This is a game. A video game. The only way he can win is by staying upright. By watching. By avoiding obstacles. He can do this. If anyone could, it would be him.


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Eextent: 208 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 13-15 years Paperback Publisher: Columbus All rights available isb


Lynn is a freshman in high school, and she has asthma. She is determined not to let her allergies get her down. But then the lung specialist sends her to the asthma clinic in Davos for four months. Lynn doesn’t want to go, but to her surprise life in Davos turns out to have its good points …

Corien Oranje (1963) is the author of about 60 Dutch children’s books. Next to being nominated multiple times, she has also been awarded for her books several times. She has also written a musical. Her best-known book is Champion, a true story about a boy who lost his leg in an accident and fought himself back into competitive swimming at a global level.


‘Yes!’ Sven shouted. ‘So it is going to happen! Can I have your room?’ ‘If I find out you’ve so much as been in my room, I will kill you.’ Sven tried another tactic. ‘Hey mum. When Lynn is in Switzerland, can we have a dog?’ My mum continued cutting vegetables. ‘No.’ ‘What about a cat!’ ‘Absolutely not.’ ‘But mum. We’ll be so sad when Lynn’s gone. A rabbit!’ ‘Not a rabbit either.’ ‘A guinea pig. A hamster. A rat.’ ‘No. No. No.’ It was silent for a moment. Then Sven said hopefully: ‘Peanut butter jelly sandwiches! Can we have those when Lynn has gone?’ My mum stopped cutting for a moment and looked over her shoulder. ‘I think so.’ ‘And peanut popcorn? Hazelnut paste? Peanut brownies’ ‘Sure.’ Sven pumped his fist. ‘Awesome.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘Should I leave you guys alone for a moment? Then you can talk about all the fun thing you can do when I’m gone. Like eat PEANUT BUTTER JELLY SANDWICHES. And maybe go to a petting zoo?’ I stood up, dragged myself upstairs and dropped on my bed. Sven does not care that I’m leaving. My mum doesn’t care. Nobody cares. My brother would rather have a pot of peanut butter than me. I laid down and scratched the inside of my arm. And my neck. And my ankle. And my arm again, until I’d opened all scabs and the itching subsided.


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e i i g u s oRies bou iss liss Miss Liss teaches Rick, Rose, Sarah, Evie, Tom, and the other children in third grade. Together they have exciting adventures. Miss Liss is funny, brave, and also a bit clumsy. The stories about Miss Liss and her class were written especially for children who are just learning to read. And they are funny and exciting. Corien Oranje has already written 11 stories about Miss Liss, and plans to write more. All rights available

Marja Meijer



All books will be available with full colour illustrations. Marja Meijer: Ever since I can remember I have always liked to draw. After high school at the Ubbo Emmius Lyceum I left to attend the art academy in Kampen, where in 1989 I got a diploma in illustrative design. Most of my drawings were for regional newspapers and magazines. My first picture book was The golden goose, for Lemniscaat publishers, (1992). After that things moved quickly and I got numerous commissions to illustrate children’s books. Together with Corien Oranje I am working on a series about Miss Liss. I use various techniques depending on the subject and what interests me at the moment. I like to work with pencil, acrylic paint, water color and ink, and I sometimes do digital drawing. To illustrate the Grandpa books I use a collage technique. For the Miss Liss series I use colored pencils combined with photoshop. For educational projects I prefer to use digital techniques.

iss ou o e ole

The heater isn’t working and it is so cold that the school has to close. Miss Liss decides to take her class to the lake to skate on the ice. Rose discovers a fox stuck in the ice, and Miss Liss tries to get him out. But everything goes wrong! Miss Liss falls into a hole in the ice and the children try to save her. Then comes help, when least expected‌



Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 4-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus


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Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 4-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

‘Help’ cries Miss Liss. ‘Help. Let me go!’ ‘No’, says the giant. ‘I’m hungry.’ Rick looks at Sarah. ‘This isn’t good’, he murmurs. ‘What should we do?’ ‘Go home’, whispers Evie. Miss Liss isn’t teaching. It’s too warm. She’s just about to take the first-graders to the woods and suddenly she’s gone. Where can she be? Nothing happened, did it? A humoristic stor y for beginning readers, about a brave class that tries to save their teacher from the giant’s frying pan.


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‘Is this 911?’ calls Miss Liss. ‘I’m Miss Liss, the teacher of third grade. There’s a bomb here. It’s ticking. Come quick! There’s a box on the floor, just outside the class! And it’s ticking. It must be a bomb… what now? It’s a good thing the first-graders are here… Part 2 of the avi-thriller series about Miss Liss and her class.



Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 4-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus


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9789085432128 Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 4-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

The first graders find a treasure map. They hurry to go looking! But so does a thief. What’s going to happen? Hand over that money is the sequel to Miss in the pan and Bomb in the class. A new exciting adventure about Miss Liss and her class full of daredevils.



Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus Miss Liss is sitting in a tree. Next to the tree is a bear. He thinks Miss Liss would taste nice. It’s a good thing the first-graders are there! Don’t eat Miss Liss is the fourth part in the well-known series about the stouthearted class of Miss Liss.



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Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Miss Liss is going to marry Chris. But Gus doesn’t agree. He takes Miss Liss to his cave. ‘Before this hour is up you are mine!’ he roars. But then he doesn’t know the first graders.

The first grade is going on a school trip to the amusement park! Almost everyone is looking forward to it. They’re all going to go on the ferris wheel with Miss Liss. But then something goes wrong! … Who will save Miss Liss? An exciting and funny story!



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s e i ole

Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

To celebrate that all the children in the class got their swimming certificates Miss Liss decides to take them to the seashore for a day. Soon everything goes wrong. When Carl is about to drown, Miss Liss tries to save him. But just at that moment a shark turns up. The first-graders don’t hesitate for a moment, and come to her rescue.



Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus A cool new story about Miss Liss and her fearless first-graders. Two thieves secretly dig a tunnel from under the classroom to rob the safe at the bank. But the children hear them! Evie, Rick and Tom bravely creep into the crawl space. If only this goes well ‌



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9789085432944 Extent: 48 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

In this new episode of the Miss Liss series Carl finds an egg. A dragon egg that is just about to hatch. Just then inspector De Vries comes into the class to check on Miss Liss! Suddenly a baby dragon flies through the air, spitting fire – chaos breaks out in the class! The inspector decides to take harsh measures. But then the first-graders come into action.

iss Ru 9789085432302 Extent: 40 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

‘Hey!’ calls Miss Liss. ‘What are you doing there? Where are you going with that cake? That’s not yours! Whoa! Stop! I said stop! Give me that cake! Give me that cup!’ Today a huge cream cake was delivered to the class. It’s a prize for the winner of the race between the men and women teachers. But during the race an unknown man runs away with the cake and the trophy cup. Miss Liss has to stop him. But how? This lively picture book is a book to read together. The letters in bold print make it easy to read for children aged 6 and older.


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Extent: 36 pages Author: Corien Oranje Illustrator: Thirza Beekhuis Ages: 3-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus Grandpa Len is the best window washer in the country. But today it all goes wrong! Grandpa Len falls off the ladder and has to go to the hospital. Colin and Grandma want to visit Grandpa as soon as they can, because Grandpa needs pyjamas and clean underpants! The trip to the hospital is full of obstacles with the taxi, the bus, the train and the air balloon. How will they ever make it to the hospital? But Grandma and Colin won’t give up!

Tirza Beekhuis (1981) graduated as an

illustrator from the Institute of the Arts in Zwolle and Kampen in 2003. She enjoys pinning a story down onto a blank piece of paper, preferably one about people who experience unique things in a colorful world where everything is possible. She has illustrated various books for Jongbloed, including the picture book Underpants for Grandpa, Super Grandkid, Night Night! and various family devotionals.

Corien Oranje (1963) is the author of about 60 Dutch children’s books. Next to

being nominated multiple times, she has also been awarded for her books several times. She has also written a musical. Her best-known book is Champion, a true story about a boy who lost his leg in an accident and fought himself back into competitive swimming at global level.



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9789085433040 Extent: 208 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Who peed on Mom’s desk chair? What do you do when you’ve lost your favorite stuffed animal? And how do you make a ‘messy cake’? The triplets Tom, Jude and Walt are back. In this collection of stories they have the funniest adventures. They hop around in their underpants in the school doctor’s office, find a pet in the garden and go camping for the first time in their lives. The stories from Sleeping powder, Storm in the bathtub and Accidents can happen have been newly edited for this edition. And Gurli Feilberg has made humoristic illustrations to go with them. Corien Oranje has written 20 new stories about the adventuresome triplets, and of course we have not left out the hilarious classic ‘Five minutes of dirty words’! The triplets includes 17 stories per season.


