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HEAVEN & EARTH special NIA reTREAT with


HEAVEN & EARTH Special NIA reTREAT in Höganäs Sweden Spring is coming, Nature will bloom in full splendor and power. 
 During these days You will get the chance to experience how to open Yourself to Your own power and blossom completely. An amazing opportunity to learn and to be guided and inspired by Ann Christiansen, who playfully takes you to the next step towards your goal. Ann Christiansen travels around the world with NIA. 
 She is a Nia-trainer and educater since 20 year. Ann is a creator with a playful pedagogic and You will experience her very unique way to include and see everybody. 
 Welcome to a journey with the NIA technique™, an invitation to develop and explore movements on the physical and the spiritual level. We will use basic NIA techniques, breathing and contact with gravity earth. We will learn unique ways to achieve an awake and relaxed condition, explore how music can influence and invite organic natural movements and a dynamic awakening to Your unique Power. The program also features a "hands-on" hour for those who are Nia teacher or belt graduate. Share Your reflections and questions and make sure to catch this great opportunity with useful guidance and advice directly from Ann! In a heavenly environment in one of Sweden's best studios that will be our home during these days, we will move to music and enjoy both flowing and strengthening movements together. You will also be able to get to know the amazing surroundings at ”kullabygden” where Nia studio is located. We will arrange a lunch on May 12 and dinner on May 13th somewhere in the hoods. (optional and to Your own cost)


day for day - NIA reTREAT MAY 10 ”EARTH”


ground & land We go deep into the Grounding movementforms, which has inspired Nia. We learn how to melt in and down on the floor. Building up your Yin power and touch the softness deep inside.



cozy morning Slow and soft move your body in a "dance yoga" class, YoNia. Soften your connective tissue and joints. We reach to the sky, open our senses.



wake up Let’s go! Awaken Your potential and play wildly with the masculine and feminine energy



Together somewhere in the hood (optional)



movements in a flow Experience inviting the flow of creativity, being in contact with Your body creating mobility throughout the whole system.


17.15-18.15 choose joy

MAY 11

This class is dedicated to the body’s energy and power, we are choosing the joy of movement. MAY 12 NIA CLASS

9.30-10.30 a new day begin

A Nia class that awaken all parts of You. NIA Teachers 11-12 & Graduates

growth! guidance/technique för Nia teachers och graduates. A "hands-on" for your development and growth with Nia.

”BALANCE” 15-17

potential & creativity Nia's choreography is created and balanced according to form and freedom. Experience how you can wake up your potential and creativity with Nia's 52 techniques and free expression


Together somewhere in the hood (optional)

MAY 13 ”YIN YANG” 10-12.30

harmony in time & space A final experience to round up Your reTreat. All parts are integrated and allowed to take their time and place in Your body. You are guided through the elements and Your inner journey gets the chance to blossom and manifest in Your design and power.

REGISTER! register for the whole NIA reTREAT or choose parts!
 questions & registration - mail to: jonna@niastudio.se Last day for registration MAY 1 Payment on arrival.


MAY 10


ground & land

490 kr

MAY 11


cozy morning

290 kr


wake up

390 kr


movements in a flow

490 kr


choose joy

230 kr


a new day begin

230 kr

MAY 12

Teachers & Belts growth

MAY 13



potential & creativity


harmony in time & space 590 kr

totally early bird price reg. before APRIL 1


Jonna Beldt verkstadsgatan 2b, 263 39 höganäs phone +46 (0)734 41 17 10 jonna@niastudio.se

490 kr

3200 kr 2990 kr

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