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EDUCATION 2006 06/08 08/09 09/10 10/11

High School Instituto Español de Lisboa Moderna University Lisbon. Architecture Faculty. UTLisboa. Bachelor in Archictectural studies IUAV Venice Architecture University. Erasmus grant Architecture Faculty. UTLisboa. Master in Architecture

SKILLS: Autocad expert Photoshop Expert InDesign Medium/expert Ilustrator Basic 3DSMax Basic Rhinoceros Medium Sketch Up Medium Corel Draw Medium Office Word Expert Office Powerpoint Expert

CONTACTS 00351 918203274 0039 3454112874 jose23sanchez@gmail.com jose23madrigal@gmail.com http://issuu.com/jose23sanchez http://www.flickr.com/photos/jose23sanchez/

LANGUAGES Spanish mother language Portuguese mother language English C2, expert Italian C1 high level of knowledge French A1 basic

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES workshops: SABAUDIA_UNI SAPIENZA DI ROMA_SEPT 2006 CALDAS-DA-RAINHA WORKSHOP_UNI MODERNA_FEBR 2007 SML WORKSHOP_UNI GENOVA_UNI MODERNA _JUNE 2007 LOGISTIC PLATFORM WORKSHOP_BADAJOZ_UNI MODERNA_ MARCH 2008 papers: Medium sized ports and cities in Euromed region. A proposal for the future research. presented at: Resouk 2012 Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Portugal Association: member of student union at Moderna University in the academic year 2007/2008 Work: Collaborator with the TALL_Trentino Alto Adige Landscape Lab. UniTrento June_July 2012

PERSONAL LIFE Since I was a kid I have always known what I wanted to do in my life. Architecture has been an important part of my life, because my father is an architect, and I have lived near this world all my life. I believe that we have a social responsability, we have knowledge to share, and capacity to improve people’s life, we can do that, we must do it. Beside Architecture, I love photography, I love to travel, I enjoy sports, I am a dedicated person, with high sense of responsability. All through my academic life I have obtained good results, good grades. I was choosen as top 20 student in my university, 24000 + student. I have allways had a good relation with teachers and colleagues, being used to work with all kinds of different people, and to work in groups, something that I have also practice a lot in several workshops I have attended.








LISBON WATERFRONT_LISBON_PORTUGAL_5thYEAR_ARCH.FACULTY This final work was made in the Architecture Faculty of the Lisbon Tech University, I was tutor by Professor JosĂŠ Aguiar and Professor Pedro Pacheco. For the final project and thesis I adressed the waterfront issue. First I made a theorical thesis studying several study cases, and more particularly the Lisbon situation. After this study I developed a project for the Lisbon waterfront. From an urban scale, regarding a big part of the riverside area, to a construction detail project. The main goal was to manage to improve the relation between the city and the river, that during many years was partially broken. Also I wanted to develop new uses in this part of city. The architectural project was a new facilitie for support of the archeological museum. The scope was to create a new connection with the waterfront and new cultural amenities, both for a professional user and a regular person.

URBAN CONCEPT In this part of the Lisbon waterfront there is the problem of infraestructure barriers, that cut the relation with the river. This happens all over the Lisbon riverfront. The barrier is made of big and important avenues, and for the most part a railway. These mobility axes go along the river, and the cross bridges/tunnels are very few, and totally malfunctional.

Along the barriers, in the urban fabric, there are several urban voids. At the present moment this spaces have no program whatsoever that is important for the city. These space have very different dimensions, from small spaces to big blocks, or brownfields from disabled industries.

The idea was to use these urban voids and see them as opportunities to reconnect the city with the river. Also go further that buiding bridges, but integrate them in a new network of cultural and educational facilites, that would bring new life to the waterfront.



The urban project was developed in the

green strip

west part of the Lisbon waterfront. For this area the idea was to develop system made of two main features. First there would be a new public space, that would allow more different the uses than the current one. This new spaces would be made of strips

square strip

10 meters wide, that could be combine for different actitivities. Once this new fabric was stablishd there would be exceptions to this logic. These points that interrupt the fabric would be

children strip

where the new buildings would be placed. These facilites would create differente flows of use, and would also work as connection points. This is where the new elevated public space would exist, so the crossing of the barriers would be made in

shadow strip

a more smooth way. The goal, as mentioned, it is to improve the relation between the city and the river, adn through these points saw the two realites.

skatepark strip

traditional games strip

urban beach strip

sports strip


The main urban void in this area is where the project was more developed. In this block there were only a couple of old warehouses with no particular value. The idea was to create new flows that would made the connection with the river more clear. To do this there were created new squares that would improve the relation with surrounding buildings and the old street.

