Partner Playbook 2025

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2025 Partner Playbook

January 1 - December 31, 2025


The Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting member businesses and economic strength in and around Joplin We accomplish this through high-value programs, events, and opportunities that help our members reach their goals By investing in these programs, you are not just a member of the Chamber but an investor who is playing a key role in enhancing Joplin’s business community We would like to thank all of our investors who make this possible, including our 5-Star, 4-Star, and 3-Star investor, who annually support the Chamber at levels between $25,000+ and $15,000 Learn how you can become a 5-Star, 4-Star, or 3-Star investor by contacting Lauren Hall, Director of Member Success

5-Star Investors

$25,000+ investment annually

4-Star Investors

$20,000 investment annually

3-Star Investors

$15,000 investment annually

925 totalmembers The Chamber has been the voice of Joplin’s businesses for 107 years. 107 years.


An annual showcase of local businesses that offers opportunities to connect with other businesses and with consumers This is one of the largest business expos in the area

SOLD OUT- Title Sponsor

$10,000, exclusive

Name recognition in event title, press release, promotion videos, and media appearances

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, event graphics, and promotional video

Two banners displayed at EXPO (provided by sponsor)

Social media recognition as event sponsor

Name recognition during announcements throughout the event

Gold Sponsor

$5,000 (one of three available)

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, event graphics, and promotional video

Name recognition during announcements throughout the event

SOLD OUT - Print Sponsor

$500, exclusive

Opportunity for trade

Opportunity to provide a full-page ad for the back page of the exhibitor guide, which is distributed to approximately 100 exhibitors

SOLD OUT - Hospitality Lounge Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Name recognition from stage during event

Logo recognition on event event signage showcasing the exhibitor lounge

Opportunity to provide banner and promotional items to be displayed in the exhibitor lounge

SOLD OUT - Shirt Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Logo recognition on EXPO shirts worn by committee members and Chamber staff members

Opportunity for complimentary booth space

Opportunity for trade in product and printing


Join us for the biggest After Hours of the year! This event is held the night before Business EXPO and gives Chamber members an exclusive look at the exhibition hall before the event actually begins Guests can visit with other members and with exhibitors while enjoying drinks and food from restaurant vendors

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$5,000, exclusive

Company logo recognition on Chamber calendar, event webpage, promotion materials and graphics, and event graphics.

Sponsor recognition during announcements made throughout the event and on event signage. One banner, provided by sponsor, to be displayed in lobby/entrance of exhibit.

Social media recognition as event sponsor

Gold Sponsor

$1,000 (two of three available)

Company logo recognition on Chamber calendar, event webpage, promotion materials and graphics, and event graphics.

Sponsor recognition throughout the event and on event signage.

Social media recognition as event sponsor


Help host an evening that acknowledges the achievements of our business owners and community leaders as we recognize exceptional individuals and organizations who are living out their purpose

Title Sponsor

$15,000, exclusive

Opportunity to address attendees for up to five minutes.

Name recognition in event title, press release, and from the podium during the event

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, invitations, event graphics, event program, and event slideshow

Includes ten event tickets with VIP seating

Gold Sponsor

$2,500 (two of five available)

Name recognition from stage during the event

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, event calendar, event program, and event banner

Includes ten event tickets with VIP seating

SOLD OUT - Print & Award


$3,000, exclusive

Name recognition in event program

Name recognition from stage during the event

Logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, and promotional graphics and materials

SOLD OUT - Venue Trade Sponsor

Trade, exclusive

Name recognition from stage during event.

Logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphics

Includes eight event tickets


Centerpiece Sponsor

$2,500, exclusive

Name recognition in event program. Opportunity for trade

Includes four event tickets


Help host an evening that acknowledges the achievements of our business owners and community leaders as we recognize exceptional individuals and organizations who are living out their purpose

SOLD OUT - Business of the Year Sponsor

$5,500, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphic

Name included in event press release

SOLD OUT - Citizen of the Year Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphic

Name included in event press release

Milestone Member Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphics.

Name included in event press release.

SOLD OUT - YP of the Year Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event.

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphic

Name included in event press release


Help host an evening that acknowledges the achievements of our business owners and community leaders as we recognize exceptional individuals and organizations who are living out their purpose

Consider It Done Award Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphic

Name included in event press release

Joseph Newman Rising Star Award Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event.

Name recognition on event program.

