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Andreikin, Dmitry2734 GM


Carr, Jay A0

32nd Reykjavik Open 2017 [TA] 1.c4 Cf6 2.Cc3 e6 3.Cf3 Ab4 4.Dc2 0-0 5.a3 Axc3 6.Dxc3 d6 7.b4 A17: English Opening: 1...Nf6 with ...Bb4 Te8 7...a5 8.Ab2 e5 9.e3 b6 10.Ae2 axb4 11.axb4 Txa1+ 12.Axa1 c5 13.b5 Te8 14.d3 Cbd7 1/2-1/2 (29) Cheparinov,I (2687)-Almasi,Z (2688) Varadero 2016 8.g3N 8.Ab2 e5 9.e3 Ag4 10.d3 Axf3 11.gxf3 c5 12.bxc5 dxc5 13.Ae2 Cc6 14.0-0 Te6 15.Rh1 De7 16.Dc2 Ce8 17.Tg1 1/2-1/2 (17) Jakovljevic,V (2453)-Drasko,M (2540) Bar 2008 8...De7 9.Ag2 White is slightly better. e5 10.0-0 Cc6 11.b5 Cd8 12.d3 Ce6 13.a4 Cc5 14.h3 Ad7 15.Ae3 Tad8 16.Cd2 Ac8 17.a5 h6 18.Tfb1 Cfd7 19.d4 exd4 20.Axd4 Dg5 21.Cf3 Ce4 21...Dg6 22.Db2± Dg6 23.Axa7 b6 24.a6 Cdc5 aiming for ...Nxf2. 25.Ch4 White should play 25.Ab8!± Cxf2 26.Rxf2 Ce4+ 27.Rg1 Axh3 28.Axh3 Dxg3+ 29.Ag2 Df2+ 30.Rh1 Txb8 31.Dd4 25...Dg5 next ...Nxf2 is good for Black. 26.Ab8! White is more active. De7? Better is 26...Cxf2! 27.Rxf2 27.a7 Dxg3 28.a8D Cxh3+ 29.Rh1 Ce4-+ 27...Axh3 27.Ta3 Axa6 27...Ae6 28.Axc7+- Less strong is 28.bxa6 Txb8 29.a7 Ta8± 28...Dxc7 29.bxa6 Cd7 29...g6 was worth a try. 30.Dxb6 Dd7 30.Cf5 White is clearly winning. Cdf6 31.a7 Dxc4 32.Dxb6 Dd5 32...Rh7 33.Tba1 Dd5 33.Ce7+! Txe7 34.Dxd8+ Te8 35.Dxe8+! 1–0 Jones,G2