The new urban system would work with three squares and three buildings. Also a fourth builing woud be created in the waterfront. In these new constuction there would be a program responding to the needs of the city. A studente hall, youth hostel, and research residence in one building. A hotel and office area in other. and one main building that would work as headstone of the blocks relations and flows.

In the main building the program would be developed in 4 floors. In an underground floor, alogn with the parking there would be a connection with the archeological museum. Also part of the laboratories, ans storage space, much needed for this kind of museum. In the ground floor there would be the museum offices, an auditorium, and the library, open to the public. In this floor there would also be a wing destinated for start up companies, that have some relation with the sector. the second floor is where the laboratories are placed. I the other part of the bulding there would be de second floor of the library. This floor functions as a mezzanine level. In the roof floor there would be a big public space, that could work as an elevated square. From this leve is where the connection with the river starts.

library exterior access kiosk


library photography lab

drawing lab main laboratories screening room library management special books start up space library

museum management workshop area endovelic office auditorium

longitudinal section 2

cross section library entrance view

longitudinal section 1

est elevation inner patio view


PERCORSI STRUTTURANTI_PADOVA_ITALY_4thYEAR_IUAV UNI This project was developed in the second semester during the erasmus year in Venice. In Laboratorio CittĂ 2 we worked in the hole range of scales that a project can be developed. We studied the whole city of Padova,it problems, and then made a project for one particular place. The urban project was based on several urban voids founded in the previous analysis. Based on this spaces we created several paths allong the city, that connected them. There would a network of educational and cultural facilites that would complement the existing scenario. We chosed one of these urban voids, to develop an architectural project, reaching the construction scale.

The project site was a huge space, that contained a small semi-abandoned football stadium, an old velodrome and a parking lot. This was a very important place for Padova because it connected the main square (Prato della Vale) with the the historical walls. In this void we created a microtopography inspired by the urban flows that crossed the site. One of the goals was to managed a more direct connection with the city centre. Other goal, following the urban project was to create new cultural amenities that were lacking in this area. The new block included several facilites, and a new school.


primary school gym

shops civic center

newspaper library


school gym nursery school staff area+kiosks restaurant tourist office bike renting shops welcome centre

classrooms teachers departments teachers lounge

wc arts classroom

arts classroom,

wc auditorium

classroom lobby playground

axonometric explosion + program exterior corridor view

longitudinal section birdseye panoramic

cross section



The project consisted in showing how the XXIst century watercity it would be. The Location was the port industrial area of Marghera. In the lagoon, but away from Venice main island. it was a big challenge due to the size of the projects and the complexity, of practically designing a new town from scratch. We decided to focus on the urbanism, and thinking on How could we interact with the water, considering everyday activities, from apartments buildings, to street and main squares. Practically we aplicated the “tabula rasa� concept, because the

place had few considering identity

marks, and decided to keep three things, the main silo building, for is size was a landmark, the gasometers as peculiar shape, and form of its past, and the shape of the island, as the main feature, with the docks spaces.

SHAPE AS IDENTITY The starting point for the project was to define the “exceptional� places that would work as attraction poles, from wich we could create the main connections. The water would have a main role, not just for leisure, but also as an effective urban transport system. So complementary to the usual roads we created a system of canals and waterspaces. The water system would break the urban fabric, allowing different relations with the water.

The green system was thought in order to be integrated with the construction and the water system. We projected a waterfront axis that would work as the main axis of public space and green areas, where people could interact with water, and go from one part o the town to another, passing through some of the main places. The city centre, the main square would be the place where all the different system could overlap each other. The main square would work having two sides to the water

City centre plan General view of the city. One of the main canals

Marina area main plan. General view of the city. cross between two different canals

Residential area. There was the priority to allow a great contact with the water, inspired in the Borneo_Sporenburg model plan. General view of the city. Main green axis with one of the main canals.


STUDENT HALL_BADAJOZ_SPAIN_2ND YEAR_MODERNA UNI Badajoz is a mid scale town, in the extremadura region, inner spain. We were asked to project a residence hall for the university campus outside the city boundaries. This place had no particular identity, it was an artificial urban space. In this scenario the patio revealed itself as an important concept. The goal was to managed some interactivity with the campus life, but also to give the students some privacy. Beside the student areas, with rooms and social spaces we also had to consider special accomodation for professors and researchers. the complex was made of four buildings surrounding the patio. There were also created sport facilities. swimming pool, and cultural amenities, as small library and an auditorium.


Patio as core of the project. Where all outdoor interaction happens. very important project feature, mainly in southern cities, where life in the outside is typical. Allows outdoor activities, sport, studying, and many others. With the patio we achieve an inner space, that gives some privacy to the students in the residence hall, very important considering the project is located inside the university campus.

volumetric evolution

west elevation inner patio view

1st floor plan west faรงade view

cross section

longitudinal section birdseye panoramic


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