Incorporating Functional Training As Your Daily Fitness Workout Joseph Minetto
When looking for new things
to incorporate into your wellness routine, look no further than Functional Training. Here are 5 reasons you need to start incorporating Functional Training into your workouts!
TREY research
1. Strengthens Your Core Almost all functional exercises incorporate your core muscles - even if the focus is on another part of your body. For example, when you correctly execute a plank, you are strengthening your arms, glutes, and legs; improving your posture and alignment; and enhancing your endurance and stability while training your core. Engaging your core is critically important as it increases your stability, protects your organs and central nervous system, strengthens and reduces pain in your back, and improves your
posture. Friends don’t let friends forget about their core! TREY research
2. Decreases Injuries When one part of the body is weak, stress can often
be transferred to another part of the body to compensate for the lack of strength. This can create an injury because the compensating part of the body isn’t trained to handle that type of stress. Practicing compound movements that strengthen multiple muscles together will greatly reduce this risk. Don’t know where to start
TREY research
3. Increases Range of Motion Functional training requires you to move your muscles in many different directions and patterns which results in flexing, stretching, and strengthening your muscles in a variety of ways. This helps to improve your range of motion and flexibility while having a large range of motion can help progress your overall fitness level greatly.
TREY research
4. Decreases Back Pain Functional training focuses on strengthening the core and increasing mobility to support and stabilize the spinal cord and back muscles. Developing strength and stability in your hips, core, and back promotes better posture, which in turn decreases back pain. Bye, bye WFH computer hunch!
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5. Increases Strength, Speed, and Fitness Level Focusing on traditional strength training makes you strong, but not very fast. Not only that, but it only makes you strong in certain areas. If you introduce Functional Training into your workouts, you’ll be putting yourself on a fitness level that other people can’t touch!
TREY research
Thank You! TREY research