informe de viabilidad PUENTE CHARTERSHALL (ESCOCIA)

Page 1

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Overbridge Feasibility Report

Appendix E QUADRO Report

M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction

This is an unpublished report prepared for Transport Scotland and must not be referred to in any publication without the permission of Transport Scotland. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of Transport Scotland. Prepared for BEAR Scotland by

October 2008

BEAR Scotland Limited BEAR house Inveralmond Road Inveralmond Industrial Estate Perth PH1 3TW Tel 01738 4486000 Fax 01738 448685 Registered in Scotland No 206139


Ref. No: Issue : 1 Page : 1 of 1

Jacobs QA Document Control Sheet Name


Prepared By

Stephen Davies

Jacobs Consultancy


Checked By

Paul Sykes

Jacobs Consultancy


Authorised By

Stuart Turnbull

Jacobs Consultancy


Draft Version STATUS Ver. Date

Version Details

V1.0 V1.1 V2.0

13/10/08 13/10/08 13/10/08







Revised draft addressing all comments from technical review Final Check and Formatting



Final Draft



Draft Report Initial Review Revised draft addressing review comments Senior technical review


Name of Holder


Stephen Davies

2 3 4 5 6



Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1

1 1.1 2

Assessment Overview ................................................................................................................1 Methodology.................................................................................................................................. 2


Existing Conditions .....................................................................................................................2


Diversion Route ..........................................................................................................................2


Assumptions ...............................................................................................................................3


Traffic Management ...................................................................................................................... 4


Results ........................................................................................................................................... 5


Summary........................................................................................................................................ 6

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]




Assessment Overview


Chartershall Bridge is located to the west of Stirling on the M9 between Junction 9 and 10. In May 2006, the bridge was hit by a vehicle for the 17th time in its lifespan, leading to the closure of the structure to vehicular traffic. An investigation into the condition of the existing structure by Atkins indicated that the repair of the existing bridge superstructure was not a viable solution. Subsequently three Bridge Replacement Options have been developed.


The purpose of this report is to outline the methodology used for determining the road user costs (including delay costs, operating costs and accident costs) during the replacement of Chartershall Bridge, and the subsequent results of the assessment. No assessment has been made of the maintenance of the replacement bridge or the impacts on traffic movements once opened.


The report compares the road user costs for the following proposed options: •

Option 1A – 4 Span Road Bridge;

Option 1B – Single Span Road Bridge; and

Option 2 – Single Span Footbridge.


QUADRO (QUeues And Delays at ROadworks) is the industry standard computer programme to assess delay costs, vehicle operating costs and accident costs during construction or maintenance. It has been used to assess these costs for the various traffic management arrangements and speed restrictions associated with the three alternative options. QDIV (Quadro DIVersion) has been used to determine the speed/flow relationships for the proposed diversion route, which is shown in Appendix A.


Construction sequence schedules were provided by Jacobs and agreed in principle with BEAR Scotland Ltd. These outline construction, operation, traffic management requirements, speed restrictions and the duration of works, and are enclosed in Appendix B – Online Traffic Management Details.


It should be noted that this assessment is limited to the impact on M9 traffic only. The assessments do not consider additional delays to non M9 traffic caused by the transfer of M9 traffic onto the assumed diversion routes. QUADRO is unable to evaluate these impacts.


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]




Existing Conditions


The M9 is a 2 lane motorway with Chartershall Bridge positioned between Junction 9 and 10. There is a hard shoulder of 3.1 metres width on both carriageways on the M9 between Junctions 9 and 10.


The 2007 Annual Average Daily Traffic Flow (AADT) for the M9 between Junction 9 and 10 was taken from the Scottish Roads Traffic Database (SRTDb). This indicated a 2 way 2007 AADT of approximately 40,900 vehicles.


Approximate road lengths were determined using the Google map route finder (, which was deemed to provide the necessary level of accuracy appropriate for this type of assessment.


Typical vehicle composition for a road of this type (Inter Urban General) as detailed in the DMRB Volume 15 (Table 5/2/7) was assumed as the traffic data provided by BEAR Scotland Ltd did not provide this level of dissagregation. Table 1 – Assumed M9 Vehicle Composition Car











Diversion Route


During some phases of construction, a diversion route would be in operation. This route would be via the A91/A907/A9 and connects with the M9 at Junction 9 to the south and Junction 11 to the north.


