Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology - Volume 40, number 5, September/October - 2014

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Published once every two months J Bras Pneumol. v.40, number 5, p. 453-588 September/October 2014 Editor-in-Chief Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de Carvalho - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Executive Editors

Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos

Bruno Guedes Baldi - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Carlos Viana Poyares Jardim - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Rogério de Souza - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Pedro Caruso - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Publication Indexed in: Latindex, LILACS, Scielo Brazil, Scopus, Index Copernicus, ISI Web of Knowledge, MEDLINE and PubMed Central (PMC)

Associate Editors

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Afrânio Lineu Kritski - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Álvaro A. Cruz - Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil Celso Ricardo Fernandes de Carvalho - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Fábio Biscegli Jatene - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Ilma Aparecida Paschoal - State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil José Alberto Neder- Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil José Antônio Baddini Martinez - University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Renato Tetelbom Stein - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Sérgio Saldanha Menna Barreto - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Editorial Council Alberto Cukier - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Ana C. Krieger - New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA Ana Luiza de Godoy Fernandes - Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Antonio Segorbe Luis - University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal Brent Winston - Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada Carlos Alberto de Assis Viegas - University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil Carlos M. Luna - Hospital de Clinicas, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Carmem Silvia Valente Barbas - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Chris T. Bolliger - University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, South Africa Dany Jasinowodolinski - Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Douglas Bradley - University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada Denis Martinez - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Edson Marchiori - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Emílio Pizzichini - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC Frank McCormack - University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA Gustavo Rodrigo- Departamento de Emergencia, Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, Montevidéu, Uruguay Irma de Godoy - São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil Isabela C. Silva - Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canadá J. Randall Curtis - University of Washington, Seattle, Wa, USA John J. Godleski - Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA José Antonio Baddini Martinez - University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil José Dirceu Ribeiro - State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil José Miguel Chatkin - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil José Roberto de Brito Jardim - Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil José Roberto Lapa e Silva - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Kevin Leslie - Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA Luiz Eduardo Nery - Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Marc Miravitlles - Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, España Marcelo Alcântara Holanda - Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil Marcos Ribeiro - University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canadá Marli Maria Knorst - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Marisa Dolhnikoff - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Mauro Musa Zamboni - Brazilian National Cancer Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nestor Muller - Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canadá Noé Zamel - University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canadá Paul Noble - Duke University, Durham, NC, USA Paulo Francisco Guerreiro Cardoso - Pavilhão Pereira Filho, Porto Alegre, RS Paulo Pego Fernandes - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Peter J. Barnes - National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK Renato Sotto-Mayor - Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal Richard W. Light - Vanderbili University, Nashville, TN, USA Rik Gosselink - University Hospitals Leuven, Bélgica Robert Skomro - University of Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Canadá Rubin Tuder - University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA Sonia Buist - Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA Talmadge King Jr. - University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Thais Helena Abrahão Thomaz Queluz - São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil Vera Luiza Capelozzi – University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

BRAZILIAN THORACIC SOCIETY Office: SCS Quadra 01, Bloco K, Asa Sul, salas 203/204. Edifício Denasa, CEP 70398-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil. Tel. +55 61 3245-1030/+55 0800 616218. Website: E-mail:

The Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology (ISSN 1806-3713) is published once every two months by the Brazilian Thoracic Society (BTS). The statements and opinions contained in the editorials and articles in this Journal are solely those of the authors thereof and not of the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, peer reviewers, the BTS, its officers, regents, members, or employees. Permission is granted to reproduce any figure, table, or other material published in the Journal provided that the source for any of these is credited. BTS Board of Directors (2013-2014 biennium): President: Jairo Araujo Sponholz (PR) Secretary-General: Raquel Melo Nunes Carvalho Feitosa (DF) Director, Professional Advocacy: Mário Sérgio Nunes (DF) CFO: John Daniel Rego Bringel (DF) Scientific Director: Emilio Pizzichini (SC) Director, Education and Professional Practice: Alberto Cukier (SP) Director, Communications: Marcelo Alcantara Netherlands (EC) President, BTS Congress 2014: José Miguel Chatkin (RS) President Elect (2015/2016 biennium): Renato Maciel (MG) Chairman of the Board: Roberto Stirbulov (SP) AUDIT COMMITTEE: Active Members: Carlos Alberto Gomes dos Santos (ES), Clovis Botelho (MT), Maia Saul Davila Melo (SE) Alternates: Maurice Meireles Goes (MG), Angelo Ferreira da Silva (SC), Valeria Maria Augusto (MG) COORDINATORS, BTS DEPARTMENTS: Programmatic Initiatives - Alcindo Cerci Neto (PR) Thoracic Surgery - Roberto Saad Junior (SP) Sleep-disordered Breathing - Gleison Marinho Guimaraes (RJ) Respiratory Endoscopy - Viviane Rossi (SP) Pulmonary Function - John Mark Salge (SP) Imaging - Alexandre Dias Mançano Lung Diseases - Rimarcs Gomes Ferreira (SP) Clinical Research - Oliver Augusto Nascimento (SP) Pediatric Pulmonology - Paulo Cesar Kussek (PR) Residency - Alberto Cukier (SP) COORDINATORS, BTS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES: Asthma - Marcia Margareth Menezes Pizzichini (SC) Lung Cancer - Ilka Santoro Lopes (SP) Pulmonary Circulation - Daniel Waetge (RJ) Advanced Lung Disease - Valeria Maria Augusto (MG) Interstitial Diseases - Mariana Silva Lima (SP) Environmental and Occupational Respiratory Diseases - Albuquerque Hermano Castro (RJ) COPD - Fernando Luiz Cavalcanti Lundgren (EP) Epidemiology - Ricado Corrêa de Amorim (MG) Cystic Fibrosis - Marcelo Bicalho of Fuccio (MG) Respiratory Infections and Mycoses - Mara Rubia Fernandes de Figueiredo (EC) Pleura - Bernard H. Maranhão (RJ) International Relations - Musa Mauro Zamboni (RJ) Smoking - Luiz Carlos Corrêa da Silva (RS) Intensive Care - Augusto Farias Manoel de Carvalho (BA) Tuberculosis - Eliana Matos Dias (BA) ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARIAT OF THE BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PULMONOLOGY Address: SCS Quadra 01, Bloco K, Asa Sul, salas 203/204. Edifício Denasa, CEP 70398-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil. Tel. +55 61 3245-1030/+55 0800 616218. Assistant Managing Editor: Luana Maria Bernardes Campos. E-mail: Circulation: 1,100 copies Distribution: Free to members of the BTS and libraries Printed on acid-free paper SUPPORT:

Published once every two months J Bras Pneumol. v.40, number 5, p. 453-588 September/October 2014

EDITORIAL 453 - In memoriam — Affonso Berardinelli Tarantino

In memoriam—Affonso Berardinelli Tarantino Jorge Ibrain de Figueira Salluh

455 - Adding value to mechanical ventilation

Agregando valor à ventilação mecânica Guilherme Schettino

ARTIGO ESPECIAL / SPECIAL ARTICLE 458 - Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Recomendações brasileiras de ventilação mecânica 2013. Parte 2

Essas recomendações são uma iniciativa conjunta do Comitê de Ventilação Mecânica da Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) e da Comissão de Terapia Intensiva da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT).

ARTIGOS ORIGINAIS / ORIGINAL ARTICLES 487 - Level of asthma control and its relationship with medication use in asthma patients in Brazil

Nível de controle da asma e sua relação com o uso de medicação em asmáticos no Brasil Josiane Marchioro, Mariana Rodrigues Gazzotti, Oliver Augusto Nascimento, Federico Montealegre, James Fish, José Roberto Jardim

495 - Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD

Utilidade de se combinar o nível sérico de proteína C reativa de alta sensibilidade no momento da alta com um índice de risco para prever a reinternação por exacerbação aguda da DPOC Chun Chang, Hong Zhu, Ning Shen, Xiang Han, Yahong Chen, Bei He

504 - Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients

Barreiras associadas à menor atividade física em portadores de DPOC

Priscila Batista Amorim, Rafael Stelmach, Celso Ricardo Fernandes Carvalho, Frederico Leon Arrabal Fernandes, Regina Maria Carvalho-Pinto, Alberto Cukier 513 - Assessment of inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil: a population-based study

Avaliação da técnica de utilização de dispositivos inalatórios no tratamento de doenças respiratórias no sul do Brasil: estudo de base populacional Paula Duarte de Oliveira, Ana Maria Baptista Menezes, Andréa Dâmaso Bertoldi, Fernando César Wehrmeister, Silvia Elaine Cardozo Macedo

521 - Effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis

Efeitos do método Pilates na força muscular e na função pulmonar de pacientes com fibrose cística Caroline Buarque Franco, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro, André Moreno Morcillo, Mariana Porto Zambon, Marina Buarque Almeida, Tatiana Rozov

528 - Air stacking: effects on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy

Efeitos do treinamento de empilhamento de ar na função pulmonar de pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal e distrofia muscular congênita Tanyse Bahia Carvalho Marques, Juliana de Carvalho Neves, Leslie Andrews Portes, João Marcos Salge, Edmar Zanoteli, Umbertina Conti Reed

Published once every two months

J Bras Pneumol. v.40, number 5, p. 453-588 September/October 2014

535 - Thoracic textilomas: CT findings

Textilomas intratorácicos: achados tomográficos

Dianne Melo Machado, Gláucia Zanetti, Cesar Augusto Araujo Neto, Luiz Felipe Nobre, Gustavo de Souza Portes Meirelles, Jorge Luiz Pereira e Silva, Marcos Duarte Guimarães, Dante Luiz Escuissato, Arthur Soares Souza Jr, Bruno Hochhegger, Edson Marchiori 543 - Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil

Análise espacial dos óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar em São Luís, Maranhão

Marcelino Santos-Neto, Mellina Yamamura, Maria Concebida da Cunha Garcia, Marcela Paschoal Popolin, Tatiane Ramos dos Santos Silveira, Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio

META-ANÁLISE / META-ANALYSIS 552 - Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Efeitos da prednisona na bronquite eosinofílica na asma: uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise Thiago Mamôru Sakae, Rosemeri Maurici, Daisson José Trevisol, Marcia Margaret Menezes Pizzichini, Emílio Pizzichini

ARTIGO DE REVISÃO / REVIEW ARTICLE 564 - The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?

Cigarro eletrônico: o novo cigarro do século 21?

Marli Maria Knorst, Igor Gorski Benedetto, Mariana Costa Hoffmeister, Marcelo Basso Gazzana

RELATO DE CASO / CASE REPORT 574 - Chiari malformation and central sleep apnea syndrome: efficacy of treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation

Malformação de Chiari e síndrome de apneia central do sono: eficácia do tratamento com servoventilação adaptativa

Jorge Marques do Vale, Eloísa Silva, Isabel Gil Pereira, Catarina Marques, Amparo Sanchez-Serrano, António Simões Torres

CARTAS AO EDITOR / LETTER TO THE EDITOR 579 - Sistema de drenagem digital: até onde podemos chegar?

Digital drainage system: how far can we go?

Altair da Silva Costa Jr, Luiz Eduardo Villaça Leão, Jose Ernesto Succi, Erika Rymkiewicz, Juliana Folador, Thamara Kazantzis 582 - Battery ingestion: an unusual cause of mediastinitis

Ingestão de bateria: uma causa incomum de mediastinite

Rosana Souza Rodrigues, Fátima Aparecida Ferreira Figueiredo, César Augusto Amorim, Gláucia Zanetti, Edson Marchiori 584 - Comments on the introduction of the paper “Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma”

Comentários sobre a introdução do artigo “Panorama dos processos bioquímicos e genéticos presentes no mesotelioma maligno” Eduardo Algranti

586 - Authors’ reply Leonardo de Assis, Mauro César Isoldi

ERRATA / ERRATUM 588 - Erratum

Editorial In memoriam — Affonso Berardinelli Tarantino In memoriam—Affonso Berardinelli Tarantino

«1915.07.31 - † 2014.07.15

“Il padre é il maestro, e colui che plasma la nostra mente” (“The father is the master, and the one who shapes our mind”). Those words, unpretentiously displayed on the pulmonology classroom wall in the school of medicine and yet clearly visible, left no room for doubt. More than simply learning pulmonology, students there would have the opportunity to immerse themselves in culture and humanity. Affonso Berardinelli Tarantino was the “master” of many, not only because he was a classic Professor (with a capital P) or because he clearly had a natural talent for teaching (combined with vast medical knowledge) but also (and especially) because he was able to impart his knowledge in a simple and efficient manner. Therefore, all of those who, however briefly, enjoyed his company, were his students. Born in 1915 in the city of São José dos Campos, in the Paraíba Valley, Brazil, Tarantino lived for nearly a century, in which he acquired and disseminated knowledge of pulmonology and phthisiology. In the first half of the last century, Tarantino furthered his training at the prestigious Forlanini Institute, in Italy, which was on the cutting edge of phthisiology with the methods developed by Monaldi and Carlo Forlanini. Back in Brazil, Tarantino devoted himself to the teaching and clinical practice of pulmonology in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. However, it was essentially through books that he was able to pour his immense knowledge over the past four decades. The now classic “Doenças Pulmonares”(1) was a faithful mirror of its primary author and editor. It brought together a team of star pulmonologists

from various Brazilian states (all of whom were dear friends of Tarantino’s) and had the striking characteristic of being thorough and profound without ever abandoning a practical discourse. Tarantino used to say that he had to be able to communicate with physicians anywhere in Brazil, even in the most remote parts of the country. His book (which is currently in its sixth edition) was thus written and can be found in major university libraries, study rooms, and physician offices nationwide. It is a ubiquitous reference for scholars of diseases of the respiratory system. Tarantino was the coauthor and editor of several medical books, on which he left his mark. Although he was essentially a phthisiologist, he was also a scholar of pneumonia and sarcoidosis, the latter being the theme of his tenure thesis. Tarantino also rewarded us with his reflections and his privileged and generous view of the world in books such as “Repetrechos”,(2) in which each page allows those with a keen eye to gain further understanding of the magnificent teacher and human being that he was. Therefore, although I feel it is my duty to write a eulogy, I feel unable to write one that is worthy of the man and professor whose company I had the immense privilege of enjoying for over twenty years. My mentor and my godfather, Tarantino was the one who sent me on the path to becoming a pulmonologist. Over the course of nearly a hundred years, Tarantino was a modern man; he lived his life unfettered by the notion that time is fleeting and had more than simple students: he had disciples. We are all diminished by his passing last July. His

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):453-454


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lessons, books, and history will remain with us. Because opera was one of Tarantino’s greatest passions, I will leave you with a quote that might shed some light on life and its tortuous pathways. The quote is from Recondita Armonia, the first aria in Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca: “L’arte nel suo mistero le diverse bellezze insiem confond” (Art has a mysterious way of blending the contrasting beauties). Such contrasting beauty can be found between our memories of Tarantino and in our sadness over losing him.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):453-454

Jorge Ibrain de Figueira Salluh Professor, Graduate Program, Brazilian National Cancer Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

References 1. Tarantino AB. Doenças Pulmonares. 6th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2007. 2. Tarantino AB. Repetrechos. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: LAB/Guanabara Koogan; 2006.


Adding value to mechanical ventilation


Adding value to mechanical ventilation Agregando valor à ventilação mecânica

Guilherme Schettino Value can be defined as a cost-to-result ratio. Better results, better delivery of certain processes, or lower costs translate to higher value. This concept has currently been used with propriety in health care as well, reinforcing the idea that it is necessary to obtain the best possible results, such as survival, functional independence, and satisfaction, at the lowest possible cost. This takes on added importance when we remember that health care resources, whether funds, personnel, or equipment, are finite, and doing more with less is crucial to provide care to all who need. Let us then imagine the value, for a mechanically ventilated patient, of adequate analgesia, of a protective ventilatory strategy, of a weaning protocol, of elevation of the head of the bed, of personnel hand-washing—all of which are interventions that produce excellent results and are quite inexpensive. The Brazilian recommendations for mechanical ventilation, the main objective of which is to add value to mechanical ventilation, were published in two parts, because of their length and scope, by two Brazilian journals: the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology(1,2) and the Brazilian Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.(3,4) Respiratory failure is a common disease, and, in potentially reversible cases, ventilatory support is life-saving. Extrapolating epidemiological data from the United States(5)—2.8 mechanically ventilated patients per 1,000 population/year— to Brazil (current population of 203,175,000 inhabitants, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics),(6) we can estimate that approximately 570,000 patients require invasive ventilatory support every year. Assuming a mean duration of mechanical ventilation of three days, we reach a figure of 1,706,670 ventilator days, and, on the basis of information from the 2011 Census by the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine,(7) which calculated that there are approximately 25,000 ICU beds in Brazil, we can estimate that, every day, 19% of the ICU beds are used by intubated patients. In addition, the aforementioned data from the United States,(5) according to which the cost of

hospitalization for patients with respiratory failure and requiring mechanical ventilation is estimated to be US$34,000, allow us to extrapolate that Brazil will spend nearly R$54.5 billion/year, considering 12% of healthcare expenditures(8) and 1.1% of the gross domestic product,9) on hospital treatment of patients with acute respiratory failure or acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure. The figures presented above, bearing in mind that they are the result of a simple epidemiological, mathematical, and financial exercise, draw attention to the huge impact that respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation have on heath policy in Brazil. However, it is important to remember that ventilatory support is known to be a cost-effective treatment for most patients. Studies published in recent years have shown figures ranging from US$26,000 to US$175,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), depending on the etiology of respiratory failure, comorbidities, and patient age.(10) Although arbitrary, it is current practice to accept treatments resulting in US$50,000150,000/QALY as cost-effective.(11) The published recommendations(1-4) state that the results of treatment of patients with acute respiratory failure have improved greatly in recent decades, and what is most interesting is that this advance is more attributable to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of respiratory failure and to the prevention of ventilator-associated complications than to the development of new drugs or technologies. Mechanical ventilators, in their basic essence, have changed very little over this period, but the way they are used has changed completely, evolving from an aggressive strategy to correct hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia to a strategy focused on delivering a minimum alveolar ventilation to ensure gas exchange, sparing the lungs from further injury and thereby providing the time needed for lung recovery. Brazil has played a decisive role in the development of these modern concepts of mechanical ventilation, particularly in the understanding of the pathophysiology of ARDS and in being a pioneer in demonstrating the benefits of using protective ventilatory strategies. (12,13) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):455-457


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Nevertheless, recent data have shown that the mortality rate of mechanically ventilated patients in Brazil remains high when compared with those found in developed countries.(14) Limited access to ICU beds, the unsatisfactory number and poor training of health professionals assigned to the care of patients with respiratory failure, obsolete equipment, and, especially, the lack of adherence to best care practices are factors that certainly contribute to this worrisome finding. The 2013 Brazilian recommendations for mechanical ventilation(1-4) are an important initiative. Having been made by competent and experienced professionals, they represent the state of the art in mechanical ventilation, presented in a clear and objective manner and with a view toward adjustment to the way critical care medicine is practiced in Brazil. Despite acknowledging all of the individual and collective efforts by the authors and coordinators of that work, we need to be aware that this is the easiest step in the quest for better care for mechanically ventilated patients; the hard part, the great challenge, not only here but worldwide, is to transform recommendations and good intentions into value for patients.(15) I emphasize that most of those recommendations do not require new technologies or greater financial resources and are, for the most part, intuitive and already known by professionals working in ICUs in Brazil. We have another complicating factor: how to implement them in a country such as Brazil—a heterogeneous country of continental dimensions, where we are creative but have little discipline to follow recommendations, there is a lack of qualified professionals, there is no culture of training and continuing professional education for health professionals, and there is little measurement of the actual quality of care delivered by public or private health care institutions. The authors of those recommendations(1-4) have done their part, and we have another excellent guide toward delivering higher-quality, safer, and higher-value mechanical ventilation to patients with respiratory failure. The content and the rationale are laid out; now it is time to transform the evidence and recommendations into practice, and this will only happen with work, discipline, and involvement from each of us. Let us get to work! J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):455-457

Guilherme Schettino Intensivist and Pulmonologist, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil

References 1. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part I. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):327-63. http:// 2. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486. 3. Barbas CS, Isola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part I. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2014;26(2):89-121. http://dx.doi. org/10.5935/0103-507X.20140017 4. Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2. Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2014;26(3):215-39. 5. Wunsh H, Linde-Zwirbe WT, Angus DC, Hartman ME, Milbrandt EB, Kahn JM. The epidemiology of mechanical ventilation use in the United States. Crit Care Med. 2010;38(10):1947-53. 6. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE [homepage on the Internet]. Brasília: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [updated 2014; cited 2014 Sep 30]. Projeção da população do Brasil e das Unidades da Federação. Available from: apps/populacao/projecao/ 7. Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira – AMIB [homepage on the Internet]. São Paulo: AMIB [c2012; cited 2014 Sep 30]. Relatório de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Available from: php?id=631 8. Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde. Organização Mundial da Saúde. [homepage on the Internet]. Washington, DC: a Organização [cited 2014 Sep 30]. Available from: 9. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE [homepage on the Internet]. Brasília: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística [updated 2014; cited 2014 Sep 30]. Contas Nacionais Trimestrais. Available from: pib/defaultcnt.shtm 10. Cooke CR. Economics of mechanical ventilation and respiratory failure. Crit Care Clin. 2012;28(1):39-55. 11. Neumann PJ, Cohen JT, Weinstein MC. Updating costeffectiveness--the curious resilience of $50,000-per-QALY threshold. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(9):796-7. http:// 12. Azevedo LC, Park M, Salluh JI, Rea-Neto A, Souza-Dantas VC, Varaschin P, et al. Clinical outcomes of patients requiring ventilatory support in Brazilian intensive care units: a multicenter, prospective, cohort study. Crit Care. 2013;17(2):R63. 13. Amato MB, Barbas CS, Medeiros DM, Magaldi RB, Schettino GP, Lorenzi-Filho G, et al. Effect of a protective-ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 1998;338(6):347-54. http:// 14. Serpa Neto A, Cardoso SO, Manetta JA, Pereira VG, Espósito DC, Pasqualucci Mde O, et al. Association between use of lung-protective ventilation with lower

Adding value to mechanical ventilation

tidal volumes and clinical outcomes among patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome: a metaanalysis. JAMA. 2012;308(16):1651-9. http://dx.doi. org/10.1001/jama.2012.13730


15. Grol R, Grimshaw J. From best evidence to best practice: effective implementation of change in patients’ care. Lancet. 2003;362(9391):1225-30. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/S0140-6736(03)14546-1

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):455-457

Special Article Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2 Recomendações brasileiras de ventilação mecânica 2013. Parte 2

The present recommendations are a joint initiative of the Mechanical Ventilation Committee of the Brazilian Intensive Care Medicine Association (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Commission of Intensive Therapy of the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT).

Abstract Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document. Keywords: Recommendations; Mechanical Ventilation; Respiratory Insufficiency.

Resumo O suporte ventilatório artificial invasivo e não invasivo ao paciente grave tem evoluído e inúmeras evidências têm surgido, podendo ter impacto na melhora da sobrevida e da qualidade do atendimento oferecido nas unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil. Isto posto, a Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) e a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT) - representadas por seu Comitê de Ventilação Mecânica e sua Comissão de Terapia Intensiva, respectivamente, decidiram revisar a literatura e preparar recomendações sobre ventilação mecânica, objetivando oferecer aos associados um documento orientador das melhores práticas da ventilação mecânica na beira do leito, com base nas evidências existentes, sobre os 29 subtemas selecionados como mais relevantes no assunto. O projeto envolveu etapas que visaram distribuir os subtemas relevantes ao assunto entre experts indicados por ambas as sociedades, que tivessem publicações recentes no assunto e/ ou atividades relevantes em ensino e pesquisa no Brasil, na área de ventilação mecânica. Esses profissionais, divididos por subtemas em duplas, responsabilizaram-se por fazer uma extensa revisão da literatura mundial. Reuniram-se todos no Fórum de Ventilação Mecânica, na sede da AMIB, na cidade de São Paulo (SP), em 3 e 4 de agosto de 2013, para finalização conjunta do texto de cada subtema e apresentação, apreciação, discussão e aprovação em plenária pelos 58 participantes, permitindo a elaboração de um documento final. Descritores: Recomendações; Ventilação Mecânica; Insuficiência Respiratória.

Introduction Invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) must be performed in an adequate and safe

manner to avoid the occurrence of ventilationinduced lung injury. Based on physiological

Completion of the drafting of the document: October 20, 2013 Conflicts of interest: With the help of the Brazilian Thoracic Society, the AMIB Division of Scientific Issues procured financial support from industrial companies and laboratories, distributed as sponsorship quotas, to cover part of the event costs (participants’ air tickets, food and lodging). None of those companies participated in the drafting of the present document, nor had access to its content until it was disclosed (after its final format was approved) as brochures distributed at the Brazilian Congress of Intensive Care Medicine in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. The companies that collaborated with the present project are: Air Liquide, Covidien, GE, Intermed, Magnamed, Mindray and Philips. Corresponding author: Carmen Silvia Valente Barbas, Disicplina de Pneumologia, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44, Zip code- 05403-900 - São Paulo (SP), Brazil E-mail:

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

principles, evidence collected in laboratory experiments, and randomized clinical or observational studies involving actual patients that were available in the literature, current MV recommendations indicate that ventilatory support should be performed at a tidal volume (Vt) of 6 mL/kg predicted body weight, with a delta between plateau pressure and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) not greater than 15 cmH2O, and end-expiratory pressure levels sufficient to avoid airway and alveolar collapse and ensure adequate gas exchange. Other recommendations include positioning the patient to guarantee adequate and harmless ventilation (such as prone positioning in cases of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome - ARDS) and the use of advanced support techniques (such as extracorporeal carbon dioxide (CO2) removal) in cases of refractory ARDS. The development of increasingly more sophisticated ventilators allow for fine adjustment of sensitivity and include several trigger mechanisms, different inspiratory flow speeds, acceleration, mechanisms for ending inspiratory time, and monitoring options, which enable adjustment of the patient-ventilator synchrony and MV as a function of the patient’s disease. In this regard, the possibility of providing differential ventilatory support for restrictive and obstructive conditions stands out. For that reason, joint analysis of the available evidence on ventilatory support by Brazilian experts who deal with mechanical ventilation like anesthesiologists, intensivists, pulmonologists, physical therapists, nurses, nutritionists and speech therapists was necessary. Such evidence, taken together with experience gathered by the various specialties, may provide guidance to health care professionals in Brazilian intensive care units (ICU) on how to provide safe and effective respiratory support for patients with respiratory failure, based on the best evidence available, in order to avoid the occurrence of ventilator-associated lung injury. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review the available literature on 29 subtopics related to ventilatory support for individuals with respiratory failure, and following presentation, discussion, and approval at a plenary session including all 58 participating specialists, to present the results in the form of recommendations and suggestions.


Methods Literature available from Medline (2003-2013) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) was reviewed by specialists with a higher education (intensivists, anesthetists, pulmonary specialists, physical therapists, and nurses) who were distributed in pairs for review of each of the 29 selected subtopics related to non-invasive and invasive ventilatory support for patients with respiratory failure. After reviewing the articles available in the literature, each pair answered the questions formulated by the organizing commission (composed by Carmen Silvia Valente Barbas, President of the Committee of Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation of AMIB, Alexandre Marini Isola, National Coordinator of the Course of MV in ICU - VENUTI, and Augusto Manoel de Carvalho Farias, Coordinator of the Department of Intensive Care of the SBPT) according to criteria previously suggested by other authors.(1-4) Thus, the term recommendation was used when the level of evidence was high, i.e., derived from randomized studies conducted with more than 100 participants, meta-analyses, all-or-nothing effect, or patient safety. The term suggestion was used when the available evidence was weak, i.e., based on observational or case-control studies, case series, or on the experience of specialists to provide guidance for efficient and safe ventilatory support in Brazil. We therefore hoped that these evidence-based recommendations would help to avoid potential deleterious effects associated with inadequate ventilatory support in our patients. The 58 participating specialists were requested to answer the proposed questions during an eight-hour session conducted at the Brazilian Intensive Care Medicine Association (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) on August 3, 2013. The answers were formulated based on the evidence available in the literature and on the experience of the specialists and were then presented at a plenary session that included all 58 participating specialists, which was held on August 4, 2013 at AMIB headquarters. During that session, the answers were discussed, modified when needed, voted on, and approved in accordance with the suggestions and observations of the specialists who attended the meeting. The reports made by all the pairs of specialists were gathered by the project organizing commission, which revised, formatted and J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ă?sola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

drafted the final document, following the authors’ revisions. The document was then printed in the form of a bedside manual of recommendations to be distributed to ICUs all across Brazil, and it was also sent for publication in the Brazilian Journal of Intensive Care (Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva - RBTI) and the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology (Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia).

Mechanical ventilation in chest trauma Noninvasive mechanical ventilation Recommendation - Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is contraindicated in patients with upper airway injury, in the presence of hemodynamic instability, and in severe craniocerebral trauma.(5-10) Recommendation - In patients with isolated chest trauma, early application of NIV can improve gas exchange, prevent orotracheal intubation (OTI), and reduce complications and ICU length of stay.(5-10) Recommendation - The use of NIV should be monitored at the bedside by a healthcare professional within 30 minutes to 2 hours. For NIV to be considered successful, the following criteria should be met: reduction of the respiratory rate (f), increase in the tidal volume (Vt), improvement of the level of consciousness, reduction or cessation of the use of accessory muscles, increase in the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) and/or the peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), and reduction of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) without significant abdominal distension. In unsuccessful cases, OTI and invasive MV should be performed immediately.

Invasive mechanical ventilation(11) Recommendation - Patients with severe chest trauma, respiratory failure, and specific contraindications to NIV should be promptly intubated and ventilated. Recommendation - Initially, use an assistcontrol mode of ventilation, i.e., volume-cycled ventilation (VCV) or pressure-control ventilation (PCV), in chest trauma with severe respiratory failure. Recommendation - Regardless of the mode selected (VCV or PCV), patients with chest trauma should be initially ventilated with a Vt of 6 mL/ kg predicted body weight, an f of 16-20 breaths/ J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

min, and a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) that is sufficient to maintain an SpO2 > 92% and a PEEP of 5-10 cmH2O. In cases of ARDS, follow the instructions in the related section of the present Recommendations. Recommendation - In cases of high output bronchopleural fistula, use the PCV mode, which will compensate for the leak. Another option is the use of high frequency oscillatory ventilation, only in centers with this capability and specialized personnel. In cases that are more severe, asynchronous independent lung ventilation can be either used or not, and the lung with the fistula is ventilated in the PCV mode with a distending pressure of < 15 cmH2O and low PEEP levels (< 10cmH2O).

Pain control Suggestion - Thoracic epidural analgesia, as part of a multimodal strategy, is recommended. If epidural analgesia cannot be used or is contraindicated, patient-controlled i.v. analgesia or intercostal nerve blockade can be used.(11) Suggestion - Administration of intermittent analgesia can be used in cases of less severe pain.

Mechanical ventilation during surgical procedures Comment - Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPC) contribute to a substantial proportion of the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, being the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the postoperative period. (12) PPC, which include respiratory infections, respiratory failure, pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumothorax, bronchospasm, and aspiration pneumonitis, affect approximately 5% of patients undergoing surgery.(12,13)

Specific care before intubation Preoperative risk stratification Recommendation - All patients should be assessed for risk of PPC by using a specific scale. The American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) classification is a scale that is subjective and imprecise. Among the scales suggested for stratifying patient risk for PPC are the European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS) scoring system and the Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia (ARISCAT).(13)

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Pre-oxygenation during induction of anesthesia Recommendation - Pre-oxygenation with an FiO2 of approximately 100% for all patients aims at increasing reserve and reducing the risk of hypoxemia.(14)

Use of noninvasive ventilation during induction of anesthesia Suggestion - Use NIV during induction of anesthesia for elective surgery in patients with decreased abdominal compliance and in those in whom it is necessary to use an FiO2 of 100% for pre-oxygenation. The use of NIV can prevent the development of atelectasis in patients with decreased abdominal compliance and in those undergoing pre-oxygenation with an FiO2 of 100%.(14) Use of positive end-expiratory pressure and alveolar recruitment maneuvers during induction of anesthesia Suggestion - Use recruitment maneuvers and a PEEP of approximately 5-8 cmH2O after induction of anesthesia in patients with decreased abdominal compliance or in those who develop hypoxemia.(14)

Specific care during the intraoperative period Mode of ventilation Suggestion - Use PCV to improve pulmonary mechanics in patients undergoing video-assisted laparoscopic surgery. Observe appropriate expired Vt values.(15,16) In the remaining scenarios, there is no benefit of a mode of ventilation over another, provided that respiratory mechanics are respected.


studies assessing conventional MV strategies versus protective strategies in patients undergoing surgery considered using a low Vt and a high PEEP in the protective strategies. In general, the use of a high PEEP results in better oxygenation and a lower incidence of PPC.(17,20)

Alveolar recruitment maneuvers Suggestion - Use alveolar recruitment maneuvers (RM) during the intraoperative period to reverse alveolar collapse and improve oxygenation. The use of RM, in association with maintenance of high PEEP levels, reduces the amount of collapsed lung and improves patient oxygenation during surgery.(17,20) Among the RM most often cited in the literature is maximum recruitment strategy (MRS), which seeks to maintain a high plateau pressure (Pplat) in the airway (approximately 40-45 cmH2O) for 60 seconds (as described in Part 1 of the present Recommendations).

Fraction of inspired oxygen Suggestion - The lowest FiO2 level that can maintain SpO2 at approximately 96-98% should be used. The combination of an FiO2 of approximately 30-40% and high PEEP levels can maintain adequate oxygenation and reduce lung atelectasis. The role of high levels of oxygen in preventing surgical wound infection remains controversial.(14)

Respiratory rate Recommendation - Use f to maintain PaCO2 at 38-43 mmHg (end-tidal CO2 [CO2 at end-expiration] of approximately 35-40 mmHg). The trend to use a low Vt during surgery requires the adoption of a high f.(17,19)

Tidal volume

Discontinuation of mechanical ventilation

Recommendation - The use of MV with a Vt of 6 mL/kg predicted body weight should be considered in all patients. Various studies in various scenarios (abdominal, thoracic, and cardiac surgery) have demonstrated the benefit of using low Vt during surgery.(17-19)

Recommendation - Discontinue MV in the postoperative period as early and as quickly as possible, as soon as the patient is hemodynamically stable, is under adequate analgesia, has no electrolyte disturbances, and has regained a sufficient level of consciousness to ensure maintenance of ventilatory drive and airway protection. Extubation can be performed in the operating room, in the post-anesthesia care unit, or in the ICU.(21)

Positive end-expiratory pressure Suggestion - The use of a PEEP of approximately 5-8 cmH2O should be considered. All

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

Noninvasive ventilation after extubation Suggestion - The use of NIV should be considered in patients undergoing cardiac, thoracic, bariatric, or upper abdominal surgery, because it is associated with better oxygenation and a lower incidence of atelectasis. It should be performed with low pressure levels in upper abdominal and esophageal surgery. NIV should not delay reintubation. Recommendation - NIV should not be used following the onset of an acute respiratory failure episode after extubation.(22)

Mechanical ventilation in obese patients Comment - Patients with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2 are considered obese. This condition is characterized by a series of physiological changes, such as decreased lung compliance, which is caused by the direct mechanical effect of fat distribution and an abnormal position of the diaphragm, because of increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), reduced functional residual capacity (FRC), and reduced total lung capacity (TLC), and by the increased work of breathing, because of increased airway resistance (Raw) and increased chest wall resistance, as well as a need for high minute volumes, leading to an increase in PaCO2.(23,24) Recommendation - Consider every obese patient as potentially difficult airway. In obese patients with a Malampatti score ≥ 3 and a Cormack score of 3-4, as well as increased neck circumference, consider difficult airway and prepare the necessary infrastructure to manage this condition.(25) Suggestion - Use the reverse Trendelenburg position during ventilation.(26) The goal is to improve PaO2, static respiratory system compliance (Crs), and cardiac output, as well as reducing the development of atelectasis. Suggestion - Avoid the supine position, because of reduced FRC, cardiac output, and increased work of breathing. If it is possible to use it, the beach chair position is suggested.(27) Suggestion - Use NIV in cases of hypercapnic respiratory failure, taking the necessary precautions. Care should be exercised in the use of NIV in patients with a BMI ≥ 45kg/m2, because there is a higher risk of failure in this group. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

Suggestion - In invasive MV, no mode is superior to another mode. It is suggested that the assist-control mode (AC) as either PCV or VCV be initially used.(28) Suggestion - Monitor respiratory mechanics. Monitoring of IAP should be considered in cases of increased PaCO2 levels and/or increased airway pressures that cannot be explained by pulmonary causes. Recommendation - Use a Vt of 6mL/kg predicted body weight;(26-29) for FiO2, it is suggested that the lowest level that can maintain oxygen saturation (SatO2) ≥ 92% be used. Suggestion - For PEEP/recruitment maneuvers,(30,31) the goal is to increase FRC, prevent the development of atelectasis, and reduce the risk of ventilation-induced lung injury. In addition, it is suggested that MRS be performed in cases of hypoxemia, decreased Vt, or increased PaCO2 levels. Suggestion - Use PEEP levels ≥ 10 cmH2O. Recommendation - Maintain Pplat at ≤ 35 cmH2O.(32) Suggestion - In cases of moderate and severe ARDS, a Pplat of up to 40 cmH2O may be tolerable, provided that the distending pressure is maintained at ≤ 15 cmH2O. Recommendation - Extubate patients as soon as their clinical status allows, and NIV can be used to facilitate it.

Mechanical ventilation in patients with central nervous system involvement Gas exchange - oxygen Recommendation - Avoid hypoxemia in patients with acute neurological injury, because it leads to increased morbidity and mortality.(33,34) Suggestion - Avoid hyperoxia in cases of anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.(35)

Gas exchange - carbon dioxide Recommendation - Do not use prophylactic or prolonged hyperventilation, and maintain PaCO2 between 35 and 40 mmHg during the acute phase of injury.(36-38) Recommendation - Acute hyperventilation is indicated as rescue therapy in cases of cerebral herniation.(36-38)

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2


Recommendation - Monitor CO2 by capnography. When this tool is unavailable, assess PaCO2 levels through blood gas sampling, more frequently during the acute phase. Suggestion - In patients with acute ischemic stroke, avoid PaCO2 < 35 mmHg because of risk of ischemia in the penumbra region.

lation strategies such as recruitment maneuvers, prone positioning, arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane CO2 removal (AV-ECCO2R), and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), assessing risk versus benefit on a case-by-case basis.(45-47)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Recommendation - Maintain the head of the bed between 30º and 45º because this improves cerebral venous return and reduces the effect of PEEP on ICP.(48)

Recommendation - Use a protective ventilation strategy for the treatment of ARDS in patients with neurological injury, accompanied by intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure monitoring.(29,39) More details are provided in the related section of the present Recommendations. Suggestion - In cases of severe ARDS, the use of a high PEEP should be individualized and ICP should be monitored, because increased ICP can occur when there is a concomitant decrease in lung and brain compliance.(40,41)

Modes of ventilation Suggestion - Use the VCV mode for patients with severe neurological injury during the acute phase,(42) to avoid oscillations in Vt. Recommendation - Patients with severe neurological injury, with intracranial hypertension (ICH) during the acute phase, should not be maintained on a spontaneous mode of ventilation. (43)

Airway approach Recommendation - Intubate patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale score ≤ 8 and in whom the cough reflex is absent.(44) Suggestion - Use rapid sequence intubation in patients with ICH or with suspected ICH, minimizing the risk of secondary brain injury due to increased intracranial pressure. This technique uses a combination of sedatives that have minimal cardiodepressant effects, such as ketamine (1-2 mg/kg i.v.) or etomidate (0.3 mg/kg i.v.), particularly in patients with hypotension or at risk of hypotension, and short-acting neuromuscular blocking agents (succinylcholine, 1.5 mg/kg i.v.) so that, within 45 to 60 seconds, the goal of paralysis and sedation is achieved.

Unconventional ventilation strategies Suggestion - In patients with severe pulmonary involvement, individualize the use of new venti

Head of the bed between 30º and 45º

Mechanical ventilation in patients with neuromuscular diseases Comment - In respiratory failure from neuromuscular disease, ventilatory support depends on the location of the injuries (from spinal cord injuries to direct muscle involvement) (Chart 1).

Acute polyradiculoneuritis (GuillainBarré syndrome) Comment - One third of patients with acute polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barré syndrome) require MV during the course of the disease. Generalized weakness, rapid progression, and bulbar involvement are associated with the need for MV in such patients.(49-52) Suggestion - Patients with acute polyradiculoneuritis should be periodically assessed by measuring maximum inspiratory pressure (PImax) from residual volume, maximum expiratory pressure (PEmax) from TLC, and vital capacity (VC). Patients with PImax < −30 cmH2O, PEmax < 40 cmH2O, and VC < 20 mL/kg or a reduction of more than 30% in VC should be electively intubated to prevent emergency OTI.(49-52) Recommendation - NIV should be used with care because of the instability of acute polyradiculoneuritis. Therefore, OTI and invasive MV should not be delayed when there is deterioration of lung function.(49-52) Suggestion - The decision to tracheostomize patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome may be postponed for 2 weeks. If, after 2 weeks, lung function test results do no improve significantly, tracheostomy should be considered. If lung function test results are improving, tracheostomy may be postponed until weaning is achieved.(49-52) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

Chart 1 - Location of the neuromuscular injuries and examples. Location Examples Spinal cord Transverse myelitis, trauma, and extrinsic compression Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Motor neuron poliomyelitis Peripheral nerves Acute polyradiculoneuritis and critical illness polyneuropathy Myasthenia gravis, botulism, and Neuromuscular organophosphate intoxication junction


Muscular dystrophies, myopathies, and myositis

Myasthenia gravis Comment - Acute respiratory failure results from a myasthenic crisis precipitated by neuromuscular junction failure, usually accompanied by bulbar weakness. Myasthenicspecific treatment with immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should be initiated early.(53-55) Suggestion - Consider using NIV (bilevel positive airway pressure [BiPAP]) in patients with myasthenic crisis in an attempt to prevent OTI, with PCO2 > 50mmHg being a predictor of BiPAP failure; the use of NIV can be considered in persistent or recurrent weakness following extubation.(53-55) Suggestion - Periodically assess patients with myasthenic crisis by measuring PImax, PEmax, and VC. Patients with VC < 20 mL/kg, PImax < −30 cmH2O, and PEmax > 40 cmH2O can undergo a trial treatment with NIV (BiPAP) and, if there is failure, they should be electively intubated to prevent emergency OTI.(53-55) Suggestion - Conduct an intensive respiratory program, including sighs, use of PEEP, frequent aspiration of the bronchial tree, respiratory therapy, body position change, and administration of antibiotic therapy (in cases of documented infection), in patients placed on MV for a myasthenic crisis.(53-55)

Duchenne muscular dystrophy Comment - Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked disease that affects 1:3,000 male births. It is characterized by progressive loss of muscle strength, with VC decreasing progressively until the onset of respiratory failure, usually between 18 and 20 years of age, with a consequent need for ventilatory J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

support. Most patients develop cardiomyopathy. Forced VC (FVC) < 1L and the onset of nocturnal hypoventilation are signs of poor prognosis, and NIV can be used to improve survival and quality of life outcomes.(56-58) Suggestion - Use NIV in cases of nocturnal hypoventilation and/or decreased VC (< 1L). Suggestion - Invasive ventilation via elective tracheostomy is indicated for patients who do not tolerate NIV or who have been intubated for an acute event.(56-58)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Comment - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron disease, during the course of which respiratory failure due to muscle failure may occur. Chronic aspiration due to bulbar muscle dysfunction and ineffective cough are additional complications. Most patients die from respiratory complications that vary in course.(59,60) Recommendation - Use NIV in patients with ALS, except in the subgroup of patients with severe bulbar dysfunction. Recommendation - Invasive MV via tracheostomy is indicated in patients with impaired airway protection and severe bulbar dysfunction, and it should only be instituted after its complications, as well as its social and logistical implications, are discussed in detail with the patients and their families. Recommendation - Indications for ventilatory support include VC < 50% of predicted, PImax < −30 cmH2O or < 60% of predicted, peak expiratory flow (PEF) < 270 L/min, PCO2 > 45 mmHg, and nocturnal hypoventilation.(59,60) Suggestion - The parameters for invasive and NIV are as follows. An oral or nasal mask can be used provided that it is properly fitted. BiPAP should be used. Invasive MV via tracheostomy is usually carried out in the ventilation mode that is most suitable for the type of demand, if there is associated lung disease. Patients should be monitored for episodes of atelectasis, accumulation of secretions, and pneumonias.(61)

Mechanical ventilation in patients with cardiovascular disease Comment - The goal of MV in patients with cardiovascular disease is to adjust oxygenation and ventilation and to ensure cardiac output.

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Recommendation - Achieve an SpO2 ≼ 94% by using the lowest possible FiO2. Recommendation - Noninvasive MV with either continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or BiPAP is safe, and both modes have similar effects and are effective in preventing OTI. They should be applied as a form of ventilatory support during acute pulmonary edema.(62-68) Recommendation - Apply the protective strategy to MV patients with cardiovascular disease.(69,70) Recommendation - Applying recruitment maneuvers is safe in patients with cardiovascular disease provided that there is proper monitoring and appropriate care.(69,70) Suggestion - Monitoring of cardiac output and measurement of extravascular lung water are suggested in MV patients with cardiovascular disease and ARDS, with the aim of volume adjustment and hemodynamic optimization.(71) Suggestion - Monitoring of cardiac output, in patients with cardiovascular disease, can be performed with a pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) or noninvasively, by means of pulse contour analysis.(69,70) Suggestion - Transthoracic echocardiography can be performed in MV patients with cardiovascular disease who are hemodynamically unstable.(70) Suggestion - Perform transthoracic echocardiography in patients who exhibit hemodynamic instability after undergoing RM, in order to assess them for volume status and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction.(69,70) Recommendation - Discontinuation of MV in patients with cardiovascular disease follows the recommendations for patients with no cardiovascular disease. The use of NIV should be prioritized to facilitate the process of discontinuation of MV, and NIV should be applied immediately after extubation.(62-70) Suggestion - Increased brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels during weaning from ventilation in patients with cardiovascular disease show accuracy in predicting weaning failure.(70,72) Recommendation - A positive fluid balance should be avoided in MV patients with cardiovascular disease who are hemodynamically stable.(70) Recommendation - Inhaled nitric oxide is an effective strategy in MV patients with cardiovascular disease, RV dysfunction, and pulmonary hypertension.(70)


Recommendation - No mode of ventilation is recommended over another in patients with cardiovascular disease.(70) Suggestion - In patients on inotropic support, this support may be continued until after extubation.(70)

Mechanical ventilation in patients with cardiovascular disease undergoing surgery Tidal volume Recommendation - The use of a Vt of 6 mL/ kg predicted body weight, in the volume-control mode or peak/plateau inspiratory pressure, is sufficient to maintain this same volume in PCV.(70)

Positive end-expiratory pressure Recommendation - Apply PEEP during general anesthesia, because it is associated with improved oxygenation and prevention of atelectasis.(70) Alveolar recruitment maneuvers Suggestion - RM can be used intraoperatively to prevent alveolar collapse.(69)

Fraction of inspired oxygen Recommendation - At induction of anesthesia, use an FiO2 of 100% to ensure adequate oxygenation for intubation. Fractions of oxygen needed to maintain SpO2 > 94% are recommended.(70)

Discontinuation of mechanical ventilation Recommendation - Discontinuation of MV should be gradual, and pressure support ventilation (PSV) can be used. NIV is an important resource, which should be used immediately after extubation.(62-70)

Postoperative analgesia Recommendation - Achieving adequate postoperative analgesia is associated with optimization of postoperative pulmonary function.

