Living & Loving In The Moment Official Press Kit

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Living & Loving In The Moment

h0p:// 2013/19min54sec/Color/HD/English/USA Director/Writer/Producer Jonathan A. Lewis Cast Phrederic Semaj, Joshua M. Watson, Monda Sco0, ChrisPna Ford Publicity, Sales and General InformaPon: Jonathan A. Lewis (323) 301-­‐8427

Living & Loving In The Moment Logline This story follows a loving father who finds out devastaPng news, right before his sons 18th birthday. In the midst of his inner conflict, he learns to, live and love in the moment.

Synopsis This is a compelling story that surrounds a Pght-­‐knit African American family of three. Life seems to be headed in the right direcPon for Allen. Then a life threatening situaPon, which could leave him dead within months emerges in his life. The news comes right before his sons 18th birthday. He eventually sets out to ensure that his son will have the essenPal tools such as wisdom and knowledge to make it in life. Along the way he has the support and uncondiPonal love from his wife, Michelle. At it's core, 'Living & Loving In The Moment,' is an upli`ing story that reminds it's viewers to take each day by day and to appreciate life.

Living & Loving In The Moment Director’s Statement A lot of people have asked me “Why did you write this story?” My reply is, “First and foremost I wanted to depict an African American family in a posiPve light.’’ Second, I’ve always been a0racted to stories that show human beings in their ‘raw,’ most vulnerable form, and interacPng with other human beings in assorted walks of life. As I reflect, I realize, the la0er, will always be my answers, because that is what most saPsfies my heart and soul. Being as though, I myself, am an African American man, and a director/ writer; I feel as though I’ve been blessed with a passionate drive and plaiorm to convey my message and arPsPc expression through cinema. When it came to pukng all the intricate pieces together, I knew that I wanted a dynamic relaPonship between Allen and Kevin – father and son. Once I had the foundaPon everything else fell right into place. UlPmately I wanted to show a father’s uncondiPonal love for his son and wife. Life is about connecPng with loved ones and being selfless. ‘Living and Loving In The Moment’ means: To live without regret and love uncondiPonally in every circumstance –good or bad. To take Pme and appreciate the small things in life, like smelling flowers on a cool spring day, appreciaPng the beauPful songs that chirping birds sing in the morning, or just simply spending Pme with your family. It’s about finding those precious moments – that most people take for granted—and cherishing them like it’s your last day on earth. We’re here for moments; let’s make the best of it. -­‐-­‐ Living & Loving.

Living & Loving In The Moment Cast Phrederic Semaj-­‐ Allen Baker Joshua M. Watson – Kevin Baker Monda Sco0 – Michelle Baker ChrisPna Ford – Rachel Stevenson Crew Director/Writer/ Producer – Jonathan A. Lewis Co-­‐ Writer – Kay Heyman ExecuPve Producer-­‐ Rosemary Smith Line Producer – Mary McDaniel Director of Photography-­‐ Ricardo Cruz Camera Operator-­‐ Chris Sung Camera Operator-­‐ Adrian Arguilar 1st AC – Ade Yinka 1st AC-­‐ Mitch Grzegorek

Living & Loving In The Moment 2nd AC-­‐ Jeffery Post 2nd AC-­‐ Benjamin Larson Key Grip-­‐ Shawn Reichers Grips-­‐ Mike LaMarr, Jason Ruiz, and Kenneth Prieto Dit Techs-­‐ Jake Shaver and Jake Mandujano ProducPon Designer-­‐ Raymond Rodriguez Sound Supervisor-­‐ Patrick Jay Amunson ADR Editor-­‐ Ma0hew James Daugherty Sound Editor-­‐ Joshua Ellis Composer-­‐ Jesse Jennings Foley ArPst-­‐ Erick Munoz Sound Mixer Ronell Ellis Boom operators-­‐ Rudy Urguiz and Jairo OrPz VFX ArPst-­‐ Carlos Beltran

Living & Loving In The Moment Director & Cast Biographies Jonathan A. Lewis – Director, Writer, Producer Jonathan A. Lewis was born and raised in Pasadena, California. At a very young age he showed an immense interest in filmmaking. At age thirteen, using his dad’s camera, he wrote and directed his first short film. His iniPal like for filmmaking quickly became an obsession. At age eighteen, Jonathan a0ended Clark Atlanta University where he took an array of film courses under the helpful watch of his professor, Dr. Herbert Eichelberger. A`er graduaPng with honors from Clark Atlanta University and receiving a Bachelors of Arts in film, Jonathan decided to further his educaPon. He a0ended The Los Angeles Film School where he began to flourish as a director. While in school, he excelled in all his directorial efforts, further cemenPng him as a director/ writer on the rise. His most recent directorial effort, ‘Living & Loving In The Moment,’ is receiving immense posiPve reacPon from viewers. Jonathan A. Lewis is currently in pre producPon for his next film.

