Jon Lund
43 people have recommended Jon "Jon is one of the key-persons and best connected people in the Danish and European internet media industry. Apart of business skills he is a smart and funny guy." — Frank Wagner, Founder and Managing Director,, was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "Gennem flere år havde jeg et tæt samarbejde med Jon. Jeg kender Jon som en meget dedikeret, vidende og hjælpsom forretningforbindelse. Jon er den første jeg ville kontakte hvis jeg skal bruge detaljeret viden om hele det område man i mangel af bedre kalder "new Media"." — Marianne Bugge Zederkof, Head of department, Ugeaviserne, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon was running FDIM when I joined Jobindex and got involved in the Job comitee in FDIM. I found Jon very pleasant to work with and very well organized. After he left FDIM to pursue his passion for social media etc., I have followed Jon as he has good insights and is able to communicate them very well. I will not hesitate to call Jon for advice on social media and/or internet business - nor should you!" — Henrik Christensen, COO, Jobindex A/S, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon is both dedicated, creative and very productive. This mix is quite unusal and makes Jon a person to be noticed! On top of this Jon is nice guy to work with. Fine sense of humor and easygoing. So if you are together with Jon things happen while you have fun!" — Gert Birnbacher, chairman, FDIH, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "Exceptional internet expert with an in-depth knowledge of both business and technical aspects. Jon is always fully committed and delivering significant contributions. A true pleasure to work with." — Nikolaj la Cour, Director, Association of Danish Internet Media, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Som en aktiv deltager i FDIMs arbejde gennem årene har jeg ved flere lejligheder mødt og
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arbejdet sammen med Jon Lund, både da Jon var ansat i FDIM og nu senest, hvor jeg har benyttet Jon kompetencer i forbindelse med at få ude til flere læsere. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Jon. Hans knivskarpe analyser, store indsigt i internet-branchen og hans behagelig personlighed har altid givet fuld valuta for mig personligt og de virksomheder jeg har arbejdet med." — Michael Kjær, was Jon's client "Jon er "den ægte vare"! Han udtaler sig altid (meget) om det han ved noget om, og er ikke bange for at sige hvis der er nogle (få) områder hvor han ikke har tilstrækkelig kompetence. Det er en super egenskab at ha', og som jeg respekterer meget højt. Jon har et barns nysgerrighed når det kommer til ny teknik, og hvordan den kan bruges - Sagt på den mest positive måde. Hvis du har brug for sparring omkring nye medier, SKAL du tale med Jon." — Claus Engell, Owner | Director, Engell & Ko. ApS, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon has both a very broad and deep insigt into the digital media world based on his many years of experience in the area. Jon delivers insightful analyses and recommendations for business purposes and business development. He gets my highest recommendations." — Lars Runov, was Jon's client "Jeg kan stærkt anbefale alle at arbejde sammen med Jon. Han er loyal og inspirerende, og han er altid dedikeret til sine opgaver. Hans kommunikationsfærdigheder giver ham fri adgang til den offentlige debat, hvor han kan sætte en dagsorden. Det kræver indsigt i det faglige stof og evne til at se tingene fra alle sider, hvilket han mestrer til fulde. Jon er en helstøbt person med stor selvstændighed og samarbejdsvilje. Det har altid været en lærerig og succesfuld oplevelse at arbejde sammen med Jon." — Carlos Villaro Lassen, Kommunikationsdirektør, Dansk Erhverv, worked with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon is a successful pioneer of Online Audience Measurement, leading the unification of his market and setting up the first Online planning currency. It was a pleasure working with Jon in the int'l space." — Andreas Cohen, Chairman, I-COM (International Conference on Online Media Measurement), was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "Jon's great spirit brings people togheder, his thinking brings ideas to life. I enjoyed working with Jon on building a strong European online advertising future." — Zoran Savin, Vice President, IAB - Interactive advertising bureau Europe, worked directly with Jon at IAB Europe
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"Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Jon i FDIM´s salgsudvalg. De nøgleord jeg tænker på ifm. Jon er Integritet, viden om digitale medier, venlig, humoristisk, kompetent, diplomatisk og ressourcefuld. Jeg kan helt klart anbefale Jon til alle jeg kender!" — Brian Erik Hansen, Digital Head-of-sales, Aller Press A/S, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon Lund er en venlig og behagelig person, der er brænder for, hvad han arbejder med. Jon har stor teknisk indsigt i ofte komplicerede problemstillinger og markedstrends, hvor han altid forstår at skære ind til benet og bidrage til det store overblik. Som samarbejdspartner er han altid meget løsningsorienteret og konstruktiv. Jeg har stor tillid til Jon og giver ham mine varmeste anbefalinger." — Allan Sørensen, Committee Member, FDIM, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "I had the opportunity to work with Jon for IAB Europe, where he represented IAB Denmark. I was truly impressed from the first moment, he is really professional, an extremely fast learner and contagiously enthusiastic! When we joined the seminar he was updating his blog simultaneously and always had a fresh and smart touch in each topic that he addressed. I can confidently recommend Jon to any interactive advertising related challenge. Jon has a vast knowledge base, an absolutely positive and pleasant personality and he is a smart thinker and great achiever!" — Annette