1 minute read
Visual Studies
The object is an investigation into recreating the expressive gestural formal techniques of rococo plastering through a digital model making. Modeling in virtual reality allowed us to maintain the gesture of creation through the human body. Bridging the gap from digital mechanical production to digital human production, in a sense creating a more emersed digital craftsman. This relationship between craftmanship and mechanical or industrial production has several historical echoes. The images we created are hybridization referencing these specific historical echoes the arts and crafts movement and the prints William Morris in combination with the mundane fantasies of contemporary middle-class sensibility. The geometries and materials of this physical object are derived from the pop cultural phenomenon of Star Wars, The Lord of the Ring, and Mickey Mouse’s Magic Kingdom.
Critic | Ferda Kolatan
Formal and Material Exploration
Bottom: Critic | Miroslava Brooks
Formal Exploration Through Collage in Plan
London UK