Joon Hyuk Choe Portfolio

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Joon Hyuk Choe Selected Works 2010 - 2014 Architectural Portfolio


Edge of Nature


High Line Cemetery


Engey Fish Farm


Fibrous Tectonics

Site: Teien Park, Tokyo Date: Spring 2014 Professor: Junya Ishigami

Site: The High Line, New York City Date: Summer 2011 Professor: James Williamson

Site: Reykjavik, Iceland Date: Spring 2012 Professor: Andrea Simitch

Site: none Date: Fall 2013 Professor: Achim Menges


Danteum Redux


Ithaca Firestation


Asplund Library


Harajuku Interactive

Site: Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome Date: Fall 2011 Professor: Davide Marchetti

site: Cornell, Ithaca date: Fall 2010 professor: Caroline O’Donnell

site: Stockholm, Sweden date: Spring 2011 professor: Val K. Warke

site: Tokyo, Japan date: Fall 2012 professor: Jenny Sabin, Taylor Lowe



Edge of Nature

Date: Spring 2014 Professor: Junya Ishigami The project explores a problematic boundary between the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum and the elevated highway that runs along the Western edge. This infrastructure establishes a hard edge that separates the nature within the park from the urban fabric of Meguro, but at the same time, contaminates the natural experience with the sight and sound of the highway. To resolve this conict, the edge of the park is proposed to peel up by 15 meters, terminating as a solid wall that faces the city. By mounding

up the Western edge, the park is protected from the highway and the occupants are able to enjoy an uninterrupted natural experience. Climbing the mound elevates the visitors of the park to be lifted up to establish a visual connection with the adjacent neighborhood, heightening the signiďŹ cance of nature in the context of Meguro. Several punctures exist throughout this 1km edge that provides occupiable programmatic spaces and circulatory connections to the street level.

ďŹ nal sectional model



concept study models

The studio taught by Junya Ishigami was entitled “Another Nature.” The purpose of the studio was to explore what the concept of nature meant to each student and what it means in the context of the Japanese Culture. In order to explore the idea from a new perspective, the first

exercise was for each student to make as many study models as possible to empty out minds of preconceived design styles and habits. These are the initial concept models that explore what light interventions could be made on the very restrictive and historical site of the Teien Park. site plan


section 01

section 02

section 03


ďŹ nal model photos



unfolded elevation

unfolded elevation 02



High Line Cemetery

Date: Summer 2011 Professor: James Williamson The High Line Cemetery serves to fragment the preexisting High Line Park in order to integrate the park with the surrounding street environment and to restore the sublime natural beauty of the High Line before its redevelopment. The Cemetery accomplishes this by deforming the steel I-beam structure beneath the sections 1 and 2 of the High Line Park, creating ramps and large tubular spaces that serve as ossuaries and chapels. 14

When a body is brought to the cemetery, the casket is placed in a centralized chapel space for mourning. Then the body is carried through the cemetery to a crematorium, located at the ends where the cremated remains will be encased in a chest/urn. This then is placed in a designated ossuary along the High Line.

analytical collage - plan


long exposure photography experiments

The studio began with a series of experimentations on the creation of an effect. I focused on the effect of liquifying solid objects through long exposure photography. Here are a series of photographs of a padlock


photographed with a moving camera while the shutter is open. This effect was then applied to the structure of the High Line through with the program of the cemetery in mind.

concept image

concept image


site plan


Although the High Line is an effective means of bringing a stretch of green civic space into the dense urban fabric of New York City, it does not effectively bridge the connection between the park and its surrounding context. The points of access between the High Line and the ground level are widely spaced apart, and thus the elevated park becomes an isolated urban space. The park is broken up into sections to create ramps down to the street level. Additionally, sections of the High Line that are isolated and more difficult to access, gradually bring back the sublime beauty that once used to exist before the development of the park. The area beneath the park also becomes segmented into ossuaries and chapels.

existing condition chapel

high line transformation diagrams

section + plan composit drawing



chapel interior perspective rendering




Engey Fish Farm

Date: Spring 2012 Professor: Andrea Simitch The Engey farming project consisted of two phases, the farm and the farm house. The type of farming that seemed suitable for the Icelandic climate was Fish Farming, and I focused on creating a natural environment off the coast of Engey, consisting of circular fish cages formed of limestone (same material as coral). This parasitic landscape will build up and create a park on the surface of the ocean that would bridge the capital city of Reykjavik and the deserted island of Engey. The dwellings act as anchors for the circular cages that intersect the edge of the island. The farm houses become a series of Fish Hatcheries that release the fish into specific cages along the Fish Farm.

