Wsm hun 2021 feasibility report 1 0

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Feasibility Report

Impressum Head of World Scout Moot Hungary 2021 project team József Pótor, head of project team Nándor Tárnok, deputy head of projet team Members of World Scout Moot Hungary 2021 project team Csongor Böröczky, András Csikós, Sarolta Constantinovits-Csóka, Gergely D. Szűcs, Ádám Jácint Futó, Balázs Gál, Gergely Gombos, Ágnes Joós, Zsófia Keszei, Ilona Koréh, Márta Kóródy, Zsuzsanna Radics, Alexandra Rudi, Balázs Solymosi, Csaba Székely, László Szubert, Aaron Ware, Kristóf Zsidi Graphic Design László Sáfár Art Design Anna Márialigeti Photos Bence Járdány, Bálint Mező, Csaba Székely Contact

Hungarian Scout Association H-1025 Tömörkény utca 3/a. Hungary


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary




e grew up with the legend of the 4th World Scout Jamboree, which was held in Gödöllő, Hungary in 1933. Back then, our predecessors proved that they were capable of organising a high quality international event. International scouting events are important elements in scouting’s educational programme where the participants along with their scout brothers and sisters from around the world can experience that scouting is truly an international movement. We, Hungarian scouts share this thought and are truly eager to participate in these international events. Hungarian scouting and our Association have undergone a significant development over the past few years. A new strategy was formulated, which includes efforts to strengthen our presence in international events. Our application to organise the World Scout Moot is part of this development programme. We are certain that organising such an event would help us develop new perspectives for Hungarian scouting. We also regard this event as an opportunity to further develop programs for our own rover scouts, as well as that of the WOSM. Today, we look forward to creating new legends, serving the world scout community, and letting everyone experience Hungarian hospitality. Organising the World Scout Moot is an exciting challenge for us and we would like to live up to that challenge!

fundamental human rights are ensured and social security is a high priority. Hungary’s landscape consists mainly of flat to rolling plains divided in two by its main waterway, the Danube. Hungary has a continental climate, with hot summers and low overall humidity levels combined with frequent rainshowers. Hungary has a highly developed road, railway, air and water transport system. Budapest, the capital of the state, is the most important hub in the public transport network. The country can be reached easily from any direction, thanks to its central position in Europe. There are five international airports in Hungary: Budapest Liszt Ferenc, Debrecen, Sármellék (also called Hévíz-Balaton Airport for its proximity to Lake Balaton, Hungary’s number one tourist attraction), Győr-Pér and Pécs-Pogány. Hungary’s healthcare system is highly developed and widely accessible. Travel into the country is not associated with any health risk and no vaccinations are necessary. Tap water and food is safe to consume throughout the country.

Facts about Hungary Hungary is a landlocked, Central European country, situated in the Carpathian Basin. It is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Austria and Slovenia to the west, Croatia and Serbia to the south, and Romania and Ukraine to the east and north-east. The population is just under 10 million, of which 2 million people live in the capital city of Budapest. Hungary is a member of the European Union, NATO, OECD, the Visegrád Group, and the Schengen Agreement. The official language is Hungarian; English and German are the most widely spoken foreign languages. Following four decades of communist dictatorship, Hungary became a democratic parliamentary republic in 1989, with free elections held every four years. The chief of state is the President and the head of the government is the Prime Minister. Hungary is a peaceful and secure country, where

Capacities and resources of the Hungarian Scout Association The Hungarian Scout association currently has 10 000 scout members, of which 20 % are qualified scouting leaders. Over the past several years, it became clear that our volunteers have enough capacity to organise large international events. We also have 40 scouts working in the Hungarian Scout Center as full-time employees. Since organising the Moot would be one of the highlighted projects of the next few years, we would be able to draw significant resources from

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


this pool as well. In addition to our resources in Hungary, we count on the work and participation of the 6000 scouts of other Hungarian scout associations beyond our borders, as well as on the help of the associations of the surrounding countries. From our past experience, we realize that in addition to the contribution of our volunteers, a project of this magnitude requires dedicated, paid employees. To fulfill that need, in the 2 years prior to the World Scout Moot, we plan to employ a full-time chief organiser and assistant, and two other parttime assistants. During these 2 years, we will also assign the appropriate number of volunteers to each working group.

