Bible Week 2017 | Celebrate God's Word

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featuring the Bible Week 2017 Bible Study, Bible Talk & Bible Quiz

Contents BIBLE WEEK 2017 STUDY


We should celebrate God’s Word because God’s Word has the Power of Permanence


has the Power to Save


has the Power to Enlighten


has the Power to Give Guidance in Life




Word from the Bible Society


Some Tips on How to Run BWBQ


Possible BWBQ Settings on 25 June – 2 July, 2017


Incentives or Rewards




Questions For The Bible Week Bible Quiz


















CELEBRATE GOD’S WORD 50th Anniversary of The Bible Society of the South Pacific

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119. 105)

Study Objective: We can and should take time to celebrate the gift of God’s Word!

Lot 8-10 Luke Street Private Mail Bag, Nabua. Fiji Islands Phone: (679) 3383988, Fax (679) 3370219 | website:


This year, 2017, is a special year for the Bible Society of the South Pacific as it reaches its 50th year of ministry presence (1967-2017) and more than 160 years of existence in the Pacific Region through the Society’s contribution to the publishing of the Bibles translated by the early missionaries. This is the Golden Jubilee Year and is a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness in the past, the present, and the future. The 2017 Bible Week therefore focuses on the theme of Celebration. We believe that we should celebrate every day because we have the gift of life. And the Bible Week Committee invites us to focus on a great gift we have from God, that is, His Word! The Bible has been the top selling book for years. There have been roughly 6 billion Bibles sold worldwide in the last 200 years. How many Bibles do you have in your home? Some preachers who use the English Bibles have at least 4 or 5 in their office not including all the Bible software programs they have. We hope you all have your Bible with you today! According to Barna Research Institute, their studies suggest that 47% of Americans read the Bible every week and 91% of homes in the USA contain at least 1 Bible. The average home contains 4 Bibles. ( fact1) In the Pacific, we are fortunate that we can go and get a Bible at so many places locally and we have our own Bible translation. We are blessed that we will not threaten our lives for owning a Bible as compared to some in the world who have to deal with certain restrictions as they are faced with persecution of various sorts. But the truth remains in that when we have a lot of something (like the Bible), when something is easy to obtain, we tend not to give it a lot of appreciation. This 2017 Bible Week Study will help us to see four of many reasons as to why we should celebrate God’s Word! This makes up the four Studies in this booklet (the fifth is the Bible Quiz) to be used throughout the week. Feel free to add the other reasons as to why we should celebrate God’s Word in your Church or Group as you celebrate the Bible Week. Our Bible text will be Psalm 119 but we will not cover all the 172 verses. Our specific focus will be on verses 89-105. From the Bible Week Committee 5

Study 1 We should celebrate God’s Word because God’s Word has the Power of Permanence “Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.” Psalm 119. 89-91 (NIV)

In our daily lives, we can spend a lot of time talking about how quickly the world around us changes. We can also talk a long time about how people around us change and how a person’s thinking changes over time. Sometimes that is good and sometimes it is bad. People can be indecisive, inconsistent, and changeable. Verse 89 gives us reason to celebrate because it reminds us that God’s Word STANDS FIRM in the heavens! The Psalmist is distressed but yet he gains encouragement from the fact that God’s Word is absolute or put in a different way, unchangeable or permanent! Jesus says something similar in Matthew 24:3, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” The prophet Isaiah also reminds us of the same thing in Isaiah 40:8 (ESV), “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Why does the fact that God’s Word is permanent give us cause to celebrate? The big reason is we can count on what it says. How tragic would it be to live a life of faithful service to God only to get to heavens gates to be rejected because God changed His mind as to what it takes to be a part of His family? Verse 90 reminds us concerning God, “Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast.” We can live a consistent life in Christ because we know what pleases God and what pleases God does not change from day to day. People change, what they used to please them can change, but with God we can count on Him. Discussion Questions

1. What are the changes happening around you today? Based on the noted changes observed (whether personal, family, village, society, government, church, environment, or world), has God’s Word also changed likewise? If yes, how? If no, what does this imply? 2. In the light of the discussion above, discuss a little further on the phrase “The Unchanging Word in a Changing World” - which is a mission statement of the Bible Society worldwide. 3. How does this truth of God’s permanence help you in your spiritual journey when you are faced with all kinds of changes around you? 6

