“Generally speaking, lost spaces are the undesirable urban areas that are in need of redesign - antispaces, making no positive contribution to the surroundings or users. They are ill-defined, without measurable boundaries, and fail to connect elements in a coherent way. On the other hand, they offer tremendous opportunities to the designer for urban redevelopment and creative infill and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.� - Roger Trancik
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1870 - Edinburgh’s Industrial Age
1915 - Railway Links Established
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1925 - Construction of Tram Shed - connecting city centre to Leith
1948 - Extension of Tram Shed, engineering works established
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Proposed site for developement. A ‘lost space’ left eft behind by Edinburgh’s industrial sector, located at the southern end of Leith Walk.
Fragmented urban grid due to industrailisation of 19th Century. Leith Walk - the main artary linking Edinburgh’s New Town and City Docks. Leith’s deteriorated neighbourhood has reuslted in the street becoming an express route ; not a place to stop.
Edinburgh’s New Town becomes a model of urabn organisation through the use of a grid.
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Residentail development within a formally industrail area leading to disjointed urban estate.
Proposed site- lost space due to abandonment of tram shed and railway.
A similar lost space due to abandoned railway line.
Disintegration of urban grid leads to lost space and subsequently poor residentail conditons.
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Negative / Lost Spaces
Vegetation & Green Space
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Building Age
Site Circulation Vehicularr & Pedestrian
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Smith’s house, the oldest building on the site was identified through a study of building age on the site. Due to its significance, the house proves to be vital to the masterplan, making it the focal point of future developments.
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Horizontal axis of circulation is reinstated.
Urban grid is extended from New Town.
Smith’s House heads a new public square.
Two primary roads, Leith Walk and Easter Road, are reconnected.
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Phase 1 A community driven residential and social development helps to regenerate the lost space surrounding the site. The extension of the urban grid rejuvenates the antispaces. Phase 2 The disjointed residential estate adopts the urban grid. Phase 3 Development of the abandoned railway lines. Further community based project help regenerate lost spaces across the city. Phase 4 The urban grid is adopted by a majority of the region. Lost spaces are seen as an opportunity for urban redevelopment, creative infi n ll and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.
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Phase 1 A community driven residential and social development helps to regenerate the lost space surrounding the site. The extension of the urban grid rejuvenates the antispaces. Phase 2 The disjointed residential estate adopts the urban grid. Phase 3 Development of the abandoned railway lines. Further community based project help regenerate lost spaces across the city. Phase 4 The urban grid is adopted by a majority of the region. Lost spaces are seen as an opportunity for urban redevelopment, creative infi n ll and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.
Masterplan Phasing
Phase 1 A community driven residential and social development helps to regenerate the lost space surrounding the site. The extension of the urban grid rejuvenates the antispaces. Phase 2 The disjointed residential estate adopts the urban grid. Phase 3 Development of the abandoned railway lines. Further community based project help regenerate lost spaces across the city. Phase 4 The urban grid is adopted by a majority of the region. Lost spaces are seen as an opportunity for urban redevelopment, creative infi n ll and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.
Masterplan Phasing
Phase 1 A community driven residential and social development helps to regenerate the lost space surrounding the site. The extension of the urban grid rejuvenates the antispaces. Phase 2 The disjointed residential estate adopts the urban grid. Phase 3 Development of the abandoned railway lines. Further community based project help regenerate lost spaces across the city. Phase 4 The urban grid is adopted by a majority of the region. Lost spaces are seen as an opportunity for urban redevelopment, creative infi n ll and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.
Masterplan Phasing
Phase 1 A community driven residential and social development helps to regenerate the lost space surrounding the site. The extension of the urban grid rejuvenates the antispaces. Phase 2 The disjointed residential estate adopts the urban grid. Phase 3 Development of the abandoned railway lines. Further community based project help regenerate lost spaces across the city. Phase 4 The urban grid is adopted by a majority of the region. Lost spaces are seen as an opportunity for urban redevelopment, creative infi n ll and for rediscovering the many hidden resources in our cities.
Masterplan Phasing
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