Taste It All Project Testing Plan: Navigation Desktop Version: 1.0
Created by: Taylor Kostal and Joseph Liberty Date Created: 03/18/14
User Testing Overarching Goal: User testing will be conducted on the Taste It All Project desktop prototype created by the BFG UX and Creative team for the launch of the Taste It All Project website. The objective of the user testing will be to identify the user’s preference in navigation when locating the landing pages for multiple parts of the Taste It All Project website and discern, which of our two prototypes presents the most informative, user friendly functionality. This will be done utilizing Hallway Testing with the goal of providing the Creative team with information critical to deciding the direction of the navigation aesthetic for the website. Goal for Prototype A: For users to navigate through the prototype of the Taste It All Project website utilizing either the hero or the primary navigation. Goal for Prototype B: For users to navigate through the prototype for the Taste It All Project website utilizing either the primary navigation or the hero. Visually, this will differ from Prototype A in that the primary navigation button that corresponds with the image on the hero will highlight itself as the user toggles through the hero using the arrows. The Hypothesis: Participants in the user test will become confused by the navigation in Prototype B and will prefer the navigation in Prototype A. Target Users: Men and women who do/do not smoke cigarettes and actively use both a desktop and mobile internet browser. Preferably participants who are not visual/web designers, but fit within the legal boundaries set by BFG and the brand agreement. The Approach: User testing will be conducted utilizing Silverback, a program, which will collect audio and video of the both the user’s face and the screen as they click through the program. Users will be given a set of written and verbal directions along with a series of questions to chart their final thoughts on both prototypes. Finally, a proxy will be provided to assess the user’s behaviors and aid in guiding the user should they get off track, confused or lose direction. Deliverables: • Prototype Heat Map • Presentation of Insights including: o Video from user testing o User responses to questions o Statistics quantifying user clicks (possibly incorporated with a user flow) o User Expectation Chart
Taste It All Project Testing Plan: Navigation Desktop Version: 1.0
User Test Disclaimer This is a user test to understand the functionality of this website through two different navigation paths. This test will not be timed so please do not feel rushed.
Directions •
Please describe aloud: o What you are doing o Why you are doing it o What you see (as though the person you are describing it to has never seen this page before) Tasks o Locate the landing pages for one of the following sections of the Taste It All Program prototype on prototype A: § Sweepstakes § Contest § Instant Win § Activity § Blog o Locate the landing pages for one of the following sections of the Taste It All Program prototype on prototype B: § Sweepstakes § Contest § Instant Win § Activity § Blog o Answer the questions on the following page.
Taste It All Project Testing Plan: Navigation Desktop Version: 1.0
Questions 1. What difference did you see in the navigation in Prototype B that you did not see in Prototype A?
2. Which navigation experience did you prefer? (Circle one) a. Prototype A b. Prototype B Additional comments:
3. Rank your expectations of each prototype below by filling in the circle: Beginning Prototype A Ease of Navigation
Very Easy
Somewhat Complex
5 Very Difficult
After Completing Prototype A
Ease of Navigation
Very Easy
Somewhat Complex
5 Very Difficult
Beginning Prototype B Ease of Navigation
Very Easy
Somewhat Complex
5 Very Difficult
After Completing Prototype B
Ease of Navigation
1 Very Easy
3 Somewhat Complex
5 Very Difficult