- constantly encouraged us to take part in the organising as well. We have therefore taken our turn twice in hosting the Central-European Jamboree, (Carpathia, 2001 with 1000 participants and ConCordia 2010 with 1200 participants), which is hosted by the scout associations of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland or Hungary every four years. We celebrated the centenary of Hungarian scouting in the summer of 2013 with a national camp of 3200 participants and 470 volunteers where international participants from Egypt, Ukraine and Poland also celebrated with us. Since we have initiated a program this year to significantly grow our membership, the capacity of our volunteers is also likely to grow by 2021.

Past experiences in hosting international events

Impact of the World Scout Moot

Hungarian Scouting was banned by the communist regime for almost 40 years and our scouts missed out on international events during this period. Since the 1989 revival of the Association, Hungarian scouts have been highly enthusiastic to participate in world events in the highest possible number. The memory of the 1933 World Scout Jamboree and the 1939 Pax Ting - both of which were held in Hungary


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

During the past two decades, Hungarian scouting regained its former strength and today its operations are based on solid foundations. However, the rover scout age group (age 18-26) is still almost exclusively comprised of trained leaders with very little spare time to spend with their fellow rover scouts. There have been various attempts to develop the educational programme and activity of this age group, but these have been only successful in certain regions. Our hope is that the World Scout Moot will provide an

enormous boost to this age group by providing new objectives and opportunities to both rover leaders and scouts. An event of this magnitude would be making scouting more visible in Hungary and in the Central-European region. News of the World Scout Moot would increase recognition of scouting and contribute in this way to its development. We also hope that organising this event would develop our relationship with the NSOs of the surrounding countries.

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


Proposed youth programme of the event



ur programme concept strives to create opportunities for mobile, small-group programmes, in which scouts can explore the country and the wilderness, participate in effective activities to develop social awareness and volunteerism, as well as experience large group activities to strengthen international scouting bonds. To this end, we have divided the programme into two main parts:

practicing democracy,and together to understand global issues and recognize their personal responsibility in creating solutions. The slogan of the World Scout Moot 2021: Live Your Adventure!

During the first 4 days of the event, groups of 40-50 scouts will participate in mobile camps – which we will call “Adventure Paths” - in different locations throughout the country. The Adventure Paths will offer a wide range of activities from physical challenges to cultural or spiritual programmes. Each participant can choose a path before the camp, taking their own interests and skills into consideration. During these first few days every group will take part in a Social Responsibility Project in their respective areas. During the second part of the camp the on-site programmes will provide opportunities for participants to experience various activities of their choices and to strengthen their bonds with their scout brothers and sisters. The participants will be organized into international patrols based on previously conveyed interests for the entire event.

General educational objectives All of our programmes are based on the three main principles of learning by doing, evaluating and reflecting. Our goals are therefore: - to provide opportunity and space for individual development and active participation in personal programmes - to evaluate and process experiences in small group workshops - to reflect on the changes that are taking place within each participant as a result of their experiences. By that our objectives are to help the individuals to get in touch with themselves, developing selfrecognition and finding their own limits; within the international patrols to develop teamwork and intercultural competence through


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

Our objectives are also these three words: - ‘Live’: Be an active participant in programmes, not a passive observer - ‘Your’: Choose the programme which is most suitable to your interests and skills. - ‘Adventure’: Scouting is adventure…adventure with a purpose. That is why we are looking for new ways to find our adventure even after the age of 18 This slogan is also the key to our educational concept. The focus should be on adventure, challenge, experience, and we would like to encourage scouts on taking risk and responsibility, and transferring this experience from the Moot to their future lives.

Indicative programme schedule Day 1 - Arrival in Budapest, Opening Ceremony and departure to Adventure Paths. Day 2-5 - Adventure paths Day 6- Arrival in Base camp Day 7- On-site programmes Day 8- International and interreligious day Day 9-10 - On-site programmes, Closing Ceremony Day 11 - Departure- to provide opportunity and space for individual development and active participation in personal programmes

Opening ceremony The opening ceremony will take place on one of Budapest’s main squares where the hosting country and the participating contingents will introduce themselves.

Adventure Path Groups of 40-50 scouts will participate in mobile camps in different locations of the country.

Social Responsibility Project During the days of the Adventure Paths, each group will take part in a Social Responsibility Project in their respective areas. By locating these projects along the paths, and not in the Base Camp, it becomes possible to create opportunity for everyone to be part of a project that has real impact on the surrounding environment and provides a meaningful role for each participant. We will prepare each social responsibility project with small group discussions, in which participants can gain an understanding of the problem and possible solutions.

