6 Masen
14 Flicks of The Month
16 Swear
24 Suckit
28 Hanos
Masen CBS-RK
How long have you been painting for?
dont get it twisted I still go out and wreck shit.
So what do you think your influences are for painting?
I dont really know how to answer that question... How long have I been wrecking shit? for years... how long have I taken this shit seriously? since 2007, I started out tagging on everything just to be a menace to society . I didnt care about anything whether it was a mural or sculpture , Id still tag on it , Tagging turned into bombing then that leaded to piecing and working with colors but
So how did you get into painting?
There’s a lot of people that have influenced my painting one of them is my dad , my dad always had my back through it. No matter what. Another would have to be my muse , Cleo one , “my ride or die” , who inspired me to bombing to the next level , and then there’s opt , the asshole who shaped me into the asshole I am , He was the one I looked up to and
Honestly... I dont know.... Id have to say through just vandalsim its self. Like breaking windows , just going out when Im angry and wrecking shit. Thats how it all started until one day I picked up a can and wrote some shit. Once I did that it became addicting I just wanted to write on eveything ...
still respect to this day . . What do you think the craziest thing that has happened while you have been painting? Sooooo many stories come to mind..... (laughs)... Id hafta say that one of the craziestthings thats ever happened to me was when I was painting a billboard or main street ventura with coee one , all fucked up. Were up there for about twenty minutes until about four cop cars showed up
go first, i jump off this two story bulding and do a tuck roll onto the ground from the shack . Then coee jumped, were both on the ground and decide to split up but we were trapped in what felt like a cage, Coee went right and I went left we both jumped onto one story buildings, on my side there was cops surrounding so i turned around and jumped down but i was stuck in the back of the cage so i jumped where coee went and he was just laying there, I tell
while I was mid painting that shit. They surrounded the bhilding and the billboard then coee looked at me and said “whatre we going to do ?” and I looked at him and said “were going to jump...”I looked at the roof and took four steps back and then I jumped to the other side , i made it across then coee jumped. We both ran to the back of the building to see if there was anything to jump to and land on but there was nothing but a shitty shack ( laughs) So i
jumped up and started booking it down the block but two cops cars chased me and blocked me into a restaraunt parking lot where i tried to hop a fence but they were two quick and they grabbed me , they started beating me and threw me into the back of the cop car and took me to jail. I ended up doing a couple months . At the end of this I thought it was funny his face got so mangled. What’s the funniest memory that you think you have?
him “Let’s jump down this way but slowly... judt creep down...” so I jump off and give it a soft landing , coee jumped and of course being all faded he had jumped down all loppy and fell on his ass all loud. Then all of a sudden a cop popped out of no where around the corner and tackled me into a spikey tree where my hand got fucked up and the cops face went head first into the tree, he got so mangled. The cop then jumped up off of me with a bloody face and chased after coee then i
One night when the YA and Ripset heads were in the freight yard the homie Laer almost died trying to hop the line. That fool was mobbing over with his pants sagging and his duffel bag full of paint and when he hopped over that fool slipped and got his foot caught in the knuckle of the autorack , he was hanging down and went face first into the dirt. Me and the homie Arest died laughing for hours.
So have you ever been caught?
What’s your favorite thing about graf?
I got popped for scribing windows on Main St. in downtown ventura , I scribed about 60 windows one night , I didnt get caught in the acvt , I was snitched out by an old crew member. It made it to the to the paper , the news , all that bullshit. It didnt slow me down but I had to do some time for it. You can still catch some of those scribes burning to this day.
My favorite thing about it would probably have to be the midnight air while painting. Breathing in that shit makes it pretty damn real. Another thing about graff is racking and being a straight clepto for these stupid art supplies. ... Smiling at the grandma and saying “Have a nice day....” I love it. What is your favorite marker out there that you use?
Markers????...... Fool Fuck Markers! We use mops & mops only! Home made silver and black. Fuck all that Montana bullshit, Rusto Kustos for life baby. So what is your favorite cap? Id have to say my favorite cap would have to be the ultra fat “YA” caps. Flairing like a motherfucker and shit.