Living & Loving In The Moment Phrederic Semaj-­‐ Allen Baker Phrederic Semaj is a naPve of San Diego California. He has trained with instructors such as; Larry B. Sco0 (Revenge of the Nerds), Chris Barnes (ABC's Life with Bonnie), Tasha Smith (Tyler Perry’s, For Be0er or Worse) and Ivana Chubbuck’s Masters Class. Phrederic Semaj portrayed Tom Robinson in the play "To Kill A Mockingbird,” which led to him winning the “Inland Theater League Award for Best Actor”, which sold out for 8 consecuPve weeks. A`er his many television appearances, Phrederic landed the lead role for the HBO short, “Let’s Love Hate”, which was directed and wri0en by famed actor Shia LaBeouf (Transformers). He ended out 2011 with a hearielt performance in Kinnik Sky’s “Sunday Mourning” playing the role of Christopher, which led the cast to seven NAACP Theater NominaPons for 2012. Phrederic Semaj performed as the lead in Brandi Burks “Reap What You Sow” at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in front of a sell-­‐out crowd and soon a`er performed in Brandi Burks “Come Sunday” at The City Of Refuge with an audience of almost 3 thousand people. His “leading man” film debut in “Living and Loving In The Moment,” won “ The Viewers Choice Award” and “Audience Award” at The Valjean Friday Night Film FesPval for 2013. Semaj’s next performance gained rave reviews as the lead in the criPcally acclaimed stage play “ The Good Negro,” in which he gave a stellar portrayal of MarPn Luther King Jr. Phrederic Semaj isn't just another face showing his versaPlity in film, television and on stage. His plan is to conPnue to grow and develop his cra` and he thanks God for the opportunity to share his talents with the World.

Living & Loving In The Moment Joshua M. Watson-­‐ Kevin Baker At the age of 20, Joshua M. Watson relocated to Los Angeles, California leaving Tampa, Florida behind. Within six months he landed his first leading role. Now at the age of 22, he conPnues to grow tremendously as an actor studying his cra` at the renowned Aaron Speiser acPng studio. He has had leading roles in many films and theater producPons such as "18", "The ApplicaPon", and "Living & Loving In The Moment". He looks forward to the success of upcoming projects, and those further down the line in his career.

Living & Loving In The Moment Monda ScoH-­‐ Michelle Baker Monda Sco0 is originally from Houston, Texas, and grew up in San Diego, California. She has been living in Los Angeles for the last two years pursuing her acPng Career. Monda Studied acPng at Stella Adler and also studies the ‘Chubbuck Method.’ Some of Monda's recent work includes the film 'Wake' where she was the lead and the mother. ‘Wake’ is currently in post-­‐producPon. She also worked on the movie ‘Anna's Story’ which is now on lifePme and Neilix, and ‘The Original Stereotype’ which is also in post-­‐producPon. Monda has also been featured on the Emmy award-­‐winning dayPme show 'The Doctors' on numerous occasions. She also featured on the show 'Two Broke Girls’. Monda's favorite actors include Gary Oldman, Vincent D’Onofrio, Diana Ross and Helen Mirren. She strives to one-­‐day be among one of the best actors. In her leisure Pme, Monda loves to read, dance, travel, exercise and meditate. Her favorite quote to live by is "Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't, either way you are right” -­‐Henry Ford.

Living & Loving In The Moment ChrisIna Ford-­‐ Rachel Stevenson ChrisPna is an actress from the Washington DC area and a graduate from Spelman College with a degree in Theater Arts. Her film and television credits include Hollywood Chaos, Douglass U, Dukes and the Duchess, Nickelodeon’s True Jackson VP as well as hosPng various music entertainment shows in Atlanta and New York City such as, Unsigned Hype TV, U TV, Vibeone TV, and Chris’ Music Concepts. She enjoys mentoring and empowering young women. Some of her favorite pasPmes include traveling, teaching, the beach, and giving all the glory to God! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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