Organised by Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona Project conceived and directed by Jorge Blasco Gallardo and Nuria Enguita Mayo Photographies Montserrat Soto
Opening: 19 September 2000
Catalunya (Barcelona), Museu 19 September to 22 October 2000 Etnològic (Barcelona), Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya Archive-Space I (Archive) Archivo General de la Guerra (Barcelona), Museu de Zoologia (Barcelona), TV3 (Barcelona) Civil Española (Salamanca), and Projecte Cultural Ciutat Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat i Fàbrica (Barcelona). (Barcelona), Arxiu de la Filmoteca de la Generalitat de Archive-Space II Catalunya (Barcelona), Arxiu Basilio Martín Patino, Andalucía, Municipal del Districte de Sant un siglo de fascinación (a series Martí (Barcelona), Biblioteca for Canal Sur TV) Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona), Filmtel (Barcelona), Jean-Luc Godard, Histoire(s) du cinéma (Gaumont, Paris) Museu d'Arqueologia de
Jorge Salessi Archive-Space III (Reading Allan Sekula and reference room) A selection of bibliography and Val Williams on line connection Workshop
28 September 2000
With the support of Arteleku (Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Organised by Fundació Antoni Tàpies San Sebastián) and the department of Architectural Graphic Expression I, UPC, ETSAB, Santiago Eraso Beloki Barcelona Pedro G. Romero
21 to 23 September 2000
Christa Blümlinger Jan Bondeson Lluís Codina Jorge Luis Marzo
Photographies Montserrat Soto With the collaboration of Laboratoris Sabaté, Barcelona
Exhibition Much aesthetic thought in the 20th century has been devoted to the conditions of reception for the products and actions of the human being. The fundamental relation between the archive and the museum is their nature as a receptacle for objects, regardless of their support. But it is also the great difference: potentially, the archive contains everything about the part of reality it represents, whilst the museum
makes public a selection of reality and houses it in its rooms. If the creation of these gateways, pretexts and arrangements of access to the object of human interest is the way Western culture understands, organises and possesses its reality – or someone else’s –, the next step will be their use as a support in narrations, whether documentary or fictional. That dissolves the apparent border between the creation of the doc-
ument, its exhibition in any medi- involved in the processes of proum and most of all between real- duction of reality generated by ity, story and fiction. the archive. It tells and represents Archive Cultures is a guided nar- aspects of the dialectic between ration through documents, a tour the creation and exhibition of around the archive and its reper- documents, of their discovery and cussions on ways of recreating publication. It reflects part of the and understanding reality debate about their repressive through methods of organisation nature, while showing direct inand access to information. The terventions by narrators and project runs through fragments artists whose intentions are not of contemporary culture and art marked by the positivism that
underlies any archive, document or documentary gaze. The project unfolds on level 3 of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies through photographs, which, by manipulating the topography of the exhibition rooms, create, recreate, quote and document the usual places for archives and interact with their physical materials, their structures, their rituals and their bibliographic and digital analysis. The archive of totalitarian repression; the photographic repertory for a totalitarian cataloguing of the reality of a period of time; files to name, identify, measure and classify individuals, used in many disciplines, from criminology to geology, archae-
ology, ethnology and zoology; the private compulsion to make files of images; the record of what is new on each journey; the obsession with the family image and in general the reserve of memory; all those elements are pooled, insofar as they reflect the tendency that drives us to keep reality on file, subtitled, dated and organised. In this tour there are two works by authors where the use of the archive also implies an analysis of it: authentic-looking construction from the presentation of the false document, and the recreation and redefinition of history in contemporary culture through the cinema.