Mechanical ventilation in interstitial lung diseases Comment - Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) are a heterogeneous group of diseases that J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

predominantly affect the lung interstitium, with varying degrees of inflammation and fibrosis,(73,74) and that can progress with varying degrees of hypoxemia and gradual reduction in lung volumes. Patients with ILD may require MV because of a number of factors, including the anesthesia process in surgical procedures, such as open lung biopsy and other elective or emergency operations, respiratory infections leading to respiratory failure, and acute exacerbations (AEs - noninfectious) of the underlying interstitial disease.(75,76)

Indications for mechanical ventilation Comment - Respiratory failure in patients with ILD should be divided into two groups: progression of the underlying disease and AEs. AEs are characterized by acute, unexplained worsening of clinical symptoms of ILD, especially dyspnea and cough, usually in the last 30 days, accompanied by radiological worsening, often in the form of ground-glass changes superimposed on previous changes. AEs were initially described in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), but they can occur in other forms of ILD.(76-79) The onset of AEs seems to occur at some point in the course of IPF in 5 to 10% of patients, and mortality in those requiring MV is nearly 100%. Recommendation - Before diagnosing an AE, it is necessary to exclude infections, pulmonary thromboembolism, cardiac dysfunction, druginduced pulmonary toxicity, etc.(76-80)

Acute complication Suggestion - In AEs of ILD, the patient’s previous status should be assessed. Invasive MV is indicated if the cause of acute respiratory failure is diagnosed as not being due to progression of the underlying disease.

Progression of the underlying disease Recommendation - ICU admission and invasive MV should be avoided, and any decision in this regard should be discussed with the patients or their families.

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation Suggestion - NIV can be used as initial ventilatory support in patients with ILD who develop acute respiratory failure or as palliative ventilatory support in patients who have previJ Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

ously expressed the desire not to be intubated. Either CPAP or bilevel NIV can be used and should be applied early. Recommendation - The use of NIV should be monitored at the bedside by a healthcare professional within thirty minutes to two hours. For NIV to be considered successful, the following criteria should be met: reduction of f, increase in Vt, improvement of the level of consciousness, reduction or cessation of the use of accessory muscles, increase in PaO2 and/or SpO2, and reduction of PaCO2 without significant abdominal distension. In unsuccessful cases, OTI and invasive MV should be performed immediately. Success is expected in 50% of this population.(80)

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation Comment - Since the histological finding in AEs is diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), similar to that observed in patients with ARDS, and given the lack of prospective studies, some authors have suggested that strategies used for ARDS could be extrapolated to patients with AEs of ILD. Therefore, some experts advocate the use of protective ventilation, with a low Vt, set at approximately 6 mL/kg ideal body weight, and a Pplat ≤ 30 cmH2O.(80-84) The use of a high PEEP in patients with ILD has not been investigated in any study. Two retrospective studies found an association between PEEP and the outcome of patients with ILD who underwent MV: Suh et al. reported low mortality in a group of patients with acute interstitial pneumonia who received an early intervention strategy, which involved a series of measures, including MV with a low Vt and a moderate PEEP, with a median of 11 cmH2O.(79) In contrast, in a more heterogeneous group of patients with ILD who underwent MV, Fernandez-Perez et al. observed that a PEEP > 10 cmH2O on the first day of MV was associated with high mortality, but they themselves comment that a high PEEP may be a marker of greater respiratory failure severity.(76) Suggestion - Patients with ILD who require MV should be ventilated with a low Vt, set at approximately 6 mL/kg ideal body weight, and a Pplat < 30 cmH2O; a high f (> 30 breaths/ min) and a short inspiratory time can be used to prevent hypercapnia. Use a PEEP between 5 and 10 cmH2O. Suggestion - The use of a high PEEP can be attempted with caution and should be indi

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2


vidualized for each patient. Rescue therapies for refractory hypoxemia, such as prone positioning, RM, and nitric oxide, can be used in referral centers with expertise in these therapies.

They should only be calculated in situation in which the decision is difficult and must NOT be used as the sole tool in the decision-making process regarding the SBT.(97-99)

Discontinuation of mechanical ventilation

Autonomous breathing trial (spontaneous breathing trial)

Identifying patients who are ready to wean

Recommendation - In the SBT, patients should be placed on T-tube or ventilated with PSV of 5-7 cmH2O for 30-120 minutes. During the SBT, patients should be monitored for signs of failure.(85-94) Successful SBTs are defined as those in which patients maintain an adequate breathing pattern, as well as adequate gas exchange, hemodynamic stability, and comfort (Chart 4).(85-94,100-102) Recommendation - After a successful SBT, determine whether the airways are patent and whether the patient is able to protect them.

Recommendation - Discontinue patients from invasive MV as soon as it is clinically possible.(85,86) Recommendation - The definitions of terms related to discontinuation of MV must be made clear in ICU guidelines. The concept of “successful weaning” refers to a patient successfully completing the spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) while still connected to the ventilator. “Successful extubation” refers to a patient having the endolaryngeal tube removed (extubation) after passing the SBT and not being reintubated in the following 48 hours. In tracheostomized patients, successful extubation means tolerating being disconnected from the ventilator after passing the SBT and not needing to be reconnected to the ventilator in the following 48 hours.(87-89) Recommendation - Assess and identify patients daily (active surveillance by means of internal guidelines established by a multidisciplinary team) with a view to the possibility of discontinuing ventilation, in order to reduce duration of MV and decrease costs.(90-94)

How to determine the timing of extubation Assessment of airway protection Recommendation - Determine whether the patient has the required level of consciousness (a Glasgow coma scale score > 8), an effective cough (a positive white card test result and a peak flow > 60 lpm), and a small amount of secretions (with no need for suctioning every 1 or 2 hours).(103)


Assessment of airway patency

Recommendation - Sedation should be interrupted daily to assess the patient’s ability to maintain spontaneous ventilation(95) (see the “Sedation and Analgesia” section in Part 1 of the present Recommendations).

Suggestion - Test airway patency in patients at higher risk for laryngeal stridor and airway obstruction (prolonged ventilation and trauma); to that end, a qualitative or quantitative approach can be used. Perform thorough suctioning of the mouth and larynx before deflating the tube cuff for the test, in order to prevent unwanted material from entering the lower airways iatrogenically (Chart 5).(104)

Criteria required for assessment of readiness to wean Recommendation - Perform active surveillance, including the topics in Chart 2.(88,90-96)

Predictive indices Recommendation - The most accurate weaning-predictive indices are the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI), i.e., f divided by Vt (f/Vt), and the integrative weaning index (IWI) (Chart 3).

Use of corticosteroids Recommendation - In patients at high risk for laryngeal stridor and laryngeal edema, as identified by the cuff leak test, the preventive use of corticosteroids may be beneficial. The prescribed doses range from 20 to 40 mg of i.v. methylprednisolone every 4 to J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

Chart 2 - Topics that are to be routinely assessed during active surveillance in mechanically ventilated patients. PaO2 ≥ 60mmHg on FIO2 ≤ 0.4 and PEEP ≤ 5 to 8 cmH2O Hemodynamic stability, with good tissue perfusion, with or without low doses of vasopressors, and absence of decompensated coronary artery disease or arrhythmias with hemodynamic effects Resolution or control of the cause of respiratory failure Capability to initiate an inspiratory effort Zero or negative fluid balance in the last 24 hours Normal acid-base and electrolyte balance Delay extubation when patients are scheduled to be taken to tests or surgery requiring general anesthesia in the next 24 hours PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen; FIO2: fraction of inspired oxygen; and PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure.

Chart 3 - Significant parameters for predicting successful weaning. Parameter Number Threshold value of studies Measured in the ventilator Minute volume 20 < 10-15 L/min Negative 10 < −20 to −30 cmH2O inspiratory force PImax 16 < −15 to −30 cmH2O Airway occlusion 4 < 0.30 pressure (P0.1) / PImax CROP index 2 < 13 Measured during spontaneous ventilation (1-2 min) f 24 < 30-38 Vt 18 > 325-408 mL (4-6 mL/kg) f/Vt index 20 < 105 breaths/min./L Integrative 2 > 25 mL/cmH2O weaning index breaths/min./L CROP: compliance, respiratory rate, oxygenation, and pressure; PImax: maximum inspiratory pressure; f: respiratory rate; and Vt: tidal volume.

6 hours, started at least 4 hours, more commonly 12 to 24 hours, before extubation.(105)

Use of noninvasive ventilation in the discontinuation of mechanical ventilation Use of noninvasive ventilation to facilitate discontinuation of mechanical ventilation - early weaning (noninvasive ventilation as a facilitation technique) Recommendation - It is recommended that NIV be used to facilitate early discontinuation of MV in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

Chart 4 - Signs of intolerance to the spontaneous breathing trial. Respiratory rate > 35 breaths/min Arterial de O2 saturation < 90%

Heart rate > 140 bpm Systolic blood pressure > 180 mmHg or < 90 mmHg

Signs and symptoms of agitation, sweating, altered level of consciousness disease (COPD), even in those who fail the SBT, provided that their clinical status is adequate. The patient should be managed in centers with experience in the use of NIV (Figure 1).(106) Use of noninvasive ventilation to prevent extubation failure (noninvasive ventilation as a preventive technique) Recommendation - NIV should be used immediately after extubation, in a preventive manner, in patients identified as high risk, especially in hypercapnic patients (Figure 1 and Chart 6).(107-111) Use of noninvasive ventilation in respiratory failure after extubation (noninvasive ventilation as a curative technique) Recommendation - Avoid the use of NIV in extubated patients who again develop respiratory failure within 48 hours. Do not delay reintubation in this situation, except in surgical patients who develop respiratory failure in the postoperative period (Figure 1).(112) How to manage patients with weaning failure (patients who fail their first spontaneous breathing trial) Recommendation - Reinstate ventilatory support that provides patients with comfort and adequate gas exchange, maintaining it for 24 hours, so that the SBT can be repeated. Try to identify the causes of failure(86) (for difficult-towean patients and those requiring long-term weaning, see the related section of the present Recommendations).

Gradual weaning methods Recommendation - Avoid the use of synchronized inspiratory mandatory ventilation, because it can increase the time to discontinuation of invasive MV.(113)

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

How to manage patients with extubation failure Recommendation - Reintubate patients as soon as possible; identify and treat the causes of failure; and, as soon as possible, restart the discontinuation process (exception: noninvasive ventilation as a curative technique may be tried in surgical patients).

Patients with prolonged weaning Suggestion - Use classification definitions for the duration of the weaning process to categorize your patients as undergoing simple weaning(114) (when patients successfully complete their first SBT), difficult weaning (when patients fail their first SBT and require up to three SBTs or up to seven days of MV following the first SBT), and, Chart 5 - How to perform the endotracheal tube cuff-leak test in mechanically ventilated patients. 1. Before performing the cuff-leak test, perform suctioning of tracheal and oral secretions and set the ventilator to assist-control mode (VCV). 2. With the cuff inflated, record Vti and Vte and observe whether they are similar. 3. Deflate the cuff. 4. Record Vte during six consecutive breaths; observe that Vte will reach a plateau after the first breaths. 5. With the cuff deflated, Vte is expected to be < 90% of (the preset) Vti, situation in which the test is considered adequate. VCV: volume-cycled ventilation; Vte: expired tidal volume; and Vti: inspired tidal volume.


finally, prolonged weaning (when patients fail more than three consecutive SBTs or require >7 days of MV following the first SBT). Suggestion - Use the concept of prolonged MV defined as MV that is needed for ≼ 21 consecutive days for 6 hours daily. Recommendation - Identify causes of failure to discontinue MV (Chart 7).(88,114-130)

Muscle disorders Suggestion - Assess the possibility of critical illness polyneuropathy and of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and potassium disorders.

Endocrine and metabolic diseases Recommendation - Adequately control diabetes, hypothyroidism, and adrenal failure. Chart 6 - Noninvasive ventilation as a preventive technique: risk factors for respiratory failure. Hypercapnia after extubation (> 45 mmHg)

Heart failure Ineffective cough

Copious secretions More than one consecutive failed weaning trial

More than one comorbidity Upper airway obstruction

Age greater than 65 years Heart failure as the cause of intubation

APACHE score > 12 on the day of extubation Patients on IMV for more than 72 hours IMV: invasive mechanical ventilation.

Patients undergoing the SBT Failure of the SBT

NIV as a facilitation technique

NIV as a preventive technique

Successful SBT


NIV as a curative technique

Recommended in COPD PaCO2 > 45mmHg

Recommended in patients with risk factors for respiratory failure

No evidence of benefit, except in surgical patients

Successful weaning after 48 h

Figure 1 - Use of noninvasive ventilation for discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. SBT - spontaneous breathing trial; NIV - noninvasive ventilation; COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RF - acute or exacerbated respiratory failure.

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Comment - Obesity can be an additional factor for prolonged weaning, because it is characterized by an increase in O2 consumption (VO2) and CO2 production (VCO2), a decrease in static compliance, VC, and TLC, and a possible increase in IAP and Raw.

Electrolyte and acid-base disturbances Recommendation - Monitor, diagnose, and treat states of hyperhydration, which are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and ICU length of stay. Identify and treat cases of metabolic alkalosis, the most common causes of which are chronic respiratory acidosis and use of diuretics. Metabolic alkalosis is associated with increased mortality, decreased respiratory drive, decreased O2 delivery (DO2), shift of the oxyhemoglobin curve to the left, ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, and systemic vasoconstriction. Provide an adequate means of nutrition (see the related section of the present Recommendations) to prevent malnutrition, increased protein catabolism, reduced body muscle mass and decreased effectiveness of the thoracic pump mechanism, with reduced strength and endurance and increased VO2, and perpetual dependence on the ventilator. Decreased albumin is associated with prolonged weaning and should be monitored.(114-130)

Rehabilitation strategies and strategies to facilitate discontinuation from mechanical ventilation Reassessment of the underlying disease and comorbidities Recommendation - Treat cardiac, pulmonary, psychiatric, and infectious underlying diseases as much as possible, and maintain clinically adequate nutrition. Chart 7 - Causes of failure to discontinue mechanical ventilation.(89,115-131) Age 竕・ 65 years Decreased diaphragmatic function Presence of comorbidities Presence de delirium, depression, anxiety Persistent infection/inflammatory states Decompensated cardiac, respiratory, neurological, and psychiatric diseases

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Specific care for discontinuation of mechanical ventilation Suggestion - Transfer patients undergoing prolonged weaning to a unit specializing in discontinuation of MV, if available. Recommendation - Tracheostomy is indicated in patients who repeatedly fail SBTs, from the tenth day of MV onward, as part of a discontinuation protocol and in accordance with specifications in the related section of the present Recommendations. Suggestion - Perform SBTs daily, using a tracheostomy collar or T-piece. In cases of tolerance (f < 35 breaths/minute or over 35 breaths/ minute for less than 5 consecutive minutes; SaO2 > 90%; HR < 140 beats/minute or a sustained change of 20% in any direction; 90 mmHg > blood pressure < 180 mmHg with no anxiety or diaphoresis), gradually increase the duration of T-piece use and rest the patient overnight on assist-control ventilation. In cases of failure, return the patient to an assist-control mode for rest, in order to make a second attempt within 24 hours.(123) Suggestion - Long-term MV is characterized when there is failure of the entire discontinuation process, especially in patients with spinal trauma, end-stage COPD, advanced dementia, pulmonary fibrosis, and irreversible neuromuscular disease. In these situations, explain the concept of futile treatment and palliative care to patients and families in order to arrive at a joint decision regarding the best approach.(114) Recommendation - Early physical therapy and passive mobilization should be performed during MV and also during the discontinuation process. These activities are considered safe and are associated with better functional results and shorter duration of MV(121,130) (see the related section of the present Recommendations). Suggestion - Inspiratory muscle training can be considered in patients who fail to wean, in order to increase PImax and facilitate discontinuation of ventilatory support.(130,131)

Hemodynamic changes and hemodynamic care in patients on invasive mechancial ventilation Comment - The cardiovascular effects of positive pressure MV are described in Chart 8.

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Hemodynamic care in mechanically ventilated patients Recommendation - Resuscitation aimed at restoration of tissue perfusion begins in the early acute phase, in which resuscitation should be performed as soon as possible to achieve mixed venous O2 saturation (SvO2) > 65% or central venous saturation (SvcO2) > 70%, blood lactate concentration < 2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL), and adequacy of DO2/VO2.(132-135) The process should continue in the post-resuscitation phase (when adequate tissue perfusion is achieved), and fluid restriction should be performed to maintain a zero or negative fluid balance.(136) Suggestion - In ARDS patients receiving PEEP ≥ 15 cmH2O and < 20 cmH2O, perform echocardiography at least once and, if necessary, monitor cardiac output.(137,138) In ARDS patients receiving PEEP ≥ 20 cmH2O or experiencing hemodynamic instability, perform monitoring with serial echocardiography and/or with a volumetric PAC, if available.(137,138) Suggestion - During MRS with decremental PEEP titration, use invasive blood pressure monitoring; perform echocardiography after 6 hours, or earlier if the patient exhibits hemodynamic instability, to assess RV dysfunction. (137,138) Suggestion - In moderate/severe ARDS, consider extravascular lung water monitoring (if available).(139,140) Suggestion - Avoid systemic systemic vasodilators in refractory hypoxemia (they inhibit hypoxic vasoconstriction).(141) Suggestion - Interpret SvO2 by considering PaO2. High PaO2 values can increase SvO2.(142)

Mechanical ventilation in patients with left ventricular failure Recommendation - For the diagnosis of left ventricular (LV) failure, use Doppler Chart 8 - Cardiovascular effects of positive pressure mechanical ventilation. Hemodynamic effect Likely effect on cardiac of positive pressure output ventilation Preload Afterload dependent dependent RV LV

Decreases preload Increases afterload Decreases preload Decreases afterload

RV: right ventricle; and LV: left ventricle.


echocardiography, which should show ejection fraction, velocity-time integral, as well as assess diastolic function [E/A, E/E’, global end-diastolic volume].(143) If you use a PAC, a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure >18 mmHg and a cardiac index < 2.2 L/min/m2 characterize LV failure.(143) Recommendation - Use inotropes, vasopressors if necessary, diuretics, and vasodilators when possible. In selected cases, use mechanical circulatory support.(143) Suggestion - Favor the use of high PEEP (because of decreased LV preload and afterload). If there is concomitant RV failure, increase PEEP carefully (monitor the RV and RV flow).(144) Prevent severe hypercapnia (pH < 7.15 or PaCO2 > 80 mmHg).(145) Consider kidney ultrafiltration for achieving a negative fluid balance in situations of refractoriness to diuretics.(146)

Mechanical ventilation in patients with right ventricular failure Recommendation - Regarding diagnosis, use Doppler echocardiography (RV diastolic diameter > 3.5 cm, RV/LV ratio > 1, intraventricular septal flattening or paradoxical interventricular septal motion, pulmonary artery systolic pressure > 35 mmHg, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion < 1.8 cm)(147) or a PAC (a volumetric PAC, if available): central venous pressure > pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; mean pulmonary artery pressure > 25 mmHg; systolic index < 30 mL.min-1.m-2; RV end-diastolic volume index > 140 mL.m-2.(137) Suggestion - Details regarding monitoring, treatment, and specific care are shown in Chart 9 and Figure 2.

Resources available for hemodynamic monitoring in mechanically ventilated patients Suggestion - Suggested methods of hemodynamic monitoring in MV patients include predicting the response to fluid loading (a > 15% increase in the cardiac index) in patients with the following characteristics: PEEP < 10 cmH2O; Vt of 8-10 ideal body weight; f < 30 min-1; respiratory compliance > 30 mL.cmH2O; no arrhythmias; no respiratory effort; no cor pulmonale; delta pulse pressure > 13%; systolic volume variation > 10%; delta velocity time integral > 15%; superior vena cava collapsibility J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

> 36%; and inferior vena cava distensibility > 18%. (153,154) Also perform the expiratory port occlusion maneuver – in spontaneously breathing patients receiving PEEP ≤ 10 cmH2O,(155) with a delta central venous pressure > 1 mmHg (1.36 cmH2O).(156) In patients receiving high PEEP and/or low Vt, passive leg raising maneuver,(157) fluid challenge with small aliquots of fluid (250 mL), and cardiac index monitoring can be used (Figure 2).(158)

Speech-language pathology care in the rehabilitation of patients after mechanical ventilation comment - The role of speech-language pathologists in the ICU is endorsed by Resolution-RDC 07/2010 of the Brazilian Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA, National Health Oversight Agency). In dysphagia, the role of speech-language pathologists in the ICU is

Chart 9 - Suggestions for monitoring, treatment, and specific care in patients with right ventricular failure.(146,148-152) Perform monitoring with a PAC (a volumetric PAC, if available).(148) Prevent hypervolemia (reverse Bernheim effect), promote a negative fluid balance.(149) Favor the use of a low PEEP (< 10cmH2O) and a Vt of 6 mL/kg predicted weight or lower.(149) Prevent hypoxemia (it increases pulmonary vascular resistance caused by hypoxic vasoconstriction).(149) Prevent severe hypercapnia (it increases RV afterload).(150) Consider using dobutamine at low doses (to prevent tachycardia) or milrinone.(149) Use nitric oxide/sildenafil testing associated with monitoring with a PAC or transthoracic echocardiography. In centers where nitric oxide is unavailable, a therapeutic trial of sildenafil can be used.(151) Avoid abrupt withdrawal of inhaled nitric oxide.(152) Consider kidney ultrafiltration for achieving a negative fluid balance in situations of refractoriness to diuretics.(146) PAC: pulmonary artery catheter; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; Vt: tidal volume; and RV: right ventricular.

Hemodynamic instability

Does the patient have recruitable preload?

Fluid resuscitation


Optimized preload?

No No


LV failure

RV failure

Support with MV + PEEP of 8 cmH2O and titration according to response: oxygenation; vasoactive drugs, and tolerance

Start with PEEP of 5 cmH2O and titrate according to response: oxygenation and tolerance (blood pressure and cardiac output)

Distributive shock

MV according to the clinical picture, use of vasopressors and inotropes when necessary, and tissue perfusion monitoring

Hypovolemic shock- resolution

Usual support with MV + tissue perfusion monitoring

Figure 2 - Hemodynamic management algorithm in mechanically ventilated patients. LV: left ventricular; RV: right ventricular; MV: mechanical ventilation; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure.

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Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

regulated by Resolution 356 of the Brazilian Federal Speech-Language Pathology Council, passed on December 6, 2008, and published in the Diário Oficial da União (Official Federal Government Gazette) on December 9, 2008. In a multidisciplinary team, the speech-language pathologist evaluates the safety of oral feeding/ swallowing and manages swallowing difficulties, thereby contributing to the prevention of aspiration pneumonia and to the tracheostomy weaning process. Suggestion - Request a speech-language pathology evaluation(159-165) for all patients who required OTI ≥ 48 hours, for patients who underwent repeated OTI, and for those with tracheostomy (whether or not they are mechanically ventilated). Recommendation - Regarding the timing for speech-language pathology evaluations after extubation, it is recommended that patients be evaluated 24(166) to 48 hours after extubation and that those who have dysphagia and are at risk for aspiration be started on speech therapy.(167-171) Suggestion - Do NOT perform speech-language therapy in orotracheally intubated patients, because there is a lack of clinical evidence regarding its benefits to the swallowing function; however, early identification of patients who, even during OTI, have several associated risk factors that may compromise swallowing dynamics (patients with cardiovascular disease, patients with Parkinson’s disease, post-stroke patients, and patients with dementia) is indicated. Suggestion - Perform clinical speech-language evaluations (structural and functional) at the bedside(163,172) and determine the need for instrumental examination of swallowing (functional nasal fiberoptic endoscopy and modified barium swallow test).(173) Suggestion - The speech-language pathologist should define the type of food consistency and the need for the use of thickeners for the administration of fluids, in collaboration with the Nutrition Service, when the patient is ready to initiate oral intake. Suggestion - Fit a speaking valve into the mechanical ventilator circuit or directly into the tracheostomy, with the aid of a physical therapist and/or a physician, provided that cuff deflation is feasible and patient tolerance is assessed.(174,175) Suggestion - In tracheostomized patients, use a blue food dye in the food delivered orally


and/or in the saliva swallowing test, to evaluate the occurrence of discharge of blue saliva and/or secretions through the tracheostomy, characterizing an aspiration event.(176-178) Suggestion - Assess for signs and symptoms of dysphagia during the delivery of oral nutrition, especially those that may be associated with bronchial aspiration, such as choking, cough, and wet voice.(179-181) Suggestion - Discuss with the medical team the use of xerostomic medications in patients on MV and/or with tracheostomy who do not tolerate cuff deflation or who experience significant aspiration of saliva.(182) Suggestion - Perform direct and indirect swallowing therapy in patients who have dysphagia and/or are at risk for aspiration.(183)

Nursing care in patients receiving invasive or noninvasive ventilatory support Comment - The nursing team, as part of the multidisciplinary ICU team, actively participates in the administrative and healthcare activities involving invasive and noninvasive support in MV patients.

Care of circuits, filters, and humidifiers Recommendation - Maintain the lower airways warm and moist during MV. Recommendation - Replace (hygroscopic and hydrophobic) heat and moisture exchangers every 7 days, provided that appropriate height and positioning of the devices relative to the endotracheal tube are maintained (the devices should be connected vertically to the tube and the circuit so that they are not flooded with droplets and dirt). If there is dirt, condensation, or damage, the filter should be replaced.(184) Recommendation - Do not replace the mechanical ventilator circuit routinely; replace it only when there is dirt visible to the naked eye, when there is damage, or in cases of prolonged ventilation (> 30 days).(185,186)

Cleaning and maintenance of the equipment Recommendation - Mechanical ventilator circuits require high-level disinfection (5% sodium J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

hypochlorite and a contact time of 60 minutes) or sterilization.(187)

Precautions during bed bath and patient repositioning Recommendation - Assess the vital signs, analyze and record the MV parameters (ventilation mode, peak pressure, PEEP, f, Vt, and FIO2), and check the alarms and clinical parameters before a bed bath and before patient repositioning. Continue cardiac monitoring and SatO2 monitoring during the bed bath and during patient repositioning. Allow a 5- to 10-minute equilibrium period before determining hemodynamic intolerance/ instability due to patient repositioning and/or a bed bath.(188,189) Recommendation - Work with the multidisciplinary team to determine the most appropriate time to perform a bed bath in critically ill, clinically unstable patients. The nurse should assess the patient before allowing the bath, postponing it in cases of severity that can compromise patient safety. Recommendation - Perform patient repositioning every 2 hours, with a lift sheet and at least two nursing professionals.(190) Suggestion - Perform continuous lateral rotation therapy with the use of a bed for kinetic therapy, when available.(191) Recommendation - Maintain the head of the bed between 30º and 45º in MV patients. The evidence is conflicting as to aspiration of gastric content (45º) and pressure ulcers (30º). Positioning at 30° is preferred as long as it does not pose risks to or cause conflict with medical and nursing procedures.(192) Suggestion - Use the beach chair position 2 to 4 times/day; it requires less personnel than do other interventions and therefore allows early mobility of ICU patients and improvement in pulmonary function.(193) Recommendation - Maintain the cuff pressure of the endotracheal tube between 18 and 22 mmHg or between 25 and 30 cmH2O (cuff meter) in order to prevent air leaks without excessive compression of the tracheal mucosa. Avoid cuff pressures > 22 mmHg or 30 cmH2O. Check the cuff pressure at least 4 times/day and before performing oral hygiene. Recommendation - Maintain the endotracheal tube secured and centralized by using an adhesive device or a shoelace so that the cuff pressure is J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

homogeneously distributed in the trachea. Pay attention to lesions in the oral cavity, in the corners of the lips, and on the face.(194) Recommendation - The precautions to be followed during patient repositioning and while tilting the patient laterally in a bed bath are described in Chart 10.(195) Recommendation - In patients being placed in the prone position, it is recommended that the procedure be performed in the presence of at least five members of the ICU team, including at least one physician and one nurse. The skin of the frontal region, nose, knees, iliac crest, genitalia, and nipples should be protected. Patient rotation should be performed in two steps, with total attention being paid to the invasive devices. The dorsal electrocardiogram should be monitored, and the reverse Trendelenburg position may be used to decrease facial edema.(194,195) Recommendation - Use a closed suctioning system to perform tracheal suctioning in hemodynamically unstable patients, in order to prevent desaturation in at-risk patients (i.e., patients with cardiovascular disease) and to maintain alveolar recruitment and prevent atelectasis in ARDS patients receiving PEEP ≥ 10 cmH2O. The system should be changed every 7 days. Closed suctioning systems have not been shown to reduce the occurrence of ventilatorassociated pneumonia, mortality, or ICU length of stay, when compared with open systems.(196)

Specific instructions for oral hygiene, oral feeding, and enteral feeding Recommendation - It is recommended that oral hygiene with brushing be performed every 12 hours, with an aqueous solution containing 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate. In the intervals, oral hygiene should be performed with distilled or filtered water and/or alcohol-free mouthwash four times/day.(196-198) Recommendation - Check the cuff pressure of the endotracheal tube or tracheostomy before performing oral hygiene.(189) Recommendation - The gastric and postpyloric routes can be used for enteral feeding in MV patients, with post-pyloric tube placement being reserved for patients with gastric intolerance and/or contraindication.(200) Recommendation - Secure the nasogastric tube with a securing device (a commercially available nasal bridle or an adhesive device) in

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Chart 10 - Precautions during patient repositioning and while tilting the patient laterally in a bed bath. Visualize all of the stretchers and equipment that are connected to the patient. Be careful not to pull the mechanical ventilator circuit during head-of-bed elevation, lateral tilting for patient repositioning and/or a bed bath, in order to prevent accidental extubations. Check whether the ventilatory device is fixed; release the ventilator circuit from the rack. Maintain the head of the bed at 30º. Pull the patient up in bed, keeping your eyes on the ventilator. Tilt the patient laterally with his/her head supported by the headrest. Perform hygiene of the patient’s back and buttocks, most of it already with the patient placed in the lateral decubitus position, facing the side where the ventilator is. Elevate the head of the bed and fix the circuit to the ventilator rack loosely so that, if the patient is moved in bed, the ventilator circuit is not pulled.

order to reduce the rate of unintentional tube dislodgement.(201) Suggestion - Monitor the difference between prescribed and delivered enteral nutrition as a marker of dietary compliance.(202)

Physical therapy care in patients on ventilatory support Comments - ICU patients may experience respiratory and muscle dysfunction and, over time, develop neuromuscular weakness and complications of immobility, which can make discontinuation of MV difficult. Prolonged immobility leads to loss of motor function and loss of quality of life, both of which can be minimized with the institution of early mobilization and respiratory care. The incidence of ICU-acquired muscle weakness (neuromuscular weakness) in patients requiring prolonged MV ranges from 25 to 60%,(203) which contributes to increasing ICU and hospital length of stay. Physical therapy works to maintain and/or restore the functionality of the patient by preventing musculoskeletal changes and respiratory complications. Recommendation - A physical therapy diagnosis should precede any intervention.(204) Recommendation - Physical therapy in MV patients in the ICU should be delivered 24 hours/ day, having benefits in reducing duration of MV,


ICU and hospital length of stay, hospital costs, and mortality.(200,205)

Physical therapy maneuvers and approaches in mechanically ventilated patients Recommendation - Bronchial hygiene therapy (positioning, manual inflation, vibration, and chest compression): indicated in patients with increased Raw due to the presence of secretions, causing asynchrony of MV and/or reduced oxygenation; and mandatory in lobar atelectasis.(206) Suggestion - Lung expansion techniques can be used in the presence of lung collapse, with reduced compliance and oxygenation.(207) Recommendation - Perform inspiratory muscle training in patients with inspiratory muscle weakness who are undergoing prolonged MV, in order to improve muscle strength. The role of inspiratory muscle training in reducing duration of MV and successfully discontinuing MV has yet to be established.(208)

Early mobilization in noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation Recommendation - Early mobilization should be initiated less than 72 hours following the initiation of mechanical ventilation, because it is feasible, safe, and results in significant functional benefits.(206) Suggestion - Neuromuscular electrical stimulation and a cycle ergometer can be considered as a complement to the early mobilization program.(208) Suggestion - Training for transfer from sitting to standing can be included in the treatment plan and precede ambulation, taking the correlation with functional limitation into account, as consensually determined by the multidisciplinary team.(209) Suggestion - Intervention in functional decline can be used to increase the chances of a return to independent performance of activities of daily living after discharge.(209)

Nutritional care in mechanically ventilated patients Determination of caloric needs Suggestion - Use indirect calorimetry or predictive formulas (equations or a pocket formula) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

to determine the caloric needs of critically ill MV patients. Indirect calorimetry should be considered when available, but it is necessary to take the patient’s clinical status into account, as well as the frequency it will be used. There is not enough evidence to indicate that any of the available formulas in the literature is superior to the others.(210-214) Chart 11 suggests the formulas most commonly used in daily practice. Recommendation - Initiate the enteral diet by delivering a small amount (20 to 25% of the target dose) and progressively increase it until achieving the target dose within 48 to 72 hours, in order to avoid the risk of refeeding syndrome. Before each increase, assess tolerability.

Determination of protein needs Suggestion - Determine the amount of protein for MV patients on the basis of their BMI, 210-215) as shown in Chart 12. Suggestion - Individualize the protein needs for critically ill MV patients with acute renal dysfunction. An important aspect to consider is that these patients should not receive a proteinrestricted diet as a means to prevent or delay renal replacement therapy. Consider that patients on renal replacement therapy experience a significant loss of amino acids (10 to 15 g) during a dialysis session.(210-216) In patients who are not candidates for dialysis, special diets formulated for nephropathic patients can be used.

Routes of administration Recommendation - Use the enteral route as the primary option, whenever there is viability of the gastrointestinal tract.(211,217) Suggestion - Avoid using parenteral nutrition in critically ill MV patients until all strategies to optimize enteral nutrition (EN) have been attempted.

Early enteral nutrition Recommendation - Initiate early EN (within 24 to 48 hours after admission to the ICU), provided that the patient is hemodynamically stable. Early EN therapy has been shown to reduce the mortality rate in critically ill MV patients and has been associated with a reduction in infectious complications and hospital length of stay.(208-211,217,218) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

Strategy to optimize delivery of enteral nutrition and minimize risks in mechanically ventilated patients(219) Elevation of the head of the bed Recommendation - The head of the bed should be maintained between 30o and 45o, unless there is a contraindication, for all intubated patients receiving EN.(200,210,220)

Tube placement for nutrition Recommendation - Two routes (gastric and/ or post-pyloric) should be considered in MV patients, with post-pyloric tube placement being reserved for patients with gastric intolerance and/or contraindication.(200,211) Chart 11 - Pocket formula and the Harris-Benedict equation. Pocket formula Initial phase (acute): 20-25 kcal/kg of body weight (achieve this target dose within 48 to 72 hours) Sequential phase: 25-30 kcal/kg of body weight Obesity BMI >30: 11 to 14 kcal/kg/day of the actual body weight or 22 to 25 kcal/kg/day of the ideal body weight Harris-Benedict equation (validated for healthy subjects) requiring a correction factor for the stress caused by the disease and/or treatment Men: BEE = 66.47 + (13.75 × W) + (5 × H) − (6.755 × A) Women: BEE = 655.1 + (9.563 × W) + (1.85 × H) − (4.676 × A) Stress factor: multiply by 1.2 to 1.5 (Suggestion start at 1.2) BMI: body mass index; BEE: basal energy expenditure; W: weight; H: height; and A: age.

Chart 12 - Amount of protein for mechanically ventilated patients, by body mass index. BMI Gram/kg of body Note weight/day <30 1.2-2.0 (actual It can be increased body weight) in trauma patients, burn patients, and multiple trauma patients Class I and II ≥ 2.0 (ideal body (30-40) weight) Class III >40 ≥ 2.5 (ideal body weight)

Brazilian recommendations of mechanical ventilation 2013. Part 2

Suggestion - Consider gastrostomy or jejunostomy in MV patients requiring EN < 4 weeks, according to the patient’s clinical status.(221)

Monitoring of gastric residuals in mechanically ventilated patients Recommendation - Do not use monitoring of gastric residual volumes in MV patients with the aim of preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia. (222,223) As a positive effect, early EN without monitoring of gastric residuals in MV patients has been shown to improve delivery of EN.

Continuous enteral nutrition compared with other methods Suggestion - The continuous method using an infusion pump(210) can be used in critically ill MV patients with intolerance to EN.

Establishing a nutritional therapy protocol Suggestion - Guidelines can be implemented in the facility to optimize EN in MV patients, in order to mitigate the calorie-protein deficit.(224) Suggestion - Prokinetic agents (preferably metoclopramide) can be used to improve tolerance, in order to attain the enteral caloric goal.(210)

Specific care Lipid-rich, carbohydrate-poor diet Suggestion - (Lipid-rich, carbohydratepoor) formulations designed to manipulate the respiratory quotient and reduce CO2 production can be used in selected patients (COPD patients with CO2 retention, patients with severe ARDS and permissive hypercapnia receiving borderline protective ventilation, those with CO2 retention undergoing difficult or prolonged weaning). Efforts should be made to prevent excess total calories.(200,210,225) Enteral feeding enriched with fish oil, borage oil, antioxidant vitamins Suggestion - Enteral formulations with an anti-inflammatory lipid profile and with oxidants can be used in MV patients with ARDS.(200,211,226-2 29) High doses of omega-3 should be avoided in patients who have coagulation disorders.(200,211,226-229)


Phosphorus replacement Suggestion - Correction of phosphorus deficit is desirable in MV patients. This is justified by the association between hypophosphatemia and failure to discontinue MV.(230)

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Martínez J, et al. Effect of an enteral diet enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic acid and anti-oxidants on the outcome of mechanically ventilated, critically ill, septic patients. Clin Nutr. 2011;30(5):578-84. 228. Rice TW, Wheeler AP, Thompson BT, deBoisblanc BP, Steingrub J, Rock P; NIH NHLBI Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network of Investigators. Enteral omega-3 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and antioxidant supplementation in acute lung injury. JAMA. 2011;306(14):1574-81. Erratum in: JAMA. 2012;307(6):563. 229. Pontes-Arruda A, Aragão AM, Albuquerque JD. Effects of enteral feeding with eicosapentaenoic acid, gammalinolenic acid, and antioxidants in mechanically ventilated patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Crit Care Med. 2006;34(9):2325-33. 230. Alsumrain MH, Jawad SA, Imran NB, Riar S, DeBari VA, Adelman M. Association of hypophosphatemia with failure-to-wean from mechanical ventilation. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2010;40(2):144-8

Individual conflicts of interest: Carmen Silvia Valente Barbas - received honorary for lectures from Covidien and Mindray. Alexandre Marini Ísola - received honorary for lectures from Covidien and Mindray. Augusto Manoel de Carvalho Farias – received funds for CAPTIVATE study from Novartis and support to attend the AMIB congress from Sanofi-Aventis and Expressa. Ana Maria Casati Gama - received grant support from Boehringer company for lectures and for attending ATS congress in 2014. Arthur Oswaldo de Abreu Vianna - received funding support to attend critical care congress from E. Tamussino. Carlos Roberto Ribeiro Carvalho - is a stake holder of TIMPEL. Corine Taniguchi - received honoraria for a lecture on ventilator-associated pneumonia from Covidien and for two classes on automatic weaning from mechanical ventilation from Draeger. Diogo Oliveira Toledo - received honoraria from Danone and Nestlé for lecutres. Gustavo Faissol Janot de Matos - received financial support from Edwards Lifescience for training lecture given to company employees. Jorge Luis Valiatti - received honoraria from Intermed Brazil for consulting and training during the years 2005-2012. José Mario Meira Teles - received honoraria for lectures from Hospira. Juliana Carvalho Ferreira - received grants to her Institution. Marcelo Brito Passos Amato - declares that his laboratory (LIM-09 USP) has received funding for research in the last 5 years from the following companies: a) Covidien 2012-2014 (for experimental studies and simulations on patient-ventilator synchrony), b) Dixtal Biomedical / Philips 2009-2013 (for experimental studies on Electrical Impedance Tomography), c) the SA Timpel 2013-2014 (for experimental studies on Electrical Impedance Tomography). Marcelo Alcântara Holanda - declares he is the founder and owner of the platform and the virtual simulator for teaching XLung Mechanical Ventilation. Marcelo Park - receivedfunding for lectures on ECMO from Maquet and Nipro. Murillo Santucci César Assunção - received honoraria for lectures from the following industries: Edwards Lifescience, Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Roche, Thermo-Fisher, Astellas, Novartis, and Baxter and research grants and monitors from Edwards Lifescience, Dixtal-Philips, Masimo and Eli Lilly. Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti, Antonio Duarte, Ary Serpa Neto, Bruno Bravin, Bruno do Vale Pinheiro, Bruno Franco Mazza, Carlos Toufen, Cid Marcos David, Débora Dutra da Silveira Mazza, Desanka Dragosavac, Eduardo Leite, Eliana Caser, Eliezer Silva, Fabio Amorim, Felipe Saddy, Filomena Galas, Gisele Sampaio, João Claudio Emmerich, Josué Victorino, Luciana Prodomo, Ludhmila Abrahão Hajjar, Luis Claudio Martins, Luis Marcelo Malbouisson, Mara Ambrosina Vargas, Marco Antonio Soares Reis, Marcia Jacomelli, Marcos Soares Tavares, Marta Cristina Paulette Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte Damasceno, Nazah Youssef, Paulo José Zimmermann, Pedro Caruso, Péricles Almeida Delfino Duarte, Octavio Messeder, Raquel Caserta Eid, Ricardo Goulart Rodrigues, Rodrigo Francisco de Jesus, Ronaldo Adib Kairalla, Sandra Justino, Sergio Nemer, Simone Barbosa Romero and Verônica Amado - have no conflict of interest.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486


Barbas CS, Ísola AM, Farias AM, Cavalcanti AB, Gama AM, Duarte AC, et al.

About the authors Workgroup of the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine and the Brazilian Thoracic Society

(Alphabetical order): Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti, Alexandre Marini Ísola, Ana Maria Casati Gama, Antonio Carlos Magalhães Duarte, Arthur Vianna, Ary Serpa Neto, Augusto Manoel de Carvalho Farias, Bruno de Arruda Bravim, Bruno do Valle Pinheiro, Bruno Franco Mazza, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de Carvalho, Carlos Toufen Júnior, Carmen Sílvia Valente Barbas, Cid Marcos Nascimento David, Corine Taniguchi, Débora Dutra da Silveira Mazza, Desanka Dragosavac, Diogo Oliveira Toledo, Eduardo Leite Costa, Eliana Bernardete Caser, Eliezer Silva, Fabio Ferreira Amorim, Felipe Saddy, Filomena Regina vBarbosa Gomes Galas, Gisele Sampaio Silva, Gustavo Faissol Janot de Matos, João Claudio Emmerich, Jorge Luis dos Sanots Valiatti, José Mario Meira Teles, Josué Almeida Victorino, Juliana Carvalho Ferreira, Luciana Passuello do Vale Prodomo, Ludhmila Abrahão Hajjar, Luiz Cláudio Martins, Luiz Marcelo Sá Malbouisson, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Marcelo Alcântara Holanda, Marcelo Brito Passos Amato, Marcelo Park, Marcia Jacomelli, Marco Antonio Soares Reis, Marcos Tavares, Marta Cristina Paulette Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte Damasceno, Murillo Santucci César Assunção, Nazah Cherif Mohamad Youssef, Octavio Messeder, Paulo José Zimmermann Teixeira, Pedro Caruso, Péricles Almeida Delfino Duarte, Raquel Caserta Eid, Ricardo Goulart Rodrigues, Rodrigo Francisco de Jesus, Ronaldo Adib Kairalla, Sandra Justino, Sérgio Nogueira Nemer, Simone Barbosa Romero, Verônica Moreira Amado

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):458-486

Original Article Level of asthma control and its relationship with medication use in asthma patients in Brazil* Nível de controle da asma e sua relação com o uso de medicação em asmáticos no Brasil

Josiane Marchioro, Mariana Rodrigues Gazzotti, Oliver Augusto Nascimento, Federico Montealegre, James Fish, José Roberto Jardim

Abstract Objective: To assess asthma patients in Brazil in terms of the level of asthma control, compliance with maintenance treatment, and the use of rescue medication. Methods: We used data from a Latin American survey of a total of 400 asthma patients in four Brazilian state capitals, all of whom completed a questionnaire regarding asthma control and treatment. Results: In that sample, the prevalence of asthma was 8.8%. Among the 400 patients studied, asthma was classified, in accordance with the Global Initiative for Asthma criteria, as controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled in 37 (9.3%), 226 (56.5%), and 137 (34.3%), respectively. In those three groups, the proportion of patients on maintenance therapy in the past four weeks was 5.4%, 19.9%, and 41.6%, respectively. The use of rescue medication was significantly more common in the uncontrolled asthma group (86.9%; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, in accordance with the established international criteria, asthma is uncontrolled in the vast majority of asthma patients in Brazil. Maintenance medications are still underutilized in Brazil, and patients with partially controlled or uncontrolled asthma are more likely to use rescue medications and oral corticosteroids. Keywords: Asthma/therapy; Asthma/prevention and control; Medication adherence.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar pacientes asmáticos no Brasil em relação ao grau de controle da asma, a aderência ao tratamento de manutenção e o uso de medicação de alivio em pacientes asmáticos. Métodos: Foram utilizados os dados de um inquérito latino-americano, obtidos em quatro capitais brasileiras, de 400 pacientes com asma através de um questionário sobre o controle e o tratamento da doença. Resultados: A prevalência de asma nesta amostra foi de 8,8%. Dos 400 pacientes estudados, 37 (9,3%), 226 (56,5%) e 137 (34,3%), respectivamente, foram classificados, segundo critérios da Global Initiative for Asthma, como tendo asma controlada, parcialmente controlada e não controlada. A proporção de pacientes em terapia de manutenção nas últimas quatro semanas naqueles três grupos, respectivamente, foi de 5,4%, 19,9% e 41,6%. O uso de medicação de alivio foi significativamente mais comum nos pacientes com asma não controlada (86,9%; p < 0,001). Conclusões: Nossos achados sugerem que a grande maioria dos pacientes com asma no Brasil não apresenta sua doença controlada segundo critérios internacionais. As medicações de manutenção ainda são subutilizadas no Brasil, e o uso de medicações de alívio e corticoide oral é mais frequente em pacientes com asma parcialmente controlada ou não controlada. Descritores: Asma/terapia; Asma/prevenção e controle; Adesão à medicação.

Introduction Asthma is a worldwide, common chronic disease that affects individuals of all ages and has a great influence on patient quality of life. (1,2) In 2006, the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood reported that, in Brazil, the prevalence

of asthma was 24.3% in schoolchildren and 19.0% in adolescents,(3,4) whereas the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma was approximately 10%. Because of its high prevalence, asthma has a major socioeconomic impact,(5) given that, when

*Study carried out at the Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence to: Josiane Marchioro. Rua Botucatu, 740, 3º andar, Pneumologia UNIFESP/EPM, CEP 04021-032, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Tel. 55 11 5572-4301. E-mail: Financial support: This study received financial support from Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp., which also provided the data for the study. Submitted: 24 March 2014. Accepted, after review: 15 July 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494


Marchioro J, Gazzotti MR, Nascimento AO, Montealegre F, Fish J, Jardim JR

it is uncontrolled, it can lead to hospitalizations and school/work absenteeism, as well as being life threatening during attacks.(6-9) Although there have been effective medications for the treatment of asthma since the 1980s, complete symptom control is not achieved in most patients.(10,11) Because of their anti-inflammatory activity, inhaled corticosteroids are the therapy of choice in asthma. Maintenance treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid reduces the frequency and severity of exacerbations and the number of hospitalizations and emergency room visits, as well as improving quality of life, pulmonary function, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness and decreasing exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.(2) Despite all the known benefits of this treatment, the Asthma Insights and Reality in Latin America (AIRLA) survey reported that only 6% of the asthma patients were using an inhaled corticosteroid.(12) Inadequate maintenance treatment has a direct influence on the rate of disease control. Many studies have shown that, even in the 2000s, only one third of the asthma patients had totally controlled asthma.(13,14) In the AIRLA survey, only 2.6% of the patients had well-controlled asthma.(12) Several guidelines have been published to disseminate the appropriate management of asthma, on the basis of current clinical evidence.(2,8) They contain objective strategies for assessing and measuring asthma control, as well as therapeutic recommendations and plans for asthma-related education. Those guidelines are expected to make it possible to reduce the impact of asthma on the lives of patients and to achieve complete asthma control. In 2011, the Latin America Asthma Insight and Management (LA AIM) survey(15) was designed to assess the impact of asthma on the lives of patients, their perception of their symptoms, and the prescribed treatment for the disease. The results of that survey made it possible to assess asthma control in those patients in accordance with the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines.(8) The present study analyzed the data collected by the LA AIM survey in Brazil in order to determine the medications used (maintenance and rescue medications) and compliance with treatment, as well as to relate these variables to the level of asthma control. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494

Methods In 2011, the LA AIM survey, conducted in five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico), was designed using the same methods as the Asthma Insight and Management Study (AIM) conducted in the United States.(16) The present study is based on the analysis of the Brazilian data from the LA AIM survey. In Brazil, 4,545 households were randomly selected from a national probability sample in four cities: S達o Paulo; Rio de Janeiro; Curitiba; and Salvador. The population surveyed consisted of adults over 18 years of age and parents/caregivers of adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age; the individuals selected should have physiciandiagnosed asthma. After the households that were initially selected were contacted by phone, 400 asthma patients were selected to be interviewed in person. The interviews lasted a maximum of 35 min. The questionnaire consisted of 53 questions that addressed five asthma topics: symptoms; impact of asthma on daily activities; perception of asthma control; exacerbations; and treatment and medications. The questions about symptoms covered daytime and nighttime symptom frequency in the past four weeks, symptom frequency during the worst month of the past 12 months, the most bothersome symptom, triggering symptoms, symptom seasonality, and the frequency of symptom worsening. Respondents were asked whether they or their children had sought medical attention during exacerbations, symptom worsening, or severe acute episodes in the past year. Regarding treatment, respondents were asked about the use of maintenance and rescue medications in the past four weeks and whether their physician had provided a written action plan for asthma management. Patients were investigated as to whether they used maintenance medication every day, whether that medication was necessary when the symptoms were not present, and whether rescue medication could be used every day, if necessary. The present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of S達o Paulo Hospital S達o Paulo (Ruling no. 250155).