This diversion route is shown in Appendix A and was developed by the previous managing agent of this trunk road network area to detail the emergency service diversion route in the case of an incident on the M9 at Chartershall. Subsequently this route was adopted as the diversion route for vehicles during traffic management phases requiring closure of the M9 within this assessment.


However, this plan incorrectly identifies the M9 closure area as being between Junctions 10 and 11. This should in fact be between Junctions 9 and 10 as applied throughout this assessment. Both Transport Scotland and BEAR Scotland Ltd are aware of this mapping error.


No traffic data was immediately available for this diversion route, therefore indicative AADT values of 15,000 and 10,000 for the A91 and A907/A9 sections respectively were assumed. Both these AADTs fall within the flow range for a typical single 2 lane route as identified from the speed flow curve (Figure 7/9/1) in DMRB Volume 15.


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]


Default vehicle compositions for the diversion route were also obtained from DMRB Volume 15 (Table 5/2/7) for a route of this type (rural local). Table 2 – Assumed Diversion Route Vehicle Composition Car











A site survey was undertaken to review the route and provide specific road width measurements and positions of speed limit changes.




The following assumptions were made to assess the road user costs caused by construction using QUADRO •

Opening Year would be 2010;

Maximum Queuing Delay before vehicles would seek an alternative route is 30mins; and

All traffic would travel between Junctions 9 and 11 i.e. all through trips.


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]


Traffic Management


The construction sequence and associated traffic management has been developed by Jacobs and agreed in principle with BEAR Scotland Ltd.


The traffic management requirements during the phases of construction for the various alternative options under consideration are listed below. The durations of each activity and further details of the traffic management requirements are given in Appendix B. •

50mph Speed Restrictions throughout all phases of online traffic management between Junctions 9 and 10;

Works length assumed to be 1.1km either side of Chartershall Bridge for both lane closure and contra flow scenarios. Carriageway crossover points identified in Appendix B – Online Traffic Management Details;

Full closure of the M9 will be required between Junction 9 and 10 during certain stages of the traffic management phasing; and

Diversion route during full closure of the M9 is via A91/A907/A9.


Each phase of the Traffic Management proposals as detailed in Appendix B were subsequently modelled in QUADRO to determine the overall road user cost of all three options. In this process, cognisance was taken of details such as lane configuration, lane widths, work length and timescales.


Due to limited availability of relevant traffic data, vehicles entering onto the M9 at Junction 10 wishing to travel southbound (and vice versa) were not considered in this assessment. The road user costs of traffic management phases requiring full closure of the M9 may therefore be underestimated.


However, to balance this, the assumption that all vehicles will travel between Junctions 9 and 11 may overestimate the cost impacts of the works, as in reality a proportion of this traffic will not make through trips and exit at Junction 10.


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]




Table 3 below summarises the road user costs for the three proposed options of the replacement of Chartershall Bridge. These costs consist of non-exchequer impacts such as changing travel time, vehicle operating costs and accident costs and government funding impacts such as indirect tax revenues. Table 3 - Summary of Road User Costs Option

Total Impact (£)

Option 1A – 4 Span Road Bridge


Option 1B – Single Span Road Bridge


Option 2 – Single Span Footbridge



Table 3 illustrates that Option 2 – Single Span Footbridge is expected to offer the lowest road user cost during construction, with an estimated cost impact of £210,000. This is unsurprising considering the limited timeframe of construction in comparison to the other options.


Option 1A – 4 Span Road Bridge is anticipated to have the greatest cost implication to road users, estimated at approximately £790,000.


A further breakdown of the traffic management cost impacts by phase is included in Appendix C.


These results should be considered as indicative only, due to the lack of traffic data and resultant assumptions made throughout this assessment. However, given that the assumptions are the same for each option, the results do offer a relative base for comparison.


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]




A QUADRO assessment has been undertaken to assess the road user costs during the construction of three bridge replacement options at Chartershall on the M9.