Kauppinen, Executive Director, IAB Finland, worked directly with Jon at IAB Europe "Jeg har arbejdet sammen med Jon gennem mit arbejde i FDIM Salgsudvalget. Det har altid været spændende at arbejde sammen med Jon i et univers hvor man skal være en stor diplomat, men samtidig skal sørge for at der kommer løsninger på bordet, Jon behersker begge disse dicipliner. Det har været sjovt og spændende at arbejde sammen med Jon" — Bo Rønsgaard, Ad Manager & Commercial Developer, Eniro Danmark A/S, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon is a knowledgeable practitioner and will bring value to any project he is working. I'm happy to recommend Jon." — Steve Miller, Membership Manager, IAB Europe, worked directly with Jon at IAB Europe "Jeg kan varmt anbefale Jon Lund, hvis viden omkring digitale medier og kendskab til mediebranchen mere bredt gjorde, at jeg benyttede mig af ham gentagne gange i radioprogrammet "Nyhedsministeriet" på TV2 Radio, hvor jeg var vært fra 2007-2009. Desuden er Jon et behageligt menneske, der er nem at arbejde sammen med." — Thomas Qvortrup, Journalist/host, TV2 Radio, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark Page 6
"I can highly recommend Jon Lund for his specialist knowledges concerning digital media, his communication skills and energetic approach to his work. Jon is outstanding in cashing the digital trends and present them in a easily understandable way, combining passion and vision." — Erland Riis Lavsen, CEO, Tankevirksomheden A/S/Mindfactory DK, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon imponerer med sit kendskab til og sit overblik over mediebranchen. Han kender mekanismerne og ved, hvilken vej vinden blæser. Som leder af FDIM brugte han det til at facilitere løsninger og fremskridt, der virkelig kunne ses og mærkes af medlemmerne. Man følte sig i gode hænder - ikke mindst på grund af hans hurtige evne til at forstå problemstillinger og hans dynamiske og humoristiske væremåde." — Sven-Erik Skaarup Thøfner, Business Manager, Krak Media, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon Lund er en engageret, dynamisk og vidende samarbejdspartner - hvadenten der er som interviewperson, baggrundsekspert eller kommunikator generelt. Det gælder både det tidligere job hos FDIM og i Jons nuværende position. Jon kender sine data og detaljer, men evner samtidig at sætte tingene ind i en større sammenhæng og løfte perspektivet." — Anders Høeg Nissen, Journalist and presenter, Danmarks Radio, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "I worked with Jon when he was General Manager of The Association of Danish Interactive Media (FDIM) and I sat on the board. Jon has always been dedicated in his work to promote and strengthen the association, which he very much succeeded. Jon has an excellent knowledge of the Danish Internet and media industry. On a personal level, Jon is a very pleasant person to work with." — Henrik Ørum, Market Director, Eniro A/S, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon er altid klar til en diskussion om hvad en tendens eller trend på nettet mon i virkeligheden betyder og hvor vi er på vej hen - ligesom han gennem de år jeg har kendt ham har kæmpet hårdt for flere og bedre målinger af, hvad det egentlig er der foregår på nettet - hvilket ikke kan undervurderes, da data jo ofte validerer eller falsificerer bedre end nok så mange meninger. :-) Jon har altid masser af ny viden, gode casehistorier at dele, store spørgsmål han leder efter svar på og han brænder af interesse for sit felt og så er han også både sjov og inspirerende at være sammen med." — Trine-Maria Kristensen, Speaker, writer and freelancer on everything social on the internet,, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund
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"Jon er et rart og behageligt menneske, han har en nuanceret anskuelse af problemstillinger og han arbejder struktureret og målrettet, også under pres." — Claes Toft Nielsen, Online Manager, JP/Politikens Hus A/S, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "I worked with Jon developing the professional danish society around internet measurement. I learned that Jon was competent and enthusiastic in his job" — simon ortmann, Research director, IUM (Initiative Universal Media), was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Via samarbejdet mellem FDIM og Huset Markedsføring har Jon og jeg har arbejdet sammen om planlægning og udvikling seminarer samt - ikke mindst - den årlige prisuddeling, Danish Internet Award. Jon er en ualmindelig kompetent sparringspartner, og har en enorm viden om og indsigt i de nye medier og nye tendenser i markedet – både de seriøse, de sjove og de nørdede. Han deler gerne sin viden, er åben og diskussionslysten. Vi har haft udfordringer undervejs, men alt er endt i fryd og gammen. Og det er resultatet, der tæller. Det har været en fornøjelse – både fagligt og personligt – og det er et ekstra stort plus." — Alice Grøngaard, Projektleder, Huset Markedsføring, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jeg har arbejdet tæt sammen med Jon mens han var hos FDIM, og har altid været rigtig glad for samarbejdet" — Kaare Danielsen, CEO, Founder, Jobindex, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon is a professional in the true sense. His experience on internet marketing and market are very high. It is a great analyst, organizer and knows the technology." — Milan Csaplár, Executive Board Chief, Association of Internet Media (AIM), was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "Jon is a great manager and a combination of enthusiasm & deep knowledge in digital. I had the privilege to meet and work with him in IAB Europe’s Interact Congresses for 2 years and he was highly interactive & generous in his knowledge sharing." — Oya Ya#ayan, Board Member and Head of Technical Commitee, IAB, worked directly with Jon at IAB Europe "Jon is first and foremost an internet entrepreneur with deep understanding of the business sector in Denmark. But our interaction was around how to defend the business interests of digital media and advertising and I much appreciated Jon's business acumen and his ability to apply this when
