Jordin Kelsey Graphic Design Portfolio 2017

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Jordin Kelsey portfolio Jordin Kelsey


not dead yet art




c u lt u r e

04 Gender Norms editorial design

18 Bloom Bras branding

GENDER NORMS and how they can be harmful for kids

interview with queer punk duo PWR BTTM the art of Vanessa Beecroft also featuring Young M.A.

32 Twin Peaks Title Sequence digital media

44 Manifestos poster design

MarcH 17

54 Monday or Tuesday book design

68 BeBold app design

76 Locals Only: Illegal Dumping research project

94 Visual Music digital media

104 Higher Power packaging design


Gender Norms editorial design

The design challenge here was to design an editorial layout for article 'Forcing Kids to Stick to Gender Roles Can Actually Be Harmful to To Their Health' by Tara Ressler. The 8 pages had to include an opening image, an infographic, and sidebar. I went with an illustrated style for all the graphics, and designed a magazine cover to go along with it.

Jordin Kelsey


Gender Norms

Mood Board


illustrative informative clean trendy youth minimal

Jordin Kelsey


Gender Norms

Editorial Iterations

The process started with designing the opening spread. I struggled with integrating the long title with an illustration or image, before settling on incorporating it into the drawing.


The next struggle was fitting the rather short article into a full 8 pages. I eventually developed a second illustration for the end of the article to tie the two together.

Jordin Kelsey


Gender Norms

Final Editorial


Jordin Kelsey


Gender Norms

Cover Design Sketching


Development In this stage of the process, I picked Cabazon and Cooper Black to work with further. I went through several rounds of variations, changing treatments each time.

The top row is the beginning: I started with an image I knew I wouldn't be using just to play around with masthead. The next round I chose one image that might work, and did variations. I then chose favorite layouts and treatments and added in a second picture to make sure what I wanted would work with other images.

Jordin Kelsey


Gender Norms

Development This stage was very much focused on getting the lockup right after finding the perfect image to talk about gender.

Why 'Not Dead Yet'

It was firstly thought of as just a clever name for a printed magazine in order to play off the 'print is dead.' I also wanted to point out that along with print, Art, Literature and Culture are not dead in this digital age. Finally, I wanted to make a connection from Not Dead Yet to whatever the issue is about. In this case, it reads as Not Dead Yet: Gender Norms. Other issues may be Not Dead Yet: Activism and Protest; Not Dead Yet: Rock n' Roll. This also my reason for using a blackletter font because it is similarly yet to go out of style. 14


Jordin Kelsey



Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras branding Bloom Bras is a San Francisco-based start-up sports bra brand that has developed a game-changing product for the well-endowed, active woman in mind. The bra is fully adjustable at straps and cups, contains no metal, and is made with super flexible and breathable fabric. I was brought on the Graphic Design intern and was tasked first with designing the logo for the brand, helping with website assets, and creating content for a Kickstarter campaign.

Bloom Bras Branding

Inspiration For this project, I looked at a lot of different sources of information with the client because I executed a variety of branding material. I looked at other athletic brands, makeup packaging, logo designs, flat illustration examples, hang tag designs, and successful Kickstarters. I also looked at a lot of 'B' logos in order to gain inspiration and complete a competitive audit.

empowering sleek feminine comfortable playful fun bold


Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras Branding


I went through a lot of pages of sketches while getting feedback from the client before moving on to digital iterations.


Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras Branding

Iteration While working on the logo iterations, the client picked a typeface, Actonia, that she wanted to use, so I began to carry the previous iterations to over to the type.



Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras Branding

Style Guide

C=16 M=12 Y=13 K=0 #d4d4d4 C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 #000000 C=68 M=0 Y=44 K=0 #3ac0a7


Primary Typeface


ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Secondary Typefaces

Kingsthings Clarity

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Toolkit Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Final Logo

Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras Branding

Website Assets

All of these illustrations were made into GIFs using Photoshop.


Size chart

Edited photo for website slider Jordin Kelsey


Bloom Bras Branding

Tag Design My final project was to design the hang tags for when the final bra would be out in the real world. I based these illustrations off of the ones I previously created, but cropped them closer and fixed strokes to make them as clear as possible at a small size.

Adjusting cups

Zipping to close

Adjusting straps


Twin Peaks Refresh digital media

This project was to recreate the opening credits/title sequence of a movie or TV show, or create your own fictional production. The production may not incorporate film, animations and text and may not use any of the graphics images, or themes that are in the original sequence.

