Brand Guide

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Brand Integration Guide 2011 Simply The Way It Matters

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Integration Guide “Bluesky is growing as a company and now is evolving as a brand�.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Introduction Text by Fotu

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Introduction Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prologue This is not just a customer. Her name is Manamea. Manamea started using her first mobile phone because she was very curious about it. Manamea truly likes to call everybody in her family, sometimes just to say hi and wish them a good day. Manamea uses her mobile phone also to be available to her closest friends, colleagues and specially people who participate at her community. Manamea got her first mobile phone a year ago. Manamea is part of who we are, a network doing communications simply the way it matters. Manamea is Bluesky, not just a customer.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Prologue

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prologue This is not just a customer. His name is Ben. Ben always calls his wife when he is at work, one time in the morning and one time in the afternoon, during every lunch time, Ben sends a text message to his daughter to remind her about her homework and the importance of an education. Just the other day, Ben used the internet to find information about something he needed at work, Ben found it. Ben’s brother, lives overseas and they always send each other e-mails to catch on and have a laugh. Ben got his first smartphone two weeks ago. Ben is part of who we are, a network doing communications simply the way it matters. Ben is Bluesky, not just a customer.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Prologue

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prologue This is not just a customer. His name is Eli. Eli likes his new mobile phone but he is all about the internet. He likes to use the internet pretty much for everything. His friends call him all the time to ask him to search for certain information about school topics, NFL and Rugby games scores. He likes to learn and share constantly his passion: Sports, Music and Movies. The other day, he called us to learn more about our wireless connections. He sure likes to surf the web. Eli got his internet connection two years ago and now he wants to go with a wireless connection. What can we say, he truly likes to surf the web.... Eli is part of who we are, a network doing communications simply the way it matters. Eli is Bluesky, not just a customer.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Prologue This is not just a customer. Everybody calls him; “Coach”. Coach is a very influential person in his students lives. All his students know that Coach is always available no matter the circumstances. Coach’s mobile phone is one of the most active units in the network, If Coach is not at the courts, classrooms or with his family, surely Coach is participating with his community. Coach got his first mobile phone three years ago. Coach is part of who we are, a network doing communications simply the way it matters. Coach is Bluesky, not just a customer.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Prologue

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

We are Bluesky





Communications simply the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Prologue

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Index Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Structure Our brand structure will be integrated by two core areas: Brand Positioning, and Brand Architecture, this structure will help our brand to communicate, connect and remain present in the costumer’s top of mind.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure Wednesday, July 6, 2011




Bluesky Positioning

Copy Strategy

Brand Philosophy

Brand Essence

Vision & MIssion

Brand Language

Brand Positioning


Brand Elements

Brand Promise

Brand Character

The Logo

Brand DNA

Brand World

The Claim

Brand Values

Brand Benefits


Brand Strategy

Proposed Selling Idea


Brand Challenge

Tone & Voice


Brand Delivery

Brand Template


Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Structure Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Essence is a way of articulating the emotional connection and lasting impression usually summed up with one simple statement or phrase that defines the qualities, personality and uniqueness of a brand.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Essence Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Innovative Communications”.

Brand Essence !"#$%&'()*%%&'()+,-./)0-1'2'.3

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Essence Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Positioning Is the space that fills the mind of our audience, is the exact way we want to be perceived every time our customers talk, see or hear something about our brand. Will be their permanent personal opinion that will remain in their minds every time they come in contact with our brand.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Bluesky truly makes my everyday life easier, complete and enjoyable by helping me to do, achieve and save more with simplicity. The quality of their products and innovative services are the ideal fit for my lifestyle, allowing me to demonstrate how much I truly care for my family, friends, colleagues and community. Bluesky is the only trustworthy network that represents the authentic identity of our traditions and ways of life. I’m with Bluesky because Its commitment to continue providing the highest personal costumer care, to maintain its superior performance and great coverage, and no matter the circumstances, to always strive finding news ways to make me feel that I’m always first, and that’s a smart choice”

BrandPositioning Positioning Brand

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I’m with Bluesky because: •

Truly makes my everyday life easier, complete and enjoyable.