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fighting for a fair regulatory scenario." — Angela Mills Wade, Owner, Europe Analytica, was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "Jeg har haft fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Jon Lund i gennem 3 år i form af bestyrelsesarbejde i regi af FDIM, som Jon på daværende tidspunkt var direktør for. Jon er på alle måder dedikeret til sit arbejde, har et stort netværk og enorm viden om den digitale branche og de mekanismer der får den til at flytte sig i den rigtige retning. Hertil er Jon en rar person med en god og solid portion humor." — Thomas Hviid-Andersen, Internet Manager, Berlingske Nye Medier, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon has a permanent curiosity for new technologies. He is user centric and is outstanding in spotting new market potentials. On top, he is good homoured." — Henrik Egede, Vice President, IT Industry Denmark, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Have had a good and constructive collaboration with Jon throughout his work in FDIM, including improved industry standards, respectively, trade, analysis and specifications. Jon is determined and always provide an energetic effort to reach forward-looking solutions. Jon is also a very pleasant and warm person who is a guarantor of understanding and consensus between different parties in order to ensure win-win situations." — Henrik Dyring, Consultant, DRRB, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Gennem arbejdet i FDIM lærte jeg Jon Lund at kende. Jon er en forrygende samarbejds- og sparringspartner. Jon er god til at udfordre i en diskussion og er samtidig en stor kapacitet omkring markedstendenser og viden generelt." — Jan Hoffmann, Mobile Manager, TV 2 Danmark, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon has a lot of valuable knowledge about the interaction between the online world and the media. He is a great source of information concerning tendencies in digital communication and, as I have experienced, glad to share his knowledge with others. I look forward to continue having discussions with Jon at DONA, the network of Danish Online Communicators." — Helle Baagø, owner, Tendens, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "Jon has a very strong understanding of the mobility market, especially in Denmark and the Nordics. His ability to identify, understand and communicate the underlying market and product
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trends at a very early state in an inspiring way has surely benefited many of clients over the years." — Peder Engrob, Country Manager, Apple Denmark, Apple, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "Jon is always good to ask for answers to specific problems concerning use of digital media. His great knowledge and competences though many years' in the field makes him a natural person to turn to when you need help." — Anders Ellebæk Madsen, Internetchef, Kristeligt Dagblad, worked with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "I worked with Jon at the Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB EU), based in Brussels, Belgium and London, UK. Jon represented IAB Denmark, and contributed greatly to the pan-European interactive advertising strategy. Jon´s leadership was instrumental in the formation of the very first IAB EU congress in Brussels, now a yearly conference attracting key decision-makers and representatives from across Europe and the US." — Erin Lynch, Public Affairs, IAB - Interactive advertising bureau Europe, was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "Jon has a strong reputation for professionalism and expertise in the online advertising business. The kind of person that you like to work with and to discuss about business opportunities." — Alexandre Canu, Sales Director France & BeNeLux, ADTECH, was with another company when working with Jon at IAB Europe "I worked with Jon when he was at FDIM, where TV 2 was a member. He is a smart, hard working guy. You will need to get up early to catch up with him, and he’s pleasant to be around too. Warm recommendations." — Rune Bech (+45 20289666), New Media Director, TV 2 Danmark, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "I worked with Jon, when he headed FDIM, the danish web media association. I enjoyed our cooperation tremendously, he is a really brilliant analyst, he is also a great facilitator, both when working in small groups and in greater assemblies, such as knowledge conferences. I hope I will get the chance to work with Jon in the future..." — Lars Barfred, Marketing Manager, MSN/Microsoft, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "To my knowledge, no-one has better understanding of the Danish Internet landscape. Not only does Jon have a long experience in the field - he also employs stringent methologies, which brings him beyond the level buzzword/anecdote/name-dropping. In addition, Jon's energy and enthusiasm
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is inspiring, and time spent with Jon is never wasted." — Troels Arvin, Chief programmer, TV 2/INTERAKTIV, was with another company when working with Jon at Jon Lund "Jon is a really insightful professional with a great analytical mind able of looking at trends, coupling them with hard data and get the interesting take-aways out of it. He's passionate about technology and really great to work with." — Mads Kristensen (+45 2628 1976), Business Operations Manager, Consumer & Online Denmark, Microsoft, was with another company when working with Jon at Foreningen af Danske Interaktive Medier - FDIM/IAB Denmark "Jon's working drive is high and he is a super colleage and collaborator." — Ina Bøgkjær, worked with Jon at Ingeniøren
Contact Jon on LinkedIn
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