Twin Peaks Title Sequence

Inspiration I took most of my inspiration from the Red Room scenes of Twin Peaks. These scenes were always the trippiest, weirdest, and most symbolic scenes of the show. I wanted my animation to embody these feelings.


Jordin Kelsey


Twin Peaks Title Sequence



Jordin Kelsey


Twin Peaks Title Sequence







Coffee with saucer

Jordin Kelsey


Twin Peaks Title Sequence

Final Animation In the final animation, I created lightchanging effects that helped create the surreal theme. The changing colors were synchronized to the music for effect and to add emphasis when needed. Watch full video at https://vimeo. com/196323542.


I chose EloquentPro as the typeface for the header for a dramatic entrance.

Jordin Kelsey


Twin Peaks Title Sequence

The elements usually spun rapidly before transforming into the next illustration.


Jordin Kelsey



Manifestos poster

This project was all about hierarchy and experimenting with what meaning could be created within. The text provided was different design manifestos dating from 1796-1967.

Manifestos Hierarchy Poster

Inspiration For research and inspiration, I looked at compositions from the Bauhaus and found large-scale posters that had very bold hierarchy and typographic choices.


Jordin Kelsey


Manifestos Hierarchy Poster

Iterations This project came with specified steps. Step 1: layout the text as it came with no hierarchy. Step 2: add some emphasis, only using bold or italicized text and not size. Step 3 was creating hierarchy with text.

Initially, I laid out the information in a time-line


Jordin Kelsey


Manifestos Hierarchy Poster

Iterations Step 4 and the final Step 5 were to create hierarchy with all of the above – emphasized text, shape, placement, color, and even symbols.

The initial concepts were focused on how time played into the idea of manifestos.


I took a step back with this concept and tried something other than a time-line structure.

The final concept settled on the idea that all of these manifestos were written by men, and in fact, most of history was written by men. Therefore, I chose to create meaning by encoding the authors in Zapf Dingbats, and pull out key "masculine" words to get the meaning across.

Jordin Kelsey


Manifestos Hierarchy Poster

Style Guide

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 #000000 C=0 M=65 Y=0 K=0 #ef7cb0 C=70 M=11 Y=0 K=0 #00b2ec


Primary Typeface

Prohibition Oblique


Secondary Typefaces

Bodoni Book

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Zapf Dingbats


Toolkit Adobe InDesign


Jordin Kelsey


Monday or Tuesday book design

Monday or Tuesday is a collection of short stories by Virginia Woolf. The goal of this book design was to use images, hierarchy, and layout to create a theme for the book and to decode some of the meanings for the reader.

Monday or Tuesday Book Design

Brief Monday or Tuesday focuses on reflection, fragmentation and the flow of consciousness in the human mind throughout each story. The purpose of this book design was to illustrate to the reader how the narrator(s) and characters in the stories are in the present and past at same time within their own minds. In other words, two different stories or time lines within one. I chose to express ideas of fragmentation, non-linearity and displacement with collage and juxtaposition.




For inspiration I looked at interesting collages from famous artists and unknown artists in addition to book covers and designs that emulated the look I was shooting for.

Jordin Kelsey


Monday or Tuesday Book Design

Iterations At the beginning of this project, I knew that I wanted to use collage to express the themes in Monday or Tuesday. But it took me quite a few spreads to really nail down how I wanted to use collage techniques. I started with designing the opening spreads of chapters, working out font choices, margins, chapter title treatment, and working in images.

Initially I working with idea of film strips to create meaning and obscure parts of images. I experimented with working the chapter title into the collages, or using them in addition to pull quotes.


The initial fonts I worked with was Bodoni, Din, Caslon, and Univers.

Jordin Kelsey


Monday or Tuesday Book Design

Concept Decision After playing around with collaging and the different materials I had collected, I realized I needed more of distinct visual code to represent how Woolf moved fluidly between inner and outer thoughts, or reality and unreality. I decided on the use of half-toning – the half-toned images were used to represent one of the underlying layers of the story, while the regular images represent the literal storyline. Each story had at least one accompanying collage to give insights into the story’s meaning.

Literal story line: a couple living in a haunted house Underlying meaning: themes of love


Cover Design When it came to designing the book cover, I went through a few iterations to figure out how I could illustrate the design of the interior onto the exterior. Iterations started with images first, and adding text second.