fish farm perspective rendering


The artiďŹ cial coral reef will be created using protocell technology. Protocell Architecture is an ongoing study by Neill Spilller and Rachel Armstrong on creating architecture through the programming of cells stripped of DNA. The technology has been proposed as a solution to save the sinking city of Venice, in which protocells are programmed to create carbon shells in the absence of light. Thus, the protocells that oat under the building will

begin to produce coral around the timber piles to reenforce the structure. Likewise, on the Engey Fish Farm, protocells will be programmed to respond to certain wavelengths of light (ie, color) and by shining a certain color or pattern of light along a pre-contructed system of pylons, one can begin to produce controlled coral environment within the water.

coral production using protocells

section through the ďŹ sh farm

growth diagram

site plan


model photos


ground floor plan

first floor plan





Fibrous Tectonics

Date: Fall 2013 Professor: Achim Menges Collaboration with Jeonghyun Kim, Rachel Moranis This project studies how a system of fibrous modules can be utilized to explore a new way of looking at tectonics. From a technical perspective, most modular construction in the past shows limitations. The form of the module is confined by the mold. Additionally, the connection of these separate modules are achieved by using another material, in this case bolting together. We explored how we can overcome these technical limitations in dealing with modules and apply them to an architectural intervention. A precedent we looked at was Toyo Ito’s Sendai Mediatheque. The project is able to play with the very basic element, the column, and is able to achieve a spatial complexity and continuity by visually and physically connecting multiple floors of the building. The columns even look like they’re inspired by fibers. The columns become punctures for skylight, stairwells, and elevator cores. Our architectural hypothesis is utilizing a modular system generated by fibers to achieve a more integrated architectural system.

final model photo


Fiber Component Morphology

The experiments with fibers started with 2 points of interest. The first was to explore the maximum potential of fibers in minimally anchored conditions. From this exploration, we were able to realize that fibers have the property to interact with one another in tension and settle at an equilibrium state. Utilizing this discovery we derived our second area of focus: fiber-to-fiber interaction. From multiple studies we arrived at a conclusion that maximum fiber-to-fiber interaction occurs at minimal scaffold conditions when the scaffold becomes a mandrel that the fibers wrap around. The idea of the mandrel gave birth to the concept of modulating fibrous components.


Upon exploring these fibrous mandrels, we began to search for precedents from biology that could aid us in applying a hierarchical system of fibers to these components. The red fiber in the flowchart explores how a secondary layer of fibers could be applied to act as an intercomponent connector but also to strengthen the larger structure at its structural weak points. This structural reinforcing of fibers are very similar to the 7-layered hierarchical system of fibers found in deep sea sponges. Combining the studies in component variations and hierarchical layering, we were able to generate a fibrous interpretation of conventional architectural elements.

Study Process Flow Chart



study models

ďŹ nal model




Danteum Redux

Date: Fall 2011 Professor: Davide Marchetti The Rome studio was structured around Giuseppe Terragni’s Danteum, the unbuilt monument to Dante Alighieri. By collaging together architecturally interpreted aspects of the Divine Comedy and the experience of studying in Rome, the design task was to re-design this monument. The project was initiated by the study of Roman walls that were found on site, where the plaster ďŹ nish had eroded away, revealing the brickwork underneath. The emergence of historical strata gains a monumental value through the passage of time. My focus was to utilize a regular patterned form, like the bricks, and erect elements out of the ground creating a monumental ensemble.

plexi model photo



model photos

avour C a i V

Vi ad ei Fo ri Im pe ria li site plan



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A 5-meter square grid was extruded with a gradual increase in height to create an artiďŹ cial landscape. This landscape contains a stair that spirals around the building up to the summit. Below grade to the building is a covered courtyard that has three light wells bringing sky down into the space. Upon entering the


ground oor plan

nd l s aeria g n io t lin 0 at a d m, er mhan sq p 5 o 17

building, one has to descend down into the courtyard. From here, program spirals up the building with public program in the basement, library on grade, and the restaurant and cafĂŠ at the summit. The landscape created is an alternation of grass roofs, water basins, and white marble.




Ithaca Firestation

Comprehensive Design Studio Date: Fall 2010 Professor: Caroline O’Donnell The project focuses on the imposition of the natural on the artificial and how the organic contexts flow onto a fire station. The fire fighting sectors are embedded into the hill with the landscape continuing over as a green roof. On this level, surrounding the vertically extended core is a multi-purpose exhibition space for the public. Directly above is a white villa lofted on thin pilotis containing the residential program. The villa is a truss that cantilevers off to the southeast with a facade that is shaped by organic geometries derived from trees found on the site.


residential sector interior rendering



site plan

double glazed aluminum frames aluminum roof steel beams mechanical systems aluminum facade irregular steel truss steel beams double glazed glass aluminum frames aluminum roof ďŹ nish

aluminum mullions double glazed glass

building core

green roof

concrete roof slab mechanical systems ďŹ re stairs

concrete foundation

exploded axonometric






ground floor plan


1” : 4’ model interior shot

second oor plan

unfolded facade




Asplund Library

Asplund Library Competition Date: Spring 2011 Professor: Val K. Warke The project is a proposal for a library extension for the Stadsbibliotek in Stockholm. The site, which is directly adjacent to the existing library, is currently occupied by three library annexes. The studio aimed to explore design through the digital generation of forms and how this method of design may lead to a generation of new kinds of functional spaces.