Study 2 We should celebrate God’s Word because God’s Word has the Power to Save “If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life. Save me, for I am yours; I have sought out your precepts. The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes. To all perfection I see a limit; but your commands are boundless.” Psalm 119.92-96 (NIV)

Here the Psalmist is speaking in the context of saving his physical life. The Psalmist was deeply troubled and would have been completely lost because of the afflictions that surrounded or overcame him. The Psalmist knew however, that since he belonged to God, he could depend on God to rescue him, or to save him from the hand of his enemies! The Psalmist tells us that by not forgetting God’s precepts (verse 93), God had given him life! We can now see God’s Word in a bit of a different light. God’s Word can bring us salvation! The Apostle Paul confirms this to us by saying in his letter to the Romans, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1.16 ESV). Following God’s Word can have the effect of preserving our physical life because when we follow it, we will avoid patterns of behavior that will lead to our destruction. But, Romans reminds us that God’s Word can help bring salvation to our life! When many of Jesus’ followers were leaving Him, it looked like His inner circle may leave also because of some tough material Jesus was teaching. Jesus turns to Simon Peter in John 6:67 and asked the twelve if they were going to leave also. In response, Peter knew that leaving was not an option when he said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68 ESV). Who do you know who needs salvation, who needs a new lease on life? DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE BIBLE IN YOUR HAND CAN HELP TRANSFORM A LIFE? Yes! Peoples’ lives get transformed when first started getting into and around the living Word of God and it is still changing to this day! The Bible affirms us in 1 Corinthians 1:18 (ESV), “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” We should rejoice that God left us His Word and that His Word can transform lives!


Discussion Questions 1. Are you saved? Have you allowed the power of God’s Word through the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, to bring salvation to your life, family, church, or community? (You may discuss this question with the help of matured Church elders or pastors in your Church). 2. Are you concerned about the salvation of others? Or have you been encouraged or trained to use the Bible in your hand to help transform a life, to bring salvation or justice to cases of injustice and suffering? Discuss in partners or in small groups on ways to go about these. 3. When it comes to facing challenging situations of getting saved or rescued from any harmful situation, is God’s Word an option for you? If so, where is God’s Word placed in terms of your priority listing?


Study 3 We should celebrate God’s Word because God’s Word has the Power to Enlighten “Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts. I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word. I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.” Psalm 119.97-104 (NIV)

God’s word can enlighten us! It can help us to be wise and to understand things we did not understand before. Look at what the Psalmist says concerning this enlightenment! Verse 98 - Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies. Verse 99 - I have more understanding than all my teachers. Verse 100 - I understand more than the aged or the elders. Does this happen by simply having God’s Word in proximity or close to us? NO! In verse 97, the Psalmist unlocks the key as to how we can get this enlightenment. He says, “Oh how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.” And here we see a twofold process, first we need to have a LOVE for God’s Word. We need to understand exactly what we possess and we then in turn will love it because it is GOD’S WORD! We love God, so then we love what He shares with us. A loving husband will say, “I love my wife; I love to listen to her!” So, loving God’s Word is great but there is another step, we need to spend time in it. The Psalmist tells us that he meditates on it all day. The more time we spend in prayer and meditation, the more we will be enlightened! This is a true experience of the Psalmist who also shared in Psalm Chapter 1 that blessed is the man (or woman) whose “delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers” (Psalm 1.2-3). We praise God for enlightening us with the power that comes from his Holy Word. And this is worth celebrating individually and collectively in groups.


Discussion Questions 1. In what ways has God’s word enlightened your life? Are there ways that are similar or different from the Psalmist in the Bible text? 2. Is God’s Word boring for you? Do you have a love for God’s Word? Are you interested in reading the Bible on a regular basis? What can be done to help address such attitude of the heart? 3. Having a Bible in our home is not enough, but it must be read, prayed through, medidated upon and followed. Discuss ways of maintaining some discipline in the individual or collective active reading and meditation of God’s Word before its application. Will resources such as Bible Reading Plans and/or Daily Devotional Guides help you?