Option 2, which would involve the construction of a single span footbridge, is estimated to have the lowest road user cost, with a cost of around £210,000.


Option 1A is estimated to have the greatest road user cost, with a cost of around £790,000 whilst Option 1B has an estimated road user cost of around £320,000


Limited traffic data was available, which resulted in the application of various assumptions throughout this assessment. Therefore the results of this assessment can be considered as indicative only. However given that the assumptions are the same for each option, the results do offer a relative base for comparison and are considered suitable for this stage of assessment.

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Appendix A – Mainline and Diversion Route Overview

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Appendix B – Online Traffic Management Details

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Option 1A (4 Span Road Bridge) Traffic Management Phasing Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Element Demolition of existing bridge Lane width West Abutment Lane width East Abutment Lane width West pier Lane width East pier Lane width Central pier Lane width Temp Support, Beams and Deck Span 1 Lane width Temp Support, Beams and Deck Span 4 Lane width Temporary Support 1 Span 2 Lane width Temporary Support 2 Span 2 (Day) Lane width Temporary Support 2 Span 2 (Night) Lane width Beams Span 2 Lane width Deck Span 2 and Diaphragm 1-2 (Day) Lane width Deck Span 2 and Diaphragm 1-2 (Night) Lane width Temporary Support 1 Span 3 (Day) Lane width Temporary Support 1 Span 3 (Night) Lane width Temporary Support 2 Span 3 (Day) Lane width Temporary Support 2 Span 3 (Night) Lane width Beams Span 3 Lane width Deck Span 3 and Diaphragms 2-3 and 3-4 (Day) Lane width Deck Span 3 and Diaphragms 2-3 and 3-4 (Night) Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Install Parapet Temp works Lane width Parapet installed Lane width Edge Beam poured Lane width Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 1 Lane width Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 2 Lane width Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 3 Lane width Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 4 Lane width Bridge Complete Lane width

H/shoulder Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Open 3.1m

Northbound Lane 1 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m

Southbound Lane 1 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m

H/shoulder Closed 0m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.1m Closed Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Open 3.1m Open 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m

Duration Friday pm to Monday am 2 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 week 1 week Saturday Nightshift 2 weeks

1 week

1 week (2 Lanes S/B am peak, 2 Lanes N/B pm peak) Saturday Nightshift 3 weeks (2 Lanes S/B am peak, 2 Lanes N/B pm peak) Day Mon Nightshift Mon Day Tues Day Wed Nightshift Wed Day Thurs 1 week 2 weeks Saturday am Saturday pm Sunday am Sunday pm

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Option 1B (Single Span Road Bridge) Traffic Management Phasing Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Element Demolition of existing bridge Lane Width West Abutment Lane Width East Abutment Lane Width Beams Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Permanent Formwork Lane Width Deck Northbound Lane Width Deck Southbound Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Install Parapet Temp works Lane Width Parapet Cope North Lane Width Parapet Cope South Lane Width Parapet installed Lane Width Remove Parapet Temp works - N/B Lane Width Remove Parapet Temp works - S/B Lane Width Bridge Complete Lane Width

H/shoulder Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.1m Trafficked 3.1m Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Open 3.1m Open 3.1m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Open 3.1m

Northbound Lane 1 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m

Southbound Lane 1 H/shoulder Closed Closed 0m 0m Trafficked Open 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Closed 3.6m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Trafficked 0m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.0m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Closed Trafficked 0m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.0m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.1m Trafficked Open 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Open 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Open 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Trafficked 3.0m 3.0m Closed Closed 0m 0m Trafficked Open 3.6m 3.1m

Duration Friday pm to Monday am 2 weeks 2 weeks Saturday Nightshift Day Mon Nightshift Mon Day Tues Day Wed Nightshift Wed Day Thurs Friday pm to Monday am Friday pm to Monday am Day Mon Nightshift Mon Day Tues Day Wed Nightshift Wed Day Thurs 1 week 1 week 1 week Saturday Sunday

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Option 2 (Single Span Footbridge) Traffic Management Phasing Phase 1 2 3 4

Element Demolition of existing bridge Lane width West Abutment Lane width East Abutment Lane width Truss Lane width

