Perth Pool List DISCOVER PERTH’S POOLS On a quest to uncover how many public pools are in the region through experiencing them, the Perth Pool Guide was created. This is an extract from the full guide.
Start your own swimming adventure with #PerthPoolQuest. How many pools will you swim in?
About this List ThiscomplementatryoverviewfeaturesextractsfromThePerthPoolGuide It consistsofalistofPerthpublicswimmingpoolsforthepurposeoflapswimming ofover25metresinlength,availabletothepublicforacasualentryfee.Usethe listtocreateyourownpoolquest. Fulldetailsofeachpool;ThePerthPoolGuide.
Disclaimer JoSaundershasassertedherrightstobeidentifiedastheauthorofthisworkin accordancewiththeCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988 Allrightsreserved Apartfromfairdealingsforthepurposeofresearch,privatestudyorreview,no partofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,or transmittedinanyform,orbyanymeans(electronic,mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwise)withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionoftheauthor Unlessof courseyouarequotingtheauthorwiththepurposeofpromotingthislisttoyour networkviasocialmedia,inthespiritofpromotingswimminginPerth.Every reasonableattempthasbeenmadetoidentifytheownersofcopyright
Anyviewsandopinionsexpressedhereinarestrictlytheauthor’sown.The informationinthislistisbasedontheauthor’sexperienceandresearch.Theauthor disclaimsresponsibilityforanyadverseconsequencesthatmayresultfromuseof theinformationcontainedherein
Errors oromissionswillbecorrectedinsubsequenteditions.Ifyouspotanerror pleasefeelfreetoemailjo@wildfiresocialmarketingcom Andifyouhearofanew publicswimmingpool,letherknowas shewouldlovetotestthewaters
Pricing correctatDecember2022
Title: PerthPoolList
Zone *Greater Perth consists of an area equivalent to the Perth metropolitan region, as defined by the Metropolitan Region Scheme, plus the City of Mandurah and the Pinjarra Level 2 Statistical Area of the Shire of Murray.
Zones as defined via WALGA - The WA Local Government Directory 2024
Perth Pool List AstheGoldilocksofPerthpools,Iwas lookingforapoolthatisnottoohot,not toocoldbutjustright.Thislistisrankedin orderofmypreferencethroughpersonal experience,opinionandfactsaspartof myresearch. GetthefullGuide.
Ipreferanoutdoor50metrepoolideallysalt-based withwell-designedfacilities,builtwithsustainability andusabilityinmind,friendlystaff,ahealthycafeand agreatlocation.Attheendoftheday,thebestpoolis theoneyouuse.Thislistwasupdated2024.
Stirling Leisure - Scarborough Beach *
Stirling Leisure - Inglewood*
Cockburn ARC*
Armadale Aquatic Centre*
Beatty Park Leisure Centre*
Mandurah ARC*
HBF Stadium*
Bicton Pool
Bold Park Aquatic*
Fremantle Leisure Centre*
Craigie Leisure Centre*
Bilgoman Aquatic Centre*
Claremont Aquatic Centre*
Aqualife Centre*
Aqua Jetty*
Rockingham Aquatic Centre*
Bayswater Waves*
LeisureFit Booragoon
Kalamunda Water Park*
Riverton Leisureplex
UWA Aquatic Centre
Mt Helena Aquatic
Wesley Sports Club*
Wanneroo Aquamotion
HBF Arena Joondalup
Swan Active Beechboro
Kwinana Recquatic
Leisure World Gosnells
Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre
Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre
Swan Active Midland
Swan Active Ballajura
Cannington Leisureplex
Stirling Leisure - Balga * Outdoor 50m pool
Centres with only Outdoor Pools ClaremontAquaticCentreCENTRAL
Warmest Outdoor Pool
29º MtHelenaAquaticCentre EAST
Warmest Indoor Pools 315º BayswaterWaves EAST
31.5º SwanActiveBeechboro EAST
Coldest Outdoor Pool
22º KalamundaWaterPark EAST
Coldest Indoor Pools 265º LeisureFitBooragoon SOUTH
265º ArenaJoondalup NORTH
265º SwanActiveMidland EAST
*Atthetimeofreviewing Heatingand seasoncanimpactthetemperature
Lowest Casual Swim Fee*
Highest Casual Swim Fee*
Perth's Oldest Facility BeattyParkLeisureCentrewaspurposebuiltas themajoraquaticvenueforthe1962British EmpireandCommonwealthGames.Thecentre façadewasheritage-listedin2004.
