Jordan Clough
folio of selected works
Profeessi Profession sion onal ona naal nal A T Cow AST Cowen Co owe wen en n Design De D ign n Group Gro LLC
LEED D GA A - accredited cccredited e ed D Decemb cemb mber, er, 2010 201
Pro P Projec roje oject ojec ect ct Designer: Design esigner: gner: er: May M 2 2010 - Pr Present Present IIntern: Int nte tern rn: n: July JJu y 2008 - Janua January 201 2010
Community ommunity ommunit mmun mmu munity ity y De D Design esign ign As Assistance Assisttan nce Center C er (C CDAC) C DAC)) DAC) Blacksbur B Blacksb acks ksbu burg, bur urg g, VA Studen Stude tu en ntt De D Des esigner: esi ig gner: January Janua anu uary ry 200 2 20 007 7 - May 2008
Involved in the design, de design const construcco tion administration, or Master Maste Pla Planning nning g of of 12 Federal jobs, primarily pr for the Sta State te Department. epartment. Other work includess landscape landsc d cape ape plans for a private comm ccommunity, munit master teer p plan laaan n and design gn for local churc cchurch, ch, and innovative ovat ov vative ative ve subdivision master planning. D Developed eve ed company graphic standa standards, ds, C CAD lan landscape standards, ards, and plant d database. abas
Worked with com W communities mm mu un nit s in rural Virg Virginia Vir V gin to develop lop pl plans fo for or a va variety of municipal lands mu landscape dscapee imp improvements. provem ov Projects in included luded a cou county ntyy p park masterr plan, and d in interstate terstat corridor corrid do planting gp plan. an.
Yardcraft LLC Alexandria, VA Co-Founder, Lead Designer: March h 201 2011 11 Present Founded nded ded ed to de design beautiful, edible residential landscapes, andscapes, dscapes, capes, p aaesthe aesthetically incorporating sus sustainable tainable nable ble food produc production into urban and su suburban burban communities. Five residential pro project p oje completed complete p to dat date.
KEM Studio
Europ St d Study Abroa
Virginiaa Tech
‘08 08
Con Co C Conte o on ontents ntte en nts ts
The e Est Estua E tua tuar uary uar arry ary y District Distric D Dist strict ric rict ict ct D.C. Yo Yout uth ut h Pa Park Par Park k St d Ab Study S Abro A ro road ad: ad d: Eur d: Euro E Eu urop uro rope ro ope o pe e 08 08 Re-imagin Re e-imagin ined in ed d Le Lega Leg gacy gac ga accy acy cy/O cy/ y/O /Othe /Ot ther the err AST T Cowen nD Des esign esig es gn n Gro Grou roup up Yarrrdcraft LLC C
pe y ad
Compe Competitions/Charettes Com Co ompetitions/Charettes mpetitions/Cha mpetitions/Charet mpetitions/Charette pet etitions/Cha itions/Ch ions/Ch ons/C ns/C /C Chare Charette rettes ettes Institute Inst Instit titu tute tut ute te e for for Wishful Wishf Thi Think Thinking: Thinking: nkin Artist A in Residenc esid es side ide den ence nce e for th the e U.S. Govern Governme Go Government Washington/Alexandria Washi Washing Wash Washingt hingto hington/Alexandria ngton/Alexandria Architecture hitecture Center Cente C nter West Western Weste We Wes stern ern Europe Study Stud Abroad ad Trip - Su Summer Sum S 2008
The e Cath Catholic olic Univ University ersity of A America (CUA) Sch School of Architecture A ectur Washington Washi ngton D.C D.C. August 2004 004 - May 2005
May May a 2010 201 20 010 LumenHaus us (So (S (Solar So ol r D olar Decathlon) ath on)) Landscape La and concepts nccepts ep s ccharette h rettee Semi-finalist emiBlacksburg, Blac cksbur burg VA - 2010 010 0 KEM S Studio o Int Interdisciplinary erdiisciplin Design Charette tte Blacksburg, VA A - Spring 2009
Skills - Construction C Documentation - Hand drawing, sketching, and rendering - Broad, multi-regional egional plant knowledge and species identifica identification - Client/Contractor coordination and relation relations - Presentations and public speaking
IWT Competition
3-6 7 7-8 79 10
‘11 1
Yardcraft LLC
i l
iindustrial d ti l
Completed d during the final two semestters of my BLA at Virginiaa Tech, this project was a year--long, self-directed exxploration of urban design an nd ecological restoration, cu ulminating in a final book that documented the the process and final finaal design ssolution. olution.