671 GM


32nd Reykjavik Open 2017 1.d4 3:02 Cf6 53 2.Cf3 5 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Cf3 Ae7 5.Ag2 0-0 6.0-0 Cbd7 7.Dc2 c6 8.Cbd2 b6 9.e4 Ab7 10.e5 Ce8 11.cxd5 cxd5 12.Te1 Tc8 13.Dd3 13.Da4 a5 14.Cf1 Ac6 15.Dd1 Ab5 16.h4 h6 17.C3h2 Cb8 18.Ce3 Cc6 19.a3 a4 20.f4 f5 0-1 (55) Recuero Guerra,D (2494)-Ter Sahakyan,S (2512) Kemer 2009 13...Cb8 14.Cf1 Aa6 15.Dd1 Cc6 16.Ce3 Cb4 17.Af1 Axf1 18.Txf1 b5 19.h4 f6 20.a3 Cc6 ½-½ (55) Swiercz,D (2629)-Kovalenko,I (2650) Poland 2015 2...e6 26 3.Ag5N 51 h6 26 4.Ah4 15 d6 20 5.e3 3:40 Cbd7 3:54 A46: 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6: Torre, London and Colle Systems 5...g5 6.Ag3 Ch5 7.Cbd2 Ag7 8.c3 Cd7 9.Ad3 De7 10.De2 a6 11.0-0-0 b5 12.Cf1 Tb8 13.h4 1-0 (28) Radjabov,T (2710)-Mchedlishvili,M (2601) Doha 2016 6.Ad3 5:08 g5 1:21 7.Ag3 7 Ch5 9 LiveBook: 6 Games. The position is equal. 8.Cc3 6:59 Ag7 2:46 9.De2 3:02 a6 11:21 10.a4N 7:35 10.Cd2 Cxg3 11.hxg3 De7 12.f4 c5 13.Df2 0-1 (52) Mahato,R (1994)-Adhiban,B (2486) Kolkata 2009 10...De7 10:10 11.a5 9:04 Cxg3 5:35 12.hxg3 5 c5 20 13.g4 3:16 d5 5:37 White should prevent ...c4. 14.Dd2 4:04 Cf6 5:50 15.Ce5 2:12 Cd7 54 16.Cf3 42 Cf6 29 17.dxc5 3:49 Ad7 8:49 18.Ca4 4:47 Axa4 11:26 19.Txa4 3 Dxc5 14 20.c3 2:25 De7 3:00 21.Tb4 5:19 Tc8 2:44 22.Dd1 3:59 0-0 2:23 23.Cd4 4:19 Tc7 5:21 24.f4 5:38 Te8 4:21 25.0-0 2:27 Cd7 2:22 26.Ac2 1:31 Tec8 2:06 27.Dd3 3:26 Cf8 48 27...Cf6= keeps the balance. 28.f5!± 37 Te8 6:21 28...e5 29.f6! Axf6 30.Cf5+- 28...Af6± was worth a try. 29.Tb6!+- 2:05 fxe6 is the strong threat. Dd7 2:31 30.f6 4:40 Ah8 8 31.Dd1 35 31.e4+- dxe4 32.Dxe4 31...Dd8! 1:34 32.Df3 16

Cd7 1:09 33.Td6 2:36 Dxf6 37 Wrong is 33...Ce5? 34.Dh3 Dxd6 35.Dxh6 Axf6 36.Txf6 36.Dxf6 Cg6± 36...Cxg4 37.Dxg5+ Rf8 38.Dxg4+- 34.Cf5 4:06 34.Dg3!= remains equal. Dd8 35.Dh2 Axd4 36.exd4 34...Cf8 33 Black should try 34...Ag7 35.Dh3 Ce5 35.Tb6 1:35 Ag7! 29 36.Dg3 24 36.Cd6? Dxf3 37.gxf3 Tb8 36...Dd8 25 37.Cxg7 1:33 Rxg7 2 38.De5+ 1:01 Rg8 1:04 39.Dh2 52 Rg7! 29 40.De5+ 0 Rg8 12 41.Dh2 13:32 Rg7! 1:53 42.Aa4 31 White fights for an advantage. Cd7 7:47 43.Td6 1:03 De7 10:53 44.c4 6:58 44.Txd7= Txd7 45.Axd7 Dxd7 46.De5+ Rh7 47.Df6 44...Tec8 3:57 44...dxc4 And now ...Rec8 would win. 45.Tfd1 Cf6 46.Axe8 Cxe8 45.cxd5= 1:02 Cf8 28 45...Cf6= 46.dxe6 Tc1 46.dxe6± 1:10 Cxe6 6 47.De5+ 1:29 Rg8 46 48.Txf7 2:46 48.Ab3± Black must now prevent Rxf7! Tc6 49.Axe6 fxe6 50.Txc6 Txc6 51.Tf6 48...Dxf7= 8:01 49.Ab3 6 49.Txe6= Tc1+ 50.Rh2 49...Tc1+ 6 50.Rh2 4 T8c5 30 51.De4 28 Rf8 22 Strongly threatening ...Qf2. 52.Txe6 2:06 52.Axe6 was the only defense. Dc7 53.g3 T5c2+ 54.Rh3 52...Dc7+!-+ 8 But not 52...Txa5? 53.Dd4 53.Txh6 Dg7 54.Df3+ Re8-+ 53...Tf1 54.Dh8+ Dg8 55.Tf6+ Re7 56.Axg8+- 53.g3 3 White threatens Rf6+ and mate. Df7 9 54.Dg2? 5:30 54.Txh6 Df2+ 55.Dg2 Dxg2+ 56.Rxg2 54...Dxe6! 1:59 55.Df2+ 1:59 55.Axe6-+ T1c2 56.b3 55...Re7 29 0–1

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