Statistical analysis Categorical data are presented as absolute values and percentages, and continuous data

Level of asthma control and its relationship with medication use in asthma patients in Brazil

are presented as mean and standard deviation. The chi‑square test was used for the comparison of categorical data among the groups studied (controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled asthma), and ANOVA was used for the comparison of means. Tukey’s post hoc test was used. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results The characteristics of the asthma patients in Brazil are shown in Table 1, by groups determined by GINA classification. In that Brazilian sample, the proportion of asthma patients was 8.8%. In accordance with the GINA criteria for asthma control, asthma was classified as controlled in 37 patients (9.3%), as partially controlled in 226 (56.5%), and as uncontrolled in 137 (34.3%). The mean age was lower in the controlled asthma group than in the uncontrolled asthma group (31.1 ± 9.9 years vs. 39.3 ± 16.6 years; p = 0.03). In all groups, females predominated, especially in the uncontrolled asthma group (76.6%; p = 0.02). Most patients had pets, regardless of the group. In the controlled asthma group, 75.6% of the patients were never smokers. The presence or absence of smokers in the household did not affect asthma control (Table 1). The medications used in the treatment of asthma are shown in Table 2. Regarding the use of maintenance medication in the past four weeks, 94.6% of the patients with controlled asthma reported that they were not using any maintenance medication regularly, whereas 80.1% of those with partially controlled asthma and 58.4% of those with uncontrolled asthma stated the same (p < 0.001). The use of rescue medication (short-


acting β2 agonists) progressively increased as a function of poor asthma control, with 86.9% of the patients with uncontrolled asthma reporting their use (p < 0.001). Oral corticosteroid use during an asthma attack was assessed in the past 12 months. The rates of oral corticosteroid use during an asthma attack were 45.9%, 40.7%, and 56.2%, respectively, in the controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled asthma groups, without significant difference (p = 0.06). During the personal interview, participants reported what medications they had used for maintenance treatment of asthma and relief of symptoms in the past four weeks. Subsequently, a list of trade names of medications was presented to participants so that they could indicate the one(s) that they were using for maintenance treatment. The exact same list was presented to patients so that they could then identify the medication(s) used for relief of symptoms. Most patients in the controlled asthma group reported that they were not using maintenance medication (55.6%), whereas among those in the partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma groups, the most commonly used medication was a short-acting bronchodilator (35.8% and 53.3%, respectively). Only 2.8% of the individuals in the controlled asthma group were using an inhaled corticosteroid, either alone or in combination with a long-acting β2 agonist. The rate of inhaled corticosteroid use was also very low in the partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma groups (12.9% and 24.1%, respectively). The use of a long-acting β2 agonist alone was reported by 5.6% and 3.5% of the patients in the controlled and partially controlled asthma groups, respectively. Only one

Table 1 - Demographic and epidemiological data of the respondents.a Variables Groups CA PCA (n = 37) (n = 226) Age, yearsb 31.1 ± 9.9 38.5 ± 16.4 Female gender 24 (64.9) 143 (63.3) Pets 20 (54.1) 115 (51.3) Smoking status Smoker 7 (18.9) 60 (26.5) Former smoker 2 (5.4) 56 (24.8) Never smoker 28 (75.7) 110 (48.7) Smoker(s) in the household 14 (37.8) 101 (44.7)

p UA (n = 137) 39.3 ± 16.6 105 (76.6) 64 (46.7) 29 (21.2) 45 (32.8) 62 (45.3) 57 (41.6)

0.03* 0.02 0.59 0.007


CA: controlled asthma; PCA: partially controlled asthma; and UA: uncontrolled asthma. aValues expressed as n (%), except where otherwise indicated. bValues expressed as mean ± SD. *CA group vs. UA group.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494


Marchioro J, Gazzotti MR, Nascimento AO, Montealegre F, Fish J, Jardim JR

Table 2 - Medications used in the treatment of asthma by the patients in the groups studied.a Variables Groups p CA PCA UA (n = 37) (n = 226) (n = 137) Maintenance medication in the past 4 weeks 2 (5.4) 45 (19.9) 57 (41.6) < 0.001 Rescue medication in the past 4 weeks 5 (13.5) 98 (43.4) 119 (86.9) < 0.001 Oral corticosteroid in the past 12 months during an 17 (45.9) 92 (40.7) 77 (56.2) 0.06 asthma attack CA: controlled asthma; PCA: partially controlled asthma; and UA: uncontrolled asthma. aValues expressed as n (%).

patient in the partially controlled asthma group reported using tiotropium (Table 3). Regarding rescue medications, 12.1% and 10.9% of the individuals in the controlled and partially controlled asthma groups, respectively, reported that they were not using any rescue medication. In contrast, all patients in the uncontrolled asthma group used at least one medication they referred to as rescue medication. The vast majority of patients in the three groups used a short-acting bronchodilator (66.7%, 71.5%, and 80.6% in the controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled asthma groups, respectively). An inhaled corticosteroid was considered rescue medication by some patients (3.0%, 2.3%, and 4.5% in the same groups, respectively), as were the combination of an inhaled corticosteroid and a long-acting β2 agonist (0.0%, 3.2%, and 9.0%, respectively) and a long-acting β2 agonist alone (9.1%, 2.7%, and 0.0%, respectively; Table 4). Those patients who had asthma attacks in the past 12 months were asked whether, during an attack, their use of rescue medication was higher than, lower than, or equal to their daily use. All groups reported an increased need to use rescue medication (30.0%, 64.9%, and 57.1% of the patients in the controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled asthma groups, respectively), although the increase was more pronounced in the partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma groups (p = 0.002 in relation to the controlled asthma group; data not shown in tables). In the sample as a whole, 42.0% of the asthma patients reported that their physician had provided a written treatment action plan, explaining the need for maintenance treatment and when to use the rescue medication. In addition, 41% of the patients reported that they fully or partially agreed with the idea that the rescue medication should be used daily, regardless of the presence of symptoms. Regarding continuous inhaled corticosteroid use, 62.3% of J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494

the patients said that it was a cause for concern, and, when categorized into groups, 51.3%, 57.5%, and 73.0% of the patients in the controlled, partially controlled, and uncontrolled asthma groups, respectively, reported that concern. The reasons given by patients for their fear of using an inhaled corticosteroid were its side effects, concern about its safety and long-term effects, and concern about dependence.

Discussion The present study has shown that, in accordance with GINA criteria,(8) asthma is uncontrolled in the vast majority of asthma patients in Brazil. A small proportion of patients in the uncontrolled and partially controlled asthma groups used maintenance medication, and, consequently, they were the ones who used oral corticosteroids and rescue medication the most often in the past 12 months. Because the inclusion criterion for the present study was having received a physician diagnosis of asthma, the observed proportion of asthma patients was 8.8%, which is very similar to the prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma in Brazil, according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood.(17) Therefore, it is possible that our results reflect the national situation regarding asthma control. Nevertheless, the objective of the present study was not to assess the prevalence of asthma in Brazil, but rather to assess patient’s use of medications. The poor control of asthma in Latin America has been known since 2003, when the AIRLA survey showed that asthma was totally controlled in only 2.6% of the adult patients with asthma and in 2.4% of the children with asthma.(12) The design of our study was similar to that of the AIRLA survey, and, although our study used other criteria for classifying asthma control (daytime and nighttime symptoms, exercise-induced symptoms,

Level of asthma control and its relationship with medication use in asthma patients in Brazil

Table 3 - Maintenance mediations used for asthma control in the past four weeks according to the patients or their parents/guardians.a Variables Groups CA PCA UA (n = 36) (n = 226) (n = 137) None 20 (55.6) 81 (35.8) 20 (14.6) Short-acting 12 (33.3) 81 (35.8) 73 (53.3) bronchodilator Tiotropium 0 (0.0) 1 (0.4) 0 (0.0) IC alone 1 (2.8) 11 (4.9) 12 (8.8) LAB + IC 0 (0.0) 18 (8.0) 21 (15.3) LAB alone 2 (5.6) 8 (3.5) 0 (0.0) Aminophylline 0 (0.0) 6 (2.7) 4 (2.9) Unknown 0 (0.0) 11 (4.9) 3 (2.2) Others 1 (2.8) 9 (4.0) 4 (2.9) CA: controlled asthma; PCA: partially controlled asthma; UA: uncontrolled asthma; IC: inhaled corticosteroid; and LAB: long-acting bronchodilator. aValues expressed as n (%).

and overall severity of symptoms), the two studies showed similar results. The fact that the current number of patients with controlled asthma is approximately nearly three times that of 10 years ago, according to the AIRLA survey, should not be seen as encouraging, because, for a disease for which treatment and treatment effectiveness are well known, 8% is a very low number. Despite widespread knowledge that inhaled steroids are the medication of choice as asthma controllers, we found that most patients did not use them. The fact that only 5.4% of the patients with controlled asthma had used maintenance medication in the past four weeks may reflect that this group consists of patients with mild disease, not requiring continuous inhaled corticosteroid use. However, approximately half of those patients had to take an oral corticosteroid during an asthma attack, which demonstrates that, at some time in the year, asthma was uncontrolled in those patients. Only 19.9% of the patients with partially controlled asthma and 41.6% of those with uncontrolled asthma reported that they had used maintenance medication in the past month, despite the fact that they reported rescue medication use. In the AIM survey conducted in the United States in 2009,(18) the observed proportion of patients who used maintenance medication in the controlled asthma group in that country (32%) was higher than that in Brazil. The fact that inhaled corticosteroids were used by a higher proportion of American patients than of Brazilian


Table 4 - Rescue medications used for asthma control in the past four weeks according to the patients or their parents/guardians.a Variables Groups CA PCA UA (n = 33) (n = 221) (n = 134) None 4 (12.1) 24 (10.9) 0 (0.0) Short-acting 22 (66.7) 158 (71.5) 108 (80.6) bronchodilator IC alone 1 (3.0) 5 (2.3) 6 (4.5) LAB + IC 0 (0.0) 7 (3.2) 12 (9.0) LAB alone 3 (9.1) 6 (2.7) 0 (0.0) Aminophylline 2 (6.1) 8 (3.6) 3 (2.2) Unknown 0 (0.0) 8 (3.6) 1 (0.7) Others 1 (3.0) 5 (2.3) 4 (3.0) CA: controlled asthma; PCA: partially controlled asthma; UA: uncontrolled asthma; IC: inhaled corticosteroid; and LAB: long-acting bronchodilator. aValues expressed as n (%).

patients could be the reason for the lower rate of hospital visits and admissions among American patients with asthma. Likewise, the proportion of patients who used rescue medication in the United States was lower in all groups, which reinforces the idea that asthma is better controlled in patients who use maintenance medication more often.(18) A study conducted at a referral center for the treatment of pediatric asthma in Brazil reported that symptoms were controlled in 45% of the patients.(19) This shows us that, even at a referral center for the treatment of asthma, although the reported rate of disease control was much higher than that found in the present study, asthma control was achieved in only half of the patients. In 2003, the rate of inhaled corticosteroid use in Latin America was 6%.(12) In the present study, 15.8% of the patients had been on maintenance therapy in the past four weeks, when assessed by medication use. Although this rate is below ideal, with the ideal scenario being inhaled corticosteroid use by all patients with partially controlled or uncontrolled asthma, it is two and a half times higher than that reported by the AIRLA survey, demonstrating a significant improvement towards meeting the goal established in the guidelines. The low number of patients who used an inhaled corticosteroid could reflect two situations: physicians are not prescribing controller medication properly, which is in clear noncompliance with the Brazilian Thoracic Association guidelines(2) and the GINA guidelines;(8) or patients are poorly J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494


Marchioro J, Gazzotti MR, Nascimento AO, Montealegre F, Fish J, Jardim JR

compliant with maintenance therapy, which would demonstrate their poor understanding of the disease and its treatment. When asked whether they had some concern about using an inhaled corticosteroid continuously, 62.3% of the patients responded affirmatively, which shows us that most patients were not informed of or did not understand the importance of maintenance treatment of asthma. This demonstrates that greater educational intervention is needed to resolve patient uncertainties about the safety of the medication, its possible side effects, and its long-term benefits. Other factors that may explain the poor treatment compliance are poor symptom perception by the patients, difficult access to medical appointments, medication cost, and medication dose schedule. A study conducted at a referral center for the treatment of severe asthma in the state of Bahia,(20) Brazil, in which educational strategies were used, reported high compliance with inhaled corticosteroid use (83.8%). This shows that the use of appropriate patient education strategies makes it possible to achieve optimal treatment. The factors related to patient noncompliance in that study were medication adverse effects, living far from the referral center, limited resources to pay for transportation to and from the center, and dose schedule.(20) Analysis of Tables 3 and 4, which depict the medications reported by patients as being used, shows that there is clear confusion between maintenance and rescue therapy, i.e., patients have difficulty acknowledging the role of each type of therapy in the treatment of asthma. Some patients were using an inhaled corticosteroid alone for relief of symptoms. A cause for even greater concern is that there were patients (5.6% and 3.5% in the controlled and partially controlled asthma groups, respectively) who were using a long-acting β2 agonist alone, which is absolutely advised against in the treatment of asthma. Once again, the lack of understanding of the disease and its treatment on the part of patients is evident. Rescue short-acting bronchodilator use is one of the markers of asthma severity, and, in the present study, the patients in greatest need for rescue medication use were found to be those in the partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma groups. An assessment of the medications used for relief of symptoms in the past four weeks, as J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494

indicated by the name of the medication, showed that their rate of use, in the three groups, ranged from 66% to 80% (Table 4). This is another indication of underuse of maintenance medication, because it reflects the high number of patients who used rescue medication. This high rate of rescue medication use shows that patients were still having asthma attacks, suggesting that the doses of maintenance medication were insufficient. One limitation of the administered questionnaire in terms of short-acting bronchodilator use was that patients were asked solely whether they had or had not used the medication in the past four weeks, rather than being asked about the frequency of use. This information was partially taken into account when classifying asthma control. Oral corticosteroid use, another marker of poor asthma control, shows a trend toward being increased in the partially controlled and uncontrolled asthma groups. The need for oral corticosteroid use, in all groups, was higher in Brazil than in the United States (controlled asthma, 45.9% vs. 15%; partially controlled asthma, 40.7% vs. 40%; uncontrolled asthma, 56.2% vs. 45%). (18) In 2009, a study of asthma education that was conducted in Brazil and followed patients over a two-year period reported an association between reduced oral corticosteroid use and increased compliance with maintenance treatment, emphasizing the importance of educational interventions for asthma control.(21) It is of interest that the number of patients who reported having a written treatment plan in Brazil (41%) was higher than that in the United States (32%).(15) In the AIRLA survey,(12) in 2003, the observed proportion of adult patients who had a prepared action plan (38%) was very similar to the current number, which demonstrates that, despite the Brazilian Thoracic Association guidelines(2) and the GINA guidelines,(8) there has been no progress on this issue. The design of the present study was the same as that of the AIM survey(16) and was similar to that of the AIRLA survey.(12) However, some limitations were found in our study. Only four Brazilian cities were assessed in the study, which means that the study sample may not be representative of the general population in Brazil. It is very difficult to cover the entire population of a country in studies with this type of design, though. Nevertheless, because each of the included cities is located in a different area of the country, this limitation

Level of asthma control and its relationship with medication use in asthma patients in Brazil

is mitigated. Another limitation was the fact that spirometry, a test that is also part of the criteria for asthma control, was not performed. However, given that the primary objective of the study was to characterize the reality of patients and their daily routine, classification of asthma control solely on the basis of the questionnaire responses was enough to show that the goal of attaining disease control has yet to be achieved in asthma management. Finally, the data on the diagnosis of asthma and the other data were obtained by self-report rather than from medical record abstraction. On the basis of this study, we conclude that, in accordance with GINA criteria, asthma is not adequately controlled in the vast majority of asthma patients in Brazil, and this poor control should be attributed to underuse of maintenance medication. Consequently, we found that rescue medications and oral corticosteroids are very often used by patients with partially controlled or uncontrolled asthma. Therefore, greater efforts should be made to ensure that proper asthma treatment is prescribed and that compliance with the treatment plan is achieved.

References 1. Murphy KR, Meltzer EO, Blaiss MS, Nathan RA, Stoloff SW, Doherty DE. Asthma management and control in the United States: results of the 2009 Asthma Insight and Management survey. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012; 33(1):54-64. 2. Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia. Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia para o Manejo da Asma 2012. J Bras Pneumol. 2012;38(Suppl 1) S1-S46. 3. Asher MI, Montefort S, Björkstén B, Lai CK, Strachan DP, Weiland SK, et al. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in childhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountry cross-sectional surveys. Lancet. 2006;368(9537):733-43. S0140-6736(06)69283-0 4. Sole D, Wandalsen GF, Camelo-Nunes IC, Naspitz CK; ISAAC - Brazilian Group. Prevalence of symptoms of asthma, rhinitis, and atopic eczema among Brazilian children and adolescents identified by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase 3. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2006;82(5):341-6. http:// 5. Amaral LM, Palma PV, Leite IC. Evolution of public policies and programs for asthma control in Brazil from the perspective of consensus guidelines. J Bras Pneumol. 2012;38(4):518-25. S1806-37132012000400015 6. Neffen H, Baena-Cagnani CE, Malka S, Solé D, Sepúlveda R, Caraballo L, et al. Asthma mortality in Latin America. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 1997;7(4):249-53.


7. Pereira ED, Cavalcante AG, Pereira EN, Lucas P, Holanda MA. Asthma control and quality of life in patients with moderate or severe asthma. J Bras Pneumol. 2011;37(6):705-11. 8. Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) [homepage on the Internet]. Bethesda: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services. [cited 2014 Mar 24]. Guidelines - GINA Report, Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. Available from: http://www. 9. Blaiss MS, Nathan RA, Stoloff SW, Meltzer EO, Murphy KR, Doherty DE. Patient and physician asthma deterioration terminology: results from the 2009 Asthma Insight and Management survey. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012;33(1):47-53. 10. Szefler SJ. Advancing asthma care: the glass is only half full! J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;128(3):485-94. 11. Nathan RA, Meltzer EO, Blaiss MS, Murphy KR, Doherty DE, Stoloff SW. Comparison of the Asthma in America and Asthma Insight and Management surveys: did asthma burden and care improve in the United States between 1998 and 2009? Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012;33(1):65-76. 12. Neffen H, Fritscher C, Schacht FC, Levy G, Chiarella P, Soriano JB, et al. Asthma control in Latin America: the Asthma Insights and Reality in Latin America (AIRLA) survey. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2005;17(3):191-7. 13. Adams RJ, Fuhlbrigge A, Guilbert T, Lozano P, Martinez F. Inadequate use of asthma medication in the United States: results of the asthma in America national population survey. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002;110(1):58-64. 14. Navarro RP, Schaecher KL, Rice GK. Asthma management guidelines: updates, advances, and new options. J Manag Care Pharm. 2007;13(6 Suppl D):S3-11; quiz S12-3. 15. Maspero JF, Jardim JR, Aranda A, Tassinari C P, GonzalezDiaz SN, Sansores RH, et al. Insights, attitudes, and perceptions about asthma and its treatment: findings from a multinational survey of patients from Latin America. World Allergy Organ J. 2013;6(1):19. 16. Meltzer EO, Blaiss MS, Nathan RA, Doherty DE, Murphy KR, Stoloff SW. Asthma burden in the United States: results of the 2009 Asthma Insight and Management survey. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012;33(1):36-46. 17. Worldwide variations in the prevalence of asthma symptoms: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Eur Respir J. 1998;12(2):315-35. 18. Gold LS, Smith N, Allen-Ramey FC, Nathan RA, Sullivan SD. Associations of patient outcomes with level of asthma control. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012;109(4):260265.e2. 19. Kinchoku VM, Oliveira IS, Watanabe LA, Fomin AB, Castro AP, Jacob CM, et al. Factors associated with asthma control in a pediatric reference center. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2011;29(4):591-8. 20. Santos Pde M, D’Oliveira A Jr, Noblat Lde A, Machado AS, Noblat AC, Cruz AA. Predictors of adherence to treatment in patients with severe asthma treated at a referral center in Bahia, Brazil. J Bras Pneumol. 2008;34(12):995-1002. 21. Angelini L, Robles-Ribeiro PG, Carvalho-Pinto RM, Ribeiro M, Cukier A, Stelmach R. Two-year evaluation of an educational program for adult outpatients with asthma. J Bras Pneumol. 2009;35(7):618-27.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494


Marchioro J, Gazzotti MR, Nascimento AO, Montealegre F, Fish J, Jardim JR

About the authors Josiane Marchioro

Pulmonologist. Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Mariana Rodrigues Gazzotti

Professor. Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Oliver Augusto Nascimento

Attending Pulmonologist. Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Federico Montealegre

Medical Director. Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp., São Paulo, Brazil.

James Fish

Global Scientific Affairs. Merck, Sharp & Dohme Corp., São Paulo, Brazil.

José Roberto Jardim

Tenured Professor of Pulmonology. Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):487-494

Original Article Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD*,** Utilidade de se combinar o nível sérico de proteína C reativa de alta sensibilidade no momento da alta com um índice de risco para prever a reinternação por exacerbação aguda da DPOC

Chun Chang, Hong Zhu, Ning Shen, Xiang Han, Yahong Chen, Bei He

Abstract Objective: Frequent readmissions for acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) are an independent risk factor for increased mortality and use of health-care resources. Disease severity and C-reactive protein (CRP) level are validated predictors of long-term prognosis in such patients. This study investigated the utility of combining serum CRP level with the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) exacerbation risk classification for predicting readmission for AECOPD. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of consecutive patients hospitalized for AECOPD at Peking University Third Hospital, in Beijing, China. We assessed patient age; gender; smoking status and history (pack-years); lung function; AECOPD frequency during the last year; quality of life; GOLD risk category (A-D; D indicating the greatest risk); and serum level of high-sensitivity CRP at discharge (hsCRP-D). Results: The final sample comprised 135 patients. Of those, 71 (52.6%) were readmitted at least once during the 12-month follow-up period. The median (interquartile) time to readmission was 78 days (42-178 days). Multivariate analysis revealed that serum hsCRP-D ≥ 3 mg/L and GOLD category D were independent predictors of readmission (hazard ratio = 3.486; 95% CI: 1.968-6.175; p < 0.001 and hazard ratio = 2.201; 95% CI: 1.342–3.610; p = 0.002, respectively). The ordering of the factor combinations by cumulative readmission risk, from highest to lowest, was as follows: hsCRP-D ≥ 3 mg/L and GOLD category D; hsCRP-D ≥ 3 mg/L and GOLD categories A-C; hsCRP-D < 3 mg/L and GOLD category D; hsCRP-D < 3 mg/L and GOLD categories A-C. Conclusions: Serum hsCRP-D and GOLD classification are independent predictors of readmission for AECOPD, and their predictive value increases when they are used in combination. Keywords: Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive/epidemiology; Acute disease; Acute-phase proteins; Hospitalization; Patient readmission; Inflammation.

Resumo Objetivo: Reinternações frequentes por exacerbações agudas da DPOC (EADPOC) são um fator de risco independente para maior mortalidade e uso de recursos de saúde. A gravidade da doença e o nível de proteína C reativa (PCR) são preditores validados do prognóstico em longo prazo para tais pacientes. Investigamos a utilidade da combinação do nível sérico de PCR com a classificação de risco de exacerbação da Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) para predizer a reinternação por EADPOC. Métodos: Estudo observacional prospectivo de pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados por EADPOC no Peking University Third Hospital, in Pequim, China. Avaliamos a idade; gênero, história e carga tabágicas (anos-maço), função pulmonar, frequência de EADPOC no último ano; qualidade de vida; categoria de risco GOLD (A-D, D indicando maior risco); e nível sérico de PCR de alta sensibilidade na alta (PCRas-A). Resultados: A amostra final consistiu em 135 pacientes. Desses, 71 (52,6%) foram reinternados ao menos uma vez durante o período de seguimento de 12 meses. A mediana (intervalo interquartílico) do tempo de reinternação foi de 78 dias (42-178 dias). A análise multivariada revelou que PCRas-A sérico ≥ 3 mg/L e categoria GOLD D foram preditores independentes de reinternação (razão de risco = 3,486; IC95%: 1,968-6,175; p < 0,001 e razão de risco = 2,201; IC95%: 1,342–3,610; p = 0,002, respectivamente). A ordem das combinações dos fatores por risco cumulativo de readmissão, da maior para a menor foi a seguinte: PCRas-A ≥ 3 mg/L e categoria GOLD D; PCRas-A ≥ 3 mg/L e categorias GOLD A-C; PCRas-A < 3 mg/L e categoria GOLD D; e PCRas-A < 3 mg/L e categorias GOLD A-C. Conclusões: O nível sérico de PCRas-A e a classificação GOLD são preditores independentes de reinternação por EADPOC, e seu valor preditivo aumenta quanto usados conjuntamente. Descritores: Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica/epidemiologia; Doença aguda; Hospitalização; Readmissão do paciente; Inflamação. *Study carried out at the Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China. Correspondence to: Hong Zhu. Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191 China. Tel. +86-13681071979. E-mail: Financial support: This study received financial support from the Chinese Medical Association Special Fund for Research on Chronic Respiratory Diseases (Grant no. 07010440052). Submitted: 2 September 2013. Accepted, after review: 22 February 2014. **A versão completa em português deste artigo está disponível em

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503


Chang C, Zhu H, Shen N, Han X, Chen YH, He B

Introduction An acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) is characterized by a worsening of respiratory symptoms beyond the normal day-to-day variation, requiring a change in medication.(1) Severe AECOPDs require hospital admission and are responsible for up to 70% of COPD-related health care costs.(2) After the index AECOPD, patients are at increased risk of readmission.(3-6) Frequent readmissions due to AECOPD represent an independent risk factor for increased mortality.(4) Proposed risk factors for readmission following hospitalization for AECOPD include aspects reflecting the underlying COPD severity, such as functional limitation and poor health-related quality of life.(7) Because COPD is a systemic disease, multidimensional parameters such as the Body mass index, airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise capacity (BODE) index might be superior to FEV1 at reflecting COPD severity. (8) Although the BODE index can be useful for predicting the need for hospitalization due to COPD,(9) patients with impaired mobility are unable to perform the required six-minute walk test. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines propose the combined assessment of symptoms, quality of life, spirometry measurements, and history of AECOPDs.(1) One marker of systemic inflammation that is related to COPD prognosis is the serum level of C-reactive protein (CRP).(10-12) Increased systemic inflammation during recovery from an AECOPD is associated with recurrence within 50 days.(10) Whether serum CRP is a predictor of readmission for AECOPD during longer-term follow-up has yet to be determined. Here, we investigated whether the GOLD disease severity classification and serum CRP level at discharge are predictors of readmission for AECOPD. We also attempted to determine whether the combination of the two constitutes a better predictor of readmission for AECOPD than does either used in isolation.

Methods Patients This was a prospective, observational study of consecutive patients admitted to Peking University Third Hospital, a tertiary care center in Beijing, J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

China, for AECOPD between 1 April of 2010 and 30 September of 2011. For patients admitted more than once during the study period, only the first admission was considered. The diagnosis of COPD was established by post-bronchodilator spirometry, in accordance with the GOLD guidelines.(1) We defined AECOPD as acute, sustained worsening of the condition of a patient from a stable state to a level of severity that exceeded the normal day-to-day variation, thus necessitating a change in medication.(1) Patients with a history of other respiratory illnesses, such as acute asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, sleep apnea syndrome, bronchiectasis, or interstitial lung disease, were excluded, as were those for whom a respiratory physician or radiologist identified consolidation (i.e., pneumonia) on a chest X-ray, those not surviving the hospitalization period, and those hospitalized for reasons other than AECOPD. The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing (Approval no. IRB0000105207095), and all participating patients gave written informed consent.

Clinical variables At admission, details were collected regarding preadmission COPD management. Spirometry values in the 6 months prior to study inclusion (when the COPD was stable) were obtained from patient records. Additional clinical and demographic data, described below, were obtained 8 weeks after hospital discharge, when the COPD was clinically stable. Disease duration was defined as the total duration of symptoms. Chest X-ray and electrocardiography were used in order to identify cor pulmonale, based on national criteria. (13) Active smoking was defined as smoking within the past 6 months. All comorbidities were noted. Dyspnea was assessed using the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea scale.(14) Patients completed the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), a questionnaire based on the symptoms experienced on that day. Based on their body mass index (BMI), calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2), patients were stratified into two groups: underweight (BMI < 20 kg/m2); and normal-weight/overweight (BMI ≼ 20 kg/m2). The self-reported number of AECOPDs during the last year, which is known to correlate well with the number of AECOPDs

Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD

recorded on symptom diary cards,(15) was taken as the frequency of AECOPDs.

Classification of patients into GOLD categories The GOLD classification stratifies patient risk first on the basis of symptoms, using the degree of dyspnea (mMRC score 0-1 vs. ≥ 2) or health status (CAT score < 10 vs. ≥ 10), into two low-symptom categories (A and C) and two high-symptom categories (B and D). The risk of AECOPD is assessed on the basis of the FEV1, calculated as a percentage of the predicted value (FEV1%: < 50% vs. ≥ 50%), or the number of AECOPDs in the last year (0-1 vs. ≥ 2), whichever is higher, and is used in order to stratify patients into two low-risk categories (A and B) and two high-risk categories (C and D).(1) Therefore, category A indicates fewer symptoms and less risk; category B indicates more symptoms and less risk; category C indicates fewer symptoms and more risk; and category D indicates more symptoms and more risk.

Blood sampling Peripheral venous blood samples (7 mL) were collected from patients at admission (prior to treatment) and at discharge. After centrifugation at 6,716 × g for 10 min at 4°C, the plasma was separated and stored at −80°C for subsequent analysis.

Determination of serum highsensitivity CRP levels The serum level of high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) was measured at discharge by a latex agglutination test in an automated chemistry immuno-analyzer (AU5400; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) with a detection limit of 0.1 mg/L. Patients were stratified by hsCRP level: > 3 mg/L and ≤ 3 mg/L. The 3-mg/L cut-off value has been shown to be a determinant of the long-term prognosis.(10-12)

Therapeutic strategy In accordance with the GOLD guideline recommendations,(1) hospitalized patients were treated with inhaled (nebulized) albuterol, ipratropium bromide, and budesonide, as well as with intravenous prednisolone (30-40 mg/day).


After 4 days of intravenous prednisolone therapy, patients were switched to oral prednisolone, on a 10-14 day tapering schedule. If bacterial infection was suspected (on the basis of patientreported sputum purulence), antibiotic therapy was initiated and was adjusted depending on antimicrobial susceptibilities, if known. Mechanical ventilation (non-invasive, whenever possible) was instituted for conditions such as respiratory arrest, decreased level of consciousness, and elevated PaCO2 despite maximal pharmacological treatment. Decisions regarding admission or transfer to the ICU were made by the hospital staff. Cases of stable COPD were managed in accordance with the GOLD guidelines.(1)

Follow-up Patients were followed from the day of discharge until readmission or through August of 2012 if readmission did not occur. The primary outcome measure was time to readmission for AECOPD. In monthly telephone interviews, patients were monitored to document the occurrence of AECOPDs and hospitalizations and completed a short questionnaire to assess any changes in respiratory symptoms and medical interventions during the past month. Patients were encouraged to report to their attending physicians whenever they experienced symptom worsening. An event-based AECOPD was confirmed if patients experienced worsening of at least one key symptom, plus a change in at least one of three medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids, or bronchodilators). The end of an AECOPD episode was defined as an improvement in symptoms (to their pre-AECOPD status or not) and symptom stabilization for at least 3 days. To distinguish relapse (symptom fluctuation during the same episode) from recurrence, readmissions within 14 days of the previous discharge were excluded from the final analysis. The need for hospitalization was determined in accordance with the GOLD guidelines.(1)

Statistical analysis Continuous variables are presented as median (interquartile range), and categorical variables are presented as absolute numbers and percentages. Descriptive statistics for the primary end points J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503


Chang C, Zhu H, Shen N, Han X, Chen YH, He B

were determined by generating Kaplan-Meier curves of the time-to-event data. Univariate analysis of potential risk factors for the primary end points was performed with a log-rank test. The time from discharge to first readmission for an AECOPD was used as the outcome variable in a Cox proportional hazards model. In the univariate analysis, significant predictors were entered in a stepwise fashion into a Cox proportional hazards model, in order to test the independent effect of each candidate risk factor. Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Results A total of 191 eligible patients were initially recruited. Of those, 14 (7.3%) did not survive to complete the recruitment process and 13 (6.7%) died during follow-up without having been readmitted for AECOPD; those patients were excluded from the analysis of risk factors for AECOPD readmission. An additional 7 patients (3.6%) were lost to follow-up, and 22 patients (11.4%) were readmitted within 14 days of discharge, therefore being excluded from the final analysis to distinguish between relapse and recurrence. Consequently, 135 patients were included in the final analysis, and their characteristics are shown in Table 1. In the study sample as a whole, the median serum hsCRP level was significantly lower on the day of discharge than at admission (3.2 mg/L [2.0-5.6 mg/L] vs. 7.8 mg/L [6.6-12.2 mg/L]; Z = −9.319, p < 0.001). Patients were followed for a median of 284 days (76-408 days). There were 71 patients (52.6%) who were readmitted at least once during the follow-up period. The median time to readmission was 78 days (42-178 days). In the univariate analysis, a serum hsCRP level ≥ 3 mg/L at discharge, advanced age, ≥ 2 AECOPDs in the last year, FEV1% < 50%, a CAT score ≥ 10, and being in GOLD category D were all associated with a significantly increased risk of AECOPD readmission (Table 2). In the multivariate analysis, we used two models that differed in their consideration of serum hsCRP level: model 1, in which serum hsCRP was treated as a continuous variable; and model 2, in which it was classified into J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

two categories (≥ 3 mg/L and < 3 mg/L). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the serum hsCRP level at discharge (considered as either a continuous or categorical variable) and being in GOLD category D both remained as independent predictors of a higher risk of readmission for AECOPD (Table 3). In patients discharged after being treated for an AECOPD, the combination of a serum hsCRP level ≥ 3 mg/L at discharge and being in GOLD category D predicted a higher risk of readmission for AECOPD than did any other combination of the (presence or absence) two factors (Figure 1). Table 1 - Patient characteristics at baseline. Characteristic (n = 135) Male gender, n (%) 119 (88.1) Age (years), median (range) 66 (60-74) Current smoker, n (%) 44 (32.6) Pack years, median (range) 15 (11-27) Duration of COPD (years), median 9 (4-23) (range) Cor pulmonale, n (%) 49 (36.3) 47 (43-55) FEV1 (% predicted), median (range) CAT score, median (range) 16 (7-23) mMRC score, median (range) 2 (1-3) Number of AECOPDs in the last 2 (1-3) year, median (range) GOLD category A, n (%) 24 (17.8) B, n (%) 22 (16.3) C, n (%) 22 (16.3) D, n (%) 67 (49.6) 22.5 (18.7-26.5) BMI (kg/m2), median (range) Comorbidities Arterial hypertension, n (%) 41 (30.4) Ischemic heart disease, n (%) 28 (20.7) Diabetes, n (%) 20 (14.8) Congestive heart failure, n (%) 15 (11.1) Renal disease, n (%) 9 (6.7) Hepatic disease, n (%) 6 (4.4) Cerebrovascular disease, n (%) 6 (4.4) Pre-admission therapy for COPD Home oxygen therapy, n (%) 32 (23.7) Corticosteroid therapy, n (%) 75 (55.6) 64 (85.3) Inhaled corticosteroida, n (%) 11 (14.7) Oral corticosteroidb, n (%) CAT, COPD Assessment Test; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council (dyspnea scale); AECOPD: acute exacerbation of COPD; and BMI, body-mass index. aFluticasone propionate at ≥ 500 µg/day for more than 12 months. bAny oral corticosteroid used on a regular basis (treatment for more than 3 months with prednisone at 7.5 mg/day, or equivalent).

Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD

Discussion The main findings of this prospective study of patients hospitalized for AECOPD are that


being in GOLD category D and having an elevated serum hsCRP level at discharge are independent predictors of the risk of readmission for AECOPD, and that the combination of serum hsCRP level ≥3

Table 2 - Univariate analysis of risk factors for readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD. Factor No readmission Readmission p (n = 64) (n = 71) Serum hsCRP at discharge 0.000 < 3 mg/L, n (%) 45 (70.3) 16 (22.5) ≥ 3 mg/L, n (%) 19 (29.7) 55 (77.5) GOLD category 0.000 A-C, n (%) 44 (68.8) 24 (33.8) D, n (%) 20 (31.3) 47 (66.2) Age (years), median (range) 64 (58-70) 68 (62-75) 0.017 0.002 FEV1 (% of predicted) ≥ 50%, n (%) 39 (60.9) 24 (33.8) < 50%, n (%) 25 (39.1) 47 (66.2) Number of AECOPDs in the last year 0.000 < 2, n (%) 47 (73.4) 40 (56.3) ≥ 2, n (%) 17 (26.6) 31 (43.4) CAT score 0.003 < 10, n (%) 30 (46.9) 16 (22.5) ≥ 10, n (%) 34 (53.1) 55 (77.5) BMI 0.494 19 (29.7) 25 (35.2) < 20 kg/m2, n (%) 45 (70.3) 46 (64.8) ≥ 20 kg/m2, n (%) mMRC score 0.385 ≥2, n (%) 39 (60.9) 38 (53.5) <2, n (%) 25 (39.1) 33 (46.5) Pre-admission therapy for COPD Home oxygen therapy 0.379 Yes, n (%) 13 (20.3) 19 (26.8) No, n (%) 51 (79.7) 52 (73.2) Corticosteroid therapy 30 (46.9) 34 (47.9) 0.906 Inhaled corticosteroida, n (%) 3 (4.7) 8 (11.3) 0.163 Oral corticosteroidb, n (%) Cor pulmonale 0.061 Yes, n (%) 18 (28.1) 31 (43.4) No, n (%) 46 (71.9) 40 (56.3) Comorbidities Arterial hypertension, n (%) 18 (28.1) 23 (32.4) 0.59 Ischemic heart disease, n (%) 11 (17.2) 17 (23.9) 0.334 Diabetes, n (%) 12 (18.8) 8 (11.3) 0.222 Congestive heart failure, n (%) 7 (10.9) 8 (11.3) 0.951 Renal disease, n (%) 4 (6.3) 5 (7.0) 1.000 Current smoking 0.248 Yes, n (%) 24 (37.5) 20 (28.2) No, n (%) 40 (62.5) 51 (71.8) hsCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; AECOPD: acute exacerbation of COPD; CAT, COPD Assessment Test; BMI, body-mass index; and mMRC, modified Medical Research Council (dyspnea scale). aFluticasone propionate at ≥ 500 µg/day for more than 12 months. bAny oral corticosteroid used on a regular basis (treatment for more than 3 months with prednisone at 7.5 mg/day, or equivalent).

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

Chang C, Zhu H, Shen N, Han X, Chen YH, He B

mg/L at discharge and being in GOLD category D disease severity is predictive of a much higher risk of readmission than the presence of either factor alone. We propose that combined analysis of these risk factors will allow for better stratification of the risk of readmission for AECOPD. The high AECOPD readmission rate observed in our study (52.6%), which is similar to those reported previously,(3,16) demonstrates the weight of the socioeconomic burden of COPD. Because recurrent hospital admissions for AECOPD constitute an independent risk factor for increased mortality,(4) it is clinically important to identify patients at increased risk of readmission, which can allow early implementation of preventive strategies. Indices related to the severity of the underlying COPD are independent predictors of readmission, including the number of prior admissions for AECOPD,(3,5,6,17-20) FEV1,(1,3,5,18,21) and quality of life. (22) There is growing recognition that COPD is a multidimensional disease.(1,23,24) Multidimensional grading systems seem to offer better insight into outcomes such as survival and the need for hospitalization.(9,25,26) Although the BODE index is the most widely studied multidimensional score,(8) we used the GOLD classification in order to avoid any bias related to the exclusion of patients with impaired mobility who would be unable to perform the six-minute walk test. The GOLD classification does not require sophisticated technology and can be applied in any clinical situation or location.(1) To our knowledge, this is the first study to show an association between the GOLD classification and the risk of readmission for AECOPD. Serum CRP level is considered a valid biomarker of systemic inflammation in patients with COPD, as well as a predictor of poor COPD prognosis. (10-12) A serum CRP level > 3 mg/L has been shown to be an independent predictor of future COPD-

related hospitalization and death.(12) In addition, all-cause mortality and the annual incidence of moderate/severe AECOPDs are higher in patients with elevated systemic inflammatory biomarkers.(27) Persistently elevated serum CRP during recovery from an AECOPD is associated with AECOPD recurrence within 50 days.(10) In our study, serum hsCRP during the recovery period was significantly associated with readmission due Log-rank test p = 0.000 Patients not readmitted for AECOPD


1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0


200 300 400 Time (days)



hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and category D hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and categories A-C hsCRP < 3 mg/L and category D hsCRP < 3 mg/L and categories A-C

Figure 1 - Kaplan-Meier curves showing readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) during the 12-month follow-up period after the index AECOPD. The curves for readmission are presented for the four subgroups of the patient cohort, categorized on the basis of the patient serum level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) at discharge and the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) risk category. The order of the groups, ranked from highest to lowest readmission rate (p < 0.001), was as follows: serum hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and GOLD category D; serum hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and GOLD categories A-C; serum hsCRP < 3 mg/L and GOLD category D; and serum hsCRP < 3 mg/L and GOLD categories A-C.

Table 3 - Cox proportional hazards models of risk factors for readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD. Model p OR 95% CI Variable 1 Serum hsCRP level at discharge (continuous) 0.000 1.173 1.084-1.269 GOLD category D vs. GOLD categories A-C 0.001 2.330 1.413-3.843 2 Serum hsCRP level at discharge (≥ 3 mg/L vs. < 3 mg/L) 0.000 3.486 1.968-6.175 GOLD category D vs. GOLD categories A-C 0.002 2.201 1.342-3.610 hsCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; and GOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD

to AECOPD, after adjustment for age, FEV1%, CAT score, frequency of AECOPDs in the last year, and GOLD category. A previous study found that treatment with fluticasone, with or without salmeterol, was not associated with significant effects on inflammatory biomarkers (CRP or IL-6) in patients with COPD. (28) Further interventional studies are needed in order to determine whether therapies targeted at patients with a high hsCRP level at discharge can reduce or prevent readmissions for AECOPD, thereby decreasing morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. In the present study, we stratified patients hospitalized for AECOPD by readmission risk, from highest to lowest (p < 0.001), as follows: hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and being in GOLD category D; hsCRP ≥ 3 mg/L and being in GOLD categories A-C; hsCRP < 3 mg/L and being in GOLD category D; hsCRP < 3 mg/L and being in GOLD categories A-C. This is consistent with a previous report identifying the combination of low serum CRP and a low BODE score as a better predictor of survival than either parameter alone.(29) Our study thus indicates that combining a systemic inflammatory marker with multidimensional disease severity grading is superior at predicting readmission for AECOPD than is either factor alone. The results of the present study underscore the importance of patient follow-up (e.g., through routine determination of the serum hsCRP level at discharge). The components of the GOLD grading system can be easily acquired in many health care settings and could be integrated into the follow-up of discharged patients at no additional cost. Hence, the combination of the GOLD classification and serum hsCRP level at discharge could be used routinely in clinical practice to risk stratify patients hospitalized for AECOPD. One strength of the present study is its prospective design. The loss rate during follow-up was very low. An obvious limitation of our study is that it involved only a modest number of patients treated at a single facility, and our findings therefore cannot be the generalized without further confirmation in studies involving larger numbers of patients recruited from multiple facilities. Another limitation is that some readmissions during follow-up might have represented relapses of previous AECOPDs rather than new AECOPDs. However, we attempted to minimize


that problem by not considering readmissions occurring within 14 days of the previous discharge. Yet another potential limitation is that the CAT and mMRC scores were acquired during stable convalescence (8 weeks after discharge), and we therefore cannot exclude the possibility that the treatments administered during hospitalization had prolonged effects on those scores. However, that is unlikely to have interfered with the interpretation of our results, because the AECOPD treatment was standardized. In addition, a previous study reported a median time for the CAT score to return to baseline of 11 days (4.5-17 days).(15) Another factor that might have influenced the risk of readmission was patient adherence to treatment, although regular monthly follow-up is likely to have improved adherence. Furthermore, certain markers thought to reflect AECOPD severity were not evaluated. However, those markers are more important predictors of in-hospital mortality than of mortality after discharge or of readmission.(7) In summary, our data confirm the supposition that serum hsCRP level at discharge and GOLD category are independent predictors of readmission for AECOPD. A serum hsCRP level ≥ 3 mg/L at discharge and being in GOLD category D indicated the highest risk of readmission. Additional cohort studies involving larger sample sizes will determine the validity of our results.

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About the authors Chun Chang

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

Utility of the combination of serum highly-sensitive C-reactive protein level at discharge and a risk index in predicting readmission for acute exacerbation of COPD


Hong Zhu

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

Ning Shen

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

Xiang Han

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

Yahong Chen

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

Bei He

Pulmonologist. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):495-503

Original Article Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients* Barreiras associadas à menor atividade física em portadores de DPOC

Priscila Batista Amorim, Rafael Stelmach, Celso Ricardo Fernandes Carvalho, Frederico Leon Arrabal Fernandes, Regina Maria Carvalho-Pinto, Alberto Cukier

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the ability of COPD patients to perform activities of daily living (ADL); to identify barriers that prevent these individuals from performing ADL; and to correlate those barriers with dyspnea severity, six-minute walk test (6MWT), and an ADL limitation score. Methods: In COPD patients and healthy, age-matched controls, the number of steps, the distance walked, and walking time were recorded with a triaxial accelerometer, for seven consecutive days. A questionnaire regarding perceived barriers and the London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL) scale were used in order to identify the factors that prevent the performance of ADL. The severity of dyspnea was assessed with two scales, whereas submaximal exercise capacity was determined on the basis of the 6MWT. Results: We evaluated 40 COPD patients and 40 controls. In comparison with the control values, the mean walk time was significantly shorter for COPD patients (68.5 ± 25.8 min/day vs. 105.2 ± 49.4 min/day; p < 0.001), as was the distance walked (3.9 ± 1.9 km/day vs. 6.4 ± 3.2 km/day; p < 0.001). The COPD patients also walked fewer steps/day. The most common self-reported barriers to performing ADL were lack of infrastructure, social influences, and lack of willpower. The 6MWT distance correlated with the results obtained with the accelerometer but not with the LCADL scale results. Conclusions: Patients with COPD are less active than are healthy adults of a comparable age. Physical inactivity and the barriers to performing ADL have immediate implications for clinical practice, calling for early intervention measures. Keywords: Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive; Activities of daily living; Exercise tolerance.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a capacidade de portadores de DPOC em realizar atividades de vida diária (AVD), identificar barreiras que impedem a sua realização, e correlacionar essas barreiras com gravidade da dispneia, teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) e um escore de limitação de AVD. Métodos: Nos pacientes com DPOC e controles saudáveis pareados por idade, o número de passos, a distância percorrida e o tempo de caminhada foram registrados por um acelerômetro tridimensional durante sete dias consecutivos. Um questionário de barreiras percebidas e a escala London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL) foram utilizados para identificar os fatores que impedem a realização de AVD. A dispneia foi medida por duas escalas distintas, e a capacidade física submáxima foi determinada com base no TC6. Resultados: Foram avaliados 40 sujeitos com DPOC e 40 controles. Os pacientes com DPOC, comparados aos controles, realizaram menor tempo de caminhada (68,5 ± 25,8 min/dia vs. 105,2 ± 49,4 min/dia; p < 0,001), menor distância caminhada (3,9 ± 1,9 km/dia vs. 6,4 ± 3,2 km/dia; p < 0,001) e menor número de passos/dia. As principais barreiras referidas para realização de AVD foram falta de estrutura, influência social e falta de vontade. A distância caminhada no TC6 correlacionou-se com os resultados do acelerômetro, mas não os resultados da LCADL. Conclusões: Portadores de DPOC são menos ativos quando comparados a adultos saudáveis com idade comparável. O sedentarismo e as barreiras para a realização de AVD têm implicações imediatas na prática clínica, exigindo medidas precoces de intervenção. Descritores: Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica; Atividades cotidianas; Tolerância ao exercício.