Filling g the Middle Branch: a c : 1820-2009 8 0 0 Reduce educed 43%
1822 1822 18 82 22 2
185 18 1856 856 856
18 189 89 8 95 95
19 1 929 29
1947 19 947 7
20 2008 2 00 0 008 08 0 8
4 Sited in southwest Baltimore, MD , the project addresses issues of ecollogical health, urban blight, and industrial remains in terrms of both reuse and re-purposing.“The Estuary District�, proposes mixed use redevelopment and exttensive stormwater systems integrated into a netwo network ork of pedestrian streets and
re-purposed industrial facilities. The district is ancho ored by the re-opened estu uary. This dynamic wetland seerves to clean stormwater, provide habitat, and instill thee user with a distinct sense of place. It provides the districct with a unique characteer by utilizing the plant gradieent of thee estuary ecosystem. ecosystem m
Master plan
Ravens’ Stadium
community center Gas Light Village
light rail stop/transit
Alluvion Point N
coastal coasta forest high mars marsh/ forest mix high marsh trash filter sed ssediment trap oil/grit o /g g t separator
tthe e numbers u be s > site size: impervious area: vegetated edge: population:
afte after er
160 ac. 97% 340 ft. <50
160 ac. 65% 8540 ft. 2100
Building use zoning
2nd d floor
re-purposed industrial building and streetscape wicomico st.
1st floor
high marsh/ forest planting mix bayard st.
gree en network
6 The succcessful design was d developed through research o of built precedent, esstablished environm mental remidiatio on techniques, naturral ecological functio ons, and solid p planning gp principles. p The ressult utilizes light-rail ttransportation, mixeed-use developm ment, and a variety off methods to mitigate the
impacts off urban stormwater, the greatest threat tto the health of th he estuary and Chessapeake Bay. Creatin ng an ecologically restorative urban district serves to botth engage g g an nd educates the resid dents of this revitalizzed waterfrontt.
McMillan Water Filtration Plant: Y h Park Youth P k
D.C. Youth th hP Par Park rk
context and concept
My semester at the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC) was a valueble opportunity to apply lessons learned about urbans space on the European Study Abroad Trip. The site was the abandoned McMillian water plant in NW DC. Consisting of nearly 20 ac. of extremely unique cistern and sand filter infrastructure, the site provided an equally unique opportunity
8 for a large urban park. Assigned a user group, urban youth, I developed a program for the site that addressed the lack of certain developmental activities that are commonly lacking in urban settings. By examining the literature on child-development, I was able to hone a activities. The site design was informed by the scalable pattern of the decaying grid; found in the pavement and
landscape of tiered depressions, punctuated by salvaged columns, with ridges in the formation of the former walls. young adults to explore, interact, and learn from each other, while providing the necessary levels of separation need for the wide range of development stages during this age range.
Brione Tomb: San Vito d'Altivole ,Italy Carlo Scarpa
Museo di Castelvecchio: Verona ,Italy Carlo Scarpa
Study S tudy A Abroad br ad
VT Landscape Architecture: Western Europ pe During my studiess in Europe I developed a deeper understanding of urb banim and the cultural power of landscapes.The expeerience was a real awakening as a desinger. Drawing evvolved from a tool of documentation to a tool of explloration and learning.
Ink and wood-block prints: 2009 -present
Institute for Wishful Thinking g
Artist-in-residence for the U.S. Government â&#x20AC;&#x153;As self-declared Artists in Residence for the US Government, the Institute for Wishful Thinking (IWT) believes that the community of artists and designers possesses untapped creative and conceptual resources that could be applied to solving social problems.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? - IWT homepage
Green Barrier integrating t-wall reuse, green corridors, security, and varied mobility.
Re-imagined Legacy: A proposal for the re-use of T-walls
Canal - traditional Iraqi infrastruture for irrigation and urban water needs
Other work
IWT Competition - Re-imagined Legacy My proposal examines concrete blast walls, known as t-walls, as the physical manifestation of a political situation, and therefore able to reflect political change by the nature of their reuse. Outside of academic and professional work I enjoy print-making, mixed media collage, and competitions.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Sanctua ary
B Building Entrance E
Small group p Area a
Pea Grave el Wall Fountain n
Proposed P Entrance E Bluestone e B Plaza P
a Utility Area
Bench B
Concrete C Walk lk W Ramp
le lo Bou elllo ce nttiic Mon vard
Cameron Mills Ro oad North 0’
Conceptual Planting Pla an
AST Cowen Design Group
Westminster Presbyterian Church - Central Courtyard Design
June 30, 2011
concrete cap
concrete cap
soldier course brrick top
soldier ldi course b brick i k top
brick - to match existing on building
brick - to match existing on building
cut metall lletterin ng, b backlit kl (10’ X 1’) cut metal letterin ng, backlit (20’’ X 1.5’) ’
cut metall llettering and d logo l (11.25’ X 3.5’) 4’-4.5’ ’-4.5’
AST Cowen Design Group While private projects account for a small percentage of the firm’s work, they provide an opportunity to work with community members and local craftsmen to develop a design from concept through completion.
