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Post Human Spectacle In The Age Of Simulation
In 1783 the Montgolfier brothers launched the first manned fight. The Spectacle of the of a hot-air balloon flying above the King of France inspired the revolution for Democracy. For Boullee the sphere became a symbol of democratic equality. The Spectacle proved its ability to transform reality. The Enterprise Center in West Philadelphia was the home of the American Band Stand and the first television studio in the United States. It is the origin of McLuhan’s Global Village and the Spectacle that informed, inspired, and controlled the 20th century. The 21st has seen the rise of Spectacle of the internet become more important the reality. Life has become a simulation experienced virtually within personalized spheres.
Metatopia is a 21st century Utopia of individualized spherical units touching at singular tangential points. The spheres are stacked on end as individual cells create a larger whole. The mirror finish of the exterior is a monument to the self that is expressed in reflection. Each individual unit is designed to sustain life as long as possible without having to disengage from their personized simulated reality. The vertical garden built in the atrium provides all the other resources needed to sustain life at a minimal distance necessary to minimize exposure to a hostile exterior environment.
Far Left: Typical Plan
Left Top: Elevation
Left Bottom: Transverse Section
Right: Typical Unit Section Perspective
Below: Cutaway Section Perspective a Structural Glass Green House Atrium b Egress Strairs c d Microclimate Green House Units
341 Single Occupancy Housing Units e Open Air Walkway f Elevator Core g Opening for Evaporative Cooling Waterfall h Atruim Entry i Tolopia Fish Farm k j
Enterprise Center/American Band Stand
Structure Glass Entry Tunnel l Septic Composting and Cockroach Farm m Methane Capture Tank n
Water Harvest Reservior o Entry Walkway