aerial perspective rendering


The project started with a precedent study of libraries, speciďŹ cally the Prague National Library by Future Systems. The study was transformed into an analytical model, a hollow silicone box, showing the programmatic arrangement of the library and communicating the idea that the form of the building determines the programmatic spaces within. The silicone box shows the uid nature and form of the Prague National Library. The formal elements in the exploded axonometric are extracted from the silicone study model.


axonometric section


circulation analytical study model (silicone)


excavated shell

inner membrane


mass column

site exploded axonometric









Harajuku Interactive

Date: Fall 2012 Professor: Jenny Sabin & Taylor Lowe FORM vs. FUNCTION is an on going debate in architecture. My thesis aims to resolve this conict by proposing an adaptable space that achieves to bridge these extremes. The thesis takes shape in the Harajuku junction in Tokyo, Japan, as an interactive/intelligent pavilion whose form of the building is capable of morphing by way of a system of pneumatic surfaces, manipulating pedestrian circulation. The shifting form can induce new directions of pedestrian ow in and around the site based on adjacent programmatic events. Thus, conditioning through form and transformation based on function illuminates the middle ground in the argument, and brings an interactive solution to the seemingly disconnected intersection in the dense urban fabric of Tokyo.

interior perspective rendering


Adaptable Architecture



Buildings that have a set reaction to a specific change. A building component is able to respond with a programmed response on an action taken by the user. Typically involves technologies such as Electricity, switches.


Adaptable architecture that possesses the possibility of responding with many outputs based on a certain input. Typically involves technologies such as Computerized system.


Building is able to have a two-way conversation with the user. The interactivity within a set framework is determined by the programmer. Typically involves technologies such as Digital sensors. (motion, heat, pessure)



Adaptable architecture that allows transformation of specific building components. The spaces are manipulated physically by the user, meaning the building is unable to change itself. Typically involves technologies such as Bearings, hinges, tracks.

The building is able to take initiative and adapt to the user’s interests. Typically involves technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.

adaptable architecture diagram


adaptable prototype ďŹ lm stills


01_vertical connections sectional transformation (arch)

sectional transformation (tube)

vertical transformation

diagonal transformation

pivotal transformation

02_diagonal connections

03_randomized connections radial transformation (non-uniform)

adaptable prototype diagrams


transformative diagrams (plan) 62

transformative diagram (section)

functional diagrams



site plan


ground oor plan




model photos



Joon Hyukcurriculum Choe vitae EDUCATION Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Graduate School of Design Master of Architecture II 2015 candidate

CONTACT Cornell University, Ithaca, NY College of Architecture, Art & Planning Bachelor of Architecture 2012

WORK EXPERIENCE CBT Architects Boston (May-August 2014) Developed the masterplan for the Boston 2024 Olympic proposal and diagramed detailed operations at specific sporting venues. Worked on concept massing models for the Central Square redevelopment plan. CODA, PARTY WALL (MOMA PS1) New York (May-June 2013) Participated in the on-site construction process. Directed and managed the attachment of skateboard facade panels which enabled me to work closely with the contractors and volunteers. HWKN New York (February - March 2013) Worked on final renderings for 19 Kent (Office Building) in Williamsburg. Produced detailed drawings and construction sets for 1101 Chestnut (residential high rise) in Philadelphia. Also developed a structural model in 3D for the Range Rover installation. Sou Fujimoto Architects Tokyo, Japan (June - July 2010) Designed concept models for “Forest, Cloud, Mountain” Exhibition in August 2010. Developed detailed physical models for private house renovation project in Hanover, Germany Revastudio Jakarta, Indonesia (June - July 2012) Collaborated with full time architect on the design development of Hengky House in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Constructed a digital structural model of the aluminum facade for Food Mall in Pluit, Jakarta. MOS Architects New York (July 2013) Worked on construction for renovating the office/house; installed a corten steel fence in the backyard and worked on puncturing a skylight aperture. Cornell University AAP Woodshop TA Ithaca, NY (January 2009 - December 2011) Assisted in carrying out difficult shop operations and watched over the safety of students. Taught incoming students through “Shop Use and Safety” tutorials

Address: 5 Cowperthwaite St. Apt 503 Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: +1 917 520 5292 Email: Web:

SKILLS Digital: AutoCAD, Rhino3D, Grasshopper, V-RAY, Weaverbird, TopMod, Paneling Tools, HAL, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Fabrication: Lasercutting, ZCORP 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Woodwork, ABB Robotic Fabrication Language: English, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian Publication: Elemental/Instrumental - Cornell AAP, 2011 Another Nature - Harvard GSD, 2015

REFERENCES Available upon request


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