Jumping Branch Farm
12 Westminster Presbyterian Church - Alexandria, VA composed full site master plan. Evaluated existing conditions, created phasing plan, and design recomendations. Project is currently in design development phase for key areas.
Jumping Branch Farm - Stafford, VA extensive feasability study and site analysis for“alternative subdivision”. Included zoning study for proposed zoning, zoning changes, and“agriburbia”concept option currently in development.
Ou ag a An dou ta na gou Lu riv , B sa o, M ur k k Ad a, Za ada ina dis m ga Fas b sc o Jo Aba ia ar ha ba n , Gu nes Eth ay bur iop a g i Ka quil , So a rac , E ut h cu h Du i, P ad Afr ba aki or ica s i Kie , UA tan v, E U Th kra e H in a e Ba gue gh , N d Da ad, ethe ka Ira rla r, S q nd en s eg al
Due to o tthe he se sensitive en i ve nature of most of the firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work aassociating ciati t ng sspecific tin pec fic d drawings to specific government sites tes is res restricted. est s This list illustrates the breadth of my federal fe deera erral w work or without th compromising the specifics of any nyy location. ocaat n
Contractor Coordination Construction Documentation Landscape Design Plant selection/research Site analysis y and planning
AST ST C Cowen owen we w en Desi D Design esign g Group G Grou up I bega began b an with wi h Co Cowen Design Group as an intern in Cow July, 2008. 8 Du During Dur uring myy em employment I have participated i the plann in planning, nning, nn n n desi de design, esig sign, gn, and construction constru documenta-tion tti ion on o n of sev several seve l USS embassies and do other ot oth th her ffede fed de derall p projec j cctss
During my time with AST CDG I have develop a num mber of company standardss, contributing to overall efficiency ffi i and d clarity l it off work. k Th These include: i l d AutoCAD graphic sta andardss - revised existing usee of line weights to create standard graphic language forr each sheet type.
Responsible for plaza l d design: i Conceptual deesign through construction do ocumentation.
Adobe Photoshop p - designed rendering template with predefin ned layers for various kinds surfaces and vegetation. Adobe Illustrator/ In Design - designed presentattion board and paage templates to be used on all final deliveraable. Exotic plant database e - created digital database contains pho otos, nursery specs. and all crittical plant informaation for compiling plant schedules schedules. Wate Wa W atteerc at rcol rrco co co ollor lor reen ende nd nd deerring in ng gb byy otheerss
Responsible for greenroof plant selection, detailing, and planting design. Installed Spring 2011. Client: DOS
14 around the globe. Each project has b brought with it varying challenges such as plant matterial procurement in underdeveloped nations, extremee growing conditions, and coordination with architeccts, civil engineers, security engineers, the contractor and the client: OBO.
I am experienced with the International Zoning Code (IZC), and Department of State security codes. I have an interest in the ability of design to engage people in a cultural exchange, particularly in the Middle East and Africa where the majority of the projects I have worked on are located. located
Dwarf Muhly grass Highbush blueberry Herb planters Strawberry Creeping Thyme
Weitecha Garden 415 N. Payne St. Alexandria, VA
Yardcraft LLC
During the fall and winter of 2010, two colleagues and I created a business model to address what we believe are rising trends in residential design. A shared interest in local food production, health and environmental issues, and the example-setting power of
Our mission is to design beautiful, edible, residential landscapes; aesthetically incorporating sustainable food production into urban and suburban communities.
private landowners propelled us to form a business and Yardcraft was incorporated in March 2011. Since then Yardcraft has undertaken a range of projects at all levels of design. From half acre master plans to detailed construction documentation and BAR hearings, we have satisfied the needs of our clients and completed five projects to date.
Yardcraft continues to be a creative outlet and an experience builder. It has allowed me to explore a personal interest while developing skills such as cost-estimating, client relations, writing project scopes and proposals for design work as well as invoicing and business management.