English Dossier Unit 2

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Generalitat de Catalunya Departament d’Educació Institut Pla Marcell

ENGLISH LANGUAGE DOSSIER 4th ESO C Unit 2: Live and learn Name and surnames: Josep García Fernandez Group: 4th ESO C Teacher’s name: Jesús Cerdà Deadline: Wednesday, 15th November 2011

ENGLISH LANGUAGE DOSSIER 4th ESO C Unit 2: Live and learn Name and surnames: Josep García Fernandez Group: 4th ESO C Teacher’s name: Jesús Cerdà Deadline: Wednesday, 15th November 2011

INDEX DOSSIER 2 1. Student's book photocopy---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2. Dossier activities--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.1 Grammar: Present perfect----------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.2 Reading: Runaway-------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 3.3 Song sentences----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 3.4 Dictation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 3.5 Grammar: present perfect (2)----------------------------------------------------------------10 3.6 Grammar: yet, already and just--------------------------------------------------------------10 3.7 Listening-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.8 Grammar: past simple and present perfect-----------------------------------------------11 3.9 Grammar: for, since and ago-----------------------------------------------------------------12 3.10 Grammar consolidation----------------------------------------------------------------------12 3. Extra activities (photocopies)---------------------------------------------------------------------------13 3.1 Present perfect tense simple form----------------------------------------------------------13 3.2 Simple past and present perfect------------------------------------------------------------15 3.3 Verb list--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4. Listening activities-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 4.1 Slumdog Millionaire-----------------------------------------------------------------------------19 4.2 Straight Through my Heart--------------------------------------------------------------------25 4.3 Junk of the Heart--------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 4.4 Pack up--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 5. Writing activities--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 5.1 Practice 2.1 Writing: How have you changed since 1 st of ESO?--------------------31 5.2 Practice 2.2 Writing: A life story--------------------------------------------------------------32 5.3 Ten things I want to do before I am twenty------------------------------------------------34

Josep García Fernandez

4th ESO C

Unit 1: Live and learn Present perfect I have seen this film twice  present perfect Form: have + past participle Uses: to express an action which began in the past and in this time. We use present perfect to talk about experience.                     

Laia hasn’t seen her uncle for 8 years. Josep has studied in this school since 2007. Adrià has lived in Cardedeu since 2008. I have lived in Houston for three years. I haven’t visited New York since 2010. Look! It has snowed in Cardedeu. He has broken his leg. She has had a baby. Jesús has taught English for 14 years. Carles has been our maths teacher for 3 years. I have eaten Chinese food. Yentel has never seen a flying donkey. Anna has never driven a lorry. Luis has never had a serious accident. I have been to New York twice. Barack Obama has found Bush twice today. Scientists have gone to the moon twice this century. Wow! Oscar has read 50 pages this week. Joel has gone home once this month. It has snowed only once this year. Pol has just won the competition.

Reading: Runaway Ex. 6 page 18 1.Because he had a massive argument with his parents. 2. He called to his cousin for live with him in Philadelphia. 3. He felt terrible. 4. Because he saw some tramps and he felt very insecure. 5.He bought a blanket and a night in a motel. 6.He was two days here. 7. He felt sad because David hasn’t got any parents. 8.He stole some food and beg for money.


Josep García Fernandez

4th ESO C


Song sentences             

I’ve been seek for three days. I’ve got a computer since 2001. I’ve could run away. I haven’t known it. I’ve shot a target. I’ve gone to Germany twice. I’ve left my home four times. I’ve felt betrayed a lot of times. I’ve said it twice. I’ve heard your conversation. I’ve thought that you’ve been my friends. I’ve spin the wheel. I’ve bled for five minutes.

Dictation I’ve worked here for a long time They haven’t always been honest and reliable Have you ever ridden a big motorbike? I’ve decided to been more sociable in the future. He gave me a ring but I haven’t worn it yet.