*Study carried out at the Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence to: Rafael Stelmach. Avenida Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44, 5º Andar, Pneumologia, CEP 05403-000, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Tel. 55 11 3285-3407. E-mail: Financial support: None. Submitted: 8 May 2014. Accepted, after review: 7 August 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512

Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients

Introduction There are several reasons for physical inactivity among healthy and diseased individuals. Common factors include technological advances that have influenced daily life, including the means of urban transportation; lack of time; being overweight; changes in the weather; lack of social support; and lack of motivation.(1) Physical activity is recognized to have a beneficial role in the prevention of chronic diseases, such as systemic arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, anxiety, and depression.(2) Physical inactivity in patients with COPD was demonstrated in a study in which physical activity was objectively assessed by means of an accelerometer.(3) The authors of the study demonstrated that COPD patients spend less time walking or standing than do sedentary elderly volunteers. In a study of patients with varying degrees of COPD severity,(4) it was shown that physical activity is reduced in those with milder disease in comparison with smokers without COPD. One group of authors(5) compared COPD patients from Brazil and Austria and showed that 23% of the Brazilian patients and half of the Austrian patients did not reach an average of 30 min of walking per day, which is the minimum recommended physical activity level. (1) Few studies have investigated physical activity levels in patients with COPD in Brazil. Knowledge of the determinants and outcomes of physical activity in COPD patients allows the development of interventions designed to guide future research and improve the management of COPD. In a systematic review of the determinants of physical activity in patients with COPD,(6) the authors found studies of clinical, functional, sociodemographic, and lifestyle factors. In addition, they criticized the quality of the evidence found in cross-sectional uncontrolled studies, stating that it did not allow them to establish causal associations and that it led to inconsistent results, the exception being that physical activity reduces exacerbations and mortality in COPD patients.(6) Comparisons between different populations indicate that the factors that prevent individuals from performing activities of daily living (ADL) are heterogeneous. In a study of elderly individuals from a South American country, adherence to a physical activity intervention was 42.6%. Morbidity, poverty, and urban violence reduced adherence to the intervention, whereas retirement, a history


of physical activity, and the presence of green areas in the neighborhood increased it.(7) In a population-based study of individuals in the 40-79 year age bracket, self-reported inability to perform ADL was twice to four times as high in COPD patients as it was in individuals without the disease. Advanced age, poor health status, and anxiety/depression were associated with a higher probability of disability.(8) In a sample of 9,415 adults in the USA, 9.6% of whom reported having COPD, 44.3% (vs. 27.5% of those who reported not having COPD) had difficulty in performing at least one ADL (60% having difficulty in performing practical/instrumental ADL), being less likely to be engaged in social activities and more likely to die.(9) The aforementioned data suggest that it is necessary to identify the barriers to performing ADL in each population in order to increase the chance of success of ADL programs. In a systematic review aimed at identifying barriers to and facilitators of physical activity (including pulmonary rehabilitation) in patients with COPD, only a small number of studies met the inclusion criteria. Most (70%) of the studies included in the review were qualitative studies and had methodological problems, such as small sample size and poor description of data collection and analysis.(10) Barriers identified included changing health status, personal problems, lack of support, external factors, smoking, and program-specific barriers. In one of the studies included in the aforementioned systematic review,(10,11) the authors identified a plethora of barriers to participation in rehabilitation programs following hospitalization for COPD exacerbation. However, given that most of the barriers identified were subjective and were derived from interviews, it is difficult to use those barriers in the comparison of different groups. In fact, little is known about the barriers that prevent COPD patients from being more physically active or how to measure such barriers.(12) Patients with COPD benefit from appropriate physical activity. Some of the benefits include increased exercise capacity, improvement in dyspnea, improved psychological and emotional status, improved quality of life, fewer emergency room visits,(2) and reduced risk of exacerbation. The 2013 consensus statement on pulmonary rehabilitation established that patients with COPD should seek to increase their physical activity levels. (12) Desired outcomes include reduced dyspnea, increased distance walked, and increased walk J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512


Amorim PB, Stelmach R, Carvalho, CR, Fernandes FLA, Carvalho-Pinto RM, Cukier A

time, given that dyspnea, the distance walked, and the time spent walking are directly related to the level of physical activity. Accelerometers and pedometers can be used in order to measure and increase physical activity.(13) In the present study, we hypothesized that daily physical activity levels are lower in patients with COPD than in healthy, age-matched controls, and that this is not exclusively due to symptoms or functional limitations, being also due to psychological, social, and cultural barriers. Our objective was to evaluate the ability of COPD patients to perform ADL, as well as to identify barriers that prevent such patients from being more physically active, in order to develop an effective program to encourage physical activity.

Methods Patients with COPD(14) were recruited from among those treated at the pulmonology outpatient clinic of our hospital. In parallel, healthy elderly individuals were selected for the control group, which comprised spouses of the patients with COPD and individuals treated at the geriatric outpatient clinic of our hospital. The inclusion criteria for COPD patients were as follows: age ≼ 50 years; FEV1 ≤ 60% of the predicted value before bronchodilator use; FEV1/ FVC < 0.70; and stable medication use in the past 30 days. The exclusion criteria were as follows: clinical exacerbation in the past 30 days; long-term home oxygen therapy; musculoskeletal, cognitive, and mental disorders preventing patients from completing questionnaires, undergoing tests, or both; and limited mobility or other major comorbidity. The control group comprised gender- and age-matched volunteers, all of whom reported no lung disease and had normal pulmonary function test results. The present study was approved by the local research ethics committee, and all of the individuals who agreed to participate gave written informed consent. The first visit included the following: a) In order to determine the severity of baseline dyspnea, we used the modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) scale, the score for which ranges from 0 to 4 (a higher score translating to a higher degree of dyspnea),(15) and the Baseline Dyspnea Index (BDI),(16) which includes three domains: J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512

functional impairment; magnitude of task; and magnitude of effort. Scores for each domain range from 0 to 4, the total score ranging from 0 (maximum dyspnea) to 12 (no dyspnea).(16) b) For objective measurement of physical activity, the participants were instructed to carry a triaxial accelerometer (PowerWalker; Yamax, Tokyo, Japan) in a trouser or shirt pocket.(17) The device records the number of steps, the distance walked (in kilometers) and the time spent walking. The participants were instructed to use it daily for 7 consecutive days, removing it before taking a shower and before going to bed at night. c) We administered a questionnaire assessing perceived barriers to performing ADL: lack of time; social influences; lack of energy; lack of willpower; fear of injury; lack of ability; and lack of infrastructure.(18) Three specific questions addressing each of the aforementioned domains are answered, the score for each answer ranging from 0 to 3. The maximum possible score for each domain is 9 points, and a score greater than or equal to 5 indicates a significant barrier. d) We also administered the Brazilian Portuguese version of the London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL) scale, which assesses dyspnea during ADL in patients with COPD. The LCADL scale consists of 15 questions divided into four domains: selfcare activities; domestic activities; physical activities; and leisure activities. The total score can range from 0 to 75 points, a higher score translating to greater limitations in ADL.(19) The minimal detectable change for the LCADL scale score to measure the effect of interventions is of less than 3.88 points.(20) e) In order to assess submaximal exercise capacity, we used the six-minute walk test (6MWT). The 6MWT is a submaximal test that determines the functional capacity of patients with chronic lung disease, being easy to perform, well tolerated, reproducible, and inexpensive.(21) The first visit also included SpO2 measurement. In their second visit to the pulmonology outpatient clinic (which occurred 7 days after the first), the participants returned the accelerometer and underwent spirometry for pulmonary function

Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients

testing, performed in accordance with international guidelines.(22) All of the spirometric values analyzed in the present study were obtained without the use of a bronchodilator.

Statistical analysis In order to calculate the sample size, we conducted a pilot study involving 5 patients with COPD and 5 controls. We found a 45% difference in the number of steps during three days of monitoring with the accelerometer, the standard deviation being 40%. Considering a power of 0.9 and a type I error of 0.05, we calculated that each group required at least 30 individuals. We performed a descriptive analysis of the groups. Variables with normal distribution were expressed as mean and standard deviation, whereas those with non-normal distribution were expressed as median, 95% CI, and interquartile range. The self-reported barriers to performing ADL were compared on the basis of the percentage of affirmative answers. The baseline characteristics were compared by the t-test or the chi-square test. Linear correlation analysis was performed with Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients. The level of significance was set at 5%. The SigmaStat statistical package, version 3.5 (Systat Software Inc., San Jose, CA, USA), was used.

Results A total of 92 individuals (48 COPD patients and 44 controls) were invited to participate in the present study. Of the 48 patients with COPD, 6 declined to participate, 1 had overlapping asthma and COPD, and 1 had borderline SpO2, requiring long-term home oxygen therapy. Of the 44 controls, 2 declined to participate and 1 reported to be receiving treatment for prostate cancer. A total of 81 individuals were included in the study, and 80 (40 COPD patients and 40 controls) completed it. One of the controls was excluded from the study because of lung function changes. The sociodemographic and functional characteristics of the COPD patients and controls are presented in Table 1. As expected, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of the proportion of smokers. Likewise, all pulmonary function parameters were found to be significantly decreased in the COPD group (Table 1). The median mMRC scale score


in the COPD group was 2.0 (interquartile range, 1.0-3.0). On the basis of the spirometry results, 2.8%, 27.8%, 55.5%, and 13.9% of the COPD patients were classified as having mild COPD, moderate COPD, severe COPD, and very severe COPD, respectively.(20) With regard to exercise capacity, the 6MWD was approximately 82 m shorter in the COPD group than in the control group, the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.001). The same was true for pre-6MWT SpO2 (94.3% in the COPD group vs. 97.2% in the control group; p < 0.001). The level of physical activity was found to be significantly lower in the COPD group than in the control group. The number of steps per day was 6,251.0 ± 2,422.8 vs. 9,854.1 ± 4,736.6 in the control group (p < 0.001). In comparison with the control values, the mean walk time was significantly shorter for COPD patients (68.5 ± 25.8 min/day vs. 105.2 ± 49.4 min/day; p < 0.001), as was the distance walked (3.9 ± 1.9 km/day vs. 6.4 ± 3.2 km/day; p < 0.001). Among the COPD patients, lack of infrastructure was the most common self-reported barrier to physical activity. Table 2 shows the scores obtained by the COPD patients and controls on the questionnaire regarding barriers to ADL. There were no significant differences between the COPD and control groups in terms of measures Table 1 - Demographic and functional characteristics of the COPD patients and controls, as well as their habits and six-minute walk test results.a Variable Groups COPD Control (n = 40) (n = 40) Gender Female 18 (45.0) 21 (52.5) Male 22 (55.0) 19 (47.5) Age, years 64.4 ± 7.7 66.7 ± 9.9 Smoking 39 (97.4)* 9 (22.5) 25.7 ± 3.5 25.8 ± 3.7 BMI, kg/m2 2.5 ± 0.5* 3.4 ± 0.7 FVC, Lb 84.8 ± 17.9* 111.2 ± 14.5 FVC, % predictedb 1.1 ± 0.4* 2.5 ± 0.5 FEV1, Lb 47.1 ± 15.4* 109.1 ± 13.6 FEV1, % predictedb 0.5 ± 0.1* 0.7 ± 0.1 FEV1/FVCb 6MWD, m 483.7 ± 70.8* 565.0 ± 78.8 94.3* 97.2 Pre-6MWT SpO2, % BMI: body mass index; 6MWD: six-minute walk distance; and 6MWT: six-minute walk test. aValues expressed as n (%) or as mean ± SD. bValues obtained without the use of a bronchodilator. *p < 0.001.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512


Amorim PB, Stelmach R, Carvalho, CR, Fernandes FLA, Carvalho-Pinto RM, Cukier A

of central tendency. However, when divided by questionnaire values of intrinsic significance (5 points), approximately 80% of the patients with COPD and 35% of the controls (p < 0.001) reported that they did not perform physical activities because they had no access to exercise facilities or because they had no resources to exercise. Lack of willpower was the second most common selfreported barrier to performing ADL, reported by 63% of the patients with COPD and 55% of the controls, followed by social influences, reported by 53% of the patients with COPD and 32.5% of the controls (p < 0.05). The social influence domain includes having no one (e.g., family members or friends) to exercise with (or receiving no encouragement from family members or friends to exercise), as well as feeling embarrassed when

performing physical activities. The remaining scores on the questionnaire regarding barriers to ADL are shown in Figure 1. A significant difference was found between the COPD and control groups regarding the lack of ability domain, indicating that patients with COPD feel that they are unable to perform ADL. There were significant differences between the patients with COPD and the controls regarding their scores on all LCADL scale domains except domestic activities, with a significant impact on the total score (Table 3). These results are consistent with those obtained with the accelerometer, which showed that the patients with COPD performed less physical activity than did the controls. The 6MWD was significantly correlated with the time spent walking, the distance walked,

Table 2 - Scores on the questionnaire regarding perceived barriers to physical activity in the COPD and control groups. Group Domains Lack of Social Lack of Lack of Fear of Lack of Lack of time influences energy willpower injury ability infrastructure COPD Mean ± SD 3.2 ± 3.2 4.7 ± 1.7 3.1 ± 2.7 5.2± 1.7* 2.3 ± 2.5 3.0 ± 2.7 6.7 ± 2.5* Median (IR) 2 (0/6) 5 (3/6) 3 (1/5) 5 (4/6) 2 (0/4) 3 (0/5) 8 (5/9) Max/min 9/0 9/1 9/0 9/2 8/0 9/0 9/0 Control Mean ± SD 2.5 ± 2.9 3.4 ± 2.3 2.4 ± 2.5 4.1 ± 2.9 1.1 ± 1.4 1.7 ± 2.2 3.9 ± 3.0 Median (IR) 2 (0/4) 3 (2/5) 2 (0/4) 5 (1/6) 0 (0/2) 1 (0/3) 3 (2/6) Max/min 9/0 9/0 9/0 9/0 6/0 9/0 9/0 IR: interquartile range; and Max/min: maximum/minimum. *p < 0.05. * 35.0


** 32.5

Control 20.0 20.0 38.0


63.0 2.5

26.0 Lack of time

Social influences

** 2.5

Lack of energy




18.0 Lack of willpower

Fear of injury

Lack of Lack of ability infrastructure

*p < 0.001; **p < 0.05

Figure 1 - Questionnaire regarding perceived barriers to physical activity: proportion of participants with scores ≥ 5 on each domain in the COPD and control groups.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512

Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients

and the number of steps as measured by the accelerometer (Figure 2). There was a trend toward a significant negative correlation between the 6MWD and the total LCADL scale score (R = −0.30; p = 0.08). In contrast, there was a trend toward a significant positive correlation between the BDI and the distance walked as measured by the accelerometer (R = 0.31; p = 0.06). There were no correlations of LCADL scale scores, FEV1, SpO2, and mMRC scale scores with the results obtained with the accelerometer.

Discussion The results of the present study show that the level of physical activity as measured by an accelerometer is lower in patients with COPD than in healthy controls, as well as showing that the distance walked, the number of steps, and the walk time recorded daily by the accelerometer showed a significant linear correlation with the 6MWD. This difference between the two groups was identified by the LCADL scale as well. The results of the present study also showed that Table 3 - London Chest Activity of Daily Living scale scores in the COPD and control groups.a Variable Group COPD Control Self-care activities 6.2 ± 2.3* 4.1 ± 0.2 Domestic activities 6.8 ± 5.3 5.5 ± 1.5 Physical activities 4.1 ± 1.3* 2.3 ± 0.6 Leisure activities 4.4 ± 1.6* 3.1 ± 0.3 Score, points 21.5 ± 8.3* 14.9 ± 2.2 Score, % 32.9 ±11* 20.8 ± 2.0 Values expressed as mean ± SD. *p < 0.001.

r = 0.456 p < 0.009



r = 0.614 p < 0.001

lack of infrastructure, lack of willpower, and social influences were the most common barriers that prevent COPD patients from being more physically active. With regard to ADL, our results corroborate those of previous studies.(23) A literature review of COPD showed a significant reduction in the duration and intensity of ADL in patients with COPD when compared with healthy controls. The physical activity level of the controls in the present study was found to be similar to those of elderly individuals and smokers in other studies.(13,24) In the aforementioned studies of COPD patients, most of the individuals were male. In the present study, the 80 participants were well distributed by gender and age, and most of the controls were spouses of the COPD patients, meaning that they were in the same social circle. Our findings reinforce the efficiency of accelerometers in determining the physical activity levels of COPD patients in a simple and easily repeatable manner. In the present study, the 6MWT confirmed the findings of other studies, showing in a sensitive manner that patients with COPD have lower exercise capacity, as well as confirming the correlation of the 6MWD (in m) with the performance of ADL as measured by the accelerometer over a greater number of days, better with the distance walked in kilometers in the present study, previously demonstrated with the use of a multiaxial accelerometer.(25) Although the 6MWT is known to reflect the performance of ADL, it is more widely used in order to measure interventions, especially in

Distance walked (in km)

r = 0.452 p < 0.009




Time spent walking

Number of steps

Figure 2 - Correlation of the six-minute walk distance (6MWD) with the distance walked, the time spent walking, and the number of steps as measured by the accelerometer.

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Amorim PB, Stelmach R, Carvalho, CR, Fernandes FLA, Carvalho-Pinto RM, Cukier A

research. In contrast, accelerometers, which are currently widely used, can be used in routine care. It should be emphasized that a low level of physical activity leads to a higher risk of mortality and hospitalization.(26) The BDI tended to correlate with the distance walked as measured by the accelerometer. This suggests that the BDI is more sensitive in the evaluation of this relationship. However, daily dyspnea (as assessed by the LCADL scale) apparently did not affect the performance of ADL; no correlations were found between LCADL scale scores and the results obtained with the accelerometer. Nevertheless, although the LCADL is apparently better for self-assessed changes in COPD patients undergoing training programs than is the mMRC scale,(27) the difference between the COPD patients and the controls in the present study was four times greater than the change obtained by such programs. Studies evaluating the reliability and sensitivity of the LCADL scale showed a weak but significant correlation between LCADL scores and shuttle walk test results.(28) In the present study, the 6MWD tended to correlate with the total LCADL scale score, such a correlation having been demonstrated in a study in which the Brazilian Portuguese version of the scale was validated. (29) A larger sample might be required in order to confirm these findings. One current challenge is to determine the external factors that influence the lack of physical activity. The most common self-reported barriers to physical activity in the general population are as follows(30): not having enough time to exercise; not finding exercise enjoyable (finding it inconvenient to exercise); lack of self-motivation; finding exercise unpleasant; finding exercise boring; lack of confidence in the ability to be physically active (low self-efficacy); fear of being injured or having recently been injured; lack of self-management skills, such as the ability to set personal goals, monitor progress, or reward progress toward such goals; lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends; and lack of parks, sidewalks, bicycle trails, or safe and pleasant walking paths convenient to homes or offices. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have sought to measure and encourage physical activity for 20 years. The questionnaire used in the present study in order to assess barriers to physical activity J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512

originated from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations.(30) Lack of infrastructure, social influences, and lack of ability were the most common self-reported barriers to physical activity in the COPD patients in the present study. However, it is of note that a large proportion of individuals in the control group also reported lack of infrastructure, lack of willpower, and social influences as barriers to physical activity. The lack of ability to perform physical activities might be directly related to insecurity. A study of 28 patients (22 males and 6 females) with COPD sought to identify, through interviews, the main barriers to and facilitators of physical activity after hospitalization.(11) After systematization, the barriers were divided into three broad categories: health-related barriers; environment-related barriers; and self-related barriers. Health-related barriers included comorbidities, COPD (or COPD severity), and physical health or status. Environment-related barriers included the weather, (house) dust, and pollen, as well as transport difficulties (which were considered a major barrier to pulmonary rehabilitation) and financial difficulties, which were also related to the cost of transportation, especially for patients receiving home oxygen therapy (the cost of oxygen having also been reported). Self-related barriers included advanced age, lack of access to oxygen therapy, and problems related to physical activity/pulmonary rehabilitation programs. The authors reported the need for actively recognizing and overcoming barriers to physical activity and pulmonary rehabilitation.(11) In addition to the severity of COPD, the small number of pulmonary rehabilitation centers in Brazil represents a real barrier; most of the COPD patients in the present study reported that they would engage in physical activity if they had more resources and more encouragement. However, the mere existence of pulmonary rehabilitation centers does not guarantee higher levels of physical activity. Not being able to perform ADL with someone who does not have COPD—because of the functional differences, this inability leading to a feeling of physical disability—can aggravate depression, which is common in patients with COPD. The fear and lack of knowledge of family members and friends regarding disability in patients with COPD also have a direct influence on perceived barriers to physical activity.

Barriers associated with reduced physical activity in COPD patients

The present study has limitations because it was a cross-sectional study with a small sample size. However, we used an objective instrument in order to assess the barriers to physical activity, and this aids in planning an intervention to change the sedentary lifestyle of COPD patients (and the consequences thereof). Physical inactivity and the barriers to physical activity in COPD patients have immediate implications for clinical practice, calling for early intervention measures. Physical exercise (e.g., walking) is recommended as a form of treatment for patients with COPD, allowing them to maintain a level of independence in ADL and making them more physically active, as well as reducing the impact of COPD and changing the prognosis of the disease. We conclude that patients with COPD are less active than healthy adults, and that lack of infrastructure, lack of willpower, and social influences are the main barriers to physical activity in patients with COPD. The time spent walking, the distance walked (in km), and the number of steps taken are objective, easily obtained measurements of physical inactivity in patients with COPD, being directly correlated with the 6MWD. Further studies, involving a larger number of patients and the use of more detailed questionnaires assessing limitations in and perceived barriers to ADL, are required for the planning of physical activity programs for patients with COPD.

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About the authors Priscila Batista Amorim

Physiotherapist. Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Rafael Stelmach

Attending Physician. Department of Pulmonology, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Celso Ricardo Fernandes Carvalho

Tenured Professor. Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Frederico Leon Arrabal Fernandes

Attending Physician. Department of Pulmonology, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Regina Maria Carvalho-Pinto

Attending Physician. Department of Pulmonology, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Alberto Cukier

Physician-in-Chief. Department of Pulmonology, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):504-512

Original Article Assessment of inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil: a population-based study* Avaliação da técnica de utilização de dispositivos inalatórios no tratamento de doenças respiratórias no sul do Brasil: estudo de base populacional

Paula Duarte de Oliveira, Ana Maria Baptista Menezes, Andréa Dâmaso Bertoldi, Fernando César Wehrmeister, Silvia Elaine Cardozo Macedo

Abstract Objective: To identify incorrect inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil and to profile the individuals who make such errors. Methods: This was a population-based, crosssectional study involving subjects ≥ 10 years of age using metered dose inhalers (MDIs) or dry powder inhalers (DPIs) in 1,722 households in the city of Pelotas, Brazil. Results: We included 110 subjects, who collectively used 94 MDIs and 49 DPIs. The most common errors in the use of MDIs and DPIs were not exhaling prior to inhalation (66% and 47%, respectively), not performing a breath-hold after inhalation (29% and 25%), and not shaking the MDI prior to use (21%). Individuals ≥ 60 years of age more often made such errors. Among the demonstrations of the use of MDIs and DPIs, at least one error was made in 72% and 51%, respectively. Overall, there were errors made in all steps in 11% of the demonstrations, whereas there were no errors made in 13%.Among the individuals who made at least one error, the proportion of those with a low level of education was significantly greater than was that of those with a higher level of education, for MDIs (85% vs. 60%; p = 0.018) and for DPIs (81% vs. 35%; p = 0.010).Conclusions: In this sample, the most common errors in the use of inhalers were not exhaling prior to inhalation, not performing a breath-hold after inhalation, and not shaking the MDI prior to use. Special attention should be given to education regarding inhaler techniques for patients of lower socioeconomic status and with less formal education, as well as for those of advanced age, because those populations are at a greater risk of committing errors in their use of inhalers. Keywords: Asthma; Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive; Dry powder inhalers; Metered dose inhalers.

Resumo Objetivo: Conhecer os erros na técnica de uso de dispositivos inalatórios empregada por pacientes com doenças respiratórias no sul do Brasil e o perfil daqueles que possuem dificuldades em realizá-la. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com indivíduos com idade ≥ 10 anos e em uso de inaladores pressurizados (IPrs) ou inaladores de pó (IP) em 1.722 domicílios de Pelotas (RS). Resultados: Foram incluídos 110 indivíduos que utilizavam 94 IPrs e 49 IP. Os principais erros no uso dos IPrs e IP foram não expirar antes da inalação (66% e 47%, respectivamente), não fazer uma pausa inspiratória após a inalação (29% e 25%) e não agitar o IPr antes do uso (21%). Os indivíduos com idade ≥ 60 anos mais frequentemente cometeram erros. Das demonstrações de uso do IPr e IP, respectivamente, 72% e 51% apresentaram ao menos um erro, enquanto 13% das demonstrações foram plenamente corretas e 11% apresentaram erros em todas as fases. A proporção de indivíduos com menor nível de escolaridade que cometeram ao menos um erro foi significativamente maior do que a daqueles com maior nível de escolaridade tanto no uso de IPrs (85% vs. 60%; p = 0,018) quanto no de IPs (81% vs. 35%; p = 0,010). Conclusões: Nesta amostra, os principais erros cometidos no uso dos inaladores foram não realizar a expiração antes da inalação, não fazer a pausa inspiratória após a inalação e não agitar o IPr. Pacientes com menor nível socioeconômico e educacional, assim como aqueles com idade avançada, merecem especial atenção na educação sobre a realização da técnica inalatória, pois apresentam um maior risco de cometer erros durante o uso dos inaladores. Descritores: Asma; Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica; Inaladores de pó seco; Inaladores dosimetrados.

*Study carried out under the auspices of the Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil. Correspondence to: Paula Duarte de Oliveira. Rua Marechal Deodoro, 1160, 3° Piso, Centro, CEP 96020-220, Pelotas, RS, Brasil. Tel. 55 53 3284-1300. E-mail: Financial support: This study received financial support from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Office for the Advancement of Higher Education) and the Programa de Excelência Acadêmica (PROEX, Academic Excellence Program). Submitted: 2 June 2014. Accepted, after review: 15 August 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520


Oliveira PD, Menezes AMB, Bertoldi AD, Wehrmeister FC, Macedo SEC

Introduction Controlled-dose inhalers are the primary means of delivering treatment for respiratory diseases, such as asthma and COPD, both of which have a significant prevalence worldwide.(1,2) The inclusion of these inhalers in the routine treatment of respiratory diseases occurred in the 1950s, with the development of the first metered dose inhalers (MDIs). Subsequently, in the 1990s, dry powder inhalers (DPIs) were developed. (3-5) The drugs delivered through such inhalers have bronchodilating and/or anti-inflammatory activity. (1,3,6) Their deposition directly in the target organ has advantages, such as a reduction in systemic adverse effects and a rapid reduction in symptoms. (4,6,7) Each type of inhaler device has specific characteristics that are relevant to its correct use. The choice of inhaler to be prescribed depends on a number of factors, ranging from patient familiarity with the technique for use of a given inhaler and the degree of deposition in the airways to cost-benefit ratio, portability, and patient cognition.(8-11) A factor that has been documented as one of the major contributors to poor asthma and COPD control, resulting in an increased number of emergency room visits and preventable hospitalizations, is incorrect inhaler technique.(12,13) Therefore, the objective of the present study was to identify, through a checklist of steps for performing the inhaler technique, the most common errors made by patients and to profile the individuals who make such errors.

Methods The present open-label, uncontrolled, cross-sectional, observational study was part of a population-based, cross-sectional study conducted in 2012 and involving subjects ≥ 10 years of age in 1,722 households in the city of Pelotas, Brazil.(14) Those who reported having received a physician diagnosis of asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema and who used controlled-dose inhalers were invited to participate in the present study, which was conducted between May and September of 2012. Inhaler technique was assessed, and a small questionnaire, which was additional to the main study, was administered to collect information on inhaler use. Those who required assistance from J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520

others to use the inhaler or who used the MDI with a spacer and a mask were excluded because they would not complete the steps included in the checklist. The variables collected in the main study that were also analyzed in the present study were gender, age, level of education (in years of schooling), and socioeconomic status, as determined on the basis of the Indicador Econômico Nacional (IEN, National Economic Indicator), categorized into tertiles. Participants were asked who had recommended using an inhaler (pulmonologists, general practitioners, other specialists, or lay people), whether the physician had provided inhaler technique demonstration to them at the time of prescription (yes/no), the frequency of inhaler use (chronic or only during exacerbations), and where the inhaler had been acquired (at an ordinary pharmacy, through the Brazilian Popular Pharmacy program,(15) through the public health care system, or others). Inhaler technique was assessed using a checklist established for each inhaler model on the basis of the Third Brazilian Consensus on Asthma Management recommendations for the use of inhalers.(8) Questionnaire completion and technique assessment were conducted in the participant’s household by two trained interviewers. Observation of technique consisted of asking inhaler users to demonstrate how they took their treatment by using their own inhaler or a placebo device provided at the time of the interview. After completion of the checklist, individuals received instructions regarding the steps that needed to be corrected. Subsequently, data were entered in duplicate into EpiData, version 3.1 (EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark) and checked for inconsistencies. Patient performance of inhaler technique was assessed in different ways: 1) main inhalation steps: pre-inhalation (including dose preparation); inhalation (from breathing out before breathing in to drug inhalation); and post-inhalation (breathholding at the end of inhalation and repeating the procedure if necessary). This information allowed the creation of dichotomous variables; each fully completed step was categorized as “yes/ no”, according to the specific characteristics of each inhaler; 2) occurrence of at least one error as per the checklist items, categorized as “yes/no”; and 3) proportion of committed errors as per the checklist items, which originated a continuous

Assessment of inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil: a population-based study

variable. The last two assessment categories included from breathing out before inhalation to breath-holding at the end of inhalation. Results were described by using inhalers as the unit of analysis, because each inhaler has particular characteristics of use, even when used by the same individual. We used absolute and relative frequencies and their 95% CIs. Bivariate analyses were performed by using the chi-square test for heterogeneity and the test for linear trends for dichotomous outcomes, as well as the Kruskal-Wallis test for non-normally distributed numerical outcomes. We used the STATA statistical software package, version 12.0 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA). Similarly to the main study, this stage of the project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Pelotas School of Medicine (Protocol no. 77/11; December 1, 2011), and substudy participants or their legal guardians gave written informed consent.

Results Figure 1 describes the main study sample and the substudy sample. The substudy sample consisted of 110 individuals who agreed to undergo inhaler technique assessment. In total, 143 inhalers (94 MDIs and 49 DPIs) were used. Of the 146 inhaler users identified in the main study, 21 (14.4%) declined to participate or were not located during the course of the substudy, 8 (5.5%) were excluded because they were unable to perform the inhaler technique without assistance, and 7 (4.8%) were excluded because they used a spacer with a mask. Of the 49 DPIs used, 40 were capsule inhalers, 7 were Diskus inhalers, and 2 were Turbuhalers. Other models were not used among the study participants, except for Respimat inhalers, which were used by 3 individuals. This model was excluded from the analyses because the technique for using it has special characteristics and because of the small number of observations. Most inhalers were acquired at an ordinary pharmacy (77%), whereas some were acquired through the public health care system (11%) and some were acquired through the Brazilian 1722 households

3670 respondents

402 individuals with a diagnosis of asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema


Popular Pharmacy program (10%). The remaining inhalers were acquired otherwise, such as through donations or by lawsuit. The most common errors in the use of MDIs and DPIs were not exhaling prior to inhalation (an error made by more than half of the total sample) and failure to breath-hold after inhalation (Table 1). In the assessment of DPI technique, not shaking the inhaler and not waiting 15-30 seconds prior to a second inhalation (among those who took more than one dose) were also common. The proportions of all errors, as per the checklist items, were higher in the 60-or-older age group, except for the error of not exhaling prior to inhalation via an MDI, which showed relative homogeneity among all age groups. Table 2 shows the description of inhaler use in the sample by sociodemographic and prescription characteristics, as well as the distribution of inhaler technique errors by those characteristics. Among MDI and DPI users, 72% and 51%, respectively, made some error during drug inhalation. The mean proportion of errors as per the checklist items was 21%. Those with a low level of education (up to 8 years of schooling) made more errors in the use of the two types of inhaler than did those with a higher level of education. Likewise, there were significant differences among the IEN tertiles in terms of the occurrence of any MDI technique error and the mean proportion of errors, with this proportion being greatest among the most economically disadvantaged. The differences in performance of inhaler technique among the other variables showed no statistical significance. Figure 2 shows a Venn diagram of the inhaler technique at three steps: pre-inhalation; inhalation; and post-inhalation. There were no errors made in only 13% of the demonstrations, whereas there were errors made in all steps in 11% of the demonstrations during the completion of the checklist.

Discussion The present study describes patient difficulties in using inhalers in the treatment of asthma and COPD. Being a population-based study, it 146 inhaler users

110 subjects underwent inhaler technique assessment

143 inhalers

Figure 1 - Flowchart of sample composition.

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Oliveira PD, Menezes AMB, Bertoldi AD, Wehrmeister FC, Macedo SEC

Table 1 - Errors in metered dose and dry powder inhaler techniques, i.e., inhaler technique steps that were performed incorrectly, in the total sample and by age group (N = 143 inhalers).a Error Total Age group sample 10-19 years 20-59 years 60 years or older Metered dose inhaler (n = 94) (n = 24) (n = 61) (n = 9) Not shaking the inhaler 20 (21.3) 6 (25.0) 11 (18.0) 3 (33.3) Not holding the mouthpiece vertically 4-5 cm away from 3 (3.2) 1 (4.2) 2 (3.3) 0 (0.0) the mouth or between the lips Not keeping the mouth open 2 (2.1) 1 (4.2) 1 (1.6) 0 (0.0) Not exhaling normally 62 (66.0) 16 (66.7) 41 (67.2) 5 (66.0) Not actuating the inhaler at the start of a slow and deep 7 (7.5) 1 (4.2) 4 (6.6) 2 (22.2) inhalation Failure to breath-hold for at least 10 seconds after inhalation 27 (28.7) 7 (29.2) 16 (26.2) 4 (44.4) 45 (57.7) 11 (55.0) 26 (54.2) 8 (88.9) Not waiting 15-30 seconds prior to each actuationb Dry powder inhaler (n = 49) (n = 4) (n = 29) (n = 16) Error in dose preparation (all models) 3 (6.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 3 (18.8) Not exhaling normally 23 (46.9) 1 (25.0) 12 (41.4) 10 (62.5) Not placing the inhaler in the mouth 1 (2.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (6.3) Not inhaling as fast and as deeply as possible 3 (6.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 3 (18.7) Failure to breath-hold for 10 seconds after inhalation 12 (24.5) 0 (0.0) 7 (24.1) 5 (31.3) 7 (17.5) 1 (25.0) 2 (8.7) 4 (30.7) Single-dose dry powder inhaler: not inhaling again, more deeply than before, if there is powder left in the capsulec a

Values expressed as n (%). bn = 78. cn = 40.

makes it possible to establish a general profile of users of this type of medication, whether they are patients who are being followed at a health care facility, they are those who haven’t had a medical visit for a long time, or they are those to whom inhaler use was recommended by lay people. One limitation of the present study is that we did not assess issues related to the severity/staging of respiratory diseases or the appropriateness of the recommended inhalation treatment, nor did we investigate associations of that treatment with control of lung diseases, which could reinforce the need for proper inhaler technique. In addition, because of the limited sample size, there was no statistical power to detect some associations between technique performance and certain characteristics of individuals. It was only possible to detect significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) for prevalence ratios equal to or greater than 1.5. Another possible limiting factor of our results is information bias. Although inhaler users were not previously informed that their technique would be assessed, they may have performed the technique more correctly because they were being watched, that performance being different from their routine performance and the number of detected errors being smaller. Also, it was J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520

not possible to objectively determine whether the inspiratory flow from the DPIs achieved the minimum speed recommended for the different inhalers. The proportion of occurrence of any inhaler technique error, as per the checklist, relative to the number of inhalers tested was smaller than expected given previous findings in the literature: in one study, although patients reported knowing the proper inhaler technique, approximately 90% made some error.(16) In addition, in a telephone survey, 77 of 87 respondents reported that their technique had never been checked by a health care professional, and, of 26 patients selected for a demonstration, none achieved satisfactory performance.(17) In contrast, a study conducted in the state of Bahia, Brazil, reported that more than half of the individuals studied showed good inhaler technique for all inhaler models; however, the sample consisted of individuals who received follow-up and underwent inhaler technique assessment periodically, and the criterion for classification of patient performance of the technique as good was 75% of steps correctly completed or more.(18) The characteristics of patients requiring inhaler use also deserve significant attention at the time of prescription. Previous studies have

Assessment of inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil: a population-based study


Table 2 - Description of inhaler use, by demographic variables, socioeconomic variables, source of recommendation, technique demonstration, and frequency of use (N = 143 inhalers). Variable Metered dose inhaler Dry powder inhaler Mean p percentage n (%) % of any error p n (%) % of any error p of errors in technique in technique (SE)† (95% CI) (95% CI) Gender Male 29 (30.8) 65.5 (47.7-83.4) 0.323 16 (32.6) 43.8 (18.0-69.5) 0.478 19.1 (21.5) 0.379 Female 65 (69.2) 75.4 (64.7-86.1) 33 (67.4) 54.5 (36.8-72.2) 21.8 (20.0) Age, years 10-19 24 (25.5) 79.2 (62.4-96.0) 0.376* 4 (8.2) 25.0 (0.0-75.3) 0.219* 19.5 (17.7) 0.399 20-39 32 (34.0) 71.9 (55.8-87.9) 10 (20.4) 50.0 (16.5-83.5) 17.5 (15.0) 40-59 29 (30.9) 69.0 (51.6-86.3) 19 (38.8) 47.4 (23.7-71.0) 21.3 (22.2) 60 or older 9 (9.6) 66.7 (33.5-99.8) 16 (32.7) 62.5 (37.4-87.6) 27.8 (26.4) Level of education, years 0-8 46 (48.9) 84.8 (74.1-95.4) 0.018* 16 (32.7) 81.3 (61.0-100.0) 0.010* 27.5 (18.0) < 0.001 9-11 28 (29.8) 60.7 (42.0-79.4) 16 (32.7) 37.5 (12.4-62.6) 16.7 (21.2) 12 or more 20 (21.3) 60.0 (37.7-82.3) 17 (34.7) 35.3 (11.3-59.3) 15.0 (20.6) IEN, tertilesa 1 (the poorest) 25 (26.9) 88.0 (74.8-100.0) 0.044* 11 (22.5) 72.7 (44.4-100.0) 0.080* 27.2 (17.4) 0.017 2 38 (40.9) 71.1 (56.2-85.9) 22 (44.9) 50.0 (28.1-71.9) 21.3 (22.0) 3 (the richest) 30 (32.3) 63.3 (45.6-81.1) 16 (32.7) 37.5 (12.4-62.6) 16.0 (19.5) Recommendation for inhaler use Pulmonologist 35 (37.2) 60.0 (43.3-76.7) 0.090 35 (72.9) 44.4 (27.6-61.3) 0.125 17.3 (20.8) 0.073 49 (52.1) 81.6 (70.5-92.7) 13 (27.1) 69.2 (42.4-96.0) 25.3 (20.0) General practitioner/ another specialist Non-physician 10 (10.6) 70.0 (39.7-100.0) 0 (0.0) 20.0 (16.3) Received a demonstration by a physician Yes 52 (55.3) 69.2 (56.4-82.1) 0.375 36 (73.5) 43.2 (26.6-59.8) 0.056 18.4 (20.3) 0.112 No 32 (34.0) 78.1 (63.4-92.9) 13 (26.5) 75.0 (48.7-100.0) 26.3 (21.0) Frequency of use Chronic 23 (24.5) 69.6 (50.1-89.0) 0.732 31 (63.3) 54.8 (36.5-73.1) 0.483 23.0 (21.3) 0.216 Attacks 71 (75.5) 73.2 (62.7-83.7) 18 (36.7) 44.4 (20.2-68.7) 19.7 (19.9) TOTAL 94 (100) 72.4 (63.1-81.6) 49 (100) 51.0 (36.5-65.5) 20.9 (20.4) IEN: Indicador Econômico Nacional (National Economic Indicator). an = 142. p values determined with the chi-square test for heterogeneity, except otherwise indicated.trend. *Chi-square test for trend. †Kruskal-Wallis test.

reported that elderly patients make more errors because they have cognitive changes, among other factors. (12,19,20) In our study, the proportion of errors was greater among patients in the 60-or-older age group; however, we could not detect a significant difference in their inhaler technique relative to that of patients in the younger age groups. The 60-or-older age group was the smallest in our sample, and this was possibly the factor that prevented the detection of significant differences relative to the technique used by younger patients. One explanation for the low number of participants in this advanced age group would be the lower number of MDI users, even

though this group has a significant number of subjects who report having respiratory diseases.(14) Many may not have adapted to this type of inhaler and prefer to use nebulization, which is indicated for those who are too cognitively impaired to use other inhaled drug delivery systems(1,2); in addition, one exclusion criterion of the present study was requiring assistance from others to use the inhaler or using the MDI with a spacer and a mask, resources often used in this age group. According to a previous study,(21) nebulizer users are of advanced age, have respiratory conditions that are more severe, and have great difficulty in using MDIs. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520


Oliveira PD, Menezes AMB, Bertoldi AD, Wehrmeister FC, Macedo SEC

Step 1 83%

Step 2 39% 24% 38% 13% 8%

2% 3% Step 3 26%

Figure 2 - Venn diagram showing the proportions of correct demonstrations by inhaler use step (N = 143 inhalers). Step 1, pre-inhalation, with correct dose preparation. Step 2: exhalation and correct positioning of the inhaler at the mouth until the end of inhalation. Step 3: correct completion of the technique. In 16 demonstrations (11%), there were errors made in all steps.

Our results showed a significant linear trend toward a higher frequency of errors among those of lower socioeconomic status (except for DPIs, with p > 0.05, but with a trend in the same direction) and with a lower level of education. These results are consistent with previous findings. (12,19) Level of education and socioeconomic status are similar indicators and show the importance of the level of education not only as a facilitator in the understanding of the technique itself, but also in the understanding of the disease,(13) generally improving treatment adherence. These findings suggest the need for implementing educational measures regarding the disease and the inhaler technique, especially among those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged. The most common errors regarding the use of MDIs described in the literature are as follows: not exhaling prior to inhalation and failure to breath-hold after inhalation; incorrect positioning of the inhaler; and failure to inhale forcefully and deeply.(16,22) In our study, the presence of most of these errors was significant. The number of errors was greater for MDIs than for DPIs. This fact has been documented in the literature, such as in a study(23) that reported that the proportion of individuals who made at least one inhaler technique error, as well as the proportion of errors considered of greatest importance to the effectiveness of treatment, was greater for MDIs than for DPIs. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520

Many individuals also do not shake the MDI before using it. At the time the study was conducted, the technique checklist was developed on the basis of a Brazilian consensus,(8) and this step was still considered mandatory for all MDIs. However, according to more recent guidelines, depending on the type of drug formulation (solution or suspension), not all MDIs always need to be shaken(1); nevertheless, most guidelines on inhaler technique maintain the recommendation that the device be shaken before use,(24) because it is known that failure to perform this step can reduce aerosol dose delivery by up to 36%.(25) Another difference between MDI techniques as per that consensus report(8) and those as per the current guidelines on the management of asthma(1) was the removal of chlorofluorocarbon from the formulations and its replacement with hydrofluoroalkane (HFA). Therefore, the technique was facilitated—HFA allows a longer puff duration, reducing the need for fine coordination of actuation and inhalation.(1) Although problems in inhalation-actuation synchrony are well documented,(25) problems in this step were hardly detected, probably because of the eligibility criteria for participation in the study. Another error documented in the literature is inadequate distance between the inhaler and the patient’s lips(16); however, we did not consider the fact that many subjects place the inhaler between their lips at the time of inhalation to represent an error. According to the most recent guidelines, it is acceptable to perform the inhaler technique this way, because it reduces evaporation of gas, increasing pulmonary deposition and reducing the risk of the spray hitting the perioral region.(1) Another failure in technique detected in our study, as well as in previous studies,(16,22) is the fact that individuals do not exhale prior to inhalation. According to a review article whose primary objective was to determine the importance of this one step, it is recommended to exhale gently to functional residual capacity or residual volume, thereby optimizing the effectiveness of the inhaler technique.(26) Breath-holding for 10 seconds is also among the recommendations for optimal pulmonary drug deposition for all models of inhalers. However, for MDIs, it is no longer recommended to wait 30 seconds to take another dose, as in the consensus report used in the development of our checklist.(1,8,24)

Assessment of inhaler techniques employed by patients with respiratory diseases in southern Brazil: a population-based study

In our study, the proportion of errors was greater among individuals who did not receive a demonstration of correct inhaler use at the time of prescription than among those who did, although this result did not reach a statistically significant difference. This factor has been documented as a contributor to unsatisfactory inhaler technique.(27) It should be highlighted that many health care professionals do not have adequate knowledge regarding the use of DPIs and MDIs, which contributes to the great proportion of subjects who take their inhaled drugs incorrectly, even if they previously received a demonstration of inhaler use.(28) It is of note that, in addition to training at the time of prescription, patients should receive periodic counseling throughout the treatment, because the correct technique is usually forgotten over time.(22,23) In an intervention conducted by pharmacists in Germany, the inhaler technique of 757 patients with a diagnosis of asthma or COPD was assessed and recorded using a checklist, with patients receiving instructions and their errors being corrected at the first appointment. Approximately 80% made some error at baseline. One month after the initial assessment, a second demonstration was requested, and that proportion dropped to 28.3%.(29) Therefore, educational activities, even if they are sporadic, can be beneficial to inhaler users. Counseling of patients and their caregivers, performed by health care professionals, plays a key role in inhaler use so as to minimize errors and optimize treatment.(9,17,22,26) Poor inhaler technique is a risk factor for poor control of respiratory diseases,(12,13) being associated with poor treatment adherence.(30) It is noteworthy, however, that this is a modifiable risk factor, and some findings of the present study can act as reference points in the inhaler technique to be targeted for improvement , as well as allowing the identification of the profile of those patients who will potentially require further clarification regarding inhaler use. We therefore conclude that the most common errors made by patients when using inhalers are not exhaling prior to inhalation and failure to breath-hold after inhalation, for MDIs and DPIs. Special attention should be given to patients of lower socioeconomic status, because they are at a greater risk of committing errors in their use of DPIs, as well as to those in advanced age


groups, because they make a greater proportion of inhaler technique errors.

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About the authors Paula Duarte de Oliveira

Doctoral Student. Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil.

Ana Maria Baptista Menezes

Full Professor. Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil.

Andréa Dâmaso Bertoldi

Adjunct Professor. Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil.

Fernando César Wehrmeister

Adjunct Professor. Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil.