H/shoulder Closed 0m Closed 0m Open 3.1m Closed 0m

Northbound Lane 1 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m

Lane 2 Closed 0m Trafficked 3.6m Trafficked 3.6m Closed 0m

Southbound Lane 1 H/shoulder Closed Closed 0m 0m Open Trafficked 3.6m 3.1m Trafficked Closed 3.6m 0m Closed Closed 0m 0m

Duration Friday pm to Monday am 2 weeks 2 weeks Saturday Nightshift

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Crossover and Approach Lengths

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility]

Appendix C – Option Economic Results

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Option 1A (4 Span Road Bridge) Road User Costs Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Element Demolition of existing bridge West Abutment East Abutment West pier East pier Central pier Temp Support, Beams and Deck Span 1 Temp Support, Beams and Deck Span 4 Temporary Support 1 Span 2 Temporary Support 2 Span 2 (Day) Temporary Support 2 Span 2 (Night) Beams Span 2 Deck Span 2 and Diaphragm 1-2 (Day) Deck Span 2 and Diaphragm 1-2 (Night) Temporary Support 1 Span 3 (Day) Temporary Support 1 Span 3 (Night) Temporary Support 2 Span 3 (Day) Temporary Support 2 Span 3 (Night) Beams Span 3 Deck Span 3 and Diaphragms 2-3 and 3-4 (Day) Deck Span 3 and Diaphragms 2-3 and 3-4 (Night) Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Parapet installed Edge Beam poured Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 1 Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 2 Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 3 Remove Parapet Temp works - Span 4

Total Cost (ÂŁ) 133,779 29,518 29,518 59,037 59,037 23,625 45,456 45,308 15,152 13,233 3,683 40 27,048 7,232 12,919 3,575 50,842 3,616 853 146,185 10,848 2,199 372 2,280 2,106 372 2,213 14,759 29,518 2,891 5,311 1,023 4,928 788,476

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Bridge Replacement Assessment of Road User Costs during Construction [Option Feasibility] Option 1B (Single Span Road Bridge) Road User Costs Phase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Element Demolition of existing bridge West Abutment East Abutment Beams Permanent Formwork Permanent Formwork Permanent Formwork Permanent Formwork Permanent Formwork Permanent Formwork Deck Northbound Deck Southbound Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Install Parapet Temp works Parapet Cope North Parapet Cope South Parapet installed Remove Parapet Temp works - N/B Remove Parapet Temp works - S/B

Total Cost (ÂŁ) 133,779 29,518 29,518 14,992 2,136 372 2,213 2,042 309 2,145 16,678 16,678 2,136 372 2,213 2,042 309 2,145 14,759 14,759 14,759 9,319 6,995 320,188

Option 2 (Single Span Footbridge) Road User Costs Phase 1 2 3 4

Element Demolition of existing bridge West Abutment East Abutment Truss

Total Cost (ÂŁ) 133,779 29,518 29,518 14,992 207,807

Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Overbridge Feasibility Report

Appendix F Environmental Report

M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report

September 2008

BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report Document control sheet Form IP180/B Client:

BEAR Scotland


M9 Chartershall


Preliminary Environmental Report


Job No:

B0657100/ H0802

Prepared by

Reviewed by

Approved by




Fiona Beasley

Maryanne Paterson

Andrew Walters












This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Jacobs U.K. Limited, no other party may use, make use of or rely on the contents of this report. No liability is accepted by Jacobs U.K. Limited for any use of this report, other than for the purposes for which it was originally prepared and provided. Opinions and information provided in the report are on the basis of Jacobs U.K. Limited using due skill, care and diligence in the preparation of the same and no warranty is provided as to their accuracy. It should be noted and it is expressly stated that no independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Jacobs U.K. Limited has been made.


BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report









Environmental Designations



Environmental Parameters



Land Use



Geology & Soils



Water Environment



Ecology and Nature Conservation



Landscape & Visual



Cultural Heritage



Air Quality & Noise



Pedestrians & Others



Plans & Policies



Summary and Recommendations






Figure 1 – Environmental Constraints



BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report


Introduction The existing M9 Chartershall overbridge is closed to vehicular traffic due to recurring strikes from high vehicles travelling on the M9 damaging the bridge deck . Two options are currently being considered to contend with the closure:

Replace the damaged bridge deck on the existing footprint.