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, eve calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and even graphic

Name included in event press release

VIP Table Sponsor

$1,000 (one of twelve available)

Priority seating and VIP Table seating at front of venue (10 seats)

Company name on table

Two complimentary bottles of wine

Spirit Award Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present the award during the event

Name recognition on event program

Name and logo recognition on Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics and materials, and event graphic

Name included in event press release


A quarterly breakfast that gathers members for networking and the opportunity to hear about what’s happening in Joplin Morning speakers have “ one minute of fame” to highlight their business

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$5,000, exclusive

Opportunity to address attendees for five minutes at the beginning of the program

Logo recognition on the Joplin Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional materials, postcards, and event graphics

Includes two tickets per event

Opportunity to provide materials to set on tables

Opportunity to provide a banner

SOLD OUT - Quarterly Sponsor


Opportunity to address the participants at the event for up to five minutes and act as emcee for the event

Logo recognition on the Joplin Chamber website, event calendar, graphics for promotional materials, postcards, and day-of-event graphics.

Includes two event tickets, per event.

Opportunity to provide giveaways to attendees, at the sponsor ’ s discretion.

Opportunity to provide materials to set on tables

Opportunity to provide a banner


Leadership Joplin's nine-session curriculum enhances participants' leadership skills and fosters dialogue on community challenges through informative discussions and case study assessments

Title Sponsor


Opportunity to address the participants at the kick-off event and graduation ceremony

Web and social media name and logo recognition

Recognition on program documents.

Send two (2) staff members to participate in program.

Speaking opportunity at each session.

Gold Sponsor

$4,000 (two of three available)

Opportunity to address the participants at the kick-off event and graduation ceremony

Web and social media logo recognition

Recognition on program documents

Opportunity to send one (1) staff member to participate in program

Speaking opportunity at each session

SOLD OUT - Welcome Mixer

$1,000 exclusive

Opportunity to address participants during session and participate and network with the class during the session. Logo recognition on welcome mixer agenda and event banner

One social media post for sponsorship recognition

Session Sponsor

$500 (nine of ten available) or $4,000 for all

Session sponsor to address class during session and invited to participate and network with the class during the session

Web and social media logo recognition

Graduation Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to address class during graduation ceremony

Two tickets to graduation dinner

Web and social media logo recognition


Leadership Joplin's nine-session curriculum enhances participants' leade challenges through informative discussions and case study assessments

Retreat Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Opportunity to address participants during session and to participate and network with the class during the retreat.

Logo recognition

One social media media post for sponsorship recognition

SOLD OUT - Shirt Sponsor

$1,500, exclusive

Company logo embroidered on left sleeve of class and committee shirts The class and committee members are required to wear the shirts to each session

SOLD OUT - Padfolio Sponsor

$1,500, exclusive

Company logo included along with Leadership Joplin logo on padfolio given to each class member

Opportunity to pass out padfolio and speak for five minutes at the welcome gathering.

SOLD OUT - Scholarship

$900, exclusive

Opportunity to provide a scholarship for a nonprofit organization or small business to participate in the Leadership Joplin program.

Scholarship will be referred to as the “ company name ” Leadership Joplin Scholarship


The Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a program of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce that creates inclusive spaces and networking opportunities while promoting personal and professional development for Chamber members under the age of 45

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$4,000 exclusive

Opportunity to address the participants at YPN events and programs

Logo recognition on website and YPN calendar events.

Logo recognition on graphics and social media promoting YPN events.

Company logo and name recognition for the Young Professional of the Year award at the annual Chamber banquet

SOLD OUT - Quarterly Speed Networking Sponsor

$1,500, exclusive, or $500 per quarter

This series of events features rotating, structured one-on-one “speed rounds” that last between one and three minutes depending on attendance

Opportunity to lead the speed networking event

Logo recognition on the calendar’s speed networking event

Logo recognition on the graphics promoting the event.

A promotion item may be left behind for participants at the discretion of the sponsor.

SOLD OUT - Weekly HYPE Lunch

$1,500, exclusive, or $500 per quarter

The weekly HYPE (hungry young professionals eating) lunches are one of the more popular connection opportunities offered by the Joplin Chamber’s Young Professionals Network Time is allocated for individuals to introduce themselves and their company as well as a chance to win a complimentary meal at a future HYPE lunch.

