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José Marin
Visionary Entrepreneur _ Consultant _ Researcher ======================= Co-Administrator of the Page "Los Hijos del Infierno" www.facebook.com/loshijosdelinfierno ====================== Creator of "ALTERNATIV" www.facebook.com/groups/JoseAntMarin/ Group founded with the purpose to streamline the organization of events. It is aimed at people from the areas Music, Audio-Visual / Multimedia, Theatre and Arts. Members should preferably post material from own production. ====================== Co-Administrator of Hatemagic Fan Page www.facebook.com/the.real.hatemagick ====================== Co-Administrator of Aggrotech/ Hellektro/ Terror E.B.M./ Harsh E.B.M. www.facebook.com/groups/34075669625/ World Group dedicated to the Industrial Music Sub-Genre(s). ====================== (\____/) Put this "cute" on your (=0_0=) page if you're AGAINST (")___(") CHILDREN & ANIMAL ABUSE!!!