Graphics A2/AS Exam

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Shadows – Mind Map.

1.  Within groups brainstorm your word from exam paper. -­‐  Give yourself tasks to find out informaAon – -­‐  What are you discovering?

2. Collect visuals from the words your brainstormed -­‐ Don’t just type the word that has been given to your in google; use the words from your brainstorming session. Do this for about 4 of your words from the brainstorm.

3. Explain each visual idea in more detail from e.g.: ‘Shadows can make alleys and empty streets look more sinister and unappealing. In these images the lack of light and the lonely figure make.. Etc’ 4. Collect visuals for several of your ideas from Your mindmap

5. Find out informaAon or facts from your word -­‐ Use visual and wriTen informaAon What is Film Noir? Film noir is a cinemaAc term used to describe American crime stories, usually from the 1940s-­‐50s. The term film noir, French for "black film. Film noir encompasses a range of plots: the central figure may be a private eye, a plainclothes policeman, a vicAm, etc. Many scenes shown in these films depict dramaAcally lit streets and heavy shadows Examples of film noir – The Big Sleep, Night & the City

-­‐  You could find out some staAsAcs that might help your project

6. Try and find an arAst or designer that has dealt with your subject maTer or works in a similar material. Use or the exam paper if stuck 7. Write about how that arAst links to your word ANTHONY GORMLEY The experience of this analogy for the ‘dark interior of the body’ is guided by anAcipaAon and memory and the direct and indirect light which penetrates the structure and which leads us on, as if through a labyrinth. The shadows that are cast in the sculpture links to my word of shadows – someAmes the areas within are so dark you cannot see.

8. Present powerpoint to the class 9. Create a new tumblr blog using fist name, last name, AS/A2 exam e.g: ‘’ Please sAck with that name as you will be easy to find 10. Upload powerpoint to issuu and upload to new tumblr.

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