Logo recognition on the HYPE lunch event calendar on joplincc com

Logo recognition on the social media


Discover new ways to grow personally and professionally, elevate your career, amplify your impact, and create lasting connections at the Joplin YP Summit This event focuses on helping professionals make new connections and strengthen their existing ties with each other and the business community The sessions are programmed for all levels of employees and executives, and we welcome professionals from all industries

SOLD OUT -Title Sponsor

$8,000, exclusive

Includes four tickets for colleagues or guests

Opportunity to address the audience (morning or afternoon, pick one)

Business name included in the event title and press release

Logo on program, event webpage, promotional items (digital and print)

Opportunity to set up an information table

One social media post for sponsor recognition

Connection Sponsor

$1,000 (three of four available)

Recognition from master of ceremonies at the beginning of the event

Includes two tickets for colleagues or guests

Social media post for sponsor recognition

Logo on program and event webpage

Gold Sponsor

$2,000 (four available)

Opportunity to address the audience of the breakout for one to two minutes.

Includes two tickets for colleagues or guests.

Logo on program.

Logo on event webpage.

SOLD OUT - Developing Sponsor

$500 (zero of four available)

Recognition from the podium at the beginning of the event

Includes two tickets for colleagues or guests

Business name on program

Business name on event webpage


One of the premier golf outings in Joplin with a mixture of recreation, networking, and prizes As one of the Chamber’s leading fundraising activities of the year, you can put your business’s name and logo in front of 96 golfers per tournament!

Title Sponsor

$5,000, exclusive

Includes one team in the tournament

Opportunity to address golfers before tournament

Business name included in the event title

Logo and company name recognition on event, signage, registration forms, promotional materials, and website

One hole sponsorship

One social media post for sponsor recognition

Gold Sponsor

$2,500 (one of two available)

Name recognition during the welcome address

Logo on event webpage and registration forms

Includes one team in the tournament

One hole sponsorship

Hole Sponsor

$200 (7 of 18 available)

Company logo recognition on tee box signage

Company name recognition on event banner

Company representative to have interactive display booth at tee box and provide giveaways

Hole-In-One Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Company logo recognition on tee box signage. Company name recognition on event banner. Company representative to have interactive display booth at tee box and provide giveaways Opportunity to host a ribbon cutting at your place of business for Hole-In-One winner

Team Registration

$400 (18 of 25 teams available)

SOLD OUT -Promotional Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Opportunity to supply promotional item to 100+ golfers

Company logo recognition on promotional item


One of the premier golf outings in Joplin with a mixture of recreation, networking, and prizes As one of the Chamber’s leading fundraising activities of the year, you can put your business’s name and logo in front of 96 golfers per tournament from across the Joplin region!

Includes one team in the tournament

Opportunity to address golfers before the tournament

Business name included in the event title

Logo and company name recognition on event, signage, registration forms, promotional materials, and website

One hole sponsorship

One social media post for sponsor recognition

Gold Sponsor

$2,500 (one of two available)

Name recognition during the welcome address Logo on event webpage and registration forms

Includes one team in the tournament

One hole sponsorship

Hole Sponsor

$200 (8 of 18 available)

Company logo recognition on tee box signage

Company name recognition on event banner

Company representative to have interactive display booth at tee box and provide giveaways

$1,000, exclusive

Company logo recognition on tee box signage

Company name recognition on event banner

Company representative to have interactive display booth at tee box and provide giveaways

Opportunity to host a ribbon cutting at your place of business for Hole-In-One winner

Team Registration

$400 (20 of 25 teams available)

Promotional Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Opportunity to supply promotional item to 100+ golfers

Company logo recognition on promotional item


Fill up your coffee cup before heading to work and make some new connections Held once a month at various member locations, Morning Brew is a popular, casual networking option for your business Visit with other members of the business community while enjoying the hospitality of the sponsor business

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$3,500, exclusive

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways at each Morning Brew event

Attendee list provided after the event.

Company logo recognition on event banner and on event calendar located on

Event listed in weekly update that is sent on Monday morning to more than 2,300 Chamber member representatives

Social media recognition as title sponsor

Logo recognition on quarterly post cards mailed to Chamber members

Monthly Sponsor

$1,000 (September, November available)

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways

Attendee list provided after the event

Company logo recognition on event banner, event calendar located on

Event listed in weekly update that is sent on Monday morning to over 2,300 Chamber members.

Social media recognition as event host and month sponsor.