Silvia Elaine Cardozo Macedo

Adjunct Professor of Pulmonology. Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):513-520

Original Article Effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis* Efeitos do método Pilates na força muscular e na função pulmonar de pacientes com fibrose cística

Caroline Buarque Franco, Antonio Fernando Ribeiro, André Moreno Morcillo, Mariana Porto Zambon, Marina Buarque Almeida, Tatiana Rozov

Abstract Objective: To analyze the effects of Pilates mat exercises in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Methods: This was a clinical trial involving 19 CF patients recruited from either the CF Outpatient Clinic of the State University at Campinas Hospital de Clínicas or the Children’s Institute of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas. All of the patients performed Pilates mat exercises for four months (one 60-min session per week). The variables studied (before and after the intervention) were respiratory muscle strength, MIP, MEP, FVC, and FEV1. Results: After the intervention, MIP was significantly higher in the male patients (p = 0.017), as were MIP and MEP in the female patients (p = 0.005 and p = 0.007, respectively). There were no significant differences between the pre- and post-intervention values of FVC or FEV1, neither in the sample as a whole nor among the patients of either gender. Conclusions: Our results show that Pilates mat exercises have beneficial effects on respiratory muscle strength in CF patients. (Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials – ReBEC; identification number RBR-86vp8x []) Keywords: Cystic fibrosis; Muscle strength; Exercise movement techniques; Respiratory function tests.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos do método Pilates em pacientes com fibrose cística (FC). Métodos: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico, casuística de 19 pacientes com FC. Os pacientes foram recrutados no Ambulatório de FC do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e no Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a uma sessão semanal de Pilates de 60 min durante quatro meses. As variáveis estudadas, antes e após a intervenção, foram força muscular respiratória, PImáx, PEmáx, CVF e VEF1. Resultados: Houve um aumento significativo na PImáx nos pacientes do sexo masculino (p = 0,017), enquanto houve aumentos significativos na PImáx e PEmáx nos pacientes do sexo feminino (p = 0,005 e p = 0,007, respectivamente) após a intervenção. Não houve diferenças significativas nos valores de CVF e VEF1 antes e após a intervenção no grupo total de participantes, nem nos subgrupos em relação ao gênero. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo mostraram os efeitos benéficos da aplicação do método Pilates na força muscular respiratória nos pacientes estudados. (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos – ReBEC; número de identificação RBR-86vp8x []) Descritores: Fibrose cística; Força muscular; Técnicas de exercício e de movimento; Testes de função respiratória.

Introduction The progression of lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF) reduces the ability of individuals to participate in physical activity. Studies reveal that CF patients exhibit decreased muscle strength, which can contribute to fatigue during exercise and daily activities. In addition to decreased muscle mass and nutritional depletion, pulmonary function decline can increase exercise intolerance.(1-4)

Engaging in professionally-guided physical activity provides CF patients with numerous benefits, such as decreased dyspnea, bronchial clearance, improved body composition, maintenance of body development, decreased bone degradation with reduced muscle fatigue, greater IGF-I stimulation of anabolism, improved immune function, and decreased HR at rest.(1-8)

*Study carried out at the State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. Correspondence to: Caroline Buarque Franco. Avenida Braz de Aguiar, 564, apto. 1301, Bloco A, Nazaré, CEP 66035-000, Belém, PA, Brasil. Tel. 55 91 3222-6793. E-mail: Financial support: This study received financial support ffrom the Associação Paulista de Assistência à Mucoviscidose (São Paulo Mucoviscidosis Association). Submitted: 6 January 2014. Accepted, after review: 3 June 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527


Franco CB, Ribeiro AF, Morcillo AM, Zambon MP, Almeida MB, Rozov T

Progressive reduction in physical fitness, together with physical inactivity, starts a vicious cycle in which the worsening of dyspnea results in progressively decreasing physical exertion, resulting in a severely impaired quality of life. The use of Pilates mat exercises in the treatment of CF could interfere with this vicious cycle because these exercises involve controlling breathing and controlling contraction of the abdominal region.(8-13) Since 2000, in the North-American fitness community, which has approximately five million practitioners, the Pilates method has progressively gained more followers. The technique is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates (1880-1967). Its first practitioners were almost exclusively dancers and athletes. Its approach is centered on taking an uninterrupted inhalation to prepare for the movement and subsequently using exhalation to execute it, with the abdomen being the power house; the instructor uses verbal commands, focusing on spine and lower limb alignment.(9-13) Some studies have shown a relationship between physical fitness and respiratory muscle strength (RMS). Recent studies report that increased RMS improves the maintenance of breathing, demonstrating its importance for exercise tolerance in COPD. In order to measure the increase in RMS, a manometer is used because the technique involved is simple, practical, and noninvasive.(14-17) Another significant assessment tool in CF is pulmonary function testing (PFT), the results of which are important for measurement of pulmonary impairment in studies of regular physical exercise programs. In PFT, measurement of FEV1 is a prognostic indicator of survival in CF patients. Patients with an FEV1 above 55% of predicted can practice physical exercises similarly to those practiced by healthy individuals.(2,3,18) In view of the lack of studies evaluating the effects of Pilates mat exercises in CF patients, the primary objective of the present study was to analyze the pre- and post-intervention results for RMS by measuring MIP and MEP. A secondary objective was to use PFT to determine FVC and FEV1.

Methods This was a clinical trial involving 19 male and female patients aged 7-33 years and diagnosed with CF. Of those patients, 9 were treated at the J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527

CF Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (HC-Unicamp, State University at Campinas Hospital de Clínicas), located in the city of Campinas, Brazil, and 10 were treated at the Children’s Institute of the

Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas), located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Participants were followed regularly either at the Associação Paulista de Assistência a Mucoviscidose (São Paulo State Association for the Treatment of Mucoviscidosis), in the city of São Paulo, or at the outpatient clinic of the Unicamp Center for Pediatric Research, in the city of Campinas. Prior to the study onset, patients or their legal guardians gave written informed consent. The present study did not affect the follow-up of patients at their facility of origin, which remained responsible for possible complications. All of the patients performed Pilates mat exercises for 16 weeks (one 60-min session per week). There were two evaluations: the first one was performed before the Pilates intervention and the second one was performed on the sixteenth day after the intervention. The inclusion criteria were as follows: having been diagnosed with CF; being 7 years of age or older; having an FEV1 > 30% of predicted; having abnormal results (sodium and chloride values greater than 60 mmol/L) in at least two sweat tests (samples of at least 100 mg), using the pilocarpine iontophoresis method, standardized by Gibson-Cooke; being clinically stable, i.e., having had no changes in symptoms and no changes in the maintenance treatment, in the last 30 days (data obtained from medical records); and being available to attend the sessions. The exclusion criteria were as follows: being enrolled in a physical activity program; having missed ≥ 25% of the Pilates sessions; having cor pulmonale; having had episodes of exacerbation during the study period, the diagnostic criterion of an exacerbation being that used by Fuchs et al. (and consisting of 12 items; an episode of exacerbation is characterized by the presence of at least 4 items)(1); having signs of decompensated lung disease (malaise, enhanced frequency and intensity of cough, or increased production of secretions) during the study period; having been hospitalized or having traveled during the study

Effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis

period; and having an SpO2 lower than normal before performing the Pilates mat exercises, which would make it impossible to perform the exercise program on the day of the treatment. Oximetry was performed at the beginning and at the end of all Pilates sessions.

Pilates mat exercises The Pilates mat program consisted of a weekly individual session lasting a maximum of 60 min, for 16 weeks. If the patient was under 18 years of age, the presence of a guardian was mandatory. All sessions were conducted by one of the researchers, who is Pilates trained. The Pilates exercises used consisted of movements performed with the following equipment: a satin-finish vinyl foam mat; a rubber ball measuring 16.5 cm in diameter; Swiss balls measuring 55 and 65 cm in diameter; and an elastic tube.(9,10) The activities were performed on a mat, with participants wearing no shoes, for better contact with the ground. The activity program included respiratory, postural, and abdominal exercises, as well as exercises for the trunk, upper limbs, and lower limbs. The movements were chosen based on the postural and musculoskeletal status of the patient, and the level of difficulty was gradually increased.(9,10) On the first day of the treatment, the principles of the Pilates exercises were introduced. To facilitate learning, each exercise was first performed by the instructor and then by the patient. The principles consist of constant coordination between breathing and movement. Exhalation should be forced, and inhalation should be as natural as possible. The power house consists of isotonic (concentric and eccentric) contractions of the abnominal muscles, transverse abdominal muscle, multifidus muscle, and pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for the body’s static and dynamic stability. Breathing takes place simultaneously with the contraction of those structures.(9-13)

Pulmonary function testing All tests were performed at the Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory of the Unicamp Center for Pediatric Research, at the HC-Unicamp Pulmonary Function Testing Laboratory, or at the Pulmonary Function Laboratory of the HC-FMUSP Children’s Institute. Patients were instructed


on how to perform the test via demonstration of the appropriate technique, as guidelinerecommended. At least three FVC curves were performed to ensure that maximal exertion and patient cooperation were achieved. The variables measured were FVC and FEV1. The analysis of the results considered the highest values of the measures of the acceptable curves, even if they were selected from different curves.(19)

Measurement of MIP and MEP A manometer (GER-AR, São Paulo, Brazil) calibrated in cmH2O was used to measure RMS. Patients were instructed to perform maximal inspiratory maneuvers, starting at RV, against the occluded valve, for measurement of MIP. For determination of MEP, patients performed maximal expiratory maneuvers, starting at TLC, against the occluded valve. Peak pressures were recorded. Three maneuvers were performed to measure each type of pressure, and the highest values (in cmH2O) were selected. Between measurements, patients were given a rest period of 1 min to allow for recovery from exertion. Measurements were performed with patients standing and using a nose clip; the nose clip prevented airflow through the nostrils during maximal exertion so that the airflow passed through the manometer circuit, thus avoiding incorrect results.(14)

Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The Wilcoxon test was used for paired comparison of two groups. In all cases, the level of significance was set at 5%.

Ethical considerations The present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the Unicamp School of Medical Sciences (Protocol no. 967/2007; CAAE: 0707.0.146.000-07) and the FMUSP Department of Pediatrics (Protocol no. 007.40200832).

Results A total of 27 patients were invited to participate in the study. Of those, 8 were excluded because their clinical condition worsened during the data collection period or because they declined to

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527


Franco CB, Ribeiro AF, Morcillo AM, Zambon MP, Almeida MB, Rozov T

participate in the study due to the great distance between their place of residence and the treatment center, given that some resided in cities or regions that were far from those centers. In addition, since most patients were enrolled in elementary, middle, or high school in the morning, many explained that they declined to participate in the study because they would have to miss classes during the study period. Of the 19 participants, 12 were female. The mean age was 13.7 Âą 7.4 years (range, 7-33 years). Demographic, anthropometric, spirometric data are described in Table 1. Table 2 shows the pre- and post-intervention values of MIP and MEP. After the intervention, MIP was significantly higher in the male patients (p = 0.017), as were MIP and MEP in the female patients (p = 0.005 and p = 0.007, respectively). There were no significant differences between the pre- and post-intervention values of FVC or FEV1, neither in the sample as a whole nor among the patients of either gender (Table 3).

Discussion Chronic in course, CF is a disease that requires multidisciplinary treatment to improve quality of life and increase survival. The evidence supports the lasting benefits of physical exercise in this population. The effects of physical training programs are reached regardless of disease severity, i.e., even patients with more severe lung disease are able to improve their physical fitness.(18,20,21) Given the progressive acceptance of the Pilates method and the lack of studies correlating this technique with CF, we evaluated the effects of Pilates mat exercises and the prospects for their future use in the routine treatment of CF patients.(3,5-7) We found no published studies describing the effect of the Pilates method on RMS and, because we know the importance of RMS in reducing dyspnea and because muscle training in CF patients has not been fully explored, we examined exercise-related changes in RMS in these patients. Results were separated by gender because of one study(4) that reported differences in responses to training in men and women, with physical conditioning improving in both groups, but with performance being poorer in females, which can be attributed to differences in their physiological and morphological responses. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527

Pre- and post-intervention measurement of MIP and MEP revealed significant results in the sample as a whole. However, analysis of patients by gender showed that females had a significant increase in MEP, whereas males did not have a similar increase. Because of its chronic nature with frequent lung infections, which produces the dyspneainactivity-dyspnea cycle, CF facilitates respiratory muscle fatigue. This condition impairs lung ventilation, limiting exercise tolerance. Studies involving other techniques and specific training exercises have confirmed benefits. Zanchet et al.,(16) using a method known as thoracoabdominal rebalancing, reported increases in MIP and MEP, whereas GalvĂŁo,(17) also evaluating RMS, found an increase in RMS, together with a reduction in the perception of dyspnea and an increase in exercise tolerance. Research shows that the increase in respiratory muscle endurance results in improvements in the maintenance of breathing and in physical fitness. One group of authors(7) reported increases in RMS after 4 weeks of training (25 min/day). The patients involved performed exercises for the upper limbs and respiratory muscles. According to those authors, the increase in this type of strength reduces muscle fatigue. Another study(18) reported that individuals with lung disease generally use maximum breathing capacity during physical activity and have a greatly increased oxygen cost of breathing, which indicates airflow limitation. Physical performance in CF correlates with lung disease severity, nutritional status, and peripheral muscle strength. Physical training programs to increase physical fitness and muscle strength in CF, as well as to facilitate expectoration and the execution of activities of daily living, have been investigated.(18,20-23) In the present study, PFT results showed that there were no significant changes after the intervention. This finding confirms other results in the literature. In a systematic review,(21) the authors reported the effectiveness of physical training programs in CF, and the 12 articles reviewed included anaerobic, aerobic, and resistance activities. The variables analyzed were PFT, aerobic capacity, strength, and quality of life. All of the studies found that physical training is beneficial in individuals with CF, and aerobic and resistance programs resulted in greater gains. No differences were found in PFT results, but those authors

Effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis

concluded that physical activity in CF patients resulted in a credit balance: maintenance of PFT values.(21) Lung disease severity is one of the key factors in CF, and any intervention aimed at the longterm improvement or maintenance of pulmonary function would have significant implications for disease control and, subsequently, for survival.(8) One group of authors(22) developed a physical training program that provided benefits for pulmonary function. A 3-year randomized Table 1 - Demographic, anthropometric, spirometric, and respiratory muscle strength data of 19 cystic fibrosis patients.a Variable Gender Total Male Female (n = 7) (n = 12) (N = 19) Age, years 13.6 ± 13.7 ± 13.7 ± 7.4 7.4 7.4 Weight, kg 36.50 ± 37.80 ± 37.30 ± 14.19 12.95 13.00 Height, m 1.43 ± 1.44 ± 1.40 ± 0.18 0.15 0.20 17.06 ± 17.57 ± 17.40 ± BMI, kg/m2 2.98 3.08 3.00 FVC, % of predicted 78.12 80.00 ± 79.40 ± ±17.55 22.40 20.40 69.12 ± 69.49 ± 69.40 ± FEV1, % of predicted 18.51 25.70 23.00 77.85 ± 70.83 73.40 ± MIP, cmH2O 19.54 ±19.16 19.10 67.85 ± 67.00 ± 67.40 ± MEP, cmH2O 18.89 14.53 15.80 BMI: body mass index. aValues expressed as mean ± SD.


controlled trial of individualized home exercise in 65 children and adolescents was performed. The authors reported a reduction in the decline of FVC and FEV1. There is evidence of the importance of controlled long-term follow-up for achieving satisfactory results. According to one group of authors,(23) chronic pulmonary obstruction facilitates the decrease in FEV1, leading to hyperinflation and decreased breathing capacity during exercise. Children with CF develop a rapid breathing pattern during physical activity, and this makes their breathing more labored. The decreased muscle function (strength and endurance) observed in these patients leads to rapid respiratory muscle fatigue, which also contributes to reduced physical performance. Recent studies have evaluated the effects of regular exercise on the life of adolescents with CF. However, there is still no consensus regarding the optimal training program. Most of these interventions are short in duration, with scarce longitudinal data, especially in the pediatric population. The lack of continuity of this type of training is quite common in this population, and maintaining it for long periods of time is a challenge, even if there is awareness of the positive impact that regular physical activity can provide. Family support is very important for patients to continue doing the exercises proposed by the clinical staff. There is a need for more information about the effects of these types of intervention on the follow-up of CF patients. Controlled longitudinal studies are needed to determine the effects of

Table 2 - Distribution of the pre- and post-intervention (i.e., Pilates mat exercises) values of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures by gender.a Gender Variable Pre-intervention Post-intervention p* Male (n = 7) MIP, cmH2O 77.85 ± 19.54 101.42 ± 22.67 0.017 67.85 ± 18.89 85.00 ± 17.32 0.106 MEP, cmH2O 70.83 ± 19.16 92.50 ± 17.25 0.005 Female (n = 12) MIP, cmH2O 67.08 ± 14.53 81.66 ± 18.74 0.007 MEP, cmH2O a

Values expressed as mean ± SD. *Wilcoxon test.

Table 3 - Distribution of the pre- and post-intervention (i.e., Pilates mat exercises) values of spirometric parameters by gender.a Gender Variable Pre-intervention Post-intervention p* Male (n = 7) FVC, % of predicted 78.16 ± 17.61 76.83 ± 13.30 0.463 69.16 ± 18.57 71.50 ± 18.39 0.598 FEV1, % of predicted Female (n = 12) FVC, % of predicted 80.08 ± 22.42 81.41 ± 27.18 0.964 69.50 ± 25.74 71.50 ± 26.58 0.555 FEV1, % of predicted a

Values expressed as mean ± SD. *Wilcoxon test.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527


Franco CB, Ribeiro AF, Morcillo AM, Zambon MP, Almeida MB, Rozov T

regular physical activity on disease progression, analyzing the results on patient physical condition and comparing methods of longitudinal aerobic, anaerobic, or aerobic/anaerobic training. Detailed information regarding protocols, such as exercise intensity, exercise duration, and rest period, is important for professionals who work primarily with children with CF. Methods involving careful assessment of physical fitness and clinical status show that most CF patients can engage in regular physical activity. It is up to the professionals involved in the treatment to provide information to patients and their parents, in order to ensure the adoption of appropriate exercise habits for maintaining and improving health.(4-8,18-23) In conclusion, our results show that Pilates mat exercises have beneficial effects on RMS. These findings point to some considerations. There is a need to investigate large samples with a control group. It would be ideal for future research to increase the duration of the intervention and compare results after discontinuation of exercise training.

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Effects of Pilates mat exercises on muscle strength and on pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis


About the authors Caroline Buarque Franco

Physiotherapist. State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.

Antonio Fernando Ribeiro

Professor. Graduate Program in Child and Adolescent Health, State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.

André Moreno Morcillo

Associate Professor. Department of Pediatrics, State University at Campinas School of Medical Sciences, Campinas, Brazil.

Mariana Porto Zambon

Professor. Graduate Program in Child and Adolescent Health, State University at Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.

Marina Buarque Almeida

Attending Pediatrician. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, Children’s Institute, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Tatiana Rozov

Advising Professor, Graduate Program in Rehabilitation, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):521-527

Original Article Air stacking: effects on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy*,** Efeitos do treinamento de empilhamento de ar na função pulmonar de pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal e distrofia muscular congênita

Tanyse Bahia Carvalho Marques, Juliana de Carvalho Neves, Leslie Andrews Portes, João Marcos Salge, Edmar Zanoteli, Umbertina Conti Reed

Abstract Objective: Respiratory complications are the main causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with neuromuscular disease (NMD). The objectives of this study were to determine the effects that routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers have on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD), as well as to identify associations between spinal deformities and the effects of the maneuvers. Methods: Eighteen NMD patients (ten with CMD and eight with SMA) were submitted to routine daily air-stacking maneuvers at home with manual resuscitators for four to six months, undergoing pulmonary function tests before and after that period. The pulmonary function tests included measurements of FVC; PEF; maximum insufflation capacity (MIC); and assisted and unassisted peak cough flow (APCF and UPCF, respectively) with insufflations. Results: After the use of home air-stacking maneuvers, there were improvements in the APCF and UPCF. In the patients without scoliosis, there was also a significant increase in FVC. When comparing patients with and without scoliosis, the increases in APCF and UPCF were more pronounced in those without scoliosis. Conclusions: Routine daily air-stacking maneuvers with a manual resuscitator appear to increase UPCF and APCF in patients with NMD, especially in those without scoliosis. Keywords: Neuromuscular diseases; Cough; Respiratory function tests; Respiratory therapy.

Resumo Objetivo: As complicações respiratórias são as principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes com doenças neuromusculares (DNM). Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar os efeitos que o treinamento diário domiciliar com manobras de empilhamento de ar tem na função respiratória de pacientes com amiotrofia espinhal (AE) e distrofia muscular congênita (DMC), e identificar possíveis associações entre deformidades na coluna vertebral e os efeitos das manobras. Métodos: Dezoito pacientes com DNM (dez com DMC e oito com AE) foram submetidos a treinamento diário domiciliar de empilhamento de ar com ressuscitador manual por um período de quatro a seis meses e submetidos a testes de função pulmonar antes e após tal período. Os testes de função pulmonar incluíram medidas de CVF, PFE, a capacidade de insuflação máxima (CIM) e a medida do pico de fluxo de tosse não assistido e assistido (PFTNA e PFTASS, respectivamente). Resultados: Após o uso das manobras de empilhamento de ar no domicílio, houve uma melhora significativa na PFTNA e PFTASS. Nos pacientes sem escoliose, houve também um aumento significativo na CVF. No grupo de pacientes sem escoliose, o ganho na PFTNA e PFTASS foi superior ao do grupo com escoliose. Conclusões: A utilização rotineira diária de manobras de empilhamento de ar com ressuscitador manual parece melhorar a PFTNA e PFTASS em pacientes com DNM, especialmente naqueles sem escoliose. Descritores: Doenças neuromusculares; Tosse; Testes de função respiratória; Terapia respiratória.

*Study carried out in the Child Neurology Sector of the Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence to: Umbertina C Reed. Avenida Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 255, 5º andar, sala 5131, Cerqueira Cesar, CEP 05403-900, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Tel. 55 11 3069-7878. Email: Financial support: None. Submitted: 8 May 2014. Accepted, after review: 4 September 2014. **A versão completa em português deste artigo está disponível em

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534

Air stacking: effects on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy

Introduction Neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) are acquired or inherited conditions that affect parts of the neuromuscular system, such as skeletal muscles, peripheral motor nerves, neuromuscular junction, and motor neurons in the spinal cord. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease of childhood characterized by degeneration and loss of lower motor neurons in the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, causing progressive proximal weakness and atrophy of skeletal muscles.(1,2) The cause of SMA is the homozygous mutation in the SMN1 gene, and SMA is usually classified as one of four types, according to the age at onset and the maximum function attained(1,2): type I (onset within the first six months of life and inability to sit without support); type II (onset after six months of age and inability to walk unaided); type III (onset after the two years of age and ability to walk at some point in life); and type IV (onset in adulthood). Some of the most common inherited muscle diseases include progressive muscular dystrophies (e.g., Duchenne muscular dystrophy and limbgirdle muscular dystrophy) and congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD), the latter comprising a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of muscular dystrophies that present within the first two years of life, characterized by hypotonia, muscle weakness, delayed motor development, and contractures.(3) The most common forms of CMD involve deficiency of merosin, collagen VI, selenoprotein-N1, and lamin A/C, as well as of the glycosyltransferases involved in the glycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan protein.(3) The main causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with NMD are the pulmonary complications that result from respiratory muscle weakness.(4,5) Patients with NMD develop restrictive respiratory disorders caused by progressive weakening of the respiratory muscles and musculoskeletal deformities such as kyphoscoliosis.(6,7) When NMD patients are unable to achieve an adequate PEF, they might also have impaired cough, as evidenced by a reduction in their peak cough flow (PCF), which results from inspiratory and expiratory muscle weakness.(8) Ineffective cough (i.e., the inability to clear the airway by coughing) has been associated with PCF values of < 160 L/min.(9) In addition, when the PCF is < 270 L/min, the risk of ineffective cough can increase during episodes


of respiratory infection, impairing the removal of secretions and proper airway clearance, which can lead to respiratory failure.(5,9,10) The maintenance of respiratory capacity is essential for the survival of patients with NMD, including those with minimal lung capacity. Therefore, it is relevant to investigate the effectiveness of air stacking, a technique that provides cough assistance, promoting improvement in respiratory capacity, as well as to helping reduce the risk of respiratory infections. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of routine daily air-stacking maneuvers on pulmonary function in patients with SMA or CMD. In addition, we aimed to identify associations between spine deformities and the effects of air stacking.

Methods In this longitudinal, uncontrolled study, we evaluated NMD patients treated at the NMD Outpatient Clinic of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas between February 2010 and August 2011. The diagnosis of CMD was confirmed by muscle biopsy, whereas that of SMA was confirmed by molecular testing. The inclusion criteria were showing an FVC < 90% of the predicted value, being over 6 years of age, never having been submitted to air-stacking maneuvers, and presenting with a level of cognition sufficient to understand the procedures that were to be performed. The exclusion criteria were having a concomitant lung disease, having a respiratory infection on the day of the assessment, having had a tracheostomy or being on noninvasive ventilation for more than 15 h/day, and using sedatives. Before and after the period of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers, all patients underwent pulmonary function tests and were classified as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese, according to their body mass index (BMI). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital das Clínicas (Protocol no. 0087/09). All participating patients or their legal guardians gave written informed consent.

Evaluation of pulmonary function All pulmonary function tests were performed by the same respiratory therapist, who used a pneumotachograph and a spirometer (Spirolab II; Medical International Research, Rome, Italy) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534


Marques TBC, Neves JC, Portes LA, Salge JM, Zanoteli E, Reed UC

to measure FVC, PEF, PCF, and assisted PCF (APCF, assisted by air stacking to the maximum pulmonary volume with a manual resuscitator), in randomized order and in accordance with the Brazilian Thoracic Association Guidelines for Pulmonary Function Tests.(11) All measurements were performed with the subject in a seated position, with the head in a neutral position. The subject wore a face mask that covered the nose and mouth, connected to the pneumotachograph and the spirometer. Patients were asked to inhale as deeply as possible, then perform a forced expiratory maneuver down to residual volume and sustain that for at least three seconds. Three measurements were taken, and the best of the three was considered in the analyses, as long as the difference between any two of the three measurements was no more than 0.15 L. For each subject, we obtained at least three measurements with three acceptable curves and two reproducible curves per measurement. From those curves, we computed the values of FVC and PEF. Predicted values were calculated with the reference equations for spirometry in Brazil, which vary according to gender and age bracket (6-13 years; 14-19 years; and ≥ 20 years).(12-16) Unassisted PCF (UPCF) was measured with the subject in a seated position, wearing a face mask that covered the nose and mouth; the subject was asked to perform a maximal inspiration followed by a cough. A maximum of six coughs or attempts to cough were allowed, and the best value obtained was considered in the analyses, as long as the difference between any two of the three measurements was no more than 20 L/min.

Determination of maximum insufflation capacity Using a manual resuscitator, we determined the maximum insufflation capacity (MIC) after air stacking from the volume delivered to the patient via a face mask connected to the pneumotachograph and the spirometer. We performed three consecutive manual insufflations while requesting that the patient take a deep breath and hold it (with a closed glottis), stacking breaths to achieve the MIC. During each insufflation, the examiner used a thumb to block the valve of the air outlet of the T-piece of the resuscitator. At the end of each insufflation, the thumb was removed and the patient exhaled the maximal J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534

volume of held air into the system, which measured the MIC. We determined the APCF by following that same protocol, except for the last step, in which, rather than exhaling, the patient was asked to cough and the PCF was recorded. The highest of the PCFs recorded in a maximum of six coughs or attempts to cough was considered in the analyses.

Air stacking protocol All patients received a manual resuscitator with an attached face mask of a size proportional to the face of the patient, in order to perform the routine daily air-stacking maneuvers at home for four to six months, the duration depending on the time since the last evaluation. At the NMD Outpatient Clinic, patients and caregivers were trained in the air-stacking technique and were instructed to perform the maneuvers with the patient in a sitting position, the caregiver positioned behind the patient, and the mask connected to the manual resuscitator. The prescribed daily regimen was 10 series of three to four consecutive manual insufflations, the patient taking deep, sustained breaths (held with a closed glottis) during each series. The patients were instructed to hold the total volume (after the final insufflation) for eight seconds and then exhale. The patients and caregivers were instructed to divide the exercises into three sessions per day, to be performed in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Statistical analysis All data were analyzed with GraphPad Prism software, version 5.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). The anthropometric characteristics were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. All numeric variables of the study were subjected to the D’Agostino-Pearson normality test. The pre- and post-training anthropometric and spirometric data were compared with Student’s t-tests. Comparisons regarding different parameters were analyzed with unpaired Student’s t-tests, as were comparisons between the patients with and without scoliosis. We also employed Pearson’s correlation coefficients to investigate associations between UPCF and FVC; between UPCF and MIC; between PEF and MIC; and between the MIC-FVC difference (ΔMIC-FVC) and the APCFUPCF difference (ΔAPCF-UPCF). In all cases, the level of significance was p < 0.05.

Air stacking: effects on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy



Pulmonary function variables

We recruited 22 patients with NMD. Three patients were lost to follow-up, and another was excluded because of respiratory complications that led to the need for tracheostomy. Therefore, the final sample comprised 18 patients (10 females and 8 males; 7-23 years of age), all of whom completed the respiratory evaluations. Ten patients were diagnosed with CMD, 4 were diagnosed with SMA type II, and 4 were diagnosed with SMA type III. The mean ages and anthropometric characteristics of the patients, before and after the training, are shown, by diagnosis, in Table 1. There was a statistically significant posttraining increase in the mean height of the patients. The mean BMI of the patients did not change. Six patients who were under 20 years of age presented alterations in BMI—4 were underweight, 1 was obese, and 1 was overweight. Two patients who were over 20 years of age were underweight. Nine patients were found to have structural scoliosis. None of the patients had undergone any kind of respiratory therapy or had been on noninvasive ventilation prior to enrollment in the study.

In terms of the pulmonary function variables, there were no statistical differences between the SMA and CMD groups, before or after the training (Table 2). In the sample as a whole, the mean values for FVC, MIC, and PEF did not differ significantly between the pre- and posttraining periods, although there were significant post-training increases in the mean UPCF and mean APCF (Table 3). The increases in UPCF and APCF were less pronounced in the patients with scoliosis than in those without. In addition, there was a significant post-training increase in the mean FVC of the patients without scoliosis, whereas no such increase was observed in the patients with scoliosis (Table 4). As depicted in Figure 1, a comparison analysis of the pre-training data revealed a correlation between UPCF and FVC; between UPCF and MIC; between PEF and MIC; and between ΔAPCF-UPCF and ΔMIC-FVC (Figure 1).

Table 1 - Ages and anthropometric data for 18 patients with neuromuscular diseases, before and after the training (4-6 months of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers).a Characteristic Pre-training Post-training Age (years) 15.39 ± 5.50 15.72 ± 5.37 Height (cm) 151.7 ± 14.82 152.6 ± 14.78* Weight (Kg) 40.50 ± 10.26 40.78 ± 10.20 BMI 17.65 ± 4.16 17.60 ± 4.23 BMI: body mass index. aData are presented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05 vs. pre-training (paired Student’s t-test).

Table 3 - Pulmonary function variables in 18 patients with neuromuscular diseases, before and after the training (4-6 months of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers). Variable Pre-training Post-training FVC (L) 1.784 ± 0.595 1.829 ± 0.631 MIC (L) 2.046 ± 0.634 2.057 ± 0.673 PEF (L/min) 175.80 ± 89.04 191.3 ± 96.90 UPCF (L/min) 257.80 ± 84.31 277.90 ± 90.24* APCF (L/min) 272.70 ± 82.92 299.80 ± 98.19* MIC: maximum insufflation capacity; UPCF: unassisted peak cough flow; and APCF: assisted peak cough flow. aData are presented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.0001 vs. pre-training (paired Student’s t-test).

Table 2 - Pulmonary function variables in 18 patients with neuromuscular diseases, before and after the training (4-6 months of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers), by diagnosis. Variable Pre-training Post-training SMA CMD SMA CMD (n = 8) (n = 10) (n = 8) (n = 10) FVC (L) 1.818 ± 0.652 1.758 ± 0.580* 1.835 ± 0.625 1.824 ± 0.668* MIC (L) 2.044 ± 0.732 2.047 ± 0.585* 2.084 ± 0.676 2.036 ± 0.706* UPCF (L/min) 237.30 ± 85.48 274.10 ± 84.10* 261.90 ± 75.19 290.80 ± 102.80* APCF (L/min) 248.40 ± 73.86 292.20 ± 313.3* 283.10 ± 85.16 313.30 ± 110.10* SMA: spinal muscular atrophy; CMD: congenital muscular dystrophy; MIC: maximum insufflation capacity; UPCF: unassisted peak cough flow; and APCF: assisted peak cough flow. aData are presented as mean ± SD. *p > 0.05 vs. SMA (unpaired Student’s t-test).

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534


Marques TBC, Neves JC, Portes LA, Salge JM, Zanoteli E, Reed UC

Table 4 - Pulmonary function variables in 18 patients with neuromuscular diseases, with and without scoliosis, before and after the training (4-6 months of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers).a Variable Pre-training Post-training Without scoliosis With scoliosis Without scoliosis With scoliosis (n = 9) (n = 9) (n = 9) (n = 9) FVC (L) 2.10 ± 0.332 1.469 ± 0.646 2.191 ± 0.315* 1.467 ± 0.672 MIC (L) 2.357 ± 0.323 1.734 ± 0.729 2.409 ± 0.278 1.706 ± 0.778 240.30 ± 107.10 UPCF (L/min) 295.50 ± 54.99 220 ± 94.19 315.60 ± 51.50† 264.90 ± 122.5 APCF (L/min) 299.10 ± 57.56 246.30 ± 98.65 334.80 ± 52.16‡

400 r = 0.8945 r2 = 0.8001 350 95% CI = 0.7342; 0.9603 300 p < 0.0001 250 200 150 100 50 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0

UPCF (L/min)

UPCF (L/min)

MIC: maximum insufflation capacity; UPCF: unassisted peak cough flow; and APCF: assisted peak cough flow. aData are presented as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05 vs. pre-training (paired Student’s t-test). †p < 0.01 vs. pre-training (paired Student’s t-test). ‡p < 0.0001 vs. pre-training (paired Student’s t-test).



400 r = 0.7387 350 r2 = 0.5456 300 95% CI = 0.4147; 0.8964 250 p < 0.0001 200 150 100 50 0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0



MIC (L) ∆APCF-UPCF (L/min)

PEF (L/min)


400 r = 0.9129 r2 = 0.8334 350 95% CI = 0.7773; 0.9675 300 p < 0.0001 250 200 150 100 50 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0




60 r2= 0.4921 50 r = 0.2422 40 95% CI = 0.03266; 0.7799 30 p < 0.0380 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3




Figure 1 - Correlation analysis of pre-training data. UPCF: unassisted peak cough flow; MIC: maximum insufflation capacity; APCF: assisted peak cough flow; ΔAPCF-UPCF: difference between APCF and UPCF; and ΔMIC-FVC: difference between MIC and FVC.

Discussion While it was not possible to verify adherence to the regimen of routine daily home air-stacking maneuvers, we observed increases in UPCF and APCF among NMD patients for whom such exercises were prescribed. We also observed an increase in FVC among the patients without scoliosis. In addition, the increases in UPCF and APCF were much less pronounced in the patients with scoliosis than in those without. Patients with NMD show a decrease in muscle strength and consequently lose the ability to take spontaneous deep breaths. Therefore, these patients initially develop microatelectasis and eventually develop permanent pulmonary restriction.(17) The ability to cough efficiently is J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534

correlated with the clearance of airway secretions. Patients who are unable to perform air-stacking maneuvers effectively can take deep breaths with the aid of a volumetric ventilator at a pressure of 40 cmH2O. Thus, through regular maximal insufflations, it is possible to increase the MIC and dynamic lung compliance.(10) The availability of such devices facilitates the care of patients with NMD, even at the early stages of respiratory muscle impairment, because the assisted maneuvers or the PCF produced with the aid of these devices are ideal for the mechanical reproduction of a cough. However, their high cost limits the ability of patients to acquire such instruments. Assisted cough techniques have been shown to be critical in preventing episodes of respiratory failure that lead to hospitalization and the need

Air stacking: effects on pulmonary function in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and in patients with congenital muscular dystrophy

for tracheostomy in patients with NMD.(4) However, only a few studies have investigated the effects of air-stacking maneuvers on the pulmonary function of patients with NMD,(10,18,19) and there have been no reports of previous studies employing this methodology in patients with CMD. In the present study, the PCF was higher after the training. The steady expansion of the lungs with daily deep breaths not only improves inspiratory capacity, but also allows for increased lung distension and more efficient gas exchange; this offers better ventilation to the lungs and increases the volume of voice and PCF, leading to a reduction in microatelectasis and an improvement in lung compliance.(8,10,20-22) Although the spirometry maneuvers employed in order to assess PEF and PCF are similar, each requires a different combination of respiratory muscle groups. The closing of the glottis increases the transpulmonary pressure created by coughing. However, the effectiveness of a cough depends on the PCF, which is greater if the airways are narrowed during coughing; this is more effective in removing secretions than is simply performing a forced expiratory maneuver.(23) Patients with NMD also show a decrease in FVC—a marker of the development and progression of the disease—due to progressive weakening of the respiratory muscles and to spinal deformities, which leads to decreased volumes and reduced lung expansion.(6,20,24) The benefits of air-stacking maneuvers in patients with diminished FVC were demonstrated by Bach et al.(20) During the short period of training evaluated in the present study, no improvement of FVC was noted for the sample as a whole. However, there was a significant post-training improvement in FVC in the subgroup of patients without scoliosis. This finding suggests that chest deformities not only impair lung function(25,26) but also have a negative effect on the response to air-stacking exercises. In the present study, we found that PCF correlated with FVC and MIC. Effective PCF and PEF both require high lung volumes, which explains their good correlation with FVC and MIC. The correlation between UPCF and MIC, as well as the correlation between ΔAPCF-UPCF and ΔMIC-FVC, is explained by their dependence on bulbar innervated muscles and on the integrity of the glottic function. The PCF is also dependent on the permeability of the hypopharynx being


maintained by innervation of the bulbar muscles of the hypopharyngeal musculature.(27-29) In addition, glottic function is the most important factor in protecting the airways and maintaining cough efficacy in patients with NMD.(10) The present study has some significant limitations, such as the heterogeneity and small size of the patient sample, the difficulty that younger patients have in performing air-stacking maneuvers, the unsupervised nature of the home application of the maneuvers, the lack of comparisons between APCF and abdominal thrust, and the lack of a control group (due to ethical issues). Nevertheless, we can conclude that home air-stacking maneuvers should be prescribed for patients with NMD, in order to increase their PCF.

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About the authors Tanyse Bahia Carvalho Marques

Physiotherapist. Child Neurology Sector of the Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Juliana de Carvalho Neves

Doctoral Student. Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Leslie Andrews Portes

Professor. Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

João Marcos Salge

Professor. Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Edmar Zanoteli

Tenured Professor. Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

Umbertina Conti Reed

Full Professor. Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):528-534

Original Article Thoracic textilomas: CT findings* Textilomas intratorácicos: achados tomográficos

Dianne Melo Machado, Gláucia Zanetti, Cesar Augusto Araujo Neto, Luiz Felipe Nobre, Gustavo de Souza Portes Meirelles, Jorge Luiz Pereira e Silva, Marcos Duarte Guimarães, Dante Luiz Escuissato, Arthur Soares Souza Jr, Bruno Hochhegger, Edson Marchiori

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze chest CT scans of patients with thoracic textiloma. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 16 patients (11 men and 5 women) with surgically confirmed thoracic textiloma. The chest CT scans of those patients were evaluated by two independent observers, and discordant results were resolved by consensus. Results: The majority (62.5%) of the textilomas were caused by previous heart surgery. The most common symptoms were chest pain (in 68.75%) and cough (in 56.25%). In all cases, the main tomographic finding was a mass with regular contours and borders that were well-defined or partially defined. Half of the textilomas occurred in the right hemithorax and half occurred in the left. The majority (56.25%) were located in the lower third of the lung. The diameter of the mass was ≤ 10 cm in 10 cases (62.5%) and > 10 cm in the remaining 6 cases (37.5%). Most (81.25%) of the textilomas were heterogeneous in density, with signs of calcification, gas, radiopaque marker, or sponge-like material. Peripheral expansion of the mass was observed in 12 (92.3%) of the 13 patients in whom a contrast agent was used. Intraoperatively, pleural involvement was observed in 14 cases (87.5%) and pericardial involvement was observed in 2 (12.5%). Conclusions: It is important to recognize the main tomographic aspects of thoracic textilomas in order to include this possibility in the differential diagnosis of chest pain and cough in patients with a history of heart or thoracic surgery, thus promoting the early identification and treatment of this postoperative complication. Keywords: Foreign-body reaction; Tomography, spiral computed; Thoracic surgery.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar retrospectivamente os aspectos encontrados em TCs de tórax com textiloma torácico. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 16 pacientes (11 homens e 5 mulheres) com diagnóstico de textiloma torácico confirmado cirurgicamente. As TCs de tórax foram avaliadas, de modo independente, por dois observadores, e os casos discordantes foram resolvidos por consenso. Resultados: Na maioria dos casos (62,5%), o fator causal foi a cirurgia cardíaca prévia. Os sintomas mais frequentes foram dor torácica (em 68,75%) e tosse (em 56,25%). Em todos os casos, o principal achado tomográfico foi de massa com contornos regulares e limites bem definidos ou parcialmente definidos. A localização dos textilomas ocorreu na mesma proporção no hemitórax direito e esquerdo, mas foi mais comum no terço inferior (em 56,25%). O tamanho das massas foi ≤ 10 cm e > 10 cm, respectivamente, em 10 (62,5%) e em 6 pacientes (37,5%). A maioria dos textilomas apresentou densidade heterogênea (81,25%), observando-se no seu interior calcificações, gás, marcador radiopaco ou material da compressa. A impregnação periférica da lesão foi observada em 12 (92,3%) dos 13 pacientes que receberam o meio de contraste. A cirurgia demonstrou acometimento do espaço pleural e pericárdico, respectivamente, em 14 (87,5%) e em 2 pacientes (12,5%). Conclusões: É importante reconhecer os principais aspectos tomográficos dos textilomas intratorácicos a fim de incluir essa possibilidade no diagnóstico diferencial em pacientes com dor torácica e tosse e história de cirurgia cardíaca ou torácica, contribuindo assim para o tratamento precoce dessa complicação cirúrgica. Descritores: Reação a corpo estranho; Tomografia computadorizada espiral; Cirurgia torácica.

*Study carried out at the Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil. Correspondence to: Edson Marchiori. Rua Thomaz Cameron, 438, Valparaíso, CEP 25685-120, Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil. Tel. 55 24 2249-2777. Fax: 55 21 2629-9017. E-mail: Financial support: None. Submitted: 31 July 2014. Accepted, after review: 29 August 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542


Machado DM , Zanetti G , Araujo Neto CA , Nobre LF , Meirelles GSP , Pereira-Silva JL , Guimarães MD , Escuissato DL , Souza Jr AS , Hochhegger B , Marchiori E

Introduction Textiloma (also known as gossypiboma) is a term used to describe the presence of a mass within a patient’s body consisting of a cotton matrix, which usually corresponds to retained surgical gauze or sponge, surrounded by foreign body reaction.(1-3) A textiloma is the most common retained surgical foreign body.(4) It can occur in any part of the body and after any type of surgery, but most cases reported in the literature are linked to abdominal surgery.(5) Few cases are related to thoracic surgery.(6,7) Because it is a relatively uncommon condition, with serious medical-legal consequences and nonspecific clinical manifestations that can, however, be accompanied by severe complications (such as hemoptysis, fistulas, and abscesses), which are sometimes fatal,(8-10) it is necessary that clinicians, surgeons, and radiologists always consider this diagnostic possibility and its radiological presentations so that early diagnosis and correct definitive treatment can be established in a timely manner. In general, performing an X-ray is the first step, since X-ray is the cheapest and most readily available method and, in the presence of a visible radiopaque marker, it can be conclusive. Transthoracic or transesophageal ultrasound can be important in the assessment of a textiloma and its relationship with adjacent structures. Usually, CT is the most effective method to establish the diagnosis and to analyze possible associated complications.(11) In cases of a textiloma in the pericardial cavity, magnetic resonance imaging allows a more appropriate and reliable assessment of the relationship between the mass under study and the heart wall, facilitating surgical planning.(12-14) Since this is a benign condition, it is important that the correct diagnosis be established in the preoperative phase, because it allows surgical planning to be conducted more carefully, unlike what occurs in cases of acute lesions. It also allows surgeons to be more aware of possible associated complications that should be resolved during the same operation. In addition, because it behaves as a mass and mimics a neoplasm, patient anxiety and stress caused by an incorrect or inconclusive diagnosis should be taken into consideration. Although some cases of textiloma are clinically silent and are only discovered on routine radiological examination, surgical treatment is indicated in almost all cases,(15) given that J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542

most patients have a frequent history of cough, chest pain, and hemoptysis. These complications generally resolve completely after resection of the lesion. The objective of the present study was to investigate the main morphological characteristics and the most common CT findings of textilomas, as well as to analyze some epidemiological aspects of textilomas, such as clinical manifestations, gender and age distribution, and causal procedure.

Methods This was a retrospective, descriptive observational study of CT scans of 16 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of textiloma. The CT scans were randomly obtained from radiologists and thoracic surgeons at various medical institutions in six Brazilian states, between January of 2005 and October of 2013. In addition, we collected clinical and epidemiological data about those patients, including age, gender, signs and symptoms, causal procedure, and surgical location of the lesion. We included patients (n = 16) in whom the diagnosis of textiloma was confirmed by surgical excision of the mass, the analysis of which revealed fragments of surgical sponge. Two of the patients had previously undergone transthoracic biopsy, but in only one of them were small filaments, described as foreign bodies, identified by histopathology. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Antonio Pedro University Hospital of the Fluminense Federal University. Because this was a retrospective study, using existing clinical data with no change in patient monitoring or treatment, written informed consent from patients was not required. No standardization existed in the CT studies because multiple institutions were involved and multiple CT scanners were used. However, all scans were acquired with slice thicknesses ranging from 1 to 10 mm, at 5- to 10-min intervals, from the apices to the hemidiaphragms or until the entire mass was included, for masses extending to the abdomen, with the patient in the supine position, and at end-inhalation. The images were acquired and reconstructed in a 512 × 512 matrix and photographed, for assessment of the lung fields, at a window width of 1,200 to 2,000 HU and a level of −300 to −700 UH. For assessment of the mediastinum, the images were photographed at a window width of 350 to

Thoracic textilomas: CT findings

500 HU and a center of 10 to 50 HU. The scans were evaluated by two independent radiologists. Discordant results were resolved by consensus. The masses on each of the scans were analyzed for the following characteristics: contour; borders; diameter; homogeneity; content; contrast enhancement; location (right or left hemithorax; lower, middle, or upper third of the hemithorax); origin (parietal, mediastinal, or pulmonary); and presence or absence of associated findings (pleural thickening, atelectasis, pleural effusion, and consolidation). The criteria used to define the CT findings were those reported in a Brazilian consensus.(16) A mass was defined as any expansive pulmonary, pleural, mediastinal, or chest wall lesion with soft tissue, adipose tissue, or bony tissue density, greater than 3 cm in diameter, with at least partially defined contours, outside the fissural area, regardless of the characteristics of its contours or the heterogeneity of its content. Consolidation was defined as increased lung parenchymal attenuation that precludes the visualization of the vessels and outer contours of the bronchial walls. Atelectasis was defined as decreased lung volume due to lower aeration of part or all of the lung.

Results Clinical and epidemiological aspects The clinical manifestations of the 16 patients included chest pain, in 11 patients (68.75%); cough, in 9 (56.25%); dyspnea, in 4 (25.00%); pain in the right shoulder, in 2 (12.50%); and low-grade fever, in 2 (12.50%). One patient (6.25%) was asymptomatic. The patient group consisted of 11 men (68.75%) and 5 women (31.25%). Patient ages ranged from 29 to 85 years, with a mean of 52 years and 2 months. Regarding the original surgery, 10 patients (62.50%) had undergone heart surgery, 3 (18.75%) had undergone lung surgery, and 3 (18.75%) had undergone other procedures (repair of a diaphragmatic laceration, in 2; and mediastinal tumor resection, in 1). The interval between the original surgery and the diagnosis of textiloma ranged from 1 to 120 months, with a mean of 30.6 months (2.5 years).

CT aspects All 16 patients underwent CT. Iodinated contrast material was used in 13 patients (81.25%).


