|MAKE| |imagination to fabrication|
PERSONAL FABRICATION FARM FACTORY |MAKE| celebrates 40 years of |Perfact| Tracing the steps from imagination to fabrication.
Forty years ago children were asked to imagine... Imagine a machine that could make anything.
What does the machine look like?
What would you like the machine to make? In 2050, children of all ages need not imagine... What would you like to make today?
i m a g i n a t i o n The machine’s going to make a robot. The robot is made out of metal. The robot is going to make another robot. Like, I don’t have a car and I don’t have a house. They make it for me. It’s going to make another robot in exactly the same colours here and they will be the same. This is the remote control. NIC - 4 Years Old
How did imagination in 2011 translate into fabrication by
Metal blocks build towers. You put a big piece of metal inside, then there’s a light that cuts and then it comes out here. (Blue to Red) All these are buttons. JACOB - 4 Years Old This makes metal toys.
This machine makes dolls.
You put what you need in here and then the machine makes them. They come out the blue part. Then it makes new dolls from old dolls. LOUISE - 4 YEARS OLD
y 2050? How did these ideas come to life? What technologies were developed? How do these
THE ‘MACHINE’ HAS BEEN BUILT. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? HOW DOES IT WORK? new technologies work? How did the world change in 40 years.
Let’s trace the PERFACT d
? CONCEPT 2011
design process from conception through iteration and evolution. Stopping off at inven-
|MAKE| point of fabrication and collection |LEARN| point of creation and innovation
|BE| multipurpose public plaza open to everyone |INSPIRE| point of research and development, a professional space |FARM| growing specialised raw materials |RECYCLE| return your old objects for defabrication to make new |PROCESS| raw materials and returned objects reanimated into printable polymers |BOS!| built osmotic structure pumps material throughout PERFACT
tion, function and fabrication along the way...“User-centered innovation processes offe
er great advantages over the manufacturer-centric innovation development systems that
have been the mainstay of commerce for hundreds of years. Users that innovate can devel
recycle - worker accomm. during construction - point of recycle after completion
process - farm to make pipelines
lop exactly what they want, rather than relying on manufacturers to act as their (often
vehicle entrance - direct printing for distribution
farm - increase and decrease in size as needed to reach equilibrium
make - print factory
collect - point of collection for printed artefacts
very imperfect) agents. Moreover, individual users do not have to develop everything th
inspire - studio and labs
be - wickham st. public plaza. Brisbane Biennale main space
hey need on their own: they can benefit from innovations developed and freely shared by
MODULAR complete
learn - studio and public work space
CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY When creating a structure that presents a complexity of freedom, what do you do?
...start from the bottom.
Traditional stereolithography models are built upon structural support geometry. The backbone to complexity. PERFACT is grounded in parallel geometrical reason. Providing a structure that is by nature self-replicating and adaptive. The fabricated ephemeral. MAKE ALMOST ANYTHING!
2. Base of BOS! channels through length of site
1. Parametric grid over site
sequence of construction
2015 If you look around your home or office, aside from a painting or unique hand-craf
fted item someone gave to you as a gift, probably most of the objects surrounding you
4. Ground floor completed.
3. Farm vertical members printed on site and installed, connected to BOS!
6. Farm fully functioning now. Time to print the rest!
5. Farm floor
are impersonal and were designed with a careful balance between cost-to-manufacture and
d projected sales volume in mind. In 2050, when you look around your home or office, you
8. Make columns printed, installed.
7. Farm vertical members printed on site and installed, connected to BOS!
will see quirky, one-of-a-kind items designed by yourself or someone you know. Perhaps
10. Learn. Inspire and Be BOS! printed and installed.
9. Open for business. Farm. Recycle. Process and Make fully functioning.
12. PERFACT module complete. Time to make.
11. Final touches placed on BE.
your shoes will be custom-made to fit exactly your feet, or your toothbrush will have
your name engraved into it and fit exactly into your hand the way you like it. The indiv
i n n o v a t i o n Perfact is grounded on two parallel technologies, and the first structure in the world to use them symbiotically. UMF! (oomph!) - Universal Molecular Fabricator BOS! (boss!) - Built Osmotic Structures The combination of UMF and BOS allow Perfact to continually evolve, create and fabricate. Let’s find out a little more about how these technologies work.
vidual and the “market of one” .
Transformative change happens when
Material processed from the farm is pumped through the structure (BOS!) allowing the UMF to access molecular material to print at any point. A selectively permeable membrane on the BOS! and the underside of the UMF! permit the process.
industries democratize, when they’re ripped from the sole domain of companies, governme
The ultimate inspiration for additive fabrication is biology. Babies after all are grown and not carved. The molecular machinery in a cell is based around the additive assembly of proteins by other proteins. -Neil Gershenfeld MIT
ents, and other institutions and handed over to regular folks. The Internet democratized
petrol station ret FARM
publishing, broadcasting, and communications, and the consequence was a massive increas
tro-fit PERFACT local has reclaimed abandoned petrol station sites around the country since the 2023 national ban on petrol powered vehicles...making PERFACT available within walking distance to almost every member of the community. Following the same construction methodology you can see how easily a standard petrol station can be retrofitted into a point of fabrication.
se in the range of both participation and participants in everything digital — the long
tail of bits. Now the same is happening to manufacturing — the long tail of things.
Personal manufacturing technologies will profoundly impact
how we design, make, transport, and consume physical products. As manufacturing technol
n a ac t iin ct f r e pe p d ld r r o wo w
logies follow the path from factory to home use,Emerging manufacturing technologies will
usher in an industrial “evolution� that combines the best of mass and artisan productio
the future is not what it used to be
on models.
2045...PERFACT...MAKE ALMOST ANYTHING.........2050