Close Chartershall bridge to vehicular traffic, maintain passage for pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians with a new foot bridge and upgrade the local road network (Pirnhall Road and junction with Chartershall Road) diverting traffic via the bridge to the south.

The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary review of the environmental implications of both options and provide comments and recommendations to the Jacobs design team. In line with the guidance in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB 2008) the following environmental subject areas have been considered:


Land Use;

Geology & Soils;

Water Environment;

Ecology & Nature Conservation;

Landscape & Visual;

Cultural Heritage;

Air Quality and Noise;

Pedestrians and others; and

Plans and Policies.

Methodology To inform this preliminary assessment desk-based review of Ordnance Survey maps and an interrogation of the Jacobs Geographic Information (GIS) database was undertaken at a 1:25,000 scale. The Stirling Council Local Plan was reviewed and a data search undertaken within PASTMAP (a map enabled query system for Scottish National Archaeological and Architectural Datasets). In addition, a site walkover of the area was undertaken by environmental scientists on 28th August 2008.


Environmental Designations Review of the OS maps, Jacobs GIS, PASTMAP, and Local Plan revealed that there are no national or international environmental designations (e.g. SAC, SPA, SSSI, SAM, etc) in the local area of the proposals. However, the area to the west of the M9 is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) and to the east of the M9 as Greenbelt within the Local Plan (refer to Figure 1). In addition, there are several sites of cultural 1

BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report heritage interest listed on the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) in the vicinity of the site (refer to Section 4.6).


Environmental Parameters


Land Use The majority of the land within the study area is in agricultural use. The Soil Survey of Scotland Map 1;250,000 (Macaulay,1983) shows the land to be within land capability for agriculture (LCA) class 7 i.e. of limited agricultural value. However, based on site inspection the fields are known to be in agricultural use, and are therefore likely to be of class 3 (suitable for arable cropping). Figure 1 shows the distribution of current agricultural land use within the study area (arable and rough grazing land). Upgrading the existing bridge at Chartershall would require minimal land-take. Upgrading the local road (Pirnhall Road) to meet design standards is likely to require some offline realignments. As a result, land would have to be permanently acquired which would result in a greater impact on land use. The land which would be affected is in agricultural use. Additional possible effects on agriculture might include disruption or severance of fields, access, management patterns and drainage. Depending on the nature and extent of impacts, particularly land-take and severance, the viability of agricultural units affected may also be threatened.


Geology & Soils The geology in this area is comprised of Devonian sandstones with dolerite intrusions, overlain by sands and gravels (BGS 2008). No significant impacts are anticipated on the geology of this area from either of the options.


Water Environment No watercourses are crossed by Chartershall Road or Pirnhall Road. Bannock Burn runs to the north of the study area and crosses under the M9 approximately 140m north of Chartershall Bridge. Sauchie Burn flows from Swanswater Fishery approximately 30m to the west of Chartershall Road into Bannock Burn (refer to Figure 1). Drainage ditches are present along both sides of Pirnhall Road, heavily choked by vegetation. The named burns would not be directly affected by either proposal, although construction operations would have the potential to pollute watercourses without appropriate prevention measures implemented. Any widening and/or offline re-alignment of Pirnhall Road would impact on the existing drainage ditches, which would need to be reinstated along both sides of the new carriageway. Any new drainage system should be designed in compliance with SUDS guidelines (CIRIA 2000).


Ecology and Nature Conservation There are no ecologically designated sites identified within the study area. An area of woodland of long-established plantation origin is identified approximately 370m to the south-west of the study area (refer to Figure 1). During the site walkover in August 2008, the following habitats of potential ecological value were identified: 2

BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report

Sauchie Burn and banks – potential presence of otters.

Hegderows and overgrown vegetation along the sides of Pirnhall Road – potential presence of breeding birds.

Deciduous trees – potential presence of roosting bats and breeding birds.

Agricultural fields and surrounding woodland areas – potential presence of badgers commuting and foraging.