It helps me to do, achieve and save more with simplicity.

The quality of their products and innovative services are the ideal fit for my lifestyle.

It allows me to demonstrate how much I truly care for my family, friends, colleagues and community.

Is the only trustworthy network that represents the authentic identity of our traditions and ways of life.

Its commitment to continue providing the highest personal costumer service.

Its commitment to maintain its superior performance and great coverage.

Its commitment, no matter the circumstances, to always strive to find news ways to make feel that I’m always first.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Manamea is with Bluesky because:

•Truly makes my everyday life easier, complete and enjoyable. •It helps me to do, achieve and save more with simplicity. •Its commitment, no matter the circumstances, to always

strive to find news ways to make feel that I’m always first. “I’m part of a network that is doing communications simply the way it matters”.

I’m not just a customer, I’m Bluesky.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ben is with Bluesky because:

•The quality of their products and innovative services are the ideal fit for my lifestyle.

•It allows me to demonstrate how much I truly care for my family, friends, colleagues and community.

•Is the only trustworthy network that represents the authentic identity of our traditions and ways of life.

“I’m part of a network that is doing communications simply the way it matters”.

I’m not just a customer, I’m Bluesky.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eli is with Bluesky because:

•Yes, you got it, the Internet. What can I say, I love to surf. • It allows me to demonstrate how much I truly care for my family, friends, colleagues and community, helping them to search and find information they need.

“I’m part of a network that is doing communications simply the way it matters”.

I’m not just a customer, I’m Bluesky.

Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coach is with Bluesky because: • Is the only trustworthy network that represents the authentic identity of our traditions and ways of life.

Its commitment to continue providing the highest personal costumer service.

Its commitment to maintain its superior performance and great coverage.

Its commitment, no matter the circumstances, to always strive to find news ways to make feel that I’m always first. “I’m part of a network that is doing communications simply the way it matters”.

I’m not just a customer, I’m Bluesky. Communications the way it matters

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Promise Brand promise is what a particular brand stands for and has stood for in the past. It has its roots from the identity that it gains over a period of time.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Promise

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Promise

To guarantee that all Bluesky customers are going to do, achieve and save more by Bluesky adapting and responding to the customer’s own lifestyles changes through constant innovation, by keep offering and maintaining the best value in the market for their quality products, outstanding personal customer care, innovative services and the highest performance in coverage and reliability, always through simplicity.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Brand Promise Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: BrandStructure: Positioning : Brand Promise Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand DNA The characteristics that are defining our individuality and what makes us different from one another. Distinctiveness, Novelty, Attributes

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand DNA

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand DNA

Distinctiveness It has an “Authentic” Brand Identity.


Earns the “Loyalty” from its customers through actions with meaningful purposes.


Was born True “Local”.







Focus in building strong “relationships” through a “Personal” Costumer Care Approach. Interest in providing the “Best Value” for its quality products and innovative services.



Driven to help local customers to achieve more through “Simplicity”.

Delivers the unique “Smart Network Experience” to all its customers . Reach both Younger and Mature audiences appealing to individual Lifestyles: “The More I am, the more I receive”. Integrates Innovative Services and Quality Products by considering the ”Customer First”.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand DNA Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand DNA

Distinctiveness Authenticity



Loyalty Local













Attributes Personal



Value Simplicity

Novelty Smart



Lifestyle First

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand DNA Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Values The core values represented by a brand. These build an emotional connection with customers, staff and external audiences, like stakeholders. How our customers perceive the reasons and motivations the brand has to serve customers.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Values

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Heritage & Integrity: We always consider first who our community is and what is all about, we conduct ourselves and business by honoring the identity of the people who helped to shaped and continue following the local traditions and ways of life. Meaningful Purposes: Our total conviction to keep growing as our staff, customers and community keeps growing as well, with quality of life and better opportunities. Innovation Drive: We are constantly investing resources to explore, obtain and offer the most updated technology in communications that will help our customers to do and achieve more, through simplicity.