Andalucía, un siglo de fascinación (1996), a series by Basilio Martín Patino for Canal Sur TV (OV) Seven “false documentaries” (fictional cinematic documents created from real events) produced for Andalusian television which deal with the bloody events in Casas Viejas (El grito del sur), a history of the Andalusian copla (Ojos verdes), the social-humanist utopia of the Falange (Paraísos), a flamenco museum in Tokyo (Desde lo más hondo I), the legendary singer Silverio Franconetti (Desde lo más hondo II), a report from a television programme on Andalusian poetry (El jardín de los poetas) and the legend of Carmen (Carmen y la libertad). Duration: 9 h
Histoire(s) du cinéma (19891998) by Jean-Luc Godard (OV) “Introduction à une véritable histoire du cinéma la seule la vraie” A video essay on the history of the cinema which also looks back over the history of the 20th century. Begun in 1989, the project evolves over eight similarly structured episodes (1a toutes les histoires, 1b une histoire seule, 2a seul le cinéma, 2b fatale beauté, 3a la monnaie de l’absolu, 3b une vague nouvelle, 4a le contrôle de l’univers, 4b les signes parmi nous), using extracts from films, stills and aphorisms that are projected onto the screen with a music and dialogue soundtrack. Duration: 4 h 30 min
Seminar A number of researchers, theoreticians and artists will be taking part. The aim is to pool their work on subjects as fundamental as the relation between identity and identification, ethnology and nationalism with archives, the interaction of the human body and its classification in archives, the interrelation between archive, museum and art in the 20th century, the impact of the audiovisual on the world of the archive, the management of history through the classification of data and objects, the creation of scientific truths through an “archive language” and, lastly, the impact of the most recent technical and scientific research on the capacity to accumulate information and produce knowledge. Technologies: Notes on a Culture of Data, Recording and Secrets] 6.00 p.m. Presentation by Jorge Blasco 7.30 p.m. Gallardo and Nuria Enguita Mayo Jorge Salessi Archivos, repositorios y reproduc6.30 p.m. tores de mitos nacionales [ArJan Bondeson The Fish-boy and the Catwoman chives, Repositories and Reproducers of National Myths] FRIDAY 22 SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 6.00 p.m. 10.30 a.m. Jorge Luis Marzo Tecnologías de registro: notas Christa Blümlinger sobre una cultura del dato, la Filmmakers in the Archives. Some grabación y el secreto [Filing Remarks about the Re-visions of THURSDAY 21 SEPTEMBER
Yervant Gianikian and Angela the Internet Search Engines Ricci-Lucchi (Dis)order the World] 6.30 p.m. 12.00 a.m. Val Williams Allan Sekula Rethinking the Traffic in Photo- The Artist and the Archive: Photographs Reinterpreted in the graphs 1990s 5.00 p.m. There will be simultaneous translation Lluís Codina Navegar y hacer preguntas en from Spanish into English and from Internet: cómo (des)ordenan el English into Catalan. Seminar fee: 2,000 ptas. (including mundo los motores de búsqueda workshop and free admission to the en Internet [Navigating and Ask- exhibition). ing Questions on Internet: How Memberships of the Fundació Antoni
Workshop The seminar will be complemented by a workshop on Pedro G. Romero’s project Laboratorio de arte F.E.: el fantasma y el esqueleto (F.E. Art Laboratory: The Ghost and the Skeleton), a jour-
ney from Hondarribia to Fuenteheridos by the figures of identity, and – as part of the same project – with the exhibitions L.S.D.A. at the Sala América in the Museo de Bellas Artes in Álava, and
L.C.D.M. at the Palacio de los Condes de Gabia, Diputación de Granada, both done in association with Arteleku. Santiago Eraso Beloki, director of Arteleku, and Pedro G. Romero will
be introducing and leading the workshop. Workshop fee: 2,000 ptas. (including seminar and free admission to the exhibition). Memberships of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies: free entrance.
Other Activities Film Programme on Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci-Lucchi Wednesday 20 September, 6.30 p.m. Dal Pollo all'Equatore, 1986, 96 min (OV)
Friday 20 October, 6.30 p.m. Saturday 21 October, 6.30 p.m. Su tutte le vette e pace, ca. 1998, 71 min (OV) Inventario balcanico, 2000, 62 min (OV)
Session with Basilio Martín Patino Wednesday 27 September, 7.00 p.m. Presentation of the book Barcelona, ciutat de fàbriques / Barcelona ciudad de fábricas, by Martín Checa Artasu Wednesday 4 October, 7.00 p.m. Lecture by Ramon Alberch The Democratic Dimension of Archive and presentation of the NGO: Arxivers sense Fronteres Thursday 5 October, 7.00 p.m.