If the Chartershall Bridge were to be replaced then it is unlikely that there would be any significant impacts on the ecology of the area. Although, the location of construction compounds and storage areas would need to be sited appropriately. An offline realignment resulting in land-take has the potential to directly impact habitats and protected species, therefore, if this option is taken forward it is recommended that an ecological survey is undertaken to provide baseline information, assess the potential for impacts on ecological habitats and provide specific advice on alignment options and mitigation of any potential impacts.


Landscape & Visual An area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) has been identified to the west of the M9 as shown in Figure 1. The site lies within the Central landscape character area and is defined as Lowland Hill Fringes Landscape. Agricultural features within in the vicinity of the site include agricultural field boundaries marked by dry stone dykes. Any improvement works to the existing road network (i.e. Chartershall Road and Pirnhall Road) would be within the AGLV designated area. The option to upgrade Pirnhall Road would have greater landscape impacts as it is within the AGLV whereas the upgrade of Chartershall Bridge is outwith the AGLV. As noted in the land use section, an offline realignment of Pirnhall Road would affect the field boundary fencing including any dry stone dykes. Reinstatement of field boundaries and appropriate landscape and removal of any redundant sections of road would be require to retain the local character of the area. If this option were to be taken forward it is recommended that a landscape and visual survey is undertaken to assess potential impact and identify appropriate mitigation to reduce impacts on the landscape character of the area and on the AGLV.


Cultural Heritage The study of cultural heritage involves consideration of archaeological remains, listed buildings, conservation areas, historic gardens, designed landscapes and other heritage designations. There are no Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs), Listed Buildings, gardens or designed landscapes within the vicinity of the proposals. A total of 12 sites listed on the National Monuments Record of Scotland have been identified in the vicinity of the site, refer to Table 1. Table 1: Features of archaeological and historic interest in the vicinity of the proposals No.

Name (Site Reference [NMRS Site No,)


Proximtity to Chartershall Bridge (m)

Proximity to study area boundary (m)


Chartershall (NS79SE.191)


Old Bridge




Chartershall (NS79SE.192)


Farmhouse, Farmstead, Lade, Mill




Bridge Cottage (NS79SE.193)











BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report No.

Name (Site Reference [NMRS Site No,)


Proximtity to Chartershall Bridge (m)

Proximity to study area boundary (m)

(NS79SE.167) 5

Cultenhove Mill and The Old Mill (NS78NE.30)





Watermill (NS79SE,206)





M9 Motorway (NS78NE.42.0)





M9 Motorway, (NS78NE.42.1)

Motorway Interchange




Chartershall (NS78NE.38.)





Foot O’Green (NS78NE.39.)





Chartershall (NS79SE. 635)





Cultenhove (NS78NE.46)




Junction9 Mains

None of the features identified in Table 1 are located directly adjacent to the study area (refer to Figure 1) and therefore no significant impacts on the sites or their setting are anticipated as a result of either scheme option.


Air Quality & Noise The main source of any localised air and noise pollution is likely to be from the traffic travelling along the M9. Current traffic volumes along Chartershall Road and Pirnhall Road are unlikely to contribute substantially to air and noise pollution in the local area. If the bridge were to be replaced there is unlikely to be an increase in traffic and therefore current air quality and noise levels are unlikely to change. If the bridge were to be closed with a diversion along Pirnhall Road, then current traffic levels may increase along Pirnhall Road, resulting in a local decrease in air quality and increase in noise levels. This would potentially affect the residents at Gateside and Foot O’Green farms.


Pedestrians & Others In a review of the available information, no recognised or designated rights of way, cycle routes or bridleways were identified directly on or adjacent to the bridge or proposed diversion route along Pirnhall Road. During the site visit, pedestrians and cyclists were observed using the local road network for recreation and dog walking. Stirling Council identifies two core paths in the local vicinity of the scheme in their Final Draft Core Path Plan (2008). These paths join with Chartershall Road and are not anticipated to be affected by either of the proposed options. Access for pedestrians and others would be maintained across the Chartershall Bridge in both proposed options and therefore no adverse impacts on pedestrians and others are likely. If the Chartershall Bridge were to be closed to local vehicular traffic then the bridge would become a dedicated for pedestrian and other use providing a beneficial impact on these users due to increased safety and amenity value.


BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report 4.9

Plans & Policies As noted previously, the M9 Chartershall Bridge and surrounding area is located within an AGLV and Greenbelt. The relevant policies in Stirling Council’s Adopted Local Plan (1999) are noted below:

POL.E15 The Council will operate a presumption against developments within Areas of Great Landscape Value, with the exception of those required in relation to farming, forestry and appropriate tourist and recreation activities. Other developments may be permitted when their particular locational requirements cannot be satisfied elsewhere. All development will be subject to strict control over siting, design and landscape treatment.

POL.E16 In accordance with the Structure Plan, the Council designates areas of Green Belt at Dunblane, Bridge of Allan, Stirling, Bannockburn and Strathblane. In order to prevent the coalescence of those settlements with neighbouring towns and villages and to preserve key aspects of the settings of the towns and their historic features, the Council will: Operate a presumption against any development not essential for agriculture or forestry (except appropriate recreation and tourism projects dependent upon a countryside location); Prepare a landscape enhancement programme and seek means to ensure its implementation; Prepare a recreational access and footpath enhancement programme and seek means to ensure its implementation. Only give favourable consideration to proposals for mineral extraction if these are “inconspicuous” (as required by NPPG 4 Land for Mineral Working) and where the proposed after use is acceptable within a Green Belt.

The policies above suggest that the upgrade to the Chartershall Bridge would be more compliant with existing policy, by avoiding direct impacts on the AGLV. The upgrade to the existing road network may impact on the AGLV and may conflict with policy POL.E15, since the scheme is not a development of farming, forestry or tourist and recreational activity. Neither option is likely to impact on the area of Greenbelt and therefore no conflict with policy POL.E16 would result.


BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report


Summary and Recommendations Table 2 below summarises the potential issues associated with two improvement options: Table 2: Summary of Potential Environmental Issues Environmental Parameter

Chartershall Bridge Upgrade

Close Chartershall Bridge and upgrade local road network

Land Use

Limited impacts anticipated.

Impacts on agricultural land, including arable and rough grazing.

Geology and Soils

No impacts anticipated.

No impacts anticipated.

Water Environment

No operational impacts anticipated.

Impacts on drainage ditches.

Potential for construction impacts on watercourses. Ecology and Nature Conservation

Limited impacts anticipated

Potential for construction impacts on watercourses.

Loss of ecological habitats. Ecological survey and assessment recommended.

Landscape and Visual

Limited impacts anticipated.

Impacts on the AGLV and local character of the area Landscape survey and assessment recommended.


Cultural Heritage

No impacts anticipated.

No impacts anticipated.

Air Quality and Noise

No impacts anticipated.

Potential for impacts on local residents.

Pedestrians and Others

No impacts anticipated.

Beneficial impact.

Plans and Policies

No conflicts with current development plan policies anticipated.

Potential conflict with POL.E15 regarding AGLV.

References BGS (2005) British Geological Survey Base data – Britain beneath our feet 2008 (accessed August 2008). CIRIA (2000). Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems – Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland (C521).


BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report Highways Agency (2008) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (2001). Volume 11. Highway Agency, UK. Macaulay Institute (1983). Soil Survey of Scotland – Land Capability for Agriculture 1:250,000 Scale Eastern Scotland Map Sheet 5. Ordnance Survey for the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research. Stirling Council (1999) Local Plan. Stirling Council (2008) Final Draft Core Path Plan.


BEAR Scotland M9 Chartershall – Preliminary Environmental Report


Figure 1 – Environmental Constraints


Figure 1: M9 Chartershall Bridge - Environmental Constraints A








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Chartershall Bridge


Bu rn

Key Study Area




Local Plan Designations Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) Greenbelt

Pir nh all R

Land Use

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Rough Grazing 4


Woodland of Long-established plantation origin

! Rights of Way



Sites on National Monuments Record of Scotland


Category A Listed Building


Scale: 1:5,000 at A3







Km 1


Transport Scotland M9 Chartershall Overbridge Feasibility Report

Appendix G Public Consultation Material

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