Study 4 We should celebrate God’s Word because God’s Word has the Power to Give Guidance in Life “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Text: Psalm 119.105 (ESV)

We need guidance to be able to navigate through the landmines of life. When we look back at the previous topic and scripture verses (97-104) in Study 3, there are two key verses that help us see what it means to be enlightened by God’s Word; the Psalmist says in verse 101, “I have avoided all evil conduct, because I want to obey your word” (Good News Bible), and also in verse 104, “I gain wisdom from your laws, and so I hate all bad conduct” (GNB). Our new verse tells us that God’s word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. God’s Word will guide us through life and help keep us from falling into some of the traps that the enemy lays out for us. The deeper into the Word we get, the traps get easier to recognize. God’s Word can keep us out of a lot of trouble in all areas in our life such as it can keep us out of financial trouble. God’s Word guides us when faced with different kinds of temptations in life as stated in 1 Corinthians 10.13, “Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out” (GNB). God’s Word reminds us as individuals in Proverbs 3:5–6 to put our trust in God: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way” (GNB). Here the Proverb writer tells us to TRUST and to trust means we will TRUST God’s way over ours even when we THINK our way is better. It is therefore very important that we take God’s Word seriously early in life or right now because when we follow God’s Word, we will definitely save ourselves and those around us from a lot of heartache! Friends, our hope and prayer is that you realize how blessed you are to have God’s Word so easily and readily available to you. For some, you can carry it on your phone. The availability of GOD’S Word is one of those things we take for granted that we should take a moment to pause and PRAISE THE LORD FOR!


Discussion Questions 1. Think about the last one or two crisis in life that you just recently faced. Did you ask for God’s Guidance through God’s Word for direction, guidance, and counsel in those situations? Discuss in small groups. 2. How about your plans for now and the future? Are you involving God’s Word in all these plans? Share with other people in the group first before spending time praying for one another. 3. Take some time to reflect on your life experiences where God’s Word has provided the power to guide you through difficult times (natural disasters, temptations, abuses, hurts, disciplinary measures) and spend some time to praise God in celebrating His faithfulness for rescuing, loving, forgiving, and enveloping you with His grace and mercy.

(kindly request to be read in church or groups)


BIBLE WEEK 2017 TALK Greetings Warm greetings to the Pastor, Church Elders, and Church members from the Board, Staff and Friends of the Bible Society of the South Pacific. Thank you so much for allowing us to present a short talk about the Bible Week and the Bible Society. About The Bible Week The celebration of the Bible Week this year falls on Sunday June 25 to Sunday July 2, 2017. It is a week in which the Bible Society along with all the Christian Churches in Fiji celebrate the Bible. The theme of this year’s Bible Week is “Celebrate God’s Word” as it is also the Golden Jubilee Year of the Bible Society. So we will celebrate together God’s faithfulness through the works of the Society in the last 50 years (1967-2017). So this special week aims at three important goals which are: i) To promote widely to Christians and non-Christians to read the Bible and to encourage everyone to live by it. We encourage the nation not to forget the Bible. ii) To encourage the widest distribution of Bibles. We have sent out special Bible Study materials based on this year’s theme to most churches in Fiji and some countries in the Pacific. It also includes some Bible Quiz materials as part of the Bible Week celebration to be organized in local churches, schools, institutions or communities. iii) We encourage everyone to support the Bible Week in Fiji, the Pacific and the World by praying for the work of the Bible Society and donating towards it. This year, we focus on three main projects in Fiji: 1) The continued distribution of scriptures to communities that were affected by Cyclone Winston last year; 2) The running of the Bible Society Trauma Healing programs in four communities affected by the Cyclone (Dawasamu, Savusavu, Ovalau, and Rakiraki); and 3) The translation of God’s Word in Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and Fiji. We encourage everyone to support these national projects through your prayers and donations if possible.