· Hammock area · Creative music: jam session · Board games · Sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball) · Meeting space · International patrol meetings During the remaining days, the participants will take part in programmes on the site of the base camp and its surrounding area. For these programmes participants will be organized into international patrols based on previously conveyed interests. By creating patrols of people with similar interests we would like to facilitate the groups’ programme choices on the site. During the onsite days there will be two program blocks each day. The international patrols can choose their programme the day before through an online app. Altogether they have to choose 4-5 programmes. The programme choices must include workshops about global issues, such as social, economic or environmental problems.

On-site programmes The participants will arrive on the site of the base camp on the 6th day. Because they arrive from different distances we chose to organise optional programmes for this day, so there will be enough programmes for the early arrivers to occupy themselves, while the groups who arrive later will not miss out on anything important. Besides the programmes, there will be opportunity for resting, recreation and sharing of experiences. We will provide the following free to participate programs during the day. · Beach · Local market · Paint ball · Laundry · Recreation

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


Program offer · Adventure park · Historical military park, flight simulator · Boat trips around Lake Balaton with historical boats · Catamaran trips · Raft building · Canoeing · Diving · Surfing · Pedalo · Fishing · Paintball · Horseback riding · Folk art village · Introduction to Hungarian cuisine · Debate groups · UN sessions on global issues · “Living library”: ‘books’ being interesting people to talk with · Psychodrama sessions · Heroes field: opportunity to try different historical weapons · Airsoft · Zorbing


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

· Hiking (1 day long) · Bike trips (1 day long) · Wall climbing · Urban trips around Lake Balaton (1 day long) · Interreligious programs · ‘Bear Grylls day’: survival challenge · Creative music: jam session · Fear park: an exciting logic game of solving mysteries and getting the door unlocked in time · Ability park: introducing the life of disabled people · Heavy driving: trucks, tractors, garbage trucks · Raid cross · Labyrinth

International and interreligious day

Closing ceremony

Every nation will have the opportunity and space to introduce their country and its national traditions, folk dances and national foods. There will also be exhibition tents where the participants can get familiar with various religions of the world.

The closing ceremony will take place in the base camp, and will provide reflection on the past 10 days.

Evening programs In the base camp we will provide programmes in the evenings as well to give participants the opportunity to rest, recreate and have some evening fun. These programmes will be optional, there will be no need to sign up for any of them ahead of time.

Evening program offer

IST programs The possibilities of these programmes will only be seen when the registration ends. However we would like to give everyone at least one free day to participate in the offered programmes and other opportunities to recreate in their free time. We would also like to help every IST member to have a balanced work schedule through the whole period of the camp. For example, one who leads an Adventure Path in the first four days of the camp could choose a less difficult onsite activity for the remaining days.

路 Garden cinema 路 Party 路 Concerts 路 Folk dance The camp will end with the Closing Ceremony on day 10 and participants will depart either home or to HOHO (Home Hospitality) programmes on the next day.

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary





he location of the main campsite is the Új Nemzedék Központ - New Generation Centre in Zánka which is situated on 209 hectares in the historically and naturally significant Balaton region.

Introducing the main site

Hygienic considerations There are enough showers and restrooms for up to 3000 people in the housing section of the park, and additional shower and restroom units can be installed on the campsites connected to the central water and electronic system. The Centre has its own water tower with a water flow of 105m3/hour and also its own waste water treatment plant.

The site has already successfully hosted several international programs and it can provide accommodation for up to 20 000 people. These accommodations include youth hostels, hotels and campsites. The Centre has its own railway station and a 1 km long beach. The New Generation Centre lies next to the town of Zánka in one of Hungary’s most beautiful locations, on the shore of Lake Balaton which is the largest lake in Central-Europe and one of the most popular tourist destinations of Hungary and the surrounding countries. The water of the lake has been proven to be of excellent quality. North of the campsite lies the Káli basin, which is surrounded by volcanic mountains and enjoys a mediterranean climate. The northern shore of Lake Balaton, on which the site is located, is a protected nature reserve. In the summer of 2013 an annual festival for college students was held on the main site. During the festival we spent a whole day on the site taking notes and seeing an event this big in action. During the week-long event 88 000 participants visited the festival. The campsite of the festival was the same area that we picked for the participants’ tents. Now seeing it all in action we are absolutely sure that 5000 tents can fit in the designated area and the mobile sanitary facilities are capable of serving this many people.


