Bible Society Jubilee Celebration 1967 - 2017

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1967 - 2017 We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks to you! We proclaim how great you areand tell of the wonderful things you have done. Pslam 75

Maurice & Lorraine Harvey Light For Life With two young children in tow, it was a move closer to their home in New Zealand, but there would still be plenty of surprises as they embarked on this new phase of their lives. Writing together for this book, using their letters and diaries from the time, Maurice describes the work he undertook establishing a permanent Bible Society agency in the region, while Lorraine paints a vibrant picture of the life of a young family living in a new place and culture. By the time Maurice and Lorraine arrived, the British and Foreign Bible Society had already been serving the people of the This book marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Suva office and the establishment of the Bible Society in the South Pacific. In 1967 Maurice and Lorraine Harvey, six years into their marriage and their overseas mission adventures, transferred from the volatile surroundings of West Africa to the relative calm of the South Pacific island nation of Fiji. With two young children in tow, it was a move closer to their home in New Zealand, but there would still be plenty of surprises as they embarked on this new phase of their lives. Writing together for this book, using their letters and diaries from the time, Maurice describes the work he undertook establishing a permanent Bible Society agency in the region, while Lorraine paints a vibrant picture of the life of a young family living in a new place and culture. By the time Maurice and Lorraine arrived, the British and Foreign Bible Society had already been serving the people of the South Pacific for 159 years, but this book marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Suva office and the establishment of the Bible Society in the South Pacific.

Bible Society Of The South Pacific HQ Phone 679 338 3988 | Email:

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm:100 New International Version (NIV) A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Bible Society Work From The Past To Present 1967-1972 1973

Dayspring started distributing scriptures


Distribution in the east & west Pacific




The board of advisors through it’s personnel sub committee decided to contract staff members on 3 yer terms. This also applies to board members.

Maurice Harvey Upgraged to a full pledged bible society at the time being the youngest in UBS registered as private

Registered as charitable trust Distribution officer Senimili Bekanimoli located in Honiara Solomon islands coordinate scripture distribution into Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Nauru, Tuvalu and Kiribati.



50th Anniversary Celebration


1967-1972 Mr. Maurice Harvey

1973-1980 Mr. Maika Bovoro

1981-1987 Mr. Inoke Kubuabola

1988-2017 Mr. Solomone Duru


1967 1974 1977

The Bible Society office was firstly physically located at the 40 Matanitobua street, Suva, Fiji.

Office moved to Victoria Arcade in Suva

The office moved to grantham plaza, Grantham road, Raiwaqa


1981•1987 Tuvalu Bible, Fiji FNV New Traslation

1995•THUS FAR United bible Society was able to grant Bible Society and interest free loan to build its own Bible House. In November 25th 1995 the new Bible House located at lot 8-10 Luke street Nabua fiji was opened by the United Bible Societies Regional Secretary Dr. Jen Li Tsai.

About the Bible Society

The Bible Society of the South Pacific is part of a worldwide fellowship of the Bible Societies known as the United Bible Societies. It is a Christian organization set up to help all churches in the South Pacific through the translation, production, and distribution of the Bible within the South Pacific. It is not a church but a producer of the Bible the basic tool for all church ministries. The head office, which is based in Fiji, is overseeing the bible work in about fourteen island nations in the South Pacific. These nations include Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Wallis, and Futuna.

A Brief History

Whilst the early Translation of the Bible was often done by missionaries themselves, the Bible Society of the South Pacific (BSSP) was put in place to meet the need for effective scripture distribution as a means of evangelism. Like every Bible Societies in the world owing their existence to the British Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) which started in 1804, the BSSP began by being a distributing depot for the BFBS in 1967 and was located in Fiji. However, today’s vision of BSSP to make the scriptures available to every people in every language best explains the responsibility of the Society not only to distribute scriptures, but also translate and produce more Bibles and scripture products. Since the early missionaries arrived in late 18th century, BSSP has ever since been committed to work towards completing the translation of the major languages in the South Pacific.

The Mission Statement

“Making God’s Word to be easily understood, available, accessible and credible to all people in all situations.”

The Vision

The South Pacific to be communities of God’s Word.