Logo recognition on quarterly post cards mailed to Chamber members


Keep the momentum of a good day at work going by making new connections at Business After Hours! This come-and-go networking event is held once a month at various member locations and usually features drinks, appetizers or small bites, and lots of connection opportunities

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$3,500, exclusive

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways at each After Hours event

Attendee list provided after the event.

Company logo recognition on event banner, event calendar located on

Event listed in weekly update that is sent on Monday morning to over 2,300 Chamber members.

Social media recognition as title sponsor

Logo recognition on quarterly post cards mailed to Chamber members

Monthly Sponsor

$1,000 (February, April, May, June, August available)

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways

Attendee list provided after the event

Company logo recognition on event banner, event calendar located on

Event listed in weekly update that is sent on Monday morning to over 2,300 Chamber members.

Social media recognition as event host and month sponsor.

Logo recognition on quarterly post cards mailed to Chamber members


A monthly breakfast forum hosted by area chambers of commerce from February to May Missouri state representatives and senators give updates and members have an opportunity to discuss current topics and legislation with them

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,500, exclusive

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways

Opportunity to provide signage for display at the Joplin event

Includes four tickets to the event

Logo recognition on Joplin event email invitations, event graphics for promotion, and event calendar.

Name recognition on social media posts and weekly update.

Gold Sponsor

$750 (three available)

Company name recognition on event email invitations, from the podium at the beginning of the event

Logo recognition on event calendar

Includes two tickets to the event

Venue Sponsor

$1,000, exclusive

Opportunity to host the event at your business/organization

Name recognition during the event

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, event calendar, promotional graphics, and materials

Includes 2 tickets to the event


The Golden Apple Awards recognize excellence in the teaching profession each year and informs the public of the exceptional quality of instruction in the Joplin community

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$7,500, exclusive

Opportunity to speak for up to five minutes at Nominee & Awards Reception

Opportunity to present certificates at Nominee & Awards Reception

Company logo recognition on Chamber calendar, event webpage, nomination forms, promotion materials and graphics, event graphics, press release, and event banner at Nominee & Awards Reception

Logo and sponsor recognition on all materials shared with Joplin public and private schools

Sponsor recognition on nominee certifications and on all television, print, and radio promotions

Gold Sponsor

$5,000, one of two available

Opportunity to present certificates at Nominee & Awards Reception.

Company logo recognition on Chamber calendar, event webpage, nomination forms, promotion materials and graphics, event graphics, press release, and event banner at Nominee & Awards Reception.

Logo and sponsor recognition on all materials shared with Joplin public and private schools


Leads Groups put members in touch with other professionals to exchange leads and prospects in a non-competitive environment Members meet twice a month to pass referrals and promote their businesses

Title Sponsor

$1,000 (one available, leads group two)

Logo recognition on the leads group event on the event calendar.

Name recognition in weekly update and social media

Leads group named to business sponsor example: “Leads Group Four Sponsored by”

Quarterly Mixer Sponsor

$1,000 (one of three available)

Opportunity to address attendees and provide giveaways

Attendee list provided after the event

Company logo recognition on event banner, and event calendar located on

Event listed in weekly update that is sent on Monday morning to over 2,300 Chamber members

Social media recognition as quarterly sponsor


The Joplin Chamber’s Ambassadors are active members of the Chamber who b ild l l i l i hi i h her members and represent the membership in the community at ribbon cuttings

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$8,000, exclusive

Business name included in program title

Company logo recognition on weekly update in the new member section header and new member social media post

Company logo recognition on monthly new member, renewal, and ribbon cutting article on

Opportunity to speak and present a plaque at each ribbon cutting ceremony

Company logo recognition on ribbon cutting social media posts and frames provided to the business

Company name recognition on ribbon cutting event on joplincc com event calendar

Opportunity to provide a gift for member renewal visits. Logo recognition on the ambassador landing page located on

Social media recognition as program sponsor on posts featuring the Chamber ambassadors

Opportunity to provide your logo bag for renewal visits


New member orientation is an opportunity for new Chamber investors or long-time investors to learn about the benefits of their investment, network with fellow investors and an opportunity to connect with Joplin Chamber staff members

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to present at the new member orientation

Business name included in the event title

Logo recognition on the new member orientation

Powerpoint slide

Social media recognition as event sponsor


SOLD OUT - All Buildings

$5,000, exclusive

Includes the Chamber building, Joseph Newman Innovation Center, and Advanced Training & Technology Center

Logo recognition on hallway signage

Name included in networking listing.

Logo recognition on business cards provided to Joseph Newman Innovation day pass users.