Brand Values

Relentless Passion about people: We are constantly offering innovative services that are the ideal fit for our customers lifestyles, developing a smart network that will respond effectively to every change. We are always striving to provide a personal customer service approach, knowing that our customer’s benefit represent our brand itself. Mature Youthfulness: We embrace technology with a youthful spirit. We encourage young generations to use technology with great responsibility and always looking to do, achieve and save more with it.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Values Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Strategy Long-term marketing support for a brand, based on the definition of the characteristics of the customer set of target preferences, purchasing habits and expectations from the brand.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Strategy

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Digicel has size, Bluesky has stature�

Brand Strategy: Competitive Statement

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement�

What is Stature?

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“Because a customer can do, achieve and save more with an expert network�

Why it matters?

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Simplicity Heritage & Integrity


Meaningful Purposes


Brand DNA



Innovation Drive

Brand Values

B r a n d S t r a t e g y 2011 Passion about People

Loyalty Mature Youthfulness

Value Customer First


Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

In communications as in life, “Stature” is more important than “size”: Around the world, networks are re-branding themselves so they can get closer to their customers. Is very well known, that having a direct relationship with the customer is better than just having the bigger size network, where there’s no real gain to the customer. Also, networks are focusing in relevant and useful services for their customers: “smart choices”. Networks are constantly learning that the “know-how” to meet and exceed customer’s expectations is coming from the areas of expertise that they already have, meaning the quality of things always comes on top of the quantity. In today’s world, networks truly need to be experts in the “small details”, in other words, in the things that truly matter the most to the customer.

Brand Strategy: Introduction

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Strategy: The Approach Objective Position Bluesky products and services into the top brand consideration set of the target

Target Reach the targeted audiences by their own lifestyles based on what type of customer they are: a)Talker and Texter, b) Surfer, c) I Want It All, d) the Pragmatic Phone User, e) the e-mailer e) Productive Phone Partner

Strategies Strategies Integrated Operator

Expertise Equity

Let’s Be Personal

Residual Good Will

Enhance Lifestyles

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stature =

Integrated Operator Expertise Equity


Let’s Be Personal Residual Good Will

+ Enhance Lifestyles

Brand Strategy: Equation

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011




The status of our brand as a true “integrated operator” leader in the market comes from the capacity to integrate an impressive list of ideal, useful and updated quality products and innovative services in the telecommunication sector, providing: a) communication, b) information and c) entertainment solutions, in a “one stop shop” experience. The customer will receive access to a network that is fully prepare to respond to their lifestyles changes. The more or less our customer is going to need our network, who has the capacity, will respond, to it, with smart choices.

Brand Strategy: Integrated Operator

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Integrated Services Wireless Coverage


Leverage Expertise Equity:

Wireless Speed

Wireline Coverage

A true innovator network in communications with real “expert skills” and “proven experience” in each field or area of each of the services and products offered to the customer. From Coverage to Speed. Expert Integrator Operator. The authority position comes from its own stature as a expert network. “Is the quality of smart choices, not the quantity of non-useful offerings”.

Brand Strategy: Expertise Equity

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi, Manamea, how are you? how was the event you were coordinating for your community the other day? I’m glad, how can I help you today? We need to create authentic relationships through an incredible contact experience not just a customer care contact moment. We are going to create an incredible experience for our customers. They are going to receive information about the combinations of services and products that are the ideal fit according to their lifestyle. Let’s start knowing you..

Brand Strategy: Let’s be Personal

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

We are going to prove that Bluesky has a “residual good will� from its permanent relationship with people due to its particular passion about everything that truly matters to the customer. Our brand possesses a good degree of inherent public good will. That good will can be derived any number of ways, including but not limited to: the real or perceived value of our products or services; the positive impact those products or services make on individuals or society; the good-corporate-citizen nature of our organization.

Brand Strategy: Residual Good Will

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reaching the targeted audiences by their own lifestyles based on what type of customers they really are: a) Talker and Texter, b) Surfer, c) I Want It All, d) The Pragmatic Phone User, e) The e-mailer f) Productive Phone Partner. We are going to make our customers to start doing, achieving, and saving more based on the fact that we will know what they want to do with their communications. They are going to realize that the more themselves they are, the more they will do, achieve and save.