Grammar Present perfect Ex. 2 page 20 1. Hal hasn’t run away again. 2. He has spoken a lot with his parents. 3. Hal’s mum and dad have been more tolerant. 4. They haven’t asked him about Philadelphia. 5. They have decided to speak more often. 6. Hal has been more sociable with his parents. 7. Hal has stayed at home more this week. 8. He hasn’t watched TV in his room every night.

Yet, already and just Ex. 4 page 20 a) Has she spoken to you yet? / Encara no ha parlat amb tu? b) I haven’t eaten anything yet. / Encara no he menjat res. c) I’ve already spent most of my money. / Ja he gastat part dels meus diners. d) I’ve just read an email. / Acabo de llegir un correu electrònic. 1. Where in a sentence do we put yet? / On posem “yet” en una oració? 2. Do we use yet in affirmative sentences? / Utilitzem “yet” a les oracions afirmatives? 3. Which action happened very recently? / Quina acció ha Passat recentment? 4. Where in a sentence do we put already? / On podem “already” en una frase?

Josep García Fernandez

4th ESO C

Ex. 5 page 20 1. John hasn’t got up yet. 2. They have already got up. 3. They haven’t had breakfast yet. 4. He has just had breakfast. 5. She hasn’t gone to school yet. 6. They haven’t gone to school yet. Ex. 6 page 20 1. They’re walking because they’ve just missed the bus. 2. Hannah is laughing because she has just seen a funny film. 3. Her friend is screaming because he has found a spider. 4. The boy is running because he has stolen some bread. 5. They’re studying because they have just arrived to the library. 6. I’m frowning because I have just heard some bad news.

Listening Ex. 1 page 22 1. Susan has had three different hairstyles this year. 2. Susan was shy and insecure as a teenager. 3. Susan has been a teacher for two years. 4. Josh has been a police officer since 2004. 5. Josh is much more responsible and tolerant now. 6. Josh was a rebel at the age of fifteen. Ex. 3 page 22 Josh 1. At sixteen I was quite immature. 2. I smoked a lot and I argued with my parents. 3. I’ve been much fitter since I started working. Susan 4. I’ve changed quite a lot, but I’m still basically the same person. 5. I felt a bit insecure about my looks. 6. I became a lot more sociable at the university.

Grammar Past simple and present perfect Ex. 4 page 22 1. I argued with my parents yesterday. / Ahir vaig discutir amb els meus pares. 2. I’ve changed in the last six years. /He canviat en els últims sis anys. 3. I’ve been a teacher for three years. / He sigut professor durant tres anys. 4. I ran away when I was sixteen. / Hem vaig escapar quan tenia setze anys. Rules A The past simple describes completed actions in the past. B The present perfect often describes unfinished time periods.


Josep García Fernandez

4th ESO C


Ex. 5 page 22 The changing faces of Michael Backson Michael Backson has been a pop singer since he was seven years old. When he was young he sang with his brothers in the Backson Five. Then he started a solo career, and since 1979 he has had thirteen number 1 songs in Albania. But Michael has had problems in his life. He is immature and insecure because his childhood was difficult. In the last twenty years, his appearance has changed a lot, but he says that he hasn’t had plastic surgery.

For, since and ago Ex. 9 page 23 1. I haven’t seen my sister for three years. 2. She went to the USA two years ago. 3. She says that she’s changed since she’s been there. 4. I spoke to her a few days ago 5. She’s had a boyfriend there for a years. 6. They’ve been together since Christmas. 7. She sent me a plane ticket a week ago. 8. I’m excited. I haven’t been to the USA since 2001.

Grammar consolidation Ex. 12 page 23 When they were young Eminem didn’t have a happy time when he was a child. When he left school, he was already a good rapper. He often says that he will retire, but he hasn’t stopped yet. Tom Hanks didn’t show any talent when he was at school. But he has been interested in acting since he was young, and in his career as an actor he has won two Oscars. Jennifer Aniston grew up in Greece and California. She acted for ten years in the TV series Friends. Since then she has become a popular film actress. Jennifer Lopez has already been married three times and has made more than $225 million. She once has had a number 1 movie and number 1 CD in the same week.

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