SOLD OUT - Chamber Building Only

$3,000, exclusive

Logo recognition on hallway and meeting room signag

Name included in network listing

SOLD OUT - Newman Innovation Center Only

$2,000, exclusive

SOLD OUT - Advanced Training & Technology Center Only

$2,000, exclusive

Logo recognition on hallway and classroom signage

Name included in network listing

Logo recognition on hallway and conference room signage.

Name included in network listing.

Logo recognition on business cards provided to Joseph Newman Innovation day pass users


SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,500, exclusive

Name recognition in press release announcing the total service hours for the year

Logo recognition on the Chamber’s website, and event calendar.

Logo recognition on promotional graphics and social media posts

The Chamber Gives Back work group coordinates with local nonprofits to or en to all members as volunteer opportunities


Help the Joplin Chamber thank your fellow members for their contributions to the community and their investment as we surprise them with sweets and goodies each month and then in November we will visit each Thursday, leading up the Thanksgiving

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,500, exclusive

Opportunity to present gift to the the member

During the month of November name and logo recognition on Weekly Update for up to three weeks

Logo recognition on the gifts provided to the members

Social media recognition as event sponsor for monthly social media posts that highlight the members we visited.


Advertise your business to Chamber guests through the monthly spotlight table! Members decorate the table in the Chamber lobby each month with giveaways, brochures, business cards, and more

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$250 per month

Opportunity to place company information and promotional products on a table located in the Chamber’s front lobby Logo recognition on lobby monitor


Help the Joplin Chamber empower women in our community through the B O L D (Building Opportunities for Leadership Development) Women’s Summit This one-day event features networking opportunities, dynamic speakers, and breakout sessions meant to educate, empower, and connect women

Title Sponsor

$10,000, exclusive

Eight tickets for colleagues or guests

Opportunity to address the audience (morning or afternoon, your choice).

Access to attendee list with contact information provided the day after the conference

Full-page ad in the event program

Logo inclusion on event webpage, digital materials, and printed materials

Dedicated social media post for sponsor recognition

Business name incorporated into the event title and press releases.

Exhibitor space for your company at the event.

Recognition from the Master of Ceremonies at the beginning of the event

Speaker Sponsor

$5,000 (three available for Keynotes/Panel)

Six tickets for colleagues or guests.

Access to attendee list with contact information provided the day after the event

Half-page ad in the event program

Company logo on the program and event webpage

Opportunity to address the audience during your sponsored keynote/panel session for one to two minutes

Recognition from the Master of Ceremonies at the beginning of the event.

Breakout Sponsor

$2,500 (three of four available)

Four tickets for colleagues or guests

Quarter-page ad in the event program

Company logo on the program and event webpage

Opportunity to introduce breakout speaker

Recognition from the Master of Ceremonies at the beginning of the event


Help the Joplin Chamber empower women in our community through the B.O.L.D. (spell out bold) Women’s Summit. This one-day event features networking opportunities, dynamic speakers, and breakout sessions meant to educate, empower, and connect women

Connection Sponsor

$1,000 (two of four available)

Two tickets for colleagues or guests.

Company logo on the program and event webpage.

Exhibitor space for your company at the event

Recognition from the Master of Ceremonies at the beginning of the event

Exhibitor Booth

$250 (nine of ten available)

One ticket to the event

Opportunity to provide 200 promotional items to attendees (sponsor supplied)

Company logo on the program and event webpage

Exhibitor Booth - Nonprofit

$150 (five available)

One ticket to the event

Opportunity to provide 200 promotional items to attendees (sponsor supplied)

Company logo on the program and event webpage


Keep the Chamber staff and guests caffeinated by providing coffee for events and meetings hosted at the Chamber With dozens of members coming through our doors each month, your brand will be prominently displayed on the coffee station

SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,500, exclusive

Logo recognition when coffee service is provided at the C

Logo recognition at the new lobby coffee bar

Social media recognition as the Chamber Coffee Service

Company logo on coffee cups


SOLD OUT - Title Sponsor

$2,000, exclusive

Opportunity to address the audience and provide giveaways

Logo inclusion on event webpage, digital materials, and printed materials

Dedicated social media post for sponsor recognition.

Business name incorporated into the event title.

Exhibitor space for your company at the event.

Opportunity to participate in the in the promotional video inviting the membership to the event

This festive event offers the perfect opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow Chamber members while enjoying delicious food

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