Jordin Kelsey


Monday or Tuesday Book Design

Final Design


Style Guide

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 #000000 C=46 M=38 Y=38 K=2 #8f8f8e

Primary Typeface

Adobe Caslon Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Toolkit Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop A lot of National Geographics

C=31 M=51 Y=37 K=1 #b28589

Jordin Kelsey


Monday or Tuesday Book Design

Each collage was treated differently depending on the length of the story and where I felt it created the most meaning.


Jordin Kelsey


beBOLD mobile application

This app design was centered around learning. There are all kinds of apps out there that can teach children the alphabet, basic math, or a second language. For my learning app however, I wanted to encourage children to socialize with their peers and try new things. This idea was realized in beBOLD, a daily challenge app.

BeBold App

Comparative Analysis Before I arrived at my concept for this application, I looked through the Google Play Store to find applications that centered around learning of any kind. Basic math, writing, and spelling dominate apps for kids in elementary school and preschool. For middle school to high school, most games are focused around messaging apps and lifestyle games.


Inspiration After completing a competitive audit, I looked for inspiring images of bold graphics, including fonts, patterns and colors.


Jordin Kelsey


BeBold App



Iteration My first iteration was heavily influenced by games and apps I was already using (Candy Crush). However, after some more research and experimentation, I started to develop my final concept which tried to illustrate the beBOLD idea with a big, bold, design.

Jordin Kelsey


BeBold App


This app is designed to be engaging and exciting enough for daily use. Every day, the app opens and invites the user to 'Do Somethin' Big.' They are then taken to their daily challenge. The language and colors used were chosen specifically to be appealing and inspiring to a young audience.


In order to be engaging and keep the user coming back everyday, the app has a very social aspect. After each completed challenge, they are prompted to add a picture or video, a quick note, and share it on their other social media platforms.

Jordin Kelsey



Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign research project Illegal dumping is the act of leaving items, such as household appliances, trash, clothes, or hazardous materials on public property instead of disposing of the items properly. The objective of this study is to find out where the most illegal dumping occurs and why people dump illegally instead of using free city services. Finally, the outcome of the this research study will be a solution that is realistic, practical, and effective.

Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

Research Methodologies A lot of research was collected for this study over the course of several months through Secondary Research, Case Study Analysis, Photo Journal, Expert Internviews, Survey, How Might We Questions, and Comparative Analysis.

How often would say you see large items left on the street in your neighborhood ie mattresses, electronics, furniture, etc.?

Have you ever reported bulky items or problems in your neighborhood through 311?

Rate San Francisco's streets overall cleanliness on a scale of 1-4.

Summary of Findings

After reviewing the research, its clear that one of the main roots of the problem of illegal dumping is lack of education and knowledge, especially of shortterm renters. Two of experts agree that residents are uneducated about the resources available to them and think that this could be one of the main causes of illegal dumping, while a third expert believes residents just need to be more responsible. Finally, while San Francisco is one of the greenest cities in America, residents should be doing a lot more to keep it that way. From the research, its clear that many residents care about bulky item collection and keeping the streets clean and obviously many try to do their part. However, it is up to the educated and caring citizens to educate or report their fellow neighbors who may not know about Recology's services or who are too apathetic to the cause. 78

Design Audit These are examples of past outdoor advertising done by Recology and SF Department of the Environment.

Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

Mood Board


Design Drivers Education - this campaign will educate users about how illegal dumping takes a toll on the San Francisco environment, and the global environment. Cultivate Responsibility - this campaign will instill a sense of taking responsibility for keeping San Francisco and residents' neighborhoods clean. The campaign will highlight how Recology and the Department of Public Works can not make progress without the increased responsibility and action of citizens. Build off Pride - this campaign will build off feelings of pride that San Franciscans already hold so deeply. In order to do this, the posters will use images, colors, fonts that appeal to San Franciscans and the 'locals only' mentality. Be Accessible - this campaign will of course be accessible. It will feature large images and type in several different languages in order to reach as many populations as possible.

Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign



Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

First Iterations

First iterations featured factbased tag lines and hashtags with two-toned images.


Locals Only know that a clean community is part of SF pride.

When you have bulky items to recycle, don’t dump on the streets you love. Schedule a free or low-cost pick up with Recology by calling 415-330-1300 or 415-626-4000 or visiting bulky-item-collection/

Eventually I came to the idea of Locals Only to bolster the Pride part of my design drivers.

Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

Second Iteration After more process, I realized I needed a different, more personalized communication method to reach San Francisco renters, who I identified as a group more susceptible to not knowing about Recology's services.

Door hanger


Poster for bus station advertisement Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

Final Solution


Style Guide

C=100 M=29 Y=0 K=0 #008AD0 C=76 M=0 Y=100 K=0 #5BBA47

Primary Typefaces

Gilroy ExtraBold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Toolkit Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign

Jordin Kelsey


Locals Only: Illegal Dumping Campaign

Final Solutions

The purpose of the door hanger is to make it easy for Recology to communicate the Bulky Item collection program to nonproperty owners. This also makes for an easy way for owners to communicate with their renters, in a non-verbal way if preferable. The flyer provides brief information about Recology's services and the costs associated with illegal dumping. The back features the information in Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog.


The series took photos from bulky item 311 requests and made black and white to add some seriousness to the design, while still incorporating Recology's existing colors. The series was made to feature different SF neighborhoods. Approximately 48x72 in Estimated impressions: 9,000-17,000 per day

An interior bus ad was incorporated into the solution to add another level of information in the solution. This poster more accurately shows how illegal dumping relates to the problems of landfills. It still includes Recology's contact information. Approximately 28in x 11in Estimated impressions: 1,500 - 5,000 per day

Jordin Kelsey



Jordin Kelsey



Visual Music music video

In this animation, the challenge was to visualize a song using only animation. The music could not have words, so I chose a Cashmere Cat song called "Mirror Maru' and visualized the melody and feeling I get from this song.

Jordin Kelsey


Visual Music Animation

Brainstorming Story Lines


Inspiration After settling on my idea, I started a mood board to nail down the style. I found inspiring images of simple, mainly black and white illustrations.



Brigitte - L'échappée belle Music Viedo

LORN – Anvil Music Video

Jordin Kelsey


Visual Music Animation

Final Storyboard


Final Animation

The extending lines follow the melody, while the inner circle bounces to the base line.

Jordin Kelsey


Visual Music Animation

Final Watch full video at https://vimeo. com/185693707

The circle spins and morphs into an eyeball.


This is taking place in the build-up to the 'drop" in the song. I added this repeater shape so the eyeball had some added interest as it was looking around.

Still building to the drop, the music playing is going TICKTICK-TICK and getting faster and faster. To visualize this, I made the lines of eyeballs move back and forth at increasing speed.

Jordin Kelsey


Visual Music Animation

Here, the build-up is finally coming to an end, so the main eyeball is moving side to side rapidly and centering itself again in anticipation


After the climactic bursting of light, more relaxed lines pop out to match the now slower melody until the animation ends.

Jordin Kelsey



Higher Power packaging design

Can a product become propaganda? In this design, we take this question literally. This concept is a flip on using religious propaganda to promote medical marijuana, instead of oppose it.

Jordin Kelsey


Higher Power Packaging

Inspiration For research, I looked at different variations of marijuana propaganda in addition to the many examples of WWII era posters. Shepard Fairey's art is also inspiring for the modern take on propaganda. I also did my research on today's best edible weed packaging.






Jordin Kelsey


Higher Power Packaging



Jordin Kelsey


Higher Power Packaging



Development In this phase of the design, I starting test my die cut and iterating the label. After conducting an audit and several pages of sketching, I started to develop a vintage-inspired design for the package that was inspired by bold exclamations found from WWII propaganda. In order to push my propaganda, I pushed bilbical and nostalgic feelings.

Jordin Kelsey


Higher Power Packaging

Style Guide

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 #000000 C=44 M=0 Y=29 K=0 #8cd0c2 C=11 M=0 Y=95 K=0 #ece825 C=0 M=91 Y=17 K=0 #ee3781 C=58 M=0 Y=8 K=0 #55c8e5 C=6 M=47 Y=99 K=0 #e99625


Primary Typefaces


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Adobe Caslon Pro

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Secondary Typefaces


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Toolkit Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator


Jordin Kelsey


Higher Power Packaging

Final The final packaging featured religious symbolism in order to really drive the message home, including praying hands and a rosary. It also featured Bible verses that specifically mention how God made the Earth and how everything on it is for humans to use and consume. Finally, it featured short phrases in bold lettering as a nod to vintage propaganda posters.

Chocolate Chip Blondie Flavor


Classic Fudge Brownie Flavor

Jordin Kelsey


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