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Extent: 32 pages Author: Elly Zuiderveld Illustrator: Marijke ten Cate Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus This little picture book tells the story of Josh, who gets a nice new watering can as a gift from his neighbor. Just what he needed! In Josh’s garden nothing is growing because plants only grow if they get water. Josh fills the watering can with water and waters his garden. And then the flowers finally come. The rhymed text is easy for tots to understand. The story takes place close to home and connects with the daily experiences of young children who are investigating and discovering their houses and gardens.

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Extent: 32 pages Author: Elly Zuiderveld Illustrator: Marijke ten Cate Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus This second small picture book tells the story of Josh, who is going to stay with his nephews. Tim and Tommy live near the beach. Josh packs his bag, but when he is finished he sees his watering can still lying there. So he throws everything out of his bag and puts in the watering can. It just fits. But when Josh gets to the beach he has no swimming trunks in his bag … The rhymed text is very easy for tots to understand. The story is about vacation time and playing on the beach. The theme is concrete and exciting for young children.



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Extent: 32 pages Author: Elly Zuiderveld Illustrator: Marijke ten Cate Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

In this little book Josh’s Grandma and Grandpa come to visit. Their cat comes too. Curious, she sniffs all around. Suddenly she’s gone. Josh goes with Grandma and Grandpa to look for her. They find the cat, but she has fallen into the pond! Grandpa wants to grab her, but that doesn’t go too well… The rhymed text is just right for tots and toddlers to understand.


Extent: 32 pages Author: Elly Zuiderveld Illustrator: Marijke ten Cate Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus This story is about Josh and his first day at school. He is very excited! Riding on the back of Daddy’s bike he sees the school playground. What a lot of children! He is a little scared. But then he sees some of his friends. Josh joins them and goes inside. And the teacher is really good at telling stories! The rhymed text is easy for tots and toddlers to understand. Marijke ten Cate has made friendly and warm illustrations with simple perspective.

Marijke ten Cate made her debut in 1997 with the picture book Little ra b b it is sick . M e a n w h i l e s h e h a s made illustrations for almost 100 children’s books. Most picture books are also published abroad. Most books are published by Lemniscaat an d R oyal Jon g b loe d . Sh e d raws picture books and children’s books. She is internationally known for the Picture Bible, a Dutch children’s Bible, which is translated and published in 13 languages (Korean, USA-English, French, German a.o.)


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b R s bib isb

Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language


Extent: 8 pages Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Boardbook Publisher: Bas Education Bart has a bib and can do all sorts of things with it, like covering his rabbit, playing hide-and-seek with Daddy and carrying cookies. But the bib is really meant to protect against spills when you eat.

Bart helps Mom to clean the house. That looks promising! isb This square booklet has a thick cardboard cover and cardboard p ag e s t o m a k e i t s u i t a b l e fo r young readers. It has no text. The illustrations are typically Dagmar Stam: cheerful, touching, clear drawings with appealing colors, appropriate for a young audience. The story takes place in the everyday world of children. The sequence is built up so that the children themselves can read and make up stories. They will be stimulated by the illustrations, which need no text.



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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language



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Bart is getting big! His crib is too small. He’s going to get a new bed. But what is this? It’s only boards!



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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years

Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language Bart loves his Grandpa! When Mom and Grandma go shopping ďźŒ Grandpa babysits with Bart. How fun! Together they think up the nicest games. Who is really the babysitter?

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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language Mom and Bart are going shopping. They buy peanut butter and jelly. Bart rides his own shopping cart with a flag! But when Bart looks around Mom is gone! Will Bart and Mom find each other again?

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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language Bart helps on the farm. He looks for eggs in the chicken coop and is allowed to ride on the tractor. He gets to know a lot of animals. Can you guess which ones? Count them all!



Extent: 32 pages Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-4 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language and German language I am Bart is a picture book for children from two to four years. 13 large, colorful illustrations show the things that happen in the life of a child. At the bottom of each illustration are a number of smaller figures taken from the larger picture. With an older reader the child can look at the attractive drawings and point to and name the figures in the larger picture. The purpose is to stimulate language development in young children. The illustrations offer countless opportunities for a cozy chat. With this picture book comes a practical guide for parents, caregivers and teachers. Each picture has a story, some questions or other suggestions. The book is playful and educational.