It could progress, It could stay the same.... Or it could get wack... All I can say is no matter what Im still gonna be pumping this shit out like theres no tomorrow. What is your favorite yard? You think Im gonna tell you where I paint??.,.... Fool, All you need to know is that ITS OUR YARD ..... YA RIP RK , RAILHEADS GANG yard..... so STAY OUT.
Do you have any rituals for when you’re at the yard or before you go to the yard? Before I go into the yard whether she is going to be painting tonight or not I tell my lady I love her, Other than that I hope to see the berryman truck cause than I know its gonna be a good day/ night.
How do you see your art in five yours from now?
Any good teammates out there that you paint with and how do you feel about painting as a team?
I run in a couple of teams and we make up one huge team. I give big ups to all the homies and crew members cause were a big family. You can hate on us from clear across the country and still be getting slashed out and gone over by one of us cause we got that kind of love towards eachother. The main fools I run with
are Cleo, Arest , Getem , Siqm and Opt . Can’t forget the big homies More and Nail. Gotta give it up to the racking crew.... Straight cleptos Me , Cleo Siqm & Nasty. What do you think the longest night you have every spent doing? usually every nights long. we can go out from 8 or 9 til 6 or 7 in the morning. All day everyday. Catching wreck , this shit is endless...
What is your favorite color or color combo is? My favorite color would have to be Rusto black. My favorite color scheme is silver fill, black outline , yellow shell, with white high lights , thats bombing , thats everything...
I Have been consistently since late 07 I got back into met with raos kind of showed me around the train yard then met knistt. Pretty much from then on I haven’t stopped. So how did you get into painting? Well for me it’s a lot different then a lot of other people I never had that influence of like my big brother, or cousin or who
ever the case might be. As far as me, as funny as it sounds I was in art class and we had a project about doing letters I started to doing bubble letters and I kept wanting to make them better and better every time. I got hooked. Then I started looking at the streets and understanding what the point of it was just to get your name out there from there on I haven’t stopped kept painting.
How long have you been painting for?
So what do you think your influences are for paining? As far as influences I really didn’t have any, most of the stuff I know today I ve taught my self. But today one of my biggest influences now is got to be my partner, Raos. I got to thank him for a lot of the good times we spent together every time we go out there it’s a challenge. I thrive to surprise my self every time, but then sometimes I find my self in the same situation. It’s kind of hard to get
out of it sometimes. But I guess it has a lot to do with what you’re going through in life. All your feelings generate and all that energy that you have and what your going through its going to show in your work. I’m a true believer of that. Graffiti speaks of who you are as a person, a lot of people don’t understand that. Knistt he’s been around for along time he’s taught me a lot as far as history and how the rails go he knows his shit. That guy I give it to him.
What do you think the craziest thing that has happened while you have been painting? Fuck man. Well i’m not going to hold back on that one. I’m going be real raos knows what i’m talking about that’s why he’s laughing in the background. I have to go with this one time we where painting reefers, reefers for us to hit are hard as fuck right now, I haven’t been there for years. I hate that yard for this. One of
the last times we where there me and raos where there painting a reefer and unfortunately we got spotted by rail road police and when he rolled up raos was like 20 boxes down so I couldn’t see him so I hopped over the back side of the line I left my bag of paint next to the train. So the worker keeps walking on the backside and I’m on the ladder just peaking my big head over then he flashes his light at me so I jumped down and I took off running but the
biggest thing problem is that every time I step in the yard I have to take a shit. Raos knows this shit I have to take a shit before I go paint. It’s just a bad habit I got. But that night I didn’t. so when this dude seen me I jumped down jogged real quick and I was holding it as much as I could but a little bit slipped out so when I was walking back I seen raos then we left. We got in the car ridding back home raos was asking me if I stepped on some shit.(swear and raos
laugh) and I told him no, its me. That defiantly not going to hold back on that one. Building history. What’s the funniest memory that you think you have? I was out there painting at a favorite spots and I had this kit fox straight out sit right in front of my watching me paint I guess he was having a good time I was cracking up. So have you ever been caught?