What Is The Bible Society? The Bible Society is not a church! It is a non-denominational Christian Organisation whose main three tasks are: 1) To translate the Bible to local languages; 2) To produce the Bible in the required form; and 3) To distribute it as widely as possible to all people. The Bible Society serves all Christian churches through these ways. 13

The Bible Society of the South Pacific is part of the Bible Society fellowship in the World (United Bible Societies), who are doing the same three tasks in over 200 countries in the world. The Bible Society oversees the Bible works in sixteen island nations in the South Pacific. All these countries have now received their Bibles in their main or common language. But many small groups of people in the Pacific have not received their Bibles yet in the vernacular, and the translation work is still in progress. The work of translating these new Bibles and of revising the old ones is very important in order that people come to understand God’s Word in every generation. Who supports the Bible Society work? Bible Society work is financed by the gifts received from a number of churches, individuals, families, and groups. The bulk of support comes from the income received from Bible sales and donors who support major projects. Such donors are people who believe that the Bible movement must be supported to keep the churches living. In Fiji, only about 50 donors (churches, individuals, families, etc.) give their gifts regularly to the Society to financially support its work. There are others who give one-off donations on annual basis. You too can support the work if you want to be a Partner of the Society and you may contact the Bible Society office in Nabua, Suva if you choose to do that. The Bible Society belongs to everyone in the Church and the Community because it makes the Bible available to everyone. Why does the Bible Society do this work? The end result of all Bible Society work is in John 20:31, where it says: “This (the Bible) is written that we may know that Jesus is the Messiah and that through our faith in Him, we may have Life.” Acknowledgement Thank you so much for listening to this special presentation for the Bible Week 2017. We sincerely thank those of you who had supported the Bible Society in the past and those who are still supporting this ministry through your prayers and personal sacrifice through donations. Please join us, if you are able, in proclaiming God’s Words publicly at the proposed “Celebration God’s Word March” in Suva at the opening of the Bible Week on Saturday June 24, 2017. May our good LORD bless us all at this special week and throughout this 50th Anniversary Year of the Bible Society of the South Pacific! 14

BIBLE WEEK QUIZ 2017 An Instruction booklet for the Quiz Program | National Bible Week 25 June – 2 July, 2017

Word from the Bible Society

Greetings to one and all receiving this booklet on how to use the Quiz Program in your school, church, or fellowship group at your workplace or community. The Bible Society is glad to share with you this exciting program ‘Bible Week Bible Quiz’ (BWBQ), which will be part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration program of the Bible Society this year during the Bible Week between Sunday 25 June and Sunday 2 July, 2017. The idea of having a quiz in any sphere of training is to test the knowledge of people under training. The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that every so called Christian may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed. The BWBQ program is therefore one of the means to test the knowledge of the congregation or Christian fellowship members on how much they know of their Bibles. BWBQ can be used more widely and will also complement the Bible Week Bible Study materials on this year’s theme “Come and Celebrate God’s Word.”

Some Tips on How to Run BWBQ

1. First get approval from the authorities within (Church or School Leaders/ committee, Board, Elders, etc.) to run this program which is nationwide with Bible Society of the South Pacific. 2. Once approved, begin promoting this program as soon as possible (to help all BWBQ participants prepare well for this event). 3. Preparation is critical as certain portions of the Bible must be read based on the four (4) titles chosen for BWBQ 2017: a) Moses and Miracles (Exodus and Numbers); b) Wonders of Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings & 2 Kings); c) Miracles of Jesus (Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John); d) Miracles of Paul and Peter (Acts). 4. A small BWBQ working committee can be set up to help make wise decisions on how to run BWBQ effectively within your community. 5. The BWBQ working committee may decide on which topics and questions to use. For example, ‘Miracles of Jesus’ questions for Sunday School or Primary students, ‘Moses & Miracles’ and some ‘Wonders of Elijah and Elisha’ questions for the Youths or Secondary students, and a combination of questions for the adults. 6. Each participating church or school is therefore given the liberty to decide on 15

which questions to use, but it is important that ample time is given for preparation (Bible reading). 7. It is very important that the Quiz Master/Mistress goes through the whole questions and answers first in order to help re-word certain questions that may be difficult for Quiz participants to understand. 8. The Quiz facilitator must not only make the questions clear, but must also go through the answers to make sure that other answers given which may be based on other Bible translations are considered as correct as well. This may be noted in the ‘answers’ section.

