What are the strengths of Brainstorming/mindmapping? What are the problems associated with Brainstorming/mindmapping?
What else can we do to form ideas? Where can we get ideas from?
RESEARCH what am I discovering? What have I found out? Where do I get this informa7on from? How do I show this informa7on? What’s the best way to visualize this informa7on? What ques7ons can I ask?
EXAMPLE ‐ Maps ‐ What different sort of maps are there? ‐How do old maps compare to new ones? ‐ What are the most unusual sorts of maps? ‐ What is the name of a mapmaker? ‐ Are maps only made of loca7ons or are there other kinds of maps? ‐ What is the func7on of a map? What would happen if I changed this func7on? ‐ How and in what ways have other ar7sts explored maps? Through your research, you should be discovering something new. Asking the right ques7ons before you research will help you look in the right places.
Ac7vity Briefly brainstorm/mindmap in pairs from the exam paper (read through) – 15mins Chose between 6‐8 topics that interest you and ask ques7ons on these topics – 15 ‐20 mins Research 6 of these topics from the ques7ons – discovering something new. Visualize 6 of these topics from the things you have discovered through images or typography. When using images, use either primary or secondary images – DO NOT JUST DRAW FROM YOUR HEAD DURATION – ONE WEEK (homework and classwork)