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APPENDIX B Enochian Magic and the Enochian Language
A P P E N D I X A Roll's seventh (it is by Resurgam), Dr. Berridge.
Flying Roll XXXV (Notes on the Exordium of the Z Ritual) Printed on pages 1 50-1 of Golden Dawn, Volume III.
Flying Roll XXXVI (Skyring and Astral Projection) Printed on pages 29-42 of Golden Dawn, Volume IV, under the title Of Skyring and Travelling in t he Spirit Vision. The earliest copy I have seen is dated October 1 897.
APPENDIX B Enochian Magic and the Enochian Language
This subject is one of great complexity and it is possible for me to give only a brief outline of the system in this short appendix.
While some occultists have claimed that Enochian Magic was known in fifteenth century Florence, and others have gone so far as to state that it originated in the mythical drowned continent of Atlantis, there is no hard evidence of its existence before the last quarter of the sixteenth century. In any case, whether or not the system is of any real antiquity, there is no doubt that in the form we have it available to us it is derived from the crystal-gazing activities of the Elizabethan occultists, John Dee and Edward Kelley. These two claimed to have received from 'Angels', seen in the magic crystal by Kelley, who acted as skryer, the following material : (a) Nineteen invocations, known as Keys, or Calls, in an unknown language called Enochian, or Angelic. (b) Translations of these same Calls. (c) An Enochian alphabet of twenty-one letters. (d) Over one hundred large squares, each divided into smaller squares (usually 2401 in number) containing letters. (e) Instructions for using these squares. (£) Much miscellaneous occult teaching.
As far as the Enochian language is concerned it suffices to repeat what was said by the early Chiefs of the Golden Dawn. by Aleister Crowley, and by Israel Regardie-that it is a real language, with definite traces of grammar and syntax, and not a mere gibberish. 1 1 For those who regard the statements of such occultists with a certain amount of scepticism it is worth stating that a professional philologist has recently done some work on Enochian and has confirmed their essential correctness. It should also be borne in mind that the language is sufficiently complete to enable translation from English into Enochian; Aleister Crowley did this with the invocations of the grimoire known as the Lesser Key of Solomon. 261
Most of the occult teaching received were extremely obscure; the following extract from a message received on May 2 3rd i 587 is typical :
I am the daughter of Fortitude, and ravished every hour, from my youth. For behold, I am Understanding, and Science dwelleth in me; the heavens oppress me, they covet and desire me with infinite appetite : few or none that are earthly have embraced me, for I am shadowed with the Circle of the Stone, and covered with the morning Clouds. My feet are swifter than the winds, and my hands are sweeter than the morning dew. My garments are from the beginning, and my dwelling place is in myself. The Lion knoweth not where I walk, neither do the beasts of the field understand me. I am deflowered and yet a virgin : I sanctify and am not sanctified. Happy is he that embraceth me : for in the night season I am sweet, and in the day full of pleasure. My company is a harmony of many Cymbals, and my lips sweeter than health itself. I am a harlot for such as ravish me, and a virgin with such as know me not-2
Of the squares received five are of much greater importance than the remainder. They are, firstly, the 'Great Eastern Quadrangle of Air', secondly, the 'Great Western Quadrangle of Water' thirdly, the 'Great Northern Quadrangle of Earth', fourthly, the 'Great Southern Quadrangle of Fire', and, lastly; the 'Tablet of Union', sometimes referred to as the 'Quadrangle of Spirit'. Each of the four Quadrangles of the Elements is divided into one hundred and fifty-six squares while the 'Tablet of Union' is divided into twenty squares from which, by methods too complex to be explained here, are derived certain Divine and Angelic names. Furthermore each Tablet is sub-divided into four other Tablets attributed to the Elements-so in the Northern Quadrangle are contained Tablets attributed to Earth of
2 In fact I do not think this statement quite so obscure as it might appear to be at first sight. The 'speaker' is clearly Binah, Understanding, the third Sephirah of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, and the Science to which 'she' refers is the Gnosis, Knowledge, Daath, the invisible eleventh Sephirah. In Crowleyan terms the 'speaker' may be identified with Nuit, the Egyptian Star-Goddessdor perhaps with Nuit's reflection in Babalon, the Bride of the Beast. 262
A P P E N D I X B Earth, Fire of Earth, Water of Earth and Air of Earth.
From each of the six hundred and forty-four lettered subsidiary squares of the five Tablets are derived the same number of truncated pyramids. On the apex of each pyramid is the letter of the square and each side of the pyramid is attributed to either an Element, or a Sign of the Zodiac, or a planet. In addition the cards of the Tarot pack and the symbols of geomancy are also attributed to the sides of the pyramids. Such pyramids are reproduced in Flying Roll XXXIII, and are to be found in Part II of this book. With each pyramid is associated a Sphynx, a composite form built up in accordance with the attributions of the four sides of the pyramid.
The Keys or Calls-the strange invocations received by Dee and Kelley-are designed to be used with various parts of the squares received. Thus the third, seventh, eighth and ninth Keys are used in connection with the Tablet of Air (Eastern Quadrangle); the third used in the invocation of Air itself and the other three Keys with, respectively, Water of Air, Earth of Air, and Fire of Air.