Brand Strategy: Enhance Lifestyles: Doing, Achieving and Saving

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

We are going to approach the marketplace with the “Stature” of our Brand. Using our Authority Template in Communications. We are going to do this, by sending an open invitation to know more about how an Expert integrator Operator can easily make the difference in everybody’s lives, by setting an authentic local environment where customers will feel comfortable and easily connected with the identity of the network, by creating a completely refreshed and revamped “feel and look” scenario where our customers are going to be able to find themselves having access to smart choices according to their own lifestyles, by developing a direct and honest script, establishing a meaningful dialogue with the audience and by getting personal with our customers, no more customer care moments, only personal customer approach experiences, and by having the opportunity for everybody in our audience to be rewarded by creating the motivation, just for being themselves.

Brand Strategy: Implementation

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Challenge

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

1.- To be associated as a modern, and dynamic mobile network that can reach and connect with younger demographics. 2.- To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services. 3.- To attract first time customers and customers from the competition to consider our products and services. 4.- To be differentiated from the competition as a true integrated operator network.

Brand Challenge

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Generation Y / Brand Challenge:

To be associated as a modern, and dynamic mobile network that can reach and connect with younger demographics.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The growth in texting as a communication mechanism has also led to decreased voice usage. Voice activity is down 14% from last year. According to teens, texting is easier (22%) and faster (20%) than making a phone call. Texting is also now the number one reason why teens say they get a phone, with 43% reporting this as their primary reason for mobile adoption. Safety, the number one reason back in 2008, has now fallen to second place with only 35% citing this as the top reason.

Nielsenwire October 14, 2010

With the ever-lowering prices of smart phones and more affordable data options, it seems that smart phones and "smarter" feature phones are making their way into the hands of more teens. And with these data-ready phones comes increased data usage. In this young demographic group, 94% of teens saying they're using Internet, messaging, multimedia, gaming and apps on their phones.

Brand Challenge: Younger Demographics

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Young people around the world love their mobile phones, but they use them in vastly different ways. In China, the mobile internet reigns supreme. Seventy-three percent of Chinese mobile youth ages 15-24 reported using the mobile internet in the previous 30 days compared to 48 percent of U.S. mobile youth and 46 percent of U.K. youth. (Less than a quarter of young people in other European countries said they used the mobile internet in the previous month.) Chinese youth lead in mobile internet use. The U.S tops mobile e-mail use.

Younger Demographics Nielsenwire October 14, 2010

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Messaging tends to skew female in most markets, with a few notable exceptions: Indian males ages 15-24 are twice as likely as their female counterparts to use text messaging and four times more likely to use picture messaging. China and Saudi Arabia also skew male when it comes to messaging, but by a more narrow margin.

Nielsenwire October 14, 2010

Younger Demographics

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Number One Reason for Getting a Phone? It’s Not Safety Anymore Texting is currently the centerpiece of mobile teen behavior. 43 percent claim it is their primary reason for getting a cellphone, which explains why QWERTY input is the first thing they look for choosing their devices.

Safety, which was the main reason for getting a phone in 2008, is now less important – it is secondary among girls and less so among boys. Keeping in touch with friends is still one of the top three factors, too.

Nielsenwire October 14, 2010

Brand Challenge: Younger Demographics: QWERTY Input

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The undeniable area of growth is in data usage. 94 percent of teen subscribers self-identify as advanced data users, turning to their cellphones for messaging, Internet, multimedia, gaming, and other activities like downloads. While teen usage does not reach levels of activity seen by young adults, it has increased substantially versus Q2 last year, from 14 MB to 62 MB. This fourfold increase is the largest jump among all age groups. Much of this boost is led by males, who are more gadget-savvy and consume 75 MB of data, versus 17 MB in Q2 last year. Teen females use about 53 MB of data, compared to 11 MB a year ago. Teens are not only using more data, but they are also downloading a wider range of applications. Software downloads among teen subscribers who use apps enjoyed a solid 12 percent increase in activity versus last year, from 26 to 38 percent. This includes popular apps such as Facebook, Pandora or YouTube.