I wasn’t caught but snitched out, one of my so-called crewmember ratted me out got picked up at school didn’t know what was going on. They found a tip with dry paint to violate my parole and that did it . What’s your favorite thing about graf? Well my favorite thing about graf in general is felling of it. You could approach a freight a wall, canvas whatever your painting with whatever experiences
you had or feelings your going through at that point in life, one of the other things is that it brings two different life styles or two different people from where ever to plot on developing or deliver a masterpiece. Sometimes it takes two great artists to make a masterpiece. What is your favorite marker out there that you use.? As far as that goes I have to give it to mean streaks, I have been writing with
those shits since I started now I get them for free, small sponsorship for my self use them on oilers. Like butter. So what is your favorite cap? It’s got to be that under cover tip, for you true writer shop for that stock tip. How do you see your art in five yours from now? I can’t predict the future I can only hope for the best. keep doing what i’m doing hopefully get an admirer
that’s willing to supply me with better supplies in order to do more. What is your favorite yard? I actually have two equal, ones a more of a summer time spot you get all the white girls. It’s nice to have variety. You get to hit different types of chicks. You got to treat trains like women, some deserve more then others. Just depends on how clean they are. So you go to this other yard have to clean up a lot of shit.
Do you have any rituals for when you’re at the yard or before you go to the yard? Well like I said early. I got to take a shit before I go to the yard. I do like to streak the lines and to scope the yard make sure its time to go. Any good teammates out there that you paint with and how do you feel about painting as a team? As far as teammates go theres only one guy out there that I can call a
partner. And that’s raos . I have known him before I started painting. So when we started painting together he’s always influenced me to be cleaner to always push my self to develop new things. Like I said earlier two people brought together can make great things and having someone that can be loyal and true. Telling you the truth about what your shit really looks like
What do you think the longest night you have every spent doing? The question should be the shortest night I have spent painting, all it is on my days off is campout, I should take a sleeping bag, and unfortunately I don’t sleep out there. Just spending time into what we do. What is your favorite color or color combo is? As far as my favorite color. Sail blue I’m not a gangster or anything like that but it’s
a poppy color what can I say, as far as color combo shit I’m a strong believer the grass is greener on the other side my work speaks for it self. So I have to go with the greens.
how long have you been painting for? I’ve been painting for about 5 years. So how did you get into painting? I started painting because of friends thru skateboarding. We would skate ditches and random spots and my friends had some spray paint and we started tagging random stuff like “skate or die” aha and then one of my friends took me to go rack stuff at a fabric store and we got a bunch of
empty mops and inks and he was showing me whats cool to get and we started tagging around skate spots and stuff. So what do you think your influences are for painting
Graffiti can be anything, that’s what is so cool about it.I can do it wherever I want, on something big, or small, train, wall, gate, the possibilities are endless. I find influence thru everything. music, and friends and just thru exploring and having fun.
Graffiti is universal.
What do you think the craziest thing that has happened while you have been painting. I don’t know, Ive been chased around some times and stuff. Every day is a different story and different experience. Some successful and some not so successful. Id say one crazy story was painting with my gf, Luna, and we were in Los angeles and we had to run and almost got hit by a car and then
went over the blue line and hid out for a while. It was pretty crazy because of the circumstances and all the people around yelling stuff, trying to help us out I think. What’s the funniest memory that you think you have?
Probably doing e2e’s with tags with my friend, almost, of stupid stuff like writing “fuck kevin Durant” and “420 blaze it”. So have you ever been caught? Yes
Its fun. The places it takes me and the people I meet.
What is your favorite marker out there that you use?
I like using the silver pilots and uni’s. mops and streaks are cool too. I really like the steel tip krinks. So what is your favorite cap? Stock caps !
What’s your favorite thing about graf?
Graffiti can be anything, that’s what is so cool about it.
How long have you been painting for?
Since I was a little kid my mom had me doing mosaic patterns and paintings on canvas So how did you get into painting?
Just being a kid, painting has always been there for me So what do you think your influences are for painting Wanting to travel everywhere and paint shit straight up
What do you think the craziest thing that has happened while you have been painting.
So have you ever been caught They let me go
What’s your favorite thing about graf?
Painting downtown getting rolled by bike cops hiding in a wheel of a semi watching them search the whole area inches away and watching em leave thinking they seen a ghost
Shiiiit, everything?? Honestly tho the places it takes you.. It’s a roller coaster
What’s the funniest memory that you think you have?
