It’s a New Year – Let’s Get into Gear! Part 2
Before I share part 2 of “Getting into Gear”, I first want to thank all those who let me know that they found the first installment to be inspiring as they commit – or re-commit to their goals. I also appreciated some related advice folks added to the blog such as, “Know when to put the brakes on a bad situation or relationship” and “When you find that you’re lost or headed in the wrong direction, it’s okay to back up and turn around”.
So – back to G.E.A.R.S.!
“G” – is for Gas, or said another way, the fuel that will power your journey. Your fuel needs to be a high-octane blend of the time, passion, and effort you will use to power your goal. If you are low on your fuel, you won’t get very far. So how do you “fuel-up”? You re-assess your priorities to MAKE time for your goals. (Time can be lost, but it can never be “found”!) Your passion comes from a powerful “why” – the reason the achievement of your goal is so very important. Finally, effort kicks in when you recognize that excuses and doubts cause ‘traffic jams’ that you can avoid.