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APPENDIX A An Exegetical Note Upon the Hying Rolls

H E R M E T I C W I S D O M A N D M Y S T I C A L P R A Y E R atmosphere will support him. After this, whatever lever he pulls, whatever power he applies, he can go no higher unless God take him.



APPENDIX A An Exegetical Note Upon the Flying Rolls

In all there were thirty-six Flying Rolls circulating among the Adepti Minores of the pre-1 900 Golden Dawn.

Flying Roll I was partly concerned with administrative details (how to contact the headquarters of the Order etc.) and these would be of little interest to the present-day reader. The remainder of this Flying Roll is printed in Part I of this book.

Flying Roll II Included in Part I of this book.

Flying Roll III (On Procedure) Purely administrative, and therefore not included in this book.

Flying Roll N (Spirit Vision) Included in Part II of this book.

Flying Roll V (Thoughts on Imagination) Included in Part I of this book. Originally issued on November 30th 1893.

Flying Roll VI (A Supplement to Flying Roll II) Included in Part I of this book.

Flying Roll VII (Alchemy) Forms Part VII of this book.

Flying Roll VIII (On Tracing a Pentagram by Geometry) I have not thought this purely mathematical piece of instruction worthy of reproduction. It was written by Dr. Pullen-Berry (Frater Anima Pura Sit).

Flying Roll IX (Right and Left) Included by Regardie, under the title The Diagrams, in Golden Dawn, Volume I, pages 1 61-2. This Flying Roll was originally issued on March 26th 1 893.

Flying Roll X (Self-Sacrifice) Included in Part IV of this book.

Flying Roll XI (Clairvoyance) Included in Part II of this book, and originally issued March 30th 1 893.

Flying Roll XII (Telesmatic Images) Published by Regardie, in somewhat disjointed form, as part of Volume IV of his Golden Dawn. The first paragraph of the Flying Roll is also the first paragraph of page 6 1 , Volume IV, Golden Dawn. The remainder of the Flying Roll is to be found on pages 62-3 of the same book under the title The Vibratory Mode of Pronouncing Divine Names.

Flying Roll XIII (Secrecy and Hermetic Lore) Included in Part VI of this book.



Flying Roll XIV (Talismans and Flashing Tablets) Printed by Regardie on pages 5 1 -6 of Golden Dawn Volume IV. Regardie's version is not quite complete and omits a supplementary note by Sapere Aude (Wynn Westcott). The note, which is to the word AL on Regardie's page 56, line 20, should read as follows: 'e.g. for Fire, put Shin first, then three Fiery Signs, then AL. So far for elementary ones. For Planetary ones you may add AL to the Planet's letter or to the Planet and its Houses-the letters of them; and the Planet and Triplicity, use the hexagram made six times. For Zodiacal ones add AL to the letters of the sign and use pentagram five times. When you use the three letters of three Signs of a triplicity for elemental working you should put as the initial letter that of the Sign principally invoked as most useful to you'.

This Flying Roll was originally issued on January 1 5 th 1 893.

Flying Roll XV (Man and God) Included in Part IV of this book.

Flying Roll XVI (History of the Rosicrucian Order) Included in Part III of this book; originally given as a lecture on August 1 7th 1 89 3 .

Flying Roll XVII (The Seven Sides o f the Vault) Like the preceding Flying Roll this was originally given as a lecture by Westcott on August 1 7th 1 89 3 . It can be found on pages 280-6 of Volume II of Regardie's Golden Dawn.

Flying Roll XVIII (Progress in the Order) This Flying Roll was written in June 1 89 3 . There is a certain confusion as to its authorship. Some copies attribute it to Annie Horniman (Fortiter et Recte) others to Elaine Simpson (Fidelis), who later became the mistress of Aleister Crowley.

Flying Roll XIX (Aims and Means of Adeptship) Included in Part III of this book.

Flying Roll XX (Constitution of Man) Originally given as a lecture by Mathers on September 23rd 1 893 and included in Part V of this book.

Flying Roll XXI (Know Thyself) Originally given as a lecture by Mathers' wife on September 24th 1 893 and included in Part V of this book.



Flying Roll XXII (Free Will) I have been unable to trace a copy of this Flying Roll.

Flying Roll XXIII (Visions by V.N.R.) This account of visions experienced by Mathers' wife is printed on pages 43-6 of Volume IV of Regardie's Goldien Dawn.

Flying Roll XXIV I have been unable to trace a copy. I am told that it dealt with Horary Figures in astrology.

Flying Roll XXV (Clairvoyance) This, written by J. W. BrodieInnes, is included in Part II of this book.

Flying Roll XXVI (A supplement to XII) Included in Part II of this book.

Flying Roll XXVII (Theurgia) This Flying Roll, written by P. W. Bullock (Levavi Oculos) is included in Part VI of this book.

Flying Roll XXVIII (On Robes) I have been unable to trace a copy.

Flying Roll XXIX (On Lieutenants) I have been unable to trace a copy; I understand that it was purely concerned with administrative matters.

Flying Roll XXX (Clairvoyance and Hierophant Signs) Included in Part II of this book.

Flying Roll XXXI (Ethiopic Letters) I have been unable to trace a copy, but I am told that it dealt with the numerical value to be given to the letters of the Coptic alphabet for Qabalistic purposes. If so, the information can be obtained from Crowley's 777.

Flying Roll XXXII (Theban Letters) Once again, I have been unable to trace a copy, but I am told that it dealt with the letters of the Enochian alphabet, sometimes (wrongly) referred to as the Theban alphabet. If so, it was probably identical with the table given by Regardie on Page 299 Volume IV, Golden Dawn.

Flying Roll XXXIII (Visions of Squares in the Enochian Tablets) Seven visions are described, of which four may be found in Part II of this book. The remaining three visions may be found on pages 3 1 8-22, volume IV, Golden Dawn. Regardie's first vision is also the first vision of the Flying Roll-it is by Vigilate. Regardie's second vision is the sixth vision of the Flying Roll (by S hemeber) and his third vision is the Flying


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