RobotCube This research focuses on examining the interaction between the machine and spatial perception. We are concerned about whether there are possibilities for a new correlation among the space, machine and image. This research combines the large-scale robotic arm with the interactive image, and give full play to the technological and art potential of dynamic projection to create the sensory experiencing combining the virtuality and the reality. This research is devoted to the field of spatial sensing and human-machine cooperation, and combines the generative art, robot interaction, and real-time 3D mapping. Meanwhile, this research adopts motion and automation as an innovational medium for further development. The works are created through improvisation, enabling the performer and audiences to coexist.
Robotic Solution Cooperative (ROSOCoop) - Fall 2020 Professional Work Adviser: Prof. Yu-Ting Sheng and Shih-Yuan Wang Project Leader: Joseph Wu Group Member: Che-Wei Lin, Tiger Lin, Peng-Hsiu Tung Contribution: image production / robot trajectory planning / real-time mapping / design development / diagram drawing