Possible BWBQ Settings on 25 June – 2 July, 2017

(A time to focus on the Word of God in some detail) a) - - - - -

In Local Churches - Sunday School group challenges Youth Group Cell groups (within as for relatively large groups) Inter-Cell groups challenge Inter – Church challenge (within a circuit or parish) As part of the main church service program

b) - - - - - - -

In Schools - Classes or Forms Inter-class challenges Inter-House challenges As part of the School Devotion Inter-disciplinary challenges Inter-Christian Fellowship challenges Cell groups (Tertiary Christian Fellowship) BWBQ as main program during Fellowship meet

c) - - -

In Communities / Workplaces Inter-social clubs BWBQ as main program during Fellowship meeting Specially designed meeting proposed for BWBQ program

Incentives or Rewards

The decision to provide some Bible Quiz prizes as rewards or incentives will be left entirely upon the Leaders of every Church or School or Community joining the BWBQ program as from this year. The Bible Society will be able to supply some Quiz prizes this anniversary year but it will be on “first come first serve” basis. The best reward or output from this program however will surely be the 16

ability of the Body of Christ to measure how much of God’s Word is understood by believers of the Lord Jesus Christ in our wider community. It is a means of measuring our spiritual growth.


The Bible Quiz 2017 booklet must be kept confidentially until Bible Week. It should be treated like exam papers. It is only after its official use during the Bible Week where it can be used extensively elsewhere at your own discretion. The Bible Society is happy for you to use this Quiz questions again and again only after Bible Week on 25 June – 2 July, 2017. These questions were first produced for the Bible Week Quiz in 2010.

Questions For The Bible Week Bible Quiz

• Moses And Miracles • Wonders Of Elijah And Elisha • Miracles Of Jesus • Miracles Of Paul And Peter


Questions | A.) MOSES AND MIRACLES 1. What did Moses mount on a pole as a way for healing the ailing Israelites? 2. What bird served as miracle food for the Israelites? 3. What did Moses do to bring forth water from the rock at Kadesh? 4. What animal came forth out of the Nile in droves? 5. What miraculous thing happened to Moses’ hand? 6. What was the unique features of the hailstorm that God sent upon the Egyptians? 7. What did Moses’ stuff turn into? 8. What everyday substance was changed into a plague of lice? 9. What caused the boils on the Egyptians? 10.What did the Nile waters turn into? 11. What plague was sent upon the Egyptians’ cattle? 12. Who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses and Jesus? 13. What did Moses cast into the bitter water at Mara to make it sweet? 14. What happened to Aaron’s stuff when placed in the Tent of Meeting? 15. What was done to stop the plague that killed 14,700 of the Israelites? 16. What voracious insect was a plague on the Egyptian flora? 17. What happened to the rebellious Korah and his men? 18. What happened to 250 men who offered incense? 19. For how long did the thick darkness hang over the Egyptians? 20. What substance, called bread from heaven, fed the Israelites in the wilderness? 21. What hid the departing Israelites? 22. Who was made leprous and then healed after her rebellious acts? 23. What did the Israelites put on their doorposts so the angel of death would pass over? 24. What did the Lord use to part the Red Sea? 25. What means did the Lord use to halt the Egyptian chariots? 26. What happened to the manna the Israelites tried to hoard? 27. Who was slain by the angel of death? 28. What was Moses supposed to do to the rock at Horeb to bring water from it? 29. What consumed the offering on the altar? 30. What did Moses do at Taberah when the fire of the Lord destroyed many Israelites? 31. What brought the locust plague to a halt? 32. When the plague of hail came, where was the one place it did not fall? 33. Whose rod was turned into a serpent that swallowed the Egyptian sorcerers’ serpents? 34. What bit the Israelites, causing Moses to fix a brass figure on a pole? 18