The Purpose

The Bible Society’s purpose is to achieve the widest possible effective distribution of the Holy Scriptures.

The Bible Society of the South Pacific is a registered charitable trust in Fiji, and has branches in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. Its principal business activity is the translation, production, marketing, sales and distribution of scriptural materials for wider bible engagement in the South Pacific Region. The Bible Society is currently governed by its Constitution which was reviewed and adopted at its 2008 Annual General Meeting. The Bible Society is a registered Charitable Organisation.

Contribution to the Religious Development of Fiji and the South Pacifc through Bible Translation and Distribution The Bible Society in the South Pacific supports about 10-15 Translation projects yearly through translation expertise, funding and production. A list of the translations of Bibles and New Testaments completed to date are as follow: 1797 - LMS missionaries began mission work in the Pacific beginning at Tahiti 1818 - First full portion of the scriptures (Gospel of Luke in Tahitian was printed 1829 - Translation of Tahitian NT completed 1836 - Rarotongan NT 1838 - Tahitian Bible (First Bible translated in the Pacific) 1846 - Samoan NT 1847 - Fijian NT 1849 - Tongan NT 1851 - Rarotongan Bible 1855 - Samoan Bible 1862 - Tongan Bible 1863 - Aneityun NT (Vanuatu) 1864 - Fijian Bible 1866 - Niuean NT 1870 - Marean/Nengonese NT (New Caledonian); Rotuman NT (Fiji) 1873 - Dehu (Lifu) NT (New Caledonia) 1878 - Iaian/Ouvean NT (New Caledonia) 1879 - Aneityum Bible (Vanuatu) 1885 - Mota NT (Vanuatu) 1889 - Nguna: Efate NT (Vanuatu) 1890 - Dehu (Lifu) Bible (New Caledonia) Tanna: Kwamera NT (Vanuatu) 1893 - Kiribati Bible 1898 - Aniwa NT (Vanuatu) 1901 - Iaain/Ouvean Bible (New Caledonia) 1903 - Marean/Neugonese Bible (New Caledonia) 1904 - Niuean Bible

1905 - Tongan Bible 1907 - Nauruan NT 1909 - Eromanga NT (Vanuatu) 1910 - Mwala: Saa NT (Solomons) 1911 - Ulawa: NT (Solomons) 1912 - Nguna: Tongoa NT (Solomons) Mota Bible (Vanuatu) Ngunese NT (Vanuatu) 1914 - Bugotu NT (Solomons) 1918 - Nauruan Bible 1922 - Houailou NT (New Caledonia) 1923 - Gela NT (Solomons) Mwala: Malu NT (Solomons) 1924 - Tauna: Wasisi NT (Vanuatu) 1929 - Mwala: Lau NT (Solomons) 1941 - Marovo NT (Solomon) 1944 - Paama NT (Vanuatu) 1953 - Roviana NT (Solomons) 1954 - Malo NT (Vanuatu) 1956 - Aranda NT (Vanuatu) Marovo Bible (Solomon) 1961 - Mwaia: Kwara’ae NT (Solomon) 1972 - Ngunese Bible (Vanuatu) 1980 - Bislama NT (Vanuatu) 1987 - Fijian NT (Revised) Tuvaluan Bible 1992 - Lau NT 1993 - Pijin NT (Solomons) 1994 - Rennell Bellona NT (Solomon) Roviana NT (Solomon) Cheke Holo NT (Solomon) 1995 - Bilua NT (Solomon) Marquesan Catholic NT (Tahiti) only printed by BSSP 1998 - Bislama Bible (Vanuatu) 2004 - FOV Compact Bible - Kiribati NT

2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2016

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Futunian Catholic Bible Cheke Holo NT Uripiv NT Solomon Is. Pijin NT & Psalms Owa NT & Psalms Fijian OV Pulpit Bible Tuvalu Study Bible Tongan NT Diglot Luritja Bible SI Pijin Bible SI Pijin Catholic Bible Romanised Fiji Hindi NT Tongan Coronation Pulpit Fijian Leaders NT Dawasamu Gospel of Mark Revised Samoan Catholic Bible Tongan Compact Bible Bislama Gospel of John Samoan NT Diglot Dawasamu Gospel of John Kahua Catholic Bible Fijian Concordance Maumi Gospel of Mark Maumi Gospel of James Aije NT Fijian New Version Bible Fijian Catholic Bible Havai NT Cook Islands Maori Revised NT Scripture Comics in Vanuatu & Solomons Kiribati New Version Bible Tuvalu Revised Bible Koronubu-Ba Gospel of Mark Scripture Comics in Fijian languages