The contrast material was not used in 3 patients (18.75%), because they had a history of allergy to iodine. All cases presented as a (round or ovoid) mass with regular contours and borders that were well-defined or partially defined. In 7 cases (43.76%), the mass measured no more than 5 cm in diameter; in 4 (25.00%), it measured 10-15 cm; in 3 (18.75%), it measured 5-10 cm; in 1 (6.25%), it measured 15-20 cm; and in 1 (6.25%), it measured 20-25 cm. Three (18.75%) of the 16 masses were homogeneous, and 13 (81.2%) were heterogeneous. It was possible to identify images consistent with sponge-like material in 6 (46.1%; Figure 1); radiopaque marker, in 3 (23.1%; Figure 2); gas permeating the foreign body, in 2 (15.4%; Figure 3); calcification, in 1 (7.7%); and other findings (high and low attenuation areas), in 6 (46.1%). Some masses had two or more simultaneous changes. We found peripheral enhancement of the mass (Figure 4) in 12 (92.3%) of the 13 patients in whom the contrast agent was used. No other type of enhancement was identified. A folded pattern was identified in 3 patients (18.7%), and a spongiform pattern was identified in 2 (12.5%). Half (50.0%) of the textilomas occurred in the right hemithorax and half (50.0%) occurred in the left. The textilomas were located in the lower third of the chest in 9 patients (56.3%), in the middle third in 5 (31.2%), and in the upper third in 2 (12.5%). In addition to the mass, 13 patients (81.2%) had other CT findings, which included pleural thickening, in 6 patients (46.15%); atelectasis, in 5 (38.50%); pleural effusion, in 3 (23.10%); and parenchymal consolidation, in 1 (7.70%). No patients were identified with fistula.

Surgical and pathological aspects CT-guided transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed in only 2 patients (12.5%). No neoplastic cells were identified in either of the biopsy samples. For only 1 of those 2 patients did the pathologist detect the presence of small filaments on the slide, described as foreign bodies. The 16 patients underwent surgery, and, in all of them, the presence of a foreign body containing cotton fibers was confirmed. Sponge fragments, fibrous wall, and giant cell foreign body reaction were observed in all masses. In addition, areas of necrosis and calcification were identified in some of them. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542


Machado DM , Zanetti G , Araujo Neto CA , Nobre LF , Meirelles GSP , Pereira-Silva JL , Guimar達es MD , Escuissato DL , Souza Jr AS , Hochhegger B , Marchiori E


Figure 1 - Intravenous contrast-enhanced chest CT scan with mediastinal window settings. Presence of a bulky cystic mass (arrows) with regular contours and well-defined borders, occupying and bulging the entire lower third of the right hemithorax and crossing the midline. Note peripheral contrast enhancement and typical folds (arrowheads) within the cystic mass, corresponding to the retained surgical sponge.

Figure 2 - Non-contrast-enhanced chest CT scan with mediastinal window settings. Presence of an ovoid mass in the lower third of the right hemithorax, with soft tissue density, containing a dense linear image that corresponds to the retained surgical sponge marker (arrows). The lesion has regular contours and maintains, in most of its extent, close contact with the pleural surface.

Figure 3 - Axial intravenous contrast-enhanced chest CT scan with mediastinal window settings. Presence of a mass (arrows) with regular contours and welldefined borders at the base of the right hemithorax, compressing the liver and showing a typical spongiform pattern due to the presence of gas within it.

Figure 4 - Axial intravenous contrast-enhanced chest CT scan with mediastinal window settings. Presence of a mass with regular contours, well-defined borders, and peripheral contrast enhancement, in close contact with the pleural surface and located posteriorly in the middle third of the left hemithorax.

Regarding the space (pleural, pericardial, or mediastinal space) within which the mass was found intraoperatively, there was a significant predominance of the pleural space, in 14 (87.5%) of the 16 patients, followed by the pericardial space, in only 2 (12.5%).

on thoracic textilomas consist of isolated case reports, few describe the incidence of textilomas by gender. According to one group of authors,(17) referring to textilomas in general, there is a slight predominance in females (63%), which is related to the fact that pelvic surgery is more common in this group than in males. However, in the case of thoracic textilomas, we found no reports of prevalence by gender in the literature. As to prevalence by age, in our sample, the age group affected was the 29- to 85-year age group. We found no reports of prevalence by age in the literature. This is probably due to the

Discussion In the present study, which deals with thoracic textilomas exclusively, we found a predominance of males, which corresponded to 68.75% of the cases. Because the vast majority of published papers J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542

Thoracic textilomas: CT findings

fact that, unlike many diseases, textilomas can affect any age group, being not directly related to age, but rather directly related to the surgical procedures undergone by patients, which can occur at any age. An analysis of literature case reports involving adult patients showed that age at diagnosis of gossypiboma ranged from 22 years(3) to 87 years.(18) In the vast majority of cases, age at diagnosis does not correspond to age at onset of the mass, because although the diagnosis in some cases is established in a young patient, the surgery that caused the textiloma often was performed many years earlier, whereas in an elderly patient, the original surgery often was performed recently. In fact, in the above two references, we found that, despite being much younger, the 22-year-old patient had undergone the original surgery at 3 years of age, i.e., 19 years earlier, to treat a penetrating wound to the left hemithorax, whereas the patient who was diagnosed at 87 years of age had undergone the original surgery (aortic valve replacement) only 7 days prior. In addition, on the basis of these two cases, we note that the age range is very similar to that found in our study, as well as to that reported in most studies. The most common complaints in our sample were chest pain, cough, and dyspnea. According to the literature, the most common clinical manifestations are cough, expectoration, chest pain, hemoptysis, and dyspnea.(3,19,20) Regarding the surgery that caused the textiloma, heart surgery predominated, having been performed in 10 patients (62.5%), followed by lung surgery, in 3 (18.75%), and by other procedures (repair of a diaphragmatic laceration and mediastinal tumor resection), also in 3 (18.75%). In almost all published studies focused specifically on thoracic textilomas that we consulted,(2,3,12-14,20-26) heart surgery predominated as the original surgery, followed by lung surgery. In the present study, the interval between the original surgery and the diagnosis of textiloma ranged from 1 to 120 months, with a mean of 30.6 months. Because the condition can occur after any surgical procedure and because some patients are asymptomatic, we deduce that this interval can vary greatly. Therefore, on the basis once again of published research focusing exclusively on thoracic textilomas, by means of a report-byreport analysis, we could confirm this variability. There are patients in whom the diagnosis was


established shortly after the original surgery, as in the report by Whang et al.,(18) in which the interval was 7 days. In other patients, the diagnosis was made long after the original surgery, as in the report by Madan et al.,(13) in which the interval between the original surgery and the diagnosis was 46 years. Even considering these details, it is not always possible to determine exactly how long the surgical sponge has been in the patient’s body. Some patients cannot accurately tell the date of the original surgery or how old they were at the time. Other patients underwent more than one surgical procedure, which makes it difficult to determine the exact time of the onset of the condition. One group of authors(3) reported the case of a female patient who had undergone at least two thoracic procedures, making it impossible to determine which intervention had caused the textiloma. CT scan analysis showed that, in all of our 16 cases, the mass had a similar shape, as well as regular contours and borders that were mostly well defined. In most of the papers consulted,(3,14,20,23) textilomas were described as masses, and no other morphological aspects were identified. In addition, it is of note that the lesions are almost always regular and well defined.(3,7,20,25) In most cases in our sample (87.5%), the mass measured 4 to 15 cm in diameter. As was the case with gender and age, we found no statistically significant values for mean diameter of thoracic textilomas in the literature. Analysis was made even more difficult by the fact that many authors(3,12,23) have emphasized several radiological characteristics of the lesion (homogeneity, as well as presence of gas, calcifications, and markers) in their papers, but without mentioning its diameter. In the studies in which the diameter of the mass was reported,(2,7,13,20-22,24) the vast majority of the masses measured 4 to 9 cm, although one was reported to measure 14 cm.(14) These data are very similar to our findings. Significant CT characteristics in our sample included heterogeneity, in 13 (81.2%) of the 16 cases, and peripheral enhancement, in 12 (92.3%) of the 13 cases in which intravenous contrast material was used. There is a consensus among authors, especially among those who have published papers highlighting CT findings of thoracic textilomas, that chief among the predominant characteristics of these lesions are heterogeneity and peripheral enhancement.(3,7,27) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542


Machado DM , Zanetti G , Araujo Neto CA , Nobre LF , Meirelles GSP , Pereira-Silva JL , Guimarães MD , Escuissato DL , Souza Jr AS , Hochhegger B , Marchiori E

The lesions that were heterogeneous in density showed findings consistent with sponge-like material, gas, calcification, or radiopaque marker. Of those aspects, the one most commonly found in the cases of the present study was sponge-like material, which was seen in 6 of the 16 masses. Gas bubbles were found within 2 lesions only. Some authors have shown that, despite being typical, the finding of air bubbles trapped in the fibers of the surgical sponge can be absent. (3,28,29) A surgical sponge left in the pleural space, which corresponded to 87.5% of the cases in our sample, does not typically result in images of gas because of the reabsorption of air by the pleura,(7,12,13) which usually occurs within the first 30 days after surgery.(30) Therefore, bubbles may not be a prominent finding in retained intrathoracic surgical sponges, as is the case of those in the abdominal cavity. In the consulted literature, there were no specifications as to the frequency at which sponge-like material, gas, calcifications, or radiopaque markers are identified within textilomas. A folded pattern was identified in 3 of the 16 cases in our sample, and a spongiform pattern was identified in 2. The air crescent sign, described on rare occasions,(21) was not seen in any of the cases in our sample. There also have been no reports in the literature of the frequency of spongiform or folded patterns. It is important to note that some authors, in a retrospective analysis, found that certain characteristics of the mass changed over the years, while the diagnosis was not confirmed. This refers not only to characteristics such as homogeneity, given that an initially homogeneous textiloma can become heterogeneous after calcifications or gas develop within it, but also to others, since there may be changes in size and even location when it comes to pleural masses.(19,21) Neither hemithorax was predominantly affected, but the lower third was involved in most cases (56.25%). No frequency rates for these data were available in the articles studied. Associated findings were present in 13 patients (81.2%). Pleural thickening, atelectasis, and pleural effusion were found in 6 (37.5%), 5 (31.2%), and 3 (18.8%) of the patients, respectively. It was possible to establish that, on the basis of case reports in the literature, in the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of thoracic textiloma is confirmed only after surgical resection.(3,19,21) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542

This finding is in agreement with ours, since in only 1 of the 16 patients studied was the diagnosis confirmed by transthoracic biopsy before resection. The most common site of occurrence of textilomas was the pleural space (in 14 of the 16 cases; 87.5%). The pericardial space was involved in only 2 cases (12.5%), with the lesion being located posteriorly. These data corroborate those reported in the literature. Some authors have shown that the thoracic site where retained surgical sponges are most commonly found is the pleural space, followed by the pericardial space.(2,7,12) Even in studies in which the initiating surgical procedure was heart surgery, the pleural space was the most commonly affected site.(20) When the pericardial space is involved, the mass tends to be located posteriorly,(3,23) which also occurred in our sample. In conclusion, in this study, the cases of thoracic textiloma presented as masses, mostly heterogeneous, with peripheral contrast enhancement, and neither hemithorax was predominantly affected. The most common clinical manifestations were chest pain and cough. In the majority of the cases, the initiating surgical procedure was heart surgery, and most textilomas were found intraoperatively in the pleural space.

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About the authors Dianne Melo Machado

Physician. Department of Radiology, Antonio Pedro University Hospital, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil.

Gláucia Zanetti

Professor. Graduate Program in Radiology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Professor of Clinical Medicine. Petrópolis School of Medicine, Petrópolis, Brazil.

Cesar Augusto Araujo Neto

Associated Professor. Department of Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Support, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.

Luiz Felipe Nobre

Adjunct Professor of Radiology. Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

Gustavo de Souza Portes Meirelles

Medical Coordinator. Thoracic Radiology Team, Fleury Group, São Paulo, Brazil; and Advising Professor. Graduate Program, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542


Machado DM , Zanetti G , Araujo Neto CA , Nobre LF , Meirelles GSP , Pereira-Silva JL , Guimarães MD , Escuissato DL , Souza Jr AS , Hochhegger B , Marchiori E

Jorge Luiz Pereira e Silva

Associate Professor. Department of Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Support, Federal University of Bahia School of Medicine, Salvador, Brazil.

Marcos Duarte Guimarães

Coordinator. Thoracic Imaging Section, Department of Imaging, AC Camargo Cancer Center and Heliópolis Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil.

Dante Luiz Escuissato

Adjunct Professor of Radiology. Department of Clinical Medicine, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.

Arthur Soares Souza Jr

Professor. São José do Rio Preto School of Medicine, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil.

Bruno Hochhegger

Adjunct Professor of Diagnostic Imaging. Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Edson Marchiori

Full Professor Emeritus. Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil; and Associate Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):535-542

Original Article Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil* Análise espacial dos óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar em São Luís, Maranhão

Marcelino Santos-Neto, Mellina Yamamura, Maria Concebida da Cunha Garcia, Marcela Paschoal Popolin, Tatiane Ramos dos Santos Silveira, Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio

Abstract Objective: To characterize deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis, according to sociodemographic and operational variables, in the city of São Luís, Brazil, and to describe their spatial distribution. Methods: This was an exploratory ecological study based on secondary data from death certificates, obtained from the Brazilian Mortality Database, related to deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis. We included all deaths attributed to pulmonary tuberculosis that occurred in the urban area of São Luís between 2008 and 2012. We performed univariate and bivariate analyses of the sociodemographic and operational variables of the deaths investigated, as well as evaluating the spatial distribution of the events by kernel density estimation. Results: During the study period, there were 193 deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in São Luís. The median age of the affected individuals was 52 years. Of the 193 individuals who died, 142 (73.60%) were male, 133 (68.91%) were Mulatto, 102 (53.13%) were single, and 64 (33.16%) had completed middle school. There was a significant positive association between not having received medical care prior to death and an autopsy having been performed (p = 0.001). A thematic map by density of points showed that the spatial distribution of those deaths was heterogeneous and that the density was as high as 8.12 deaths/km2. Conclusions: The sociodemographic and operational characteristics of the deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis evaluated in this study, as well as the identification of priority areas for control and surveillance of the disease, could promote public health policies aimed at reducing health inequities, allowing the optimization of resources, as well as informing decisions regarding the selection of strategies and specific interventions targeting the most vulnerable populations. Keywords: Tuberculosis, pulmonary/mortality; Communicable disease control; Spatial analysis.

Resumo Objetivo: Caracterizar os óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar em São Luís (MA) segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e operacionais e descrever sua distribuição espacial. Métodos: Estudo ecológico e exploratório baseado em dados secundários oriundos das declarações de óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade. Foram incluídos todos os óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar ocorridos na zona urbana de São Luís entre 2008 e 2012. Foram realizadas análises univariadas e bivariadas das variáveis sociodemográficas e operacionais dos óbitos investigados e a distribuição espacial dos eventos por kernel density estimation. Resultados: No período estudado, foram registrados 193 óbitos. A mediana de idade foi de 52 anos. Dos 193 indivíduos, 142 (73,60%) eram do sexo masculino, 133 (68,91%) da raça/cor parda, 102 (53,13%) eram solteiros, e 64 (33,16%) haviam completado o ensino fundamental. Observou-se que não ter recebido assistência médica antes do óbito teve uma associação estatisticamente significativa com a realização de necropsia (p = 0,001). O mapa temático por densidade de pontos demonstrou uma heterogeneidade na distribuição espacial dos óbitos, com taxas de até 8,12 óbitos/km2. Conclusões: As características sociodemográficas e operacionais dos óbitos por tuberculose pulmonar evidenciadas nessa investigação, bem como a identificação dos locais prioritários para o controle e a vigilância da doença, poderão auxiliar a gestão pública na diminuição das iniquidades em saúde e permitir uma otimização dos recursos, fornecendo subsídios para a escolha de estratégias e intervenções específicas direcionadas às populações mais vulneráveis. Descritores: Tuberculose pulmonar/mortalidade; Controle de doenças transmissíveis; Análise espacial. *Study carried out at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Correspondence to: Marcelino Santos Neto. Rua Urbano Santos, s/n, CEP 65900-410, Imperatriz, MA, Brasil. Tel. 55 99 3221-7600. E-mail: Financial support: This study received financial support from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Office for the Advancement of Higher Education) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo Research Foundation; Grant no. 13/03756-9). Submitted: 31 January 2014. Accepted, after review: 9 July 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551


Santos-Neto M, Yamamura M, Garcia MCC, Popolin MP, Silveira TRS, Arcêncio RA

Introduction The prevalence of and mortality from tuberculosis have declined worldwide, and most countries are likely to achieve the goal of reducing tuberculosis prevalence and mortality by 50% by 2015 in comparison with 1990 rates.(1) The World Health Organization has launched a new challenge: the elimination of tuberculosis by 2050.(1) Tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease, accounting for approximately 1.3 million deaths worldwide in 2012; this demonstrates the severity of tuberculosis, especially in the 22 countries that collectively account for 80% of the disease burden.(2) Brazil ranks 16th among the countries with the highest number of cases, the tuberculosis incidence and mortality rates in 2012 being 36.1/100,000 population and 2.4/100,000 population, respectively.(2) Brazil has faced major challenges to achieving the ambitious goal of eliminating the disease. For example, in the city of São Luís, which is one of the priority cities for tuberculosis control in the country,(3) the tuberculosis incidence and mortality rates in 2012 were 53.1/100,000 population and 3.9/100,000 population, respectively,(4) indicating limited access to diagnosis and health care, as well as poor treatment adherence.(3) Given that pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is transmissible, tuberculosis control measures should prioritize PTB over other clinical presentations. In addition, PTB is a preventable cause of death, meaning that deaths from PTB can be prevented by appropriate health promotion, protection, and recovery measures implemented in local health care systems.(5) Studies of deaths from tuberculosis currently represent an important method for understanding the difficulties that health care systems face in controlling the disease and for identifying the most vulnerable groups. However, a literature review has shown that few studies have examined the spatial distribution of deaths from tuberculosis in the country.(6) Although access to health care has improved in Brazil, an optimal level of equity has yet to be achieved, inequality resulting in health outcomes that are not always fair or acceptable,(7) e.g., deaths from PTB. Therefore, the present study is evidently relevant, given that it can aid in strengthening health systems and services so that the problem of tuberculosis can be faced. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551

The objectives of the present study were to characterize, on the basis of sociodemographic and operational variables, deaths from PTB in the city of São Luís in the 2008-2012 period; to determine whether there were differences between the PTB deaths that were confirmed by autopsy and those that were not in terms of the study variables; and to determine the geographic areas of the city in which PTB deaths were most common.

Methods This was an exploratory ecological study conducted in the city of São Luís (Figure 1), which is located in northern Maranhão. The metropolitan area of São Luís comprises the municipalities of Paço do Lumiar, Raposa, and São José de Ribamar, among others. Specifically, the city of São Luís is located on the western portion of São Luís Island, between S02°28’21” W44°07’49” and S02°39’34” W44°20’59”; it has an area of 834.780 km2 and a population of 1,014,837 inhabitants.(8) The study population consisted of individuals whose underlying cause of death was PTB (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision—ICD-10—codes A15.0-A15.3 and A16.0A16.2) and who resided in the urban area of São Luís between 2008 and 2012. Data were collected in July of 2013 from the Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM, Brazilian National Mortality Database) of the São Luís Municipal Department of Health Office for Epidemiological and Health Surveillance. Individuals who died in São Luís but resided elsewhere were excluded, as were those who died from clinical presentations other than PTB. The variables of interest were obtained from death certificates and included sociodemographic characteristics (including age, gender, skin color/ ethnicity, marital status, level of education, and occupation) and operational variables (including place of death, medical care prior to death, autopsy, underlying cause of death, and physician completing the death certificate). After having analyzed the consistency of the data collected, we converted the data to STATISTICA, version 10.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA), and the variables were regrouped and analyzed. Regarding the variable age, the individuals who died from PTB in São Luís were categorized on the basis of the median age,

Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil



Paço do Lumiar O

L São Luís

São José de Ribamar





We subsequently performed kernel density estimation, which consists of an exploratory interpolation generating a density surface for visual identification of “hotspots”; the points within a region of influence are counted and then weighted by the distance between each point and the location of interest.(9) A radius of 1,000 m being taken into consideration, a thematic map of the distribution of PTB deaths by home address was generated in ArcGIS software, version 10.2 (Esri, Redlands, CA, USA). The present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing (Ruling no. 259,935, May 8, 2013).


Figure 1 - Map of Brazil showing the city of São Luís, in the state of Maranhão (MA). Adapted from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics geographic databases.(8)

being therefore classified by age above or below the median. Using the same program, we subsequently performed a bivariate analysis cross-referencing the independent variables (sociodemographic and operational variables) with the dependent variable “death confirmed by autopsy” (yes, no). After that, we used the chi-square test for analysis of proportions. The probability of a type I error was set at 5%. At that point, death certificates that were incomplete or on which the cause of death was recorded as unknown were excluded from the study. In order to determine the areas in which deaths from PTB were most common, we used geocoding (with the freeware TerraView, version 4.2.2, developed by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research), by standardizing the addresses of the individuals residing in the urban area of São Luís and comparing the addresses with a street segment digital map (StreetBase®; Imagem, São José dos Campos, Brazil) in World Geodetic System 1984 latitude and longitude, available in shapefile format.

We identified 221 deaths from tuberculosis. Of those, 193 were related to PTB. Of those, 190 (98.44%) were deaths of individuals whose death certificates listed PTB as the underlying cause of death, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation (ICD-10 16.2); 1 (0.52%) was the death of an individual whose death certificate read “pulmonary tuberculosis, no bacteriological or histological examination having been performed” (ICD-10 A16.1); 1 (0.52%) was the death of an individual whose death certificate read “pulmonary tuberculosis confirmed by histological examination” (ICD-10 A15.2); and 1 (0.52%) was the death of an individual whose death certificate read “pulmonary tuberculosis confirmed by sputum smear microscopy, with or without culture” (ICD-10 A15.0). The median age of the individuals who died in São Luís was 52 years, the youngest being 16 years old and the oldest being 93 years old. Table 1 shows the sociodemographic and operational characteristics of the individuals who died from PTB in São Luis, the results being presented in decreasing order of frequency. Most of the individuals who died were male (n = 142; 73.60%), Mulatto (n = 133; 68.91%), and single (n = 102; 53.13%). A greater proportion of the individuals had had 9 years of schooling (n = 64; 33.16%), and most were housekeepers (n = 79; 40.93%). With regard to the operational variables, most of the deaths occurred in a hospital (n = 143; 74.08%), and most of the individuals received medical care prior to death (n = 162; 83.94%, including those requiring hospitalization). J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551


Santos-Neto M, Yamamura M, Garcia MCC, Popolin MP, Silveira TRS, Arcêncio RA

Table 1 - Sociodemographic and operational characteristics of individuals who died from pulmonary tuberculosis. São Luís, Brazil, 2008-2012. Variable n % Age ≤ 52 years 98 50.78 > 52 years 95 49.22 Gender Male 142 73.60 Female 51 26.40 Skin color/ethnicity Brown (Mulatto) 133 68.91 White (Caucasian) 35 18.13 Black (African) 24 12.44 Yellow (Asian) 1 0.52 Marital status Single 102 53.13 Married 58 30.21 Widowed 21 10.94 Divorced 5 2.60 Steady partner 4 2.08 No data 2 1.04 Level of education 9 years of schooling 64 33.16 High school 50 25.91 < 9 years of schooling 40 20.72 College (incomplete) 24 12.44 No schooling 9 4.66 College (complete) 4 2.08 No data 2 1.04 Occupation Housekeeper 79 40.93 Other 30 15.54 Rural worker 27 13.99 Homemaker 25 12.95 Pensioner 16 8.29 Unemployed 9 4.66 Student 5 2.60 No data 2 1.04 Place of death Hospital 143 74.08 Home 40 20.72 Street 7 3.64 Other 3 1.56 Medical care Yes 162 83.94 No 30 15.54 No data 1 0.52 Autopsy No 108 55.95 Yes 54 28.00 No data 31 16.05 Death certified by Substitute physician 70 36.27 Mortality Surveillance System 51 26.42 Attending physician 45 23.31 Other 24 12.44 Institute of Forensic Medicine 3 1.56 TOTAL 193 100.00

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551

Most of the deaths were certified by a substitute physician (n = 70; 36.27%). Most of the individuals who died did not undergo an autopsy (n = 108; 55.95%). Of the death certificates, 31 (16.05%) had no information as to whether an autopsy had been performed. Table 2 shows the distribution of PTB deaths (an autopsy having been performed or not) according to the sociodemographic and operational characteristics. The variable skin color/ethnicity was found to be significantly associated with an autopsy having been performed (p = 0.003). An autopsy having been performed was also found to be significantly associated with death outside the hospital, e.g., at home or in the street (p = 0.001). Likewise, the variable “not having received medical care prior to death” was found to be significantly associated with an autopsy having been performed (p = 0.001). An autopsy having been performed was found to be significantly associated with death certified by the Mortality Surveillance System (p = 0.001). Most of the deaths after which an autopsy was not performed were certified by an attending physician or by a substitute physician (p = 0.001). During the study period, 183 deaths from PTB (95%) were geocoded. Of the cases that were not geocoded, 4 (2%) had incomplete addresses in the SIM and 2 (1%) lived in the rural area of São Luís. Figure 2 shows a thematic map of the distribution of PTB deaths in the urban area of São Luís by home address. The map highlights areas in which mortality rates were highest (deaths per km2). These areas are represented by darker shades, denoting a heterogeneous spatial distribution of PTB deaths in São Luís during the study period. The hotspots for PTB deaths are concentrated in the districts of Anjo da Guarda, Liberdade, João de Deus, Bequimão, Cidade Operária, Coroadinho, Monte Castelo, and Centro (city center), the density ranging from 2.53 deaths/km2 to 8.12 deaths/km2.

Discussion Although PTB is preventable, curable, and easily diagnosed—and although the Brazilian Unified Health Care System guarantees universal access to tuberculosis treatment, thus facilitating (at least to a certain extent) access to health services—4,500 people in Brazil die from the

Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil


Table 2 - Deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis (with or without autopsy confirmation), distributed according to sociodemographic and operational variables. São Luís, Brazil, 2008-2012.a Variable Autopsyb p Yes No Age ≤ 52 years 23 (14.20) 58 (35.80) 0.182 > 52 years 31 (19.14) 50 (30.86) Gender Male 39 (24.07) 83 (51.23) 0.519 Female 15 (9.26) 25 (15.43) Skin color/ethnicity White (Caucasian) 4 (2.47) 27 (16.67) 0.003 Black (African) 3 (1.85) 17 (10.49) Yellow (Asian) 0 (0.00) 1 (0.62) Brown (Mulatto) 47 (29.01) 63 (38.89) Marital statusc Single 31 (19.38) 50 (31.25) 0.708 Married 15 (9.38) 38 (23.75) Widowed 5 (3.13) 13 (8.13) Divorced 1 (0.63) 4 (2.50) Steady partner 1 (0.63) 2 (1.25) Level of educationc No schooling 4 (2.50) 5 (3.13) 0.547 < 9 years of schooling 11 (6.88) 22 (13.75) 9 years of schooling 19 (11.88) 34 (21.25) High school 16 (10.00) 29 (18.13) College (incomplete) 3 (1.88) 15 (9.38) College (complete) 0 (0.00) 2 (1.25) Occupationc Unemployed 3 (1.88) 6 (3.75) 0.227 Homemaker 11 (6.88) 8 (5.00) Rural worker 9 (5.63) 14 (8.75) Housekeeper 21 (13.13) 46 (28.75) Student 0 (0.00) 4 (2.50) Pensioner 0 (0.00) 13 (8.13) Other 9 (5.63) 16 (10.00) Place of death Hospital 13 (8.02) 102 (62.96) 0.001 Home 32 (19.75) 6 (3.70) Street 7 (4.32) 0 (0.00) Other 2 (1.23) 0 (0.00) Medical care Yes 29 (17.90) 105 (64.81) 0.001 No 25 (15.43) 3 (1.85) Underlying cause of death (ICD-10 code) 15.0 0 (0.00) 1 (0.62) 0.675 15.2 0 (0.00) 1 (0.62) 16.1 0 (0.00) 1 (0.62) 16.2 54 (33.33) 105 (64.81) Death certified by Attending physician 1 (0.62) 28 (17.28) 0.001 Substitute physician 1 (0.62) 55 (33.95) Institute of Forensic Medicine 3 (1.85) 0 (0.00) Mortality Surveillance System 49 (30.25) 2 (1.23) Other 0 (0.00) 23 (14.20) ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. aN = 162, except where otherwise indicated. bValues expressed as n (%). cN = 160.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551


Santos-Neto M, Yamamura M, Garcia MCC, Popolin MP, Silveira TRS, Arcêncio RA


0 5 10

Kilometers 20

PTB deaths per km2 0 0.01-038 0.39-1.11 1.12-2.52 2.53-8.12

Figure 2 - Dot density map of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in the urban area of São Luís, Brazil, 2008-2012.

disease.(10) The present study focused on deaths from PTB, which, as evidenced by the literature, is highly lethal and the main transmissible form of tuberculosis.(11) The number of deaths from PTB in São Luís was relatively high in comparison with the number of deaths from PTB in other capitals of northeastern Brazil and the country as a whole.(4) We found a significant number of deaths whose underlying cause was recorded as ICD-10 code 16.2, which is consistent with studies conducted in the city of Campo Grande(12) and in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(13) This result indicates a major challenge for health care systems, i.e., a critical issue to be overcome; there is a possibility of false-positive results among the deaths whose cause was certified as PTB, given that most of the death certificates had no mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation. This might be due to the fact that the information was not recorded(10) or to the fact that sputum smear microscopy is not prioritized in the hospital setting.(14) This may have been a source of bias in the present study. With regard to the sociodemographic characteristics of the individuals who died from PTB in São Luís, the results of the present study are consistent with those of other studies,(13-23) in which the proportion of deaths was found to be higher among males, a finding that corroborates reports that PTB is less common in females than in males. This might be due to the fact that males participate in the workforce more than do females and the fact that males use health services less than do females, as well as to the fact that the prevalence of HIV infection, alcoholism, and drug abuse is higher in males.(24,25) However, these variables were not investigated in our study.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551

The present study focused exclusively on deaths whose underlying cause was reported as being PTB, which is a preventable cause of death.(5) Therefore, deaths associated with but not caused by tuberculosis were not included. With regard to age and marital status, deaths from PTB were found to be more common among individuals who were 52 years of age or younger and among those who were single, a finding that is consistent with those of studies conducted in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso do Sul,(12) Minas Gerais,(16) Ceará,(25) and Rio de Janeiro,(13) as well as in Africa.(20) With regard to skin color/ethnicity, the results of the present study are consistent with those of a study conducted in the city of Campo Grande(12) and with those of a study conducted in other priority cities for tuberculosis control in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul,(11) in which most of the deaths occurred in individuals who were Mulatto,(3,15) but inconsistent with those of a study conducted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil,(18) in which most of the deaths occurred in individuals who were White. With regard to the level of education and occupation, the findings of the present study are consistent with those of other studies,(11,12,16,18) in which illiteracy or a low level of education and low-income jobs were reported as risk factors for PTB; all of the above are risk factors for PTB and are responsible for a higher incidence of the disease, as well as contributing to treatment nonadherence and death.(10) With regard to operational characteristics, approximately 75% of the deaths analyzed in the present study occurred in a hospital. This is consistent with studies conducted in the Brazilian states of Rio de Janeiro(13) and Mato Grosso do Sul,(11) as well as with a study conducted in the city of São Paulo,(18) all of which showed rates higher than 80%. The death of patients hospitalized for tuberculosis suggests that the primary health care system faces difficulties in management, in providing access to diagnostic resources, in case management, and in referring patients to other health services.(26) Another possible explanation is treatment nonadherence, which predicts the development of multidrugresistant tuberculosis and worsening of the disease; treatment discontinuation can lead to hospitalization when individuals seek health services.(20)

Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil

Analysis of the mortality rates for communicable diseases reflects the efficacy of prevention and control measures, as well as the quality of diagnosis and medical care, being of limited use when there is a high proportion of deaths without medical care or of deaths due to ill-defined causes.(5) In the present study, approximately 15% of all deaths from PTB occurred without medical care, and, in most cases, no autopsy was performed. However, the records showed that 26% of the deaths were certified by the Mortality Surveillance System. Although an autopsy allows the diagnosis of diseases that were not suspected or elucidated before death, it should be used judiciously.(27) In the present study, we found a significant association between not having received medical care prior to death and an autopsy having been performed. We also found that an autopsy was not performed in only 3 (1.85%) of the individuals who died without having received medical attention prior to death. The findings described above show the importance of a health care system that allows equity of access to health care, thus allowing tuberculosis cases to be diagnosed in a timely manner, especially in the primary health care setting, in order to prevent deaths. Autopsy confirmation of tuberculosis clearly shows the inadequacy of health care systems in reducing social inequalities in health.(28) As is the case with other endemic diseases, tuberculosis is strongly influenced by the environment, and the disease has long been associated with a low socioeconomic status; therefore, there is a need to study the disease and combat it, its spatial distribution being taken into account.(19) The spatial distribution of deaths from PTB (with emphasis on the heterogeneous distribution observed in the city of São Luís) should be considered the starting point of a process of investigation and surveillance that can lead to the identification of problem areas and failures of the health care system to provide health care for the target population. Our dot density map shows the sites where PTB deaths per km2 are most likely to occur, showing the spatial distribution of hotspots and revealing geographic inequalities related to events occurring in the city. This effectively contributed to the identification of geographic areas in which


PTB deaths occurred and in which preventive/ curative measures are therefore required in order to reorganize health services to meet the health needs of the population. The areas in which the density of deaths per km2 was highest coincided with areas in which housing conditions and home quality were classified as poor in a study conducted in São Luís.(29) These areas include the following districts: Coroadinho; Ilhinha; Turu; Anjo da Guarda; Vila Nova; Vila Luizão; Vila Embratel; Liberdade; Sá Viana; Divineia; and parts of Cidade Operária. The aforementioned study(29) showed that unplanned urban growth in São Luís resulted in subnormal areas, classified as lacking public services (most of which are essential). Curtis(28) reported that health services tend to be ineffective and insufficient in areas in which housing and sanitation are poor, i.e., areas in which social inequality is high. Although we did not investigate the health care facilities in the aforementioned areas, we have reasons to assume that there is a relationship among the deaths from PTB, the areas in which those who died resided, and the health systems and services in those areas. In Brazil, high social inequality in access to health resources, education, income distribution, sanitation, and other aspects related to the standard of living of the population contributes to differences across social strata regarding the risk of illness(19) and, consequently, the risk of death. As demonstrated in the present study, the identification of priority areas for tuberculosis control could promote public health policies aimed at reducing health inequalities, allowing the optimization of resources and teams for PTB control in the study setting, as well as informing decisions regarding the selection of strategies and specific interventions targeting the most vulnerable populations. For diseases for which reporting is mandatory, such as PTB, the use of data available in health information systems allows the monitoring of the problem, aids in the identification of relevant issues, and encourages the search for new interventions for disease control.(26) Therefore, the data collected from the SIM allowed us to observe the dynamics and behavior of PTB in São Luís during the study period. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551


Santos-Neto M, Yamamura M, Garcia MCC, Popolin MP, Silveira TRS, Arcêncio RA

As a source of information for the study of deaths in a given area, the SIM has limitations, including underreporting,(10,12) which is one of the consequences of unequal access to health care. Another limitation is missing data on death certificates, complete records being important for health management and planning. The parameters used in the present study, particularly those used in the definition of the radius for kernel density estimation, were chosen on the basis of empirical knowledge and constitute one of the limitations of the present study. Nevertheless, we sought to choose parameters that contributed to the understanding of the study subject. Other limitations of the present study are due to its observational design, including interference from spurious variables or confounding factors. We should also take into consideration the ecological fallacy, which is the major limitation of ecological studies; therefore the results cannot be considered at the individual level. Finally, the use of secondary data constitutes yet another limitation of the present study; incomplete or missing data may have contributed to an information bias. The results of the present study can guide health managers and professionals in identifying priority areas for investment in health care, in order to eliminate preventable deaths from tuberculosis. The present study provides an opportunity to reconsider major clinical practice and environmental issues, as well as allowing us to reflect on the efficacy of public policies in reducing health inequalities and providing social protection to the population.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank the São Luís Municipal Department of Health Office for Epidemiological and Health Surveillance for allowing us to conduct the present study and for providing the data for analysis.

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Spatial analysis of deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis in the city of São Luís, Brazil

mortality in Brazil (1980-2001). Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2007;15(5):936-41. S0104-11692007000500009 20. Kayigamba FR, Bakker MI, Mugisha V, De Naeyer L, Gasana M, Cobelens F, et al. Adherence to tuberculosis treatment, sputum smear conversion and mortality: a retrospective cohort study in 48 Rwandan clinics. PLoS One. 2013;8(9):e73501. journal.pone.0073501 21. Alavi-Naini R, Moghtaderi A, Metanat M, Mohammadi M, Zabetian M. Factors associated with mortality in tuberculosis patients. J Res Med Sci. 2013;18(1):52-5. 22. Álvarez JL, Kunst AE, Leinsalu M, Bopp M, Strand BH, Menvielle G, et al. Educational inequalities in tuberculosis mortality in sixteen European populations. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2011;15(11):1461-7. ijtld.10.0252 23. Jung RS, Bennion JR, Sorvillo F, Bellomy A. Trends in tuberculosis mortality in the United States, 1990-2006: a population-based case-control study. Public Health Rep. 2010;125(3):389-97 24. Holmes CB, Hausler H, Nunn P. A review of sex differences in the epidemiology of tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2008;2(2):96-104.


25. Façanha MC. Evolução da mortalidade por tuberculose em Fortaleza (CE), entre 1980 e 2001. J Bras Pneumol. 2006;32(6):553-8. S1806-37132006000600013 26. Selig L, Kritski AL, Cascão AM, Braga JU, Trajman A, de Carvalho RM. Proposal for tuberculosis death surveillance in information systems. Rev Saude Publica. 2010;44(6):1072-8. S0034-89102010000600012 27. Joaquim AF, Carandina L, Defaveri J. Tuberculose em necropsias realizadas no Serviço de Anatomia Patológica da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. J Bras Patol Med Lab. 2006;42(3):193-200. S1676-24442006000300008 28. Curtis S. Health and Inequality: Geographical Perspectives. London: Sage Publications; 2009. 29. Pereira PR, Cutrim Jr V, Rodrigues ZM. Desigualdades intraurbanas dos indicadores de saneamento em São Luís – MA [monograph on the Internet]. São Luís: Universidade Federal do Maranhão; 2013 [cited 2014 Jun 02]. [Adobe Acrobat document, 10p.]. Available from: http://www. anais-eixo13-questaourbanaegestaodascidades/ desigualdadesintraurbanasdosindicadoresdesaneamento.pdf

About the authors Marcelino Santos-Neto

Professor. Nursing School, Federal University of Maranhão at Imperatriz, Imperatriz, Brazil.

Mellina Yamamura

Doctoral Student of Science. Program of Nursing in Public Health, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

Maria Concebida da Cunha Garcia

Doctoral Student of Science. Program of Nursing in Public Health, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

Marcela Paschoal Popolin

Doctoral Student of Science. Program of Nursing in Public Health, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

Tatiane Ramos dos Santos da Silveira

Computer Science Technologist. University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

Ricardo Alexandre Arcêncio

Professor. Department of Maternal and Child Health and Public Health, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):543-551

Meta-analysis Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis*,** Efeitos da prednisona na bronquite eosinofílica na asma: uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise

Thiago Mamôru Sakae, Rosemeri Maurici, Daisson José Trevisol, Marcia Margaret Menezes Pizzichini, Emílio Pizzichini

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect size of oral corticosteroid treatment on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma, through systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: We systematically reviewed articles in the Medline, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, EMBASE, and LILACS databases. We selected studies meeting the following criteria: comparing at least two groups or time points (prednisone vs. control, prednisone vs. another drug, or pre- vs. post-treatment with prednisone); and evaluating parameters before and after prednisone use, including values for sputum eosinophils, sputum eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and sputum IL-5—with or without values for post-bronchodilator FEV1—with corresponding 95% CIs or with sufficient data for calculation. The independent variables were the use, dose, and duration of prednisone treatment. The outcomes evaluated were sputum eosinophils, IL-5, and ECP, as well as post-bronchodilator FEV1. Results: The pooled analysis of the pre- vs. post-treatment data revealed a significant mean reduction in sputum eosinophils (↓8.18%; 95% CI: 7.69-8.67; p < 0.001), sputum IL-5 (↓83.64 pg/mL; 95% CI: 52.45-114.83; p < 0.001), and sputum ECP (↓267.60 µg/L; 95% CI: 244.57-290.63; p < 0.0001), as well as a significant mean increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1 (↑8.09%; 95% CI: 5.35-10.83; p < 0.001). Conclusions: In patients with moderate-to-severe eosinophilic bronchitis, treatment with prednisone caused a significant reduction in sputum eosinophil counts, as well as in the sputum levels of IL-5 and ECP. This reduction in the inflammatory response was accompanied by a significant increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1. Keywords: Meta-analysis; Bronchitis; Asthma; Pulmonary eosinophilia; Evidence-based medicine; Prednisone.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar o tamanho do efeito do tratamento com prednisona oral na bronquite eosinofílica na asma por meio de revisão sistemática e meta-análise. Métodos: Revisão sistemática de artigos nas bases de dados do Medline, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, EMBASE e LILACS. Foram selecionados estudos que preencheram os seguintes critérios: comparar ao menos dois grupos ou dois momentos (prednisona vs. controle, prednisona vs. outra droga ou pré vs. pós-tratamento com prednisona) e avaliar parâmetros antes e depois do uso de prednisona, incluindo eosinófilos, proteína catiônica eosinofílica (PCE) e IL-5 no escarro — com ou sem valores de VEF1 pós-broncodilatador — com os IC95% correspondentes ou com dados suficientes para calculá-los. As variáveis independentes foram uso e dose de prednisona e duração do tratamento. Os desfechos avaliados foram eosinófilos, IL-5 e PCE no escarro, bem como VEF1 pós-broncodilatador. Resultados: A análise agrupada dos dados de pré e pós-tratamento revelaram uma redução significativa nas médias de eosinófilos no escarro (↓8,18%; IC95%: 7,69-8,67; p < 0,001), IL-5 no escarro (↓83,64 pg/mL, IC95%: 52,45-114,83; p < 0,001), PCE no escarro (↓267,60 µg/L, IC95%: 244,57-290,93; p < 0,001), assim como um aumento na média de VEF1 pós-broncodilatador (↑8,09%,IC95%: 5,35-10,83; p < 0,001). Conclusões: Em pacientes com bronquite eosinofílica de moderada a grave, o tratamento com prednisona determinou uma redução significativa nos níveis de eosinófilos no escarro, assim como nos níveis de IL-5 e PCE no escarro. Essa redução na resposta inflamatória foi acompanhada por um aumento significativo em VEF1 pós-broncodilatador. Descritores: Metanálise; Bronquite; Asma; Eosinofilia pulmonar; Medicina baseada em evidências; Prednisona. *Study carried out under the auspices of the Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. Correspondence to: Emilio Pizzichini. Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Pesquisa em Asma e Inflamação das Vias Aéreas (NUPAIVA), Campus Universitário, Trindade, CEP 88040-340, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil. Tel/Fax: 55 48 3234-7711. E-mail: Financial support: None. Submitted: 20 March 2014. Accepted, after review: 27 June 2014. **A versão completa em português deste artigo está disponível em

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563

Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Introduction Eosinophilic bronchitis is a relatively new concept.(1) The term was initially used in order to define the well-known allergic inflammatory response in asthma, characterized by an elevated number of eosinophils in tissues or bronchial secretions, typically in spontaneous or induced sputum. However, eosinophilia is neither specific to nor exclusive to asthma. Eosinophilic bronchitis has been reported in association with COPD,(2) bronchiectasis,(2,3) and chronic cough, with or without asthma.(1-3) Nevertheless, eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma is relevant for various reasons: it precedes the clinical and physiological manifestations of asthma exacerbations induced by the withdrawal of corticosteroid treatment(4,5); it has been associated with the risk of such exacerbations(4-8); and a reduction in eosinophilia is a recognized marker of response to corticosteroid treatment.(1,9) Predicting the response to corticosteroid treatment is relevant, particularly in asthma, because the suppression or attenuation of eosinophilic airway inflammation reduces the risk of subsequent exacerbations.(6,8,10) Systemic corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory drugs and the most effective therapy for suppressing airway inflammation and eosinophilia.(8,10) However, their long-term use is limited by side effects including osteoporosis, cataracts, and adrenal suppression. Currently, systemic corticosteroids are recommended to treat acute exacerbations of asthma, because they prevent the progression of exacerbations, decrease the hospitalization rate, reduce morbidity, and can be effective even when used for short periods of time.(11) They are also used as an add-on therapy to treat severe eosinophilic asthma.(9,10,12) Only a few, small studies have examined the effectiveness of using oral corticosteroids to reduce eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthma. We therefore aimed to examine the effect size of oral corticosteroids for the treatment of airway eosinophilia in asthma patients, through systematic review and meta-analysis.

Methods Search strategy We searched the literature within the following electronic databases: the Cochrane Central Register


of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2007, issue 4), which contains the Acute Respiratory Infections Group’s Specialized Register; Medline (1966-2012); EMBASE (1974-2012); and LILACS (1982-2012). We conducted the following searches for terms in isolation or in combination (with Boolean operators): 1. “prednisone” OR “prednisolone” 2. “asthma” OR “bronchial asthma” OR “asthma exacerbation” OR “asthma exacerbations” 3. “bronchial hyperresponsiveness” OR “bronchial hyperreactivity” 4. “cytokines” 5. “induced sputum” 6. “asthma” OR “bronchial asthma” OR “asthma exacerbation” OR “asthma exacerbations” OR “bronchial hyperresponsiveness” OR “bronchial hyperreactivity” 7. “prednisone” OR “prednisolone” AND “asthma” OR “bronchial asthma” OR “asthma exacerbation” OR “asthma exacerbations” OR “bronchial hyperresponsiveness” OR “bronchial hyperreactivity” 8. “cytokines” OR “induced sputum” 9. “prednisone” OR “prednisolone” OR “asthma” OR “bronchial asthma” OR “asthma exacerbation” OR “asthma exacerbations” OR “bronchial hyperresponsiveness” OR “bronchial hyperreactivity” AND “cytokines” OR “induced sputum”

We also searched the bibliographic references of all of the articles thus selected, even if the former had not been identified in the database search.

Eligibility criteria We initially selected articles meeting the following criteria: being a clinical trial of the effects of prednisone or prednisolone (in comparison with those of another treatment of eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma or versus a control) or a pre- and post-treatment study examining the effects of prednisone or prednisolone on eosinophilic bronchitis; involving treatment with prednisone or prednisolone for at least three days; and showing pre- and post-treatment outcomes that include sputum eosinophils, IL-5, and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), as well as post-bronchodilator FEV1, with corresponding 95% CIs or with sufficient data for calculation. No limitations were set for participant ages or J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563


Sakae TM, Maurici R, Trevisol DJ, Pizzichini MMM, Pizzichini E

the definition of asthma severity as used in individual studies. No unpublished or ongoing studies were included. Two of the authors of the present study, working individually, screened the titles and abstracts of identified citations and independently acquired the full text of any article that they judged potentially eligible. They also independently reviewed and selected trials from the search results, assessing the suitability, methodology, and quality of the studies. Cases of disagreement or uncertainty were resolved by consensus or by consulting one of the other authors.

Data extraction We extracted the data using a protocol adapted from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement,(13) including the study identification data; the duration of the study; the study design; inclusion and exclusion criteria; criteria for asthma diagnosis; the age and gender of the participants; the number of participants; the randomization method; the severity of asthma in the study group(s); the methods of sputum processing and measurement; and the methods of evaluating post-treatment changes in sputum eosinophils, IL-5, and ECP, as well as post-bronchodilator FEV1.