Answers | A.) MOSES AND MIRACLES 1. A brass serpent [Numbers 21:5-9] 2. Quail [Exodus 16:11-13] 3. He struck it twice [Numbers 20:1-11] 4. Frogs [Exodus 8:5-7] 5. It became leprous, then became normal again [Exodus 4:7] 6. It was accompanied by fire that ran along the ground [Exodus 9:22-26] 7. A serpent [Exodus 4:2-4] 8. Dust [Exodus 8:16-17] 9. Ashes that were turned into dust [Exodus 9:8-12] 10. Blood [Exodus 7:19-25] 11. Murrain [Exodus 9:1-7] 12. Elijah [Luke 9:28-36] 13. A tree [Exodus 15:23-25] 14. It sprouted and blossomed and bore almonds [Numbers 17] 15. An offering of incense was made [Numbers16:46-50]] 16. Locusts [Exodus 10:12-15] 17. They were swallowed up by the earth [Numbers 16:28-33] 18. They were consumed by fire from the Lord [Numbers 16:35] 19. Three days [Exodus 10:21-23] 20. Manna [Exodus 16:31] 21. A cloud. [Exodus 14:19-20] 22. Miriam [Numbers 12] 23. Lambs’ blood [Exodus 12:21-30] 24. A strong east wind [Exodus 14:21] 25. He made their wheels come off [Exodus 14:23-25] 26. It was filled with maggots [Exodus 16:20] 27. The first born among the Egyptians [Exodus 12:29-30] 28. Strike it [Exodus 17:1-6] 29. Fire from the Lord. [Leviticus 9:22-24] 30. He prayed and the fire died down [Numbers 11:1-2] 31. The Lord blew them away with a strong west wind [Exodus 10:16-20] 32. In Goshen, where the Israelites dwelled [Exodus 9:26] 33. Aaron’s [Exodus 7:10-12] 34. Fiery serpents [Numbers 21:5-9]


Questions | B.) WONDERS OF ELIJAH AND ELISHA 1. What happened to the children who made fun of Elisha’s bald head? 2. Whom did Elijah supply meal and oil for through miraculous means? 3. What did the bones of Elisha do to a dead man? 4. What did Elisha do to make an ax head float to the surface of the water? 5. Who was healed of leprosy when he followed Elisah’s instructions? 6. Who appeared with Jesus and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration? 7. What birds fed Elijah in the wilderness? 8. What river did Elijah part by striking it with his mantle? 9. What did Elisha do to make the poisoned pottage edible? 10. What happened to the Syrian soldiers when Elisha prayed? 11. How long was rain withheld after Elijah’s prayer? 12. Who conceived a son after Elisha predicted she would? 13. What did Elijah call on to destroy the soldiers sent to arrest him? 14. Who was Elijah up against when fire from the Lord burned up a sacrifice and the water around the altar? 15. How many men did Elisha feed with 20 loaves of barley and some ears of corn? 16. How did Elisha raise the Shunammite woman’s son from the dead? 17. What did Elisha’s servant see after Elisha prayed that his eyes would be opened? 18. For whom did Elisha supply water miraculously? 19. What took Elijah into heaven? 20. Who feed Elijah after he prayed to the Lord to take his life? 21. What did Elisha do for the Syrian soldiers after leading them to Samaria? 22. What did Elisha supply the poor widow with? 23. How did Elisha purify the bitter water? 24. Who did Elijah miraculously outrun on the way to Jezreel?


Answers | B.) WONDERS OF ELIJAH AND ELISHA 1. They were torn apart by two bears [2 Kings 2:23-25]. 2. A widow and her son [1 Kings 17:13-16]. 3. Brought him back to life [2 Kings 13:20-21]. 4. He threw a stick into the water [2 Kings 6:4-7]. 5. Naaman the Syrian [2 Kings 5:1-14]. 6. Moses [Luke 9:28-36]. 7. Ravens [1 Kings 17:2-7]. 8. The Jordan [2 Kings 2:8]. 9. He poured meal into it [2 Kings 4:38-41]. 10. They were struck blind [2 Kings 6:18]. 11.Three and a half years [1 Kings 17:1]. 12. The Shunammite woman [2 Kings 4:14-17]. 13. Fire from heaven [2 Kings 1:10-12]. 14. The prophets of Baal [1 Kings 18:17-38]. 15. A hundred [2 Kings 4:42-44]. 16. He stretched his body out on the boy’s [2 Kings 4:32-37]. 17. An angelic army [2 Kings 6:15-17]. 18. The armies of the kings of Judah, Israel, and Edom [2 Kings 3:14-20]. 19. A whirlwind [2 Kings 2:11]. 20. An angel [1 Kings 19:4-8]. 21. Prayed for the healing of their blindness [2 Kings 6:19-20]. 22. Large quantities of oil [2 Kings 4:1-7]. 23. He threw a container of salt into it [2 Kings 2:19-22] 24. Ahab [1 Kings 18:46]