Ground and roads


The New Generation Center has a paved road network that provides full accessibility in any weatherconditions, making transportation and supply easy. The ground consist of limestone and sand on the surface which drains water quickly. The grounds are also grassy and suitable for tent-camping.

On the site of the New Generation Center there will be 24hour medical service, an ambulance car and a hospital room for those who need medical attention. The site also has a heliport for rescue helicopters and the center of Lake Balaton’s water rescue service is also located there. The closest hospital is 22 kilometers away in the city of Tapolca from


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

The town of Zánka is easily accessible from the capital, Budapest, - which lies 150 km away - either by car or by train. The Centre has it’s own railway station with a 1 km long platform making it easy to get on and off the train for all passengers at the same time. There are also two international airports: one in Budapest and one in Sármellék (60 kms away from the site).

Climate Hungary has a continental climate with hot summers, low overall humidity levels but frequent rainshowers and mildly cold, snowy winters. The southern region of the country near Pécs and the Balaton Uplands enjoys a reputation for a Mediterranean climate, but in reality it is only slightly warmer than the rest of the country and still gets snow during the winter. The high tourist season extends from June until the end of August. The average water temperature during the summer is 25 °C, which makes bathing and swimming possible. During the period of the World Scout Moot, the average temperature is expected to be in the range of 15-27 degrees celsius. August is the driest month of the year, having an average of 6 rainy days.

where an ambulance can arrive in 15 minutes.

Disability access It is very important to us that those with special needs can also have a chance to participate in the event. Therefore disability access was our special concern when choosing the site and designing the programme concept. The campsite has accommodation for a certain number of disabled people and every site - including the beach - is free of obstacles. There will be certain on-site and off-site programmes that can be accessed easily, making it possible for disabled to participate. All the information about these programmes will be available in the programme booklet.

Necessary development and investment When choosing the campsite and planning the programmes, we made an effort to minimize the necessary investments to keep the costs of the programmes as low as possible. Since the Adventure Paths are all mobile camps, only minimal investments will be needed; where possible, we intend to use existing infrastructure. The New Generation Centre - which is the site of the main camp- is fully equipped with water, sewage and electrical systems; therefore, no additional investment is necessary. We believe it is important that all possible investments be used to develop an existing campsite making it even better for hosting such events in the future instead of investing in a site that will not necessarily be used as a campsite after the World Scout Moot. All necessary investments and infrastructures connected with the organization of programmes will be provided by the Hungarian Scout Association; therefore, no major investments will be required in this respect either.

Minimizing the negative environmental impact We plan to purchase local products in a 50 km zone, thereby minimizing fuel costs. Where possible, we will prefer rail transportation. Selective waste collection and rationalized packaging of food are also goals. We will distribute biodegradable cleaning products and soap, and will not use plastic utensils. The sewage system is completely built up, thus no waste can enter the lake or the ground. Campsites for tents are in designated locations, so there will be no negative impact on the forests and other natural environment. In addition, we intend to use the most modern means of minimizing environmental impact which will be available at the time of the event.

Potential natural risks The location and climate of Hungary is such that the chance of a possible natural disaster is very low. In the past few years, due to climate change, there have been isolated examples of local supercells, but the risk of these happening during the time of the Moot is very low. The weather forecasting facilities on Lake Balaton are superlative. In addition, a rescue team is operational on the site of the event. On the campsite, the drainage of rainwater is fully constructed. Lake Balaton’s water level is constantly regulated, therefore flooding is not possible. Flooding of the Danube and Tisza rivers may affect the water routes of the Adventure Paths, but it is possible to get around these potential problems by planning extra routes and the likelihood of flooding in the summer months is low.

Introducing off-site locations Arrival and opening ceremony The opening ceremony will be located in the capital city of Budapest, which is the most accessible city in the country with the best entry point for the arrivals. Participants may arrive earlier than the 26th of July. In that case, we can provide accommodation for them in one of the three big scout parks in the outskirts of the city. Adventure paths In the first four days of the event, the participants will be divided into groups of 40-50. Each group will take part in a four-day long path with different programmes. The troops will depart from Budapest and move together in this part of the programme on their previously selected path. Altogether during the Adventure Paths, there will be about 80 moving camps in different parts of the country.