Perth Pool Guide - data Get the Perth Pool Guide for full details of all Perth pools
Perth AquaticCentre Facilities Arena Joondalup
Scarborough Beach Pool
Bold Park Aquatic Centre -
Stirling LeisureInglewood Stirling Leisure - Balga
Swan Active Beechboro
Swan Active
HBF Stadium Beatty Park
Claremont Aquatic Centre
UWA Aquatic
Bicton Pool
Bilgoman Aquatic Centre
Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre
Riverton Leisureplex Wesley College Aqualife Centre
Cockburn ARC LeisureFit Booragoon
Lap swimming pool options;
Outdoor only
Outdoor & indoor
Indoor only
View on Google Maps
CENTRAL Beatty Park Leisure Centre - City of Vincent
HBF Stadium - Government of WA - Venues West
Bold Park Aquatic Centre - Town of Cambridge
Claremont Aquatic Centre - Town of Claremont
UWA Aquatic Centre
NORTH Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre - City of Stirling
Scarborough Beach Pool - City of Stirling
Sirling Leisure - Balga - City of Stirling
Wanneroo Aquamotion - City of Wanneroo
Craigie Leisure Centre - City of Joondalup
Arena Joondalup - Government of WA /
Venues West
EAST Bayswater Waves - City of Bayswater
Belmont Oasis Leisure Centre - City of Belmont
Swan Active Ballajura - City of Swan
Swan Active Beechboro - City of Swan
Swan Active Midland - City of Swan
Kalamunda Water Park - Shire of Kalamunda
Bilgoman Aquatic Centre - Shire of Mundaring
Mt Helena Aquatic Centre - Shire of Mundaring
Favourite pool: Why?
YOUR QUEST What is the purpose behind your quest?
SOUTH EAST Wesley College
Aqualife Centre - Town of Victoria Park
Cannington Leisureplex - City of Canning
Riverton Leisureplex - City of Canning
Leisure World - City of Gosnells
Armadale Aquatic Centre - City of Armadale
SOUTH LeisureFit Booragoon - City of Melville
Bicton Pool Melville Waterpolo Club
Fremantle Leisure Centre - City of Fremantle
Cockburn ARC - Town of Cockburn
Kwinana Recuatic - City of Kwinana
Rockingham Aquatic Centre - City of Rockingham
Aqua Jetty - City of Rockingham
PEEL Mandurah ARC - City of Mandurah
Murray Aquatic & Leisure Centre - Shire of Murray
REFLECTION What did you learn, improve or discover ?
#PerthPoolQuest Plan your swimming adventure around Perth
July August September
October November December
Pool Etiquette Therearerules,andthereisetiquette.....
Bepoliteandcourteoustoother swimmers,patronsandstaff Don’twearstrongperfume! Wearattiredesignedforswimming. Enterthepoolwithawarenessof otherswimmers-don’tsplash! Chooseyourlanebyreviewingsigns andmatchingyourpace.
Grabanemptylanebutbe preparedtomoveifyourspeed doesn’tmatchthelanepurpose. Keepleftofthecentralline. Whensettingoff,allowspace betweenyouandtheswimmerin front.
Overtakewithcare,giveplentyof spaceandbeawareofwhoelseis aroundtoavoidcollision Andnever swimunderneathsomeone.
Letfasterswimmerspass,bybriefly stoppingattheendofthelane
Whenrestingmovetotheleft-hand sideofthelane.Keepthelaneend cleartoallowfortumbleturnsor continuouslaps
Ifyouarechangingtoaslower stroke/activity(suchasbreaststroke orkickboardlaps)consider changinglanes
Whenexitingthepoolviatheladder orramp,beawareofswimmersin theotherlanesyouneedtocross
RULES & GUIDELINES AccordingtotheDepartmentofHealth CodeofPractice;
Don’t enterthecentreifyouaresuffering fromanyskinproblem,illnessordisease thatiscontagious.
hadgastrowithinthelast14days areinanuncleancondition arewearinguncleanclothes areundertheinfluenceof alcoholand/ordrugs. ifyouhaveanybleedingoroozing
Otherrules; Usethetoiletbeforeenteringthepool. Donotdepositrubbish,oroffensive materiale.g.bodilywastesintothe water
JoSaundersisthecreatorof#PerthPoolQuestand#SplashNetworking.Shedidin’tgrowup swimming,butlovesaquest. Whennotinapoolinsheisexploringthroughtryingnewactivities, walking,running,cycling,housesitting,searchingforthebestchailatte andtryingonoutrageous itemsinopshopssupportingthe circulareconomywithherhusbandJeremy
Joisallaboutconnection, whetheritistoself,othersor environment
Sheisbestknownasaspecialist inthemostpowerfulconnection toolforyourcareer;LinkedIn.She aimstobeacatalystfor connectionandacheerleaderof steppingintocourage Shewalks thetalk,wearscomfortableshoes whileguidingindividualsand organisationsthroughstrategies, tacticsandtoolstoenhance credibilityandinfluencethrough thepowerofConnectfluence®
SocialMediaEducatoroftheYearAward2019Finalist #2LinkedInExpertinAsiaPacificfor2018
Co-authorof'GetGoodorGetOff-Aguidetogettingit rightonsocialmedia'
CertifiedEntrepreneurialMindsetProfile® Practitioner
Positivepsychologyandwellbeingstudent 7timetriathlete
CertifiedTrainer ProfessionalSpeaker
Why not add some adventure into your life and explore Perth on your own quest?
Get the full details of all Perth pools in the Perth Pool Guide via the above link. Currently available in digital format.