Questions | C.) MIRACLES OF JESUS 1. How was the woman with the issue of blood healed by Jesus? 2. What woman got up and started doing household chores after Jesus healed her of a fever? 3. What unproductive tree did Jesus wither by cursing it? 4. Where did Jesus worked his first miracle? 5. Who appeared with Jesus at his miraculous transfiguration? 6. Which apostle did Jesus enable to walk (briefly) on water? 7. What disciples did Jesus call after blessing them with an enormous catch of fish? 8. Whom did Jesus send to catch a fish that had a coin in its mouth? 9. When Jesus healed the blind man of Bethsaida, what did the man said people looked like? 10. What widow had her dead son brought back to life by Jesus? 11. Where was Jesus when he healed the son of an official from Capernaum? 12. What was the affliction of the man Jesus healed by sending him to the pool of Siloam? 13. Why did the people complain when Jesus healed a woman who had been stooped for 18 years? 14. Where was Jesus when he miraculously escaped from a crowd that was going to push him off a cliff? 15. What was the other affliction of the deaf man Jesus healed in the Decapolis? 16. How many loaves of bread were used to feed the five thousand? 17. How was Joseph told about Jesus’ miraculous conception? 18. Who announced Jesus’ conception to Mary? 19. What was the affliction of the man Jesus healed after his famous Sermon on the Mount? 20. What little girl did Jesus raise from the dead after telling people she was only asleep? 21. What did Jesus say to calm the storm on the lake? 22. When Jesus healed a man of dumbness, what did the Pharisees accuse him of? 23. When Jesus healed a paralyzed man, what did the man pick up and carry home? 24. When Jesus healed 10 lepers, how many came back to thank him? 25. How many loaves did Jesus use to feed the four thousand? 26. What woman had her daughter healed, even after Jesus told her that he had been sent to the Jews, not to foreigners? 27. Which gospel records the miraculous catch of fish after Jesus’ resurrection? 22

28. Which apostle cut off the man’s ear at Jesus’ arrest and then watched Jesus heal the ear? 29. In what town did Jesus heal a demon-possessed man in the synagogue? 30. What man of Bethany did Jesus bring back to life? 31. Which gospel records the ability of the resurrected Jesus to walk through locked doors? 32. What was the affliction of the man Jesus healed on the Sabbath at the home of the Pharisee? 33. What Roman of Capernaum asked that Jesus heal his servant? 34. When Jesus was healing people, whose prophecy did he claim to be fulfilling? 35. Where did Jesus send the demons he drove out of the Gadarene demoniacs? 36. According to Matthew’s Gospel, what Sabbath healing caused the Pharisees to plot to kill Jesus? 37. What did Jesus tell the two blind men not to do after he healed them? 38. What future disciple did Jesus see, through miraculous means, sitting under a fig tree? 39. When Jesus healed a man who was both blind and dumb, what demon did the Pharisees accuse him of consorting with? 40. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, what did they think he was? 41. What was the affliction of the young boy who was throwing himself into the fire? 42. How did Jesus heal the two blind men who asked for his help? 43. Where was Jesus doing his healing work when he caused the chief priests and the scribes to be angry? 44. What miracle in Jesus’ life is mentioned most in the New Testament? 45. Where did Jesus heal a man who had been sick for 38 years?

