CV+Portfolio 2024

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CV + PORTFOLIO Spring 2024

Víctor Jorgensen Mínguez +34 666987831

VÍCTOR JORGENSEN MÍNGUEZ. C/ Las Mesnadas, 51, 09003 Burgos, Spain +34 666 98 78 31

Nationality: Spanish Date of birth: 24/01/1997

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2023 - 2024 2023 · 2021 - 2022 2018 - 2019

· complementary education · 2023 · 2021 · 2007 - 2019 ·

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2014 ·


· awards and grants · 2023 · 2022 ·

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3D printing software: ✓✓✓

2021 · 2019 · 2016 - 2020 · 2015 ·

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· publications and exhibitions ·

· interests ·

CV – Víctor Jorgensen Mínguez

Index Projects Carbonal Interrotto Domus Necropolis Island Wind footprints

Images and competitions Mil-usos Rupià Espai Natura

CARBONAL INTERROTTO From ruin to ruin 2020/ 2021

FInal Master Project ETSAS, US Prof. Antonio Tejedor

Sevilla, Spain More than an archaeological reconstruction, Carbonal Interrotto tries to establish the latent vocation of the ruin: El Carbonal not only as industrial heritage but as the foundation of a new contemporary ruin. The structural remains of the factory are the clues that serve to elaborate a new grammar of architectural elements that revolve around a new residential program. The breakdown of the planimetry in layers and elements allows to simplify the design process to basic parameters. In this way, the interstices between elements are resignified through the construction of large patios and a modulation is established that grants order within the apparent chaos.

la planta

cartuja y comunidad El proyecto propone explotar el potencial de la ruina utilizando las leyes de la arqueología obtenidas en el análisis de la preexstencia. A través de unas mínimas intervenciones, se cierran los nuevos patios alrededor de los elementos disgregados. Se genera un nuevo acceso a través de la nave principal que sirve de filtro y eje cardo y decumano.

los laboratorios artesonados de madera

Los laboratorios se ubican sobre los patios analizados, ocupando los volúmenes de cubierta sustraida. Esta nueva cubierta adopta la geometría de las tolbas para transfromarla en lucernarios mediante una inversión de su posición, que no solo cierran el espacio sino que permiten la regulación de la luz que pasa a través.

las celdas

estructura habitada

Siguiendo el diálogo con la estructura fabril, las celdas se estructuran en torno a una estructura rotunda y de hormigón. El mobiliario y zonas de servicio se integran entre los muros dejando espacios diáfanos y flexibles. ARTESONADO

Las nuevas cubiertas derivan de las tolbas existentes, invirtiendo su forma y función para convertirse en un gran artesonado que ilumian los laboratorios cenitalmente


Los laboratorios se ubican dentro de estructuras de hormigón preexistentes, que funcionan a modo de brisolei protegiendo la piel de vidrio

ventilada que se construye en



La nave adquiere la función de entrada principal y de fachada del edificio. Nivelando el terreno de su interior, se crea un gran jardín que preserva el carácter de calle principal a modo de cardo maximo de esta pequeña ciudad.

La planta baja queda liberada formando un gran espacio abierto y cubierto continuo donde se ubica el programa público y de mayor confluencia.

DOMUS Abitare l’incompiuto 2020/ 2021

Laboratorio di progettazione III La Sapienza, ROMA Prof. Alfonso Giancotti

L’EUR, Roma Qual è la diferenzza tra un edifizio incompiuto mai usato e una rovina anticha nel forum romano? I due furono costruiti come simbolo di grandezza economica e potenza. Mostra la tecnologia di costruzione del loro tempo atraverso di l’architettura. Comunque, oggi soltanto rimane lo scheletro di questi organismi.

DOMUS Roma, Italia




Design studio VIII ETSAM, UPM Prof. Juan Carlos Sancho

Irún, Spain The ground we stand on is under a constant transformation. However, when a piece of land is bound to a symbol, the human being is able to immortalize it. The Faisan Island is known for being the neutral territory where the Treaty of the Pyrenees took place in 1659. Since then, the soverany of the island itslelf had been shared between France and Spain. In order to prevent the land degradation the project proposes the reconstruction of a new symbol, building a necropolis on its surface to commemorate the victims of the war that took place bewtween both countries. It would be a nexus between two borders, two worlds. The building method comes from the topological transformation of traditional dwelling in the vasque country, the “baserri”, resulting in a superstructure which will colonize the island vertically.


/ Survey / Layering / Extrusion /

/ Topological tranformation /

Wood structure

Wood structure

1. Traditional vasque dwelling in wood.

2. Structural skeleton obtained from roof and facade segregation.

Stone basament

Stone basament

Slope ground

Slope ground

3. Structure vertical extrusion bracing elements.

- VR Inside view -

1. Mud unload trough the main pier by boat.

2. Mud pressing to reduce the inside humidity and clay molded with the tomb shape.

3. Clay firing in burnout ovens to give the correrct resistance to the elements.

/ Longitudinal section /

- Loading pier -

Water south access and loading rails

- Longitudinal section Burnout ovens

/ Assembly and performativity/

/ Assembly and performativity /

- Cross section -


Design studio V ETSAM, UPM Prof. Luis de Garrido

Sahara desert , Morocco Creating new empty and living spaces out of nothing has always been a common issue in architecture. This project, which takes place in Morocco, is an alternative journey to achieve this goal. Located in the Sahara desert, a new village arises for those nomad people who spend their lifes crossing the entire continent to make a living from trading. However, instead of building it with new foreign materials and techniques, the space is made of the most common element in that place, sand.


Images & competitions Professional experience 2021/ 2022

H Arquitectes Sabadell, Barcelona Archs. Xavier Ros, David Lorente, Roger Tudó and Jsep Ricart

The work During 9 months, I have been working at H arquitectes studio in Sabadell, Barcelona. My work mainly focused on model making and image production for clients, competitions and design work. Thus, I could get involved in multiple projects that include public and private housing, public equipments, old building restoration... all in different state of develpoment, from basic ideas to construction process.


petition om



Barcelona, Spain

ize award




The multipurpose library The competition offered me the posiblity to experiment with a huge building, open and polyvalent. The images try to express the mobility of the furniture, the change of use in every space, the connection with the vegetation in the sqaure as well as with the neighbourhood itself. The combination between soft and hard materials result in a charismatic building with comfortable and practical spaces. After winning the competition, the library will be built at the neighbourhood La Prosperitat in Barcelona within the following years.

MIL-USOS Barcelona, Spain

HOUSE IN RUPIÀ006 Rupià, Girona

Nature and seasonal arquitecture Some projects require a specific point of view depending the moment of the year or the natural soil and vegetation surrounding. Therefore, these two projects are being representing not as closed spaces but as an extension of the landscape in which they are inserted, considering the location itself as part of the project.

| Biocliamtic pavillion ESPAI NATURA Sabadell, Barcelona

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