Architecture Portfolio

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Jorge Rom an Asensio Architect&Designer www.jrom

CAREER OBJECTIVE Iconsider m yself a creative and dedicated architect.M y aim is to collaborate and contribute in an architecture studio using and reinforcing m y architecturaland design knowledge. Ihave developed good com m unication skills and a cooperative attitude due to m y internationalexperiences.

EDUCATION ·FinalDegree Project

·Universidad San Pablo-CEU,M adrid

2012 –2013

Design developm ent ofa restaurant and gastronom y schoolin San Sebastian,Spain. Project based on urban design strategies in order to create new public space. Sustainability and reinterpretation ofBasque architecture.

·Collaboration W orkshop in architecture ·Syracuse University,Italy

2011 –2012

Design developm ent ofthe “IM AGE archive”headquarters and m ediatheque in Florence,Italy. Collaboration W orkshop with am erican students from Syracuse University (Florence Cam pus).

·Collaboration W orkshop in architecture ·Zhejiang University,China

2010 –2011

·Erasm us Program ,Architettura

2009 –2010

Design developm ent ofa shopping center and business incubator in M adrid,Spain. Collaboration W orkshop with chinese students from Zhejiang University in HangZhou.

·Università degliStudidiNapoli‘Federico II’, Italy

·m ediadocena

2011 –...

Founding partner of'm ediadocena'architecturalcollective based in M adrid,dedicated to architecture and design in all areas. M ostly dedicated to interior design and architecturalprojects as Design M anager. www.m

·Construction supervisor assistant -Volunteer ·Solar Decathlon Europe 2012

sept 2012

Volunteer for the inspection team .Assistance during the prototypes assem bly and disassem bly phases.

·Internship ·Proyeco

M ay -July 2009

Architecture intern assisting lead architects with a range of duties including all aspects ofarchitecturaldesign from project work,structuralbrainstorm ing sessions to working with the construction team . W orked on Design Developm ent Phase and Construction Docum ent Phase ofa hotelin M adrid.

COM PLEM ENTARY FORM ATION ·BIM Architecture :Revit 2014

october 2013

·Advanced Photoshop in ArchitecturalVisualization october 2012 2005 –2012

Certificate ofProficiency in English (University ofCam bridge) Bilingualeducation at Liceo Europeo M adrid and m ultiple internationalexchanges ·Fluent Italian (professionalworking proficiency) 1 year Erasm us Program in Naples,Italy

·Basic French

EXPERIENCE ·Architect,Designer and Co-Founder

M etropa School

European Union (EU)student exchange program m e

·M aster ofArchitecture (M .Arch.) ·Universidad San Pablo-CEU, M adrid LANGUAGES ·Native Spanish ·Fluent English (Fullprofessionalproficiency)

j.rom an.asensio@gm +1 604 679 5356 1101-1629 Haro St,Vancouver,BC /in/jorgerom anasensio

BOOLE Form ación

·3D M odeling:Rhinoceros 5.0 + VRay BOOLE Form ación

m ay 2012

·Sustainable Com m unities Design

july 2011

·Art and Architecture Tour Guide

july 2012

Universidad Cam ilo José Cela + Escuela de diseño ESNE UCAM Universidad Caólica de M urcia

TOOLS ·Autodesk Autocad ·Rhinoceros + VRay ·Autodesk Revit


·Adobe Photoshop ·Cype ·Office ·Adobe Illustrator ·CE3X


Restaurant and Culinary school Architecture FinalDegree Project M adrid __2012/2013 The Basque Country is considered the gastronom ic centre ofSpain,this fact is an evidence in the city planning ofSan Sebastian.This project turns the restaurant into an urban elem ent reorganizing the public space ofthe city,fusing nature and culture into a vitalsocialnetwork. A large block wich includes the city Tennis Club is an obstacle to pedestrian traffic along the sea front to the m ost im portant tourist spot in the city,the sculpture ‘Elpeine delviento’. To define a program based on uses that generate a new focus ofcom ercial-terciary-recreationalcharacter,and innovation. Urban scene and articulation- interior planning to alow interior perm eability, including public spaces to give transversalcontinuity to the new waterfront park connecting San Sebastian city with the “Peine delViento” sculpture. Definition of a new urban im age, both towards the sea and towards the city by creating public space. The project faces the bay creating a new park which relates city and sea and extend the public space for pedestrians.The building grows around a longitudinalcentralspace wich works as a street, dividing public space and services. The restaurant itself is part of the park and landscape as a sculpturalicon,it can be crossed by the interior,through the crossable roof,by the water line or through the park.






Lighgt M ust Always W in Architecture House rem odeling M adrid__2013


Space,Light&Form _Everyone wants his own house to be enjoyable to use and delightfulto experience, be it through an unexpected sense ofspace,a beautifully fram ed view,or the subtle wash ofnaturallight through an interior. That is what Iwas looking for when rem odeling this house. The existing situation presented an extensive but low light kitchen with an uncom fortable distribution and im practicaluse of space and a rustic and old-fashioned look. This condition suggests a facelift whereby gain light, space, flexibility and com fort after all,one ofthe m ost used areas ofthe house.


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