Photographing Family Chaos Discover how you too can see and take great photos of “ordinary� things in everyday family life.
jo scott I M A G E S
“We do not remember days; we remember moments”
jo scott I M A G E S
Photographing Family Chaos Thank you for downloading this ebook. You will discover how you too can see and take great photos of “ordinary” things in everyday family life. It’s all about celebrating childhood and creating art from the unexpected. My photography business strap line is ’….We do not remember days, we remember moments….’ And this ebook encapsulates how cool it is to capture these with your camera. You can do it if you read on!
Why did I create this ebook
I was chatting with a friend recently while the kids were playing (four boys under ten…. it was a fragmented conversation!). We were talking about how hectic life is and how the chaos can be overwhelming. I reflected that although that is the reality of our juggled lives, there is a lot to enjoy about these times. It seems that most people don’t naturally see the beauty in the day to day. Maybe it’s the photographer in me but I can look at the unfolding scenes of devastation around me and see the life and vitality there. This conversation, and my subsequent thoughts, have led to this ebook. If you are a mother (or father!), I hope that you, like me, will look beneath the surface muddle and see the beauty. It is not so much about photographing your children ...but capturing the moments of family life which will soon be gone for ever.
Remembering the stages
Have you kept your child’s first pair of bootees in a box in the attic? Their first shoes? I have and it helped me to remember how sweet they were. But there are lots of things worth remembering at each stage even if they are less obviously warm and fuzzy. A photograph you can see is a better memory than a stash in a cupboard. Kids grow up so fast that the stages can be forgotten. Here are some of the stages I want to remember in our family which may give you some ideas.
Obsession with a sport.
My sons want to play rugby every waking hour, no matter what the weather, no matter what they’re wearing. Muddy knees and rugby balls is I’m sure going to be one of my enduring memories. But it could be something to do with dancing, horse-riding, lego...
Mess can be the bane of our lives right now.
Make the most of the abandoned boots and balls in the hallway, and carts and toys in the garden. It’s the clearing up after the kids have gone to bed, on a summers evening (just before that un-interrupted glass of wine), with the still warm air and birds flitting around, that these images remind me of.
Favourite toys will be abandoned one day. Battered cars played with over and over again or a cuddly toy taken everywhere will probably disintegrate in the wash or end up in the charity shop. Images capture the moments while the toys are still fiercely loved.
Poignancy of something that will end soon. They still love having Paddington Bear read to them (with all the voices!). But this is not going to last much longer I know as they are on to reading more grown up books for themselves.
Comfort Food can even take us back to our own childhood. Sticky fingers from making chocolate crispie cakes or biscuits evoke memories. For me however, it’s thick slices of fluffy white bread made into delicious jam sandwiches that were a favourite (a tradition that I have continued in my family!)
You may think this is easy for me as I am a photographer. Well, let me go further and, show YOU how to capture those moments, because, as all my friends with older children say, before you know it the children will be teenagers and then leaving home!
Where to Start‌
OK, you’ve seen the possibility of capturing those moments, now you need to think about your camera. It is not so much about the technology (compact or DSLR) but about having one handy. Even the cheapest cameras these days take good images, so get to know the one you have and start experimenting. (Yes it may mean you have to read the manual, but if in doubt, point, shoot, play back, then do it again). A general tip is to consider the composition of the image. By getting closer or taking a step to the side, does it become more interesting? However, there are four specific aspects I want you to think about when taking your photographs that will make your image memorable:
1. Colour
2. Shape
3. Texture
4. Angle
Colour Colour can inspire you for an image. You could look for block colours, monochrome or a mad clash of colour. I’ve chosen the fiery reds and oranges of our campervan eggcup, contrasted by the blue plate and brown soldiers for dipping. The egg cup has poignancy for our family as we love surfing (the boys buy campervan memorabilia whenever we are in the West Country), and our youngest son loves boiled eggs on the weekends! You can see from the general shot that this might not have sparked a photographic interest initially, but by homing in on the colours it makes a really striking image.
Shape Find the interesting shape – it may not be what you first imagine. These papier mache surfboards made by the kids stand leaning on our dresser in the kitchen – I don’t normally notice them due to all the clutter on the dresser you can see in the general photo. However, more impact is made in the image by accentuating the shape of the curves by photographing only half of the boards. A full frame of the two boards might not have had the same impact…
Texture At first glance this abandoned teddy on the unmade bed is unremarkable. But then I remembered that he was given to our first son by his grandparents and I looked a little closer. I loved the texture of his fur, and the love heart on his foot. Look for things with texture and try to photograph them with the light coming from the side to emphasise the shadows the light throws.
Angle Tilting the camera to use an unusual angle, or moving yourself higher, lower or sideways adds interest to an image. These medals hang on a corkboard on the wall and a straight shot is dull. However, by focusing on one really interesting medal and tilting the camera slightly, I think this is an image that I could frame and it will remind me of the pride my children gain from competing in team sports.
Your own family memories
So now you can get photos of moments in family life and make them special. Hang your pictures on your walls so you can see them! Alternatively, if you love the idea of capturing these moments but don’t fancy doing it yourself – give me a call!
Here’s my final image of a lovely memory – chubby hands tightly clasped around Mummy or Daddy’s neck…
Enjoy taking your photos!
jo scott I M A G E S
p s
Do let me know about your own photos. I’d love to hear. PPS Family portraits are usually better done by a professional. (And of course you need to be in the photo yourself!). If you live in South-East England and want a family portrait do get in touch.
Jo Scott is an independent photographer living near Windsor with her husband (Gary – a sculptor) and two small children. She was inspired to study photography whilst travelling in 1999 and after more than 15 years as a Chartered Surveyor she set up her photography business. Qualified with the British Institute of Professional Photographers, she takes striking, natural images of children, teenagers and families, and has had her photography exhibited.
What people say about
Photographing Family Chaos “My three year old has a teddy that he has with him constantly and whenever I see him carrying it my heart breaks a little, and it never occurred to me to capture him with the teddy to remind me of this adorable stage, so thank you so much for inspiring me to create a reminder which will always make me smile” Georgie, South West London
“What is so special about this book is that it is not only a lesson in photography, it is also an eye opener that the everyday and mundane are also beautiful and special if you look at them in the right way It's really given me great ideas for photos of my family” Nick, East Sussex
“Jo’s images always tell a story such fantastic inspiration ” Roz, West London
Thanks to Jean at Creative Spark Communications for your guidance and support - igniting me into action! Design and Layout by
“We do not remember days; we remember moments� Photography by Jo Scott. Tel 07793 205155