Statistical analysis We analyzed the data using the MIX software for meta-analysis, version 1.7 (Kitasato Clinical Research Center, Sagamihara, Japan).(14) We pooled the included studies to yield the means or medians of sputum eosinophils, ECP, IL-5, and FEV1, with the respective 95% CIs or SEs. For continuous variables, we calculated the means and 95% CIs. When the authors reported SDs, we used them to calculate SEs with the following formula:

SD = SE * √(N) When the SDs were not available for these variables, we transformed 95% CIs into SDs, using the following formula:

SE = (upper limit of 95% CI − lower limit of 95% CI )/(1.96*2), SD = SE * √(N) We quantified inconsistency among the pooled estimates with Higgins’ I2 statistic, which measures the extent of true heterogeneity and is determined as follows: J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563

I2 = [(Q − df )/Q] × 100 where Q is Cochran’s Q (based on the chi-square statistic), and df is degrees of freedom. This illustrates the percentage variability in effect estimates resulting from heterogeneity rather than sampling error.(15) If heterogeneity was found, we used a random-effects model. We performed sensitivity analyses comparing random-effects and fixed-effects models. We assessed potential for publication bias using Egger’s test, Higgins’ I2, and funnel plots. A random-effects model was used for the analysis of sputum eosinophils, IL-5, and ECP, because of the high heterogeneity of these markers among the studies, being Q = 168.1; p < 0.001; I2 = 96.4%, Q = 8.7; p = 0.013; I2 = 77.0%, and Q = 700.9; p < 0.001; I2 = 99.6%, respectively.

Results Through the database searches, we identified a total of 223 articles. Upon review of the titles and abstracts, we excluded 191 studies (Figure 1). Among the remaining 32 articles, some were further excluded: for lacking any information on primary outcomes (n = 4),(6,16) for being a review article or meta-analysis (n = 2),(17,18) for being a case report or case series (n = 3),(7,19,20) or for lacking adequate data for the meta-analysis (n = 9; evaluating a different drug, lacking a control group, or lacking pre- and post-treatment data related to the use of prednisone or prednisolone). (12,21-28) We reviewed the remaining 14 articles and found that only 8 met the inclusion criteria.(8,10,29-34) The characteristics of the included studies are presented in Table 1.

Effects on sputum eosinophils, IL-5, and ECP The pooled analysis (n = 198) showed a six-fold mean reduction in the number of sputum eosinophils after treatment (↓8.2%; 95% CI: 7.7-8.7; p < 0.001; Figure 2). Among studies evaluating IL-5 (in pg/mL) before and after treatment with prednisone or prednisolone (n = 114), there was an approximately four-fold mean decrease in IL-5 levels (↓83.6; 95% CI: 52.5-83.6; p < 0.001; Figure 3). In addition, among the studies evaluating ECP (in µg/L) in subjects receiving prednisone or prednisolone (n = 80), the treatment resulted in a five-fold


Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Records identified through database searches (n = 223)


Additional records identified through other means (n = 225)




Records after removal of duplicates (n = 223) Records screened (n = 223)

Records excluded (n = 191)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 32)

Full-text articles excluded (n = 18) Review article (n = 2) Absence of primary outcome (n= 4) Lack of adequate data (n=9) Case report/series cases (n=3)

Studies included in the qualitative synthesis (n = 14)

Studies included in the quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) (n = 9) By sputum eosinophils (n = 7) By sputum ECP (n = 4) By sputum IL-5 (n = 3) By FEV1 (n = 6)

Figure 1 - Flowchart of study selection. ECP: eosinophil cationic protein.

mean reduction in ECP levels (↓267.6; 95% CI: 244.6-290.6; p < 0.001; Figure 4).

Effects on FEV1 We also analyzed changes in postbronchodilator FEV1 after treatment with prednisone or prednisolone in the 194 asthma patients for whom the relevant data were available. (8,10,29-32) In that analysis, we also used a random-effects model, because of the high heterogeneity (Q = 46.03; p < 0.0001; I2 = 89.1%). After 6-14 days of treatment, there was a significant mean increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1 (↑8.1%; 95% CI: 5.3-10.8; z = 5.8; p < 0.001; Figure 5). An analysis of the data regarding the absolute values for post-bronchodilator FEV1 (in liters) showed a mean post-treatment increase, from 1.88 to 2.34 L (↑0.46 L; p < 0.001; data not shown).

Management of results Because of the high heterogeneity, we conducted a meta-regression to examine

the effects of treatment with prednisone or prednisolone by age, gender, and dose (Figure 6). The prednisone dose appeared to be responsible for the heterogeneity in sputum eosinophil counts (Τ2 = 8.753) and ECP (Τ2 = 172.8). Linear regression did not show an association between prednisone dose and sputum eosinophils (p = 0.55), sputum ECP (p = 0.38), sputum IL-5 (p = 1.00) or postbronchodilator FEV1 (p = 0.27).

Discussion Our analyses show that treatment with prednisone or prednisolone is highly effective in reducing sputum eosinophils in eosinophilic bronchitis. This is accompanied by a reduction in other sputum inflammatory markers linked to eosinophilic bronchitis, such as ECP and IL-5. In addition, treatment of eosinophilic bronchitis with prednisone or prednisolone was shown to effect a significant increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1. Data suggest that sputum eosinophilia and high levels of eosinophilic markers are associated with poor asthma control rather than with the severity J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563


Sakae TM, Maurici R, Trevisol DJ, Pizzichini MMM, Pizzichini E

Table 1 - Characteristics of the studies included. Reference

Characteristics of the study


Baigelman Design: observational Drug: prednisone et al.(30) Sample: 11 asthma patients (3 males and 8 females; Dose: 80 mg/day 29-60 years of age) followed for at least 4 years

Claman et al.(31)

Keatings et al.(34)

Profile: asthma exacerbation Design: randomized controlled trial

Duration: 3 days

Sample: 24 asthma patients—oral prednisone group (n Drug: oral prednisone = 12, 7 males and 5 females) and placebo group (n = 12, 6 males and 6 females)—excluding patients having Dose: 0.5 mg/kg per day used inhaled or oral corticosteroids in the last 6 weeks, having had an upper respiratory infection in the last 6 weeks, and having a smoking history of > 10 pack-years Profile: asthma exacerbation Duration: 6 days Design: single-blind crossover study

Drug: prednisolone

Pre-treatment vs. post-treatment Sputum eosinophils, mean ± SD: 26.0 ± 19.0% vs. 8.0 ± 5.0% Sputum ECP: [not measured] post-bronchodilator FEV1, mean ± SD: 1.03 ± 0.41 L vs. 1.32 ± 0.51 L IL-5: [not measured] Sputum eosinophils, mean ± SE: 14.1 ± 5.0% vs. 1.8 ± 0.8% Sputum ECP, mean ± SE: 325 ± 131 µg/ mL vs. 144 ± 84 µg/mL post-bronchodilator FEV1, mean ± SD: 88 ± 5.2% vs. 91 ± 4.87% IL-5: [not measured] Sputum eosinophils, mean ± SD: 6.66 ± 0.98% vs. 0.99 ± 0.25% Sputum ECP, mean ± SD: 687.0 ± 87.0 µg/L vs. 80.2 ± 14.2 µg/L

Sample: 15 COPD patients (excluded from this meta- Dose: 30 mg/day analysis) and 11 patients with mild atopic asthma (1 Duration: 2 weeks excluded; 10 included for analysis; mean age 29.8 ± 3.4 years) Profile: stable asthma

Pizzichini et al.(8)

Pizzichini et al.(10)

Design: observational

Drug: prednisone

Sample: 10 asthma patients Profile: asthma exacerbation

Dose: 30 mg/day for 5 days, tapered to zero by day 10 Duration: 10 days

Design: observational

Drug: prednisone

Sample: 8 patients with prednisone-dependent asthma; Dose: 30 mg/day >12% variability in FEV1, baseline mean, 18.5% (range, 13-27%) Profile: severe asthma Duration: 7 days

Design: randomized controlled trial

post-bronchodilator FEV1: -in %, mean ± SD: 95.9 ± 5.7% vs. [not described] -in L, mean ± SE: [not described] vs. 3.92 ± 0.32 L IL-5: [not measured] Sputum eosinophils, mean ± SD: 17.6 ± 10.0% vs. 0.89 ± 0.90% Sputum ECP, mean ± SD: 5,338.4 ± 6690.7 µg/L vs. 985.5 ± 1311.0 µg/L post-bronchodilator FEV1, mean ± SD: 1.5 ± 0.3 L vs. 2.5 ± 0.5 L IL-5, mean ± SD: 201 ± 128 pg/mL vs. 0.0 ± 55.6 pg/mL Sputum eosinophils, mean ± SD: 16.3 ± 32.3% vs. 0.0 ± 0.5% Sputum ECP, mean ± SD: 7480 ± 5240 µg/L vs. 700 ± 784 µg/L post-bronchodilator FEV1, mean ± SD: 55.7 ± 6.84% vs. 80.0 ± 15.91% IL-5, mean ± SD: 66.5 ± 150 pg/mL vs. 44.1 ± 86 pg/mL

Di Franco et al.(32)

Drug: prednisone

Sputum eosinophils: 52.0% [no SD or SE] vs. 11.0% [no SD or SE] Sample: 40 adult nonsmokers (9 males and 31 females; Dose: 40 mg/day, Sputum ECP: 904 µg/L [no SD or SE] vs. mean age, 45 ± 13 years; 3 excluded), in two arms— tapered to 10 mg/day by [not described] fluticasone (1,000 µg/day; n = 18) and prednisone (n = 19) reducing the dose by 5 mg every other day Profile: asthma exacerbation Duration: 6 days post-bronchodilator FEV1, mean ± SD: 51.5 ± 14.4% vs. 83.6 ± 21.1% IL-5: [not measured]

Scheicher et al.(33)

Design: controlled observational Drug: oral prednisone Sample: 51 subjects—21 normal subjects and 30 patients Dose: 40 mg/day with asthma (13 males and 17 females; mean age, 41 years), 9 of whom were steroid-naïve—the 9 steroid-naïve patients receiving oral prednisone and being evaluated before and after the treatment Profile: stable asthma Duration: 14 days


Dente et al.(29)

Design: randomized controlled trial Drug: oral prednisone Sample: 59 patients with severe refractory asthma, Dose: 0.5 mg/kg per day randomized to receive prednisone (n = 39) or placebo (n = 20) Profile: severe asthma Duration: 2 weeks


ECP: eosinophil cationic protein.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563

11/26/19 12/14.1/1.44 10/6.66/0.98 10/17.6/10 8/16.3/32.3 9/11.2/12.1 39/12.6/16.2

11/8/5 12/1.8/0.231 10/0.99/0.25 10/0.89/0.9 8/0/0.5 9/0.8/1.4 39/4.2/8.3

Baigelman et al.(30) Claman et al.(31) Keatings et al.(34) Pizzichini et al.(8) Pizzichini et al.(10) Scheicher et al.(33) Dente et al.(29)





-50 −40 −30 −20 −10 MD


−400 −300 −200 −100 0 MD

Figure 3 - Reduction in sputum IL-5 levels after treatment with prednisone.



Dente et al.

Pizzichini et al.




Pizzichini et al.(8)

Control n/mean/SD

Exposed n/mean/SD

Reference Studies



100 200





−22.4 (−142.2146 a 97.4146) −89.8 (−104.6189 a −34.9811)



−201 (−287.495 a −114.505)


Association measure with 95% CI

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII −8.1835 (−8.6777 a −7.6894)

−18 (−29.6104 a −6.3896) −12.3(−13.1252 a −11.4748) −5.67(−6.2969 a −5.0431) −16.71 (−22.933 a −10.487) −16.3 (−38.685 a 6.085) −10.4 (−18.3579 a −2.4421) −8.4 (−14.1128 a −2.6872)

0.18 35.86 IIIIIIIIIIIIII 62.14 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0.63 0.05 0.39 0.75


Association measure with 95% CI

Weight (%)

Weight (%)

Figure 2 - Reduction in sputum eosinophils after treatment with oral prednisone or prednisolone.


Control n/mean/SD

Exposed n/mean/SD


Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis 557

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J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563





Claman et al.(31)

Keatings et al.(34)

Pizzichini et al.(8)

Pizzichini et al.(10)


8/7480/240 −10000 −8000 −6000 −4000 −2000 MD




Control n/mean/SD







Weight (%)

−4.352.9 (−8.578.62 a −127.18) −6.780 (−7.348.16 a −6.211.84)


10/48.1/7.3 8/55.75/6.84 19/51.5/14.4 9/69.4/7.7 39/67.6/16.3











20 MD


Figure 5 - Increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1 (% of predicted) after treatment with prednisone.



Dente et al.

Scheicher et al.

Di Franco et al.

Pizzichini et al.

Pizzichini et al.


Control n/mean/SD


Exposed n/mean/SD


Claman et al.(31)



24.25 (12.2494 a 36.2506) 32.1 (20.6136 a 43.5864) 4.7 (−1.1937 a 10.5937)

5.21 I 5.68 I 21.59 IIIIIIII


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8.0965 (5.3581 a 10.8346)

6.2 (−0.5641 a 12.9641)

32 (19.731 a 44.269)

4.98 I

16.39 IIII

3 (−1.0309 a 7.0309)


Weight (%)

Association measure with 95% CI


−606.8 (−661.43 a −552.16)



Association measure with 95% CI

Figure 4 - Reduction in sputum levels of eosinophil cationic protein after treatment with oral prednisone or prednisolone.


Exposed n/mean/SD



558 Sakae TM, Maurici R, Trevisol DJ, Pizzichini MMM, Pizzichini E

Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Sputum IL-5

Sputum eosinophils 3.5


Inverse standard error

Inverse standard error


0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -250

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5



-100 MD



0 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 MD


Sputum ECP

Post-BD FEV1 0.6


Inverse standard error

Inverse standard error

0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -60000 -40000 -20000 -0.01

5 10 15 20

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

0 MD


40000 60000

0 -10 -5



10 15 -20 MD




Figure 6 - Funnel plots. MD: median; ECP: eosinophil cationic protein; and BD: bronchodilator.

of asthma.(7,8,21,26) The corticosteroid-responsive component of asthma is eosinophilic bronchitis, which can now be recognized by the reliable method of counting cells in induced sputum samples.(8) Adequate treatment with corticosteroids reduces the proportion of eosinophils in sputum to within the normal range, even in prednisonedependent asthma.(8,19) In this meta-analysis, there was a six-fold reduction in sputum eosinophils after treatment with prednisone or prednisolone. Because a reduction in sputum eosinophilia is associated with a positive clinical and functional response to corticosteroids, our results support the recommendation to increase the dose of corticosteroids when asthma becomes uncontrolled. (8,21) In a multiple regression analysis, ten Brinke et al.(23) found that the most important factor potentially associated with persistent airflow limitation in severe asthma was a proportion of eosinophils in sputum > 2% (adjusted OR = 7.7). However, there are individuals with

uncontrolled asthma who do not present with sputum eosinophilia. Whether that subgroup could be less responsive to corticosteroids remains to be established. Eosinophils have long been regarded as key inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of asthma, although their exact role is unclear. In studies of heterogeneous populations of subjects with asthma, the downregulation of eosinophil activity via targeted inhibition of IL-5 (a pro-eosinophilic cytokine) has yielded disappointing results.(35) In one study of patients with severe asthma and refractory eosinophilic airway inflammation,(22) intramuscular administration of triamcinolone was found to reduce the mean proportion of eosinophils in sputum from 12.6% to 0.2%, similar to the reductions achieved through the use of inhaled corticosteroids (> 1,600 Âľg/day) or chronic oral prednisone.(29,32) The authors also observed an increase in FEV1 and a reduction J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563


Sakae TM, Maurici R, Trevisol DJ, Pizzichini MMM, Pizzichini E

in the use of rescue medication.(22) These data are in agreement with those of other studies of asthma patients, confirming that sputum eosinophilia is a good predictor of the response to corticosteroids.(6-8,36) The reason for this distinct short-term effect of corticosteroids, as opposed to the well-known, positive, long-term effect of corticosteroids in most asthma patients, is not known.(29) One possible explanation is that non-eosinophilic inflammation might respond to corticosteroids more slowly than does eosinophilic inflammation.(37) The data presented here support the usefulness of sputum eosinophil assessment in predicting when patients with severe asthma might benefit from an increase in the dose of corticosteroids. (6-8,29,36) Classifying severe asthma phenotypes as eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic might have clinical implications for the choice of pharmacological therapy.(7,19,29) Persistence of eosinophilia in severe asthma could be a reflection of corticosteroid insensitivity, and refractory asthma might respond to the use of anti-IL-5 therapy with mepolizumab. (4,5,38,39) As previously mentioned, we found that sputum IL-5 levels decreased after treatment with prednisone or prednisolone. Because IL-5 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that increases the recruitment, activation, and survival of eosinophils, it is considered of pivotal importance in the pathophysiology of asthma.(40) Ying et al.(41) showed that IL-5 is highly expressed in T cells, eosinophils, and mast cells in bronchial biopsy specimens collected from patients with asthma. Other studies have shown that sputum levels of IL-5 trend higher in patients with eosinophilic asthma, whereas those of IL-8 trend higher in patients with non-eosinophilic asthma. (29,42) There is evidence that IL-5 is detectable in the induced sputum of asthma patients and that sputum levels of IL-5 are higher in patients with severe asthma than in those with mild-to-moderate asthma.(10,42) Our results show that systemic corticosteroids are effective not only in reducing sputum eosinophil counts but also in inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that play a relevant role in perpetuating airway inflammation in patients with refractory asthma. Our data agree with those of other studies showing that corticosteroids decrease the number of activated T J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563

cells expressing messenger RNA of IL-4 and IL-5 in the BAL fluid of asthma patients, regardless of the severity of the asthma.(43) Our results also show that treatment with prednisone or prednisolone can effect a four-fold reduction in sputum ECP levels. When we considered the ECP levels in sputum supernatants, we found that those levels were associated with poor asthma control, further underscoring the fact that eosinophils play a role in this equation.(28) However, despite expectations that patients with severe asthma would show higher sputum ECP levels, Romagnoli et al.(21) observed no differences among groups of asthma patients, stratified by asthma severity, in terms of the sputum levels of ECP. In a study of acute exacerbations of asthma, Baigelman et al.(30) demonstrated that FEV1 improves within the first 24 h of treatment with prednisone or prednisolone, further improvement being observed after 48-72 h of such treatment. However, in a similar study, Belda et al.(44) found no change in FEV1 in the first 24 h. Aggarwal & Bhoi(12) also studied acute exacerbations of asthma and suggested that intravenous methylprednisolone followed by oral methylprednisolone is a more efficacious and safer treatment regimen than is intravenous hydrocortisone followed by oral prednisolone. However, those authors employed clinical and spirometric evaluation alone, without analyzing inflammatory mediators in sputum or other respiratory secretions. In a meta-analysis conducted in 1992, Rowe et al.(17) showed that the use of corticosteroids early in the treatment of asthma exacerbations reduces the number of hospital admissions in adults and children, as well as showing that corticosteroids are effective in preventing relapse in the outpatient treatment of asthma exacerbations. Oral and intravenous corticosteroids appear to have equivalent effects on pulmonary function in acute exacerbations,(17) and recent studies have shown that inhaled and oral corticosteroids are also equally effective.(24,32,33,44) Despite the heterogeneity among the studies evaluated here, in terms of the doses and duration of treatment/follow-up,(8,10,29-31) most of the exposure to prednisone or prednisolone was at > 30 mg/day, which is sufficient to suppress sputum eosinophils, reduce ECP levels, and inhibit IL-5, as well as to increase FEV1. However, because of the high degree of heterogeneity, it was necessary

Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

to perform a meta-regression to adjust for dose and duration of treatment. Meta-analysis is a powerful tool for studying cumulative data from individual studies with small sample sizes and low statistical power. Pooling effects from individual studies through meta-analysis can increase the statistical power and can help detect modest differences in risk among study groups. It is possible to achieve a detectable change in inflammatory indices during a 14-day course of treatment with corticosteroids. Clinical benefits and anti-inflammatory effects have been reported in asthma patients treated with such short regimens, which are commonly used in clinical practice.(12,34) In conclusion, we found that, in patients with moderate-to-severe eosinophilic bronchitis, treatment with prednisone or prednisolone effected a significant reduction in sputum eosinophil counts, as well as in the sputum levels of IL-5 and ECP. This reduction in the inflammatory response was accompanied by a significant increase in post-bronchodilator FEV1.

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Effects of prednisone on eosinophilic bronchitis in asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis


About the authors Thiago Mamôru Sakae

Professor of Epidemiology. Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

Rosemeri Maurici

Professor. Graduate Program in Health Sciences, University of Southern Santa Catarina, Tubarão, Brazil.

Daisson José Trevisol

Professor. Graduate Program in Health Sciences, University of Southern Santa Catarina, Tubarão, Brazil.

Marcia Margaret Menezes Pizzichini

Professor. Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

Emílio Pizzichini

Professor. Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):552-563

Review Article The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?* Cigarro eletrônico: o novo cigarro do século 21?

Marli Maria Knorst, Igor Gorski Benedetto, Mariana Costa Hoffmeister, Marcelo Basso Gazzana

Abstract The electronic nicotine delivery system, also known as the electronic cigarette, is generating considerable controversy, not only in the general population but also among health professionals. Smokers the world over have been increasingly using electronic cigarettes as an aid to smoking cessation and as a substitute for conventional cigarettes. There are few available data regarding the safety of electronic cigarettes. There is as yet no evidence that electronic cigarettes are effective in treating nicotine addiction. Some smokers have reported using electronic cigarettes for over a year, often combined with conventional cigarettes, thus prolonging nicotine addiction. In addition, the increasing use of electronic cigarettes by adolescents is a cause for concern. The objective of this study was to describe electronic cigarettes and their components, as well as to review the literature regarding their safety; their impact on smoking initiation and smoking cessation; and regulatory issues related to their use. Keywords: Smoking; Tobacco Products; Nicotine.

Resumo O cigarro eletrônico é um sistema eletrônico de liberação de nicotina que está gerando controvérsias, tanto entre a população quanto entre profissionais da saúde. O uso crescente do cigarro eletrônico é observado em tabagistas de diversos países, tanto para auxiliar na cessação do tabagismo quanto como substituto do cigarro convencional. Dados sobre a segurança do uso do cigarro eletrônico são limitados. Do mesmo modo, até o momento, não há evidências de que o cigarro eletrônico seja efetivo para tratar a adição à nicotina. Usuários relataram usar o cigarro eletrônico por mais de um ano, frequentemente combinado com o cigarro convencional, prolongando assim a dependência de nicotina. Ainda, o uso crescente do cigarro eletrônico por adolescentes gera preocupação. Neste artigo é feita uma descrição do cigarro eletrônico e de seus constituintes, assim como são revistos os dados disponíveis sobre segurança, impacto na iniciação e na cessação do tabagismo, e questões relacionadas à regulação do uso do cigarro eletrônico. Descritores: Hábito de Fumar; Produtos do Tabaco; Nicotina.

Introduction Smoking is a major public health problem worldwide and is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be one of the leading causes of preventable death.(1) In Brazil, approximately 220,000 tobacco-related deaths occur each year. (2) Nevertheless, 16.1% of all Brazilian adults are smokers; of those, 17 million are male and 12.5 million are female.(3) Concerns regarding the morbidity and mortality associated with smoking led to the WHO Framework Convention on

Tobacco Control (FCTC), which was implemented on February 27, 2005 and was ratified by 177 countries, including Brazil. (4) Among the guidelines for implementation of the WHO FCTC are the promotion of smoke-free environments and the implementation of smoking cessation projects. In accordance with the WHO FCTC, the Brazilian National Ministry of Health developed a smoking cessation program based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacological treatment, the

*Study carried out under the auspices of the Graduate Program in Pulmonology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and at the Porto Alegre Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Correspondence to: Marli Maria Knorst. Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350, 2º andar, sala 2050 – Serviço de Pneumologia, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, CEP 90035-903, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Tel. 55 51 2101-8241. E-mail: Financial support: None. Submitted: 13 January 2014. Accepted, after review: 27 June 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573

The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?

program being implemented in the Brazilian Unified Health Care System.(5) Studies of smokers have shown that many would not smoke if they had their time again(6) and that 60-70% wanted to quit smoking.(7) However, without assistance, most of those who attempt to quit smoking relapse, and only 4% remain abstinent at one year.(8) One of the most important factors that make smoking cessation more difficult is nicotine dependence. In this context, the electronic cigarette (EC, also known as e-cigarette) has emerged as a form of nicotine replacement therapy. The EC was developed by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik and was patented in 2003.(9) Although there is a lack of data on their efficacy and safety, ECs are widely available for purchase on the Internet, as well as being sold directly to consumers in various countries. Currently, more than 2,500 brands of ECs are sold worldwide.(10) Several of these brands have been acquired by the tobacco industry. In the USA, the price of an EC ranges from U$ 29.95 to U$ 149.95, and the price of an EC cartridge ranges from U$ 9.95 to U$ 19.95. (11) In Brazil, the National Health Surveillance Agency prohibited the commercialization, importation, and advertising of ECs in 2009.(12) Nevertheless, smokers have access to ECs and often seek advice from pulmonologists regarding the recommendations for use and efficacy of ECs. The objective of the present study was to describe ECs and their components, as well as to review the available evidence regarding their role in smoking cessation; their impact on smoking initiation; their safety; and ethical and regulatory issues related to their use.

Characteristics of ECs The EC is an electronic device that provides users with an aerosol containing nicotine and other additives. The three main components of an EC are a battery, an atomizer, and a cartridge containing nicotine (Figure 1). Nicotine-free ECs are commercialized in some countries.(13) Some ECs have, on one end, a light-emitting diode that lights up when the device is used, thus reminding users that the cigarette is lit. Most electronic nicotine delivery systems mimic traditional forms of tobacco use, i.e., cigarettes, cigars, and pipes; less commonly, electronic nicotine delivery systems resemble daily use objects such as a pen or a USB flash drive, being primarily


used by individuals who want to smoke without attracting attention.(14) Although the components of an EC cartridge vary according to the brand, EC cartridges usually contain nicotine and a component aimed at producing an aerosol (e.g., propylene glycol or glycerol diluted in water). The nicotine concentration in an EC cartridge can vary and might not correspond to that described by the manufacturer.(15,16) Some brands of ECs contain flavorings such as fruit extract, vanilla, mint, coffee, and chocolate, which make ECs more attractive, especially to adolescents. Several potentially harmful substances, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, and tobacco-specific nitrosamines, have been identified in nicotine cartridges.(15,17) When users draw air through an EC, a sensor detects air flow and heats the liquid in the cartridge, which is vaporized. The aerosol delivers nicotine to EC users, and part of the EC aerosol is released into ambient air when users exhale. The temperature of the EC aerosol ranges from 40°C to 65°C. According to the manufacturers, a single EC cartridge can yield 10-250 puffs, corresponding to 5-30 conventional cigarettes (depending on the brand).(18) Second- and thirdgeneration ECs have recently been developed; they have batteries and atomizers that are more powerful and can deliver higher doses of nicotine, thus increasing the risk of addiction.(19)

Prevalence of EC use in adults Although there is a lack of evidence that the EC is effective in smoking cessation, the interest in ECs is increasing, as is the number of EC users worldwide, most of whom are adult smokers.(20-22) Users of ECs identify themselves as “vapers”. In the USA, a survey of more than 10,000 adults showed that knowledge of the existence of ECs doubled between 2009 and 2010 (from 16.4% to 32.2%), and the use of ECs nearly quadrupled (from 0.6% in 2009 to 2.7% in 2010).(23) Among active smokers, 11.4% reported having used ECs, and 4.1% reported having used ECs in the past 30 days.(24) In Great Britain, the proportion of regular EC users increased from 2.7% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2012.(25) Data collected between 2010 and 2011 from 5,939 individuals in four countries (the USA, the UK, Canada, and Australia) showed that approximately half of the interviewees (46.6%) were aware of the existence J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573


Knorst MM, Benedetto IG, Hoffmeister MC, Gazzana MB

Cartridge Aerosol (Vapor)



Mouthpiece Atomizer

Figure 1 - Electronic cigarette components. LED: light-emitting diode.

of ECs. However, the proportion of individuals that were aware of the existence of ECs varied significantly among the countries studied, being higher in the USA (73.4%) and the UK (54.4%), where EC use is allowed, and lower in Canada (39.5%) and Australia (20.0%), where EC use has been banned. The rate of experimentation was 7.6% (being 16.3% among those who were aware of ECs), and the rate of current use was 3%; the proportion of current EC users did not vary among the countries studied (p = 0.114).(26) An online forum on smoking cessation and ECs held in England and France in 2010 brought together 3,587 participants (former smokers, 70%; males, 61%; mean age, 41 years). Nicotine-containing ECs were used by 97% of the participants, being used for approximately five months by former smokers. Most reported that ECs helped them quit or reduce smoking (96%). Reasons for EC use included the perception that ECs were less toxic than conventional cigarettes (87%), a reduction in tobacco craving (79%), a reduction in withdrawal symptoms (77%), the fact that ECs were less expensive than tobacco (57%), and control of situations in which smoking was prohibited (39%).(27) One limitation of the study was the selection of a convenience sample. An online survey of 81 smokers showed the pattern of EC use among regular EC users. The median duration of EC use was 100 days, and the median number of puffs/day was 175.(28) A recent systematic review of 49 studies showed that knowledge of the existence of ECs increased from 16% in 2009 to 58% in 2011 and that the use of ECs increased from 1% to 6% in the same period.(22) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573

Adolescent exposure to ECs Children and adolescents in several countries are aware of and have access to ECs. An online survey of 228 American male adolescents showed that 67% were aware of ECs, although less than 1% reported having experimented with ECs.(29) In a study of 444 Korean adolescents, 10.2% reported having seen or heard of ECs and 0.5% reported having used ECs. Contact with ECs was through the Internet in 46% of cases; friends, in 27.9%; television, in 11.0%; books, in 9.3%; and others, in 5.4%. Male adolescents were 6.3 times more likely to use ECs than were female adolescents, and adolescents with smokers in the family were 3.4 times more likely to use ECs than were those without.(30) The prevalence of EC use and conventional cigarette smoking among US adolescents in grades 6th-12th in the 2011-2012 period was assessed in a cross-sectional study (National Youth Tobacco Survey).(31) The results showed that EC experimentation and recent EC use nearly doubled in the study period. The use of ECs increased from 3.3% to 6.8% (p < 0.05), the use of conventional cigarettes increased from 1.1% to 2.1% (p < 0.05), and the use of both ECs and conventional cigarettes increased from 0.8% to 1.6% (p = 0.05) in the study period. There were no differences between the adolescents in the 6th-8th grade and those in the 9th-12th grade regarding the aforementioned increases. The study also showed that, in 2012, 9.3% of all EC experimenters reported never smoking conventional cigarettes and that 76% of all regular EC users reported smoking conventional cigarettes regularly.(32)

The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?

A study conducted in eight schools in North Carolina, USA, and involving 4,444 adolescents in the 11-19 year age bracket showed that 4.9% reported the use of ECs, 1.5% having reported the use of ECs in the past month. Although EC use was more common among conventional cigarette smokers, 12% of all EC users had never smoked conventional cigarettes.(33) The Internet advertising and online marketing of ECs, even in countries where ECs have been banned, can encourage EC use and allow adolescents to have access to ECs. In addition, data from the aforementioned studies(29-33) suggest that EC experimentation induces continued use of conventional cigarettes during adolescence. Therefore, measures aimed at reducing the appeal of EC use and prohibiting the sale of ECs to adolescents are essential to minimize the risk of tobacco and EC use.

Safety of EC use The safety of electronic nicotine delivery systems has yet to be scientifically demonstrated, and health risks of EC use have yet to be determined. Most EC safety issues are due to the lack of appropriate regulation and inconsistent quality control. Because of the lack of regulation and surveillance, the quality of ECs, the amount of nicotine delivered, and the components of EC cartridges vary widely across brands.(15) Therefore, EC users cannot know the exact composition of the product that they are using. Adverse effects of EC use might be due to variations in the nicotine content of EC cartridges. According to the manufacturers, the nicotine content of an EC cartridge can range from 6 mg to 24 mg; however, nicotine concentrations as high as 100 mg per cartridge have been detected. Therefore, the risk of poisoning should be taken into consideration. When nicotine is inhaled, is ingested, or comes into contact with the skin, it can be dangerous to the health of vulnerable individuals, such as children, youth, pregnant women, lactating women, individuals with heart disease, and the elderly. Large quantities of nicotine (i.e., 0.5-1.0 mg of nicotine per kg of body weight) can be lethal, and it is therefore recommended that ECs, EC cartridges, and refills be kept out of the reach of children.(14,16) The health risks of EC use might also be associated with the various substances found in EC refill cartridges. One such substance is


propylene glycol, in which nicotine is suspended and which is used in order to generate the EC aerosol. Data on the harmful effects of inhaling propylene glycol are scarce. Eye irritation and upper airway irritation, as well as cough and mild airway obstruction, have been reported to occur in individuals without asthma after short-term exposure to the propylene glycol mist created by an artificial smoke generator.(34) Other potentially harmful substances, including irritants and toxins such as diethylene glycol, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein, were detected in some EC brands.(17) Nitrosamines, which are well-recognized carcinogens,(35) as well as tobacco-specific impurities, were found in low concentrations in two brands of ECs. (17) The EC might contain flavorings, which are added to EC cartridges in order to make ECs more palatable. Although these substances are routinely used food flavorings, the effects of inhaling them are unknown. By the first quarter of 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration had received 49 reports of adverse events related to the use of ECs. Of those adverse events, 8 were considered serious, including pneumonia and chest pain; the remaining events were characterized as mild and included headache and cough.(36) Among other symptoms, headache, mouth and throat irritation, salivation, sweating, weakness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea were reported in a study evaluating acute adverse effects 2.5 h after EC use. However, all of the aforementioned effects were mild.(37) In three prospective studies in which smokers used ECs for 6 or 12 months, no serious adverse events were observed, and the main complaints were cough, headache, and mouth and throat irritation. The symptoms resolved or subsided with continued EC use.(38-41) In vivo and in vitro studies have evaluated the impact of EC aerosol on blood cells and the cytotoxic effect of EC aerosol on myocardial cells. In an in vivo study, one group of authors found that neither active EC use nor passive exposure to EC aerosol for 30 min affected leukocyte, lymphocyte, or granulocyte counts.(42) In an in vitro study, another group of authors evaluated the cytotoxic effects that the aerosol produced by 20 EC brands had on myocardial cells in culture.(43) Although some samples were found to have cytotoxic effects on myocardial cells, the cytotoxicity of EC aerosol was found to be J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573


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lower than was that of conventional cigarette smoke.(43) The effects of EC use on lung function have been studied, although only after acute exposure. Neither active EC use for a few minutes (in smokers) nor passive exposure to EC aerosol for 1 h (in nonsmokers) had any effect on FEV1.(44) In contrast, EC use for 5 min increased airway resistance and reduced the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide in adult smokers without comorbidities.(45) Increased airway resistance can precede changes in PEF and FEV1 in experimentally induced airflow obstruction.(46) Nitric oxide is recognized to play a role in the pathophysiology of smoking-related airway disease; in addition, nitric oxide is related to eosinophilic inflammation and bronchial hyperreactivity, as well as being a marker of oxidative stress.(47) Taken together, the aforementioned findings suggest that short-term EC use induces pulmonary changes. Long-term effects of EC use on lung function have yet to be studied. Given that ECs do not generate the smoke that is associated with the combustion of tobacco, EC use is generally considered safer than tobacco use. This “relative safety� can be appealing to users; however, the chemicals used in ECs have yet to be fully disclosed, and data on the environmental pollution generated by the use of ECs in enclosed spaces are scarce. One study evaluated the air quality in a room in which 9 individuals used ECs. The results showed substantial quantities of 1,2-propanediol, glycerin, and nicotine, as well as high concentrations of particulate matter of 2.5 mm in diameter, together with a 20% increase in the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and an increase in the levels of aluminum and total particulate matter. The concentration of exhaled nitric oxide increased in 7 of the 9 individuals studied.(48) In addition, there are currently no data on the safety of long-term EC use.(14)

Efficacy of ECs in smoking cessation There are currently few available data on ECs. According to the WHO, there is no scientific evidence for the use of ECs as a substitute for conventional cigarettes or as an aid to smoking cessation. In addition, unlike approved nicotine replacement therapies (e.g., nicotine patches, gum, and lozenges), ECs deliver nicotine directly to the lungs and therefore must be further studied.(14) J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573

A comparison of different EC brands showed varying concentrations of nicotine in the cartridges, as well as varying aerosol content and inconsistent nicotine delivery. After EC use, plasma nicotine levels remained unchanged in all of the patients in two studies(49,50) and in approximately one third of the cases in another study.(51) However, in regular EC users, plasma nicotine levels can increase,(52) although serum cotinine levels have been found to vary widely among individuals.(37) Several studies have evaluated the impact of ECs on the urge to smoke and on cravings. In a randomized crossover study sponsored by an EC manufacturer, an electronic nicotine delivery device containing 16 mg of nicotine was found to be more effective than placebo in relieving morning withdrawal symptoms following overnight abstinence in 40 smokers. The effects of the electronic nicotine delivery device on nicotine withdrawal symptoms were comparable to those of a nicotine inhaler but lower than those of conventional cigarettes.(51) One group of authors(53) studied the effects of an EC on the urge to smoke, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and cognition in 86 patients randomly divided into three groups: a) 18-mg nicotine EC (the nicotine group); b) nicotine-free EC (the placebo group); and c) just hold the EC (the just hold group). Within 20 min after EC use, the urge to smoke and nicotine withdrawal symptoms were significantly reduced in the nicotine and placebo groups in comparison with the just hold group. Regarding the reduction in the urge to smoke, the nicotine EC was significantly superior to placebo in males but not in females. However, memory test results were significantly better in the nicotine group. In another crossover study, an acute exposure protocol consisting of 10 sequential puffs, 30 s apart, was used in order to compare four experimental conditions: an EC brand with a 16-mg nicotine cartridge; another EC brand with a 16-mg nicotine cartridge; own brand cigarettes; and an unlit cigarette (placebo). When compared with placebo, one of the EC brands tested reduced craving; however, the effect was lower than was that of conventional cigarettes.(50) Few studies have evaluated the effects of EC use on smoking reduction and cessation within 6-24 months. Two randomized controlled clinical trials and three prospective before-and-after studies are described in Chart 1. One of the clinical

The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?

trials(13) compared a 16-mg nicotine EC with 21-mg nicotine patches and a nicotine-free EC, whereas the other(40) compared a 7.2-mg nicotine EC with a nicotine-free EC. Both trials lasted 12 weeks, and neither found significant differences between groups in terms of smoking reduction or smoking cessation rates at 6 or 12 months. (13,40) The three prospective uncontrolled studies involved a small number of smokers unwilling to quit (one of the groups consisting of schizophrenic patients) and found smoking cessation rates of 22.5%, 14.3%, and 12.5% at 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months, respectively.(38,39,41) In addition, an online survey of 5,000 individuals who had purchased a particular brand of ECs was conducted 7 months after the purchase and showed high rates of smoking reduction (66.8%) and smoking cessation (31.0%) at 6 months among the 222 questionnaire respondents.(54) However, one limitation of that study was that the survey response rate was low, i.e., 4.5%; if the survey nonrespondents were to be considered smokers, the smoking cessation rate would be 1.4%.(54) The studies described above show a low rate of smoking cessation with the use of ECs in a population relying on self-treatment and selfreporting smoking cessation. However, a survey of EC users showed frequent and prolonged EC use (approximately 20 times per day for more than 1 year), often in association with conventional cigarettes.(55) In addition, some smokers with no intention to quit use ECs as a substitute for conventional cigarettes in places where smoking is prohibited. Therefore, EC use modulated by the need for nicotine can contribute to the maintenance of nicotine dependence.

Advertisement, impact on public health, and regulatory issues Manufacturers of ECs have used aggressive advertising to encourage EC use. The main arguments used by the EC industry are the health benefits of ECs in comparison with conventional cigarettes, smoking reduction, smoking cessation, minimal passive exposure, and the possibility of using ECs in places where smoking is prohibited. (55) In 2012, a large tobacco company (Lorillard Tobacco Company) acquired an EC brand and began to run television and Internet advertisements starring celebrities and suggesting that the EC is glamorous and modern.(56,57) These strategies have proven useful, given that EC use has increased.


Professionals working to reduce tobacco consumption are increasingly concerned about the impact of ECs on public health. The reasons for this concern are as follows: the lack of data on the efficacy of ECs in smoking cessation; the potential to induce nicotine addiction in nonsmokers, especially children and adolescents; the simultaneous use of conventional cigarettes and ECs, reducing smoking cessation attempts; the possibility that ECs will undermine tobacco-free environments, making smoking acceptable; and exposure to a new form of pollution in places where smoking has been banned.(10,58) In the USA, ECs have yet to be regulated as drugs or tobacco products.(10) In the European Union and the UK, it has been proposed that ECs be regulated as medicinal products.(59) Through regulation, ECs have been banned in Australia, Canada, Singapore, and Brazil because of the lack of data on their safety and efficacy.(12,16)

How to counsel patients regarding EC use On the basis of the aforementioned information, pulmonologists can and should counsel patients seeking information on ECs. Chart 2 shows EC issues that can be addressed. It is possible that patients seeking information on ECs are motivated to quit smoking. Cognitive-behavioral therapy should be offered to all smokers. Smoking cessation guidelines(60) contain scientifically proven information on how to help patients quit smoking. Nicotine withdrawal treatment is available in the public health system.(5) For smokers with a high level of dependence, the combined use of medications to control withdrawal symptoms can increase treatment effectiveness. Nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, and varenicline are treatment options approved by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency.

Final considerations The EC is an electronic nicotine delivery system that has gained popularity in recent years. However, EC sales are prohibited in Brazil. The dose of nicotine delivered and the contents of EC cartridges vary widely across EC brands. Shortterm adverse health effects of EC use have been reported. The long-term toxicity of ECs has yet to be studied. Data on the efficacy of ECs in smoking cessation are scarce, and the role of J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573


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Chart 1 - Clinical studies evaluating the effects of electronic cigarettes on smoking reduction and smoking cessation. Author Study design Description Groups Duration of Outcomes intervention Bullen et al.(13)

Randomized controlled superiority trial

657 smokers willing to quit smoking Verification of smoking abstinence: anamnesis and measurement of exhaled CO

G1: 16-mg nicotine EC (n = 289)

12 weeks

G2: 21-mg nicotine patch (n = 295) G3: nicotine-free EC (n = 73)

Caponnetto et al.(40)

Randomized controlled trial

300 smokers unwilling to quit Verification of smoking abstinence: anamnesis; measurement of exhaled CO; and determination of salivary cotinine levels

G1: 7.2-mg EC for 12 weeks

No differences among the groups in terms of adverse effects 12 weeks

G2: 7.2-mg EC for 6 weeks and 5.4-mg EC for 6 weeks

Prospective uncontrolled before-and-after study

40 smokers unwilling to quit smoking Verification of smoking abstinence: (daily) measurement of exhaled CO

7.4-mg nicotine EC as needed (a maximum of 4 cartridges/day)

Smoking reduction rates of 22.3% and 10.3% at 12 and 52 weeks, respectively Smoking abstinence rates of 10.7% and 8.7% at 12 and 52 weeks, respectively

G3: nicotine-free EC for 12 weeks

Polosa et al.(38)

Abstinence at 6 months: G1: 7.3% G2: 5.8% G3: 4.1% (No differences among the groups)

No differences among the groups; 26.9% of those who quit smoking had become EC users by the end of the study No differences among the groups in terms of adverse effects 12 weeks

Sustained 50% reduction in the number of cigarettes/ day at 6 months in 32.5% Abstinence at 6 months in 22.5% Adverse effects: irritation of the mouth (in 20.6%) and throat (in 32.4%); dry cough (in 32.4%) Symptom reduction at 6 months

Caponnetto et al.(39)

Prospective uncontrolled before-and-after study

14 schizophrenic smokers unwilling to quit smoking

7.4-mg nicotine EC as needed

52 weeks

Verification of smoking abstinence: anamnesis and measurement of exhaled CO Polosa et al.(41)

Prospective uncontrolled before-and-after study (An extension of the study by Polosa et al.(38))

40 smokers unwilling to quit smoking Verification of smoking abstinence: (daily) measurement of exhaled CO

Smoking reduction and abstinence at 12 months: Smoking reduction in 50% Smoking cessation in 14% No changes in the symptoms of schizophrenia

7.4-mg nicotine EC as needed (a maximum of 4 cartridges/day)

12 weeks

Smoking reduction and abstinence at 24 months: 50% reduction in the number of cigarettes/day from baseline in 27.5% Abstinence at 24 months in 12.5% Adverse effects: some of the smokers complained of mouth and throat irritation and dry cough.

CO: carbon monoxide; EC: electronic cigarette; and G1, G2, and G3: groups 1, 2, and 3.

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The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?


Chart 2 - Counseling patients on the use of electronic cigarettes. • The Brazilian ANVISA has banned the use of ECs in Brazil because there is currently no evidence that ECs are effective in inducing smoking cessation.(11) • The role of ECs in reducing daily cigarette consumption has yet to be elucidated, given that there are few available data. • The nicotine content of EC cartridges varies, and EC cartridges contain substances that might be harmful to health. The lack of technical standards and the lack of control and supervision of EC production make EC use risky. • Smoking cessation guidelines do not recommend the use of ECs.(60) • Changing the automatic behavior that is associated with smoking is an important part of smoking cessation efforts. ECs reinforce the automatism that is associated with the use of conventional cigarettes and might hinder smoking cessation. • Nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion, and varenicline are effective in controlling nicotine withdrawal symptoms and have been approved for use by regulatory agencies.(60) Nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion for smoking cessation are provided free of charge by the Brazilian National Ministry of Health. EC: electronic cigarette; and ANVISA: Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (National Health Surveillance Agency).

ECs in inducing smoking cessation has yet to be confirmed. Prolonged use of ECs by smokers might perpetuate nicotine addiction, and EC use during adolescence might encourage smoking initiation. Therefore, a smoking cessation approach based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and the use of drugs approved by regulatory agencies in order to control nicotine withdrawal symptoms should be recommended for smokers who want to quit smoking.

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The electronic cigarette: the new cigarette of the 21st century?

44. Flouris AD, Chorti MS, Poulianiti KP, Jamurtas AZ, Kostikas K, Tzatzarakis MN, et al. Acute impact of active and passive electronic cigarette smoking on serum cotinine and lung function. Inhal Toxicol. 2013;25(2):91-101. 45. Vardavas CI, Anagnostopoulos N, Kougias M, Evangelopoulou V, Connolly GN, Behrakis PK. Shortterm pulmonary effects of using an electronic cigarette: impact on respiratory flow resistance, impedance, and exhaled nitric oxide. Chest. 2012;141(6):1400-6. http:// 46. Vink GR, Arets HG, van der Laag J, van der Ent CK. Impulse oscillometry: a measure for airway obstruction. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2003;35(3):214-19. http://dx.doi. org/10.1002/ppul.10235 47. American Thoracic Society Workshop. ATS Workshop Proceedings: Exhaled nitric oxide and nitric oxide oxidative metabolism in exhaled breath condensate: Executive summary. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;173(7):811-3. 48. Schober W, Szendrei K, Matzen W, Osiander-Fuchs H, Heitmann D, Schettgen,T, et al. Use of electronic cigarettes (e cigarettes) impairs indoor air quality and increases FeNO levels of e-cigarette consumers. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2014;217(6):628-37 http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2013.11.003 49. Vansickel AR, Cobb CO, Weaver MF, Eissenberg TE. A clinical laboratory model for evaluating the acute effects of electronic “cigarettes”: nicotine delivery profile and cardiovascular and subjective effects. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010;19(8):1945-53. http://dx.doi. org/10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-10-0288 50. Eissenberg T. Electronic nicotine delivery devices: ineffective nicotine delivery and craving suppression after acute administration. Tob Control. 2010;19(1):87-8. http:// 51. Bullen C, McRobbie H, Thornley S, Glover M, Lin R, Laugesen M. Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery


device (e cigarette) on desire to smoke and withdrawal, user preferences and nicotine delivery: randomised crossover trial. Tob Control. 2010;19(2):98-103. http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/tc.2009.031567 52. Vansickel A, Eissenberg T. Electronic cigarettes: effective nicotine delivery after acute administration. Nicotine Tob Res. 2013;15(1):267-70. ntr/ntr316 53. Dawkins L, Turner J, Hasna S, Soar K. The electroniccigarette: Effects on desire to smoke, withdrawal symptoms and cognition. Addict Behav. 2012;37(8):970-3. http:// 54. Siegel MB, Tanwar KL, Wood KS. Electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool: Results from an online survey. Am J Prev Med. 2011;40(4):472-5. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.amepre.2010.12.006 55. Foulds J, Veldheer S, Berg A. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs): views of aficionados and clinical/public health perspectives. Int J Clin Pract. 2011;65(10):1037-42. http://dx.doi. org/10.1111/j.1742-1241.2011.02751.x 56. Noel JK, Rees VW, Connolly GN. Electronic cigarettes: a new “tobacco” industry? Tob Control. 2011;20(1):81. 57. YouTube. [homepage on the Internet]. San Bruno (CA): YouTube [cited 2014 Jan 13]. BluCigs. blu Electronic Cigarette TV Commercial - blu e-cigs National TV Commercial; 2012. Available from: com/watch?v=9pxuBgfbid0 58. Britton J. Electronic cigarretes. Thorax. 2013;68(10):904-5. 59. Hajek P. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Lancet. 2013;382(9905):1614-6. S0140-6736(13)61534-2 60. Reichert J, Araújo AJ, Gonçalves CM, Godoy I, Chatkin JM, Sales MP, et al. Smoking cessation guidelines--2008. J Bras Pneumol. 2008;34(10):845-80. http://dx.doi. org/10.1590/S1806-37132008001000014

About the authors Marli Maria Knorst

Professor. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul School of Medicine; and Physician. Department of Pulmonology, Porto Alegre Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Igor Gorski Benedetto

Doctoral Student. Graduate Program in Pulmonology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Mariana Costa Hoffmeister

Medical Student. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul School of Medicine, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Marcelo Basso Gazzana

Physician. Department of Pulmonology, Porto Alegre Hospital de Clínicas; and Department of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery, Moinhos de Vento Hospital, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):564-573

Case Report Chiari malformation and central sleep apnea syndrome: efficacy of treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation* Malformação de Chiari e síndrome de apneia central do sono: eficácia do tratamento com servoventilação adaptativa

Jorge Marques do Vale, Eloísa Silva, Isabel Gil Pereira, Catarina Marques, Amparo Sanchez-Serrano, António Simões Torres

Abstract The Chiari malformation type I (CM-I) has been associated with sleep-disordered breathing, especially central sleep apnea syndrome. We report the case of a 44-year-old female with CM-I who was referred to our sleep laboratory for suspected sleep apnea. The patient had undergone decompressive surgery 3 years prior. An arterial blood gas analysis showed hypercapnia. Polysomnography showed a respiratory disturbance index of 108 events/h, and all were central apnea events. Treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation was initiated, and central apnea was resolved. This report demonstrates the efficacy of servo-ventilation in the treatment of central sleep apnea syndrome associated with alveolar hypoventilation in a CM-I patient with a history of decompressive surgery. Keywords: Sleep apnea, central; Arnold-Chiari malformation; Noninvasive ventilation.