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o e lo g b R isb

Extent: 40 pages Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 4-6 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language and German language Come along, Bart is the sequel to the successful picture book I am Bart . T his book playfully s t i m u l a t e s p r e s ch o o l e r s i n t h e i r l a ng u ag e development. The cheerful Bart is now five years old. In this second part Bart’s world has become bigger. He goes to school, to the beach, to the supermarket and the playground. Come along, Bart has sixteen colorful illustrations with events from everyday family life. The young reader gets to know the world with Bart and his sister Melissa. The sixteen pictures portray the four seasons and offer countless possibilities for a nice conversation.

With this picture book comes a practical guide for parents, caregivers and teachers. Each picture has a story, some questions or other suggestions. The book is playful and educational. This picture book was developed by the work group ‘Onderwijsvoorrang’ (priority for education) in Staphorst.



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Extent: 40 pages Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 6-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Rights sold for the Chinese language and German language Bart, where are you going? is the third in a series of picture books in the Bart project. This part is suitable for children five years and older. In Bart, where are you going? Bart embarks on all sorts of adventures with his parents, his sister Melissa and his brother Jerry. The cheerful Bart goes to the pet shop, a pancake restaurant, the children’s farm and the library. He also goes camping. The book allows children to get to know the world in a playful way. The sixteen illustrations relate to the four seasons of the year. Bart, where are you going? relates to the social-emotional development of the child and offers rich possibilities for conversations. With this picture book comes a practical handbook for parents, caregivers and teachers. Each picture has a story, some questions and other suggestions to make the book playful and educational. Developed by the work group ‘Onderwijsvoorrang’ in Staphorst.


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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Bart goes to buy an ice cream. But he has to wait so long! That’s not for him. He thinks up a plan to move up in the line. But is that allowed?


Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education



Bart and Nina are allowed to walk Tobias. But Tobias runs very fast and Nina falls. Luckly Bart is there to help her.


le s l oge eR b R 9789089013583

b R i ks lo eRs isb

Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Bart and Rabbit go to the playground. They go on the sliding board and the see-saw. But the see-saw doesn’t do anything when Rabbit sits on it. Is something wrong? But then Nina comes to play with Bart and Rabbit!


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Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education Bart is playing in the garden. What does he see there? Flowers! Nina would like those! Who else can they please with their flowers?





Extent: 24 pages Author: Liesbeth van Binsbergen Illustrator: Dagmar Stam Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Bas Education

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Extent: 32 pages Author: Judith van Helden Illustrator: Jenny Bakker Ages: 2-5 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Judith van Helden

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Bart and Nina are playing in the sandbox. Bart has brought some cookies from Mom. May Nina have one? Jelle is playing with his toys when his mother comes in. He has to clean up. Jelle doesn’t feel like cleaning up … He runs away with Rabbit to look for Grandma Elephant in a faraway land. They get into Jelle’s racing car and drive away. When they get to the basket with cars they can’t ride any further. They park the racing car and continue their trip in Jelle’s train. Will they find Grandma Elephant? And who is going to clean up all the toys? A cool and imaginative picture book. Because: even cleaning up is fun if you have enough imagination!


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It’s almost Mother’s day. Miss and the whole class will create something pretty for all the mothers. They glue and draw all day. Finally, Bart has made something beautiful for his mother.

Bas educative materials combine learning with fun! The five picture books in this box do more than just provide fun to read to or with your small child; they increase the child’s vocabulary as well as his or her social and emotional development. In addition to the booklets, the box also contains a lesson guide with suggestions for using the books in a classroom, for instance by reading them interactively. Make more of teaching vocabulary, doing so with Bas!

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The theme of this serie is character development. Common learning experiences are discussed in a lighthearted way, for instance about winning and losing, teaching one another, or using imagination in playing.

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Bart gets a large carton box from father. Cool! He turns the box into a train, a boat, a restaurant, a firetruck, and a rocket. His adventures are amazing.

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Together with his classmates, Bart prepares a show for the parents. But on the big day, every child is nervous! Only Bas is not afraid to show what he learned. How will it go?

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Bart’s class is having lots of competitions. Who can lift the most blocks? Who jumps through a loop? Who can run the fastest? Bart is trying his best, but will he win?

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Jerry, Bart’s little brother, joins Bart in school for the first time. He is allowed to join Bart the whole day. His big brother will tell him how it’s done in school.


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Backlist titles su eR Risi s e e le i geR

su eR Risi s e so eR li i

ISBN: 9789085430629 Extent: 96 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-11 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

ISBN: 9789085430780 Extent: 104 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-11 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Matteo Salvatore has only one wish: to join the soccer team. His father and mother think soccer is a waste of time. But Matteo thinks up a way to become a member. A humoristic and lively story for boys and girls about soccer, friendship and honesty. With soccer tips for beginning and advanced soccer players.