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary





n our budgeting concept we prefer to host an economical event continuing the traditions of previous MOOT events and focusing on participants’ individual experience.

Fee category

Participant fee

IST and CMT fee


250 USD

200 USD

Facilitating the participation of NSOs


450 USD

360 USD

The program budget was planned based on WOSM’s country categories and the NSO’s membership numbers. Despite the fact that more than 80% of WOSM member countries belong to category A and B, the experience of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree shows us that less than 10% of the participants come from these countries. We calculated with the data provided from the past 4 World Scout Moots and adjusted these numbers with the estimated number of participants and IST from the participating countries. We used these numbers to plan our incomes.


650 USD

520 USD


850 USD

680 USD

























It is clearly shown that countries from category A and B have difficulties to send scouts to international events and they probably need further donation than a lower camp fee.

Camp fee During the budget planning process we studied the accessible data of previous MOOT events and we calculated our camp fees based on those informations.


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

Structure of the budget Based on previous event-planning experience we created 12 departments with the following areas of responsibilities: Department

Responsibility area

Communications/ Media

Bulletins, home page, press releases, advertising, promotion, program guide book, media materials


Registration internet site, participant administration, camp ID card, neckerchief, badge, T-shirts


Any kind of personal transportation, train, buses, car rentals


Food and cooking equipment

Health and Safety

First aid and medical services, fire service, camp security

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony event management


Responsibility area


Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony event management


Amount (USD)


Programme planning, design, logo, slogan, planning team

Communication/ Media

275 628


Logistic management


Off-site programs

Off-site program management

INCOMES Description

Amount (USD)

243 139

NSO contribution

44 843


144 170

Participant + IST/CMT Fee, 10% discount

985 608


742 238

Participant + IST/CMT Fee, 5% discount

1 040 364

Health and Safety

191 704

Participant + IST/CMT Fee, 0% discount

1 277 640

Opening Ceremony

80 843

Participant + IST/CMT Fee, +5% penalty

191 646

Funding the project (from external resources)

Closing Ceremony

29 148

HoC meeting fee

12 556

The year of 2012 was an important milestone in our NSO’s history as our government signed a strategic cooperation document about youth development programmes being more recognized in the future. Our expectation relying on the promise of this document is that the Hungarian Scout Association can expect financial support from the Hungarian Government in the year of 2021 as well.

Management / HR

398 967

Other attendes (visitors, exhibitors)

8 967

Main site management

393 857


53 812

Main site programs

Main site program magagement

Main site management

Main site facilities

Every budget line is connected to a department which is responsible for planning and managing the task which generates the costs. Every head of department will take care of their sub-budget which will be supervised by the financial chief of the program.


95 684

External funding

89 686

Based on our previous fundraising experiences from the Hungarian Jamboree Contingent in 2011 (250 participant), 10 % of the programme budget can be funded by external firms and individuals.

Off-site programs

483 408

Other income

22 422

Estimated budget

Main site programs

403 757

Safety margin

224 215

Total expenditure

3 706 758

Total Income

3 727 544

Our estimated budget plan is in a draft phase and we are still working on the details, but the main numbers are shown in this table below.

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary





roposed dates for the event

HoC meeting: Spring of 2021, Zánka, Hungary Trial camp: Summer of 2019, Zánka World Scout Moot: 26th July – 5th August 2021 When deciding on the date of the Moot, we took into consideration the dates of different international events - such as music festivals - taking place in Hungary that may also interest the participants after the conclusion of the Moot.


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


SWOT analysis



• main site • good accessibility • low participation fees • motivated volunteers • strengthening support of NSO • consciousness • good educational objectives and appropriate programmes supporting these objectives

• campsite being less ‘wild’ • small NSO • few ongoing programmes for the rover scout age group



• keeping many rover scouts and leaders active in scouting to support the event • strengthening of NSO • growing of NSO through quality

• yet unseen changes of political and economic issues • climate change • low number of participants • not enough funding from external resources

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


N Appendix I


Map of th

Main stage Railway station

Harbour Program area Beach area

100 m 500 m


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

Participant camp site

IST camp site

Appendix II he Main Site Program area Hostels VIP hotel

Main gate

Parking place

Restaurant Theater Sport field

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary


Off-site programs and adventure paths


World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary



World Scout Moot 2021 Hungary

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