TRANSLATION We translate the Word of God into various dialects. There are Six translation projects going on in the South PaciďŹ c and that includes the dialects here in Fiji. The work consists of a revising old Bibles and new Bibles is essential in order for people to understand God’s Word in every generation.

The Bible Society of the South Pacific is part of a worldwide fellowship of Bible Societies known as the United Bible Societies. It is a Christian organization set up to help all churches in the South Pacific through the translation, production and distribution of the Bible within the South Pacific.

DISTRIBUTION Finally we ensure that the Word of God us distributed as widely as possible to all the people by using the different channels. A regular supply of scriptures is provides through bookshops, churches, schools and individuals that visit our bookshop. We also have special projects in which we supply Bibles or Study Tools at heavily subsidized rates to students, theological students and prisons

Church support for Projects

There are a handful of projects available where a particular church or a group of churches can support. In bible translation projects, the Society gives priority to inter-confessional Scripture translations which have the support of all churches. The involvement of the churches is vital to the success of any Scripture translation. Church interest in a new translation work can be encouraged by activities such as: - arranging seminars to discuss the proposal for a new translation and the principles on which it may be based - asking churches to suggest possible translators, and to make them available for the work of translation - payment of translators’ salary and upkeep - Involving churches actively in the review of draft text.

Promotional material

The Bible Society produces and circulates information about its work and its objectives, as well a special news items about Scripture needs at home and abroad. This information can take the following forms: - regular newsletters - display material for bookshops - regular contact with leaders of churches and Christian organisations - promotion of the launch of new publications - a national event (e.g. Bible Week) organized by the Bible Society Bible Societies participate in the information network provided by the UBS World Service Center. The information shared about national programs and events strengthens the UBS fellowship and ensures a flow of information which all Societies can use to promote the worldwide Bible cause in their own countries.


Where possible, the Bible Society raises funds to support the Bible cause at home and abroad. Promotional material about both national and global Bible Society programs will encourage supporters to contribute to the cause. Financial support can come from the following sources: - Contributions from individuals as one-time or regular gifts, membership fees, etc. - Contributions from national churches (denominations) - Contributions from individual churches and congregations - Grants from foundations and other charitable bodies - Surplus on sale of some Scripture editions - Other Bible Societies who can donate in support

Funds raised locally can be used for national programs, which reduces dependency on financial support from overseas, as well as for making contributions to Bible work in other countries through the United Bible Societies’ World Service Program.

The End Result

The end result of all Bible Society work is in John 20:31 “This (the Bible) is written that we may know that Jesus is the messiah and that through faith in him, we may have life.” The Bible is our best treasure given by God. It is the light, food, water, fire, and cleansing agent for our lives. In it is power and it points to our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! Please pray for the Bible Society, support its work and encourage everyone to read and live by the Bible beginning today. Our survival as Christians depends on the Bible. Bible Society Of The South Pacific HQ 8-10 Luke Street Nabua Fiji Islands Office Phone 679 338 3988 | Email:

Mr. Collin Qalokisa Bible Society Of The South Pacific Solomon Branch | Sica Building Po Box 1251, Koilale Road Honiara Solomon Island Office Phone/Fax 00 677 23933 | Email: Mr. Jack Reuben Bible Society Of The South Pacific | Vanuatu Branch Caillard Kaddour Building Po Box 1263, Port Vila Vanuatu Office Phone/Fax 00 678 23286 | Email: Rev. Nu’uausala Siaosi Bible Society Of The South Pacific | Apia Samoa Phone: 00-685-21401 Mobile: 00 685 7507514 | Email:

Mr. Viliami Falekaono Director Catholic Social Communication Diocese Of Tonga And Niue M. 676 77 465 46 Email:

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.

Psalm 136 New International Version (NIV)

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