For the annual ballet performance Matteo’s sisters want him to stand in for a boy who has become sick. To avoid this Matteo decides to organize a soccer clinic on the same day! An exciting soccer story, including at the end of the book an interview with Bryan Vandenbussche, the keeper for SC Heerenveen.

su eR Risi le


ISBN: 9789085431084 Extent: 125 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-11 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

su eR Risi s i uR i e ISBN: 9789085431220 Extent: 132 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-11 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus


Matteo and his friends want to become pro soccer players when they grow up. But how can they be sure to have their talent discovered? When the soccer team organizes a talent day the boys grab their chance. A b o o k a b o u t s o c c e r, f r i e n d s h i p, j e a l o u s y a n d sportsmanship.

Matteo has been accepted at the soccer school but still has to pass selection. Matteo’s grandfather believes in him, but ends up in the hospital. Will he be able to be at the pre-selection trials? An exciting story about soccer, friendship, sickness and hope. With soccer tips, tricks and cool facts. And an exclusive interview with SC Heerenveen soccer player Mika Vayrynen.

su eR Risi o e

s Matteo’s team has to play against the soccer school of Bayern Munchen. A real Holland-Germany match. Matteo is to be captain. But on the day of the competition Matteo’s best friend is celebrating his birthday. Who comes first: his friend or his team?

ISBN: 9789085431497 Extent: 104 pages Author: Corien Oranje Ages: 6-11 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus


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es e useu Author: Judith van Helden

Extent: 96 pages Ages: 9-13 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

ISBN: 9789085430957

Bjorn, Alex, Maaike and Esmee have started a detective club, the Smarties. One day thieves break in to the house of Bjorn’s neighbor. He and his friends set out to investigate. They discover thieves with big plans, but the police don’t believe them. They will have to stop the thieves on their own!

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Author: Judith van Helden

Author: Judith van Helden

Extent: 96 pages Ages: 9-13 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Extent: 96 pages Ages: 9-13 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

ISBN: 9789085431015

Someone has started a fire in supermarket ‘The Shopper’! The Smarties decide to do something about it. They discover that the fire alarm was checked a few days before the fire and that the owner of ‘The Shopper’ and the man responsible for checking the fire alarm know each other well. They seem to be friends …

ISBN: 9789085431022

The neighbors across the street from Bjorn are going to move and Bjorn is helping out. When the moving van fails to show up Bjorn calls for the Smarties. They start by investigating the paint, which had just been s p r ay e d o n t h e t r u ck a n d seemed to rub off …



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The Smarties are doing a history assignment

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about Von Brockel Castle. They discover that

Extent: 96 pages Ages: 9-13 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

puzzling things are happening around the castle.

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A suspicious gardener works there, and even the

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police seem shady. The Smarties do their best to solve the goings-on



in this exciting story.

ISBN: 9789085431039

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e k i i g lub e issi g gol Extent: 104 pages Ages: 8-12 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

Extent: 112 pages Ages: 8-12 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus

ISBN: 9789085432869

ISBN: 9789085433125

Mirthe’s grandmother calls her to come quickly to the village of Heikneuter. The knitting club (a detective agency of elderly ladies) has a new assignment: they have to take a load of gold bars to the owner in New York. But that is not without complications. Author: Judith van Helden


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ISBN: 9789085430278 Extent: 64 pages Author: Judith van Helden Ages: 4-8 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus



Extent: 120 pages Author: Ineke Kraijo Ages: 9-12 years Hardcover Publisher: Columbus Dirk lives on an island in the Zuiderzee. When he turns 12 he quits school to go to work, but he would much rather study to become a doctor. In the night of January 13 to 14 a heavy storm rises and overflows the island. Dirk has to fight for his life. Will he survive?

Mirthe is spending the summer vacation with her Grandma in Hiekneuter, where only one other child lives: Cas. It all seems very boring, but then it turns out that Grandma’s knitting club is a detective agency. When a message comes in that diamonds have been stolen in Paris they all go out to investigate … in a wheelchair balloon.

One day Sam’s father is working in the garden. With a big pair of clippers, he cuts branches from the bushes. Of course Sam and Sarah can do anything dad can do, right? Together they get their hands dirty in the garden of Sarah’s parents. But does it really make the garden prettier? Judith van Helden has written 25 great adventures about Sam and Sarah. The fun illustrations are made by Peter van Harmelen.


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