Answers | C.) MIRACLES OF JESUS 1. She touched the hem of his garment [Matthew 9:20-22]. 2. Peter’s mother-in-law [Matthew 8: 14-15]. 3. A fig tree [Matthew 21:17-20]. 4. Cana [John 2:1-11]. 5. Elijah and Moses [Matthew 17:1-9]. 6. Peter [Matthew 14:28-31]. 7. Peter, James and John [Luke 5:4-11]. 8. Peter [Matthew 17:24-27]. 9. Like trees walking [Mark 8:22-26]. 10. The widow of Nain [Luke 7:11-15]. 23

11. Cana [John 4:46-54]. 12. Blindness [John 9:1-7]. 13. He healed her on the Sabbath [Luke 13:11-13]. 14. His hometown, Nazareth [Luke 4:29-30]. 15. Almost mute [Mark 7:31-35]. 16. Five [Matthew 14:15-21]. 17. In a dream [Matthew 1:18-21]. 18. The angel Gabriel [Luke 1:26-38]. 19. Leprosy [Matthew 8:1-4]. 20. Jairus’s daughter [Matthew 9:23-25]. 21. “Peace, be still!” [Mark 4:39]. 22. Having demonic power [Matthew 9:34] 23. His bed [Matthew 9:1-8] 24. One [Luke 17:11-19] 25. Seven [Matthew 15:32-39] 26. The Canaanite woman [Matthew 15:22-28] 27. John [21:3-11] 28. Peter [Luke 22:49-51] 29. Capernaum [Luke 4:31-37] 30. Lazarus [John11] 31. John [20:19-21] 32. Dropsy [Luke14:1-4] 33. The centurion [Matthew 8:5-13] 34. Isaiah’s [Matthew 8:17] 35. Into a herd of pigs [Matthew 8:28-34] 36. The healing of the man with the withered hand [Matthew 12:10-14] 37. Not to tell anyone else [Matthew 9:27-31]. 38. Nathanael [John 1:48]. 39. Beelzebub [Matthew 12:24]. 40. A ghost [Mark 6:45-50]. 41. He was demon possessed [Matthew 17:14-18]. 42. He touched their eyes [Matthew 20:30-34]. 43. In the temple [Matthew 21:14-16]. 44. His resurrection. 45. The pool at Bethesda [John 5:1-18]



1. What dead man at Troas was raised up by Paul after falling out of a window? 2. Whom did Peter heal of long-term palsy? 3. Where did Paul exorcise a spirit from a possessed slave girl, whose owners than became furious? 4. What woman did Peter raised from the dead? 5. Where did Paul heal a crippled man? 6. Who, with Peter, healed a crippled man at the Beautiful Gate? 7. What sorcerer was blinded at Paul’s command? 8. What, placed on Paul’s body, brought about healings and exorcisms? 9. On what island did Paul heal the governor’s family and many other people? 10. What miraculous occurrence delivered Paul and Silas from prison in Philippi? 11. What happened when Peter and John placed their hands on the believers at Samaria? 12. What part of Peter was supposed to produce healings? 13. What happened when Paul placed his hands on the believers at Ephesus? 14. What dangerous creature did not affect Paul when it bit him? 15. How many times was Peter delivered from prison by an angel?

Answers | D.) MIRACLES OF PAUL AND PETER 1. Eutychus [Acts 20:9-10] 2. Aeneas [Acts 9:33-34] 3. Philippi [Acts 16:16-18] 4. Dorcas [Acts 9:36-41] 5. Lystra [Acts 14:8-10] 6. John [Acts 3:1-6] 7. Elymas [Acts 13:8-11] 8. Aprons and handkerchiefs [Acts 19:11-12] 9. Malta [Acts 28:8-9] 10. An earthquake [Acts 16:25-33] 11. They received the Holy Spirit [Acts 8:14-17] 12. His shadow [Acts 5:15-16] 13. They spoke in tongues and proclaimed the gospel [Acts 19:1-7] 14. A viper [Acts 28:3-6] 15. Twice [Acts 5:17-29; 12:1-7]



CELEBRATE GOD’S WORD 50th Anniversary of The Bible Society of the South Pacific

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119. 105)

Study Objective: We can and should take time to celebrate the gift of God’s Word!

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