Presto metal tips, home made drippers
Every night getting buck, doing hella work and just getting away with it is always fun
What is your favorite marker out there that you use?
So what is your favorite cap? Stock works best, usually somthing fat tho.. I’m
always goin through pink dots How do you see your art in five yours from now? Hopefully influencing Kids
What is your favorite yard? Typically cuts I find myself or with friends.
Do you have any rituals for when you’re at the yard or before you go to the yard?
Get faded, Taking the adventure one step at a time Any good teammates out there that you paint with
All my brothers know who they are, always having a good time hardly stressing always smoking reefer What do you think the longest night you have every spent doing.
I’ve gone days of non stop action. When your in a different city you don’t want to stop... What is your favorite color or color combo is?
Black and white throw some chrome in the mix
and how do you feel about painting as a team?
Shiiiit, everything?? Honestly tho the places it takes you
I has been painting consistently since 2005, just getting warmed up. So how did you get into painting? It goes back from when I was a kid getting in trouble tagging really pissing my parents off, it was like a rule of my house I had a list of shit I couldn’t do. I couldn’t sag, I couldn’t talk shit, couldn’t paint. They
just tried to limit me and cut me off so basically landed me in the streets and imp here now. So what do you think your influences are for painting? My influences. My influences defiantly have to be my life, my life experiences my situations I have been in, kind of just feed off that either positive of negative energy, and just take it to painting whether its canvases whether its trains I try to incorporate my feelings.
How long have you been painting for?
What do you think the craziest thing that has happened while you have been painting? Raos and swear both laugh, There’s been a lot of crazy things for swears sake we will go with one night we where painting this big block letter, off the 5 freeway and we where there for a few hours finished up wrapped it up and there was this highway patrol car behind this work van, so we where like fuck
what the fuck do we do and swear didn’t want to go back to the car so we just ended up walking 5 or 6 miles up in the freezing winter cold fog, then around 4 in the morning my girl came to pick us up while we where hiding in a bush and shit. What’s the funniest memory that you think you have? I’m ganna have to pass on that one laughing, swear laughs also.
So have you ever been caught? Yeah, I got busted in about 06 for writing in the city, they weren’t liking it, so got that knock on the door at 6 in the morning, still paying for it now 5 years later. What’s your favorite thing about graf? My favorite thing probably has to be the verity of painting that’s out there, not just painting but op-
tions, and approach that a lot of people take. I mean its different then what I do, so obviously it automatically makes it interesting because theres so much difference. Just the ability to express your self so fast in such a limited time. Like if your feeling like fuck today your able to write that and it gets the point directly across.
What is your favorite marker out there that you use? My favorite marker has to be sharpie. That mean streak, yaw swears got me hooked cant put it down. So what is your favorite cap? My favorite cap its got to be the rusto fat cap. How do you see your art in five yours from now? More developed, developed from now. I mean hopefully
on some other shit, being able to express my feelings better more appropriate, just more developed all together. Whether it be my graffiti or my art. Taking my art to trains walls.
its supplied me with what I need to get my name out there so its got to be my favorite
Any good teammates out there that you paint with and how do you feel about painting as a team?
What is your favorite yard?
Do you have any rituals for when you’re at the yard or before you go to the yard? My rituals got to be. Streak my way there streak my way back you know catch every black tank I can see its been like that since I started mark my name on at least as much as I can.
Yeah defiantly swears got to be my main squeeze, I mean we have put out some of the hardest panels, especially with a partner like swear you get that constructive criticism all the time, where its like well good job but, aw that sucked right there and it just keeps you pushing you harder, keeps you trying
My favorite yard I mean its been a yard I have relied and grown with and painted my whole carrier of painting 5 years D yard in my city put a lot of good and bad stuff out of there
to develop. It’s that person pushing you to be advancing and it’s definitely good to have a team member like that. What do you think the longest night you have every spent doing? I have had a lot of long nights, a lot of 6 in the morning watching the sun come up cold as fuck but you still feel accomplisher.
What is your favorite color or color combo is? My favorite color combo is i’m trying to make a signature of like an aqua or harbor blue fill in with a red outline like that red on that blue compliments so good imean that’s just for a throw up. If any companies want to make a Raos red id be down for that I have always wanted to see my name on a Montana can. But red is definably my favorite color.