120223 Raedo_CV (english)

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Jorge Raedó email: jorge_raedo@yahoo.es Finland: +35 8(0)445566041 Spain: +34 687585758 skype: jorge.raedo www.jorge-raedo.blogspot.com

Jorge Raedó was born in Zaragoza, Spain, in 1969. He lives in Helsinki. Main works on arts education for children and youth: Currently is director at “Amag! Architecture Magazine for Children” (www.a-magazine.org) and “Rakennetaan kaupunki!” (Finland) (www.rakennetaankaupunki.fi). Cofounder and member of the net “What is A? Arts education for children and youth” (www.whatisa.org). Founder and director of the project “What is Architecture?” (www.whatisarchitecture.org/). Main works on theatre for children and youth: Direction, set, costumes: “Have I None” by Edward Bond (Teatre Tantarantana, Barcelona 2003). Set, Costumes and lights: “Gàbia” by Cia Frec a Frec (Granollers 1999). Translations into Spanish: Edward Bond: Have I none, The Children, At the inland sea, Eleven Vests. Advisor on arts education for children and youth: X Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Docomomo Ibérico_VIII Congreso. Main works on theatre: Direction and playwright: “Leocadia” by Jorge Raedó (La Cuina, Barcelona. 2000). Direction, set and costumes: “Teatro para minutos” by Juan Mayorga (Teatre de L´Escorxador, Lleida. 2006). Costumes: “Quatre estacions” by Joan Baixas (Teatre Lliure, Barcelona. 2001). Dramaturgy: “Evitant quedar-nos immòbils en els racons de les nostres habitacions” by Atolladero Teatro (Sitges Teatre Internacional. 2003). Translations into Spanish: plays by David Mamet, Chejov-Mamet, Samuel Beckett, Sarah Kane, Richard Foreman. Main works on visual and spatial arts: Photography: “Swsus serie”, workshop and collective exhibition at Celfeden, Wales. “Lonjer serie”, workshop and collective exhibition at Arteden, Lonjer, Trieste. Painting: Drawings for the film “Mercados de futuros” directed by Mertxe Alvarez, 2011. “Architecture serie”, Charcoal on paper, 30 x 40 cm. Architecture: “Garden of Mist”, Idensitat Competition 2006, Calaf, Barcelona, in collaboration with Solange Dalannais. “Teatre Tantarantana: partial renovation”, Barcelona, built 2003-06. “Pine forest: Plaça de Brugada, La Barceloneta_Barcelona”, finalist, Competition Racons Públics organized by Foment de les Arts Decoratives 2003. “Marea”, third prize, Streets Christmas Lighting Competition, Barcelona, in collaboration with Jesús Vázquez, 2002. Main works as teacher: Teachers education: Visiting teacher, Helsinki University_Faculty of Behavioural Sciences_Department of Teacher Education. Visual theatre: Visiting teacher at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona (second cicle). Theatre-Architecture: Visiting teacher at Escola Tècnica Superior d´Arquitectura de Barcelona (third cicle). Design for children: Visiting teacher at Istituto Europeo di Design, Barcelona. Studies: Theatre: Graduated in Stage Direction and Playwriting from Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. Architecture: three courses at the Escola Tècnica Superior d´Arquitectura de Barcelona and at the Università di Architettura_La Sapienza of Rome. Karate: schools Kushin-kai and Shito-Ryu, 1981-91.

February 23rd, 2012

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