Resumo A malformação de Chiari tipo I (MC-I) tem sido associada a distúrbios respiratórios do sono, sobretudo à síndrome de apneia central do sono. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino de 44 anos de idade com MC-I que foi encaminhada a nossa unidade de sono por suspeita de apneia do sono. A paciente havia sido submetida a cirurgia descompressiva 3 anos antes. A gasometria arterial mostrou hipercapnia. A polissonografia revelou um índice de distúrbio respiratório de 108 eventos/h, sendo todos os eventos apneias centrais. Foi iniciado tratamento com servoventilação adaptativa e houve resolução da apneia central. Este relato demonstra a eficácia da servoventilação no tratamento da síndrome de apneia central do sono associada à hipoventilação alveolar em uma paciente com MC-I previamente submetida a cirurgia descompressiva. Descritores: Apneia do sono tipo central; Malformação de Arnold-Chiari; Ventilação não invasiva.


Case report

The Chiari malformation type I (CM-I) is characterized by caudal displacement of the cerebellum and by herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum.(1) This malformation has been associated with sleepdisordered breathing, especially central sleep apnea syndrome.(2) Treatment of symptomatic CM-I consists of surgical decompression, which usually resolves the associated sleep-disordered breathing.(3) We report a case of severe central sleep apnea syndrome in a female CM-I patient with a history of decompressive surgery who was treated effectively with adaptive servoventilation (ASV).

A 44-year-old female patient diagnosed with CM-I in 2008 (Figure 1A) underwent decompressive surgery of the posterior cranial fossa. She underwent suboccipital craniectomy, laminectomy of C1 and C2, and duraplasty. Her postoperative complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula, which required reoperation and application of biological glue, and surgical wound infection, which was treated with debridement. Twelve months after surgery, the patient presented with worsening of neurological symptoms, including occipital headaches, dizziness, gait imbalance, left facial paresis, and dysphagia for liquids. Magnetic resonance imaging showed bony malformation

*Study carried out in the Department of Pulmonology, Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal. Correspondence to: Jorge Marques do Vale. Serviço de Pneumologia, Centro Hospitalar Tondela-Viseu, Avenida Rei D. Duarte, CP 3509-304, Viseu, Portugal. Tel. 351 91 425-1943. E-mail: Financial support: None. Submitted: 23 September 2013. Accepted, after review: 20 November 2013.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):574-578

Chiari malformation and central sleep apnea syndrome: efficacy of treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation

of the craniovertebral junction associated with a syringomyelic cavity involving C2 and C3 (Figure 1B). Additional surgical intervention was ruled out because of the associated risk of respiratory depression. Three years after surgery, the patient was referred to our sleep laboratory for suspected sleep apnea. She reported nonrestorative sleep and morning headaches, but she had no daytime sleepiness (Epworth score of 4) or symptoms suggestive of restless legs syndrome or narcolepsy. Additional information obtained from the patient’s family confirmed the presence of snoring and witnessed apneas. The patient had a history of hypothyroidism and received levothyroxine regularly. She was a nonsmoker and did not drink alcohol. Physical examination revealed that the patient had a body mass index of 34 kg/m2, a systemic blood pressure of 127/73 mmHg, and a neck circumference of 46 cm. In addition, she had a hypertrophic soft palate (Mallampati class II), but she had no facial dysmorphisms. The remainder of the physical examination was normal. A chest X-ray was unremarkable. There was no evidence of cardiovascular comorbidities (an echocardiogram and a Holter examination were unremarkable). Thyroid function was normal. An arterial blood gas analysis showed severe hypoxemia with mild hypercapnia (FiO2 = 0.21; pH = 7.35; PaO2 = 51 mmHg; PaCO2 = 56 mmHg; and SaO2 = 89%). Respiratory function test results A


revealed a slight reduction in FVC, a reduction in expiratory reserve volume and a preserved TLC. Polysomnography showed low sleep efficiency (44.4%), with 333 central respiratory events, a respiratory disturbance index of 108 events/h, and 27.6% of sleep time with oxyhemoglobin saturation < 90% (Figure 2). The patient started treatment for central sleep apnea syndrome with ASV (S9 Autoset CS™; ResMed Corp., San Diego, CA, USA), with a maximum pressure support of 15 cmH2O, a minimum pressure support of 5 cmH2O, an expiratory pressure of 8 cmH2O, and an RR of 15 breaths/min. After six months of treatment, polysomnography under ASV showed that the respiratory disturbance index improved from 108 events/h to 4.8 events/h and that the patient spent 1.4% of sleep time with oxyhemoglobin saturation < 90% (Figure 3). In addition, there was improvement in gas exchange (FiO2 = 0.21; pH = 7.36; PaO2 = 69 mmHg; PaCO2 = 46 mmHg; and SaO2 = 93%).

Discussion The CM-I has been defined as > 5-mm caudal displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum and is usually associated with a volumetrically reduced posterior fossa. (1) For a diagnosis, these radiological criteria should be interpreted in the clinical context, and magnetic resonance imaging is the most useful B

Figure 1 - In A, presurgical magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain showing bony malformation of the craniovertebral junction associated with basilar impression and a shortened clivus. Low cerebellar tonsils (Chiari malformation type I), but without evidence of syringomyelia. In B, postsurgical magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain (T2) showing bony malformation of the craniovertebral junction associated with syringomyelia at the level of C2 and C3.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):574-578


Vale JM, Silva E, Pereira IG, Marques C, Sanchez-Serrano A, Torres AS

Figure 2 - Baseline polysomnogram showing central apneas.

Figure 3 - Polysomnogram under servo-ventilation, showing resolution of the central apneas.

imaging tool. The respiratory center that controls breathing is located in the medulla oblongata, at the level of the craniocervical junction, and can be affected in this disease, thereby leading to respiratory disorders, especially during sleep. (4) Studies in the literature have reported a high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in patients with CM.(5,6) Although most reports in adults describe especially central sleep apneas, mixed and obstructive apneas are also seen.(7,8) Central apneas might result from direct compression of the central respiratory components, compression of cranial nerve pairs IX and X, and afferent nerve lesion caused by syringomyelic cavities.(9) Hypoventilation is defined as sustained oxygen desaturation that is not associated with obstructive apneas, hypopneas, or periodic breathing.(10) Patients with daytime hypercapnia, mainly because J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):574-578

of neuromuscular disease or ventilatory control abnormalities (obesity hypoventilation syndrome and central alveolar hypoventilation), may also have central apneas during sleep.(11) Central events are characterized by a temporary cessation of the neural respiratory drive during sleep, resulting in a decrease in ventilation and changes in gas exchange.(12) In general, central apneas during sleep in patients with hypercapnia should be distinguished from those occurring in patients with normocapnia or hypocapnia. Hypercapnic central sleep apnea overlaps with hypoventilation syndromes and is considered an integral part of sleep hypoventilation syndrome.(11) In the case described here, there were changes in respiratory function, including a slight reduction in FVC accompanied by a reduction in expiratory reserve volume. In obese patients,

Chiari malformation and central sleep apnea syndrome: efficacy of treatment with adaptive servo-ventilation

there is respiratory mechanics impairment that causes changes in pulmonary function, such as increased work of breathing and reduced lung volumes. The ventilatory restriction imposed by obesity is usually mild and is attributed to the mechanical effects that accumulation of adipose tissue has on the diaphragm and chest wall: diaphragmatic excursion is impaired and chest compliance is decreased.(13) The reduction in expiratory reserve volume may be detectable even in modestly overweight patients. In patients with morbid obesity, this change may be accompanied by a reduction in TLC and functional residual capacity.(14) Some obese patients have alveolar hypoventilation. The mechanism through which obesity leads to hypoventilation is complex and has yet to be fully understood. Several mechanisms have been proposed, including changes in respiratory mechanics, decreased central responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia, and neurohormonal changes, such as resistance to leptin.(15) Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is defined as a combination of obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2), daytime hypercapnia, and different types of sleep-disordered breathing in the absence of other conditions that may cause alveolar hypoventilation (obstructive or restrictive lung diseases, diseases of the chest wall, and neuromuscular diseases).(16) Patients with neurological disorders, including CM, may have central hypoventilation.(17) However, alveolar hypoventilation associated with central apneas is not common in CM-I, and, in the present case, it is not possible to exclude the role of obesity in the changes found on arterial blood gas analysis. Decompressive surgery usually results in a decreased number of respiratory events during sleep and reduces sleep fragmentation in a significant number of patients, with the effects being more pronounced in those with central apneas.(3) However, there are reports of the emergence of central apneas after surgery.(18) ASV is a form of closed-loop mechanical ventilation, pressure preset, and volume or flow cycled. It alleviates central apneas by providing dynamic (breath-by-breath) adjustment of inspiratory pressure support with a back-up rate to normalize breathing patterns. The efficacy of ASV has been established especially in the treatment of central sleep apnea syndrome associated with congestive heart failure. In central sleep apnea


syndrome associated with neurological disorders (without Cheyne-Stokes respiration), the role of ASV has yet to be well established.(19) The clinical case reported here demonstrates the efficacy of ASV in the treatment of central sleep apnea syndrome associated with alveolar hypoventilation in a CM-I patient, since there was complete resolution of the central events and a significant improvement in gas exchange. In addition, the case suggests that ASV may be efficacious in the treatment of central sleep apnea in CM-I patients with a history of decompressive surgery. We have found only one similar case reported in the published literature. (20) In conclusion, ASV may be an alternative to decompressive surgery in the treatment of central sleep apnea in CM-I patients.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Nuno Canto Moreira for his contribution in the analysis of the magnetic resonance imaging scans.

References 1. Zolty P, Sanders MH, Pollack IF. Chiari malformation and sleep-disordered breathing: a review of diagnostic and management issues. Sleep. 2000;23(5):637-43. PMid:10947031 2. Lam B, Ryan CF. Arnold-Chiari malformation presenting as sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep Med. 2000;1(2):139-44. 3. Gagnadoux F, Meslier N, Svab I, Menei P, Racineux JL. Sleep-disordered breathing in patients with Chiari malformation: improvement after surgery. Neurology. 2006;66(1):136-8. wnl.0000191394.53786.62 4. Botelho RV, Bittencourt LR, Rotta JM, Tufik S. Adult Chiari malformation and sleep apnoea. Neurosurg Rev. 2005;28(3):169-76. s10143-005-0400-y 5. Botelho RV, Bittencourt LR, Rotta JM, Tufik S. The effects of posterior fossa decompressive surgery in adult patients with Chiari malformation and sleep apnea. J Neurosurg. 2010;112(4):800-7. http://dx.doi. org/10.3171/2009.7.JNS09174 6. Botelho RV, Bittencourt LR, Rotta JM, Tufik S. Polysomnographic respiratory findings in patients with Arnold-Chiari type I malformation and basilar invagination, with or without syringomyelia: preliminary report of a series of cases. Neurosurg Rev. 2000;23(3):151-5. http:// 7. Bittencourt LR, Botelho RV, Moura SM, Nery LE, Palombini LO. Síndrome da apneia do sono central e dor cervical. J Pneumol. 1996;22(2):93-4. 8. Becker HF. Adult Chiari malformation and sleep apnoea. Neurosurg Rev. 2005;28(3):177-8. http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s10143-005-0401-x

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Vale JM, Silva E, Pereira IG, Marques C, Sanchez-Serrano A, Torres AS

9. Botelho RV, Bittencourt LR, Rotta JM, Tufik S. A prospective controlled study of sleep respiratory events in patients with craniovertebral junction malformation. J Neurosurg. 2003;99(6):1004-9. jns.2003.99.6.1004 10. Kushida CA, Littner MR, Morgenthaler T, Alessi CA, Bailey D, Coleman J Jr, et al. Practice parameters for the indications for polysomnography and related procedures: an update for 2005. Sleep. 2005;28(4):499-521. PMid:16171294 11. Eckert DJ, Jordan AS, Merchia P, Malhotra A. Central sleep apnea: Pathophysiology and treatment. Chest. 2007;131(2):595-607. chest.06.2287 12. White DP. Pathogenesis of obstructive and central sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005;172(11):136370. 13. Jones RL, Nzekwu MM. The effects of body mass index on lung volumes. Chest. 2006;130(3):827-33. http:// 14. Salome CM, King GG, Berend N. Physiology of obesity and effects on lung function. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2010;108(1):206-11. japplphysiol.00694.2009

15. Mokhlesi B. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: a stateof-the-art review. Respir Care. 2010;55(10):1347-62; discussion 1363-5. PMid:20875161 16. Al Dabal L, Bahammam AS. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Ann Thorac Med. 2009;4(2):41-9. http:// 17. Phillipson EA, Duffin J. Hypoventilation and hyperventilation syndromes. In: Mason RJ, Broaddus VC, Murray JF, Nadel JA, editors. Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2005; p. 2069-90. 18. Paul KS, Lye RH, Strang FA, Dutton J. Arnold-Chiari malformation. Review of 71 cases. J Neurosurg. 1983;58(2):183-7. jns.1983.58.2.0183 19. Aurora NR, Chowduri S, Ramar K, Bista SR, Casey KR, Lamm CI, et al. The treatment of central sleep apnea syndrome in adults: practice parameters with an evidence-based literature review and meta-analyses. Sleep. 2012;35(1):1740. 20. Fahim A, Johnson AO. Chiari malformation and central sleep apnoea: successful therapy with adaptive pressure support servo-ventilation following surgical treatment. BMJ Case Rep. 2012; 2012. pii: bcr-2012-007143. http://

About the authors Jorge Marques do Vale

Intern in Pulmonology. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

Eloísa Silva

Intern in Pulmonology. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

Isabel Gil Pereira

Pulmonologist. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

Catarina Marques

Neurosurgeon. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

Amparo Sanchez-Serrano

Pulmonologist. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

António Simões Torres

Pulmonologist. Tondela-Viseu Hospital Center, Viseu, Portugal.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):574-578

Letter to the Editor Digital drainage system: how far can we go? Sistema de drenagem digital: até onde podemos chegar?

Altair da Silva Costa Jr, Luiz Eduardo Villaça Leão, Jose Ernesto Succi, Erika Rymkiewicz, Juliana Folador, Thamara Kazantzis

To the Editor: Most patients who have lung surgery require drainage of the pleural space to remove pleural fluid and air in the postoperative period and to allow adequate expansion of the remaining lung. Prolonged air leak is an expected complication in approximately 10% of patients.(1) It is necessary that the health care team be qualified to manage the drainage system adequately. The measurement or grading of air leaks is still subjective and depends on the level of experience of professionals in quantifying them. Therefore, interpretation of air leaks is related to observer variability.(1,2) Because it is subjective, there is interobserver disagreement, even among experienced observers. When uncertainty persists, the patient remains hospitalized for at least another day or period. Since digital thoracic drainage systems became available, patients have had some advantages at their disposal.(2,3) This type of system is portable and is powered by a rechargeable battery with a run time of 12 h. It has alarms and alerts for various situations, such as tube occlusion, system disconnection, suction failure, etc. Because it is a completely closed system, the fluid has no contact with the outside environment, and this provides improved biosafety for the health care team and patients themselves. Another advantage regards air leaks, since the system minimizes interobserver differences. Air leaks are measured objectively, in mL/min, and can also be seen in chart form. The suction pressure is regulated inside the device itself, which operates independently from the hospital vacuum system. When the air leak is less than 40 mL/min in the preceding 6 h, which can be seen in the chart on the device screen, the tube can be removed.(2-4) The amount of liquid is measured traditionally into a graded container. Digital drainage systems are well tolerated by patients and provide greater safety and mobility. They can reduce the duration of hospital stay and its costs, since the tube is removed earlier.(2,4,5) We

report the use of a digital drainage system in a severely ill patient undergoing lung resection. The device was used in a severely ill elderly male with hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, COPD, and lung cancer. At the time, the patient had bloody sputum with some episodes of hemoptysis and a mass in the middle lobe. After lung resection, he remained on mechanical ventilation for 5 days, under intensive care. The patient also had an air leak from the tube, and, from postoperative day 2 onward, he was monitored with the Thopaz® digital system (Medela, Baar, Switzerland; Figure 1). On the system screen, we can obtain information about what is currently happening, with the air leak status and the suction pressure used being displayed. In the chart, we have information about what happened in the preceding 24 h (Figure 2). Therefore, during medical or nursing rounds, we can consult this information and improve the decision-making process. In addition, the information can be exported to a computer with the ThopEasy software (Medela). We thus obtain more parameters, such as duration of drainage, with the date and the start and end time of system use, as well as minimum and maximum values for suction and air leaks (Figure 2). Suction can be quantified in various

Figure 1 - Digital thoracic drainage system.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):579-581

Costa Jr AS, Leão LEV, Succi JE, Rymkiewicz E, Folador J, Kazantzis T

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10/10









600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 19/10

Flow (mL/min)

Pressure (cmH2O)


Figure 2 - Photos of the device showing the data and graph, and, just below. the chart on the computer. In red, graphical representation of air loss (flow in mL/min); in blue, the pressure if suction is used (in cmH2O). Both representations versus time in days.

units; we chose cmH2O. In addition, air leaks can be measured on a scale ranging from 100 to 2,000 mL. In our patient, for instance, the tube remained in place for 7 days, and the maximum air leak was 637 mL/min (Figure 2). The system used has functionality and simplicity and offers new standards for thoracic drainage. It allows early mobilization of patients, even for those on continuous suction, which is difficult to accomplish with the traditional water-seal system under suction.(5,6) It simplifies nursing care because of improved safety and provides objective data about air leaks. Among the disadvantages are the need for training health professionals in handling the system and the “custo Brasil” (Brazil cost) to import it. Although the system is routinely used in health facilities worldwide,(2,4,5) there is still uncertainty as to which patients would benefit from its use. We need to determine where this digital system would make a difference, and, therefore, we believe that it should also be evaluated and studied in Brazil. Note: The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest between them and the J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):579-581

product manufacturer or any company that is related to the product.

Altair da Silva Costa Jr Physician, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine Hospital São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and Professor, Department of Thoracic Surgery, ABC School of Medicine, Santo André, Brazil Luiz Eduardo Villaça Leão Full Professor, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil Jose Ernesto Succi Assistant Professor, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil

Digital drainage system: how far can we go?

Erika Rymkiewicz Preceptor for the Residency Program, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine Hospital São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Juliana Folador Resident, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine Hospital São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Thamara Kazantzis Resident, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Federal University of São Paulo Paulista School of Medicine Hospital São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

References 1. Cerfolio RJ, Bryant AS. The benefits of continuous and digital air leak assessment after elective pulmonary


resection: a prospective study. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2008;86(2):396-401. athoracsur.2008.04.016 2. Mier JM, Molins L, Fibla JJ. The benefits of digital air leak assessment after pulmonary resection: prospective and comparative study [Article in Spanish]. Cir Esp. 2010;87(6):385-9. ciresp.2010.03.012 3. Cerfolio RJ, Varela G, Brunelli A. Digital and smart chest drainage systems to monitor air leaks: the birth of a new era? Thorac Surg Clin. 2010;20(3):413-20. http:// 4. Brunelli A, Cassivi SD, Salati M, Fibla J, Pompili C, Halgren LA, et al. Digital measurements of air leak flow and intrapleural pressures in the immediate postoperative period predict risk of prolonged air leak after pulmonary lobectomy. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;39(4):584-8. 5. Bertolaccini L, Rizzardi G, Filice MJ, Terzi A. ‘Six sigma approach’ - an objective strategy in digital assessment of postoperative air leaks: a prospective randomised study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011;39(5):e128-32. 6. Pompili C, Brunelli A, Salati M, Refai M, Sabbatini A. Impact of the learning curve in the use of a novel electronic chest drainage system after pulmonary lobectomy: a case-matched analysis on the duration of chest tube usage. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2011;13(5):490-3; discussion 493.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):579-581

Letter to the Editor Battery ingestion: an unusual cause of mediastinitis Ingestão de bateria: uma causa incomum de mediastinite

Rosana Souza Rodrigues, Fátima Aparecida Ferreira Figueiredo, César Augusto Amorim, Gláucia Zanetti, Edson Marchiori

To the Editor: An 18-month-old boy with dry cough and fever was brought to the emergency department. His mother reported the onset of the symptoms approximately 3 days prior. She reported no nausea, vomiting, refusal to eat, or other symptoms. Physical examination revealed no abnormalities. Chest X-rays demonstrated a round, opaque object lodged at the upper esophagus. The identification of a circular radiopaque shadow with a peripheral double rim or a halo effect on an anteroposterior (AP) X-ray (Figure 1A) and a step-off on the lateral view (Figure 1B) allowed the diagnosis of button battery (BB) ingestion. Esophagoscopy showed a corroded 20-mm-diameter lithium BB lodged in the esophagus, with corrosive injury of the mucosa. The foreign body was retrieved 80 h after the ingestion. CT scans showed foci of material with high density posterior to the trachea (remains of the foreign body) and signs of esophageal perforation and mediastinitis (Figure 2). Immediate surgical consultation was done, and conservative treatment was decided (observation, A

antibiotics and nasogastric tube feeding). After 30 days of hospitalization, follow-up esophagoscopy demonstrated complete lesion closure with no sign of stenosis. A BB lodged in the esophagus can cause severe tissue damage and delayed complications, such as esophageal perforation, tracheoesophageal fistulas, mediastinitis, and death.(1-4) Misdiagnoses frequently occur when ingested batteries are misidentified on X-rays as other objects, particularly coins. However, subtle differences exist in the radiographic features of BBs and coins. A halo of reduced density is present around the circumference of a BB (double rim or halo effect) on an AP X-ray, and a step-off can be observed on the lateral view. A battery lodged in the esophagus must be treated as a medical emergency because of its rapid corrosive action; a BB may cause serious burns in just two hours.(1-4) Patients with a battery in the esophagus may be asymptomatic initially. Endoscopic removal is preferred because it allows direct visualization of tissue injury.(1) B

Figure 1 - In A, an anteroposterior chest X-ray revealing a circular radiopaque shadow with a peripheral double rim or a halo effect, and, in B, a lateral X-ray showing a step-off, which allowed the diagnosis of a button battery lodged in the esophagus.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):582-583

Battery ingestion: an unusual cause of mediastinitis




Figure 2 - CT scans showing upper mediastinum widening with areas of low attenuation surrounding the trachea and supra-aortic arteries and veins, as well as extraluminal gas and metallic fragments (remains of the foreign body), suggestive of esophageal perforation and mediastinitis.

Rosana Souza Rodrigues Médica, Serviço de Radiodiagnóstico, Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; e Médica, Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Educação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Edson Marchiori Professor Titular Emérito, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brasil; e Professor Associado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Fátima Aparecida Ferreira Figueiredo Médica, Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Educação; e Médica, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil


César Augusto Amorim Médico, Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Educação; e Médico, Departamento de Medicina Clínica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Gláucia Zanetti Professora, Programa de Pós Graduação em Radiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

1. Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M. Emerging battery-ingestion hazard: clinical implications. Pediatrics 2010;125(6):1168-77. peds.2009-3037 2. Bernstein JM, Burrows SA, Saunders MW. Lodged oesophageal button battery masquerading as a coin: an unusual cause of bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Emerg Med J. 2007;24(3):e15. emj.2006.044180 3. Soccorso G, Grossman O, Martinelli M, Marven SS, Patel K, Thomson M, et al. 20 mm lithium button battery causing an oesophageal perforation in a toddler: lessons in diagnosis and treatment. Arch Dis Child. 2012;97(8):746-7. 4. Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L. Preventing battery ingestions: an analysis of 8648 cases. Pediatrics. 2010;125(6):1178-83. peds.2009-3038

Submitted: 11 May 2014. Accepted, after review: 16 June 2014.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):582-583

Letter to the Editor Comments on the introduction of the paper “Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma” Comentários sobre a introdução do artigo “Panorama dos processos bioquímicos e genéticos presentes no mesotelioma maligno”

Eduardo Algranti

To the Editor: I read with interest the article “Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma”, by Assis and Isoldi. (1) It is a comprehensive literature review of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis in malignant mesothelioma (MM) and includes studies conducted by the authors themselves. The topic is relevant because there is evidence of a gradual increase in the incidence of MM in Brazil, particularly in southeastern Brazil,(2) despite strong evidence of underreporting. Although the prognosis of MM is extremely poor, MM is preventable, given that it is of occupational or environmental origin in the vast majority of cases. Although the title of the review article describes the scope of the study, the two-page introduction addresses general issues regarding MM and is the reason why the present letter was written. First, I would like to comment on simian virus 40 (SV40). In the abstract of their article,(1) the authors state that “the development of MM is strongly correlated with exposure to asbestos and erionite, as well as to simian virus 40”. At the end of the sixth paragraph of the introduction, the statement is repeated, albeit in other words, being accompanied by four references. In the 1960s, some batches of polio vaccine were contaminated with SV40. Since then, there has been interest in studying the consequences of this accidental inoculation in individuals who received SV40-contaminated vaccines. More than 20 years ago, it was hypothesized that SV40 played a role in the genesis of MM because of its potential to cause mesothelioma in laboratory animals.(3) Subsequent studies demonstrated the role of SV40 in a significant proportion of MM cases.(4,5) However, epidemiological studies of populations exposed to contaminated vaccines showed no increased incidence of cancer, including MM.(6) Two studies used multiple techniques for

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):584-585

detecting SV40 in MM and normal kidney tissue, avoiding cross-reactions with other polyomaviruses, and neither showed the presence of SV40 in the samples analyzed.(7,8) In contrast, in one study, indirect ELISA demonstrated a higher prevalence of serum antibodies to SV40 in patients with MM than in healthy controls.(9) Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published a comprehensive review of the carcinogenicity of polyomaviruses, concluding that there is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of SV40, which was therefore classified as a Group 3 carcinogen,(10) meaning that SV40 is not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. In the aforementioned review,(10) the reasons for conflicting results across studies are discussed. On the basis of the available evidence, it is incorrect to state that MM is strongly correlated with SV40. What is even worse is that the statement as it is misleads readers to believe that SV40 and asbestos have the same potential to cause MM. Second, I would like to comment on the statement that “there is considerable debate regarding the role of chrysotile asbestos in the genesis of MM”. The authors continue by stating that “there are reports that chrysotile asbestos cannot cause MM in humans”, without providing any reference to support this assertion. That is not the consensus! According to the IARC, chrysotile is a Group 1 carcinogen to human mesothelial cells.(11) The potential of chrysotile asbestos to cause MM has been reported to be one order of magnitude lower than that of amphibole asbestos.(12) Assis and Isoldi are experts in the biochemical and genetic processes associated with MM, as evidenced by the references to studies conducted by the group. Their review of the genes and biochemical pathways involved in MM is excellent;

Comments on the introduction of the paper “Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma”

however, the introduction of the article mars their work by including poorly substantiated or incorrect statements regarding the potency of MM-inducing agents and the causal relationships between human exposure to those agents and the development of MM (all of which have been widely discussed in the literature), presenting readers with recurrent misconceptions.

Eduardo Algranti Head of the Department of Medicine, Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho – FUNDACENTRO, Jorge Duprat Figueiredo Foundation for Occupational Safety and Medicine – São Paulo, Brazil

References 1. Assis LV, Isoldi MC. Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):429-42. S1806-37132014000400012 2. Pedra F, Tambellini AT, Pereira Bde B, da Costa AC, de Castro HA. Mesothelioma mortality in Brazil, 1980-2003. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2008;14(3):170-5. http:// 3. Cicala C, Pompetti F, Carbone M. SV40 induces mesotheliomas in hamsters. Am J Pathol. 1993;142(5):1524-33. 4. Jasani B, Jones CJ, Radu C, Wynford-Thomas D, Navabi H, Mason M, et al. Simian virus 40 detection in human mesothelioma: reliability and significance of the available molecular evidence. Front Biosci. 2001;6:E12-22. http:// 5. Gazdar AF, Carbone M. Molecular pathogenesis of malignant mesothelioma and its relationship to simian


virus 40. Clin Lung Cancer. 2003;5(3):177-81. http:// 6. Rollison DE, Page WF, Crawford H, Gridley G, Wacholder S, Martin J, et al. Case-control study of cancer among US Army veterans exposed to simian virus 40-contaminated adenovirus vaccine. Am J Epidemiol. 2004;160(4):31724. 7. Manfredi JJ, Dong J, Liu WJ, Resnick-Silverman L, Qiao R, Chahinian P, et al. Evidence against a role for SV40 in human mesothelioma. Cancer Res. 2005;65(7):2602-9. 8. López-Rios F, Illei PB, Rusch V, Ladanyi M. Evidence against a role for SV40 infection in human mesotheliomas and high risk of false-positive PCR results owing to presence of SV40 sequences in common laboratory plasmids. Lancet. 2004;364(9440):1157-66. Erratum in: Lancet. 2005;366(9503):2086. S0140-6736(04)17102-X 9. Mazzoni E, Corallini A, Cristaudo A, Taronna A, Tassi G, Manfrini M, et al. High prevalence of serum antibodies reacting with simian virus 40 capsid protein mimotopes in patients affected by malignant pleural mesothelioma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012;109(44):18066-71. http:// 10. IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Malaria and some polyomaviruses (SV40, BK, JC, and Merkel Cell Viruses) In: IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. International Agency for Research on Cancer. World Health Organization. Vol. 104. Lyon, France: World Health Organization. 2013. p. 133-204. 11. IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Arsenic, metals, fibres, and dusts. In: IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. International Agency for Research on Cancer. World Health Organization. Vol. 100C. Lyon, France: World Health Organization. 2012. p. 11-465. 12. Hodgson JT, Darnton A. The quantitative risks of mesothelioma and lung cancer in relation to asbestos exposure. Ann Occup Hyg. 2000;44(8):565-601. http://

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):584-585

Letter to the Editor Authors’ reply

Resposta dos autores Dear Dr. Eduardo Algranti,

We would like to thank Dr. Eduardo Algranti for his interest in our paper and for his comments, which greatly contribute to the study in question and to a broader discussion of malignant mesothelioma (MM) in Brazil. First, we would like to reply to Dr. Algranti’s comments on simian virus 40 (SV40). In the abstract of our article,(1) we state that “the development of MM is strongly correlated with exposure to asbestos and erionite, as well as to simian virus 40”. We agree with Dr. Algranti that the statement is incorrect as it is. Before our article was edited by the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology, the statement read “the development of this cancer is strongly correlated with exposure to asbestos and other factors, such as erionite and SV40”. In the original sentence (i.e., before the editing of the article), “strongly correlated” referred to “exposure to asbestos” rather than “exposure to asbestos, erionite, and SV40”; however, we recognize that the sentence was ambiguous and open to interpretation. The original sentence might have been clearer if we had placed a comma between the words “asbestos” and “erionite”, in an attempt to indicate that “strongly correlated” referred to “asbestos” only; however, we recognize that the sentence would have remained ambiguous and open to interpretation. Several studies have strongly correlated asbestos with the development of MM. However, we agree with Dr. Algranti that it is incorrect to state that there is a strong correlation between SV40 and MM. In a recent study conducted by our research group,(2) the role of SV40 in MM was described as follows: “Taken altogether, it is still not clear the direct carcinogenic effects of SV40 in MM in humans; however, it is widely accepted the role of SV40 as a co-carcinogenic player in association with asbestos in the development of MM.” Although the original sentence was no longer ambiguous after the editing of the article, the resulting statement was incorrect. It is indeed J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):586-587

incorrect to state that the carcinogenic potential of asbestos and erionite is the same as that of SV40. Therefore, we will request that the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology correct the sentence in the abstract to read “the development of MM is correlated with exposure to asbestos and other factors, such as erionite and simian virus 40”. Second, we would like to reply to Dr. Algranti’s comments on our description of the role of chrysotile asbestos in the development of MM. We agree with Dr. Algranti’s statement that the carcinogenic potential of chrysotile asbestos is lower than that of amphibole asbestos. In fact, in our article,(1) we stated that all types of asbestos are classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).(3) However, it is widely debated whether chrysotile asbestos can cause MM in humans, and this is mentioned in our article. (1) This controversy in the literature guides public policies in many countries, including Brazil. There is also controversy as to whether controlled exposure to low concentrations of chrysotile asbestos over a long period of time can result in detectable changes in humans.(4) The issue is further complicated by the fact that chrysotile asbestos can be contaminated with crocidolite asbestos.(5) Chrysotile asbestos accounts for 95% of all asbestos used worldwide, MM cases being therefore associated with this type of asbestos; however, it has been shown that there is no epidemiological evidence for a causal association between chrysotile asbestos and MM.(6,7) There is no consensus in the literature regarding the effects of chrysotile asbestos exposure at low doses over a long period of time or at high doses over a short period of time on the development of MM.(4-8) However, according to Dr. Algranti, there is no doubt about the carcinogenic effects of chrysotile asbestos in humans, and we respect his opinion. Nevertheless, in our opinion, there is no consensus!

Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma

After a thorough study of the literature, our opinion is that there is no consensus regarding this issue. If there is indeed a consensus, why is it that chrysotile asbestos is still marketed in and exported by several countries, including Brazil? This is not true for amphibole asbestos; because there is a consensus on its role in the development of MM, it has been banned worldwide. Although the IARC classifies chrysotile asbestos as a carcinogen,(3) several other groups and authorities worldwide have not been convinced by the currently available evidence; this further fuels the ongoing controversy. In addition to being scientifically controversial, the issue is controversial from an economic standpoint, given the large sums of money involved in worldwide asbestos markets. However, there is a consensus in the literature regarding the fact that the potency of chrysotile asbestos is lower than that of other forms of asbestos.(2-4,7-9) We believe that our statement regarding chrysotile asbestos is correct; there is controversy, rather than consensus, regarding the role of chrysotile asbestos in humans. This is due to many factors, some of which have been mentioned above, whereas several others have been described elsewhere.(4,7,10) Despite the controversy generated by several confounding factors in the aforementioned studies, the dangers of chrysotile asbestos cannot be ignored, which is why chrysotile asbestos and other types of asbestos are classified as human carcinogens. (3) This is clearly stated in our article.(1) Finally, because our study focused on the molecular bases of MM, we decided not to delve into the controversy regarding the role of chrysotile asbestos in MM. However, the controversial nature of the issue is manifested in Dr. Algranti’s letter and in our reply. We would like to thank Dr. Algranti again for his interest in our paper; for his critique; and for his bringing to light issues that are extremely important to the discussion of mesothelioma in Brazil. Yours sincerely,


Leonardo de Assis Doctoral Student. Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Mauro César Isoldi Adjunct Professor. Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil

References 1. Assis LV, Isoldi MC. Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma. J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(4):429-42. S1806-37132014000400012 2. de Assis LV, Locatelli J, Isoldi MC. The role of key genes and pathways involved in the tumorigenesis of Malignant Mesothelioma. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2014;1845(2):23247. PMid:24491449 3. IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Arsenic, metals, fibres, and dusts. In: IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. International Agency for Research on Cancer. World Health Organization. Vol. 100C. Lyon, France: World Health Organization. 2012. p. 11-465. 4. Bernstein D, Dunnigan J, Hesterberg T, Brown R, Velasco JA, Barrera R, et al. Health risk of chrysotile revisited. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2013;43(2):154-83. 10.3109/10408444.2012.756454 5. Carbone M, Ly BH, Dodson RF, Pagano I, Morris PT, Dogan UA, et al. Malignant mesothelioma: facts, myths, and hypotheses. J Cell Physiol. 2012;227(1):44-58 http:// 6. Tweedale G, McCulloch J. Chrysophiles versus chrysophobes: the white asbestos controversy, 1950s-2004. Isis. 2004;95(2):239-59. 7. Britton M. The epidemiology of mesothelioma. Semin Oncol. 2002;29(1):18-25. sonc.2002.30237 8. Powers A, Carbone M. The role of environmental carcinogens, viruses and genetic predisposition in the pathogenesis of mesothelioma. Cancer Biol Ther. 2002;1(4):348-53. 9. de Assis LV, Isoldi MC. The function, mechanisms, and role of the genes PTEN and TP53 and the effects of asbestos in the development of malignant mesothelioma: a review focused on the genes’ molecular mechanisms. Tumour Biol. 2014;35(2):889-901. s13277-013-1210-4 10. Bernstein D, Dunnigan J, Hesterberg T, Brown R, Legaspi Velasco JA, Barrerao R, et al. Response to Murray M. Finkelstein, letter to the editor re Bernstein et al: Health risk of chrysotile revisited. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2013;43(8):70910.

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):586-587

Erratum Manuscript: Overview of the biochemical and genetic processes in malignant mesothelioma Publication: Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia. 2014:40(4):429-42 DOI:10.1590/S1806-37132014000400012 On page 429 of the original publication, in the third line of the abstract, where is written “The development of MM is strongly correlated with exposure to asbestos and erionite, as well as to simian virus 40.” should be read “The development of MM is strongly correlated with exposure to asbestos and with other factors, such as erionite and simian virus 40.”

J Bras Pneumol. 2014;40(5):588-588

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Abstracts 2. Singer M, Lefort J, Lapa e Silva JR, Vargaftig BB. Failure of granulocyte depletion to suppress mucin production in a murine model of allergy [abstract]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000;161:A863.

Chapter in a Book 3. Queluz T, Andres G. Goodpasture’s syndrome. In: Roitt IM, Delves PJ, editors. Encyclopedia of Immunology. 1st ed. London: Academic Press; 1992. p. 621-3.

Official Publications 4. World Health Organization. Guidelines for surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis. WHO/Tb, 1994;178:1-24. Theses 5. Martinez TY. Impacto da dispnéia e parâmetros funcionais respiratórios em medidas de qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde de pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática [thesis]. São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 1998.

Electronic publications 6. Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12]; 102(6): [about 3 p.]. Available from: http://www.

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Eventos 2014/2015 NACIONAIS XXXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Pneumologia e Tisiologiaa Data: 07 a 11 de outubro de 2014 Local: Expogramado, Gramado/RS Informações: Secretaria da SBPT Portal:

XVI Curso Nacional de Atualização em Pneumologia Data: 16 a 18 de abril de 2015 Local: Centro de Convenções Rebouças, São Paulo/SP Informações: 0800616218 ou

XIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Torácica Data: 27 a 29 de maio de 2015 Local: Fábrica de Negócios, Fortaleza - Ceará Organização: Ikone Eventos Informações: 85-3261-1111

X Curso Nacional de Doenças Intersticiais 7th International Wasog Conference on Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases Data: 04 a 06 de junho de 2015 Local: Centro de Convenções Rebouças, São Paulo/SP Informações: 0800616218 ou

INTERNACIONAIS ERS 2014 06 a 10 de setembro Munique - Alemanha

Chest 2014 25 a 30 de outubro Austin - Texas - EUA

XXX Congresso Português de Pneumologia VIII Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Pneumologia 06 a 09 de novembro 2014 Lisboa - Portugal

IV International Pediatric Sleep Association Congress - IPSA 2014 03 a 05 de dezembro Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil

ATS 2015 Data: 15-20 de Maio Local: Denver/CO-USA Informações:

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Controle RÁPIDO e SUSTENTADO da Asma.


ALCANCE DAS PEQUENAS VIAS AÉREAS, 50% a 70% de partículas finas. 3

NÃO PRECISA ser conservado em geladeira. Referências bibliográficas: 1. Morice AH, Peterson S, Beckman O, Kukova Z. Efficacy and safety of a new pressurised metered-dose inhaler formulation of budesonide/formoterol in children with asthma: a superiority and therapeutic equivalence study. Pulm Pharmacol Ther.2008;21(1):152-9. 2. Noonan M, Rosenwasser LJ, Martin P, O’Brien CD, O’Dowd L. Efficacy and safety of budesonide and formoterol in one pressurised metered-dose inhaler in adults and adolescents with moderate to severe asthma: a randomised clinical trial. Drugs.2006;66(17):2235-54. 3. Chambers F, Ludzik A. In vitro drug delivery performance of a new budesonide/formoterol pressurized metereddose inhaler. Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery. 2009 Jun;22(2):113-20.

VANNAIR 6/100 mcg/inalação e VANNAIR 6/200 mcg/inalação (fumarato de formoterol di-hidratado/budesonida) VANNAIR (fumarato de formoterol di-hidratado/budesonida) é composto por substâncias que possuem diferentes modos de ação e que apresentam efeitos aditivos em termos de redução da asma do que outros produtos isoladamente. A budesonida é um glicocorticosteróide que tem uma rápida (dentro de horas) e dose-dependente ação antiinflamatória nas vias aéreas e o formoterol é um agonista beta-2-adrenérgico seletivo de início de ação rápido (1-3 minutos) e de longa duração (pelo menos 12 horas). Indicações: VANNAIR está indicado no tratamento da asma nos casos em que o uso de uma associação (corticosteróide inalatório com um beta-2 agonista de ação prolongada) é apropriado. Contra-indicações: Hipersensibilidade a budesonida, ao formoterol ou a outros componentes da fórmula. Cuidados e Advertências: Advertências: É recomendado que a dose seja titulada quando o tratamento de longo prazo é descontinuado e este não deve ser interrompido abruptamente. Para minimizar o risco de candidíase orofaríngea, o paciente deve ser instruído a lavar a boca com água após administrar as inalações de VANNAIR. Uma deterioração súbita e progressiva do controle da asma é um risco potencial e o paciente deve procurar suporte médico.Pacientes que necessitaram de terapia corticosteróide de alta dose emergencial ou tratamento prolongado de altas doses recomendadas de corticosteróides inalatórios podem exibir sinais e sintomas de insuficiência adrenal quando expostos a situações de estresse grave. Administração de corticosteróide sistêmico adicional deve ser considerada durante situações de estresse ou cirurgia eletiva. VANNAIR deve ser administrado com cautela em pacientes com graves alterações cardiovasculares (incluindo anomalias do ritmo cardíaco), diabetes mellitus, hipocalemia não tratada ou tireotoxicose. Pacientes com prolongamento do intervalo QTc devem ser cuidadosamente observados (para maiores informações vide bula completa do produto). Uso durante a gravidez e a lactação: categoria C de risco de gravidez. Este medicamento não deve ser utilizado por mulheres grávidas sem orientação médica ou do cirurgião-dentista. A administração de VANNAIR em mulheres lactantes deve ser apenas considerada se os benefícios esperados para a mãe superarem qualquer possível risco para a criança (para maiores informações vide bula completa do produto). Interações medicamentosas: o metabolismo da budesonida é mediado principalmente pela CYP3A4, uma subfamília do citocromo P450. Portanto, inibidores desta enzima, como o cetoconazol ou suco de grapefruit (pomelo), podem aumentar a exposição sistêmica à budesonida. A cimetidina apresenta um leve efeito inibidor sobre o metabolismo hepático da budesonida. Fármacos como a procainamida, fenotiazina, agentes antihistamínicos (terfenadina), inibidor da monoaminooxidase (MAO) e antidepressivos tricíclicos foram relacionados com um intervalo QTc prolongado e um aumento do risco de arritmia ventricular. Os bloqueadores beta-adrenérgicos (incluindo os colírios oftálmicos) podem atenuar ou inibir o efeito do formoterol (para maiores informações vide bula completa do produto). Reações adversas: as reações adversas que foram associadas à budesonida ou ao formoterol são apresentadas a seguir. Comum: palpitações, candidíase na orofaringe, cefaléia, tremor, leve irritação na garganta, tosse, rouquidão. Incomum: taquicardia, náusea, cãibras musculares, tontura, agitação, ansiedade, nervosismo eperturbações do sono. (para outras reações adversas, vide bula completa do produto). Posologia: a dose de VANNAIR deve ser individualizada conforme a gravidade da doença. Quando for obtido o controle da asma, a dose deve ser titulada para a menor dose que permita manter um controle eficaz dos sintomas. VANNAIR 6/100 mcg/inalação: Adultos (a partir de 18 anos de idade): 2 inalações uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Em alguns casos, uma dose máxima de 4 inalações duas vezes ao dia pode ser requerida como dose temporária de manutenção durante a piora da asma. Adolescentes (12-17 anos): 2 inalações uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Durante a piora da asma a dose pode temporariamente ser aumentada para o máximo de 4 inalações duas vezes ao dia. Crianças (6-11 anos): 2 inalações duas vezes ao dia. Dose máxima diária: 4 inalações. VANNAIR 6/200 mcg/inalação: Adultos (a partir de 18 anos de idade): 2 inalações uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Em alguns casos, uma dose máxima de 4 inalações duas vezes ao dia pode ser requerida como dose temporária de manutenção durante a piora da asma. Adolescentes (12-17 anos): 2 inalações uma ou duas vezes ao dia. Durante a piora da asma a dose pode temporariamente ser aumentada para o máximo de 4 inalações duas vezes ao dia. Instruções de Uso: vide bula completa do produto. Superdose: A superdosagem de formoterol irá provavelmente provocar efeitos típicos dos agonistas beta-2-adrenérgicos: tremor, cefaléia, palpitações e taquicardia. Poderá igualmente ocorrer hipotensão, acidose metabólica, hipocalemia e hiperglicemia. Pode ser indicado um tratamento de suporte e sintomático. A administração de uma dose de 90 mcg durante três horas em pacientes com obstrução brônquica aguda e quando administrada três vezes ao dia como um total de 54 mcg/ dia por 3 dias para a estabilidade asmática não suscitou quaisquer problemas de segurança. Não é esperado que uma superdosagem aguda da budesonida, mesmo em doses excessivas, constitua um problema clínico. Quando utilizado cronicamente em doses excessivas, podem ocorrer efeitos glicocorticosteróides sistêmicos (para informações de superdosagem grave vide bula completa do produto). Apresentações: VANNAIR 6/100 mcg/inalação: Aerossol bucal 6/100 mcg/inalação em embalagem com 1 tubo contendo 120 doses. USO ADULTO E PEDIÁTRICO. VANNAIR 6/200 mcg/inalação: Aerossol bucal 6/200 mcg/inalação em embalagem com 1 tubo contendo 120 doses. USO ADULTO. USO POR INALAÇÃO ORAL. VENDA SOB PRESCRIÇÃO MÉDICA. Para maiores informações, consulte a bula completa do produto. (VAN005). AstraZeneca do Brasil Ltda., Rod. Raposo Tavares, Km 26,9 - Cotia - SP - CEP 06707-000 Tel.: 0800-0145578. www.astrazeneca. Vannair . MS – 1.1618.0234 ®







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VAN.13.J.214 - Produzido em Outubro/2013


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