Brand Challenge: Younger Demographics: DATA & APPS

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Price was the most common consideration in selecting a mobile phone for young people, though that is true among other age groups, too. Adults in these countries rated price the most important consideration, too. Youth aged 15 to 24 put price as the first purchase driver, with the exception of Russian youth, 21 percent of whom placed design/style first. Around 14 percent of Brazilian adults say design/ style is the most important consideration, compared to 7 percent of US adults.

Brand Challenge: Purchase Drivers

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Focus: Samoa Brand Challenge: To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Focus: Samoa Digicel Samoa takes prestigious awards…dodges new competitors Blue Sky To decrease any sensibility from past experiences and to appeal to actual customers to add new services.

Digicel Samoa has been voted the best branch of the global communications company in terms of customer service and best performing market. “We recognize that our customers are the core of our business and we humbly thank them for their constant feedback and support which allows us to be proactive in providing innovative solutions to meeting their needs in addition to offering the best value, from Samoa’s Bigger, Better Network.”

Brand Challenge: Special attention to the competition To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Focus: Samoa March 31st 2011!-!DIGICEL SAYS “THANK YOU” WITH $350,000. Wednesday 30th March, Vaimea; Digicel Samoa has been recognized at the esteemed Digicel “Golden Shamrocks” Awards held following a historic Board Meeting in Ireland earlier this month. The crystal awards were a celebration of the best markets across ten categories, where Digicel Samoa came home with a double win. To decrease any sensibility from past experiences and to appeal to Thirty actual two Digicel companies vied for the crystal and Digicel Samoa, one of the smaller markets in the group were ecstatic to take out the Best Customer Service customers to add new services. and the most coveted Best Performing Market awards from the region. Digicel CEO Pepe Christian Fruean, CTO Alex Abraham and CFO Daragh O’Driscoll were all present to accept the awards. Pepe’s thank you speech touched many as he accepted the “award on behalf of my family I call, Team Samoa and especially our dear customers.”

Brand Challenge: Special attention to the competition To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Focus: Samoa BlueSky SamoaTel announces it has begun to work under its new operations re-structure Tuesday June 28, 2011

By Samoa News staff “Over the last two months, Samoa News has received several reports that there is a lot of resentment towards the company in Samoa, with rumors of mostly upper management being pushed out, and replaced with American Samoa's BlueSky operations personnel - "they're traveling back and forth", said an anonymous source, adding "they're cleaning house" at our (Samoa's) expense�.

Brand Challenge: Special attention to the Transition To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summary from the Past: Unhappy Customers

Brand Challenge: To attract first

time customers and customers from the competition to consider our products and services.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Strong Competitor

Brand Challenge: To attract first time customers and

customers from the competition to consider our products and services.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Brand Challenge: To be differentiated from the competition as a true integrated operator network.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Challenge: To be differentiated from the competition as a true integrated operator network.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brand Delivery: Generation Y

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To decrease any sensibility from past experiences and to appeal to actual customers to add new services.

Locally Inspired

Personal Customer Care

Brand Delivery: To decrease any sensibility from previous experiences and to drive customers to experience new innovative services

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Aspirational Showcase

Brand Delivery: To attract first

time customers and customers from the competition to consider our products and services.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

xt e T less e r i w



Brand Challenge: To be differentiated from the competition as a true integrated operator network.

Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Challenge Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perceptual Map (TBD) Smart




Best Coverage


Samoa's Bigger, Better Network


Top up anytime, anywhere at over 1,000 locations nationside

Volumes Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perceptual Map (TBD) Local




Free World Class Customer Care 24/7


Free Personalised Voicemail


Tailored solutions for your business

Regional Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perceptual Map (TBD) Value




Value Campaign promotional Offer - Free International, Free Talk, Free Text and Free Nights


Handsets as low as $69


DigiFixed - landline solution with low rates and only $79


Top up anytime, anywhere at over 1,000 locations nationside

Price Bluesky Brand Integration Guide: Brand Structure: Brand Positioning : Brand Strategy Wednesday, July 6, 2011

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